of Promise Class #2

Background: One of the more interesting parts of the is the series of seemingly conflicts. Almost like a clash happening between the past and the future. The Beatitudes continue to be a series of paradoxical statements. The power of the statements lies in their reversal of all human values. (Kittel, 4:362) Yet they seem to be tied together as if one is lining up dominoes in a line, when one falls the next one falls and so forth. One of the hardest struggles in life is dealing with loss of any kind. Especially the loss of a loved one. Yet we struggle with many kinds of grief in our lives. Traditionally this Beatitude has been applied to those who have lost a loved one, yet as we study it today, we find that it has a multitude of applications to grief. In many ways this Beatitude connects us with our walk of Lent helping us find the comfort and strength of the Cross and the empty tomb. So, let us continue with our next Beatitude in verse 4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

1. Dictionary.com defines grief as distress over affliction or loss. How does James 4:9 share how we as Christians are to handle our grief? How does this relate to our Beatitude for today?

2. Have you ever thought of Confession and Absolution as time of mourning and comforting? How would you describe it to someone else?

3. How is Communion a way of finding comfort? (Exodus 12:7-9; 1 Corinthians 10:23-26)

4. Who is the greatest comforter? Isaiah 40:1-2; 57:18; 61:2-3; :1.

5. How do the following verses help reassure you of the comfort that God can give? Hebrews 6:18 (we who have fled . . .); Romans 15:4.

6. What comfort do you find in these passages? Psalm 34:18, 119:76; 31:13; James 4:9. How will they give you the resources you need to deal with grief in the future?

7. How does 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 and Revelation 21:3-5 give you comfort in your life now? How do the promises made help you to face the future?

References: Carson, D.A.; ’ Sermon on the Mount; Global Christian Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI; 1999. Franzmann, Martin, H; Follow Me: Discipleship According to Saint Matthew; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO; 1961. Kittel, Gerhard; Theological Dictionary of the ; W.M. B. Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI; 1976. Lenski, R.C.H.; The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s ; Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, MN. 1964.