Remembering the Tomb” Luke 24:1-12
Garrett Vickrey" Easter Sunday" Woodland Baptist Church" 3.27.16 San Antonio, TX" “Remembering the Tomb” Luke 24:1-12 Easter is a day of flourish and them. 2 men suddenly appearing color. We celebrate with great in a graveyard would give most us pageantry. The organ booms, the a good scare. These 2 men trumpet blasts, and preachers like wouldn’t want to do that nowadays me let off a lot of hot air. But, the in Texas, this being an open carry gospel story we celebrate this day state. is a little different than this. Luke’s gospel begins with the Christmas The women were afraid and they story with all it’s ornamentations. fell to the ground, still perplexed at There’s music at the annunciation what was happening. And as they to Mary where she learns she is kneeled the men said, “Why do pregnant with the Christ, there’s you look for the living among the the magnificat, shepherds in the dead? He is not here, but has field, there’s animals cooing, and risen. REMEMBER HOW HE angels in glory proclaiming. But, in TOLD YOU, while he was still in the end, there’s emptiness. Galilee, that the Son of man will be Twenty-four chapters later the handed over, crucified, and on the music has stopped at an empty third day rise again.” Something tomb. Not much of a show. like a memory, more like a vision Besides 2 men in dazzling clothes came to them, and they knew what Broadway wouldn’t touch it.
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