MEATLAND SUPERSTORE the “MEATING” Place for More Than Just Real Meat
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כשר Kosher MEATLAND SUPERSTORE the “MEATING” place for more than just real meat Meatland “home-made” prepared foods from our own kitchen (parev, meat, fish, chalavi) Boerewors - Thick and Juicy Biltong - Dry, Wet or Fatty Droëwors - Dry or Wet 1 Bar Ilan Street Corner Ahuza, Traffic light no. 8 TEL: 09-7410881 Raanana FAX: 09-7423142 Telfed South African Zionist Federation (Israel) 3 Editorial 19 Schwartz Street, Ra‘anana 43212 Tel.:(09)790-7800; Fax: (09)744-6112 [email protected]; 4 In the Mail 6 Focus on Telfed/Cover Story 12 Noticeboard 4 Contents New Arrivals 16 20 Nuptials 18 Tikkun Olam 20 26 Keren Telfed 22 Book Nook 24 26 Feature 30 Feature 38 34 People Editor and Chief Correspondent: David E. Kaplan Design and Layout: Becky Rowe Media Committee: Dave Bloom (Chair), Sharon Bernstein, Gershon Gan, Neil Schwartz, Maurice Ostroff, Proofreading: 38 In Memoriam Sharon Bernstein, Marvyn Hatchuel, Linda Barron, Michal Merten, Jack and Rae Galloon, Ralph Lanesman, Leon Moss, Jossy Fabian Classifieds Advertising: David Kaplan (09)7672404, (050)7432361, 40 [email protected] Magazine Production, Subscriptions and Accounts: Michal Merten (09)790-7808; [email protected] Views and comments expressed in this publication are not necesarily those of the South African Zionist Federation (Israel) or of the Editorial Board. SAZF (Israel) is not 2 responsible for articles and advertisements which appear herein. Editorial n the 18th of October Israel came to a standstill. OLife froze on pavements, in offices and in living-rooms as most the country’s citizens downed tools ‘to attend’ a fam- ily affair - Gilad Shav Habaita (Gilad Facebooking the Future Coming Home). Pain and price were traumatically held in check, as the na- tion coalesced into one family for the but changing mindsets.” reaching out to our global Southern ‘homecoming.’ Nowhere was this en- While elsewhere there were pitched African community,” says Telfed’s folding drama more evident than on battles, in Israel, protesters new Chairman, Dave Bloom. Facebook where local internet traffic pitched tents. “Interestingly, we are now broke all records. And who says Israel has not receiving more hits to our The year 2011 saw the Middle East been supporting the Arab Spring? Telfed website from the USA experience tumultuous change, much of Issues apart, what has truly em- than South Africa.” Although it fuelled by the Internet and its exu- powered the rise of the com- nothing should be too sur- berant offspring – Facebook. Regional mon man from Morocco to prising! “We have hits from dictators that ignored the writing on the Damascus has been a technol- Beijing to Bogota interested ‘wall’ - Facebook parlance - paid dearly ogy much of it the product of in our braaivleises and Telfed as their tanks took on Twitter. Israeli Research & Development. The scholarships!” a All yesterday’s men, the survivors cellphone, today’s WMC – ‘Weapon of In our mad rush to embrace the future, will exit 2011 perplexed how their Mass Communication’ - was developed there are times we need to pause and lumbering military hardware found in Israel by Motorola-Israel. Motorola celebrate our illustrious past. Such was worthy adversaries in a young genera- built its largest development centre recently the case in the belated recogni- tion armed with little more than their worldwide in Israel. tion of one of the South African Jewish cellphones and PCs. Keeping up with the pack, ‘The Fed’ community’s finest leaders – Isaac In a world that can change course too has been riding this techno-wave Ochberg. His contribution in saving between dinner courses, the ‘real’ rev- - see Cover Story, ‘Telfed Goes Hi- Jewish lives and then in 1937, leaving olution of 2011 has been the revolu- Tech’. “We are making huge strides in continued on next page tion in communication – the means to instantly mass engage and empower the people. SUPPORT YOUR MAGAZINE Covered in this issue’s ‘Summer We hope you enjoy Telfed Magazine. Three times a year we bring to you stories and images of our Discontent’ (page 26), Israel ranging from Telfed’s activities and projects, community news, politics, business, the too had a surprising arts, sport, student life, activities and achievements of our younger ‘revolution’ fueled no Visiting students less by the Internet. from South generation and Israel-Southern Africa It was fundamentally Africa enjoy a relations. Telfed Magazine needs your over socio-economic copy of Telfed support - please help by making a Magazine. donation towards production costs. issues, and as one We would appreciate an annual student told Telfed contribution of NIS 80, but feel free to Magazine - distanc- send in any amount you wish. Whatever ing Israel from what you send will help to ensure that every had been happening member in our special community elsewhere in the re- receives Telfed Magazine. Fill in the coupon in the flyer enclosed in this gion - “our revolu- copy of your magazine and return to us tion was not about with either your credit card details or a changing governments cheque, made out to SAZF (Israel). 3 In the Mail Editorial contnued from page 3 Unsettling the largest bequest ever to the Dear Editor, JNF by any individual, stands as Beneath the surface In the article “Left on the Right Dear Editor some of the most enriching chap- Track?” (Telfed July 2011), Professor ters of Southern African Jewish Recently qualifed from the prepara- Gideon Shimoni states that “the per- communal history. tory naval course for entrance to the petuation of the drive to settlement in submarine corps of the Israeli Navy Telfed was proud to spon- the context of a regime of rule over were the identical twin sons of a sor eighteen trees at the official another people”, is at the core of our former South African who made aliya opening of the KKL-JNF Isaac moral deterioration. in November 1977. This was the first Ochberg Lookout Memorial in Once again, we are the “conquerors” of time that twins had served simultane- July 2011 (See pages 14 and 30). another people and by inference - our ously in the submarines. Their amaz- This momentous event shares a “occupation” of their lands is illegal. ing resemblance created problems for poignant characteristic with Gilad their officers who could not distinguish I would draw readers’ attention to the Shalit’s homecoming. When in between them and demanded that one articles of Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, 1921, the news arrived in South should grow a beard. a former President of the International Africa that nearly half a million Court of Justice in The Hague, whose They now have to complete anoth- Jewish orphans in Eastern Europe expert opinion is that Israel’s jurisdic- er three years of service, but, as re- were facing death, disease or star- tion over Judea and Samaria is legal. vation, and that the South African quired, they will serve on different Prof. Shimoni says, “It’s only when government would permit entry of submarines. settlement involves rule over another only 200, ‘there were those, who This story created considerable inter- people subjected to unequal civic sta- could have easily said: “Why bother; est in the media, and the twins were tus that it erodes the moral basis of it’s only a drop in the ocean?” interviewed on Channel 10. our Zionism.” That thinking is not the Jewish Proud Grandfather. Protea Village. If in 1948 and then again in 1967, the way. As with the path that Isaac [Ed note: All names withdrawn for security Arab nations had not tried to wipe us Ochberg and the Jewish commu- reasons.] off the map, they would not be in the nity in South Africa took in the situation they are now. Also, some six 1920’s, and the nation of Israel hundred thousand Arabs - at this time chose in 2011, “He who has saved Free Ride still not Palestinians - were displaced one life is as if he has saved the The Connex bus due to their leaders telling them to entire world.” service serves Modiin and a multitude of leave the country, so that Israel could This was well illustrated during cities around the country. I be wiped off the map. At the same time, Telfed’s planting of the first of its recently boarded the bus and to my a similar or greater number of Jews sponsored trees. Its representa- horror discovered that I had forgot- were thrown out of the Arab countries. tives dug the small hole, planted ten my wallet at home. While Jews were integrated into Israel, the sapling, filled in the sand, and the Arabs were left to rot in refugee then watered. Finally they raised I immediately scanned the faces of camps in Arab countries. themselves from the earth and the people in the bus to see if I could Only following the Six Day War did looked up. Standing before them recognize someone and ask them to the notion of a Palestinian people - with the green, majestic open lend me the fare. My luck was out, start to arise. land redeemed by Ochberg in the or so I thought. After explaining my background - they saw a sight predicament to the bus driver, he not One last point: prior to the Six that transcends all - the faces of only gave me a “free” ride to Tel Aviv Day War, the territories of Judea, lives saved. but insisted that I take 20 shekels from Samaria and Gaza did not belong to him; after all, “how will you get home the Palestinians. They were “held in David E.