Prof. Yael Fisher 3 Barazani St. Tel-Aviv, 6912103 050-8269333 ;03-6418092 email:
[email protected] CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Details Permanent Home Address: 3 Barazani St. Tel Aviv Home Telephone Number: 03-6418092 Cellular Phone: 050-8269333 Electronic Address:
[email protected] 2. Higher Education A. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Period of Study Name of Institution Degree Year of Approval of and Department Degree The Academy of Music and Bachelor of Music, 1975 – 1978 1978 Dance, Jerusalem (B.Mus.) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1989 – 1991 M.A. 1991 Educational Administration Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1995 – 1998 Ph.D. 1998 Educational Administration 3. Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutes of Higher Education Dates Name of Institution and Department Rank/Position Achva Academic College of Education 2000 Lecturer (tenure) Educational Administration Achva Academic College of Education 2003 Senior Lecturer (tenure) Educational Administration Associate Professor 2018 Achva Academic College of Education (tenure) 1 Prof. Yael Fisher 3 Barazani St. Tel-Aviv, 6912103 050-8269333 ;03-6418092 email:
[email protected] 4. Offices in Academic Administration March 1990 – July 1997 Achva Academic College 1. Establishment of the Center for Science-Oriented, Artistic and Gifted Youth. This center served the whole Southern region of Israel. In 1996: 650 student’s participants, between the ages 7 -18; staff of 30. The position included development of special educational programs for gifted children; opening a special matriculation study programs for high school students, approved by the Ministry of Education; recruitment of teaching staff; recruitment of students; directing administrative staff and establishment of direct and continuous contact with the appropriate authorities in the Ministry of Education, the local authorities and the schools.