Yellowstone National Park Wyoming

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Yellowstone National Park Wyoming DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UBE RT W RK S EC RE A RY H O . T NA T IO N A L P A R K S E R V IC E S TE P EN T . M AT E R DIREC T R H H , O RULES AND REGULATIONS YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK WYOMING T W O O F A KIN D 1 92 3 SEASON FROM JUNE 20 TO SEPTEMBER 20 Ph otog r ap h by Uni te d S tate s R e clamatl o n S erv1 c e ROPO S E D JA C KS O N L A KE A N D T H E T ET O N M O UNT A INS IN T H E P E N L A RG E M E NT . i n f e et a nd ount M ora n, e levat o , levati o n f eet o n th e left , G ra nd T eto n, e , M h e e levati on of Jac k son Lak e i s fe et. o n th e ri g ht. T u l. © H ay ne s , S t P a U O B IL E C A P . C A M P IN G IN M A M M OT H HO T S P R ING S A TO M M o uri st seaso n. n th i s s ite i n a s i n le ni g h t d uri ng th e t As many a s 30 0 cars may be p ark e d i g THE NAT IONAL PARKS AT A GL ANCE . Nu mber 1 9 o a area s uare mi es [ , ; t t l , q l ] Na i ona ark s i n t l p D r r L oca i on. i s i nc i ve ch a acte i s i cs . r r n t t t t ord e of c eati o . r s h S ri n s ossessi n cura i e ro erti es—Man Mi d d le A k an as . 46 ot p g p g t v p y h otels and boardi ng h ouses 20 ath h ouses und er r p ubli c cont ol. r w r W o r rs h n i n l res oi world to e h er Y ellowstone No th este n y M o e geyse t a— a l t — t 1 872 Boi hn sp ri ngs M ud volcanoes Pet ed for s s rand C an on of th e Y e ows one remark e t y —ll t , — able for gorgeous colori L arge lak es M any ar e s reams and wa engalIs— as wi d erness l g t t V t l , eatest wi ld bi rd and ani mal p reserve m world x n r fish i n cep ti o al t out g . — Mi d d le eastern Cali h e Bi g T ree Nati onal Park S everal h und red orma se uoi a rees o er 1 0 ee i n di ameter some 25 f . q t v f t— , to 36 f eet i n d i ameter T oweri ng mountai n — — - ranges S tartli ng p reci p i ces M i le long cave of d eh cate beauty . — — Mi d dle eastern Cali Valley of worl—d -famed beauty L ofty cli fi s Ro manti c—vi stas M any waterfalls—of extraordi nary h ei gh t 3 groves of bi g trees Hi gh Si erra W erwh e s—G d r fish i n at e l fall oo t out g. Mi d dle eastern Cali Created to p reserve th e cel—ebrated General Grant forni a. T ree 35 ee i n di ame er 6 mi es rom S e uoi a , f t t l f q Nati onal P ark — R i r W es cen ra W ash L r s ccessi b si n e e k ci er s s m 28 Mount a ni e . t t l a ge t a le gl p a gla y te r m r s — s 1 8 99 glaci e s, so e of la ge i ze 4 8 quare mi les of aci er 50 to 500 ee h i ck —W ond er u suba i ne gl , f t t f l lp r wi ld fl owe field s. Crater L ak e S outh westem Oregon L ak e of extraordi nary blue i n crater of exti nct — - 1 902 volcano S i d es feet hi gh Interesti ng lava r —F fi sh i n fo mati ons i ne g . W i nd Cave S outh Dak ota Cavern h avi ng many mi les of galleri es and numer r r r n ch ambe s contai mng p eculi a fo mati o s. Platt S outh ern M any sulp h ur and oth er sp ri ngs p ossessi ng medi c i nal value. Su s N orth S ma ark wi h wood s s reams and a ak e—Is an lly ll p t , t , l r w r r i mp o tant i ld ani mal p ese ve. Mesa S outh western Colo M ost notable and best p reserved p rehi stori c cli fi 1 906 rad o. d welh n s i n ni ed S a es i f not 1 1 1 th e wor d . g U t t t , l Glaci er N orth western M on Rugged mountai n regi on of unsurp assed Alp i ne r r— 0 r- tana. ch a act—e 25 glaci e fed—lak es of romanti c beau 6 0 sma aci ers Pr c i h s ty —ll gl e i p ces t ou and s of feet d eep Almost sensati onal scenery of mark ed i ndi i d ua i —Fi n r fish n v l ty e t out i g . N or h mi d d le Co o Heart of th e R ock i es—Snow ran e eak s t l y g , p r — r ad o. to feet alti tud e R ema k able record s of r glaci al p e i od . — Hawan Hawai i Th ree sep arate areas Ki lauea and M auna L oa on 1 91 w 6 Ha ai i ; Haleak ala on M aui . L assen V olcani c N orth ern Cali forni a Only acti ve volcano i n Uni ted States p rop er 1 91 6 L assen Peak ee —C i nd er C one , f t ee —H ot S r n s—M d s rs f t p i g u gey e . r k — S outh cent al Alas a . Hi h est mountai n i n N orth Ameri ca Ri ses h i gh er aggove surroundi ng country th an any oth er moun ai n in h w r t t e o ld . Grand N orth central Ari zona Th e greatest examp le of erosi on and th e most sub i m s h w r l e p ectacle i n t e o ld . M ai ne coast . Ti i e gr i p of grani te mountai ns up on M ount Desert l 5 lanoi S ou h w es ern ah . M a ni ficen or e Zi on Can on d e th rom 800 t t Ut g t g g ( y ) , f to ee W i h reci 1 ous we Is - Oi reat f t , t t g beauty and sceni c i n eres ° 2 3845 —2 3 -2 NatlonaI Parks Portfoli o ( THIRD EDITION ) p resentation of the national A p arks and national monu men s c u e The se ec on s t in pi t r . l ti i from the best work of many pho ’ d o llar a hers of na a ma to r r ess o nd a teur. g p , p i l It contains nine chap ters descrip tive each ofa na ona ark and one ar er ti l p , l g chap ter devoted to other p arks and m n m 248 o u en s. a es i nc ud n t p g , l i g 306 illustrations. S en os aid u on recei t of ri ce i n II t p tp , p p p cash or mone order b the S u eri n enden y , y p t t of Documen s Go ernmen Pri n i n Office t , v t t g , W o sa e e ash n ton D. C . F r l In Y e lows on i g , l t Na i ona Park at the Informa i on O ffice t l t , Mamm ot r s oth H S p i ng . CONTENTS . General description T h e geysers Other h ot-water phenomena Grand C anyon of th e D unraven P ass and T ower Falls Remarkable fossil forests_ Great wild -animal refuge Bears T rout fishi ng T h e Greater Y ellowstone T h e R ed C anyon of th e S hoshone T h e trail system Admi ni stration of th e p ark Protecti on of th e Information Bureau T h e rules and regulati ons T h e tourist season Railroad Detailed travel information T ransportation and accommodati ons M oving pictures T elegrams ‘ P ost office Automobi le highway informati on Automobiles i n th e park F ree public camp ground s__ i n n Gasol e a d oils, etc T h e park mile- post system Y e ows one P ar our ri nci a oi n s of i n eres ll t k t , p p l p t t t r i n r m H r s M r n r N E M m o ot S n S .
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