29th June 2021

Dear Members & RFO

Parish Councillors are summoned at 6:45p.m. on Monday 5th July 2021 to consider the following items of business at the Village Hall, Main Street, LE12 8RZ

Immediately after the Council has met there will be a meeting of the King George’s Field Charity for which there is a separate agenda.

Emma Crowe Clerk to the Council


1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and approve reasons for absence


3. POLICE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MATTERS To receive a monthly report, if available

4. REPORT FROM BOROUGH COUNCILLOR To receive a report, if available

5. REPORT FROM THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR To receive a report, if available

6. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To invite questions or comments on items on this agenda; and/or invite matters for future agendas

7. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 4th May 2021 Previously To confirm and sign as a true record Circulated

8. ENVIRONMENTAL WARDEN REPORT [a] To note the tree wardens are applying for free hedging whips as part of the Tree Council’s “Fill the Gap” hedge project and are liaising with Beacon rangers on suitable locations. To consider additional locations which would benefit from new hedging infill.

9. FINANCIAL MATTERS [a] To note payment of the following accounts for previously approved or delegated expenditure:

DCK Accounting – Monthly payroll charge 25.87 NEST pensions – monthly 89.26 Target Hygiene – public toilet servicing May, June, July 18.90 2Commune – 1 new email account 35.00 KGV Charity – Monthly PC Office Rent 500.00 Dusters Cleaners – Daily cleaning of public toilets – 448.00 1hr per day @ £16/hr = £112.00 per week

CKH Accounts - Internal Audit Fee 2020-2021 200.00

Zoom – 1 month charge 11.99 St.Paul’s Church PCC – replace faulty battery for Parish Clock 50% costs 50.00 1 HMRC – PAYE Quarterly 2794.30 Mrs Morland – reimbursement for plaque 84.94 LRWT – Annual Subs 50.00

Ian’s Computer Solutions – Install desktop computer & printer for PC Office 764.00 University Enterprises Ltd – WE Plastic Free Leaflets x 1000 305.00 Salaries 1120.34

[b] To receive Financial reports:

• The monthly bank reconciliation at 22 June • The monthly reconciliation of accounts at 22 June

[c] To note Council income for May & June 2021 is £51,536.86

• VAT £9753.86

• Half Precept £41,563.00 • Allotments £220.00

[d] To approve year end accounts 2020-21 following adjustment advice from Internal Appendix 1 Auditor. [e] To note the commencement of period for the exercise to public rights notice for the year end 31st March 2021 accounts is Monday 28th June to Friday 6th August.

10. PROPERTY [a] To consider and approve recommendations to resolve issues on the allotments raised Appendix 2 by residents from 6 to 12 Maplewell Road. [b] To consider and approve expenditure of £433.77 to re print 300 copies the Woodhouse & Eaves Heritage Walking Trail to be distributed to residents. [c] To consider and approve a solicitor to continue representing the Parish Council at the

appeal hearing for the erection of up to 36 dwellings at land off Maplewell Road at a

cost of £250 per hour plus VAT (estimated 17 hours).

[d] To consider and approve who will attend the virtual appeal hearing on Wednesday 28th July. [e] To consider comments to respond to the Charnwood Local Plan 2021-37 Six-week public consultation between 12 July - 23 August Appendix 3

11. CORRESPONDENCE AND PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Appendix 4 To consider the items received:

12. PLANNING MATTERS Appendix 5 To note responses and consider new applications.

13. REVIEW OF NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN [a] To note a grant for funding of £3000 has been authorised by Locality 2018-2022 Neighbourhood Planning programme. [b] To note the Examiner has confirmed all documents have been received and will proceed by way of written protocol. It is unlikely that a hearing will be held. A draft report should be ready at the beginning of July.

14. FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER To appoint a member to the Finance Committee to replace Mr J Horne

15. MEETINGS ATTENDED To receive any reports, if available

2 16. ITEMS OF INTEREST OR FOR FUTURE MEETINGS [a] Clerk to obtain quotes for the Parish Council Insurance to be approved at September meeting

17. STAFFING MATTER [a] To consider and approve to pay the Clerk for overtime up to a maximum of an additional 5 hours per week when required

Meeting Closed ______

The public are welcome to join the Parish Council meeting via Zoom using the link below:


Meeting ID: 875 5707 8740

Passcode: 194115

To join by phone: 0203 481 5240 / 0131 460 1196 / 0203 051 2874 / 0203 481 5237


2019/2020 2020/2021

50,810.63 LONG TERM FIXED ASSETS 50,810.63


5034.75 Debtors 4166.12 1276.43 Payments in Advance 1149.55 67,510.78 Cash in Hand 46,722.03 73,821.96 TOTAL ASSETS 52,037.70

CURRENT LIABILITIES 500.00 Creditors 600.00


73,321.96 NET CURRENT ASSETS 51,437.70

73,321.96 Represented by Fund Balance 51,437.70

The above statement represents fairly the position of the Authority at 31 March 2021 and reflects its’ income and expenditure during the year.

Approved by the Council on ......

Signed ...... Chairman

Signed ...... Responsible Financial Officer




Street Furniture – including: 48,919 2019 insurance value

Street Lights (29) 19,431 2019 insurance value Roadside Seats (18) 2,999 2011/12 Book Value Mobile Speed Monitors (2) 5,849 2019 insurance value Noticeboards 2,340 2019 insurance value Bulls Head Fountain 1,181 2019 insurance value Parish Map in tin tube 5,340 2019 insurance value Grade II listed red telephone box 2,500 2019 insurance value Defibrillator 1,274 2019 insurance value Bus Shelter 5,380 2019 insurance value

War Memorial & Gardens 1,888 2019 insurance value Village Pump 1 Nominal Value Allotments Land – 2 acres 1 Nominal Value

Playing Field Land – 7 acres 1 Nominal Value

TOTAL £50,810

NOTES: 1) Public Toilets are subject to a 25 year lease from Charnwood Borough Council. As they are not owned by Woodhouse Parish Council, they were removed from the asset register in March 2018. 2) New property insurance valuation carried out during 2019 by Came & Co. Ecclesiastical 3) Fixed Assets will not change in value 4) A nominal value of £1 was included in 2017 for the playing field land owned by the Parish Council


At the year-end there were £240 debts due to the Council of allotment rents. These are in the process of being collected.


The limit for spending under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 for this Council in the year of account was £8.32 per elector. Payments were made as follows:

2019/20 2020/21

630.00 St. Paul’s Church - Graveyard Upkeep Donation 630.00 459.50 St Mary’s Church - Graveyard Upkeep Donation 460.00 100.00 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Donation - 400.00 Roundabout Magazine – Grant - 100.00 Charnwood BC Mayor’s Charity Appeal Donation 100.00 276.00 May Day Challenge – Grant for VH letting costs - 414.00 WE Horticultural Show – Grant for VH letting costs - 382.70 WE Good Neighbour Scheme – Grant for VH booking - 54.00 WE Scouts – Grant for VH booking for jumble sale - 100.00 Warning Zone – Donation - 120.00 Peter Le Marchant Trust – Grant 100.00 Linda Winston – Grant for village pump flowers maint. - 400.00 First Responders – Grant for defibrillator maint. - 942.50 Woodhouse Community Hall Trust – Grant for memorial - bench

4478.70 1190.00



2019/20 2020/21

0.00 0.00


6. CAPITAL RESERVE No capital reserve fund is held.

7. EARMARKED RESERVES No specific earmarked reserves.

8. BORROWINGS At 31 March 2021 there were no loans outstanding to the Council.

9. AGENCY WORK The Council has undertaken no agency work on behalf of other authorities.

10. PENSIONS – paid from 1st July 2017 through NEST.

11. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES - There are no liabilities other than those referred to under the heading ‘Creditors’.



Opening Fund Balance at 1 April 2020 73,321.96

Income 2020-2021 89,734.94

TOTAL 163,056.90

Expenditure 2020-2021 111,619.20

Fund Balance at 31 March 2021 51,437.70


2019/20 2020/21

INCOME 79,898.76 Precept 81,496.00 419.43 Bank Interest 90.15 1527.83 CBC Toilet Grant & Rates Refund 1536.43 640.00 Allotments 620.00 14,764.00 Grants & Donations & S106 – 4000.00 Locality N’Hood Plan 10.00 Miscellaneous – Aviva insurance claim for Bull’s Head 1992.36

97,260.02 Total 89,734.94

EXPENDITURE 4772.81 Public toilet Costs 6616.96 23,245.29 Administration 31,435.76 4426.94 PC Office – costs & rental 13,047.00 4636.28 Special Items – Street Lights LED conversion, Parish Clock 7440.34 Overhaul, Sustrans bike report, Bull’s Head repairs 13,054.90 Neighbourhood Plan 4150.00 Running Costs 1984.61 Parks & Open Spaces 968.69 43.10 Allotments 439.94 960.76 Street Lighting Electricity 1013.92 4478.70 Section 137 Expenditure 1190.00 598.87 Subscriptions 629.92 499.13 Miscellaneous – Benches, parish clock repairs, flowers, 686.67 poppy wreaths, chocolates 50000.00 Subsidiary payment to Charity 44000.00 108,701.39 Total 111,619.20

-11,441.37 Income minus Expenditure -21,884.26

6 Appendix 2

Correspondence from Residents of 6-12 Maplewell Road to draw attention to the dangerous and unsightly condition of the walls to the rear of the mentioned cottages. Holly trees and ivy plants have been allowed to grow unchecked and affect the drystone walls that border these properties at the rear.

They request that their concerns and photographs are recorded and discussed at the Parish Council meeting for a swift and construction conclusion to their problems.

Issue 1 – Ivy on Wall

Condition of the wall at the rear of No’s 12 & 14 Maplewell Road. Some of this wall has now completely collapsed as ivy has been allowed to grow unchecked along with the extreme close proximity of the holly tree roots.

Issue 2 – Pruning of Holly tree

The holly tree at the rear of No. 14 Maplewell Road has now grown to such an extent that it blocks the light from the rear garden of number twelve. During the summer months it receives little or no sun because of the holly tree.

Issue 3 – Holly tree

No. 10 there is a mature holly tree that’s growing right up to the boundary wall. Consequently, the branches of the tree extend well over half of the residents garden and block his light. Additionally, the tree sheds its leaves throughout the year into his garden and also into the garden of No.12 and 8. No doubt whatsoever the roots of the holly tree have established themselves under the resident’s drystone wall at No 12.

Relating to No 8, the boundary wall is starting to show signs of movement, with bits and pieces of the wall dropping out every few weeks, which we believe is caused by the roots from the holly tree. We are also impacted by the holly tree blocking the light, especially during the summer months, which is a shame, especially in these times of spending more time at home and in the garden.

Issue 4 – Willow

Now dealing with property No 6. The allotment holder at the side of this property planted a willow tree right up to the side of the wall. This tree is now causing a bulge in the wall, some of the wall has already collapsed it may well bring the complete wall down in due course.

The Willow has now been trimmed by the allotment holder. They use the willow shoots for hedge laying. The resident implies the roots are still damaging the grade 2 listed wall.

Issue 5 – Conifer trees

Additionally- conifer trees at back of property planted on the allotment ground need to be trimmed or permanently removed before they are too tall to deal with.

Issue 6 – To share a key for access to the allotments Letter from Ann Irving regarding the draft Charnwood Local Plan (Parish Council to consider the comments)

Dear Councillor Bailey I write to you about the housing allocations in the draft Local Plan. It's too late for me to make any representation to the Cabinet meeting next week.

It has been a challenge to track all of the proposed housing sites as their names fall into different parishes and parts of the Borough, but the map is a clear indication of the choices that the Council appears to have made. This scattered and unconnected set of housing land sites seems to be the antithesis of a plan-led Local Plan. Rather, it would seem to be a developer-led plan. I find it disturbing. It compromises what makes Charnwood special. It risks expansion into a Birmingham-style urban city sprawl. It continues to allow the University to retain its own land for profit-making activity whilst allowing its own expansion to remove our community's housing stock through student HMOs. When I first joined its staff, its aim was to house a majority of its students on campus. Whole areas of the town now have houses that are vacant for the majority of the year, occupied for a little over the two terms of their undergraduate courses. It's such a shame to see so many small and affordable houses lost to transient occupants.

In particular, because it is on my home patch, I question the inclusion of Mr Bowler's productive farm land on the south side of the Woodthorpe track, inside the Woodhouse Parish boundary. It risks the integrity of the unique ancient woodland and the Listed lodge to Beaumanor, and compromises established footpaths that are well used and which open up the countryside, as countryside. An application to designate the Beaumanor/Woodthorpe track as a bridleway has been with LCC for some years now. The proposed housing estate HA15 will result in dozens of vehicles, essential for functioning in this area, to disgorge onto a narrow track. This makes little sense from the perspective of either sustainability or protection of wildlife. It risks control of further development via the expertise of developers armouries in the inevitable appeals to build on adjacent land. I know that developers offer farmers magnificent sums of money for their farmland. It is a credit to many others that they see the security of our food production as their over-arching priority. If the rhetoric of the Local Plan has any meaning, this site and others like it should be excluded from the SHELAA.

I understand the consultation processes involved in Local Plans and have tracked them for a number of years, both as an interested citizen who has held responsibility roles in the Woodhouse Parish Plan and Village Design Statements, and as Clerk to Woodhouse Parish Council until I retired just over a year ago. During that time I have also been a member of CPRE and taken an above-average interest in local and national planning, including following the progress of Regional Park plans from their inception. I was a member of our parish Neighbourhood Plan advisory group. This year I joined the Committee of Friends of and serve as its Secretary. All of these projects involve volunteers who are dedicated to fostering the importance of the area, for its geology, its topography, its paths and byways, and its contribution to the mental health of our local and regional populations. Many of these assets have become threadbare during the past 14 months, demonstrating their significance to our society.

I have a high regard for the planning policy team and the care with which they formulate policy. It would seem that they are hampered by the process for identifying housing land, which appears to be restricted to those sites contributed by the landowners who know about the annual trawl, and by the developers circulating around the area buying into greenfield sites, obtaining permissions, and then sitting on build-outs until they can cherry-pick even more high-yield sites. This is no way to provide enough of the housing that we need, or housing in the right places. It fails to meet needs, but exists to create demand. Your Stakeholder panel reveals a list of companies' representatives whose aims do not include building either low-cost or downsize-able homes that would help to meet local and national targets. The evidence is all around to see. In this parish alone there are dozens of building workers and building suppliers operating, of which only a tiny minority are engaged in building new homes.

This draft Local plan threatens Charnwood as a special place. Developers will continue to run rings around the planning system. Please reconsider the housing land sites to ensure that they allow the character of this area to endure for future generations, and that they better match the wishes that Neighbourhood Plans have expressed. The national population will stabilise in due course, but if the area here cannot grow food because it is covered in concrete, what will future generations think of your work?.

Respectful regards Ann Irving

KEY Charnwood Borough Boundary Limits to Development Countryside (Policy C1) Areas of Local Separation (Policy EV/3) Green Wedges (Policy EV/2) Open Space / Outdoor Sports Pitches

HA63 National Forest Charnwood Forest Regional Park HA62 New Burial Space HA61 Committed Sustainable Urban Extension Site Boundaries ES5 Cotes Committed Sustainable Urban Extension Housing Areas

HA35 ES4 Committed New schools in Sustainable Urban Extensions HA33 HA25 Housing Allocations (Policy DS3) LUC2 HA26 HA28 HA27 HA34 HA23 HA21 HA22 Wymeswold NP Housing Requirement HA42 HA24 Loughborough Shepshed HA29 HA32 Employment Allocations (Policy DS4) HA30 HA48 HA31 HS8 Committed Employment Sites HA41 HA39 HA38 LSEP HA49 Existing Good Quality Employment Sites (Policy E2) HA36 HA20 HA46 HA37 HA40 HA45 HA18 HA47 Loughborough Town Centre Boundary Woodthorpe HA17 HA50 Loughborough Primary Shopping Area Boundary HA15 Quorn

HA19 Baxter Gate Opportunity Site HA16 ES1 HA68 Local Centres HA67 HA53 District Centres Woodhouse HA54 HA58 HA55 HA56 HA57 Woodhouse Eaves ES6 ES7 HA66 HA59 Cossington HA60 ES3 HA52 HA65 HA51 HA64 HA4


Thurcaston HA5 HA1 HA69 HA7 Birstall HA8 Birstall HA44 ES10

HA14 HA9HA10 Anstey LUA2 HA43 HA11

Beeby HA43

HA12 HA13

Hamilton Lea

Scale: 1:55000 Charnwood Borough Council Date: 24-05-2021 Time: 09:27:51 This material has been reproduced from Council Offices Ordnance Survey digital map data with the permission of the Controller of Southfield Road Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Loughborough Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. LE11 2TX © Crown copyright. Licence No. 100023558

Any Aerial Photography shown is copyright www.charnwood.gov.uk of UK Perspectives Appendix 4 Correspondence

07.05.21 Welbeck Defence Sixth Form Intention to have both Royal Signal stones listed as heritage items, and to have them remain in situ. Should the College future user of the site not wish to retain them, the Parish Council can be contacted. 07.05.21 Resident New Facebook page for Friends of Charnwood Forest https://www.facebook.com/Friends.Charnwood.Forest 07.05.21 Environmental Warden New Email Address: [email protected] 18.05.21 LCC Bus Shelter Cleaning – Brand Hill opposite Nursing Home Roof needs moss removing and unable to remove graffiti 19.05.21 Charnwood Borough Council Five Year Supply Update - The latest data on deliverable housing land supply shows Charnwood have a total of 3.34 years of supply against the recently updated nationally set local housing need figure of 1,111 homes a year. This means the Council cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of housing as of 31 March 2021. The position at the last update in November 2020 showed 4.1 years of supply as of 31 March 2020 and the lack of supply continues to have consequences for the way planning decisions are made. 21.05.21 Quorn Community Action Group Requesting progress on the investigation into an alternative route for walkers and cyclists from Quorn to for Walking and Cycling Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves to avoid using the busy B591. 25.05.21 LCC Letter of advance notice - temporary closure of Forest Road, Woodhouse. (CHAR 0845/2021) 27.05.21 LCC Email confirmation request has been received to carry out covert surveys on Main Street, Maplewell Road, Church Hill and Brand Hill. 30.05.21 No reported thefts/burglaries/vehicle crimes during May in Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves 01.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Local Government Boundary Commission electoral review of Charnwood – Receipt of comments. Publish of draft recommendations should be 17th August. 02.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Armed Forces Community Update Newsletter 07.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Minutes of the Member Conduct Panel hearing held on 4th June 2021 Agenda for Member Conduct Panel on Friday, 4th June, 2021, 9.45 am - Charnwood Borough Council (moderngov.co.uk) 14.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Charnwood Road Safety Committee Meeting on 5th July 2021 16.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Council to consider Charnwood Local Plan 2021-37 Six-week public consultation between 12 July - 23 August 18.06.21 LRALC Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - The Platinum Jubilee celebrations will centre around an extended weekend in 2022 on 2, 3, 4 and 5 June. 22.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council The CMR Covenant project has launched a survey looking for feedback from anyone who has an interest in the Armed Forces Community. The project is supporting a grant bid to the Armed Forces Covenant fund trust by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre to provide a veterans wellbeing hub. http://bit.ly/VeteranHubSurvey 23.06.21 Charnwood Borough Council Pre-Submission Charnwood Local Plan – Invitation to Virtual Update Monday 5th July 2021 at 6pm


04.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0256/2 Erection of two storey extension to eastern elevation, single storey extension to 25th May southwestern elevation, 1.5 storey garage extension and chimney to dwelling. Five Acres, 243A Forest Road, Woodhouse, Leicestershire 11.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0967/2 Discharge of condition 3 of P/21/0032/2 relating to the submission of details relating 2nd June to window construction and finish at Barn Farm, Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves 12.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0656/2 Proposed Porch over existing front door in materials to match existing at 6 3rd June Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse 17.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0871/2 Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of P/21/0032/2 relating to approved drawings and 7th June proposed use of materials at Barn Farm, Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves 17.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0822/2 Proposed single storey extension to rear of dwelling at 57 Maplewell Road, 7th June Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire 24.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0788/2 Proposed single storey extensions to front, side and rear including erection of car 14th June port. Changes to window fenestration and external finished to front and rear elevations at 12 Paterson Drive, Woodhouse Eaves 25.05.21 LCC 2021/Reg3Mi/0067/LCC Leicestershire County Council - Installation of Air Heat Source Pump Units: 4 16th June adjacent to a Sports Hall, 3 adjacent to cabins and 2 ajacent to activity centre - Beaumanor Hall, Beaumanor Drive, Woodhouse 25.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/1087/2 Certificate of lawful (proposed) development for; For info 1. Replacement front entrance door; 2. Alter front entrance steps to a ramp 3. Replace rear windows for bi-folding door; 4. Extend patio by 0.5m and resurface with printed concrete; 5. Remove existing wall and erect new seating area with glazed screens and wall at Charnwood Forest Golf Club, Breakback Road. 26.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0909/2 Demolition of double garage and erection of replacement double garage to 16th June front/side of dwelling (Listed Building Consent) at Lane End Cottage, 45 School Lane, Woodhouse 27.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0928/2 Proposed single storey rear extension at Walnut Cottage, 37 School Lane, 17th June Woodhouse, Leicestershire 29.05.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0517/2 Erection of one and a half storey extension to front and two storey extension to side 29th June of dwelling at Woodlands, 291 Forest Road, Woodhouse, Leicestershire 03.06.21 Charnwood BC P/21/0580/2 Proposed 2-storey extension to front and single storey extension to rear of existing 24th June dwelling at Peartree Cottage, 48 Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves 09.06.21 Charnwood BC P/21/1103/2 Proposed single storey rear extension at7 Bird Hill Road, Woodhouse Eaves 30th June 24.06.21 Charnwood BC P/20/2107/2 Appeal Land at Maplewell Rd Woodhouse Eaves has confirmed a hearing will be Appeal Reference determined on the basis of a virtual hearing on Wednesday 28th July at 10:00am APP/X2410/W/21/3271340