Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Biostatistics Working Papers 6-27-2005 Spatio-temporal Point Processes: Methods and Applications Peter J. Diggle Medical Statistics Unit, Lancaster University, UK & Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
[email protected] Suggested Citation Diggle, Peter J., "Spatio-temporal Point Processes: Methods and Applications" (June 2005). Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Biostatistics Working Papers. Working Paper 78. This working paper is hosted by The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and may not be commercially reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2011 by the authors Spatio-temporal Point Processes: Methods and Applications Peter J Diggle (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University and Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health) June 27, 2005 1 Introduction This chapter is concerned with the analysis of data whose basic format is (xi; ti) : i = 1; :::; n where each xi denotes the location and ti the corresponding time of occurrence of an event of interest. We shall assume that the data form a complete record of all events which occur within a pre-specified spatial region A and a pre-specified time- interval, (0; T ). We call a data-set of this kind a spatio-temporal point pattern, and the underlying stochastic model for the data a spatio-temporal point process. 1.1 Motivating examples 1.1.1 Amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit One general approach to analysing spatio-temporal point process data is to extend existing methods for purely spatial data by considering the time of occurrence as a distinguishing feature, or mark, attached to each event.