
Commission Exhibit No. Page 2652 ...... 1-2 FBI report dated April 1, 1964, of investigation concerning history books read by (CD 778, pp. 1-4) . 2653 ...... 3 Affidavit of Byron Phillips, dated March 13, 1962, taking respon- sibility for support of Marina Oswald upon her entry into the (CD 363, p. 17) . 2654 ...... 4-5 U.S. Consul's Certificate of Acknowledgement of Execution of an Instrument, dated May 24, 1962, pertaining to execution by Oswald of documents in Russia (CD 363, pp. 18-20) . 2655 ...... 5-10 Letter dated April 27, 1964, from Travelers Aid Society to Com- mission with enclosures re Lee Harvey Oswald and his family (CD 855) . 2656 ...... 11 Immigrant visa and alien registration for Marina Oswald, dated June 13, 1962 (CD 363, p. 15) . 2657 ...... 12 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare memorandum dated June 15, 1962, re repatriation inquiry on Lee Oswald and family (CD 882, p. 9) . 2658 ...... 12 Letter dated April 2, 1962, from U.S. Marine Corps to Lee Oswald in Minsk (CD 1114, II-24) . 2659 ...... 13 State Department memorandum dated November 2, 1959, re Lee Harvey Oswald being notified of telegram from his brother (CD 1114, IX-14) . 2660 ...... 13 State Department memorandum dated January 24, 1962, concern- ing funds for the Oswalds' return to the United States (CD 1114, V-22). 2661 ...... 14-17 Application for review of discharge or separation from the Armed Forces of the United States filed by Lee Harvey Oswald on June 18, 1962, with brief in support of application (CD 1114, II-18 and 11-19) . 2662 ...... 18 Fingerprint record of Marina Oswald, dated May 24, 1962 (CD 363, pp. 27-28) . 2663 ...... 19 Letter dated February 23, 1962, from John Connally to Lee Harvey Oswald, notifying him his letter of January 30 has been referred to Navy Department (CD 1114,11-30) . 2664 ...... 19-20 Transmittal of papers pertaining to Oswald from American Embassy in Moscow to State Department (CD 1115, XIII-1 to 3) . 2665 ...... 21-22 FBI reports dated December 4, 1963, concerning passenger records of steamship on which Oswald sailed from , La., to Le Havre, France (CD 6, pp. 304-306) .

Commission Ezhibit No . Page 2666 ...... 22-24 State Department transmittal slip dated April 3, 1961, enclosing correspondence between and American Embassy, Moscow (CD 1115, XIII-13) . 2667 ...... 24-25 FBI report dated March 31, 1964, on George De Mohrenschildt and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt (CD 805) . 2668 ...... 25-26 Secret Service memorandum dated May 25, 1964, concerning inspection of area around intersection of Zangs and Beckley Streets, , Tex . (CD 1093) . 2669 ...... 26 FBI report dated July 6, 1962, of interview of Lee Harvey Oswald, at Fort Worth, Tex . (CD 9, p. 11) . 2670 ...... 27 Memorandum dated September 11, 1964, from CIA to Commission concerning Soviet hunting societies (CD 1479c) . 2671 ...... 28 Excerpt from unofficial inventory of physical evidence concerning Lee Harvey Oswald in possession of FBI (CD 345, p. 21) . 2672 ...... 28 FBI report dated January 13, 1964, of interview of Mrs. Robert (Vada) Oswald at Denton, Tex . (CD 329, p. 197) . 2673 ...... 29 FBI reports dated December 3 and 4, 1963, of interviews of Lewis E. Hopkins at New Orleans, La. (CD 6, pp . 302-303) . 2674 ...... 30 FBI report dated January 15, 1964, of interview of Frank M. Mijares, Jr., at New Orleans, La. (CD 336, p. 13) . 2675 ...... 30-31 Secret Service report dated February 28, 1964, of interview of Billy Joe Lord at Bergstrom Air Force Base, Austin, Tex . (CD 498, SS control No. 1205, three pages). 2676 ...... 32 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commis- sion regarding Lee Harvey Oswald's stay in Helsinki, October 10-11, 1959. 2677 ...... 32 Letter dated July 1, 1964, from CIA to Commission concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's arrival time in Helsinki on October 10, 1959 (CD 1201) . 2678 ...... 33-35 FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of interview of Robert J. Fitzpatrick, S.J., at Mobile, Ala. (CD 24, pp . 10-14). 2679 ...... 35-36 Statement re Oswald's speaking engagement at Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala., prepared by Robert Fitzpatrick (CD 380, pp . 1-2) . 2680 ...... 36-39 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, relating to four communica- tions from file of International Rescue Committee (CD 144, pp . 3-8) . 2681 ...... 39-40 Communications between State Department and American Em- bassy, Moscow, February 1961 re welfare and whereabouts of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-18 and 19) . 2682 ...... 40-41 Letter from Lee Oswald in Minsk to American Embassy in Moscow, plus Operations Memo from American Embassy to Department of State, dated March 9, 1962, on loan application of Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-63) .


Commission Exhibit No . Page 2683 ...... 42 Telegrams between American Embassy, Moscow, and American Embassy, Tokyo re John Pie's concern about Lee Oswald's renuncia- tion of U.S . citizenship (CD 1115, XIII-29 and 30) . 2684 ...... 43 Telegram from American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State, re message from Robert to Lee Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-35) . 2685 ...... 43-44 Despatch . dated November 2, 1959, from American Embassy, Moscow, to Department of State, on citizenship of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-36) . 2686 ...... 45-47 State Department Office of Security correspondence dated March 7, 16, 19, 23, and April 4, 1962, as to citizenship status of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1114, XI-10) . 2687 ...... 47 Telegram from American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, re reconsideration of waiver of section 243(8) sanctions for Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-53) . 2688 ...... 48 Letter dated May 8, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, re Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-54) . 2689 ...... 48 Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration for Marina Oswald, issued on January 11, 1962 (CD 1115, XIII-95) . 2690 ...... 49-52 Application for immigrant visa and alien registration for Marina Oswald, dated May 24, 1962 (CD 1115, XIII-96) . 2691 ...... 53-56 Letter dated September 21, 1964, from FBI to Commission enclos- ing Russian marriage certificate of Lee and Marina Oswald, with translation (CD 1115, XIII-98) . 2692 ...... 57 Affidavit of support of Marina Oswald executed by Lee H. Oswald, January 14, 1962 (CD 1115, XIII-100) . 2693 ...... 57 Excerpt from FBI report dated January 17, 1964, of interview of Marina Oswald (CD 329, p. 232) . 2694 ...... 58-68 Report of investigation of possible target practice by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Tex ., area (CD 778, pp. 5-23) . 2695 ...... 69 "Kennedy Virtually Invites Cuban Coup," (Dallas, Tex .), November 19, 1963, page 1-A . 2696 ...... 70 "Repeat of Demonstration For JFK Visit Not Likely," Dallas Times Herald (Dallas, Tex .), October 27, 1963, page A-17 . 2697 ...... 71 "A Sobering Question," editorial, Dallas Times Herald (Dallas, Tex .), October 27, 1963, page 34-A . 2698 ...... 72 Two articles from "Weather Vane," Dallas Morning News (Dallas, Tex .), October 6, 1963, page 3, section 3. 2699 ...... 73 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Gladys Yoakum at Dallas, Tex . (CD 7, p. 171) . 2700 ...... 73 Telegram from American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State, re Oswald despatch 234 (CD 1115, XIII-33) .

Commiaaion Erhibit No. Page 2701 ...... 74 Telegram from State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, re Oswald despatch and Oswald's citizenship (CD 1115, XIII-34) . 2702 ...... 74 Diplomatic note dated May 24, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow to Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, re Marina Oswald's passport and exit visa (CD 1115, XIII-94) . 2703 ...... 75 Certificate from American Embassy, Moscow, dated May 23, 1962, re unavailability of documents required to accompany application for immigrant visa in case of Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-99) . 2704 ...... 75 Visa work sheet, dated January 11, 1962, for exit visa No . 471078 (CD 1115, XIII-101) . 2705 ...... 76 Document dated May 24, 1962, from the American Embassy in Moscow, re clinical test for Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-103) . 2706 ...... 77 "Why Do So Many Hate the Kennedys7," Dallas Times Herald (Dallas, Tex .) November 20, 1963, page A-72 . 2707 ...... 78 Photographs and scale model view of sixth floor of School Book Depository, showing location of clipboard, rifle, and cartons at windows. 2708 ...... 79 FBI report of interview of Mrs. Joachim Joesten on March 5, 1964, at Jamaica, N.Y. 2709 ...... 79-84 FBI report of information furnished on March 21, 1964, by con- fidential source abroad of interview of Joachim Joesten at Ham- burg, Germany. 2710 ...... 84 Photo of armored truck at Commerce Street entrance to basement of Police Courts Building, Dallas, Tex . 2711 ...... 85 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, relating to log of SS Marion Lykes for September 18, 1959, through October 8, 1959 (CD 152, pp. 38-39) . 2712 ...... , ...... 86 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Landry Keating, at New Orleans, La. (CD 152, p. 40) . 2713 ...... 86-87 FBI report dated March 16, 1964, relating to list of property which belonged to Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald, obtained by Robert Oswald from the home of , Irving, Tex . (CD 897, pp. 468-470). 2714 ...... 88 Letter dated September 24, 1964, from State Department to Commission, concerning closing time on Saturday of Soviet con- sulate in Helsinki during October 1959. 2715 ...... 88-89 Telegrams between American Embassy, Moscow, and Secretary of State, re message from Robert Oswald to his brother Lee (CD 1114, IV-61 to 63) . 2716 ...... 90 Newspaper article, "Forth Worth Defector Confirms Red Beliefs," by Aline Mosby, November 15, 1959 (CD 1240) . 2717 ...... 91 Lee Harvey Oswald's handwritten account dated November 15, 1959, of interview with Miss Aline Mosby, UPI reporter, found among Oswald's personal effects (FBI exhibits, vol. 3, No . 45) .

Commission Exhibit No . Page 2718 ...... 92-99 FBI report dated April 6, 1964, concerning FBI's interest in Lee Harvey Oswald before April 1960. 2719 ...... 99--100 FBI report dated August 4, 1964, of interview of A. I . Goldberg at New York, N.Y. (CD 1399) . 2720 ...... 101 Memorandum dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission concerning rates of compensation in the USSR. 2721 ...... 101 Memorandum dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission concerning financial aid for foreigners in the USSR. 2722 ...... 102 Memorandum dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission, re emigration and travel of Soviet nationals. 2723 ...... 102-103 Letter dated March 19, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning paper bag marked "Q-10." 2724 ...... 103-104 Letter dated March 26, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning laboratory report on the assassination weapon. 2725 ...... 104 Letter dated June 16, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning identification of three latent fingerprints on Commission Exhibit No. 644. 2726 ...... 105 Letter dated June 17, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning the conclusion that Marina Oswald wrote the signature, "A. J. Hidell" appearing on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee card found in Oswald's wallet. 2727 ...... 106 Memorandum dated September 8, 1964, from Examiner of Ques- tioned Documents, Treasury Department to Commission, concern- ing hand printing and signature on change of address order apparently signed by Lee H . Oswald. 2728 ...... 106-107 Letter dated June 11, 1964, from FBI to Commission, making certain observations concerning a proposed polygraph examination of (CD 1325, pp. 1-2) . 2729 ...... 107-108 Letter dated June 25, 1964, from Commission to FBI, concerning proposed polygraph examination (CD 1326) . 2730 ...... 109 Letter dated July 13, 1964, from FBI to Commission concerning proposed polygraph examination (CD 1327, pp. 1-2). 2731 ...... 110 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Helen Harwell at Vernon, Tex. (CD 6, pp. 145-146) . 2732 ...... 111 FBI report dated September 9, 1964, of interview of Opel Stinnett at Dallas, Tex. 2733 ...... 111 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission, con- cerning secret training locations and procedures in the USSR. 2734 ...... 112 Operations memorandum from American Embassy, Moscow to American Embassy, , dated April 23, 1962, on possibility of waiver of sanctions imposed by section 243(8) of Immigration and Naturalization Act in case of Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-52) .

Commission Ezhibit No. Page 2735 ...... 112 Operations memorandum from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department dated March 9, 1962, concerning effect of section 243(8) sanctions in case of Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-66) . 2736 ...... 113 Telegram to American Embassy, Moscow from State Department concerning loan for Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-67) . 2737 ...... 113 Telegram from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department concerning allotment of funds for Lee Harvey Oswald's transporta- tion to United States (CD 1115, XIII-68) . 2738 ...... 114-115 Correspondence between State Department and American Embassy, Moscow concerning Oswald's transportation funds to the United States (CD 1115, XIII-73 to 75) . 2739 ...... 115 Operations memorandum dated January 16, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, concerning citizenship and passport of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-78) . 2740 ...... 116 Operations memorandum dated January 16, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, concerning visa for Marina Oswald (CD 1115, XIII-79) . 2741 ...... 116 Communication from Department of State to American Embassy, Moscow, concerning reconsideration of waiver of 243(8) sanctions for Marina Oswald (CI) 1114, VIII-8) . 2742 ...... 117 Operations memorandum dated January 24, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, concerning Lee Oswald's refusal to return to United States alone (CD 1114, VIII-15) . 2743 ...... 117 Operations memorandum from State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, dated January 26, 1962, concerning visa for Marina Oswald (CD 1114, VIII-16) . 2744 ...... 118-120 Operations memorandum dated January 16, 1962, from American Embassy, Moscow, to Department of State concerning citizenship and passports of the Lee Harvey Oswalds (CD 1114, VIII-17) . 2745 ...... 121 Communication from State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, concerning visa for Marina Oswald (CD 1114, VIII-21) . 2746 ...... 121 Processing record sheet for Marina Oswald (CD 1114, VIII-22) . 2747 ...... : . . 122-123 Foreign Service despatch from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, dated October 13, 1961, concerning citizenship and passports of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1114, X-23) . 2748 ...... 124 State Department memorandum of conversation, dated January 26, 1961, between Marguerite Oswald and Department of State, regarding Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1114, X-51) . 2749 ...... 124-125 Foreign Service despatch dated November 2, 1959, from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, concerning citizenship of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1114, XI-25) . 2750 ...... 126 Telegram from American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State, concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's attempt to renounce citizenship (CD 1114, XI-27) .

Commission Ezhibit No. Page 2751 ...... 126-131 Letter dated December 19, 1961, from Immigration and Natural- ization Service to State Department, plus attachments, concerning requested classification of Marina Oswald as a nonquota immigrant (CD 363, pp. 71-80) . 2752 ...... 131-132 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission, concerning communications from the Department of State. 2753 ...... 132-133 FBI report dated April 10, 1964, concerning witnesses to Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to Mexico (CD 834). 2754 ...... 134-135 FBI report dated June 12, 1964, re issuance of passport to Oswald on June 25, 1963 (CD 1123) . 2755 ...... 136 FBI report dated June 22, 1964, concerning administrative handling at New Orleans of passport application of Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1158) . 2756 ...... 137-142 Letter from Department of State to Commission, dated June 29, 1964, concerning transcripts of testimony before Commission of certain State Department officials and enclosing additional informa- tion (CD 1174) . 2757 ...... 143 Letter dated July 6, 1964, from State Department to Commission con- cerning Department's airgram A-127 (CD 1224) . 2758 ...... 143-144 FBI report dated August 23, 1962, of interview of Lee Harvey Oswald at Fort Worth, Tex . (CD 10, pp. 4-5) . 2759 ...... 144 Lee Harvey Oswald's handwritten account of amorous affairs in the USSR, found among Oswald's personal effects (p . 22 of diary from FBI exhibits, vol . 3, p. 46) . 2760 ...... 145 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission regarding KGB handling of foreigners in the USSR . 2761 ...... 145 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from CIA to Commission regard- ing acquaintances of the Lee Harvey Oswalds in Minsk. 2762 ...... 146-147 Letter dated September 11, 1964, from CIA to Commission, attach- ing information on travel by foreigners in USSR (CD 1479b) . 2763 ...... 148 Memorandum dated December 12, 1963, from FBI to State Depart- ment, concerning letter intercepted by Secret Service, postmarked Havana, Cuba, and addressed to Oswald. 2764 ...... 149 Memorandum from CIA dated September 17, 1964, to Commission concerning Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov (CD 1479a). 2765 ...... 150 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from the Chief of the Secret Service to Commission, regarding budget of the Secret Service for fiscal year 1965 (CD 1476) . 2766 ...... 150-154 Letter dated May 1, 1964, from International Rescue Committee, Inc., New York, N.Y., to Commission, attaching exchange of correspondence between the Committee and Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 883, 883a, 883b, 883c, 883d) . 2767 ...... 154 FBI report of interview on April 26, 1960, of Marguerite Oswald at Waco, Tex . (CD 8, p. 6) .

Comminion Eihibit No. Page 2768 ...... 155 Letter from National Security Agency dated June 16, 1964, to Commission, concerning cryptologists' report on materials relating to Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1120). 2769 ...... 156 Paraphrase of cable from Helsinki to Department of State, regard- ing Soviet visa application cases when American tourists ask advice of consulates (CD 1501b) . 2770 ...... 156 Letter dated February 8, 1964, from CIA to Commission, concern- ing Soviet weapon mentioned in one of Lee Harvey Oswald's docu- ments (CD 1182) . 2771 ...... Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission, 157 on departure from USSR of Soviet citizens married to foreigners. 2772 ...... 157 Letter dated July 24, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning extent to which documentary material collected in connection with the assassination was examined for possible cryptographic signifi- cance (CD 1297) .' 2773 ...... 158 Memorandum dated September 14, 1964, from CIA to Commission, on length of time required for obtaining Soviet tourist visas in Western Europe in 1964 (CD 1483). 2774 ...... 158-159 Letter dated August 14, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning analysis of handwriting appearing on certain documents apparently written by Lee Harvey Oswald in the (CD 1388). 2775 ...... 159 Translation of registration of Lee Harvey Oswald for residence in Moscow, October 1959 (CD 735, p. 237) . 2776 ...... 160 Translation of Soviet tourist visa for Lee Harvey Oswald, dated October 14, 1959 (CD 735, p. 238). 2777 ...... 160 FBI report dated February 29, 1964, of interview of Robert Oswald at Denton, Tex . (CD 735, p. 346) . 2778 ...... 161-162 FBI report dated February 25, 1964, of interview of Dr. Earl Forrest Rose at Dallas, Tex . (CD 735, pp. 410-411, 419) . 2779 ...... 162-164 Letters from Oswald to State Department, regarding repaying his loan (CD 1114, XII-16 to 20) . 2780 ...... 165 Paraphrase of cable from Moscow to State Department regarding Soviet visa waiting period (CD 1501a) . 2781 ...... 165 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Earlene Roberts at Dallas, Tex. (CD 5, p. 356) . 2782 ...... 166-168 FBI report dated November 23, 1963, of interview of Arnold Louis Rowland at Dallas, Tex . (CD 5, pp. 20-25). 2783 ...... 169 Amended Commission testimony of Barbara Rowland, April 7, 1964 . 2784 ...... 169 Letter dated July 15, 1964, from Henry Wade, district attorney, Dallas County, Tex ., to Commission, concerning proposed poly- graph test for Jack Ruby (CD 1329) .

Commission Ezhibit No . Page 2785 ...... 170-173 Letter dated May 29, 1964, from Henry Wade, district attorney, Dallas County, Tex ., to Commission, together with report dated May 15, 1964, by Dr. R. L. Stubblefield (CD 1324, 1324c) . 2786 ...... 173-174 Letter dated July 16, 1964, from FBI to Clayton Fowler, copy of which was transmitted to the Commission (CD 1328) . 2787 ...... 174-177 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from FBI to Commission, trans- mitting FBI reports dated August 25 and 28, 1964, concerning claims of Ernesto Lima Juarez (CD 1476, 1476a, 1476b) . 2788 ...... 177 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken after his return from Russia in late September 1963 (FBI item 451-4). 2789 ...... 178-179 FBI report dated December 3, 1963, of interview of Leonard Edwin Hutchison at Irving, Tex . (CD 205, pp. 629-632) . 2790 ...... 179 FBI report dated July 1, 1964, of interview of George Senator at New York, N.Y. (CD 1232) . 2791 ...... 180 Photograph of twistboard brochure, front and back . 2792 ...... 181-182 FBI report dated June 6, 1964, of interview of Clarence Aubry Summers at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1121, pp. 54-56) . 2793 ...... 182 FBI report dated November 28, 1963, of interview of Andrew Armstrong at Dallas, Tex. (CD 4, p. 495) . 2794 ...... 183 Secret Service report dated December 3, 1963, of investigation of Pixie Lynn, also known as Helen K. Smith, at Houston, Tex . (CD 87, SS control No. 539, p. 1) . 2795 ...... 184-185 Secret Service report dated December 16, 1963, of interview of Pixie Lynn, also known as Helen K. Smith, at Houston, Tex . (CD 320, SS control No. 675, p. 1) . 2796 ...... 185 FBI report of investigation of Joseph E. Field allegation of seeing Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mrs . Lee Harvey Oswald, and Robert Oswald in beer bar in Los Angeles, Calif., in April 1963 (CD 856, p. 75) . 2797 ...... 186 FBI report of interview of Lee Hall and Barney T. White on November 28, 1963, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, p. 589) . 2798 ...... 186-188 FBI report of investigation of claim by Vernon M. Riegel that Ruby and Oswald were associated (CD 105, pp. 333-334 ; 337-338) . 2799 ...... 188 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Leon H. Worth at Dallas, Tex . (CD 4, p. 794) . 2800 ...... 189 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Joe R. Franklin at Huntsville, Tex . (CD 86, pp. 587-588) . 2801 ...... 190 FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Roy Mc- Whorter at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, p. 415) . 2802 ...... 190-191 FBI report dated December 13, 1963, of investigation of telephone call received from Thornton Caine advising that he observed Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby in Tupelo, Miss. (CD 104, pp . 386-387) .

Commisgon Exhibit No . Page 2803 ...... 191-193 FBI report on interview of Donald Alvin Hutchinson on Decem- ber 18, 1963, and report dated December 21, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Martha Hutchinson at Dallas, Tex . (CD 106, pp. 275-278) . 2804 ...... 193 FBI report date December 20, 1963, of interview of Dr. Samuel Lewis Scothorn, at Dallas, Tex . (CD 105, p. 337) . 2805 ...... 194 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of John W. Mashek at Washington, D.C. (CD 86, p. 593) . 2806 ...... 194-196 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Bonnie Bucholtz at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, p. 579) ; FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of George H . Edwards at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, pp . 580-581) ; FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Donald E . Turland at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, p. 583) ; FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Tony Catarine at Dallas, Tex . (CD 4, p. 408). 2807 ...... 197 FBI report dated November 28, 1963, of interview of George A. Bouhe at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, pp. 397-398) . 2808 ...... 198-202 FBI reports of investigation of rumors that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were homosexuals (CD 441, pp. 54-63) . 2809 ...... 203 FBI report of investigation at Oklahoma City, Okla ., of alleged meeting between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald and an attor- ney (CD 23, pp. 6-7) . 2810 ...... 204-210 FBI report of investigation of alleged statements by Mrs . Muriel Smith predicting the assassination (CD 111, pp. 10-24) . 2811 ...... 211 FBI report of interview on November 25, 1963, of Jack Sparkman at Tulsa, Okla . (CD 23, pp. 5-6) . 2812 ...... 211-212 FBI report dated August 10, 1964, of investigation of rumor that Oswald and Jack Ruby spent a week with two Cubans in New Orleans, La., in July 1963 (CD 1436, pp. 1-3) . 2813 ...... 213-230 FBI reports of investigation of rumors that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey and Marina Oswald visited a cafe together in Willow City or Kerrville, Tex . (CD 1352, pp. 4-39) . 2814 ...... 231-234 FBI report of investigation of rumor that Lee Harvey Oswald drove a Cadillac for Jack Ruby ; and FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of interview of Ruby Gross at Dallas, Tex . (CD 223, pp. 375-382 ; CD 4, p. 612) . 2815 ...... 235-236 FBI report of investigation of rumor that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald had eaten together at the Eatwell Cafe in Dallas, Tex . (CD 64, p. 3 ; CD 7, pp. 459-461). 2816 ...... 237-243 Testimony of Arnold Clyde Gadash at Ruby trial (Trial, 1503-1516) . 2817 ...... 244 FBI report dated June 24, 1964, of interview of Beatrice Hecht at Queens, N.Y. (CD 1194) . 2818 ...... 244-246 FBI report dated February 3, 1964, concerning Rex Harding Basinger at Lake City, Ark . (CD 441, pp. 18-22) .

Commission Exhibit No. Page 2819 ...... 247-249 FBI report dated December 17, 1963, of interview of Floyd Lester Wheller at Dallas, Tex. (CD 104, pp. 298-300) ; FBI reports of inves- tigation of various rumors linking Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 86, pp. 584-586) . 2820 ...... 250-253 FBI report of investigation of John Laurell Ford concerning his alleged acquaintance with Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 4, p. 833) ; FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of John L . Ford at Monroe, La. (CD 4, pp. 814-818) ; FBI investigation of John L. Ford (CD 223, pp. 383-384) . 2821 ...... 254-261 FBI report of investigation of claim that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald were seen together at Carousel Club (CD 86, pp. 559-575) . 2822 ...... 262-263 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Carl L. May- nard at Burbank, Calif. (CD 4, pp. 354-356) . 2823 ...... 263-264 FBI reports dated June 10, 1964, of interviews of Minnie Sweat at Dallas, Tex., and of Wanda Helmick at Irving, Tex. (CD 1193, pp. 190-192) . 2824 ...... 265 FBI report dated January 7, 1964, of interview of Sidney Edward Voebel at New Orleans, La. (CD 302, p. 176) . 2825 ...... 265-266 FBI report of investigation of letter received by Jack Ruby follow- ing the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, postmarked Portland, Oreg. (CD 302, pp. 174-175) . 2826 ...... 266 FBI report dated December 21, 1963, of interview of William Wesley IIpperman at Dallas, Tex. (CD 223, p. 369) . 2827 ...... 267 FBI report of investigation of information furnished by Mrs. Mar- gaurite Tilton (CD 223, pp. 361-362) . 2828 ...... 268 FBI report dated December 16, 1963, of interview of Robert J. Sparks at Fort Worth, Tex. (CD 104, p. 152) . 2829 ...... 268-270 FBI report of investigation of claim that Oswald and Ruby were together at Vegas Club (CD 84, pp. 248-252) . 2830 ...... 271-272 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Robert Kermit Patterson at Dallas, Tex. (CD 4, pp. 797-800) . 2831 ...... 273 FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of interview of William F. Simmons at Irving, Tex. (CD 4, p. 545). 2832 ...... 273-274 FBI report of interviews with individuals living in the immediate vicinity of Ruth Paine for possible acquaintance with Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 4, pp. 610, 824, 825) . 2833 ...... 275-276 FBI reports dated November 25 and 26, 1963, of interviews of Michael Paine and Ruth Paine at Irving, Tex. (CD 4, pp. 826-827) and of review of contents of three small metal boxes turned over to Dallas police by Mrs. Michael (Ruth) Paine on November 22, 1963 (CD 4, p. 828) .


Comminion Erhibit No . Page 2834 ...... 276-277 FBI report dated July 21, 1964, of interview of Mrs. Donald (Wanda) Helmick at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1323, pp. 1-2) . 2835 ...... 277-280 FBI report dated July 17, 1964, of investigation of files of local and State authorities in Indiana to determine whether Jack Rubenstein or certain other persons were listed as "subversives" (CD 1277, pp. 1-6) . 2836 ...... 280-281 FBI report dated August 24, 1964, of interview of Robert L. Norton at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1434, pp. 1-3) . 2837 ...... 282 FBI report dated April 25, 1964, of interview of George William Fehrenbach at Medford, Oreg . (CD 914, p. 83) . 2838 ...... 282-284 FBI report dated April 16, 1964, of interview of George William Fehrenbach at Medford, Oreg . (CD 856, pp. 86-90) . 2839 ...... 285 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Morton Pazol at Muncie, Ind . (CD 856, p. 98) . 2840 ...... 285 FBI report dated April 13, 1964 of interview of Morton Pazol at Muncie, Ind . (CD 856, p. 99) . 2841 ...... 286 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Dr . Morton Standt at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 100) . 2842 ...... 286-287 FBI report dated July 13, 1964, of interview of George William Fehrenbach at Medford, Oreg . (CD 1276, pp . 1-2) . 2843 ...... 287-288 FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of information volunteered 'by George William Fehrenbach at Ashland, Oreg . (CD 30, pp . 3-5) . 2844 ...... 289 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Capt . Fred Denny at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 93) . 2845 ...... 289 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Rex Floyd Gelly at Muncie, Ind . (CD 856, p . 95) . 2846 ...... 290 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Ernest Faye Flatter at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 96) . 2847 ...... 290 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Herbert -Pazol at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 97) . 2848 ...... 291-292 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Irwin Berke at North Hollywood, Calif. (CD 84, pp. 52-54) . 2849 ...... 292 FBI report dated April 20, 1964, of interview of Irwin Berke at North Hollywood, Calif. (CD 856, p. 114) . 2850 ...... 293 FBI report dated April 20, 1964, of interview of Rosylin Berke at North Hollywood, Calif. (CD 856, p . 115) . 2851 ...... 293 FBI report dated April 22, 1964, of interview of Benjamin J. Kanter at Chicago, 111 . (CD 914, p. 81) .


Commiaaion Exhibit No . Page 2852 ...... 294 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Lawson L. Jaffe at Dayton, Ohio (CD 856, pp . 103-104). 2853 ...... 295 FBI report dated April 15, 1964, of interview of Seymour Chazin at Chicago, Ill . (CD 856, p. 107) . 2854 ...... 295 FBI report dated April 20, 1964, of interview of Seymour Chazin at Highland Park, Ill. (CD 856, p. 112) . 2855 ...... 296 FBI report dated April 20, 1964, of interview of Mrs . Charlotte (Seymour) Chazin at Highland Park, Ill. (CD 856, p. 113) . 2856 ...... 296 FBI report dated April 30, 1964, of interview of George William Fehrenbach at Medford, Oreg. (CD 1121, p. 3) . 2857 ...... 297-299 FBI report dated July 9, 1964, at Chicago, Ill ., of interviews of several members of the Communist Party to determine whether Jack Ruby or Jack Rubenstein was a member at any time (CD 1319, (six pages) . 2858 ...... 300 FBI report dated April 15, 1964, of interview of person familiar with membership of Communist Party in Chicago, Ill . (CD 856, p. 109) . 2859 ...... 300 FBI report of interview conducted September 18, 1951, of Jacob Harold Bonshire at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 101) . 2860 ...... 301 FBI report dated November 30, 1963, of interview of Lt. William Gaillot at New Orleans, La. (CD 75, p. 390). 2861 ...... 301 FBI report dated April 13, 1964, of interview of Milton M . Hiller at Muncie, Ind. (CD 856, p. 102) . 2862 ...... 302 FBI report dated December 21, 1963, of interview of Leonard Edwin Hutchinson at Irving, Tex . (CD 106, p. 286) . 2863 ...... 302-306 FBI report dated December 9, 1963, of investigation of alleged sub- versive background of Jack Ruby, including report dated July 31, 1964, of Jack Rubenstein at New York, N.Y. (CD 152, pp . 2-6 ; CD 441, pp. 64-65; and CD 1371, pp. 1-2) . 2864 ...... 307-308 FBI report dated December 30, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Thelma Marks at Gary, Ind. ; FBI reports dated January 9 and 14, 1964, of interviews of Sidney Marks at New York, N.Y. (CD 360, pp . 109-111) . 2865 ...... 308-314 Analysis of long distance telephone calls by Earl R. Ruby from September 25 through November 31, 1963 (pp. 28-40) . 2866 ...... 315 FBI report of interview of Leo Blumin on December 2, 1963, at Perth Amboy, N .J. (CD 914, p. 68) . 2867 ...... 315-318 FBI reports dated February 27, 1964, through April 17, 1964, of investigation of statement by Morris Tannehill concerning Jack Ruby's alleged association with Communists (CD 914, pp . 71-76). 2868 ...... 318-319 FBI checkout of reported information that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald had been in the American Civil Liberties Union (CD 856, pp. 76-77) .


748-382 0-64-vol. XXV1--2

Commission Exhibit No. Page 2869 ...... 319-322 Secret Service report dated December 5, 1963, of investigation of allegation that Jack Ruby was a Communist sympathizer (CD 87, SS control No. 466, pp. 1-2) . Secret Service report dated Decem- ber 16, 1963, of investigation re Jack Ruby's status as a Commu nist (CD 320, SS control No. 702, pp. 1-2) . FBI report of inter- view of Annabelle Phelan on January 3, 1964, at Oklahoma City, Okla. (CD 360, p. 112) . FBI reports dated January 9, 1964, of interviews of Carl William Carlson and Mrs. Carl William Carlson at Dallas, Tex. (CD 302, pp. 79-80) . 2870 ...... 323 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Walter James Carlson, Jr., at Superior, Wis. (CD 97, pp. 4-5) . 2871 ...... 324 FBI report of interview of Mrs. Natalie Reeves on November 24, 1963, at Tacoma, Wash. (CD 62, p. 13). 2872 ...... 324-325 FBI report of investigation of anonymous telephone call on Novem- ber 24, 1963, concerning Jack Ruby's alleged association with a Morris Adelman (CD 856, pp. 116-118) . 2873 ...... 326 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Capt. William Stevens at New Orleans, La. (CD 75, p. 391) . 2874 ...... 326-329 FBI report dated July 7, 1964, at Oklahoma City, Okla., reflecting investigation concerning attempted killing of Gen. (CD 1248) . 2875 ...... 329 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Donnie Voorhis at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, p. 187) . 2876 ...... 330-331 FBI reports dated December 20 and 23, 1963, of interviews at Dallas, Tex., and Lubbock, Tex., concerning possible connection between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 106, pp. 280, 284, 291, 295). 2877 ...... 332 FBI report of investigation conducted December 10-16, 1963, of anonymous telephone call received by Bill Hampton to effect that subscriber to post office box 765 in Irving, Tex., had information concerning Oswald and Ruby (CD 105, pp. 335, 336) . 2878 ...... 333 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Lennie L. Brown at Midwest City, Okla . (CD 86, pp. 402-403) . 2879 ...... 334 FBI report of interview of Alvin Harrington on December 4, 1963, at Galveston, Tex. (CD 302, p. 180). 2880 ...... 334-337 FBI reports dated December 5, 1963, of interviews of Alexander E. Eames III, and Jerry Callahan at New Orleans, La. (CD 302, pp. 187-188) ; FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Charles F. Murret at New Orleans, La . (CD 302, p. 193) ; FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Charles F. Murret at New Orleans, La. (CD 302, p. 194) ; FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of John M. Murret at New Orleans, La. (CD 302, p. 195) ; FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of William George Gaudet by telephone at New Orleans, La. (CD 4, p. 649) ; and FBI report dated November 27. 1963, of interview of Lorenzo Borenstein at New Orleans, La . (CD 4, p. 650) . 2881 ...... 338 FBI report dated December 18, 1963, of interview of Linnie Mae Randle at Dallas, Tex. (CD 105, p. 359) .

Comminion Exhibit No. Page 2882 ...... 338 FBI report dated December 14, 1963, of interview of Wanda Joyce Killam at Dallas, Tex . (CD 104, p. 194) . 2883 ...... 339 FBI report dated December 23, 1963, of interview of John Carter at Dallas, Tex . (CD 106, p. 282). 2884 ...... 339 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Donald C. Stuart at Dallas, _Tex. (CD 4, p. 806). 2885 ...... 340 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Donald C. Stuart at Dallas, Tex . (CD 4, pp. 804-805) . 2886 ...... 341 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Charles Arndt at Dallas, Tex . (CD 4, p. 807) . 2887 ...... 341-342 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Morton William Newman at Dallas, Tex . (CD 85, pp. 460-462) . 2888 ...... 343 FBI report dated July 10, 1964, of interview of Connie Trammel Penny at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1306, pp. 103-104) . 2889 ...... 344-345 FBI reports dated June 17-19, 1964, of interviews concerning Wilburn W. Litchfield at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1147b, pp. 1-4.) 2890 ...... 345 FBI report dated July 20, 1964, at St. Louis, Mo ., of investigation of William McEwan Duff (CD 1316d) . 2891 ...... 346 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken in Minsk (FBI item D33-18) . 2892 ...... 346 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken in Minsk (FBI item 451-7) . 2893 ...... 347 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald as ti boy at the Bronx Zoo in New York, N.Y. (FBI item D33-9) . 2894 ...... 347 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald as a marine (FBI item 6, p. 3) . 2895 ...... 348 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Marcelle Madden at New Orleans, La. (CD 75, pp. 388-389) . 2896 ...... 349 Secret Service report dated May 5, 1964, of inquiries in Miami concerning Father Walter MacHann, and other matters (CD 946, SS control No. 1476, pp. 1-3) . 2897 ...... 350 FBI report of statement of Floyd Davis on March 15, 1964, at Dallas, Tex . (CD 897, p. 115) . 2898 ...... 350-354 FBI report dated March 18, 1964, of interview of Michael Bently Murph at Dallas, Tex ., and reports of investigation into opportuni- ties to practice shooting in and around Dallas (CD 897, pp . 116-124) . 2899 ...... 355-356 FBI reports dated December 5, 1963, of interviews of Dr. J. D. Andrews and Mrs. Thelma Massarini at New Orleans, La. (CD 126, pp. 26-28) . 2900 ...... 356-357 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Sgt. R. M. Davis, U.S. Army, retired, at New Orleans, La. (CD 126, pp. 34-35) . 2901 ...... 357 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Eva Springer at New Orleans, La. (CD 126, p. 36) .

Coca mission Exhibit No. Page 2902 ...... 358-359 FBI report dated June 9, 1964, of interview of Orest Pena at New Orleans, La. (CD 1203a, pp. 13-16) . 2903 ...... 360 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Waddell Robertson at Irving, Tex. (CD 205, pp. 92-93) . 2904 ...... 361 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of statement of Maj . Leon Powers, assistant chief of police, Irving, Tex. (CD 205, p. 95) . 2905 ...... 361 FBI report dated December 3, 1963, concerning three cartridges made available by the Secret Service (CD 205, p. 98) . 2906 ...... 362 FBI report of interview of Larry Lynn Clark on December 9, 1963, at Grand Prairie, Tex. (CD 205, p. 99) . 2907 ...... 362-363 FBI report dated July 30, 1964, of interview of Annie Laurie Odio at Miami, Fla. (CD 1391) . 2908 ...... 363-364 Secret Service report dated February 10, 1964, concerning checks at Dallas Gun Club and Trinity Gun Club at Dallas, Tex. (CD 379, SS control No. 1039) . 2909 ...... 364-365 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Garland C. Slack at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 236-238) . 2910 ...... 366 FBI report dated December 3, 1963, of interview of Malcom Howard Price at Grand Prairie, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 239-240) . 2911 ...... 367 FBI report dated December 3, 1963, of interview of B. G. Moses at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, p. 241) . 2912 ...... 367 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Dr. Homer Wood at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, p. 242) . 2913 ...... 368-369 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Sterling Wood at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, pp . 243-245) . 2914 ...... 369 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Sterling Wood at Dallas, ,Tex. (CD 7, p. 246) . 2915 ...... 370 FBI report of interview conducted on December 5, 1963, of Kenneth Longley at Huntsville, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 247-248) . 2916 ...... 371 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Charles Camplen at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 249-250) . 2917 ...... 372 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of James F. Dale at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 251-252). 2918 ...... 373 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Dr. Donald Dale Whitcomb at Grand Prairie, Tex. (CD 205, pp. 100-101) . 2919 ...... 374 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of James E. Wheeles, at Grand Prairie, Tex. (CD 205, p. 102) . 2920 ...... 374 FBI report of investigation concerning shell casings furnished by L. V. Preddy at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, p. 103) . 2921 ...... 375 FBI report dated December 14, 1963, of interview of Floyd Guy Davis at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, p. 104) .

CommWion Ezhibit No . Page 2922 ...... 375-376 FBI report dated December 16, 1963, of interview of James Thomp- son at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, pp. 105-106) . 2923 ...... 376 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Gerald Spencer at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, p. 110) . 2924 ...... 377 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Dan Spencer at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, p. 111) . 2925 ...... 377 FBI report of records search on December 6, 1963, for owner of automobile bearing Texas license No. PU 7862 (CD 205, p. 114) . 2926 ...... 378 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Johnnie Bowling at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, p. 115) . 2927 ...... 378 FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Robert L. Goodwin at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, p. 116) . 2928 ...... 379 FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Mrs . Virginia Goodwin at Grand Prairie, Tex . (CD 205, p. 117) . 2929 ...... 379 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Malcom H. Price at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, p. 118) . 2930 ...... 380 FBI report of investigation conducted on December 12, 1963, concerning Kenneth Ray Crawley (CD 205, p. 119) . 2931 ...... 380 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of John King, editor, Dallas Morning News, at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, p. 120) . 2932 ...... 381 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Michael Paine at Irving, Tex. (CD 205, p. 121) . 2933 ...... 381 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Maj. Leon Powers, assistant chief of police, Irving, Tex . (CD 7, p. 253). 2934 ...... 382 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Billy Lee Beard at Dallas, Tex . (CD 7, pp. 254-255) . 2935 ...... 383 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Barry Beard at Irving, Tex. (CD 7, pp. 256-257) . 2936 ...... 384-385 FBI report dated, December 2 1963, of interview of Buell Wesley Frazier at Irving, Tex . (CD 7, pp. 294-297) . 2937 ...... 386 Letter dated April 1, 1964, from FBI to Commission concerning deliv- ery of Oswald's unemployment check to his post office box (CD 701). 2938 ...... 386-387 FBI report dated March 21, 1964, at San Antonio, Tex ., concerning mail from Austin, Tex ., to New Orleans, La. (CD 701a, pp . 1-2) . 2939 ...... 387-388 FBI report dated March 25, 1964, at New Orleans, La., concerning employee records at Winn-Dixie store, and other matters (CD 701b, pp. 1-3) . 2940 ...... 389-390 FBI report dated March 24, 1964, at Houston, Tex ., concerning records of Houston Post Office on mail from Austin, Tex ., to New Orleans, La. (CD 701c, pp. 1-3) .

Comminion Exhibit No. Page 2941 ...... 390-400 Letter dated September 9, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concern- ing recontacting Mrs. Virginia Louise Davis of Dallas, Tex., and attached reports of interviews with i4Irs. Davis and her husband. 2942 ...... 401 FBI report dated August 5, 1964, concerning results of interview with Annie Laurie Odio. 2943 ...... 402-405 Letter dated May 5, 1964, from Secret Service to Commission, concerning interview of Father Walter J. McChann. 2944 ...... 406 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Lovell T. Penn at Cedar Hill, Tex. (CD 7, p. 267) . 2945 ...... 406 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Charles G. Stokes at New Orleans, La. (CD 152, p. 34) . 2946 ...... 407-409 FBI report of investigation of alleged plot by Chinese Communists and Fidel Castro to bring about the assassination (CD 227, pp. 7-12) . 2947 ...... 410-415 FBI report dated January 23, 1964, at Miami, Fla., of interviews with Cuban exiles (CD 378, pp. 1-11). 2948 ...... 415-417 FBI report dated January 23, 1964, of interview of Homobono Alearaz Aragon at Colonia Narvarte, Mexico (CD 422) . 2949 ...... 417-419 FBI report dated January 13, 1964, of interview of Ylario Rogas Villanueva at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (CD 655) . 2950 ...... 420-423 FBI report dated March 27, 1964, concerning letter received by wife of Gilberto W. Pelipich Sariol (CD 768, pp. 1-5, 8-10) . 2951 ...... 424-425 FBI report dated March 30, 1964, of interview of Jerry Buchanan at Fairhope, Ala. (CD 810) . 2952 ...... 426-427 Letter dated May 26, 1964, from FBI to Commission concerning testi- mony furnished to the Commission by Carlos Bringuier (CD 984) . 2953 ...... 427-430 FBI report relating to article appearing February 2, 1964, in Spanish- language magazine, "Bohemia International," with translation of article (CD 984a, pp. 23-29) . 2954 ...... 431-433 Speech by Fidel Castro, November 29, 1963, entitled "Castro Talks to University Students" (CD 984f) . 2955 ...... 434-436 FBI report dated May 15, 1964, on interview of Dr. Herminio Portell- Vila, Washington, D.C ., concerning his article in the December 22, 1963, issue of the Spanish-language weekly magazine "Bohemia Libre" (CD 984g) . 2956 ...... 436 Letter dated May 14, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning alleged letter from Justice Department official to Dallas Police chief. 2957 ...... 437 FBI report dated December 9, 1963, of interview of Mitchell Scibor at Chicago, Ill. (CD 149, p. 3) . 2958 ...... 437-441 FBI reports dated June 4 and 5, 1964, of interviews of Walter Kirk Coleman at Dallas, Tex., and notation of discrepancies between Dallas Police Department report concerning attempted shooting of Gen. Edwin Walker and facts as revealed in FBI reports (CD 1245, pp. 105-109, 116-118) .

Commission Exhibit No . Page 2959 ...... 441-442 Secret Service report dated December 3, 1963, concerning unnamed American white male at Chicago, 111. (CD 87, SS control No . 336) . 2960 ...... 442 "Connally Tells JFK Texas for Democrats," Dallas Morning News, October 5, 1963 (CD 320) . 2961 ...... 443 Letter dated September 11, 1964, from FBI to Commission con- cerning schedules of Continental Trailways and Greyhound bus lines from New Orleans, La., to Houston, Tex . (CD 1477) . 2962 ...... 443 FBI report relating to Greyhound bus schedules leaving New Orleans, La., going to or through Houston, Tex . (CD 231, p. 3) . 2963 ...... 444 Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald at about time of his defection . 2964 ...... 445 Four photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald after his arrest . 2965 ...... 446 Photograph of Oswald at press conference in assembly room, Friday night, November 22, 1963. 2966 ...... 447 Memorandum dated September 15, 1964, from Secret Service to Commission, transmitting two Fair Play for Cuba Committee handbills . 2966-A ...... 448 Fair Play for Cuba Committee handbill on which Lee Harvey Oswald stamped his name. 2966-B ...... 448 Fair Play for Cuba Committee handbill on which Lee Harvey Oswald stamped the name of "A. J. Hidell ." 2967 ...... 449 Photograph of traffic sign on Main Street in Dallas, Tex., which directs westbound traffic to turn right at Houston Street to gain access to the Dallas-Fort Worth Turnpike (CD 822). 2968 ...... 449-450 Letter dated June 2, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning markings indicating number of times cartridges had been loaded into rifle and revolver . 2969 ...... 450-452 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Albert Guy . Bogard at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, pp. 214-217) . 2970 ...... 452-453 FBI report dated December 13, 1963, of interview of Jack A. Lawrence at South Charleston, W. Va. (CD 205, pp . 222-223) . 2971 ...... 453 FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of interview of Luis Izaguirre, chief of Mexican Immigration at Piedras Negras, Mexico (CD 21, p. 27b). 2972 ...... 454 FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of interview of Arnulfo Vela Arreola, Mexican customs officer at Piedras Negras, Mexico (CD 21, p. 27c) . 2973 ...... 454 FBI report concerning knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald by persons familiar with Communist and Cuban activities in New Orleans, La. (CD 6, p. 463) .

Commission Exhibit No. Page 2974 ...... 455 Letter dated August 20, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concern- ing certain information regarding assassination rifle (CD 1402, pp. 1-2) . 2975 ...... 456 FBI report dated December 18, 1963, of interview of Curtis Crowder at Dallas, Tex. (CD 105, p. 346) . 2976 ...... 456-457 FBI report dated August 14, 1964, concerning interview of Mrs. Gertrude Hunter at Irving, Tex. (CD 1417, pp. 1-3) . 2977 ...... 458-459 FBI report dated May 19, 1964, of interview of Robert Adrian Taylor at Grand Prairie, Tex. (CD 995x, pp. 1-4) . 2978 ...... 460-462 Internal Revenue Service report showing analysis of long-distance telephone calls from telephones accessible to Earl Ruby from October 24, 1961, to December 2, 1963 (CD 375, pp. 1-6) . 2979 ...... 463-465 Secret Service report dated February 4, 1964, of investigation of alleged connection between Ruby family and James Hoffa or the Teamsters Union (CD 386, pp. 12-17) . 2980 ...... 466-473 Memorandum dated September 15, 1964, from CIA to Commission reporting that CIA files have no information on Jack Ruby or his associates (CD 1493) ; letter dated May 19, 1964, from Commission to CIA, requesting said information; memorandum dated February 24, 1964, from Commission to CIA concerning Jack Ruby (pp. 1-13) . 2981 ...... 473-479 FBI report dated June 26, 1964, of investigation concerning William McEwan Duff at Fort Sill, Okla. (CD 1316a, pp. 1-13) . 2982 ...... 480-481 FBI report dated January 25, 1964, of interview of William McEwan Duff at Fort Sill, Okla. (CD 359, pp. 2-4) . 2983 ...... 481-482 FBI report dated June 11, 1964, of interview of Dan Rather at Washington, D .C. (CD 1097, pp. 1-2). 2984 ...... 482-483 FBI report of interview of Andrew Armstrong conducted on August 20, 1964, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1439, pp. 2-3) . 2985 ...... 483-492 FBI report dated May 20, 1964, of investigation concerning Patrol- man J. D. Tippit, Dallas Police Department, Dallas, Tex. (CD 1002b, pp. 1-19) . 2986 ...... 493 FBI report date August 21, 1964, of investigation of photographs of Bernard Weissman and J. D. Tippit, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1439, pp. 3-4) . 2987 ...... 494 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Sgt. C. B. Owens, Dallas Police Department, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, pp. 38-39) . 2988 ...... 495 FBI report dated December 15, 1963, of interview of Russell Douglas Matthews at Irving, Tex. (CD 104, p. 133) . 2989 ...... 495 FBI report dated December 1, 1963, of interview of Elizabeth Ann Matthews at Dallas, Tex. (CD 84, p. 93) . 2990 ...... 496 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Karen Green Williams at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, p. 406) .


Commiaaion Exhibit No. Page 2991 ...... 496-498 FBI report dated December 26, 1963, of interview of Edward Rocco at Dallas, Tex . (CD 223, pp. 356-357) ; FBI report dated January 1, 1964, of interview of Robert M. Barrett at Dallas, Tex . (CD 223, p. 358) ; FBI report dated December 31, 1963, of interview of James W. Bookhout at Dallas, Tex . (CD 223, p. 359) ; and FBI report dated January 7, 1964, of interview of Terry A. Friedman at New Orleans, La. (CD 302, p. 177) . 2992 ...... 499 FBI report dated January 1, 1964, concerning photograph allegedly taken at Carousel Club at Dallas, Tex . (CD 223, p. 360) . 2993 ...... 499 FBI report dated November 24, 1963, of interview of Ray Brantley at Irving, Tex. (CD 4, p. 24) . 2994 ...... 500 FBI report dated November 24, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Lillian Brantley at Irving, Tex . (CD 4, p. 26) . 2995 ...... 500-506 FBI report dated June 19, 1964, of investigation of telephone toll charges identifiable with Bill DeMar at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1193, pp. 207-218) . 2996 ...... 506-507 FBI report dated June 13, 1964, of investigation of information that Earlene Roberts may have been in San Antonio, Tex ., on November 21, 1963 (CD 1111, pp. 1-3) . 2997 ...... 508-509 FBI report dated December 3, 1963, at Washington, D.C., of in- formation furnished by Attorney Arturo Alcocer Ruiz (pp. 1-3) . 2998 ...... 509 Affidavit of Secret Service Agent Roger C. Warner dated August 4, 1964, regarding his interview of Karen Lynn Bennett Carlin, on November 24, 1963, at Fort Worth, Tex . (CD 1377). 2999 ...... 510-513 FBI report of investigation of persons bearing resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 6, pp. 321-323) ; FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Estelle Jackson at Dallas, Tex . (CD 106, pp. 45-46) ; FBI report dated December 3, 1963, of telephone call from Dr. Vernon Hammond at McAllen, Tex . (CD 71, p. 35) ; FBI report dated December 3, 1963, of interview of Estella Garza at McAllen, Tex . (CD 71, pp. 36-37). 3000 ...... 514-515 FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Leslie Lawson at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, pp. 594-595) and FBI report dated Decem- ber 17, 1963, of interview of Jack Hammond at Dallas, Tex . (CD 104, p. 102) . 3001 ...... 515-520 FBI report dated July 31, 1964, of investigation of possible ac- quaintance between Oswald and Ruby (CD 1364, pp . 1-11). 3002 ...... 520-524 Autopsy report on Lee Harvey Oswald, November 24, 1963, county medical examiner, Dallas, Tex . (CD 305, eight pages). 3003 ...... 525 FBI report dated December 5, 1963, of interview of Harry Boshes at Chicago, Ill. (CD 104, p. 17) . 3004 ...... 525 FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Bernadine Coleman at Chicago, 111 . (CD 104, p. 18) .

Commiariom Exhibit No. Pope 3005 ...... 526-527 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Corinne Bur- gess at Morgan City, La. (CD 4, p. 669) ; FBI report of interview of Harold Anton Swanson conducted on November 26, 1963, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 4, pp. 434-435) ; and FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Nona Gray at San Antonio, Tex. (CD 4, p. 391) . 3006 ...... 528-531 FBI report of interview of James Douglas Watson at Paris, Tex., conducted on December 19. 1963 (CD 360, pp. 151-152) ; FBI report dated December 17, 1963, of interview of Travis Kirk at San Francisco, Calif. (CD 105, p. 102) ; FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Sam Milkie at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, pp. 396- 397) ; FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Douglas Leake at Dallas, Tex. (CD 7, p. 491) ; and FBI report dated Novem- ber 25, 1963, of interview of L. H. Jones at Dallas, Tex. (CD 4, p. 820) . 3007 ...... 531 FBI report of investigation at Dallas, Tex., of information con- tained in letter dated November 28, 1963, from Armour E. Kreischer to FBI regarding actions of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assas- sination (CD 205, p. 463) . 3008 ...... 532 FBI report dated July 31, 1964, of interview of Jack Rubenstein at New York, N .Y. (CD 1472, pp. 23-24) . 3009 ...... 533-537 FBI reports of interviews at business establishments in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Tex., concerning possible acquaintance be- tween Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1472, pp. 25-33). 3010 ...... 537-545 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Harold Zidell at Dallas, Tex. (CD 84, p. 205) ; FBI report dated December 7, 1963, of interview of Marina Oswald at Dallas, Tex. (CD 86, p. 596) ; FBI report dated December 17, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Mary Bledsoe at Dallas, Tex. (CD 105, p. 341) ; FBI report dated December 17, 1963, of interview of Jim W. George at Dallas, Tex. (CD 105, p. 349) ; FBI report dated December 21, 1963, of inter- view of Mrs. William Martin Jurek at Dallas, Tex. (CD 106, p. 289) ; FBI reports dated December 21, 1963, of interviews of Mahlon F. Tobias, Sr., and Mrs. Mahlon F. Tobias, Sr., at Dallas, Tex. (CD 106, pp. 296-297) ; and FBI reports of interviews re possible association between Oswald and Ruby (CD 223, pp. 391- 400). 3011 ...... 546 FBI report dated July 15, 1964, of interview of Frank Boerder at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1271). 3012 ...... 546-547 FBI report dated June 11, 1964, of review of toll records of tele- phone-calls made by Lewis J. McWillie from September 26 through December 1, 1963, Las Vegas, Nev. (CD 1151a, pp. 1-3). 3013 ...... 548-549 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of Robert Kermit Patterson at Dallas, Tex. (CD 4, pp. 801-803) . 3014 ...... 549 FBI report dated June 29, 1964, of interview of Mrs. Shirley Wexler at Miami, Fla. (CD 1225) . 3015 ...... 550-554 FBI reports dated June 11 and 15, 1964, of activities of George Senator on November 22 and 23, 1963, at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1193, pp. 195-203) .


Commission Fahihft No . Pays 3016 ...... 554-555 FBI report dated January 23, 1964, of interview of Cliff Roberts at Oklahoma City, Okla . (CD 393, pp. 3-4) . 3017 ...... 555-556 Report of K. & R. Investigation Service reflecting investigation of William Duff of Dallas, Tex., for Looney, Watts, Looney, Nichols & Johnson (CD 1390a) . 3018 ...... 556-557 FBI report of investigation of Plastelite Engineering Co., Fort Worth, Tex ., manufacturers of "twist board" (CD 914, pp . 9-11) . 3019 ...... 558 FBI report dated December 10, 1963, of interview of Richard Lloyd Adams at Fort Worth, Tex ., (CD 86, pp. 108-109) . 3020 ...... 559-560 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, at Dallas, Tex ., of possible association between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald at Dallas YMCA (CD 86, pp. 389-391) . 3021 ...... 560-562 FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of interview of Capt . W. P. Gannaway, Dallas Police Department, at Dallas, Tex ., (CD 4, pp. 704-707). 3022 ...... 562-563 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Mildred Pitrello at Tampa, Fla. (CD 4, pp. 402-404). 3023 ...... 564-567 FBI reports dated June 12 and 15, 1964, of interviews of employees of Eatwell Restaurant at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1193, pp. 117-123) . 3024 ...... 567-572 FBI reports dated June 15, 16, and 17, 1964, of investigation of activities of George Senator on November 22-24, 1963 (CD 1193, pp. 106-116). 3025 ...... 573 Letter dated August 4, 1964, from Hon. Robert F. Kennedy to Hon. Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States, and letter dated June 11, 1964, from Chief Justice Earl Warren to Hon . Robert F. Kennedy . 3026 ...... 574 Letter dated September 11, 1964, from FBI to Commission, report- ing on examination of FBI files for possible Communist or subversive activities of Eva Grant, Ralph Paul, George Senator, Breck Wall . Karen Bennett Carlin, Bruce R. Carlin, Harry N. Olsen, and Kay Helen Coleman. 3027 ...... 574 Commission memorandum dated September 22, 1964, regarding telephone interview of George Senator. 3028 ...... 575 Letter dated February 12, 1964, from FBI to Commission, to con- firm that a copy of photograph shown to Mrs . Marguerite Oswald on November 23, 1963, was delivered to the Commission. 3029 ...... 57:-576 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of Harold Gordon Alderman at New Orleans, La. (CD 4, pp. 808-809) . 3030 ...... 576-577 FBI report dated May 25, 1964, at Little Rock, Ark ., concerning Michael David Oswald (CD 1004, pp. 1-2) . 3031 ...... 577-578 FBI report dated February 25, 1964, of polygraph interview of Albert Guy Bogard at Dallas, Tex . (CD 567, pp. 1-2) . 3032 ...... 578 FBI report dated November 30, 1963, of interview of Miguel Mariano Cruz at New Orleans, La. (CD 351, p. 351) .

Commission Exhibit No. Page 3033 ...... 579 Letter dated September 24, 1964, from FBI to Commission, relating to possible subversive activities by Jack Ruby prior to November 24, 1963. 3034 ...... 579 Commission memorandum, dated September 21, 1964, pertaining to examination of all FBI reports of possible subversive activities of Jack Ruby and his known associates during 1963 . 3035 ...... 580 Statement to FBI dated September 23, 1964, by Roy S. Truly, superintendent of the Texas School Book Depository, Dallas, Tex., concerning his activities on November 22, 1963 (CD 1526) . 3036 ...... 581 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Arturo Volpe Nava at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico (CD 86, p. 449) . 3037 ...... 581 FBI report in regard to information provided by a confidential informant on September 9, 1963, concerning Oswald's activities in New Orleans, La. (CD 12, p. 12) . 3038 ...... 582 Commission memorandum dated September 22, 1964, concerning letter dated January 9, 1964, to Commission from Francis A. Cherry, Subversive Activities Control Board. 3039 ...... 582-585 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Wesley Arthur Wise at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, pp. 60-65). 3040 ...... 585-586 Letter dated September 21, 1964, from Secretary of Defense to Com- mission, enclosing affidavit stating that Lee Harvey Oswald was never an informant or agent of any intelligence agency under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense . 3041 ...... 586 Letter dated January 8, 1964, from John L. McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee on Government Operations, to Commission, stating that office has no record of Oswald or Ruby . 3042 ...... 587-590 FBI report of laboratory examination of items possessed by Lee Harvey Oswald for possible espionage significance (CD 385, pp. 59- 65) . 3043 ...... 590-594 Testimony of T. R. Apple at Ruby trial (trial, pp . 1534-1542) . 3044 ...... 595 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Tom Apple at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, p. 117) . 3045 ...... 595-597 Letter dated August 28, 1964, from Commission to FBI, concerning allegations of Mrs . Silvia Odio of Dallas, Tex . 3046 ...... 597-598 FBI report dated June 13, 1964, of interview of Ivan T. Mundy at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1185, pp. 1-2) . 3047 ...... 598-599 Excerpt from FBI report dated May 18, 1964, on activity of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City, Mexico, between September 27 and October 2, 1963 (CD 1084(e), pp. 157-159) . 3048 ...... 599 KBOX audio reel 1, item 33, November 22, 1963, entitled "News Report From Dallas ." 3049 ...... 600-602 Letter dated September 21, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning results of ballistics tests on shells found at various locations in and around Dallas, Tex .


Commission Ezhibit No . Page 3050 ...... 602-604 FBI report of investigation on May 5, 1964, at Dallas, Tex ., of photograph allegedly depicting an individual resembling Jack Ruby viewing the Presidential motorcade (CD 1066, pp. 440-443) . 3051 ...... 604 FBI report dated May, 8, 1964, of interview of Dallas Police Chief Jesse E. Curry, at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1066, p. 438) . 3052 ...... 605 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, of interview of Glynn Raye Snider at Phoenix, Ariz. (CD 84, pp. 200-201) . 3053 ...... 606-607 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Mr . Herbert Eden at Sherman Oaks, Calif. (CD 84, pp. 177-179) . 3054 ...... 607 Letter dated January 13, 1964, from the Secret Service to the FBI, at Miami, Fla., concerning Jack Ruby's alleged trip to Cuba (CD 349, SS control No. 828) . 3055 ...... 608-612 FBI reports of investigation of allegations made in publication entitled "The Herald of Freedom" (CD 441, pp. 40-48) . 3056 ...... 612-614 FBI report of investigation at Miami, Fla., of alleged association between Jack Ruby and one Pratkins (CD 916, pp . 4-7) . 3057 ...... 614 FBI report dated December 12, 1963, of interview of James Stevens at Jackson, Miss. (CD 183, p. 52) . 3058 ...... 615-617 FBI reports dated June 18 and 19, 1964, of investigation of informa- tion submitted by Nancy Perrin Rich (CD 1193, pp . 228-233) . 3059 ...... 617-625 FBI reports of investigation of Nancy Perrin Rich at Dallas, Tex . ; Las Vegas and Reno, Nev. ; and University City and St. Louis, Mo. (CD 103, pp. 20-36) . 3060 ...... 626-627 Secret Service report dated June 8, 1964, of investigation of Nancy Perrin Rich (CD 1071, SS control No. 1578, three pages) . 3061 ...... 627-631 FBI reports dated November 30, December 3 and 6, 1963, of in- vestigation of Nancy Perrin Rich and of her activities at Hayward and Oakland, Calif. (CD 103, pp. 11, 13-19). 3062 ...... 631-634 Letter dated April 16, 1964, from FBI to Commission, forwarding reports on Nancy Elaine Perrin (Nancy Perrin Rich) dated April 8 and 13, 1'964 (CD 779, 779a, 779b) . 3063 ...... 634-643 FBI report of investigation of allegations that Jack Ruby dealt with illegal movement of arms to Cuba at Atlanta, Ga., Miami, Fla., and other places (CD 20, pp. 14-16; CD 64.1, pp. 1-2 ; CD 856, pp. 126-135 ; CD 914, pp. 86-88, 95-96). 3064 ...... 644 FBI report of interview on November 25, 1963, with unidentified informant (CD 20, p. 10) . 3065 ...... 644-649 FBI reports dated December 3 and 5, 1963, and January 24, 1964, of investigation of claim that Jack Ruby was engaged in Cuban gun running at Islamorada, Fla. (CD 103, pp. 2-10 ; CD 856, p. 119; CD 360, pp. 118-119) . 3066 ...... 650-651 Letter dated April 17, 1964, from FBI to Commission, forwarding FBI report dated April 17, 1964, on Robert Ray McKeown (CD 797 and 797a, pp. 1-3) .

Commission Exhibit No . Po pe 3067 ...... 652-659 FBI report dated December 2, 1963, at Holidaysburg, Pa., of in- vestigation of allegation that Jack Ruby was associated with Cuban refugees in Pennsylvania (CD 53, pp. 6-20). 3068 ...... 659-661 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, at Akron, Ohio, of allegation of Marie Stephens concerning conversation overheard between two Cubans (CD 95, pp. 2-5) . 3069 ...... 661-662 Commission memoranda dated September 23, 1964, re telephone conversations concerning Jack Ruby's relationship with Russell D. Mathews. 3070 ...... 662-663 FBI report dated November 27, 1963, of interview of John W. Mashek at Washington, D.C. (CD 84, pp. 253-255) . 3071 ...... 664 FBI report dated November 23, 1963, of interview of Albert G . Bogard at Dallas, Tex . (CD 5, pp. 364-365) . 3072 ...... 665-666 Notes by Commission staff members on KRLD-TV reels, Novem- ber 24, 1963, pertaining to man alleged to resemble Ruby and photograph, and to scenes of shooting of Oswald . 3073 ...... 667-672 Letter dated October 15, 1964, from FBI to Commission, and attached memorandum dated September 11, 1964, dealing with Oswald's Mexican guide book and guide map . 3074 ...... 672-674 Hotel del Comercio guests who were there at the time of Oswald's visit to Mexico City. 3075 ...... 675-678 Secret Service report dated August 19, 1964, of investigation of Delta Airlines flights between New Orleans and Dallas on Septem- ber 25, 1963 (SS control No. 1737, ' seven pages) . 3076 ...... 679 Statement to FBI dated September 23, 1964, by Marrion L. Baker, Dallas Police Department (CD 1527). 3077 ...... 680-681 FBI report dated September 15, 1964, transmitting FBI report dated September 10, 1964, of interview of Mrs. Garland G. (Lucille) Slack and FBI report dated September 14, 1964, of interview of Buell Wesley Frazier at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1546, pp. 138-140) . 3078 ...... 682-686 FBI report dated September 12, 1964, of polygraph interview of Albert Guy Bogard, and FBI reports dated September 9, 1964, of Oran Paul Brown at Waxahachie, Tex., and Eugene M. Wilson and Robert V. Teter at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1546, pp. 110-112, 115-118) . 3079 ...... 686-687 FBI report dated September 17, 1964, of interview of Albert Guy Bogard at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1546, pp. 119-120) . 3080 ...... 687-688 FBI report dated September 16, 1964, of reinterview of Jack A. Lawrence at South Charleston, W. Va. 3081 ...... 689-690 FBI report on Fair Play for Cuba Committee and article captioned "Pro-Castro Body Reports U.S. Gain," New York Times, November 20, 1960 (CD 68, pp. 9-11) . 3082 ...... 690-691 FBI report on Fair Play for Cuba Committee (CD 45, pp. 4-5) . 3083 ...... 691-692 FBI report on Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Denver chapter (CD 19, pp. 75-76) .

Co?nmiaaion Exhibit No. Pope 3084 ...... 692 FBI report on Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and newspaper ad- vertisement captioned "What Is Really Happening in Cuba," New York Times, April 6, 1960 (CD 1020, p. 23) . 3085 ...... 693-694 FBI reports dated January 2, 1964, of interviews of Robinson Jones, Leon Schaefler, and Arnold Petersen at New York, N .Y. (CD 251, pp. 6-8) . 3086 ...... 694-698 Secret Service reports dated August 18 and 19, 1964, of investigation at New Orleans, La., to determine if there is any record of Lee Harvey Oswald having traveled from New Orleans to Dallas, Tex., on September 25, 1963 (SS control Nos . 1725 (three pages), 1726 (three pages), 1727 (three pages)) . 3087 ...... 699 Letter dated September 14, 1964, from FBI to Commission, re al- legation that FBI agent in charge of Dallas office made a public statement about a paraffin test performed on Lee Harvey Oswald . 3088 ...... 700 FBI report dated November 30, 1963, of interview of H . W. Michaelis at Los Angeles, Calif. (CD 7, pp. 229-230) . 3089 ...... 701 FBI report dated May 6, 1964, of interview of Mrs. Edith Whit worth at Irving, Tex . (CD 1066, pp. 202-203) . 3090 ...... 702 Commission memorandum dated September 15, 1964, on mileage distances . 3091 ...... 702-703 FBI *report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Oran Paul Brown at Dallas, Tex . (CD 205, pp. 218-219) . 3092 ...... , ...... 703 FBI report dated December 11, 1963, of interview of Mrs. Oran Paul Brown at Waxahachie, Tex . (CD 205, p. 220). 3093 ...... 704 FBI report of telephone interview of Jack Lawrence on November 23, 1963 (CD 205, p . 221) . 3094 ...... 704-705 Secret Service report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Dean Andrews, Jr., at New Orleans, La., and other inquiries(CD 87, SS control No. 467) . 3095 ...... 706 FBI report of interview on July 10, 1964, of Francisco Morales at Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico (CD 1480, p. 5) . 3096 ...... 706 Letter dated September 16, 1964, from FBI to Commission, re- garding handwriting examinations conducted on Commission Exhibit Nos . 24, 25, 94, 100, 101, and 1438 (CD 1496) . 3097 ...... FBI report dated November 25, 1963, concerning certificate of 707 vaccination found in Oswald's room in Dallas, Tex . (CD 5, p. 134) . 3098 ...... 707-708 Affidavit dated September 8, 1964, of Robert J. Korengold, taken in Moscow, transmitted by letter dated September 14, 1964, from State Department to Commission (CD 1491) . 3099 ...... 709-726 Certified Military Pay Records for Lee Harvey Oswald for the period of October 24, 1956, to September 11, 1959, furnished by the Marine Corps, September 15, 1964. 3100 ...... , ...... 726-727 Secret Service. .report...... dated. . . . February...... 7,. . 1964,. . . . at Washington, D.C., concerning George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt (CD 386, pp . 1-3) .

Comminion Exhibit No . Page 3101 ...... 728-729 KRLD audio reel 43 "B" item 8, November 24, 1963, entitled, "Interview of Bill DeMar by Dan Rather ." 3102 ...... 729-730 WFAA reel 2, November 23, 1963, entitled "Wade Talking to Reporters ." 3103 ...... 731-732 Secret Service report dated May 13, 1964, at Dallas, Tex ., con- cerning investigation of origin of "Wanted for Treason" leaflets (CD 937b, SS control No. 1506, pp. 1-3) . 3104 ...... 732-733 Secret Service report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Dean Andrews, Jr., at New Orleans, La. (CD 87, Secret Service Control No. 467, pp. 1-2) . 3105 ...... 734 Letter dated June 23, 1964, from FBI to Commission, concerning laboratory examinations discussed in Special Agent James C. Cadigan's deposition. 3106 ...... 735-737 Allegation transmitted by American Embassy, Moscow, that Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald both were KGB agents, that Oswald knew Ruby, etc. (CD 1378, a and b) . 3107 ...... 738 Memorandum summarizing report of investigation by cooperating government into claim that assassination had been predicted. 3108 ...... 738-739 FBI report dated November 29, 1963, of interview of Mrs . C. L. Connell at Dallas, Tex. (CD 205, pp. 640-641) . 3109 ...... 739-740 Letter dated September 1, 1964, from Post Office Department to Commission, concerning mail deliveries from Austin, Tex ., to New Orleans, La. 3110 ...... 740-741 FBI report dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Alvey McGaffey at Hutchins, Tex . (CD 205, pp. 112-113) . 3111 ...... 741-749 Letter dated September 10, 1964, from State Department to Com- mission, with attachments pertaining to a study of the lookout card system in the Passport Office. 3112 ...... 750 FBI report concerning article "'Riot' Tag Denied by Demonstrator" in Dallas Times Herald, October 27, 1963 (CD 7, p. 683) . 3113 ...... 750-751 FBI reports dated November 25, 1963, of interviews of Alvin T. Prechter and Emmett C. Barbe, Jr., at New Orleans, La . (CD 75, pp. 49-50) . 3114 ...... 751-754 FBI reports dated December 5 and 7, 1963, concerning information furnished by Dallas police with respect to attempt on the life of Maj . Gen. Edwin A. Walker (CD 7, pp. 438-443) . 3115 ...... 754-759 Letter dated September 17, 1964, from FBI to Commission, at- taching reports of investigation into employment of Bernard Weissman on November 14, 1963 (CD 1503 a, b, c, 11 pages) . 3116 ...... 760 Letter dated September 8, 1964, from Commission to FBI, request- ing information on specified individuals with whom Oswald may have had contact from June 1962 to November 1963. 3117 ...... 761 Letter dated September 17, 1964, from FBI to Commission, re- plying to Commission's letter of September 8, 1964 .

Commission Exhibit No . Pape 3118 ...... 761 Diagram showing Paine and Randle homes, Irving, Tex. (CI) 497, diagram C) . 3119 ...... , ...... 762-773 Secret Service report dated December 3, 1963, of investigation concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's activities in New Orleans, La. (CD 407, pp. 1-24) . 3120 ...... 774-784 Pamphlet entitled "The Crime Against Cuba," by Corliss Lamont (CD 1495a, pp. 1-39) . 3121 ...... 785 Check payable to L. H . Oswald in the amount of $33 from the State Comptroller of Public Accounts, Austin, Tex., check No. G493187. 3122 ...... 786-788 FBI report dated July 31, 1964, on certain allegations by relating to Mrs. Helen Markham (CD 1379, pp. 1-5) . 3123 ...... 788 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission, on Inturist hotels in Moscow . 3124 ...... 789 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission on Soviet "Passport and Visa Office ." 3125 ...... 789 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission, on resettlement of U.S. defectors in the USSR. 3126 ...... 790 Memorandum dated September 17, 1964, from CIA to Commission, on Eusebio Azque, former Cuban consul, Mexico City. 3127 ...... 790-791 Memorandum dated September 18, 1964, from CIA to Commission, on technical examination of photographs of Lee Harvey Oswald's application for a Cuban visa. 3128 ...... 791-792 FBI report dated December 4, 1963, of interview of Dr. Leonard Reissman at Palo Alto, Calif. (CD 68, pp. 2-3) . 3129 ...... 792-795 FBI reports dated September 10 and 14, 1964, of investigation to determine whether Ruth Paine or the Oswalds ever shopped at Hutch's Super Market in Irving, Tex. (CD 1508) . 3130 ...... 796-799 FBI reports transmitted by memo of September 18, 1964, of investi- gation to determine whether Lee Harvey Oswald patronized Clifton's Barber Shop in Irving, Tex., with a 14-year-old boy . (CD1546, p. 124) . 3131 ...... 799-809 Letter dated September 18, 1964, from FBI to Commission, and attached reports concerning latent fingerprints and palmprints on cartons found in Texas School Book Depository (CD 1507, pp. 1-18) . 3132 ...... 810-811 FBI report dated July 17, 1964, of interview of Dallas Chief of Police Jesse E. Curry at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1426, pp. 29-31) . 3133 ...... 811 Letter dated September 23, 1964, from FBI to Commission, stating that there is no muzzle flash from the assassination weapon upon firing.

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Commission Exhibit No . Page 3134 ...... 812-817 Letter dated September 8, 1964, from Dr. Howard P. Rome, senior consultant, section of psychiatry, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., to Commission, concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged reading disability . 3135 ...... 818 Letter dated September 18, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning latent prints on cartons found in Texas School Book Depository . 3136 ...... 818 Letter dated September 18, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning use of Oswald's rubber stamp kit on the vaccination certificate . 3137 ...... 819 FBI report dated September 11, 1964, concerning destruction of records at Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc., Chicago, 111 . 3138 ...... 819-821 Letter dated September 21, 1964, from Secretary of Defense to Chairman of Commission, submitting affidavit stating that Lee Harvey Oswald was never an informant or agent of any intelligence agency under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and Defense Department report concerning Lee Harvey Oswald . 3139 ...... 821-822 Letter dated September 22, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning reinterview of Joseph P. Grinnan . 3140 ...... 822-823 FBI report dated December 20, 1963, of interview of Marina Oswald at Dallas, Tex . (CD 206, pp. 190-191) . 3141 ...... 824-825 Photographs of clipboard discovered in the Texas School Book Depository Building shortly after the assassination (FBI item D-155) . 3142 ...... 826 FBI reported dated December 6, 1963, of interview of Michael V. Scrims at Dallas, Tex . (CD 86, pp. 239-240) . 3143 ...... 827 FBI report dated November 26, 1963, of interview of John Rickert at Houston, Tex . (CD 4, p. 441) . 3144 ...... 827-828 FBI report of investigation of post office box 5475, rented by Jack Ruby at Dallas, Tex. (CD 1306, pp. 123-124) . 3145 ...... 828-834 Letter dated September 16, 1964, from FBI to Commission, with attachments concerning processing of assassination rifle for latent fingerprints and palmprints (CD 1497, 1497x, 1497b) . 3146 ...... 834-835 Letter dated September 21, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning claim of Sylvia Odio that Lee Harvey Oswald and two other individuals visited at her apartment in Dallas, Tex ., on September 26 or 27, 1963. 3147 ...... 835-838 FBI report dated September 10, 1964, of interview of Sylvia Odio at Dallas, Tex . (CD 1546, pp. 202-207) . 3148 ...... 838-839 FBI report dated September 8, 1964, at Miami, Fla ., of investiga- tion pertaining to Sylvia Odio. 3149 ...... 840-845 FBI reports dated December 3, 1963, concerning affidavit and investigation of Wilburn Waldon Litchfield at Dallas, Tex . (CD 106, pp. 263-274) .

Commission Exhibit No. Page 3150 ...... 846 FBI report dated November 25, 1963, of interview of Ray H . Prammell at Austin, Tex . (CD 4, p. 581) . 3151 ...... 846-857 FBI reports dated July 9, 13, 17, and 18, 1964, of reinterview of George William Fehrenbach at Medford, Oreg., and of investigation of his allegations (CD 1348, pp. 10-31). 3152 ...... 857-860 Memorandum dated June 4, 1964, from CIA to Commission, and excerpt from FBI report dated May 18, 1964, concerning informa- tion developed on the activity of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City (CD 1545 and 1084(e), pp. 154-157) . 3153 ...... 861 Letter dated- September 24, 1964, from FBI to Commission, con- cerning investigation of possibility that Lee Harvey Oswald had some affiliation with various subversive underground activities . 3154 ...... 862-935 Commission exhibit numbers assigned to previous Commission documents .