CRITIQU, a Journ- L Of
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141'3H TECH MYSTERIOUS DEATHS- by CRITIQU, Philip H. Melanson The headlines are very familiar: "Assassination A journ- l of Probe Witness Found Dead," "Key Witness In Trial of Former Spy Is Found Dead," "Ex- ntelligence Analyst Accused of Spying Found Dead." It +ids Penn Jones, ,Conspiracies 67 Metaphysics Jr. who was one of the first researchers to link ri what appeared to be the random deaths of JFK VOL. IV. NO. 3,4 [# 15/14] Fall/Winter '84/85 assassination witnesses into a coherent, and sinister, pattern. In the dozen or so TV and radio shows in which I participated around the time of • the twentieth anniversary of the assassination of " • President Kennedy, the most frequently asked -7./ — --- questions were: first, "Who did it?" and second, How Real is the Psi Gap?- • -4- "What about the mysterious-deaths theory?". E.K. Roosevelt As Attorney David Belin, former Warren High Tech: MysterioUi Deaths Commission counsel and staunch defender of non-conspiracy theories, is fond of pointing out: Philip. H. Melanson "People die, people do get into .lucidents, die Better Red Than Ed - • naturally." But the pattern of mysterious deaths ,** goes far beyond the 17 material witnesses who died Marian Kester within three years of the JFK assassination--five The Psi Battlefield by "natural" causes; 12 by accident, suicide, or Bob Banner - - - murder:--and beyond the continuing demise of JFK witnesses and investigators extending beyond the The Round Table • first three years. Robin Ramsay • .• Consider, for example, the fate of potential witnesses for the House Assassination Committee's The "Architects of Fear" reinvestigation of the JFK assassination. In 1977 L.A. Rollins - alone, five key witnesses died. All had important - knowledge concerning one or more of the following The Hidden Dangers of the New Age interrelated areas: CIA links to Oswald, possible Karen Degenhart CIA complicity in the JFK assassination, The Dead Sea Scroll Cover-Up? CIA-anti-Castro plots and operations against Castro. All met their demise before the House Arthur E. Palumbo Committee could question them about the above topics. • The ill-fated class of '77 included: V-.1111740 -'5•1=' 14; CRITIQUE -- 210 -- Issue #15/16 CRITIQUE -- 211 -- Issue #15/16 --George de Mohrenschildt, who had extensive ties --William Fawley, a wealthy adventurer and friend to both CIA and Army Intelligence and who had of CIA Director and Warren Commission member Alan worked for the Agency For International Dulles, had once owned an airline and a bus line in Development, a notorious CIA front. De Cuba before the Castro takeover. Pawley was active Mohrenschildt was Oswald's friend and patron in in generating political and financial support for Dallas and, many think, "babysat" Oswald for anti-Castro activities and reportedly had also been American intelligence. The House Assassinations involved with the CIA-sponsored overthrow of the Committee tracked de Mohrenschildt down in Florida leftist government in Guatemala in 1954. Like de and called to arrange an interview. Just hours Mohrenschildt and Prio, Fawley was ruled by after this call, he was found shot to death through authorities to have shot himself. There were the mouth with a 20-guage shotgun. It was ruled a other murders, attempted murders, suicides, and suicide [See Marian Kester's "Better Red Than Ed: accidents which befell persons possessing the same Reflections on "Who is Edward Jay Epstein?'" in kind of knowledge as the class of '77. These this issue]. occurred both before and after 1977. But the --William Sullivan was the assistant FBI director pattern of 1977 is the most striking. who, under Hoover, oversaw much of the Bureau's Intelligence-related mysterious deaths also appear investigation of the JFK assassination, conducted in smaller cluster. In 1982-83 ex-CIA agents Edwin for the Warren Commission. In 1975 Sullivan had P. Wilson and Frank E. Terpil were charged with told another Congressional committee that, illegally aiding Libyan terrorists by providing regarding a possible relationship between Oswald arms and expertise [See "The Secret World of Frank and the CIA: "No...I think there may be something Terpil" in this issue] Two potential witnesses on that, but y_u asked me if I had seen anything. I against Wilson and Terpil died, as did another man don't recall having seen anything like that, but I who was indicted for selling secrets to Wilson. think there is something on the point...It rings a Rafael Villaverde, an anti-Castro Cuban who bell in my head." In July of 1977, the 65-year-old allegedly had met with Wilson in Geneva to discuss Sullivan was shot to death in the woods near his a purported assassination plot, was killed when his Sugar Hill, New Hampshire home. In what was ruled a boat exploded in the Bahamas. Bahamian authorities hunting accident, Sullivan was walking through the ruled that there was no foul play. Former CIA man woods at daybreak to meet two hunting companions Kevin Mulcahy, a key witness who had blown the when he was mistaken for a deer by a young hunter whistle on Wilson and Terpil and had provided the who shot him, killing him instantly. information which started the federal --Carlos Prio, the millionaire former President of investigation, was found dead outside his Virginia Cuba who was heavily involved in CIA-sponsored motel under bizarre circumstances which will be anti-Castro activities and who had been linked in discussed later. Waldo F. Dubberstein, an testimony to Jack Ruby, allegedly committed suicide ex-intelligence analyst indicted for selling one week after George de Mohrenschildt. Frio was secrets to the Libyans through Wilson, allegedly found slumped in a chair outside the garage of his shot himself to death. home in Miami. There was a pistol beside him. Because so many of the mysterious deaths relate --Charles Nicoletti, who reportedly had been to the CIA's turf, it is instructive to examine the involved in CIA assassination conspiracies against state-of-the-art regarding the technology of Castro, was found shot dead in a burned-out car in murder. The agency has gone to considerable effort Chicago. This occurred the day after the House to discredit the mysterious death theory. One 1967 Assassinations Committee began efforts to find memo from CIA headquarters to station chiefs Nicoletti in order to set up an interview. provides detailed instructions as to how to refute CRITIQUE -- 212 -- Issue #15/16 CRITIQUE -- 213 -- issue it.1510 JFK-assassination conspiracy allegations aimed at has never admitted to having developed one. 4 the agency. Regarding mysterious deaths, it CIA scientists painstakingly extracted poison counsels: from Alaskan butter clams. The stockpile of toxin was stored in a building near the State Department Such vague accusations as that "more than ten in Washington, D.C. There was enough to kill 14,000 people have died mysteriously" can always be people if administered orally; 50,000 if dart explained in some more rational way: e.g., the launchers were used. For demises in Asia and individuals concerned have for the most part Africa, the agency had a good supply of cobra venom died of natural causes; the Commission [Warren on hand. Commission] staff questioned 418 witnesses (the In the early 1960's the CIA also created its FBI interviewed far more people, conducting "Health Alteration Committee" within its Executive 25,000 interviews and reinterviews), and in such Action Unit (set up to assassinate foreign leaders). The Committee had at its disposal the a large group, a certain number of deaths are to v. be expected. (When Penn Jones, one of the vast array of "debilitating" or "incapacitating" originators of the "ten mysterious deaths" line, substances developed in CIA labs--fevers, smallpox, appeared on television, it emerged that two of vomit-inducing agents. the deaths on his list were from heart attacks, In the 1950's the agency pursued the development one from cancer [Jack Ruby], one was from a of the "Manchurian Candidate," the programmed head-on collision on a bridge, and one occurred assassin. In 1954 Morse Allen, the CIA's when a driver drifted into a bridge abutment.) behavioral-research czar, conducted a little experiment for his colleagues. Allen hypnotized one Yet, since the 1950's, the CIA had been of his secretaries and kut her into a deep trance, researching and developing a wide range of instructing her to remain asleep. He then termination techniques, many of which were designed hypnotized a second secretary and told her that if to avoid detection. There were pills containing she could not wake the first secretary, her rage liquid botulinum toxins, which, when tested on would be so great that she would not hesitate to monkeys, could not be detected in post-mortem kill. Allen left a pistol near his programmed examination. Testifying before the Church Committee assassin (the second secretary). Though she had in 1975, CIA Technical Services Division Engineer earlier expressed a fear of firearms, the second Charles Senseney, good-naturedly known among some secretary was unable to wake her colleague and of his colleagues as "Mr. Death", revealed some of pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger. Of the agency's exotic TWEP technology ["termination course, Allen had the good taste not to load the with extreme prejudice" - intelligence jargon]. gun. When he brought the women out of their There was a "nondiscernible microbioinoculator" trances, neither of them remembered anything. (poison dart) which could penetrate clothes and There is a clandestine-culture shibboleth: "Give skin without the victim feeling it. The dart itself us the coroner and we'll control the city." Even would dissolve after injecting a lethal poison better than controlling the coroner himself is to which would leave no trace.