The Quill -- November 1, 1979 Roger Williams University
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Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU The Quill Student Publications 11-1-1979 The Quill -- November 1, 1979 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "The Quill -- November 1, 1979" (1979). The Quill. Paper 243. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Quill by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ( • ·e' .. .U -1 ·' ' Volume XXI, _Issue 5 Published by and Jo; tne students of R WC November 1, 1979 Few Students Attend Meeting To Voice OpiniOns on Gym . - By Kimberly Newton third. dormitory or its first gym add to the quality of student life. Despite PreSident William Rizzini nasium." Rizzini promised all those "I do feel that the administration publically encouraging students to _ present their opinions would be · sl!,ares the same opinion that st;iare their' opinions .on .,... student presented to the Bo·ard of Trustee~ students have, which is the gym is ' _ population size and building who will ultimately make the final the number one physical plant priorities at last Monday's open decisions. ' · priority at this time," he said. meeting, only a small percentage of Several students who did attend However, Peter Sherman; director ~ the student body showed to do so. took the opportunity· to publically of housing at the college, feels that .Less than 40 students attenaed the take stands on the issues. _ , there are certain advantages to meeting, where -Rizzini urged air Student Senate President Steven • building a dormitory: "Another students, faculty, and ad Fusco voiced his opinions during th~ dormitory would give the college ministration present to voice their first phase of the discussion-that more flexibility as far as expanding opinions on "how large the full-time of student population growth - its student population, would help student population should be, and when he said, "Students are hap-py aliieviate over-crowding in th~ whether _. the college shoufd build a with the small school ;i_tmo~phere dormitories, and would give more that RWC has always had. Many-of students the chance to live on our·students,shosiw RWC because· it cainpus, instead ofoff." i~ small, and bec_alise we have a According to Athletic Director EMPTY SEATS at the open meeting on Monday may have shown small student-teacher n~tio. Hector Massa, opting_ _to build a how interested.stucJents 1\ere about the building ofia gym on campus. Over the past four 'years, according gymnasium irlstead of another 1 Less than 40 stuclents attended the meeting, called by the ad to Rizzini, "The student pop4lation Continued on Page 7 ministration to get feedback on school size and building priorities. has iii.creased by 300 s tudents. It is important that we at least maintain this number." . "But," countered Resident As Wheaton ·women Say -R WC, Will sitant Roger Carroll, "It's ti!lle to start concentrating on the quality of student life here-at RWE' instead o{ the quantity ofstudents." Find Haskell Dynilmic As Dean Carroll echoed the general feeling - ' .of the student body when he said ' By Bill Wln_ter very dynamic person _.:._ she enjoys one of the ways the -quality of Students at RWC will find Dr: getting to know people." "because she had so many new ideas student life can be improved is by Karen Haskell a very dynamic and "Students respect hei: very much,'.' that people weren't used to. But all building ·a gymnasium that RWC outgoing Dean of Students when she continued Figart. "She also had lots the ideas were implemented. and are has never had, an opiPion that was takes oyer that job on November lots of energy h. and a nice laugh." all working well." shared by many of the ad 6th. according to students at Figart listed programs for '"In her position, it isn"t the easiest minist.rators, Wheaton College. where Haskel! has managing the residential living thing to do, but she gets along ve ry William O'Connell, director of . been Associate Dean of Student Life areas and- a more ~cti ve .roll by well with students." said Heleri e :student services, said "If the for the past two years. students in running the dorms· as Pruszynski.--the Chairperson of the prides itself with its relationship Student leaders. at Wheaton were _ Haskell's main accomplishments Inter-resident Exeeutive Counsel at RIZZINI LISTENS to ad .with the. student body, as it- has in unanimous. in their praise for the during;her stay at Wheaton. Wheaton. ''She's always available." mlnistratorli, faculty and ·students · the past,, it :seems that building a professional abilities and the Hilda O'Doherty, the President of Furtl}ermore, sa'ld Pruszynski. discuss the future of the institution. gym, inst:ad of a dormitory, would personal characteristics of Haskell, the_C.G .A., was equally enthusiastic Haskell · is "very interested in •. and all agreed she would be missed in her praise of Haskell. "She's students, very perceptive, and very when she left. - grea~ - absolutely · great," said efficient." ' "She is very concerned about O'_Doherty. "She's got lots of energy Among ·tiaskell's - suc cessfu l Union,' Administration, students. and really iistens to and is always wi lling to hear programs at Wheaton, Pruszynski them," said Kathy Amarante. the everybody's opinions. lis ted courses for students· in , Editor of the Wheaton College According to O'Doherty, Haskell assertiveness training', going home Cautious ·With·. Future- News. '" She is very easy going, but gets along "very well" with students. for the first time.for freshmen , and businesslike - she also gets along "It took a while to get accustomed first impressions. said, "The administration handled B_y David Levin we ll with stl!dents." to Dr. Haskell," -she adrhitt~d , · Although the RWC Cle'rical Staff the negotiations as to be expected." " She also has the ability to make Union did not vote to i!CcepLa Neither side would reveal the vote students become leaders." - said . tally fo r or against the proposal. and proposed contract with the - Amarante. "Sh~ was the key to a lot Senate Will Get Students Administration last week, both sides neither would ·speculate on a date of people. having lqts of leadership # when a final · settlement will be remain cautiously optimiStic about growth." - ·V ·t• -• - future talks. reached. - Am_arnnte said t_ha,t Has_kell plac_ed 0 m_ g ffi Local EleCtions " We're· making good progress." -One area · both sides do seem to special emphasis o n mtergratmg . said Vice President Robert agree on is that a strike is unlikely. freshman into the college and on - By Michele Flu. tributor in representing the opinio ns McKenna. "The first contract is "I wouldn't think · s9," said improving dormitory life. The RWC Student Senate, which and- concerns of Rhode Island's. always the hardest." McKenna abo.ut the likelihood ·of a " She is willing to go all out to help became a member last semester of college students. ff walkout. · "We,'re J·_ust -· · "I've only been President for six Sta students;" agre~d E>eb Figart, the the StuCtent Association of Rhode One of the major projects the weeks," said ponna _ Bellemore, negotiating." Treasure-r . of the. Wheaton student Island Coilege~ and Universities. ,Senate is ·currently working on is a President of the Staff !Jnion, "but "In any contract negotiations there government, the College Govem- (SARICU),is already hard at work to campus ' voter registration drive, during that time I feel we have made Continued on Page 7 ment Association (C.G.A.). "She is a make this college a major con- which will take place within the riext good progress." ,. ----Letters From tiome---------------- - two weeks. The Senate also recently Despite the "progress," th~ polled 382 RWC students with contract proposal that was approved· questions ranging from by the Union negotiating team and nuclear energy .. to the ·upcoming the-Administration was voted down presidential election. by the rank and file of the Union. Analyzing YQur P's and Q's- The voter registration drive; w!iich The two sides will now return to the · the Senate is co-ordinating through negotiating table to work out what by Dawn Schauer / -the Rhode Island Board 'Of.elections, both call minor differences. will get underway during the first Ho:-vever, both sides agree . that Did you_know that the way you write c~n reveal to two weeks of November]he Senate difficulties still lie ahead both in the .other p~ople your most secret thoughts and wiJI . attempt ·to get students terminology and acceptance of the passionate emotions? registered to vote locally and\ with next proposal. · According to:Graphonalysist Ann Holland, who gave the League of WOMEN Voters, will "The two teams have to agree on a _ ·a talk sponsored by the P~ychology Club last obtain absentee ballots for out of total ~ package," said McKenna, Thursday evening, the manner in which a person state voters. "which will be taken or rejected. As forms his or her lett!!rs reflects not only all their " We want to shOw the legislaters soon as one 'part is rejected, the characteristics-but also what motivates them. that students ca11 be a powerful whole thing is rejected." Bellemore , e, By' examining ~'ifferent characteristics of a person's voting force, so they wi:ll think twice cited "vague language" ~s one. f\Lt handwriting such as.