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Download Catalogue "$" "$"$!+ $ )! SALE 5910 | TUESDAY 1ST ҃) " +Ƒ OCTOBER ƑƏƐƖ Stamps & Postal History of the World INTRODUCTION September promises to be a busy time for Stanley Gibbons Auctions. Our bi-annual attendance at Stampex (11th -14th September) will be shortly followed by the James Podger Collection of Cayman Islands going under the hammer on September 24th. Following on from this our latest Stamps & Postal History of the World Auction will take place. This Auction has items to suit all budgets and all collecting interests. From entire Collections to the most specialised of material, we think there is something for everyone. One of my favorite items has to be the stunning Tonga 7½d Inverted head featured on the front cover. Rarely offered, this item should warrant consideration for any advanced collection. The imperforate Cyprus 30pa block of 4 (line perforated at sides) is a particularly striking, if not unusual item, and its realisation should be interesting. Smaller lots from this Auction will be available to view at Stampex; we will be positioned in a new location opposite the Stanley Gibbons retail stand on the ‘Village Green’. If you are interested in selling part or all of your collection or would like to discuss or view items from forthcoming sales, we look forward to meeting you there. IAIN MURPHY HEAD OF AUCTIONS | STANLEY GIBBONS STANLEY GIBBONS LONDON 1856 STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD STANLEY GIBBONS AUCTIONS TUESDAY 1ST OCTOBER – WEDNESDAY 2ND OCTOBER SALE 5910 To be held at: Stanley Gibbons 399 Strand London WC2R 0LX BID ONLINE VIA SGLIVE & PHILASEARCH PUBLIC VIEWING AT 399 STRAND Monday 16th September 09:30 – 17:00 Tuesday 17th September 09:30 – 17:00 Wednesday 18th September 09:30 – 17:00 Thursday 19th September 09:30 – 17:00 Friday 20th September 09:30 – 17:00 Wednesday 25th September 10:00 – 17:00 Thursday 26th September 09:30 – 17:00 Friday 27th September 09:30 – 17:00 PUBLIC VIEWING AT STAMPEX (SMALL LOTS ONLY) Wednesday 11thSeptember 11:00 – 19:00 Thursday 12th September 10:00 – 18:00 Friday 13th September 10:00 – 18:00 Saturday 14th September 10:00 – 16:00 Private viewing may be available by appointment only. Please telephone +44 (0)207 557 4458 or email [email protected] ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY 1ST OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 2ND OCTOBER Morning Session to start at 10:30 Morning Session to start at 11:00 Lots 1- 284 Lots 545 - 655 Afternoon Session not starting before 14:00 Afternoon Session not starting before 13:30 Lots 285 - 544 Lots 656 - 1010 INDEPENDENT AUCTION AGENT The below agent attends each of our auctions. These details are provided without guarantee. Trevor Chinery BA. PTS: Mobile: (0)7527 444825 [email protected] STANLEY GIBBONS LONDON 1856 399 Strand, W C2R 0LX, London Please contact us on 020 7836 8444 | Email: [email protected] 3 MEET THE AUCTION TEAM THE AUCTION TEAM IAIN MURPHY TOM HAZELL Head of Auctions Head of Auction Administration [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0) 207 557 4443 +44 (0) 207 557 4452 ANDREW ELLIS MICHELE MARTINI Auction Operations Assistant Specialist Auction Describer [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0) 207 557 4458 +44 (0) 207 557 4417 DICKON POLLARD PAUL MATHEWS Senior Philatelist Valuations [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0) 207 557 4411 OSCAR YOUNG MIKE KIMBERLEY Junior Specialist Auction Describer [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0) 207 557 4457 DOMINIKA SADKO DROR ZUR Product Coordinator Scanning Requests [email protected] + 44 (0) 207 557 4482 INDEPENDENTINDEPENDENT AUCTIONAUCTION AGENT AGENTS The below agentsagent attends attend each of our auctions. These details are provided without recommendation or guarantee.guarantee. Trevor Chinery BA. PTS: Mobile: (0)7527+44 (0)7527 444825 444825 Fax: Fax:+44 (0)1775+44 (0)1775 711738 711738 Email: [email protected] Stamps & Postal History of the World TERMSTERMS && CONDITIONSCONDITIONS FORFOR BUYERSBUYERS These conditions set out the terms on which we Stanley Gibbons Limited of 399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX (company no.0348043) contract with you (the Buyer) either as agent on behalf of the Seller or as principal if we are the Seller. You should read these conditions carefully. 1 DEFINITIONS 7KHIROORZLQJGHÀQLWLRQVDSSO\LQWKHVH7HUPV &RQGLWLRQV $XFWLRQHHUV·0DUJLQ6FKHPH$9$7PDUJLQVFKHPHDVGHÀQHGE\+05HYHQXH &XVWRPV Buyer: The person who makes the highest bid for a Lot which is accepted by the auctioneer and if the person is acting as an agent, will be a reference to their SULQFLSDO %X\HU·V3UHPLXP7KHDGGLWLRQDODPRXQWSD\DEOHE\WKH%X\HURQWKHSXUFKDVHRIWKH/RWFDOFXODWHGDVWKHUHOHYDQWSHUFHQWDJH VSHFLÀHGLQWKHDXFWLRQ FDWDORJXH RIWKH+DPPHU3ULFH &HUWLÀFDWHRI$XWKHQWLFLW\$FHUWLÀFDWHLVVXHGE\DQ([SHUW&RPPLWWHHFRQÀUPLQJWKHDXWKHQWLFLW\RID/RW ([SHUW&RPPLWWHH$FRPPLWWHHRIH[SHUWVWRZKRPD/RWPD\EHVHQWIRUDQH[WHQVLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKFODXVH Forgery: A Lot constituting an imitation originally conceived and executed as a whole with a fraudulent intention to deceive as to authorship, origin, age, period, FXOWXUHRUVRXUFHZKHUHWKHFRUUHFWGHVFULSWLRQDVWRVXFKPDWWHUVLVQRWUHÁHFWHGE\WKHGHVFULSWLRQLQWKHFDWDORJXHDQGZKLFKDWWKHGDWHRIWKHDXFWLRQ had a value materially less than it would have had if it had been in accordance with the description in the catalogue. Accordingly, no Lot shall be capable of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ymbols: the symbols detailing the VAT status of the Lot details of which are set out at the front of the auction catalogue. 2 SGA’S ROLE AS AGENT 3.1.4 You are responsible for satisfying yourself as to the condition of the goods and the matters referred to in the catalogue description. 2.1 All sales undertaken by us either at auction or privately are 3.2 Examination of goods undertaken either as agent on behalf of the Seller or from time to You are strongly advised to examine personally any goods in which time, as principal if we are the owner of the Lot. 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