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Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull Gerry Duggan , Kevin Libranda (Illustrator) , Pepe Larraz (Illustrator) , Rodrigo Zayas (Illustrator) , Steve McNiven (Illustrator)

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Gerry Duggan , Kevin Libranda (Illustrator) , Pepe Larraz (Illustrator) , Rodrigo Zayas (Illustrator) , Steve McNiven (Illustrator)

Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull Gerry Duggan , Kevin Libranda (Illustrator) , Pepe Larraz (Illustrator) , Rodrigo Zayas (Illustrator) , Steve McNiven (Illustrator) Collects Uncanny Avengers (2015) #18-23.

The Avengers' Unity squad is on the verge of collapse after debilitating wars with Ultron and the Hand. Exactly the wrong moment for the Red Skull to strike! When the Skull springs his trap, Avengers Mansion will become a house of horrors! As the Avengers are tortured by their own worst fears and past failures, what sacrifices will they be forced to make to break free of the Red Skull's diabolical deathtrap? Rogue attempts a bold gambit! gets help from a few pals! And it's lights out for one team member! Not everyone will finish on their feet as the final fate of Charles Xavier's telepathic brain is revealed! But which classic Avenger will return?

Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull Details

Date : Published July 26th 2017 by Marvel ISBN : Gerry Duggan , Kevin Libranda (Illustrator) , Pepe Larraz (Illustrator) , Rodrigo Zayas Author : (Illustrator) , Steve McNiven (Illustrator) Format : Kindle Edition 136 pages Genre : Sequential Art, Comics, Superheroes, Marvel, Graphic Novels, X Men

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Download and Read Free Online Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull Gerry Duggan , Kevin Libranda (Illustrator) , Pepe Larraz (Illustrator) , Rodrigo Zayas (Illustrator) , Steve McNiven (Illustrator)

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Juan says

Deadpool and Rogue??

So this volume is pretty fun in seeing how the Unity Squad take down and out the Red Skull. does not play a major role here yet this sets up perfectly the up coming Secret Empire story arc. This is also possibly Deadpool at his greatest of hero moments.

Charlotte (Buried in Books) says

Red Skull takes over most of the unity squad - including Rogue. But the squad wants to try and retrieve Charles's brain from Red Skull. So how can his hold be broken? Deadpool's sure to be involved somewhere.

Joe Young says

Gerry Duggan - writer Kevin Libranda and Pepe Larraz - illustrators

We finally get a resolution to the "Red Skull steals Professor X's brain" plotline set up in his initial Uncanny Avengers run. Unfortunately, as much as Gerry Duggan tries to tie all the loose ends up in a neat little bow, his conclusion isn't compelling enough for how good the initial plot by Remender was. It's not Duggan's fault really, this could have been taken care of at the conclusion of Remender's run on Uncanny Avengers or in AXIS, but at least everything is sorted out in the end. The art by Libranda and Larraz is very solid. Overall, this is pretty good but I wouldn't recommend it except for hardcore fans.

3.5/5 kristen says omg this was amazing! it was so entertaining and so page turning. the series really does start slow in volumes 1 & 2 but now i don’t want this to end. this volume is mixed with so much drama, irony, fight scenes and humor. the ending issue is such a good wrap up, it’s like watching a movie and everything ends so well but there’s one little thing that makes you know there’s going to be a 2nd after. i actually am starting to like every character in this group, deadpool really captured my heart in these issues!

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B says

This seemed like a fine way to end the series. There's something weird about all these makeshift avengers team. Did we really expect Rogue to take out the red skull?

I'm a little tired of sadsack Deadpool mooning over a girl. He's married. He's found people who reciprocate his affections in the past. Blah.

Other than that, seemed like a relatively competent comicsbook.

Shannon Appelcline says

Rick Remender entirely failed to finish off the Red Skull arc in his original Uncanny Avengers run, then he got the overly long AXIS miniseries ... and he failed to do so there either.

The big advantage of Gerry Duggan's final volume of the second Uncanny Avengers is that he finally gives us some closure to this plot that's gone a bit rancid with time. Oh, it's really not done in the best way possible. Duggan can't help himself, but goes out to the mind-controlled superheroes trope, resulting in too much fighting and too little characterizing ... but it's better than nothing.

The volume ends with a coda to the four-issue final-fight against the Skull which is better than the other four issues combined, because we get that missing characterization; then there's a one issue coda to the whole series, which tries to be too neat and drags too much.

Overall, the worst of Duggan's four volumes, but it's beautiful to see a bow tied on the Unity Squad run(s).

John says

Dugan is still primarily writing a Deadpool book and this is still more an X-title than an Avengers book, but lots of loose ends get tied up with some franchise-friendly guests and a load of jokes. Above average X-title.

Chris Lemmerman says

[Read as single issues] I've been singing Uncanny Avengers' praises since the series relaunched, and this volume deserves even more of that. Considering it's been dealing with the longest standing plot point from the previous volume (the fact that the Red Skull has Charles Xavier's brain), I feel like I see very little discussion of the series, which is a shame.

Gerry Duggan has been making a name for himself over on Deadpool, but he manages to tell a great team story that focuses on each of the characters in equal measure (Okay, maybe a bit more Deadpool than the others, but give him a break), as the Skull launches one final assault to try and take the only team that could

PDF File: Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: 4 Red Skull... Read and Download Ebook Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull... stop him down. Unfortunately, they're in a bit of disarray after the Hydra-aligned Captain America disbands the team because of some of the naughty things they got up to during the Inhumans/X-Men war, plus the end of the story dovetails into Secret Empire as well. That's a lot of events and plotlines that Duggan has to dance around, and he does a brilliant job.

Pepe Larraz ably pencils five of the six issues here, with Kevin Libranda (who seems to be Marvel's new fill- in artist of choice) picks up an issue in the middle with no discernable problems. Larraz's work is clean and clear, and he has a good eye for panel arrangements, etc. as well. Solid work for a solid art team.

While Avengers is out there trying to be Marvel's flagship Avengers book and failing, Uncanny Avengers is doing it without half as much effort. Read this one, trust me.

Robert says

It was fine, I guess.

I doubt it will go down in the annals of comics history, but there were enough quality "Marvel" moments to make for pleasant, if forgettable, reading.

Travis Duke says

(3.5) The final battle between Psychic Red Skull and Uncanny Avengers. I dont know... it was good but not great, nothing notable really happens IMO and the action is just O.K. They had some great opportunities with , Rogue, Red Skull etc and I just didn't have a "wow" moment. The first 2 volumes of this series were great but 3 and 4 have taken a down turn. It really focuses on Rogue and I like that but I wish it was better, the stuff with her and Deadpool was just OK. The art has a cartoon feel and its good but once again not great. I will still check out v.5 because I like the team

Paul E. Morph says

I really enjoyed this one. It was nice to see somebody other than Captain America take on the Red Skull for a change. Also, I still have a huge grin on my face from the ending...

José says


Bonito arco argumental que prepara para el próximo evento: Secret Empire.

¿Qué le hace tener un notable? Un gran villano y un gran equipo al que les han dado un buen guión y un buen dibujo. ¿Por qué le doy las gracias? Porque Steve, en su "nuevo estado", no aparece más que en una de

PDF File: Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: 5 Red Skull... Read and Download Ebook Uncanny Avengers: Unity Vol. 4: Red Skull... las grapillas. Están alargando demasiado esta etapa de Steve Rogers y hacerlo notar en más cómics que su propia serie regular me parece un gran error.

Sin embargo, aquí no lo hacen y además, nos regalan un tomo con desarrollo de personajes, que siempre se agracede. Así que... ¡un notable!

Adam Fisher says

What an odd ride for the Uncanny Avengers! Red Skull launches an attack to take out the team, using Xavier's brain to control them, with two exceptions... Deadpool is immune to mind control due to his mind already being fractured and wired differently than most AND Cable, who in an effort to keep Skull from gaining his abilities to time travel, has his companion AI help shut down his consciousness. Chief among the Red Skull's allies is Rogue, though she is pulled back once Deadpool (having stole it from the Mansion) puts Magneto's helmet on her head, which blocks out mental manipulation. The endgame is threefold: 1) Rogue takes Skull to Beast to have Xavier's mind removed from him, then her and Johnny Storm burn it away, leaving Charles to rest finally. 2) Rogue, overjoyed by her victory, kisses Deadpool. This causes her cells to reset and reject the full body and consciousness of Wonder Man, who returns to life and the team. and 3) Synapse, with the help of some time travel and a quick scan and fight with Stryfe, helps Cable come back to his body. This Volume was fun and didn't take itself too seriously. It will be interesting to see how this (supposedly disbanded) team heads into and through "Secret Empire". Recommend.

Scott Lee says

Meh. This wraps up the Uncanny Avengers title--which did about as well as most of the team books have done in their quickly ended first incarnations after the latest edition of Secret Wars. I've not been terribly impressed with any of the team books in this new MU so far, Dacosta's New Avengers: A.I.M. being the most interesting.

The Avengers put together a team that finally takes down the Red Skull and does away with the threat of Xavier's brain.

Two nice moments made this volume worth the time, even if they didn't save the rating. The first was the final solution to the Red Skull's having mental control of everybody but Deadpool--well played Duggan, well-played--and then the interaction between Rogue and the hydra'd Steve Rogers during the denouement. If you've enjoyed the series and you want to know how it plays out, this at least offers closure.

Chad says

Finally, the Red Skull is dealt with. But first he takes over the minds of everyone on the team except for Deadpool. It allows for Wade to really shine and for some "Hot damn!" scenes. Pepe Larraz is killing it on art. I hate to see this book wind down. Deadpool is fantastic in a team book, especially when a writer like Duggan really gets him.

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