Migori County Mission and Vision

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Migori County Mission and Vision MIGORI COUNTY MISSION AND VISION Vision: A vibrant and Prosperous County Mission: Build a cohensive, result oriented and focused county grounded on an improved and sustainable socio-economic, infrastructural, affirmative action ,secure and clean enironment Vision A vibrant and prosperous County INFRUSTRUCTURAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Improved road networks Enhanced Security Excellent and reliable air Improved food sufficiency and water transport Excellent and affordable health Improved and accessible care and shelter services sources of water and Enhanced opportunities for electricity for rural and industrial development, self urban homes reliant jua-kali and job creation Improved schools, Improved education standards hospitals and recreation COUNTY DEVELOPMENT and skills development at all facilities that are closer to AGENDA: levels the people. Enhanced sports and talent The county development agenda is development premised on 4 pillars; Improved tourism activites 1. Socio-economic empowerment 2. Infrastructural development 3. Affirmative action 4. Environmental management ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: Enhanced conservation and protection of the environment through AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: community empowerment Improved youth for sustainable county empowerment development. Enhanced care for the elderly, orphans and less privileged members of the society. Improved care for the widows/widowers and people living with HIV and AIDS A vibrant and Prosperous County ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ADB African Development Bank AFC Agricultural Finance Corporation ATC Agricultural Training Centre AMD Acidic Mining drainage ART Anti- Retroviral Therapy ASK Agricultursl Society of kenya BMU Beach management unit BPO Business Process Outsorcing CACC Constituency AIDS Control Committees CBO Community Based Organization CBHW Community Based Health Worker CBIS Community Based Information System CDF Constituencies Development Fund CDTF Community Development Trust Fund CDP County Development Profile CEC County Executive Committee CEFA European Committee for Training and Agriculture CFSA Community Financial Services Association CG County Government CHMT County Health Management Committee CHW Community Health Worker CIDC Constituency Industrial Development Committee CIDC County Information and Documentation Centre CIDP County Intergrated Development Plan CLRC Cmmunity Learning and Resource Centre CLTS Community-Led Total Sanitation CMIS Community Management Information Systems CORPs Community Own Resources Persons CSO Civil Society Organizations CU(s) Community Units DHIS District Health Information system DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EAAPP East Africa Agricultural Productivity Project ECD Early Childhood Education EMCA Environment Management and Coordination Act ESP Economic Stimulus Programm FACES Family AIDS Care and Education Services FBO Faith Based Organization FGM Female Genital Mutilation FSA Financial Service Association FANC Antinantal clinic GDP Gross Domestic Product GII Gender inequality Index GIS Geo-graphical information system GoK Government of Kenya HBC Home Based Care HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HSSF Health Services Sector Fund A vibrant and Prosperous County iii ICH Intangible Culture Heritage ICT Information and Communication Technology ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology IEC Information and electronic Communication IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IGAs Income Generating Activities IMC International Medical Corps IT Information Technology ITN Insecticide Treated Mosquito Net KAIS Kenya Aids Indicator Survey KEPI Kenya Expanded Programme on Immunization KIE Kenya Industrial Estates KLB Kenya Literature Bureaua KMTC Kenya Medical Training College KNBS Kenya National Bureau for Statistics KNUT Kenya National Union of Teachers KNEC Kenya National Examination Council KEMSA Kenya Medical Supplies Agency KQMH Kenya Quality Model for Health KeRRA Kenya Rural Roads Authority KUPPET Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers KWS Kenya Wildlife Services LM Lower Midland LVEMP Lake Victoria Environmental Management Programme MARPs Most At Risk Populations MCAs Member of County Asembly MCH Martenal health and child clinic M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDGs Millennium Development Goals MICS Multiple Cluster Indicator Survey MIKUTRA Migori Kuria and Transmara Water and Sanitation company Limited MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTP Medium Term Plan MoH Ministry of Health NAAIAP National Accelerated Agricultural Input Access Programme NACC National Aids Control Council NEMA National Environment Management Authority NRM Natural Resource Management NCPB National Cereals and Produce Board NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIMES National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System ODA Open Defecation Free OPD Out patient Department OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PATTEC Pan African Tsetse Eradication and Control Programme PFM Public Financial management PID Photographic information PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PSV Public Service Vehicle PWD People with Disability PWSD People with Severe Disability REA Rural Electrification Authority RH Reproductive Health A vibrant and Prosperous County iv RET Rural Energy Technology SACCOs Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations SBI Social Budgeting Initiative SBP Single Business Permit SCIDC Sub County Information and Documentation Centre SCHMT Sub County Health Management Committee SME Small and Micro Enterprises SONY South Nyanza Sugar Company STI Sexually Transmitted Infection TB Tuberculosis THC Traditional High value Crops TSC Teachers Service Commission TTC Teachers Training College UM Upper Midland UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children‘s Fund UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UPAP Urban and Per-urban Agricultural Project USAID United States Agency for International Development V2030 Kenya Vision 2030 VC Value Chain VIP Ventilation Improved Pit (latrine) WEF Women Enterprise Fund WHO World Health Organization YEF Youth Enterprise Fund A vibrant and Prosperous County v FOREWORD FOREWORD This plan therefore aims to build on the inherent capacity of the county vision, the Kenya vision 2030 and its second medium term plan to address the full range of economic, social and political challenges that the county faces especially poverty and youth unemployment as well as the need to ensure greater equity across the board against a backdrop of limited available resources. As articulated in Article 125 and 126 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, this plan has captured both the medium term and long term priorities to be achieved by the county. It has provided a description of how the county government is responding to changes in the financial, economic, environment, and H.E Zachary Okoth Obado programmes to be delivered. This will therefore, form the backbone of the budgetary process for Governor Migori County each financial year and a base for monitoring and evaluation for this County for the next five One of the most significant changes introduced years or so. It also provides a mechanism for to Kenya‘s national governance framework linking the county and national planning under the Constitutional 2010 is the creation of processes with the Medium Term Expenditure a two-tier system of government, a national Framework budgetary system. government and 47 county governments. Under this system, county governments have been established to promote social and economic Finally on behalf of the county government of development and provision of proximate, easily Migori, may I pledge that we shall endevour to accessible services throughout Kenya. In achieve the vision of the county and the overrall addition to the constitution, several Acts of vison 2030 of becoming a middle income parliament were enacted to support the country offering our citizens a high quality of life in a clean and safe environment. Deliberate devolution framework. effort and synergy among all stakeholders will however be required for successful The Constitution and many of these laws implementation of the programmes and projects require the County Integrated Development earmaked in this plan. Let us continue to forge Plan as the key process in enhancing the ahead with confidence by building on our efficiency and effectiveness of budget funds and strengths and addressing areas of concern. the mechanism for addressing the county mandates under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. As such, it has been identified as one of Zachary Okoth Obado the core documents in managing the county governments. Governor Migori County A vibrant and Prosperous County vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Fisheries; Iscar Oluoch CEC Health; Sheila G. Mwita CEC Public Service; Elizabeth Ochaye CEC Trade Development Tourism and wildlife; T.Maneno Mwikwabe CEC Education, Culture,Youth and Sports; Elijah Odhiambo CEC Water and Energy; Michael Ogutu CEC Lands Physical Planning and Housing and Dr Atinga Polycap CEC Environment and Disaster Management. Additionally, I would also like to appreciate the committment and dedication shown by the following Officers during the entire period of the preparation of this plan: Mr Benedict Omollo Olweny Chief Officer Finance and Economic Planning, Mr Onyancha M. Lazarus, Director Economic Planning, all the chief officers and directors from the ten sectors Hon: Tom Kasera and the entire secretariate. CEC Finance
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