No. 491 /Confdl/2018 , Dated 19" April, 2018 I I -2-5/2017

Madh}a Pradcsh Slate `ludicial ^cadcmy (MPSJ^)` lligh Court of Madhya

Pradcsh, `Tabalpur is organi/iiig Regional Worksh()p f`or l'rincipal & Additional I'rincipal

Judges ol`thc Pamil} Coilrts aiid Judgi`s, as per the action plali ol` XIV IJTinancc C()nimission for Training of Judicial ()l`Ilcei.s. \\ith the l`unds alloc€`tcd b}' the State Government under thc llcad ..Training& Training Matcriartothcllighcourt.

In this conni`clion. Regional Workshop on -Family I,aws is bcjng organi/,cd on

4''` & 5''` May, 2018 at in which Judges ol` District Judiciziry from Chhindwara

Balaghat. Bctul. Chhind\\'ara. I)iiidori. I Ioshangabacl I Iarda. Jabalpur. Mandla` and Seoni (24 ()mccrs in all). \\1iosc names arc shown in the cndorscmcnt will pz`rticipatc. as per the I`ollowing conditions:-

I. Barring exci`plioml circuiiistances` the participants iiominatcd forthc Workshop shall

not pray 1`or adjustment. District & Sessions `Judgcs of the rcspcctivc districts are

aillhorizcd to deal with the letter of adjustment. i]`aii}'. and cxi`mpt the said `Judicizil

()t`I-iccr looking to his/her i`\igi`nc}J iiildcr intiiiiation to the Acadclll}'.

2. The Judicial OIl-ici`rs iiicliidcd ill thi` W()rkshop shall ha\'c lo rer)ort for lhc Workshop

(iii 04.05.2018 al 09:30 ^IV] at the vcnLic intiniatctl by the I)istrict & Sessions

`Judge, Chhindwara.

3. The pal-ticipanls shall coniL` s()bcrly drcsscd during L`nlirc diiration ()J` lhc Workshop.

Proper attire \+ilh bla/i`r/coat/suit would bc rc`quit-cd l`or group photograph.

4. Judicial ()mccrs \\ho \\ill coliic ]`i-om places othi`r than the venue of Regional

Workshop (I]cadiiuarters) ma}' coiiic by their omcial vchiclc or private vchiclc. Cost

of fuel charges ol` private \/cliiclcs sliall bc rcimbui.scd to them as per their entitlement

accordiiig to circulz`r N(). F` 4-2/2016/Rules/four date`d 05.11.2016 of Government of

Madhya Pradesh. F`iiiaiicc I)cpai.tiiicnt` Vallabli Bha\\'an '(/` Rs. 6/-per kin lo attcn(I

the workshop.

Rcspccti\'e I)istrict & Sessiolis Jiidgcs frolii \vliosc districts Judicial ()t`riccrs

have been lioiiliJiati`d for the Workshop shall bc allottccl fund l`or rcimburscmcnt ()f TA

bills ol`thc participalit Judicial Officers.

5. District & Sessions `Judgc. Chhindwai-a has to provide all logistic support like

arrangiiig public address systciii. conl`crcncc hall having capacit}J to accommodate the

Judicial ()mccrs i`tc. required l`or coiiductiiig the said Woi.kshop. stay arrangcmcnts of

the participants/Ollic`crs & Stal`rof MPSJA. catering services. etc.

6. I)uring workshop` brcakl`ast. working lunch and lea twii`c VI'ith light snacks and dinner

on the first da}J ol` thi` Workshop sliall bc served. On second da}J. brcakrast. \vorking

luiich and tL`a t\\ici` \vith li`ght snacks shz`ll be pro\,'ided. Thi` oulstzili()n participants

shall bc pi-o\/ided diiini`r rtacLs. oil request. -2-

7. Stay arrangcmciit shall be pi.ovidcd on singlc`/twin shariiig biisis forthc participants.

8. Make arrangements t`oi. soiiic ol` the participants ol` outstation (more than 150 kms.)

who may reach oiic da}; bct`orc the schcdulcd programme. So arrangcmcnt or stay and

dinner 1`or such parlicipalits has also to be iiiadc.

The District `ludge may utili/c the scrviccs of two Of` the Judges from District `ludiciary

for logistic support and thc}J shall be paid I.cmuncration of Rs.2`000/- per head per

programme and lhc I)jstrict .Judge shall bc paid rciiiuncralioii of Rs.2`500/- for

guidance and providiiig logistic support. which .shall bi` adjusted I("Jards their

honorariuiii paid as guL`st l`aculLv .

10. Judicial (){`riccrs at rcgional hcadqiiartcrs or (`rom other places. whose scrviccs arc

utili/,cd as Guest I`acull}' l`or lhc purpose of workshop` shall bc paid honorarium as per

I Jigh Coui-t Ordc`r (lati`d 26.08.2016.

11. The District Judgc` Chhind\\ara shaH make all payliionts \\ithin scvcn days ol` thc`

progl.amme and 1`orward the details with copies of bills to thi` I)irector ln-charge. MPS.'^.

B\ OItl)I.,I( 01110\1)I,I: 11„,: ( 1111:I,`.'1 S,I I( I:

V'(Moi||). F^|||M ANWAR)

grRI,:GisTRARGli,NERA|, tlndt. No. 492. /Confdl/20]8 `JabaLpur, I)atcd 19'h April, 2018 11-2-5/2017

Cop}' l`or\\ z`rdccl 1():-

The Deputy Conli-ollci-. Govt. Central Prcss` Arcra I-1ills` Ilabibganj. Bhopall6 I`or publication in the next issue ol`thc M.P. Ga7,acttc The Principal Secretary. Govt. M.P. I,aw & Lcgislativc Affairs I)cpartmcnt.I" Floor` Vindh}Jachal Bliti\\an. . Pin 462 006` I`or iiil`ormation.

The Accoiintciiit Gciicral. (I). M.P. Ga/cttcd Audit I)cpartiiicnt` G\valior. for informalioii.

The Accountant Geiici.al. (11)` Gwalioi.. for inl`ormation.

I. Shri uiiiesli Kumar Giipla. Priiicipal Judge. Faniil}' CoiH.t. Balagliat

2. Sliri vircndra siiigh R€ijput. I'rincipal Judge. Family coui.t. Belul

3. Smt. Asha Godha` Principal `Judgc. I-'amily court. Chhindwara

4. Srhi Rahas Bihari Gupta. Principal Judgc` Famil}' Court. Narsinghput.

5. Shri Sunil KiimaJ. Shi.i\/cista\Ja. 11 Adclitional Priiicipal .Iudgc. I-`amil}' Court. •'abalpur

6. Shri Rajcndra c`hourasia. Principal Judgc` Family c()urt. Mand]a

7. Dr. Om pi.akash Tiu/ari. Principal.Iudgc` F`amil,v Court. Sconi

8. Shri Kailash chaii(lrti Ya(la\'. Principiil.Iudgc. ITaliiil}i (.`oiirt. I)jndori -3-

9. Shri I)cepaL Baiisal. Additional I)istrict Judge. Ital.si. District I loshangabad

10. Ku. Maiijulala Chaturvedi. 11 Additional I)istrict Judge. I)istrict Narsinghpur

11. Shri Ratan Kuiiiai. Vcrma. I Additional DistricLludgc. I larda

12. Shri Arun shri\Jastava. II Additional I)istricLliidgc` I Iarda

13. Shri Kamli`sli KiH"r ltauadia. I Additional I)isti.ic`t Judgc` Bctul

14. Shri Krishn I)as Mahar. Ill Additional District Judge. Multai. District Bctul

15. Shri Dc`c`pak Sliamia. Ill Additional I)isti.ict Judge. Gadarwara. I)istrict Narsinghpul.

16. Sliit. Kii-an singh. I I Addilioiial I)istl.icl Judgc` Narsilighr)lil.

17. Smt. Shalini Sharma Singh. Additional District Judgc` . District Chhind\\ ara

18. Shri prayag I,al I)inkar. Additional District Judge` . I)istrict Jabalpur

19. Smt. Pi.ili siligli. II Addiliomil I)istrict Judge. Ilzirsi. District lloshangabad

20. Shri Raiii Prakash Mishra. I Additional r)istrict Judge. . I)istrict []oshangabad

21. Shri Molijt I)euan` I ^clditioiial I)istricLludgl`. . I)istrict sconi

22. Sliri shrish Kaila`sh sliuLul. II ^ddilioiiaU)istricl Judgi`. Seoni

23. Shri Ashok Kimiar sondhiya` IV ^dditi()nal DistricHudgc. Mandla

24. Shri prakzish Kascr. II Additional I)istrict Judge. District Mandla

With a (lircctioii to report for the Worshop ,it 09:30 ^M on 04.05.2018 at Chhindwara.

District and Sessions `ludgc. / Bctul/ Chhindwara/ Dindori/ IIoshangabad/ llarda/ `Jabalpur/ Mandla/ Narsjnghpur/ Sconi l`or information

and ncccssai.\ action.

Budgctzir}r allocation (tl` Rs.2,30,000/-will bc made to I)istrict & Sessions `ludge.

Chhilldwara vide a scr)at.utc order ot` lhc I[igh Coui-t to mcel the expenses ol` the

Workshop at Chhiiid\\ara on 04.05.2018 & 05.05.2018 (Ii`ri(lay & Saturday).

Budgetary zilloi`atioii l`or I.cimhiirseliient of T^/l`iiel c.\pi`n`ses of` participant

Judgcs fi.om the rcspceti\;e disli-icls \\Jill be made lo llic I)islrict and Sessions `ludge.

Balaghat/ Bcliil/ Chhindwara/ I)indori/ IIoshangabad/ I]arda/ Jabalpur/ Mandla/Narsinghpur/ Sconi vide a scparatc order ol`thc [Iigh Court.

Registrar (I.T.). I Iigli Court or Madh}'a Pradesh` Jabalpiir. I`or scndiiig cop}J of order

by i`-niail t() follo\\ing `ludicial ()(Ticc`rs:-

I. District Jiidgc (IIispcction). Iligli (.`ourt Prciiiiscs. Jabalpur/ T)istrict Judge

(Inspection). J.E.-I . Jiidgcs I+`,nclavc` Rcsidcnc}' Area. IndorcF452 001/ I)istrict Judge (Jiispcction). 28/8` Race-course Road. Opposili` Mala Ground` Clwalior

(M.P.). I`or inl`ot-iiiatioii.

I'riiicipal Rc`gistral.. I ligh Court ol` M.I'.. Bi`Iich lndorc`. t`or inl`ormation

Principal Regislr£`r. I ligh Court of M.P.. Bench at . Nc\\/ lligh Court Biiildiiig. (`it} Ci`ntri`. G\\alior. for ilil`ormtition. -4-

Mcmbei. Sccri`lar}'` M.P. State I i`gal Services Aiithorit}', 574, South Civil I,incs` Jabalpur. ]`or inrormatioii.

Mcmbcr Si`crclai.}. State (`ourt Managcliicnt S}Jstcm. IIigh Court of` M.P.` Jabzilpur I`or ill l`omiatioli.

Principal Rcgisti-ar (Judicial)/ (Vigilance)/ (F,xamiiiation). IIigh Court of`M.T'.` Jabalr)iir. for ilifomialioii.

Rcgistrzu-(I.I,.&1.I.R)/ (I)isti.ict I.`,stablishmciit)/ (Judicial-I)/ (Judicial-Il)/

(Administr€ilion)/ (Fxzmi & I,aboiH. Judiciary)/ OI`ficcr on Special Dut}J/ Registrar/Sccrelal-}'. Iligli Court Legal Service Coiiimittcc. Iligh Court of Madhya r'i-adL`sh. `labzilpur. for int`ormalioii.

10. r)ircctor ln~chargc/Additional [)ircctor/Facult}J Mcmbcr (Sr.)/ Faculty Mcmbcr

(Jr.,I)/ Facult} Mi`mbi`r (Ji..-II)/ Assistant I)ircctor/().S.D.. Madh)'a Pradcsh State

Judicial Academ}'. I+`irsl Floor. MPSJ^ Building. Jabalpur (`oi-inl`ormation.

11. Registrar (F.)/ ^ccouiit oJllccr/ Budget ol`Iiccr/ Joint Registrar (Protocol)/ Dcput}J

Registrar (.Iudicizil)` I ligh CoiH.I of Mcidh)'a Pradesh. Jabalpur` for inl`ormation.

12. Registrar-cuml'.P.S. to lloli'blc the Chic``Juslicc. IIigh Court o`` Madh}a Pradcsh.

Jabalpiir. I`or placiiig lllc s£`Iiii` bel`orc I Ion'blc the Chief Justice for kind inl`ormation.

13. P.S.toll()n'bli`ShriJuslicc . IIighcourtol`M.P..

Jabalpur/Bcneh IIidorc/Bi`iich G\\alior. I`oi-placiiig lhi` same before I Tis I,ordship l`or

kind jn``oriiiation.

14. Section ()mcer. Peiision/ Budget/ Assistant (Work)/ Complaint/ Pay F`ixation

(Gazcttcd)/ ^d\'£iiice/ I,ea\c (Gazctti`d)/ Ci\il Chi`ckcr/ Ci.iliiinal Chcckcr I ligh Court

ol`M.P.` Jabalpui.. I`or iJil`ormalion.

15. P.S. to Registrar Gclicral. I Ii`gli Coilrt ol` Madli}'a I'radc`sli. Jabalpur` for iiiformation.