




CRAFTSMAN GRE Dear Friends, Again it is time to send greetings these pages and to acqvaint you with for whom we introduce. This year we are to add two facets to the introductory which have hitherto been missing. For W. (Grace) Carlson of Omaha we are intr two beautiful Siberian iris-an advance i , Joretta, which was given an Ex Certificate, and a very wide which dsicriminating judges have urged her to duce, named Snow Flare. Grace is interes well, in Dwarf, Median and Table bearde and we have several on trial and hope ne FIFTH AVENUE to offer some of these. She laments the fo a hybridizing program was not started in her youth, although twenty-nine year• CLAUDIA RENE passed in pursuit of these lovely flower'$. is also interested in and working to impro erocallis. Undoubtedly she is like most < loves anything that grows (except weed enjoys, as well, that thrill of achievement advances appear among the seedlings. Wl happy when the Carlsons dropped by 1 ago in March while touring in Utah. Not do we actually know some for whom we I --except through corresponden<:e. We introduce the first Hemerocollis (de this year and although we have grown [ collection (and hybridized some) it has b~ intent to add only new ones that are o There are so many new "hems" introducec year (even more than irises) and it is imp to keep up with them yet not every 1 actually worthy fo introduction for each be distinct or an advance in its c have several of my own seedlings which testing and next year I hope to nom1 bring out one or two diploids, an eyed 1 HOTSIENA (ARIL) and o ruffled bi-color are two thot pleas My friend Mrs. Craven B. (Ethel) Helms ot roe, N. C. sent her lovely golden hem fol ond the moment it bloomed I knew she winner. She hos named this Gary Bee, fc son, ond wonted the initial "B" but it wj approved This is o marvelous flower o great advance on either parent. Those wh1 it in the home garden were enthusiastic praise ond we had many requests for remell to its formal introduction. A pion! was s1 the Stephen Foster garden for this year's H1 collis convention ond to several areas from fornio to Catherine and Kenneth Smith's g in New York. Lost year we introduced Flora McGee's Tl ond its sister (brother) SIR GORDON is this year and certainly worthy of any • IMAN ROYAL RUFFLES of praise I might lavish upon it. In the ONCO (MEDIAN) color range as Morie Phillips, but comir (ARIL) the earliest toll bearded season so its clean, clossicolly formed flowers are a worming, welcome sight. We congratulate McGee on this splendid achievement ond certain Sir Gordon will make friends for of them for many years ta come. GREETINGS 1964

Dear Friends, Beebee and Maynard Knopf of Potter Volley, Calif. are producing some marvelous seedlings Again it is time to send greetings through and we are happy to be p,-ivilaged to co-intrc>­ these pages and to acqvaint you with breeders duce their four new ones-each of which is dis· for whom we introduce. This year we are pleased tine!. The Aril-bred LORASON looks very like a to add two facets to the introductory pages Capitola derivitive, but is not, of course, and which have hitherto been missing. For Mrs. W. although it has eluded being induced to set pods W. (Grace) Carlson of Omaha we are introducing perhaps w,th persistence it may yet become a two beautiful Siberian iris-an advance in dark parent and we feel it will produce some won­ blues, Joretta, which was given an Exhil?ition derful offspring. Surely there are some very fer­ Certificate, and a very wide white which several tile Onco derivities that will be compatible with dsicriminating judges have urged her to intro­ this lovely hybrid. Merry Lynn or its child Marie duce, named Snow Flare. Grace is interested, as Phillips might be two that will work for both well, in Dwarf, Median and Table bearded ,roses are very fertile and there is a slight amount of and we have several on trial and hope next year Onco blood in these. Naturally the two fine FIFTH AVENUE to offer some of these. She laments the fact that things out of Queen's Lace, AMETHYST FLOUNCE a hybridizing program was not started earlier and JABOT make us very proud. They ore both in her youth, although twenty-nine years have lovely and distinct and carry great factors for passed in pursuit of these lovely flowers. Grace further breeding. CRAFTSMAN is an improved is also interested in and working to improve hem· Golden Garland and has so many fine qualities erocallis. Undoubtedly she is like most of us­ should be popular for a long time. We would loves anything that grows (except weeds) and like to see this crossed with Idaho , Bright enjoys, as well, that thrill of achievement when Forecast, Gold, Astronaut, Soaring Kite, advances appear among the seedlings. We were Mayberry's new Gold Lightning and Corabonde happy when the Carlsons dropped by a year should all yield beautiful things as could Coun­ ago in March while touring in Utah. Not always try , Flaring , Gray Lace, Christmas do we actually know some for whom we catalog Angel, Patrician's Sweetheart and Glittering Am­ -except through correspondence. ber. We introduce the first Hemerocallis (daylilies) While at the Loomis' garden in Colorado this year and although we have grown a fine Springs last year, during the 1963 A.LS. con­ collection (and hybridized some) it has been our vention, we sow Dr. F. J. Knocke's novelty, intent to add only new ones that are distinct. TULIP. This will be a delight to flower arrangers There are so many new "hems" introduced each and will be useful, as well, to those hybridizers year (even more than irises) and it is impossible who may be working for other forms in T. B to keep up with them yet not every one is irises. This carries stigmas, but no pollen so will actually worthy fo introduction for each should have to be used as a pod parent. A goodly stock be distinct or an advance in its color · class. I permits a low introductory price. Its pedigree have several of my own seedlings which I am being what it is could make it useful, as well, testing and next year I hope to name and for breeding , blues and other , bring out one or two diploids, an eyed variety including blue amoenas if used with them, and and a ruffled bi-color are two that please me. some unusual colors could result, producing, per­ My friend Mrs . Craven B. (Ethel) Helms of Mon­ haps every other petal of white or some "Emma roe, N. C. sent her lovely golden hem for trial Cook-type" flowers. The plicata pattern may be and the moment it bloomed I knew she had a bred into the line and should only take two gen­ winner. She has named this Gary Bee, for her erations to accomplish. son, and wanted the initial "B" but it was not My friend and neighbor, George Maybeny, approved. This is a marvelous flower and a continues to produce a fine array of lovely great advance on either parent. Those who saw seedlings. It pleases me to be able to offer GOLD it in the home garden were enthusiastic in its LIGHTNING and LACED CHARM two excellent praise and we had many requests for remets prior flowers with very good growing qualities and to its formal introduction. A plant was sent to both stemming from long lines of our own things the Stephen Foster garden for this year's Hemero­ gives us a special pride in these. GOLD LIGHTN- collis convention and to several areas from Cali­ 1NG has three and four buds to the socket which fornia to Catherine and Kenneth Smith's garden we think in on excellent quality and we hope in New York. this will be passed on to its progeny. This sea­ Last year we introduced Flora McGee's TRISHA son will find a goodly number of its offspring and jts sister (brother) SIR GORDON is listed blooming for the first time. laced Charm was se­ this year and certainly worthy of any worqs lected after a hard frost and could not be judg­ ROYAL RUFFLES of praise I might lavish upon it. In the some ed, but two years of normal bloom has lifted its (MEDIAN) color range as Marie Phillips, but coming in rating each successive season. Lovely in itself I the earliest tall bearded season so its large, feel it is destined to be a wonderful parent as clean, classically formed flowers are a heart­ well. These two new ones carry the right genes. warming, welcome sight. We congratulate Mrs. George and I left Utah at the peak of our bloom­ McGee on this splendid achievement and feel ing season to attend the A.I.S. Convention at certain Sir Gordon will make friends for both Denver last year and while we were away roin of them for many years to come. and cool weather held the bloom in "cold ator- age" and I shall never forget the sight which on tour for the 1964 Convention, so it is hoped Perhaps their greatest pride is in their we beheld at 10 p.m. (by artifical ) when iris fanciers may see it. The pedigree of this children, and rightly so, but they are a e we invited Carl Quadros of Sacramento, Calif. beauty is such that it can produce marvelous also, who enjoy living and playing and trc to join us in a "mad viewing" of George's seed­ quality in blues and whites and surely will be together. lings. I'm sure the neighbors thought we had useful, also, to the new blue amoena lines. And from "DAWN UNDER" another all lost our reason since the ground was soaked Donald J. Boen of Walla Walla, Wash. sent friend of long standing has an aril-bred and with each step our weight increased and his novelty PAINTED DOLL to Wilma Vallette who I am releasing named FIJIAN SEAS. It , our walking became more labored, but it seemed in turn sent it to me to guest. When this bloom­ plicata genes and is so very smoothly fi net to deter us at all. How beautfiul were those ed in the very late season I was taken with its we feel it has a wonderful potential as a b wide leather-like whites from Swan Ballet, and similarity to that very old table iris Peacock's and is introduced for that purpose. There i, some lovely oranges, pastels, the laced and Eye, yet here was a standard T.B. and one vigor and fast growing qualities handed crimped creams and . The next morning to help close the season. Donald tells me he has by these I. hoogiana derivities that they 1 found us looking again. There were some beau­ produced a very good amoena from its use prove of great worth to breeders. This irii tiful rich blends from Formal Affair x Martel­ as pod parent. Crossed with Melodrama or some carries that wonderful Snow Flurry bloc very large and wide with lots of substance. of its seedlings (such as Gypsy Lullaby) is sure well as the Dykes Medal winner San Fro George's 61-17· 1 was a really stunning laced to give some unusual things. I am co-introducing in its pedigree. Some lovely wisterias as from Jan Elizabeth x Orange Frills) X this with Wilma Vallette. as wnites, lavenders and pale blues can be (Orange Parade) which was registered at the Melvina Suiter has been one of my favorite from this iris. Of course very wide and f close of the season as ORANGE VISTA-certainly people for so long that I suppose we must have things should be employed. Marie Phillips, a beauty and one even George had to admit started corresponding while she was busily en­ Festival and Merry Lynn are recommended r was good. This year's seedlings hold promise gaged in rearing her family some twenty years Ethel and George Johnson of Hayword, of greater things, and I a_m sure to spend as ago. "Mel" as she is affectionately known, has fornia were growing Chet Nave's NOMO much time among his seedlings as I do my own. had much success in hybridizing and perhaps I visited with them. I asked to grow this si There is a "gal" named Loleta K. Powell in Orange Frills, Tomeco, Lustre and Sky had a most unusual pedigree (Snow Flu, Princeton, N. S. rich in many talents and cer­ Hostess are among her better known named I. nigricans) and was the first nigricans hyl tainly an indefatigable hybridize, of both iris things. We are pleased -to be able to offer her had seen. After blooming i-t two. years I and hemerocallis. I have been privileged to late blooming SPRING BOUQUET and the early Chet if I might list it for breeders who 1 trial many of her choice seedlings over a period medium blue KRISTINA this year-each marked undoubtedly like to see if it carries good , of several years and was impressed with the with quality. for breeding purposes since it does set seed quality of her superb TAR HEEL-an excellent Good reports had reached us about Fisher readily. Chet is hybridizing plants and this "" on the blue-side of . CAROLINA Harris' wonderful iris, so in the sum­ has another flower of his making being of , looking very like a "cousin" to Court mer of 1962 I asked him to let me grow this to the gardening public (a strain of Calle Ballet, has so much quality I am sure its heavy since it isn't always possible for me to get to gonia seed), but we hope he will return tc stalks, that tend to hang out from the center all the gardens in our area at the right time iris for his talents there could be most he of the clump, wil be a minor fault. It should be to see everything at peak bloom. When WESTERN Chet is a neighbor of the Johnsons' already widely used for breeding. That Midwest Gem SUN bloomed last year I knew at once this was tioned and to Frank Hutchings, Larry G< blood is sure to do great things for future worthy of a name. MELBA HAMBLEN also bloom­ and Walt Luihn as well as other Bay Area ! generations. This one will breed many colors ed and pronounced it magnificent. It is a ers. from to whites, blends, yellows and lovely yellow on the " yellow" side with a And for myself I am listing a good re oranges and peach-colored flowers, with possibly decided metallic cast and wonderful "Domin­ sound parentage, a different by-pr< an array of lavenders with tangerine beards. ion" round and flaring falls which it inherits which Charles Salzer of Bakersfield saved Santa Monica, California has given us a from its marvelous progenitor, Tobacco Road. admired as he grew and increased the young man seriously engaged in iris hybridizing WESTERN SUN is going to become an important for me and is named NORMA AVERETT. ~ as an avocation and we have been testing sev­ breeder for yellows and must surely be consider­ ciprocal cross to Martel gave only three s, eral of his seedlings. The one we offer this year ed, also, as a likely breeder for improved ings, a different red and a very rich k by this young Phil Edinger has been named for and coppers, as well as blends, and possibly with an unusual metallic finish which I his grandmother, LALITHA MALLETTE, and it is , although with its wonderful shape and named WILD P-EACOCK. This is o be certainly as fine a blue and white plicata as we substance some wide crosses with it will be most plant that blooms in the very late season. have seen and with this superb pedigree is sure useful. While its two parents are ".California­ I have named a velvety yellow from He to be an excellent parent. If this and bred" it appears to be a remarkably fine grower Thought x Pink Fulfillment, VEtVET GOLD, 1,1 Latest Love are crossed surely any number of -completely hardy. blooms with other pumrla derivities in the beautiful plicatas will result and many of these We have known the Hardens (Clarence and early season, a flower of good width and will be prone to bloom off-season in the mild Delphine) for many years, and they came by smoothly finished. RED STEP is just tho· climates, for both bloom many times during the one year when vacationing while Jan Elizabeth Spuria breeding-coming as it does from 1/'1 year in their home state. We expect Phil to was a baby, so that must have been eight or ington x Nies lines-a lone seedling from become one of our leading established hybri­ nine years ago. Delphine has been dabbling in unusual and difficult cross. Mr. Ferguson of hybridizing for a long time. She has never nam­ dizers now that his military service and educa­ condido, Calif. has a red seedling from it w ed any of her seedlings although I am sure she tion are about to be completed. shows its ability as a parent. Being shorter · has had several fanciers would enjoy. Her Last year we offered Hubert Fisher's huge BUTTERFLOWER started blooming here with the the usual 'leggy" spuria it should be useful t white iris Trutn and this year we are happy to Lilliputs and is such a clean yellow and lovely also, for bringing down the height. It is he introduce a seedling of this fine variety-a in the clump that I was pleased when she con­ through this little fellow some real color brc beautiful white which has been named MEADOW sented to let me introduce this. Because of its will result-only time will tell, but I feel SNOW. Hubert has promised to devote more time pedigree it could breed some delightful borders STEP has an excellent potential to the hybrid to his iris hybridizing, for his energies have in plicatas, pinks, apricots and possibly amoenas. It is fertile bath ways. been concentrated in the hemerocallis field for Delphine and Clarence live on a beautiful farm many years. 'Meadow Snow is in several gardens in · Protection, Kansas and are cattle breeders. 2

• tour for the 1964 Convention, so it is hoped Perhaps their greatest pride Is in their grand­ That completes the list of hybrldlzers whose fonciers moy see it. The pedigree of this children, and rightly so, but they are a couple, irises and daylilies we are introducing this year, outy is such that it can produce marvelous also, who enjoy living and playing and traveling We feel it is a stunning group of exciting new ality in blues and whites and surely will be together. garden subjects. ful, also, to the new blue amoena lines. And from "DAWN UNDER" another good Because of rising costs of labor, post.age, etc. Donald J. Boen of Walla Walla, Wash. sent friend of long standing has an aril-bred which I had to make a decision to discontinue many novelty PAINTED DOLL to Wilma Vallette who I am releasing named FIJIAN SEAS. It carries of the older and standard irises and daylilies. turn sent it to me to guest. When this bloom­ plicata genes and is so very smoothly finished We hope to give better and more limited space in the very late season I was taken with its we feel it has a wonderful potential as a breeder to newer and improved plants. 11ilority to that very old table iris Peacock's and is introduced for that purpose. There is such e, yet here was a standard T.B. and one vigor and fast growing qualities handed down Our Catalog is mailed to all current customers, help close the season. Donald tells me he has by these I. hoogiana derivities that they should or to those who send 50c and request it. The oduced a very good red amoena from its use prove of great worth to breeders. This iris also amount is deductible from your first order. Some I pod parent. Crossed with Melodrama or some carries that wonderful Snow Flurry blood as old issues are still available at 50c each but ' its seedlings (such as Gypsy Lullaby) is sure well as the Dykes Medal winner San Francisco the supply of some may be exhausted soon. give some unusual things. I am co-introducing in its pedigree. Some lovely wisterias as well We have '56, '58, '59, '61, '62, and '63 issues to is with Wilma Vallette. as wlrites, lavenders and pale blues can be bred release. Melvina Suiter has been one of my favorite from this iris. Of course very wide and flaring We do not issue a wholesale list, however, •ople for so long that I suppose we must hove things should be employed. Marie Phillips, Lilac will be glad to quote to commercial growers rted corresponding while she was busily en­ Festival and Merry Lynn are recommended mates. on any of their wants. Our policy to our retail ged in rearing her family some 1wenty years Ethel and George Johnson of Hayward, Cali­ customers will be stated elsewhere on Terms ijO. "Mel" as she is affectionately known, has fornia were growing Chet Nave's NOMO when of Sale, but we ex~ct to meet any and all com• d much success in hybridizing and perhaps I visited with them, I asked to grow this since it petition and upon proof of any offer will meet range Frills, Tomeco, Apricot Lustre and Sky had a most unusual pedigree (Snow Flurry x same. It has been our policy to be generous, I. nigricans) and was the first nigricans hybrid I stess are among her better known named and will continue to be so. We dislike "cut­ ings. We are pleased to be able to offer her had seen. After blooming it two. years I asked throat" or "Dog Eat Dog" soles methods for ite blooming SPRING BOUQUET and the early Chet if I might list it for breeders who would there is more to this vocation than mere mone­ edium blue KRISTINA this year-each marked undoubtedly like to see if it carries good genes tary returns; were this not so gardening should ith quality. for breeding purposes since it does set seed very have become our avocation long ago and no Good reports had reached us about Fisher readily. Chet is hybridizing plants and this year catalog should have been printed through the orris' wonderful yellow iris, so in the sum­ has another flower of his making being offered years. er of 1962 I asked him to let me grow this to the gardening public (a strain of Calla Be­ The friendships we've made mean much to 'nee it isn't always possible for me ta get to gonia seed), but we hope he will return to the II the gardens in our area at the right time iris for his talents there could be most helpful. us, as do you loyal customers and we hope to o see everything at peak bloom. When WESTERN Chet is a neighbor of the Johnsons' already men• serve your wants in Irises and daylilies as your UN bloomed last year I knew at once this was tioned and to Frank Hutchings, Larry Gaulter needs and wants are known. Thus we feel to orthy of a name. MELBA HAMBLEN also bloom· and Walt Luihn as well as other Bay Area grow­ thank you, our customers and friends, for keep­ cl and pronounced it magnificent. It is a ers. ing Tell's Gardens alive. If there is any way ellow on the "Mustard yellow" side with a And for myself I am listing a good red of we can improve our services your suggestions ecided metallic cast and wonderful "Domin­ sound parentage, a different pink by-product are welcomed. on" round and flaring falls which it inherits which Charles Salzer of Bakersfield saved and If you are ever through Provo at any time rom its marvelous progenitor, Tobacco Road. admired as he grew and increased the stock we invite you to let us visit with you. Our home VESTERN SUN is going to become an important for me and is named NORMA AVERETT. A re­ is directly behind an American Oil Service Sta­ reeder for yellows and must surely be consider­ ciprocal cross to Martel gave only three seedl­ tion on the corner of Seventh East and Eighth cl, also, as a likely breeder for improved browns ings, a different red and a very rich blend North and our phone is 373-1845. Give us a nd coppers, as well as blends, and possibly with an unusual metallic finish which I have "ring." eds, although with its wonderful shape and named WILD P·EACOCK. This is o border Again, thanks for your patronage and loyalty ubstance some wide crosses with it will be most plant that blooms in the very late season. And and we extend wishes for rewarding experiences seful. While its two parents are ".C:alifornia­ I have named a velvety yellow from Happy in gardening whether you are hobbies!, com­ red" it appears to be a remarkably fine grower Thought x Pink Fulfillment, VE'LVET GOLD, which completely hardy. blooms with other pumifo derivities in the very mercial or hybridizer. We have known the Hardens (Clarence and early season, a flower of good width and very Very sincerely, , elphine) for many years, and they came by smoothly finished. RED STEP is just tlrat in ne year when vacationing while Jan Elizabeth Spuria breeding-coming as it does from Wash­ TELL MUHLESTEIN as a baby, so that must have been eight or ington x Nies lines-a lone seedling from this (Uncle Tell) 1ine years ago. Delphine has been dabbling in unusual and difficult cross. Mr. Ferguson of Es­ ybridizing for a long time. She has never nam­ condido, Calif. has a red seedling from it which •d any of her seedlings although I am sure she shows its ability as a parent. Being shorter than SPECIAL as had several fanciers would enjoy. Her 1 UTTERFLOWER started blooming here with the the usual 'leggy" spuria it should be useful here, Powder Puff Hollyhock Seed illiputs and is such a clean yellow and lovely also, for bringing down the height. It is hoped A gorgeous Orchid Colored the clump that I was pleased when she con· through this little fellow some real color breaks flower, Double, will result-only time will tell, but I feel RED ented to let me introduce this. Because of its Nothing quite like it. oedigree it could breed some delightful borders SlEP has an excellent potential to the hybridizer. n plicatas, pinks, apricots and possibly amoenas. It is fertile bath ways. $1.00 per packet elphine and Clarence live on a beautiful farm Protection, Kansas and are cattle breeders. 3 1964 INTRODUCTIONS 19641NTRO TELL'S IRIS GARDENS 691 East 8th North Provo, Utah SPRING BOUQUET (M . Suiter '64) MVL (Tell Muhlestein, Phone: 373-1845 Area Code 801) (Lady April x Fairday) Another to hel (* marked contain Oncocyclus or Regelia blood) the season. One of the finest yellow c I have grown. Large, full, heavily su~ (ALL 1964 INTRODUCTIONS NET) KRISTINA (M. Suiter '64) EM 31 in . (Sun Lakes x Silver Tower) Lovely wide medium blue that flowers. Standards are white, the fa TALL BEARDED IRIS is rich and gives a very blue effect in the styles are yellow. A classic pedigree garden. The beard is blue-tipped. This ruf­ color, and breeding superb seedling AMETHYST FLOUNCE M. Knopf '64) ML 36 in. excellent branching...... (Jade Queen x Mission Trails) X (Queen's Lace) fled beauty is a line-bred product of Purls­ TAR HEEL (L. Powell '64) ML 36 in. (Top Amethyst violet self with matching beard. sima breeding and is sure to make a name Black Taffeta) Actually a bi-color in ti Connie standards, semi-flaring falls; excellent for itself as a parent for blues as well as dark black- on the blue side. St, substance and branching. Exhibition Certificate whites and possibly blue amoenas, when lighter thc;m the velvety rich falls wh '62 #6l-16E ...... $30.00 crossed to them. ······················-··············· $20.00 LACED CHARM (G. Mayberry '64) ML 40 in. very wide and semi-flaring and distinc BLUE TULIP (Dr. F. J. Knocke '64) M 38 in. (Cliffs (Mary Randall x Jan Elizabeth) Bred from two fled. Heaviest substance. Fair branchin of Dover x Harbor Blue) Here is an unusual shorter parents this delicate beauty outstanding the past two years in our ! novelty which many saw in Dr. Loomis' gar­ stands high in the garden on heavy stalks. and everyone who saw it wanted ta den during the 1963 convention. A blue self The ground color is ivory flushed delicate sea­ Holds up well in the heat of the late with greenish midribs-tulip-shaped has no shell to apricot or flamingo pink, very deli­ #L 4-74-F ...... beard or anthers. An arrangers' delight. Plenti· cate in appearance but the color holds to the WESTERN SUN (F. Harris '64) M-VL 32 in ful stock. #K 5 ...... $5.00 last. The petals are nicely laced and the mer Sun X Glittering Gold) Although w CAROLINA PEACH (L. Powell '64) ML 34 in . (Mid­ beard is pinkisli-tangerine. Standard~ domed to have many fine yellow irises, actuall west Gem x Ballerina) Del icate-looking pastel­ and the falls wide, round and flaring. Most ity in this color class has lagged. He, pink crimped and laced, has very wide laced charming and personable. Its breeder and I real advance in yellows. A deep a, styles. Falls flare horizontally and the stand­ have been employing it in quest of lacing mustard-yellow color that appears tc ards are conic. The heavy stalks have a ten­ in lavenders, whites and pinks with red or a metallic to almost velvety finish. Pa dency to hang out from the clump, its only tangerine beards. Was, as well, crossed with very wide and the falls are perfectly fault. Should be a tremendolJ'S parent for lace Norma Averett. Fertile both ways #58-69-. and flared horizontally-due to the and many colors. # 58-8 ...... $20.00 ···································································· $25.00 breeding (from each parent) from tho CRAFTSMAN (M . Knopf '64) ML 40 in . (Golden LALITHA MALLETTE (Phil Edinger '64) ML 38 in . derful iris Tobacco Road. Vigorous and Garland x Mission Trails) Striking and com­ Aldura x New Hope) We may reproduce a it will perform much better than either manding is this much-improved Golden Gar­ picture of this gorgeous white plicata with its parents in almost any climate. A real land-type flower. The large ruffled standards violet blue markings on both standards and piece. H. C. Awa·rd 1963 ...... are deep yellow, falls cream with deep yel­ falls which are precise and delicate and there low ¾ inch border and heavier flush of or­ are no markings or lines in the center of the MEDIANS ange- yellow at hafts. The beard is wide and falls which give it -a very clean appearance. a pronounced deep orange. The heavy strong It is flared, ruffled and wide of parts, the BUTTERFLOWER (Delphine Harden '64) BB. in . (plicata sdlg: Jake x Wabash) X stalks are beautifully branched. #62-12. standards are conic. Usually has three-way Dress) Actually starts blooming with ti ······························.····································· $30.00 branching, but will, under ideal conditions of FIRE RUBY (Muhlestein '64) ML 36 in. (Defiance x growth, grow to 50 inches in height and have liputs" and when you see this flower ~ rich golden yellow color (Between Bang) Afghan Red and Harvard Crimson 4 branches and up to 22 buds. In California (Maerz & Paul) the falls being richer and more where it was bred it will bloom several times yellow and lemon-yellow) and the , long orang-yellow beard you will sus pure red. Vigorous and very floriferous #82. during the year, but has not done so in Utah, ...... $15.00 yet grows perfectly healthy. Received an Ex­ has Party Dress as a parent. It could plicatas, omoenas, pinks, apricots and 01 GOLD LIGHTNING (G. Mayberry '64) M-VL 38 hibition Certificate in 1962. #34-59 A. $25.00 Pods rather easily with only a few seec in. ((49-30, sib. to Utah Cream x Spring Sun­ MEADOW SNOW (H . Fischer '64) M-VL 36 in. shine) x (Party Dress x Pink Formal) x Party (Pierre Menard x Danube Wave) X (Truth) Dress)) X (Marilyn C) Heavily substanced large White, white self including beard with wide NORMA AVERETT (Muhlestein '64) BB M-L rich yellow with lighter area in falls, deeper flaring falls, cupped (domed) and rounded­ in. (Native Dancer x June's Sister) Iv, brushings of golden yellow at hafts, and a classically formed beautiful flower. This will white ground flushed apricot pink. Fall, there is an infusion of apricot elusively scatter­ produce magnificent whites and blues. Helps at hafts, standards flushed cora ed through the flower. The long, heavy to close the fris season and carries up to gold edge, falls edged coral-pink with beard is intense reddish tangerine. Heavy eleven buds per stalk. #3928 ...... $25.00 ute gold edge and a coral-red beard. I stalks have three branches with three buds PAINTED DOLL (D. J. Boen '64) M-VL 36 in. (Ex· seen nothing quite like it. The standardi in the sockets and four buds in the Terminal. trovaganza) X (53-11 : Gypsy x Great Lakes) (cup) and the falls flare-it has a distin Fertile both ways. Every flower will set a pod Do you know the table iris Peacock's Eye? unusual personality. H.C. '63. #92 ...... if pollina,ted. I have seen four pods on the Here is a vastly improved version of this un­ WILD PEACOCK (Muhlestein '64) M-VL : top, or terminal. H.C. '63. #58-7-1 ...... $25.00 usual and striking flower-a true novelty. The (Jungle Bird x Bang) The reciprocal er JABOT (M. Knopf '64) ML 36 in. (Blossom Valley standards are blue-white, flushed pale yel­ Martel. Standards rosy-wine with tan in x Sib. to Mission Tmils) X (Queen's Lace) Very low at base. Upper part of falls are dark red­ Falls deeper wine with wide, strong fl, wide ruffled, rippled and fluted lemon-yellow purple, lower part bright lavender, hafts bright violet; hafts brushed deep self including beard. Standards are heavy, brown w ith a few white reticulations, beard one full inch. The flower is about five stiff and slightly open, falls wide and very orange-yellow. Standards domed, falls med­ over all. Falls flare and ruffle. The flaring. Superb substance coupled with won­ ium-wide and semi-flaring. Has two or three Hower glistenes like the finish of a Pee derful rippling, fluting, and outstanding branches with from eight to twelve buds. feathers. H.C. '63. #166...... branching, give this cool and refreshing flower Throwing some red amoenas. Has pollen only an air of beauty and di&tinction without coun- occasionally and not eosy to pod. #55-36. terpart. HC '61 #61-84 E...... $30.00 ···································································· $15.00 4 UCTIONS 1964 INTRODUCTIONS Continued 8th North Provo, Utah SPRING BOUQUET (M. Suiter '64) MVl 37 in . 845 Area Code 801) VELVET GOLD (Muhlestein '64) IB 16 in . (Happy (lady April x Foirdoy) Another to help close T'hought x Pink Fulfillment) Cadmium yellow or Regelia blood) the season. One of the finest yellow amoenas to deeper gold self, falls velvety. A rich yel­ USTINA (M. Suiter '64) EM 31 in . (Sun lakes x I hove grown. large, full, heavily substonced low due to the velvety falls and thickness of Silver Tower) Lovely wide medium blue that flowers. Standards ore white, the falls and the over-all petal structure. Great breeding is rich and gives a very blue effect in the styles ore yellow. A classic pedigree for this potential...... $15.00 garden. The beard is blue-tipped. This ruf­ color, and breeding superb seedlings with fled beauty is a line-bred product of Puris­ excellent branching...... $20.00 ARIL-BREDS sima breeding and is sure to make a name TAR HEEL (l. Powell '64) ML 36 in . (Top Hot x FIJIAN SEAS* (R . D. Spinkston '64) EM 40 in . for itself as a parent for blues as well as Block Taffeta) Actually a bi-color in the very (Coscodion x Hoogon) Porcelain-finished pale whites and possibly blue amoenas, when dark block-purples on the blue side. Standards lavendre-blue-white self with light yellow crossed to them...... $20.00 lighter than the velvety rich falls which a-re beard. Distinctly showing its regelio breeding CED CHARM (G. Mayberry '64) ML 40 in. very wide and semi-flaring and distinctly ruf­ in the somewhat narrowed falls. Easy pod (Mary Randall x Jan Elizabeth) Bred from two fled. Heaviest substance. Fair branching. Was parent. Carries plicato factors...... $5.00 shorter parents this delicate pastel beauty outstanding the post two years in our gardens LAHARA* (E. Sundt '64) EM 30 in. (Imam Ahmid stands high in the garden on heavy stalks. and everyone who sow it wonted to own it. x Iman Selah) Bred from two good C. G. White The ground color is ivory flushed delicate sea­ Holds up well in the heat of the late season. irises this fine "yellow omoena" has glisten­ shell to apricot or flamingo pink, very deli­ #l 4-7 4-F ...... •...... ••.•.... $25.00 ing white standards and wide, round, flar­ cate in appearance but the color holds to the WESTERN SUN (F. Horris '64) M-Vl 32 in. (Sum­ ing chrome-yellow falls with a pronounced sig· last. The petals ore nicely laced and the mer Sun X Glittering Gold) Although we seem nol patch. Fertile both ways. Undoubtedly 44 beard is pinkish-tangerine. Standards domed to have many fine yellow irises, actuoHy qual­ chromosomes #59-207A ...... $25.00 and the falls wide, round and flaring. Most ity in this color class nos logged. Here is a LORASON* (M. Knopf '64) EM 34 in . (Blossom charming and personable. Its breeder and I real advance in yellows. A deep and rich Volley x I. lorettii) Grayed blue self with blue hove been employing it in quest of lacing mt>stord-yellow color that appears to have tipped beard, sl ight signal patch at beard. in lavenders, whites and pinks with red or a metallic to almost velvety finish. Parts ore Round, flaring falls. looking for all the world tangerine beards. Was, as well, crossed with very wide and the falls ore perfectly round like a Capitola seedling. No pollen and dif, Norma Averett. Fertile both ways #58-69-. and flared horizontally-due to the heavy ficult to pod, but a good potential breeder if ...... $25.00 breeding (from each parent) from that won­ it con be induced to set seed. #13Al 1. $15.00 ~LITHA MALLETIE (Phil Edinger '64) Ml 38 in . derful iris Tobacco Road. Vigorous and hardy NOMO * (C. F. Nave '64) EM 36 in . (Snow Flur­ Alduro x New Hope) We may reproduce a it will perform much better than either of its ry x I. nigricons) Blue-white self with light picture of this gorgeous white plicoto with its parents in almost any climate. A real master- yellow beard. Shows only sl ightly its onco­ violet blue markings on both standards and piece. H. C. Award 1963...... $25.00 cyclus breeding. No pollen but will pod rather falls which ore precise and delicate and there easily. Moy be the first nigricans hybrid to ore no markings or lines in the center of the MEDIANS be named, and introduced for this reason, and falls which give it -a very clean appearance. for breeding purposes ...... $10.00 It is flared, ruffled and wide of ports, the BUTTERFLOWER (Delphine Harden '64) BB. E. 20 SIR GORDON * (Floro McGee '64) EM 34 in. standards ore conic. Usually has three-way in. (plicato sdlg: Joke x Wabash) X Party (Jone Phillips x Capitola) lavender-blue or Wis­ branching, but will, under ideal conditions of Dress) Actually starts blooming with the "lil­ teria self with bluish beard. Domed standards, growth, grow to 50 inches in height and hove liputs" and when you see this flower with its wide, round, perfect horizontally flared, sl ight­ 4 branches and up to 22 buds. In California rich golden yellow color (Between crome­ ly ruffled falls. A classic beauty and sheer where it was bred it will bloom several times yellow and lemon-yellow) and the deeper, perfection. Pods rather easily. Branching only during the year, but hos not done so in Utah, long orang-yellow beard you will suspect it modest, as with many Capitola derivities yet grows perfectly healthy. Received on Ex­ has Porty Dress as a parent. It could throw yet it is stunning. A large flower. Sister seedl- hibition Certificate in 1962. #34-59 A. $25.00 plicotos, amoenos, pinks, apricots and oranges. ing to Trisha...... $25.00 Pods rather easily with only a few seeds. EADOW SNOW (H. Fischer '64) M-Vl 36 in. SPURIA IRIS (Pierre Menard x Danube Wave) X (Truth) ...... $10.00 White, white self including beard with wide NORMA AVERETT (Muhlestein '64) BB M-late 28 RED STEP (Muhlestein '64) M 30 in. (Monteagle x flaring falls, cupped (domed) and rounded­ in. (Native Dancer x June's Sister) Ivory to Bronze Butterfly) Standards appear quite red a classically formed beautiful flower. This will white ground flushed apricot pink. Falls lined ore reddish-brown (light Mahogany) while produce magnificent whites and blues. Helps amber at hafts, standards flushed coral with the falls ore darker than the standards. A to close the iris season and carries up to gold edge, falls edged coral-pink with a min­ smallish flower on short stalks. I feel this is eleven buds per stalk. #3928 ...... $25.00 ute gold edge and a coral-red beard. I hove a real break for breeders. Fertile both ways. PAINTED DOLL (D. J. Boen '64) M-VL 36 in. (Ex­ seen nothing quite like it. The standards open #61-4 ·········································· $20.00 travaganza) X (53-11: Gypsy x Great Lakes) (cup) and the falls flare-it hos a distinct and SIBERIANS Do you know the table iris Peacock's Eye? unusual personality. H.C. '63. #92...... $25.00 Here is a vastly improved version of this un­ WILD PEACOCK (Muhlestein '64) M-Vl 24 in. JORETTA (Groce Carlson '64) M 40 in. (Parent­ usual and striking flower-a true novelty. The (Jungle Bird x Bong) The reciprocal cross to age "nknown) Dark blue self, wide segments, standards ore blue-white, flushed pole yel­ Mortel. Standards rosy-wine with tan infusion. falls very flaring and ruffled. A beautiful ad­ low at base. Upper port of falls ore dork red­ Foils deeper wine with wide, strong flush of dition to this section, and surely to the blues. purple, lower part bright lavender, hafts bright violet; hafts brushed deep brown almost Received Exhibition Certificate 1959. #557-2. brown with a few white reticulations, beard one full inch. The flower is about five inches ······----························································ $15.00 orange-yellow. Standards domed, falls med­ over all. Falls flare and ruffle. The entire SNOW FLARE (Groce Carlson '64) M 40 in. (Snowy ium-wide and semi-flaring. Has two or three Hower glistenes like the finish of a Peacock's Egret x ? ) Snowy-white self, very little yel­ branches with from eight to twelve buds. feathers. H.C. '63. #166• ...... $25.00 low at haft. Segments wide and the falls ore Throwing some red omoenos. Hos pollen only flaring. # 557-1 ...... $15.00 occasionally and not easy to pod. #55-36. 5 ...... $15.00 1964 INTRODUCTIONS Continued BEARDE HEMEROCALLIS OUR GROWING FIELD is located on 8th South in Vineyard, just East of the Vineyard Ward TELL'S IRIS GARDENS Church. If coming from Salt Lake City, on High­ {Day lilies) way 91 turn onto the "Geneva" road, which is (Tell Muhlestein, the first lane to the right after the Railway Un­ (* marked co GARY BEE (Ethel Helms '64) M-L dor., Reb. 28 in. derpass at Pleasant Grove. Or approaching from (President Rice x High Noon) Sunkiss Orange Orem turn West on Center Street or 4th South to and Marigold or Cadmium Orange according ADAM (Craig '62) M 40 in . (Sdlgs. involvi the end (or to Geneva Road) turn left (to travel to Mertz and Paul Dictionary of Color. This age, Molten, Louis Craig) Vineyard r south) travel to the Vineyard Ward Chapel, eight inch beauty has an apple- throat, falls richer, brighter, however. Proving then turn East (left) a street now marked DEAD ruffling on the petals,. especially on the longer mendously good parent for reds...... END-the field is about a block distance. Travel­ lower petal. The excellent branching often AD LIB (Tompkins '60) M-L 35 in . (Color ing north from Provo one IY' ·y take the West Cen­ shows three or four stunningly magnificent x Moulin Rouge) Dark chocolate-red ter Street Viaduct road to the Geneva Road, turn blooms at once and these hold perfectly in mate for reds with pink breeding. right and continue North past the first church the heat of the late season and stay open ...... (which is Lake View Ward) thence to Vineyard long into the night. There is a slight twisting ADORN (Clif. Smith '59) M. 36 in. (Leadi1 Ward Chapel and turn right (Dead End Street.) and recurving to some of the petals and x Lindora) Standards deep Buttercup Our home, and mailing adress, is Provo, sepals, and is delightfully fragrant. Moderate falls white, bordered yellow. H. C. ' 691 East 800 North, Phone 373-1845, Area code of increase and occasionally proliferates. '59 ··················-··········································· Many fanciers who saw Gary Bee in its 801. AERIEL (Fothergill '59) EM 40 in. (Jone Pl home garden in North Corolina begged to SEE-FINE Improved Marker Dorothy King) Cobalt-blue self ...... purchase plants in advance of introduction. A AHOY (Tompkins '57). M. 38 in. (50-11 magnificent achievement. Blooms until frost. parent of Brigadoon, x Defiance.) Q Carmine. ,y Ridgeway . ApR #60-1-1. ····························---················· $25,00 Tags of 26 Gauge be c ::, right rosy-toned cherry-red. Well WITCHING HOUR (K. D. Smith '64) E-M-La Dor, Calvanized Iron .~~'. .. heavily .sub~'.~nced, .. non-burning .. H1 Reb. 40 in. (from involved red breeding of Smith unintroduced sdlgs. beginning with 1 3/4" X 3 3/8" ALICE CHRISTY (DeForest '59) M 34 in. (cl Leonian seeds plus Rosalind) Maroon-Red with Round Corners X Pink Sensation) x (Cloudcap x Fronce bold orange-gold throats, petals and sepals Bright pink self, coral-pink beard ...... are precisely edged with a hairline of the 45° Angle ALICE LEMEN (Plough '57) M 31 in. (Gold same orange-gold of the throat. Deeper than x Cherie) X (Twenty Grand) Crimped 01 Crimson and its golden throat lends brilliance Wire Is Extra Heavy ed lemon yellow with white area ir to the dark red segments, even as the full Blood for lace, blends and pinks. H moon highlights the velvet dark of midnight. No. 8 Galvanized Stiff scopes have six branches and up to fifty (1/6 inch diam.) ALLAGLOW (Tompkins '58). ML 37 in. (Baiil buds. Very weather-resistant (sun doesn't af· cer x Lady Albright) x (Golden Twiligh feet it) and the reblooming quaHty makes burs!·gold _blended bittersweet orange, these six and one-half inch flowers a delight 26" Overall Length orchid at top of beard and sprinkled wi in the garden picture. #56-14 ...... $20.00 Allows as Much as dust. An excitingly beautiful blend. H 1960 winner of the Primo Firenze Award 21" Above the '60 ...... 1 Ground ALLEGIANCE (P. Cook '58) M 38 in. (Da;I IRIS SEED man) X (Distance x blue sdlg.) x Pierri ard) Standards violet ultramarine; falls I "S" Bend Clings in Tall Bearded Seed in various color clones ~~\~e;i ;~~iu~;/lue.tipped.yellow, 1 ...... 10c each Ground and ALL ETERNITY (S. Jensen '62) M-L 30 in ...( ( Tall Bearded Seed from new Pinks and Oranges ...... 15c each Prevents Turning Lace x Dr. Wanlass) Laced, Cold, blue-J Dwarf Iris Seed, various colors ...... 15c each excellent size, height and branching. ~ Spuria Iris Seed, various colors ...... 10c each for lace_d things in many colors includinl No len than 20 seeds from any given crou PRICES ARE F.0.B. LEWISTON and pinks or to Rippling Waters, due to the work involved in making the crones Up to 25 ______2 for 25c Dream, Celestial Snow etc and labeling the envelopes. Order 1eed1 on ANCIENT EGYPT (Fother~ill '6°3) .. L:vi:··:;:;--i~ 25 to 200 ------llc each Formal x Strathmore) X (Pink Formal > separate order blank for they will be sent In 200 to 500 ______lOc each September. Ran?all) Tones of Chinese-Coral. Ste 500 to 1000 ______9c each marigold-orange; falls tangerine-orang, 1000 Lots ------8c each •yellow hafts. Wide, full on excellent substance. Large flowers corr OLD CATALOGS AVAILABLE Shipping weight: w~ll--branched stalks. A perfect ma 21 pounds per hundred markers Chinese C?ral, Spanish Affair, Glitterni ber, Claudia Rene, Orange Parade, Mar We have available the following old cota­ Norman and Elsie Purviance logs at 50 cents each: 1956, 1958, 1959, 1961 Dawn Crest. ················"·······················-··· 1962 and 1963. Our current catafog is mailed only ALPINE BLUE (Schreiner '62) M 38 in. (Bise, to current customers and those who send 50 cents SEE-FINE MARKERS x Harbor Blue) x Salem) Near cerulea self with pearly-cast ...... for same. 1817 Twelfth Avenue Lewiston, Idaho 6 NS Continued GROWING FIELD is located on 8th South BEARDED IRIS FOR 1964 neyard, just East of the Vineyard Ward TELL'S IRIS GARDENS 691 East 8th North Provo, Utah h. If earning from Salt Lake City, on High- 91 turn onto the "Geneva" road, which is (Tell Muhlestein, Phone: 373-1845 Area Code 801) rst lane ta the right after the Railway Un­ (* marked contain Oncocyclus or Regelia blood) ,ss at Pleasant Grave. Or approaching from turn West on Center Street or 4th South to ADAM (Craig '62) M 40 in. (Sdlgs. involving Sav­ Al SCHEVE (Freudenburg '63) MVL 32 in . (Bold nd (or to Geneva Road) turn left (to travel age, Molten, Louis Craig) Vineyard red self, Copper X Al Borok) Rich golden-brown self, travel ta the Vineyard Ward Chapel, falls rich~r, brighter, however. Proving a tre- deeper at edges of falls which are flaring, very turn East (left) a street now marked DEAD mendously goad parent for reds...... $20.00 full and round. Excellent substance. H.C. '61. the field is about a block d istance. Travel­ AD LIB (Tompkins '60) M-L 35 in. (Color Carnival ...... $30.00 orth from Provo one IT' ,y take the West Cen­ x Moulin Rouge) Dark chocolate-red self. A ALPENROSE (R. Schreiner '59) E. 38 in. (Savage x lreet Viaduct road ta the Geneva Road, turn mate for reds with pink breeding. HC '55. Cordolon) Silvery, silky, iridescent lavender· and continue North past the first church ...... $5.00 blend with flaring falls. HM '61 ...... $3.50 f is Lake View Ward) thence to Vineyard ADORN (Clif. Smith '59) M. 36 in . (Leading Lady AMBER LACE (Vallette '61) M 42 in . ((Chantilly l Chapel and turn right (Dead End Street.) x Lindora) Standards deep Buttercup yellow; x Tell's 47-720, parent of Pink Ful.) x (Cream­ r home, and mailing adress, is Provo, falls white, bordered yellow. H. C. '58, H M glow) Pale Amber self, lighter around lemon East 800 North, Phone 373-1845, Area code '59 ...... $10.00 beard. Blood for lace in many colors ...... $3.50 AERIEL (Fothergill '59) EM 40 in. (Jane Phillips x Dorothy King) Cobalt-blue self...... $7.50 AMETHYST FLAME (Schreiner '58). M-L 38 in. EE-FINE Improved Marker AHOY (Tompkins '57). M. 38 in. (50-116, pod (Crispette) x (Lavanesque x Pathfinder). Lilac parent of Brigadoon, x Defiance.) Close to blue-lavender overlaid with soft pink sheen. Carmin£ ,y Ridgeway color chart. Appears to The ruffled flowers are of heavy and superb Tags of 26 Gauge be c c,right rosy-toned cherry·red. Well branch­ substance and the falls are flared to perfection. Calvanized Iron ed, heavily substanced, non-burning, HC 1955. HC '57, HM '58, AM '60, Dykes Medal '63...... $2.00 Plant Patent No. 1793 ...... $3.50 1 3/ 4" X 3 3/ 8" ALICE CHRISTY (DeForest '59) M 34 in. (Corabella (Not to be inclu·ded in discount, write for Round Corners x Pink Sensation) x (Cloudcap x Frances Kent) wholesale price) Bright pink self, coral-pink beard ...... $3.00 ANEMBO (G. Bootes) EM 38-40 in. (Helen M~ 45 ° Angle ALICE LEMEN (Plough '57) M 31 in . (Gold Ruffles Gregor) X (Hit Parade x Pink Formal) Huge, x Cherie) X (Twenty Grand) Crimped and flut· heavily substanced light yellow with lighter Wire Is Extra Heavy ed lemon yellow with white area in falls. area in falls; beard richer. Great blood here Blood for lace, blends and pinks. H M '60 for many colors. Branching could be better, No. 8 Galvanized ...... $4.00 stalks are very heavy. HM '60...... $2 .00 (1 / 6 inch diam. ) ALLAGLOW (Tompkins '58). ML 37 in. (Ballet Dan­ ANGELA MIA (Noyd '56) M 36 in. (Dixie Belle x cer x Lady Albright) x (Golden Twilight). Sun· Spanish Peaks) Gorgeous, large ruffled white burst-gold blended bittersweet orange, flushed with slight greenish cast. Faur-way branching. 26" Overall Length orchid at tip of beard and sprinkled with gold HM '59...... $2.00 dust. An excitingly beautiful blend. HC '57, Allows as Much as ANGEL CURLS (Branch '57). M 1 L 34-in. (Azure 1960 WM"lner of the Primo Firenze Award, A. M. Skies x Cahokia) X (Cahokia). Ruffled medium 21" Above the '60 ...... $5.00 blue self with substance. HM '58...... $2.50 ALLEGIANCE (P . Cook '58) M 38 in. (Dark Boat· Ground man) X (Distance x blue sdlg.) x Pierre Men­ ~NGEL'S DREAM (E. Smith 1961) ML 40 in. (Bro. ard) Standards violet ultramarine; falls Rosylyn Chas. 51-33 x Mission Starlite) Gorgeous ruf­ "S" Bend Clings in Blue, beard medium blue tipped yellow. HC '57, fled and fluted pure white. Certainly one of HM '58 AM '60. Net ...... $5.00 the most personable new iris recently intro­ Ground and All ETERNITY (S. Jensen '62) M-L 30 in. (Queen's duced. This will be a remarkable breeder cros­ Prevents Turning Lace x Dr. Wanlass) Laced, Cold, blue-white of sed with Queen's lace, My Alana, White Fire, excellent size, height and branching. A mate Dr. Wanlass, Pacific Panorama and Swan for laced things in many colors including blues Ballet...... $10.00 PRICES ARE F_O.B. LEWISTON and pinks or to Rippling Waters, Angel's ANTHEM (Schreiner '58). E-M 40 in . (Gypsy llose Up to 25 ______2 for 25c Dream, Celestial Snow, etc ...... $7.50 x Auburn) X (Savage). Imposing blend of ANCIENT EGYPT (Fothergill '63) L-VL 44 in . (Pink fuchsia-purple with generous margining of is to 200 ------llc each Formal x Strathmore) X (Pink Formal x Mary bronze around the flaring falls HM '60. ~00 to 500 ______lOc each Randall) Tones of Chinese-Coral. Standards ...... $2.00 pOO to 1000 ______9c each marigold-orange; falls tangerine-orange with ANYTIME* (Cavagnaro '56). M-L 38 in. (Alba 000 Lots ______8c each aureolin·yellow hafts. Wide, full and has Superba x Lady Mohr.) This is absolute per­ excellent substance. Large flowers carried on fection. Very round, wide, perfectly horizontal Shipping weight: well•branched stalks. A perfect mate for falls, huge globular standards all of superb, 21 pounds per hundred markers Chinese Coral, Spanish Affair, Glitternig Am­ 1:teavy substance. Off-white because of the ber, Claudia Rene, Orange ParadP., Marilyn C, Charteruse lines at the hafts. Pollen somewhat Norman and Elsie Purviance Dawn Crest...... $20.00 fertile and will pod. It should hold great prom­ ALPINE BLUE (Schreiner '62) M 38 in. (Biscay Bay ise as a breeder when used to other fertile SEE-FINE MARKERS x Harbor Blue) x Salem) Near cerulean blue Oncoclyclus hybrids, or to use with things that self with pearly-cast ...... $10.00 need width of parts. HC '53, HM '56 . .... $3.00 817 Twelfth A venue Lewiston, Idaho 7 APRICOT HONEY (E . Smith '61) M 36 in. (Mary AZURITE (H. Sass '50) M. 34 in. (49-59 x Randoll x Garden Gold) Apricot- self, small Waters) White ground plicata lightly white blaze below orange beard...... $2.50 and dotted with Methyl Violet. Styles an APRICOT LUSTRE (Suiter '60) M. 34 in . (Beau Gay dark moorish blue. Three branches one x Salmon Sheen) x (Chosen x Prairie ) x nal. The parent of Moongate and Teo (Tells's 47-72 A x Pink Formal) Rich, flaring, A mate for Rococo and Miss Alomec deep apricot self...... $10.00 '61. ···························································· APRICOT PRINCESS (Quad'fos '60) M 36 in . Sal­ BABY'S BONNET (Boker '57). E-L 34 in. (Goy mon Shell x Apricot Glory) X (Temple Bells) x Loom is sea shell sdlg.) Standards whi" Apricot self with light spot below tangerine pole salmon-pink. One of the first of beard...... $10.00 called pink amoenos. This should b, ARCADY (Fothergill '62) Ml 38 in . (Jane Phillips crossed with Pin Up Girl. HC 56, H x Pegasus) Soft pale blue standards, lighter blue falls blue-tipped beard. Excellent branch­ BANBURY CROSS (Brumm itt 1959). M 40 in ing. A perfect mate for Top Of The World and Flurry x Arabi Pasho.) viol, Wide World derivities. Dykes Medal Eng. '62. blue-tipped beard. Hos beautiful brc ...... $10.00 grows vigorously and pods easily. D, ARCTIC FLAME (0. Fay '60) M 32 in. (lipstick x by H. Senior Fothergill in the 1958 Bri· Sib.) Breathtakingly beautiful white with its Society year book on page 112 ...... gorgeous ruffling and fluting and set off by BANG (Croig '55) EM 36 in. (Savage) x a tangerine beard. Deserving of all praise. HC von) x (Molten). Bold red on the bro, '57, HM '60, AM '62 ...... Net $15.00 with wonderful substance in the stc ARCTIC SKIES (0. Fay' 60) M 34 in . (Albino x due to Cordovan blood. Tested over th Cliffs of Dover) x (Butterfly Blue) Icy-blue try but does especially well in the n standards, blue-white falls, white beard. A mates. Greot blood for the hybridizer mate for Top 0 . T. World, Arcady and Mar- and rich blends. Slight reticulations. I HM '55, AM '60 ...... riott. H.M. '61...... $7.50 BARBARA BURT (E & A Watkins '63) ML AROUND ABOUT (Nebeker '61) Ml 38 in. ((Tif­ fany x Blue Rin;i) x (Aldura x Tell's 46-112: (Eleanor's Pride x Pierre Menard) Blue-I (Blue Shimmer x Electra) x (Wasatch)) X ((Tif­ self, blue·white beard. With such quol fanja x Blue Rim) x (New Hope) Wide-petaled, ents it can only be great. A marveloui ANYTIME round white plicata lightly marked violet-blue. ing potential...... HC '60 ...... $10.00 BARBARA WALTHER (Casselman '61) M APACHE SWEETHEART (8. Tolmon '63) Midseason ARTIST'S MODEL (El Dorado '61) Ml 40 in . (Sass (Tranquility) X (New Snow x (((San F 36 in. (Suzette x Fire Donce) X (Sib.) Most sdlg: Pink Sails x (Bali Rose x Loomis ' SQ x Theodolinda) x Minnie Colquitt)) x charming, personable lemon-yellow ground 73)) X (Sass sdlg: Prairie Jewel x (Persian Peaks))) Gorgeous pure white with plicata with cinnamon markings which are Princess x Matula) Bi-tone of peach and apri­ beard. Carries much plicata blood. deeper, richer and more bold at the haft. Flar­ cot with a heavy wash of rose-pink on the for the lady who is the " patron·soint" ing, tailored falls are clean in the c., .. ,er areo. falls. Carries factors for bi-colors as well as world famous Presby Memorial Gardens Truly a striking, yet delicately beautiful flow- lace. HC '60 ...... $12.50 BARBIZON (Schreiner '61) M 38 in . ((Red er ...... $15.00 ASPENGLOW (Loomis '56) M-l 36 in . (Fr. Loomis x Copper Rose) x Redward) x Pocemc APPLE CAPITOL (Noyd '57) M-Vl 32 in. (Casa and a DeForest seedling.) Wonderfully rich, Garden Glory x Cordovan) Richest C Morena x Plough 6127-55, red) Dark red self, full, and beautifully formed deep yellow with red, falls deeper. A great advance i beard same tipped bronze...... $3.50 just a touch of ruffling. Strong well branched HM '62 ...... APPLE CIDER (Tompkins '62) EL 38 . in. ((Techni­ stalks insure a long season of bloom. HM '58, 3AR HARBOR (Nesmith '58) M 38 in. (I color x Twil ight Sky) x Smoked Salmon) X Pres. Cup '63...... $1.50 Adams x Gulf Stream) x (Jane Phill ips > (Garnet Glow x Mary Randall) Blend of ASTRONAUT (C. Rees '60) ML 32 in. (Yellow Or­ Murray) Standards sea-blue; falls rich s bri ght candy pink and salmon-coral with a gandy) X (Hall 44-09 x Song of Songs) Stand­ and aconite violet smoothly finished, dee smooth overlay of glittering, smoky-toned, ards sulpher yellow; falls lighter with deeper purple beard. HM '59 ...... chamois-pink . Becrd salvia-red ...... $7.50 flush at hafts. A perfect mate for Cream Crest BARTOW LAMMERT (C. Benson '58) M 34 in APPLE CUP (Noyd '61) Ml 33 in.) ((Aria x Tech­ and Riviera. HM '61...... $5.00 ish Peaks x Cloudless Sky) Lorge purE nicolor) X (Sdlg. x Ebony Echo) x (Yim) Big, ATMOSPHERE (J. Nelson '60) EM 44 in. (Sky Dye self. HC '57, HM '58 ...... wide semi- flaring red self at the haft with x Sun lakes) Large, flaring Gentian blue self BASIN STREET (Gaulter '59) M 38 in. glistening green; brownish beard ...... $10.00 with lighter hafts ...... $6.50 Warning x Sable Night) Deep purple se APRICOT CREAM (Plough '59) HL 30 in. (Apricot ATOMIC POWER (Noyd '59) ML 31 in. (Pinnacle X red undertone...... ((Minnie Colquitt x Melitza) X (Gaylord)) White Glory x Mary Randall) X (same) Creamy yellow BEACON FLASH (J . Nelson) EML 32 in. standards; falls medium blue with hafts over­ with light tangerine beard...... $5.00 pector x Rainbow Room) Brilliant, APRICOT DANCER (Noyd '58) l-Vl 25 in. (June laid violet, chocolate and green; yellow beard. substanced yellow with o white area ir Bride x Temple Bells) Rich Orange-apricot falls Here is a mixed·up perigree that could pro­ of falls, big orange beard. Hord t, flared and laced. HM 59 ...... $2.50 duce almost anything. Would suggest the fol­ Carries lace-factors and could bree APRICOT DREAM (Noyd '58) Ml 29 in. ((Reveille lowing mates: Whole Cloth, Chetkin or its blends ...... x New Horizon) x (Apricot Glory)) X (Temple parent, New Adventure, Pin Up Girl and Al- BEAUDETTE (DeForest '61) M 36 in . (Franc, Bells). Fine Apricot ...... $2.50 lah ...... $3.50 x Melody lane) Blend of apricot tones, , APRICOT FLARE (Suiter '58) EM 36 in. (Midwest AZURE HAVEN (Reynolds- '57) EM 38 in . (Snow pinkish ; pinkish-tangerine beard ... Gem x Daybreak) x (Salmon Sheen) Flaring Apri­ Flurry x Chivalry) X (Azure Skies) Very wide BECAUSE (M Wolff '59) M 38 in. (Chiv cot self. lace factors and blood refreshment light blue self, lighter beard and haft. H.C. (Buechley's Giant x Golden Spike) Lovely here for pinks, oranges and salmons .....• $2.00 '56. HM '57•...... $5.00 blue self., , ...... 8 COT HONEY (E. Smith '61) M 36 in. (Mary AZURITE (H. Sass '50) M. 34 in. (49-59 x Dancing BELLE MEADE (J. Wills '52). M 39 inches. (Blue doll x Garden Gold) Apricot-buff self, small Waters) White ground plicata lightly marked Shimmer x Snow Crystal.) Sturdy, heavy sub­ ite blaze below orange beard...... $2.50 and dotted with Methyl Violet. Styles and crests stanced blue-marked white plicata. Grandparent COT LUSTRE (Suiter '60) M. 34 in. (Beau Gay dark maorish blue. Three branches and termi­ of Miss Alameda and parent of Rococo, so it Salmon Sheen) x (Chosen x Prairie Sunset) x nal. The parent of Moongate and Tea Apron. is proving its worth as a breede r. HM '56. ells's 47.72 A x Pink Formal) Rich, flaring, A mate for Rococo and Miss Alameda. HM ...... $1.50 1 '61 ...... $7.50 BELL RINGER (Noyd '59) M 35 in. (Golden Flash \~o?;~~~CsEe~~· (Q~~i;;;~···;60) .. M.. ":i°6 .. } ~: BABY'S BONNET (Baker '57). E-L 34 in. (Gay Orchid x Pink Enchantment) Ruffled and lacy chartre­ on Shell x Apricot Glory) X (Temple Bells) x Loomis sea shell sdlg.) Standards white, falls use yellow; beard tangerine to yellow. Tre­ ricot self with light spot below tangerine pale salmon-pink. One of the first of the so­ mendous pedigree for lace, pinks and for bor­ iard...... $10.00 called pink amoenas. This should be good der irises. Try with Frilly Fringes, Golden Mas­ ADY (Fothergill '62) ML 3B in. (Jane Phillips crossed with Pin Up Girl. HC 56, HM '57, terpiece, Riviera, Arctic Flame to name a few . Pegasus) Soft pale blue standards, Lighter ...... $4.00 ...... $3.50 ue falls blue-tipped beard. Excellent branch­ BANBURY CROSS (Brummitt 1959). M 40 in. (Snow BELTON BEAUTY (Frey '59) EM 38 in . (Snow Flurry g. A perfect mate far Top Of The World and Flurry x Arabi Pasha.) Spectrum violet with x Chivalry) Another great iris from a sound de World derivities. Dykes Medal Eng. '62. blue-tipped beard. Has beautiful branching, cross. Medium violet, falls have a white area ...... $10.00 grows vigorously and pods easily. Described at hafts. Should be an excellent mate for Vio­ :TIC FLAME (0. Fay '60) M 32 in . (Lipstick x by H. Senior Fothergill in the 1958 British Iris let Ruffles and Utah Valley. HC '58, HM 'b.) Breathtakingly beautiful white with its Society year book on page 112...... $3.00 '59. #19 Judges' Choice '60 ...... $2 .00 argeous ruffling and fluting and set off by BANG (Craig '55) EM 36 in . (Savage) x (Cordo­ BENGAL BEAUTY (Muhlestein '62) ML 40 in. (First tangerine beard. Deserving of all praise. HC van) x (Molten). Bold red on the brown side curtain x Pretty Carol) Very wide, bright rosy­ 57, HM '60, AM '62 ...... Net $15.00 with wonderful substance in the standards orchid or Bengal-Rose self. A show-piece in due to Cordovan blood. Tested over the coun­ iTIC SKIES (0. Fay' 60) M 34 in. (Albino x the garden. HC '61 HM '63 ...... $25.00 try but does especially well in the mild cli­ iffs of Dover) x (Butterfly Blue) Icy-blue BERNA DERBY (E & A. Watkins '59) M. 36 in. mates. Great blood for the hybridizer of reds andards, blue-white falls, white beard. A (Helen McKenzie x Major Eff) Violet self with and rich blends. Slight reticulations. HC '54, ate for Top 0. T. World, Arcady and Mar- blue beard. Should be good used with Blue HM '55, AM '60 ...... $1.50 iott. H.M. '61...... $7.50 Crest, Wedgewood Haven and Marriott. H.M. BARBARA BURT (E & A Watkins '63) ML 38 in. OUND ABOUT (Nebeker '61) ML 3B in . ((Tif­ 61 ...... $5 .00 any x Blue Rini) x (Aldura x Tell's 46-112: (Eleanor's Pride x Pierre Menard) Blue-lavender BERTA B (Tompkins '58) ML 36 in . (Salmon Shell Blue Shimmer x Electra) x (Wasatch)) X ((Tif­ self, blue-white beard. With such quality par­ x Apricot Glory) X (Sass 53-173) Unheralded, nja x Blue Rim) x (New Hope) Wide-petaled, ents it can only be great. A marvelous breed- but one of the finest of the new and surely ound white plicata lightly marked violet-blue. ing potential...... $18.00 a leader in its color. Lupine-blue with tanger- C '60 ...... $10.00 BARBARA WALTHER (Casselman '61) M 37 in . ine-red beard. Vigorous grower ...... $2.00 IST'S MODEL (El Dorado '61) ML 40 in. (Sass (Tranquility) X (New Snow x (((San Francisco BETH COREY (Watkins '57). M 38 in . ( (Shining dig: Pink Sails x (Bali Rose x Loomis ' SQ x Theodolinda) x Minnie Colquitt)) x Spanish Water x Gloriole) x (Great Lakes)) x (Ch ivalry). r3)) X (Sass sdlg: Prairie Jewel x (Persian Peaks))) Gorgeous pure white with white Light medium blue self, very broad. Texture Princess x Matula) Bi-tone of peach and apri­ beard. Carries much plicata blood. Named veining in falls give it an air of distinction. cot with a heavy wash of rose-pink on the for the lady who is the "patron-saint" of the HC '53, HTM '57 ...... $2 .50 world famous Presby Memorial Gardens. $10.00 falls. Carries factors for bi·calars as well as BIG BROWN PENNY (L. Hooker '57) ML 40 in. lace. HC '60...... $12.50 BARBIZON (Schreiner '61) M 38 in. ((Red Gleam (Ola Kala x Chantilly) X (Mary Randall) " Penny PENGLOW (Loomis '56) M-L 36 in. (Fr. Loomis x Copper Rose) x Redward) x Pacemaker)) X brown" self with yellow-orange throat and and a DeForest seedling.) Wonderfully rich, Garden Glory x Cordovan) Richest Chestnut­ beard. Wonderful branching, form and sub­ lull, and beautifully farmed deep yellow with red, falls deeper. A great advance in reds. stance. What great breeding for many colors ust a touch of ruffling. Strong well branched HM '62 ...... $5.00 and lace...... $3.00 stalks insure a long season of bloom. HM '58, 3AR HARBOR (Nesmith '58) M 38 in. (Barbara BISCAY BAY (Schreiner '56). M 34 in. (Jane Pres. Cup '63...... $1.50 Adams x Gulf Stream) x (Jane Phillips x Sylvia Phillips) x (18-45 x Azure Skies). Wide light il'RONAUT (C. Rees '60) ML 32 in. (Yellow Or­ Murray) Standards sea-blue; falls rich sea blue blue that should breed excellent blues and pandy) X (Hall 44-09 x Song of Songs) Stand­ and aconite violet smoothly finished, deep blue- whites HM '58 ...... $1.50 ards sulpher yellow; falls lighter with deeper purple beard. HM '59 ...... $4.00 BLACK CHARM (L. Hooker '62) ML 38 in. ((Pier­ lush at hafts. A perfect mate for Cream Crest BARTOW LAMMERT (C. Benson '58) M 34 in. (Span­ re Menard x sdlg.) x Ebony Queen)) X (sib. to and Riviera. HM '61...... $5.00 ish Peaks x Cloudless Sky) Large pure white Total Eclipse) Richest Royal-purple of stately MOSPHERE (J. Nelson '60) EM 44 in. (Sky Dye self. HC '57, HM '58 ...... $2.00 x Sun Lakes) Large, flaring Gentian blue self BASIN STREET (Gaulter '59) M 38 in. (Storm elegance, form and substance. Well branched, with lighter hafts...... $6.50 Warning x Sable Night) Deep purple self with heavy stalks. Ex . C. '60. Gold Medal Hamburg 'OMIC POWER (Noyd '59) ML 31 in. (Pinnacle X red undertone...... $2.00 '63...... $15.00 ((Minnie Colquitt x Melitza) X (Gaylord)) White BEACON FLASH (J . Nelson) EML 32 in. (Pros­ BLACKNfSS (C. Lewis '59) M 30 in. (Solid Mohog­ standards; falls medium blue with hafts over• pector x Rainbow Room) Brilliant, heavily ony x Deep Velvet) Wide, ruffled black from aid violet, chocolate and green; yellow beard. substanced yellow with a white area in center the red side. HC '58, HM '60 ...... $5.00 ere is a mixed-up perigree that could pro­ of falls, big orange beard. Hard to pod. BLACK ROSE (Wilma Vallette '63) EM 42- duce almost anything. Would suggest the fol­ Carries lace-factors and could breed rid, in . (Starless Night) X (Sable x Casa Morena) lowing mates: Whole Cloth, Chetkin or its blends ...... $5.00 Blackish-Crimson self that, though dark, is rich parent, New Adventure, Pin Up Girl and Al· BEAUDETTE (DeForest '61) M 36 in . (Frances Kent and full of fire which can be fully appreciat­ Jah ...... $3.50 x Melody Lane) Blend of apricot tones, creamy, ed when the sun is shining directly through ZURE HAVEN (Reynoldit '57) EM 38 in. (Snow pinkish hue; pinkish-tangerine beard .... $2.00 these flowers. Has closed standards and flar­ Flurry x Chivalry) X (Azure Skies) Very wide BECAUSE (M Wolff '59) M 38 in. (Chivalry) x ing falls with slight reticulations at the haft. light blue self, lighter beard and haft. H.C. (Buechley's Giant x Golden Spike) Lovely violet­ A bluish-beard, tipped yellow at throat--giving '56. HM '57...... $5.00 blue self., ,...... $4.00 a greenish or brownish effect at times. $20.00 9 BON BON HAVEN (Reynolds '61) M 32 in. BLACK SWAN (0.Fay '60) EM 35 in. (Sable Night BLUE REJOICE (Dubes-Young '62) M 36 in. (Snow Pink x Rosedale) Flaring pale boby pi x 53·68) Rich black·purple with wide selt bronz· Flurry x Azure Skies) x (Soo-Preme·Sue) Ruffled likes hot weather. Standards nicely tipped beard. HC '58, HM '60. AM '62. $10.00 light blue self with gold beard. HC '61 , HM Wonderful breeding potential. HC. '59, BLACK ONYX (Schreiner '58) ML 35 in . ((F-127 x '63. ················································· ··········· $15.00 ...... BLUE OPAL (E . Smith '61) M 34 in. (Cliffs of Dov­ After Midnight) X (Storm King x Black Forest)) BON .. VOYAGE* (Plough '59) M 34 in. (E. er x Lady Ilse) Light sapphire blue self with Flaring rich black-violet self including beard, sdlg: Ormaco x Flora Campbell) x (H lighter spot below white beard. Good mate falls velvety. HM '60 ...... $2.50 X (Mary Randall) White standards for Utah Valley, Purple Ruffles, Blue Clif for BLACK TAFFETA (G . Songer '54) M-L 34 in. (Black flushed cobalt violet; falls white wit the spot and should be a wonderful parent Forest x Muh. 47-43, sister to Night Life .) of violet below beard. Styles tipped for whites and blues ...... $2.50 Black-purple self, including beard. The wide White-tipped beard. Charmingly ruffle BLUE RAVEN (Tompkins '60) Ml 36 in . (((Maid of hafts are without veining and are ruffled, 60 ...... Astolot x sib.) x (Lake Huron x Ballet In Blue) giving the flower great personality and charm. BORDER BRIGHT (T. Craig '58) M 30 in. x (lake Huron x Blue Shimmer) x Blue Shim­ A really fine advance in the dark class. HM Maid x Tiffany) x (Naranjo x P. Su mer x Lake Huron) x (Down Beat))) X (Dark '55 AM '57 ...... $1.00 (Tobacco Road))) X (Same sdlg. x (Sa Boatman) Rich navy blue with a self beard BLAZi'NG VIOLET (R . Carlson '61) M 38 in . (Vati· Molten) Dianthus to Mineral red sic with slight bronzy cast ...... $5.00 can Purple) x (Blue glow x ?) Deep violet-blue falls same, washed anatolia to pomeg BLUE SAILS (0. Brown '60) EM 30 in. (Pierre self blue beard ...... $10.00 deepe.- at haft, lighter border...... Menard x Jane Phillips) x (Swan Ballet) Flaring BLOOMIN' LOVE (J. Wells '56) EM 40 in. (Joseph's BOUFFANT (Crandall '62) M 42 in. (New l "blue Swan Ballet" of light French.blue; beard Mantle x Sib. to Novelty) X (Heahterlands). Cloud Castle) Huge, wide-petaled white yellow, blue tipped. HM '61...... $7.50 Simply gigantic, fancy cream-ground plicata fair branching, but produces grand BLUE SAPPHIRE (Schreiner '53) EM 40 in . (Snow brushed, dotted and stippled rose-pink. $2.00 its seedlings ...... Flurry x Chivalry.) Heavily substanced light BOWLING GREEN (G. Murray '59) EM. BLUE BARON (Schreiner '62) M 40 in. (Helen Mc­ silve.-y blue with infusions of emerald·blue. ((Appointee x Carolyn Burr) x (Green Pa Gregor x Fay sdlg.) x ((Jane Phillips x E 398) x HM '54, AM '56. Dykes Medal 1958. .... $1.00 X ((Green Pastures x Appointee) x (Top Cloud Castle x Narain)) Wide, classically form· BLUE SILHOUETTE* (T. Craig '56) ML 38 in. (Head­ -yellow self with wash of oliv ed marine·blue self. HC '60, HM '63. $15.00 lands x Mary McClellan) Gorgeous medium over the entire flower; safron yellow BLUE CLIF (Hamblen '56) ML 38 in. (Snow Flurry blue, wide, ruffled and plenty of substance. Chivalry.) Perfection of form and heavy sub­ Will be popular when known. On of the BRiSILIA (Schreiner '61) M 35 in. ((Dru~ stance mark this Campanula violet self with Giants of the iris world, but lots of substance x Pacemaker) x Inca Chief)) x (Caldro quality. A grand iris. HM '58 ...... $1.00 and quality. A stunner. HM '59 ...... $7.50 liant, sleek Henna-brown self. HM '62. BLUE SPINEL (Gibson '61) M 36 in . (Sierra Skies BLUE CREST (Crosby '59) E-L 40 in . ((Snow Flurry x Danube Wave) Rich Spinel blue self includ- BRASS ACCENTS (Schreiner '59) M. 38 in x Cloud Castle) x (Sylvia Murray x Cloud per Medallion x Argus Pheasant) x (lnca ing beard. Lovely shape. HM '62 ...... $6.00 Castle)) X (Blue Throat) Tailored white with Bright and rich brown self with deeper I1 BLUE STAGHORN (Muhlestein '63) EM- 36 blue beard; well branched stalks HM '62. $2.50 halfs. HC, '58, HM '59 #15 Judges' choi in (Praiseworthy x 52-24: Faught H20 x Alicia) AM '61 ...... BLUE FLIGHT (H. Frazee-Albright '54) ML 36 in . Medium lavender-blue with pale lemon·yel­ BRAVADO (D. Hall '59) M. 32 in. (54-63 x (The Admiral) x (Sis. to Pink Salmon x Great low beard. Lower portion of the wide, closed, Golden yellow with a metallic sheen fro Lakes.) Quality violet blue that won the Blue standards hove projections (horns) protruding and salmon breeding. H.M. '59, AM '63 Class at the 1952 Utah Iris Society show. Has outward, which are tripped white. A novelty great substance, flaring falls and a darker BRAVE BANNER (Porreca '~9) E-L 48 '.n. that without the "horns" is a very fine flower 1 blue-tipped beard. Has produced some sup~rb with an excellent pedigree for breeding top- Flurry x Chivalry) Blue-violet self, sl,g~ seedlings. This should be great crossed with flight blues and possibly whites ...... $15.00 area at haft. HC '57, HM '61...... Valimar, Jan Elizabeth, Berta B., etc. HC '53 BLUE SURPRISE (Austin '57) EML 36 in. (Berkeley BREATHLESS (Schirmer '62) EM 38 in. (Ra ...... $1.50 Blue x Chivalry.) Heaviest substanced light x Ballerina) Light pink self that should terrific parent. HC '58, HM '63, ...... BLUE FRECKLES (Schortman '57) EM 40 in. (Snow blue with lighter flush near cream beard. Well BRIGHT MAGIC (Shoop '63) M 36 in. (S Flurry x Blue Shimmer) X (Tiffany x Gibson branched. A re-bloomer...... $5.00 Affair X B 56· 15 series) Orange self Girl) Large white-ground plicata marked and BLUSH PINK (D . Hall D. '59) M 36 in. (May Hall "freckled" blue. Great breeding material for x 53-29) Large blush pink with overall flush deep orange beard...... Net plicatas...... $2.00 of a deeper pink; pink beard. HM '61 .... $3.50 BROADWAY STAR (Schreiner '57) ML 38 i1 BOB'S BLUE {T. Craig '58) ME 32 in. (Sib. to Blue aclP.) X (Maytime, Extravaganza, Pink BLUE GLAD (Freudenburg '58) M 36 in. (Sky tion & Majenica blood) Cream standardt Ranger x Cloud Castle) Ruffled lobelia-blue Silhouette) Short Smalt blue self of lovely form and proportion. HM '61 ...... $10.00 self. Heavy substance and fragrance add to :~~I:- a:!n~~. ~s;f~~/o~... BOLD BUTTERCUP (R. Brown '58) EM 36 in. (Good ~~.~~~i.~.~. ..~~.J its charm...... $3.00 BRIGHT CLOUD (0. Brown '61) M 38 in. News x Top Flight) Buttercup yellow; faint cJ ~LUE HAVEN (Reynolds '57) ML 36 in . (Sky Ran· Pierre Menard x Jane Phillips) X (Meloc ger x Great Lakes) Medium Blue self. .... $5.00 white touch at tip of beard. Good breeding prospect for many colors. Try with Grand Coulee White standards, falls medium blue, BLUE LINEN (Schreiner '61) EM 40 in (Sdlg. x Big Brown Penny, Doctor K, Solid Gold, Orange beard tipped blue. HC '60, HM '62 ...... Harbor Blue) large, wide, wisteria·blue self. Crush, June's Sister, Valimar, Frances Kent (and BRIGHT FORECAST (Hamblen '60) ML 30 i1 HM '62 ...... $5.00 her seedlings) or Palomino ...... $1.50 shion Show x Sib. to Glittering Amber) BLUE MESA (Z. G. Benson '59) M 40 in. (Helen very wide yellow with just enough ruff! BOLD CONTRAST (J . Linse '54) ML 40 in . (Ex· McGregor x Blue Ensign) Blue self, very wide; give it charm. Must surely prove a great travaganza x Rajah Brooke) Stunning, smooth, beard yellow tipped white. HM '60...... $10.00 er. HC '59, HM '60...... : gold and red variegata. HM '55 ...... $1.50 BLUE MIRAGE (Ohl '60) EM 34 in . (Porcelain BRIGHTSIDE (Schreiner '61) EM 37 in. ((C BOLERO (Tompkins '57) M 39 in. ((Aria x De­ Ruffles) x Midwest Gem x Chantilly)) X 1 Blue x Wide World) Ruffled pale, ice-blue with fiance) x (Rocket)) X (Rio Valley x Glistening ish Peaks) x Midwest Gem x Chantilly)) intensification of darker blue coloring through Copper). Glistening copper with smooth under­ ruffled and laced lemon-yellow self. HI center of both standards and falls. Excellent tones of henna-red. Lorge flower. Great blood substance. HM '61...... $5.00 for coppers, yellows and reds ...... $1.50 ·····················································--····-········· .' 10 BON BON HAVEN (Reynolds '61) M 32 in. (Opera BRIGHT SAILS (R. Goodman '60) M 38-40 in . UE REJOICE (Dubes-Young '62) M 36 in. (Snow Pink x Rosedale) Flaring pale baby pink that (Thotmes Ill x Dark Chocolate) Bright golden flurry x Azure Skies) x (Soo·Preme-Sue) Ruffled likes hot weather. Standards nicely closed. brown with wide, smooth halfs and a tall, light blue self with gold beard. HC '61, HM Wonderful breeding potential. HC. '59, HM '63. well branched stalk ...... $7.50 BRIGHT WORLD (Shoop '61) M 36 in . (Old Parch­ 63. ···························································· $15.00 ···································································· $15.00 JE OPAL (E. Smith '61) M 34 in . (Cliffs of Dov­ BON VOYAGE* (Plough '59) M 34 in. (E. Nelson ment x Golden Maj. F2 x ((Susitna Sunset x ir x Lady Ilse) Light sapphire blue self with sdlg: Ormaco x Floro Campbell) x (Heritage) Howard Weed) x Old Parchment x Golden ighter spat below white beard. Good mate X (Mory Randall) White standards lightly Majesty F2)) Bright yellow self with lighter 'or Utah Volley, Purple Ruffles, Blue Clif for flushed cobalt violet; falls white with flush area in falls ...... $10.00 1he spot and should be a wonderful parent of violet below beard. Styles tipped violet. BROADMEADOW (0. Brown '61) EM 32 in. (Gos­ or whites and blues ...... $2.50 White-tipped beard. Charmingly ruffled. HM per x Beth Corey) Wide pale blue self with E RAVEN (Tompkins '60) ML 36 in. (((Maid of heavy stalk. HM '62 ...... $10.00 60. ································································ $3.00 stolot x sib.) x (Lake Huron x Ballet In Blue) BORDER BRIGHT (T. Craig 'SB) M 30 in. (((China BRONZE ARMOR (Wills '57) ML 34 in. (Centurion (Lake Huron x Blue Shimmer) x Blue Shim· Maid x Tiffany) x (Naranjo x P. Sunset)) x x Arqus Pheasant.) Golden bronze or tobacco l"er x Lake Huron) x (Down Beat))) X (Dark (Tobacco Road))) X (Same sdlg. x (Savage x brown. Standards slightly deeper because they Sootmon) Rich navy blue with a self beard Molten) Dianthus to Mineral red standards; ore faintly flushed with rose. HM '59.. ... $3.00 ith slight bronzy cast ...... $5.00 falls same, washed anatolia to pomegranate, BRONZE BELL (Schreiner '57) ML 36 in (Copper UE SAILS (0. Brown '60) EM 30 in. (Pierre deepe,- at haft, lighter border ...... $3.00 Medallion x Inca Chief.) Brilliant copper-bronze enard x Jane Phillips) x (Swan Ballet) Flaring BOUFFANT (Crandall '62) M 42 in. (New Snow x of huge proportions. HM '57, AM '59 Patented 'blue Swan Ballet" af light French·blue; beard Cloud Castle) Huge, wide·petaled white. Only #1728...... , ...... ,...... $3.50 ellow, blue tipped. HM '61...... $7.50 fair branching, but produces grand width in BRONZE FLARE (M . Olson 60) ML 30 in. (Mexico UE SAPPHIRE (Schreiner '53) EM 40 in. (Snow its seedlings...... $5.00 x Rocket) Buttercup yellow standards; falls lurry x Ch ivalry.) Heavily substanced light BOWLING GREEN (G. Murray '59) EM. 34 in. golden ochre. Smooth and beautifully formed. silve

BON VIVANT (Nesmith '60) ML 38-in. Dor. (Poten­ in. Dor (51-1 x Splendor) Cardinal red brushed DARK DESTINY (Pattison '58) E 25 in. Re. ev. D tate x Block Magic) X (Knighthood) Here is with Ruby-red about the lemon -yellow throat. velvety , red spider...... $ on unusual color in daylilies and one I feel The ·six inch blooms hove petals l ¾" wide, DAWN PINK (Krous) M 24 in. dor. Large, should breed some color-breaks · in raspberry, rufflde sepals l ½" wide. There ore 35 or more flaring azalea-pink veined jasper-red. Hee lavender or Bengal-rose shades. Oxblood to buds per scape. Remains open into the late ruffled. ,...... ~ rosy lavender blended artfully. Full petals evening ...... $15.00 DARK SONG (Sholar '5.8) EM 38 in. Dor. re. semi-recurved, ruffled and velvety. Heavy sub- CENTURION (Boker '56) M 36 in. ev. (Lady Balti­ wine-rde self. Good for breeding reds, stance, beautifully branched scopes ...... $4.00 more) X (Purple and Gold x Royal Ruby) Shades pies and raspberry-lavenders...... S BOUNTIFUL ORCHID (Fass '57) M 36 in. Dor. of Coppery-red. Commanding and sturdy in DEBBIE ANN (Hall '62) M 32 in. Dor. Su, (Mission Bells x Whorl of Gold) light yellow the garden. Proliferates. HM '56 ...... $1.00 6 in. perfectly lovely smooth orchid-pink seff...... $3.00 CHATHAM (Boker '59) M 33 in. Dor. Butterscotch­ soft yellow throat...... S BRAHMS (Henderson) M. Dor. 36 in . Velvety red­ gold wiht faint deepening of color in throat. DELECTABLE (Childs) M 32 in. Dor. ext. purple with dork eye zone. (Potentate x Do- ...... $5.00 (Gratitude x sdlg.) Soft melon-pink self ( minion.)...... $2.00 CHERRY PINK (Holl '56) EM 30 in. Dor. Ruffled BRIDAL PINK (Hall '58) EM 32 in. Dor. Wide, Azalea-pink edged Claret-rose. Medium sized DE~~~cl~~ ·,c.hiid;··~(;O, ...M ... 36···i~:···o~;:··,~d~ full deep pink that fades attractively to a crepe·like texture, sun resistant. HM '56. $1.00 Sweet Refrain) Medium pink self ...... S soft pink. 30 or more buds...... $1.50 CHETCO (Krous '56) M 36 in . Dor. (Double Value x DIAMOND DEW (Nesmith '57) ML 38 in. ext. BROCADE (Taylor '49) M. Re. 36 in. Ev. (A Manitou) Overlapping, ruffled, compact, goblet­ (Midwest Majesty) x (Mission Bells x Co Primo Donna seedling.) Lorge Ambrose rose shaped pole creamy-primrose with touch of Ivory) Lovely wide naples yellow self ..... S w ith wide golden throat, darker veining and melon-flesh running into a greenish-golden DIAMOND DUST (Fischer '61) ML 38 in. Do, eye-zone. Open evenings. HM '53, AM '56; $2.00 throat HM '58. AM '61...... , ...... $2.50 (Atlas x Margurite Fuller) Barium yellow BURNING DAYLIGHT (Fischer '62) ML 34 in. Dor. CHIEF JOSEPH (Kraus) ML 38 in. Dor. Shaded ······································································ s (Golden Song x sdlg.) This glowing orange rich Mahogany-red and Chrysonthemum·red DIVA (Fischer '61)' M 38 in. Dor. (Countesi with a very slight crimson or cinnamon dust­ toward base with prominent cream strips. The Atlas) Lovely pale pastel yellow self. ing will demand attention from afar. The 8 in blooms ore sunfast...... $3.50 wide ...... S lovely wide petals are sun-resistant. Anxious CHRISTINE SMITH (Holl '61) M 25 in. Dor. Nas­ DORCAS (Spalding '59) EM 36 in. Semi ev. 1 to see this crossed with Aaron Edward, Gary turtium color with stripes and gold-green very smooth light salmon-pink. JC. '58, Bee, and Auria...... $7.50 throat that make it novel and different. $2.00 '59, AM '62 ...... S BURNT SUGAR (Milliken '.51) EM 36 in. Dor, CIBOLA (Hill '50) M -39 in. De. Delicate Spanish DRAMA GIRL (Childs '58) M 30 in. Dor. re. C\ Lorge flowers of excellent substance. Rich self yellow leather-like substance. HM !52 ..... $1.00 itude x sdlg.) Delectable soft shell pink c of Honey-tan ...... $1.50 COME HITHER (Holl '62) EM 28 in. Dor. Peach er at throat. JC '57, HM '58 ...... S BUTTER BRICKLE (Armstrong '59) M 34 in. Ext. pink with purple eye zone and green throat. dous light yellow spider ...... S Dor. (Butterscotch x Midwest Majesty). Wide 6½ in. lightly ruffled flower ...... · $2.00 EDITH LINCOLN (Bechtold '58) ML 36 in. Tre1 clean Chamois overlaid with honey-yellow. CONGO MAGIC (Hall '61) M 38 in. Dor. Lorge, dous light yellow spider ...... $ Very large and a real beauty ...... $5.00. bold, full flower of rich velvety red with ELIZABETH LEWIS (Murphy '58) M 38 in. BUTTERCUP tANE (Sass '55) Lo 40 in. Fr. dor. pronounced gold throat. 35 or more bud. 0 Lovely dark yellow self...... $2.50 ······································································ $2.00 EN~i~,:r~~ V:.1~~f·cc:'ti'iid~···:;;9·i··M··36 .. i~:··o·o~ BUTTERSCOTCH (Sass '55) ML 40 in. dor. Huge CORAL MIST (Holl '55) M 24 in. Dor. Shell pink (Dainty Deb x Sweet Refrain) Light pink round blooms with very wide, smooth buff­ deepening toward center near the green ············································· ························· s yellow petals and a large green throat. JC '54, throat. HM '55, AM '58 ...... $1.00 ENCHANTMENT (Richards '54) M 36 in Dor. HM '55 ...... , ...... $1.50 CORAL CROWN (Holl M 40 in . Dor. Medium­ (Margaret x Brocade) Pink and gold bl CADILLAC (Holl '58) M 36 in. Dor. Wide-spread sized, glittering Chinese Coral self with large heavy creped texture, sparkling with gold < full, ruffled diamond-dusted pink with cherry­ yellow throat ...... $1.00 Open evenings...... $ red just above soft yellow throat. Sepals CORKY (Fischer) M 34 in. Dor. (sdlg. x Mignon) ETERNAL MORN (DeForest '59) EM 40 in. slightly recurved ...... $1.50 Pinard yellow self ...... $5.00 Lovely yellow self ...... S CADMIUM QUEEN (Dr. Hovo '62) E 30 in. Ev. CORONET (Claar-Parry '59) M 42 in . dor. fr. Pole EVELYN CLAAR (Krous '50) 33 in. EM. This orj (Cosette x sdlg.) Outstanding, gorgeous wide yellow with lavender-brown halo ...... $3.00 toned pink ranks at the very top of the E blend-melon and cream flushed CORVALLIS (Krous '55) M 38 in. Dor. Pinkish so-called pinks introduced. Wonderful bre, chrome yellow. Wide petals...... $5.00 Salmon or Chinese Coral to pink. Charmingly HM '54, AM '55 ...... S CALIFORNIA GOLD (Craig '56) EM 38 in. Ev. attractive and sure to be a good parent. $6.00 EYE SHADOW (Craig '60) M 28 in. Semi-ev. ( Heavily sub~tonced full, ruffled sunproof gold. CONTESSA (Fischer '55) M 42 in. semi-ev. (Primo x Wideyed) Primuline yellow with broad I ...... $4.00 Donna x Ruth Lehman.) Saffron yellow with CAPITOL DOME (H. Sass '56) M 46 in. dor. Grand orange overlay. Proving a tremendously good FA~: ~~~~s ;;~~!~;i=o~·~;;···;s·iii .. ML···3o .. in.i rich, dork yellow self. JC '55, HM '56, AM '60. parent. J. C. '56 ...... $2.00 Dor. Apricot cream self ...... ~ FAIRY CREAM (Fass '58) M 38 in. Dor. (Atll ········································································ $7.50 COURAGE (Crciig '57) ML 38 in. Semi-ev. (Red CAPRI (Milliken '52) M 3j in Ev. (Ruffled Pinafore Bird x Dominion) X (Emperor Jones x Domin­ Ivory Chalice) Lovely light creamy ye x Colonial Dame) Very wide, ruffled, luscious ion) Heavy Cardinal red with a silken sheen, ...... s pale rosy-apricot. HM '56, AM '59 ..... Net $2.00 well branched and sun-fast...... $2.50 FAIRY WINGS (Lester '54) EM 34 in. D< CARL MILLIKEN (Hoger '62) EM 36 in. Semi-ev., . CRESTWOOD Bl COLOR (Fay-Griesbach '61) M 30 5-inch blooms edged with tiny ruffles. A re. (Ruffled Pinafore x Gold Strike) Stunning in. Dor. re. Wide ivory-cream petals and charmer. Winner of the Pres. Cup '57. Am wide immaculate medium yellow with a soft bronze sepals, A wonderful tetropoloid with Stout Medal '60...... : ...... S green throat. A fitting tribute to a great plant 44 chromosomes. Will not set seed but pollen FAR HILLS (Saxton '52) ML 40 in. Dor. (M, breeder. Proliferates...... $20.00 is fertile...... Net $1.S.OO X (Melo x Rosalind) Broad, full Beetroot pie edged with lilac. A possible breeder CARTWHEELS (Foy '59) ML 24-30 in dor. (Soledad CURLS (Krous '61) M 20 in. Dor. (Ringlets x lavenders and purples...... S x Signal Light) Rich golden yellow self. Opens Rhodoro) Round, full, small-flowered tange­ flat and wide, JC '57, HM '58, AM '61. .. $2.00 rine-orange self. Certainly a wonderful, small- FIMBIUATA (Davis '62) ML 40 in. Ev. (High I CATHERINE THE GREAT (C & K Smith '63) ML 34 flowered hem ...... $10.00 x sdlg.) Wide, large orange-yellow (Gol 56 in. Dor (51-1 x Splendor) Cardinal red brushed DARK DESTINY (Pattison '58) E 25 in. Re. ev. Deep self with yellow throat. A stunner. .... $15.00 with Ruby-red obout the lemon · yellow throat. velvety , red spider. ·······-···-····-···········--···- $2.00 FINEST HOUR (Claar-Perry '59) M 34 in. ext. Dor. The · six inch blooms hove petals 1 ¾" wide, DAWN PINK ( Krous) M 24 in. dor. Large, wide Bright red with soft green throat. Fast of in- rufflde sepals 1½ " wide. There are 35 or more flaring azalea-pink veined jasper-red. Heavily crease. ----.. ·--·······-· ······-···-·-·-.. ·--··-······ .. ······· $5.00 buds per scope. Remains open into the late ruffled. .--··-···-···-·-·-···-··--···--··-····-·-···------··· $2.00 FLORENCE CLARY (Flory '57) M 32 in . Dor. fr . evening. ·······················-····-.. ················-···-·· $15.00 DARK SONG (Sholar '5.8) EM 38 in. Dor. re. Dark Patricio x High Noon) Wide overlapping rich CENTURION (Boker '56) M 36 in. ev. (Lady Balti­ wine-rde self. Good for breeding reds, pur­ chrome yellow banded with an enticing and more) X (Purple and Gold x Royal Ruby) Shades ples and raspberry-lavenders. -·······-······· $2.00 unusual wash of cinnamon-red. Distinctive. of Coppery-red. Commanding and sturdy in DEBBIE ANN (Hall '62) M 32 in. Dor. Sunfost JC '56, HM '61. -·········--.. -·-··---·-··-·-·--········ $3.00 the garden. Proliferates. HM '56. ·····-···-·· $1.00 6 in. perfectly lovely smooth orchid-pink with FLYING SAUCER (Flory '57) M 40 in. Dor. (Cellini CHATHAM (Boker '59) M 33 in . Dor. Butterscotch­ soft yellow throat. ········-····-··-····-···-··-·-··-·· $3.00 x High Noon) Strinkingly beautiful, clear, gold wiht faint deepening of color in throat. DELECTABLE (Childs) M 32 in. Dor. ext. fr. clean, wide 7 inch lemon yellow with soft ··· ····· ··························-···--·········-· ··-············--- $5.00 (Gratitude x sdlg.) Soft melon-pink self (light green throat. AM '60...... -...... $2.75 CHERRY PINK (Hall '56) EM 30 in. Dor. Ruffled apricot). -- -·-··-·························-···········-···-··-· $3.00 FRANCES FAY (Fay '58) EM 24 in. Dor. Re. Light Azalea-pink edged Claret-rose. Medium sized DEVOTION (Childs '60) M 36 in. Dor. (sdlg. x melon self, lightly ruffled, of very heavy sub- crepe-like texture, sun resistant. HM '56. $1.00 Sweet Refrain) Medium pink self. -···-·-·-··· $5.00 stance. J.C. '55, HM '58, AM '61...... $3.50 CHETCO (Krous '56) M 36 in . Dor. (Double Value x DIAMOND DEW (Nesmith '57) ML 38 in . ext. Dor. FRANS HALLS (Flory '57) M 22 in. Re. Petals rust Manitou) Overlapping, ruffled, compact, goblet­ (Midwest Majesty) x (Mission Bells x Carved or reddish-ton with raised creamy-orange mid­ shaped pole creamy-primrose with touch of Ivory) Lovely wide naples yellow self. ____ $3.00 ribs; sepals yellow-orange; greenish throat. melon-flesh running into a greenish-golden DIAMOND DUST (Fischer '61) ML 38 in. Dor. fr. HM '61 . ·······-···-············································ $1 .00 throat HM 'SB. AM '61. ··-·······-······-'··-··-··- $2.50 (Atlas x Margurite Fuller) Barium yellow self. FROST FAIRY (Nesmith '59) ML 35 in . ext. Dor. (Diamond Dew x Innocent) Soft pale lemon CHIEF JOSEPH (Krous) ML 36 in. Dor. Shaded -·····-····-·-·-······-····-··--···------·-···-···-····-··-···--····- $5.00 rich Mahogany-red and Chrysanthemum-red DIVA (Fischer '61)' M 38 in. Dor. (Countessa x or Naples yellow. ······················-············· $5.00 toward base with prominent cream strips. The Atlas) Lovely pole pastel yellow self. Very GARDEN SPRITE (Lester '57) EM 28 in. Dor. Med­ ium-sized ruffled, wide apricot pink (melon) 8 in blooms ore sunfost. ·····-···-······-·····-· $3.50 wide. ······-·· ·-··--··--···-·······-···-·-··-···-·······-····-··· $6.00 CHRISTINE SMITH (Hall '61) M 25 in. Dor. Nas­ DORCAS (Spalding '59) EM 36 in . Semi ev. Wide self. High branched but a real beauty. HM '57, turtium color with stripes and gold-green very smooth light salmon-pink. JC. '58, HM AM '61 . ··················-····-···--·-·-·-····-···-·········· $2.00 throat that make it novel and different. $2.00 '59, AM '62. ······--····-·······-··-·········-···-···-···- $6.00 GARNET GARLAND (Nesmith '58) ML 40 in. ext. CIBOLA (Hill '50) M 39 in. De . Delicate Spanish DRAMA GIRL (Childs '58) M 30 in . Dor. re. (Grat­ Dor. Garnet-lake self. -···-···········-···-··-··-····- $4.00 yellow leather-like substance. HM !52 ..... $1.00 itude x sdlg.) Delectable soft shell pink deep­ GARRY BEE Do yuo want it here also? COME HITHER (Hall '62) EM 28 in. Dor. Peach er at throat. JC '57, HM '58. ··········--··--···- $3.50 GEORGE CUNNINGHAM (Hall) M 36-40 in. dor. Lucious melon (lg iht apricot) blend. JC '57, pink with purple eye zone and green throat. dous light yellow spider. --············-···-····-·· $2.00 6½ in. lightly ruffled flower ········· ·-····· · $2.00 EDITH LINCOLN (Bechtold '58) ML 36 in. Tremen- HM '59, Pres. Cup, '59, AM '62. ··········-· $3.50 GIFTWRAPPED (Craig '57) ML 30 in. ext. Ev. CONGO MAGIC (Holl '61) M 38 in. Dor. Large, dous light yellow spider. --······················ $3.00 Wide Chrome yellow self with raised midribs, bold, full flower of rich velvety red with ELIZABETH LEWIS (Murphy '58) M 38 in. ev. pronounced gold throat. 35 or more bud. curled sepals and petal tips and ruffling, Light yellow self. ············-···-·-·······-····-····-··· $3.00 creped texture giving it th apparanc of a ····································· ··-··-··-···-··-···-···-···-··--- $2.0i> ENCHANTED PINK (Childs '59) M 36 in. Dor. Re. CORAL MIST (Holl '55) M 24 in . Dor. Shell pink (Da inty Deb x Sweet Refrain) Light pink self. not low on a present. --···-··-·········-·········-· $5.00 GLAD SONG (Davis '60) M 30 in . ext. ev. (Sal­ deepening toward center near the green --····-···-··-···-·-·······-···--···-··-····-··--·· ·-················· $3.00 throat. HM '55, AM '58. ········-·········-······--· $1 .00 ENCHANTMENT (Richards '54) M 36 in Dor. Re. mon ' Sheen x Pink . Prelude) Velvety-textured CORAL CROWN (Hall M 40 in. Dor. Medium­ (Margaret x Brocade) Pink and gold blend; peach self with red ·blush in throat. -··- $10.00 sized, glittering Chinese Coral self with large heavy creped texture, sparkling with gold dust. GLOWHAVEN (Reynolds '57) ML 36 in_ (Mission Bells x Fascination.) Soft but deep yellow self, yellow throat. ········-··········-····-······-······-··-·· $1 .00 Open evenings. ··-···--·······-··-········-···-··-·-····· $1.50 CORKY (Fischer) M 34 in . Dor. (sdlg. x Mignon) ETERNAL MORN (DeForest '59) EM 40 in. Dor. incluling stamens. Long blooming season. $2.00 GOLDEN (Craig '60) EM 34 in. Semi-ev. Re. Large Pinard yellow self. ··-···············-··-·············· $5.00 Lovely yellow self. -·······-···-·-·-·-·-···--····-···-- $3.00 CORONET (Cloer-Parry '59) M 42 in. dor. fr. Pale EVELYN CLAAR (Kraus '50) 33 in. EM . This orchid­ sunproof chrome yellow self that continues to yellow with lavender-brown halo. -·-······-·· $3.00 toned pink ranks at the very top of the early rebloom. ·-·-·-···-··--···-····-···-··--··-····--····--·--·-· $10.00 CORVALLIS (Krous '55) M 38 in . Dor. Pinkish so-called pinks introduced. Wonderful breeder. GOLDEN BEACON (Marx '56) Ev. 36 in. EM. Salmon or Chinese Coral to pink. Charmingly HM '54, AM '55. --- -·-···-----···-·---···-··------·-·-·- $1 .00 Deep orange-yellow of heavy substance. $2.00 attractive and sure to be a good parent. $6.00 EYE SHADOW (Craig '60) M 28 in. Semi-ev. (sdlg. GOLDEN CHIMES (Fischer '56) EM 46 in ., Ext. Dor. CONTESSA (Fischer '55) M 42 in. semi-ev. ·(Prima x Wideyed) Primuline yellow with brood bond Bi jou x Kraus 2314) Lovely Chrome yellow self, Donna x Ruth Lehman.) Saffron yellow with of mascara. Striking. ······-·-·-·······-·------···-·· $7.50 miniature. HM '61 . ·-···--···-············-··-·-······· $2.50 orange overlay. Proving a tremendously good FAIR ALWAYS iFay-DeForest '58) ML 30 in . Ext. GOLDEN DEWDROP (Taylor '57) EML 14 in . Ev. parent. J. C. '56. ···--·-·-··-··-···-·-·-···--· -- -· --·-· $2.00 Dor. Apricot cream self. ·-··-···-···-···--···-·--· $3.00 Re. Delightful orange-yellow self for the border. COURAGE (Craig '57) ML 38 in. Semi-ev. (Red FAIRY CREAM (Fass '58) M 38 in. Dor. (Atlas x JC '55, HM '57. ·····-········-·····-···········-···-··- $1.00 Bird x Dominion) X (Emperor Jones x Domin­ Ivory Chalice) Lovely 'light creamy yellow. GOLDEN GALLEON (Milliken '54) M-Re. 36 in. Ev. ion) Heavy Cardinal red with a silken sheen, -··--··-····-----··-···--···-·---···-··--···-··--··--··-··------·--·-· $4.00 ( Ruffled Pinafore x High Noon) Lovely deep FAIRY WINGS (Lester '54) EM 34 in . Dainty well branched and sun-fast. ·-···------·-·-·-· $2.50 apricot open evenings. HM '55, AM '58. $2.50 CRESTWOOD BICOLOR (Foy-Griesbach '61) M' 30 5-inch blooms edged with tiny ruffles. A real GOLDEN WONDER (Holl '56) ML 38 in. Dor. Saf- in . Dor . re. Wide ivory-cream petals and charmer. Winner of the Pres. Cup '57. Am '57, bronze sepals, A wonderful tetrapoloid with Stout Medal '60. -······--······-····--·······---··-·- $1.50 fron yellow self. Stays open 16 hours or more. 44 chromosomes. Will not set seed but pollen FAR HILLS (Saxton '52) ML 40 in. Dor. (Marcy) ···········-··-····-···-···-····-·--···-····-·-··-···-···· --····---·-··--- 75c X (Melo x Rosalind) Broad, full Beetroot Pur­ GOLDMINE (Craig '55) EM 30 in. ev. Golden is fertile. ·············-···--······-··-··-····-·---·-· Net $15.00 ple edged with lilac. A possible breeder for CURLS (Krous '61) M 20 in . Dor. (Ringlets x yellow with a novel rosy wash. ---············· $2.50 Rhodoro) Round, full, small-flowered tange­ lavenders and purples. -·-···-·---.. ----·-·-·-·-··- $1.50 GREAT SCOTT (Claar '58) M 36 in. Dor. Striking rine-orange self. Certainly a wonderful, small- FIMBIUATA (Davis '62) ML 40 in. Ev. (High Noon Gold-flushed polychrome. Great size and mar­ x sdlg.) Wide, large orange-yellow (Golden) flowered hem. ····----····---····-·····--··-··--·--····· $10.00 velous substance. HM '61. ---·-·--···--·-·-····-·· $5.00 57 GREEN ENVY (Lennington '57) ML 32 in. Semi-ev. JACK FROST (Lester '53) M 36 in . Dor. Cool lem· Ruffled apricot-buff with green throat extend­ mon ice with thick substance, and the recurv­ LUCKY STRIKE (Lenning1on '60) EM 28 in. ing half way into segments. JC '56, HM '57, ed petals give a distinctive triangular shape. branched 5 in . Overlapping dawn pink. H~ AM '60...... $6.00 HM '54, AM '57...... $1.00 LUXOR (Wheeler) 38 in . ev. Buff-yellow d GREEN EYED GIANT (Marx '56) Mid-L. 24 in. JAKE RUSSELL (Russell '56) EM 36 in . Dor. re. pinkish lavender. Very wide ...... : Ruffled yellow with chocolate central markings Golden yellow with a velvety sheen, heavy LUXURY LACE (Spalding '59) ML 30 in Dor. and green throat. Nothing quite like this dis- substance, many buds. HM '56, AM, '59 $6.00 lavender-pink over whitish ground. Ti tinct and beautiful nvoelty ...... $4.00 JANE COWL (Wheeler '58) E. 40 in. Noc., Re . ruffled. A breeder for "lace" and lover GREEN GODDESS (House '56) M 36 in . Dor. Light Ev. (Lilac Time x 8-57-3) Canary dusted laven· HM '62 ...... lemon-yellow with pronounced green throat. JC der. Large, loosely formed flower ...... $3.00 '51 ...... $3.00 MADRIGAL (Milliken) E Mid. and re-blc JO JO (Fischer '60) M 28 in. Dor. Lovely little GREEN VALLEY (Fischer '59) M 36 in. Dor. (Sdlg. From a cross of Colonial Dame x Ruffled gold miniature...... $3.00 x Green and Gold: Amaryllis x Calypso) Ruf­ fore, and has the subs1ance of R.P. anc JOLENE (DeForest '60) M 40 in. Dor. (True Charm crepiness and width of petal of Col . D., a fled light yellow with definately large, strong x sdlg.) X (Coral Queen) Light, immaculate green throat. Quality. Pres. Cup '61, AM '62. blending of both parents, giving a warm apricot-pink self...... $5 .00 ...... $8.00 cot wi1h rosy dusting, 3 ft. Evergreen ..... : LADY THERESE (Hall '58) M 34 in. Ruffled pale MAGIC DAWN 56) 40 GOLDIE GAY (Englerth '60) M 35 in. Dor. ext., (Hall .. EM in . Dor . raspberry pink self, nicely formed medium-sizde fr. ((Mission Bells) x (Patricia Bloodroot) X Rase-pink, wide and ruffled with yellow-! flowers carried on excellently branched (Amulet x Bloodroot)) Lovely litoned yellow of throat. HM '56, AM '59 ...... : scopes. JC '55...... $1.00 and Golden Glow creped and MAGNOLIA ( V. Christensen '48) M-La . 35.3, LADY LYN (Calhoun '63) M 30 in. re. Dor. (Can­ ruffled with excellent substance and good 300 x Dawn Glow. Light flush of Coral yon Purple) X (Evelyn Claar x C 58:20: Su branching...... $7.. 50 Cream. Most attractive and has wand Lin x Dorthea) Strong lavender that fades HELENA SMITH (Cloer '59) M 30 in Dor. Re. form and substance ...... j to a lighter color as the sun bceomes more Melon-flushed pink blend. HM '61...... $3.00 MARGARET TINDER (Sawyers '61) M 38 in . intense, however does not burn. One of the JUNE NELSON (Wheeler '56) E 48 in. Ev. Noc. (Elegy x Precious Treasure) Delicate, a1 best lavenders to date, JC '63 ..... Net $10.00 William Penn x Diadem) Rosy pink and yel· live medium-sized melon wi1h small c low bicolor. Huge...... $2.00 LARK ELLEN (Milliken '53) 36 in. E. Watermelon throat. Crossed with Multnomah, Dorce'. HELEN SPILLER (Alexander '56) EML 36 in. Semi· pink. Ruffled, wide-open...... $2.00 George Cunningham should produce ev. re. Large, wide petaled golden yellow. LAVENDER GREEN (Kennedy '62) L 32 in. Dor., beautiful things. JC '60 ...... $' ...... $2.50 Re. Purple bi-tone with creamy green throat MARGUERITE FULLER ( Kraus) 40 in . ML. Pe H. HAROLD HUME (Taylor '53) E 36 in. Ev. Re. that comes out onto the petals. Sepals are form, wide, overlapping pe1als of a del Close to Cardinal red, the midribs of ivory are lighter than petals has a darkr halo. Remains shade of pure, clean yellow. HM '54 . .... : definite accentuating the flower and slightly open evenings...... $7.50 MARIA DENT (Wood) M 36 in . Dor. Re. deeper throat. Open evenings...... $1.50 LEILANI (F. Craig '60) EL 18 in . Dor. Rose-pink pink self, possibly from Marie Wood blood HIDDEN HEART (Nesmith '56) ML 39 in. Dor. self with green throat. Appears to have Lark ...... I (Lavender Lass x Fortune's Favor) Pastel of Ellen bloodlines...... $2.50 MARIANNE RFUSSELL (Russell '61) EM 30 in . Mauve and Salmon with a deeper halo af Rose LEMON PEEL (Sutton '55) M 40 in. Ev. Lemon· (from Foy sdlgs.) Six inch ruffled wide Opal, shading to a cool green throat. Said yellow self, green throat ...... $2.00 pink with gold throat that runs up into • 10 breed good lavenders. JC '55...... $4.00 LESLIE RAE (Davis '62) M 30 in . Ev. Re. (Salmon petals lo form an eye-zone. JC '58, HM HI Fl (Lester '57) EM 30 Semi-ev (Neyron Rose x Sheen x Pink Prelude) Rose-pink with peach ...... $ sdlg.) Vivid, sparkling, lilac-rose-pink self. Cer­ undertones...... $5.00 MARIE WOOD (Wood '51) EM 30 in Dor. Smc tainly "high fidelity" in color. Should be an LETA QUINN (L . Butler '55) M 36 in. Ev. (Mrs. ly textured light pink that holds i1s color looks fresh at the end of a hot doy. HM exciting parent for pinks. Breed to wide things. B. F. Bonner x ?) Lovely pastel blend with a AM '57 ...... $ ...... ,...... $2.00 light dusting ...... $2.00 MARY ANNE (Hall '59) ML 36 in. Wide, HIGH NOON (Milliken '52) 40 in . M Ev. One af LILLY CURL (Fass '60) M 34 in . Dor. (Ivory Chai· she I I pink blend with a bit of green dow the ALL TIME greats. Rich orange-yellow, ice) X (Sleigh Bells x Mission Bells) Spanish the throat. Pink deepens to form a bcir wide, ruffled and of great substance. AM yellow self wiht lilly-like recurved petals and effect. Edges lightly fluted. A beauty. HM '55, Stout Medal '58 ...... $2.00 sepals...... $5.00 LIME PAINTED LADY '54) 36 ...... $ HOLLIDAY TAN (D . Hall '56) M 34 in . Dor. Orange· (Russell M. in. Semi~ MEADOW GREEN (Howell '59) EM·ML 36 in. S buff w ith pink tints. Superb branching. Won­ Ev., Re. Crisp and cool lemon-yellow with a pale chartreuse cast. HM '59. AM '62.. ... $5.00 Ev. ( x sdlg.) Light lemon-chartreuse derful heavy stalks with up to 80 buds. Great A good mate for Lime Painted Lady, etc. $ breeding prospect. HM '61 ...... $1 .50 LIMONERO (Kraus '56 M 32 in . dor. Clear lemon­ MELLOW HEART ( Flory '56) M 24 in. Dor. Al ILLINOIS (Hall '57) ML 38 in. Dor. Wide large, yellow with green throat. Heavy substance. the same color as Ruth Lehman (Muskme ruffled yellow with a very slight eye-zone. HM '57...... $3.00 HM '56 ...... $ Creped texture and vrey sun resistant. Strong LIITLE BUTTERFLY (Hall '61) LM 22 in . Dor. Small MELODY LANE (Hall '58) M. 32-40 in . Dor. scopes bloom unit! frost. HM '57...... $1.50 upturned yellow and pink blend with apricot mond-dusted lovely wide pinkish cinno, INCA (Kraus '57) ML 36 in. Dor. (Selig. x Ruth halo above a yellow-green throat. Pinched sepals and ruffled petals. A miniature $1.50 blend with chortreuse throot. Sun resistant. Lehman) Full globular form with slightly re· or more buds. JC '57, HM '58 ...... $' flexed petals. Attractively regal golden chrome LITTLE CHERUB (Claar '50) E 15-24 IN. Wide MELON BALLS (Wild '62) EM 32 in. (Ringlet with a prominent rosy-purple eye zone. Shows overlapping segments in a light yellow, delight• Memory Lone) Small flowered, rounded its relationship to Multnomah...... $5.00 ful, border plant...... 75c melon. Size of Ringlets ond color of M INVITATION (Kraus '52) 30 in M. Dor. Tantal- LORENZO (Kraus) M 36 in. Dor. (Selig. x After· ory Lone. A dandy. HM '62 ...... $1! izing azalea pink ...... $1.50 glow) Luscious Cantaloupe or c;,range;pink. A MEMORY LANE (Holl '59) M 32-40 in. dor. IRISH HEART (Fass '61) M 36 in. Dor. (Shooting glossy, velvety thick sunfast flower ...... $12.00 loving, crepe-like, diamond dusted me Star) X (Golden Song x Whorl of Gold) Green­ LOUIS XIV (Connell '52) M 30 in. Ev. Most at­ blend with pole purplish-pink midribs c ish-lemon yellow self with extended green tractive deep yellow with large red eye zone. gold throat. Ruffled with heavy substor throat...... •...... •...... •.... $5.00 ...... $2.00 Erect, graceful scopes carry up to 30 b~ 58 HC '57, HM '59 ...... $7 JACK FROST (Lester '53) M 36 in. Dor. Cool lem­ LUCKY STRIKE (Lennington '60) EM 28 in . Well MENTONE (Connell '56) EM 28 in. Ev. Pale old mon ice with thick substonce, and the recurv­ branched 5 in . Overlapping dawn pink. HM '60. rose self described as Lavender-pink. JC '58, ed petals give a distinctive triangular shape. ······································································ $2.00 HM '59...... $5.00 HM '54, AM '57...... $1.00 LUXOR (Wheeler) 38 in. ev. Buff-yellow dusted MERRY (Childs '61) M 36 in . dor. Strong Pink JAKE RUSSELL (Russell '56) EM 36 in. Dor. re. pinkish lavender. Very wide ...... $1.50 with red eye zone. JC '60 ...... $15.00 Golden yellow with. a velvety sheen, heavy LUXURY LACE (Spalding '59) ML 30 in Dor. Light MERRY CHRISTMAS (Foster-Kamp '56) M 36 in. substance, many buds. HM '56, AM, '59 $6.00 lavender-pink over whitish ground. Tightly dor. (Gay Troubadour x sdlg.) Bright red pet­ JANE COWL (Wheeler '58) E. 40 in. Noc., Re. ruffled. A breeder for " lace" and lavenders. als, sepals citron suffused blood-red. Certainly Ev. (Lilac Time x 8-57-3) Canary dusted laven- HM '62...... $5.00 as bright as a Christmas tree ...... $4.00 der. Large, loosely formed flower ...... $3.00 MADRIGAL (Milliken) E Mid. and re-blooms. MERRY SUN (Hall '60) L 30 in . Dor. Big, bold JO JO (Fischer '60) M 28 in. Dor. Lovely little From a cross of Colonial Dame x Ruffled Pina· gold with a red-cinnamon overlay. Ruffled and gold miniature...... $3.00 fore, and has the substance of R.P. and the diamond dusted. Impressive. Sunfast. Blooms JOLENE (DeForest '60) M 40 in. Dor. (True Charm crepiness and width of petal of Col. D., and a until frost...... $1 .50 x sdlg.) X (Coral Queen) light, immaculate blending of both parents, giving a warm apri­ MILKY WAY (Buss '57) ML 48 in. Dor. (North apricot-pink self...... $5.00 cot with rosy dusting, 3 ft. Evergreen ..... $1.00 Star) X (Pequant x Moonbeam). Very pale LADY THERESE (Hall '58) M 34 in. Ruffled pale MAGIC DAWN (Hall ..56) EM 40 in. Dor. Re. cream yellow. A very good one. Smooth. $2.00 raspberry pink self, nicely formed medium-sizde Rase-pink, wide and ruffled with yellow·green MODOC (Kraus '57) M 38 in . Dor. (Yellowstone flowers carried on excellently branched throat. HM '56, AM '59 ...... $1 .50 x Neyron Rose) Wide, overlapping buttercup scopes. JC '55 ...... $1.00 MAGNOLIA (V. Christensen '48) M-La . 35-39 in. yellow self...... $3.00 LADY LYN (Calhoun '63) M 30 in. re. Dor. (Can­ 300 x Dawn Glow. Light flush of Coral over MOLLIE GLOYE (Flory '54) M 34 in. Semi. Ev. Bi­ yon Purple) X (Evelyn Claar x C 58:20: Su Cream. Most attractive and has wonderful colored pastel blend cf orchid and cream. Lin x Dorthea) Strong lavender that fades form and substance...... $1.50 Lovely and novel. HM '56 ...... $3.00 to a lighter color as the sun bceomes more MARGARET TINDER (Sawyers '61) M 38 in. Dor. MOLTEN MAGMA (Flesh '63) EM 26 in . Dor. (Hol­ intense, however does not burn. One of the (Elegy x Precious Treasure) Delicate, attrac­ liday Mood x War Eagle) Broad overlapping best lavenders to date. JC '63 ..... Net $10.00 tive medium·sized melon with small green red of excellent substance and marvelous sun­ LARK ELLEN (Milliken '53) 36 in. E. Watermelon throat. Crossed with Multnomah, Dorcas or . fast qualities. Well branched scopes carry pink. Ruffled, wide-open...... $2.00 George Cunningham should produce some about 25 buds. Good increaser, proliferates. beautiful things. JC '60 ...... $15.00 LAVENDER GREEN (Kennedy '62) L 32 in. Dor., ...... Net $20.00 MARGUERITE FULLER ( Kraus) 40 in. Ml. Perfect Re. Purple bi-tone with creamy green throat MOONLIGHT TRYST (Craig '55) M 24 in . Ev. (Sou­ form, wide, overlapping petals of a delicate that comes out onto the petals. Sepals are dan x Psyche) Broad ruffled lemon-yellow, shade of pure, clean yellow. HM '54 ..... $2.00 lighter than petals has a darkr halo. Remains blooms at night...... $2.00 MARIA DENT (Wood) M 36 in . Dor. Re. Pale open evenings...... $7.50 MRS. DOUGLAS PATTISON (Buck '45) M 28 in. Ev. pink self, possibly from Marie Wood bloodlines. LEILANI (F. Craig '60) EL 18 in. Dor. Rose-pink Lovely pastel blend of pink, apricot and yel- self with green throat. Appears to have Lark ······································································ $4.00 low. Not a fast grower here ...... $2.00 MARIANNE RFUSSELL (Russell '61) EM 30 in. Dor. Ellen bloodlines ...... $2.50 (from Fay sdlgs.) Six inch ruffled wide deep MRS. H. M. RUSSELL (Russell '54) EM 36 in. Semi­ LEMON PEEL (Sutton '55) M 40 in. Ev. Lemon- pink with gold throat that runs up into the ev. Wide medium yellow self. Marvelous yellow self, green throat ...... $2.00 petals to form an eye-zone. JC '58, HM '61. branching. HM '56...... $2.00 LESLIE RAE (Davis '62) M 30 in. Ev. Re. (Salmon ...... $3.00 Sheen x Pink Prelude) Rose-pink with peach MULTNOMAH (Korus '56) M 36 in. Dor. Re . (5076 MARIE WOOD (Wood '51) EM 30 in Dor. Smooth­ X Ruth Lehman) Apricot or Melon overlaid pink­ undertones...... $5.00 ly textured light pink that holds its color and LETA QUINN (L. Butler '55) M 36 in. Ev. (Mrs. ish . Large flowers on high-branched, strong looks fresh at the end of a hot day. HM '54, B. F. Bonner x ?) Lovely pastel blend with a scopes. Heavy green midribs are sometimes light dusting ...... $2.00 AM '57 ...... $2.00 pulled and misshapen-a quality it puts into LILLY CURL (Fass '60) M 34 in. Dor. (Ivory Chal­ MARY ANNE (Hall '59) ML 36 in. Wide, full many of its seedlings. AM '60, Stout Medal ice) X (Sleigh Bells x Mission Belts) Spanish shell pink blend with a bit of green down in '63 ...... $12.50 yellow self wiht lilly-like recurved petals and the throat. Pink deepens to form a bcinded NANTAHALA (Taylor '54) ML 36 in . ev. Pale peach­ sepals...... $5.00 effect. Edges lightly fluted. A beauty. HM '60. pink with greenish throat completely banded LIME PAINTED LADY (Russell '54) M. 36 in. Semi· ...... $3.00 by wedges of red. Non-fading. JC '53, HM '54, Ev., Re. Crisp and cool lemon-yellow with a MEADOW GREEN (Howell '59) EM-ML 36 in. Semi­ AM '56 ...... $2.00 Ev. (Erin x sdlg.) light lemon-chartreuse self. pale chartreuse cast. HM '59. AM '62.. ... $5.00 NIGHT HAWK (Fay '55) Semi-Ev. 38 in. (Ves­ A good mate for Lime Painted Lady, etc. $3.00 LIMONERO (Kraus '56 M 32 in. dor. Clear lemon­ pers) x (North Star x Joanna Hutchins). Wide MELLOW HEART (Fiery '56) M 24 in. Dor. About lemon-ivory self - wide, open with reflexed yellow with green throat. Heavy substance. the same color as Ruth Lehman (Muskmelon) edges and curled petals and sepals. Evening HM '57...... $3.00 HM '56 ...... $2.00 bloomer and stays open all next day ..... $1 .50 LIITLE BUTTERFLY (Hall '61) LM 22 in. Dar. Small MELODY LANE (Hall '58) M. 32-40 in. Dor. Dia­ upturned yellow and pink blend with apricot mond-dusted lovely wide pinkish cinnamon NASHVILLE (Claar '52) M 39 in. Dor. Creamy halo above a yellow-green throat. Pinched blend with chartreuse throat. Sun resistant. 30 yellow with a soft, wide, orange-red eye-zone. sepals and ruffled petals. A miniature $1.50 or more buds. JC '57, HM '58...... $1.50 Triangular-shaped flowers open almost flat. LITTLE CHERUB (Claar '50) E 15-24 IN. Wide MELON BALLS (Wild '62) EM 32 in. (Ringlets x A great one. HM '54, AM '57...... $2.00 overlapping segments in a light yellow, delight- Memory Lane) Small flowered, rounded soft NOBILITY (Childs '58) M 36 in. Semi.Ev. Re. (High ful, border plant. ···························-··········· 75c melon. Size of Ringlets and color of Mem- Noon x Spungold) Large, wide, ruffled and LORENZO (Kraus) M 36 in. Dor. (Sdlg. x After­ ory Lane. A dandy. HM '62 ...... $15.00 creped light lemon yellow with strong green glow) Luscious Cantaloupe or orange-pink. A MEMORY LANE (Hall '59) M 32-40 in. dor. Sun threat. Sturdy well branched scopes. A dandy. glossy, velvety thick sunfast ,flower ...... $12.00 loving, crepe-like, diamond dusted melon AM '62 ...... $6.00 LOUIS XIV (Connell '52) M 30 in. Ev. Most at­ blend with pale purplish-pink midribs and NORMA BORLAND (Taylor '53) M 36 in. Ev. Re. tractive deep yellow with large red eye zone. gold throat. Ruffled with heavy substance. (Sdlg. x Sugar Cane) New penny coloring ...... $2.00 Erect, graceful scopes carry up to 30 buds. with a brown halo. Wide, overlapping and HC '57, HM '59 ...... $7.50 ruffled ...... $1.50 OKLAHOMA (McKeithan '54) ML 38 in. Dor. PURPLE PARADE (Murphy '57) EM in. ev. lovely SATIN GLASS (Fay '60) M 34 in. Dor. (Betty I (Painted Lady x Dominion) Very attractive dark blue·purple self. The finest purple·toned x Fay 55· l 0) Broad petaled pastel blend orange·blend. Produces many strong scopes hem I have seen. ···········-···---·---················ $7.50 ivory·cream and pink, flushed melon with large green throat. Opens full and flat. Color sun resistant. ---·------·-·-·-····-·------· --- -· $1.50 PURPLE SATIN (Craig '57) EM 25 in . Smi·Ev .., fr. ORANGEADE (Kraus '60) M 38 in. Dor. (sdlg. x Dahlia Purple self. ·---··············--·······-·-········ $3.00 outstanding parent. HM '62 ...... $17 Ruth Lehman) Another relative of Multnomah. QUINCY (Taylor '55) M 34 in. Re. ev. Striking SHERWOOD (Fischer) M. 36 in. Dor. (Counte A soft buff overlaid apricot. Most attractive. eyed variety of peach·beige with the dork x Golden Song) Beautiful pale Sulphur • low self, green throat. HM '63 ...... $~ ·-- --··--·------··--··-···------·------·------·-·--- --·----··-··· $10.00 eye zone and green throat. Truly on achieve· PAGENTRY (Hall '57) M 40 in. dor. Deep velvety ment in this color class. A likely crass with SHINING ARMOUR (Craig '57) Ml 40 in. Re. Gi red with strong yellow·green throat at which Nashville, Spectacular, Wide Eyed, Nantahala, full, flat-formed Sulphur or lemon•yellow v point the red intensifies. Low multiple branch- Madrigal, Ruffled Pinafore. JC '53, HM '55. green throat. Continues to bloom until fr ing. ·······-···-··················-··-····-········ ·········- ····· $1 .50 ·-···················-·-·-·········································· $10 AM '58, ···············-·-·-·········-·····-·········---·-······ $2.00 SHOOTING STAR (Holl '53) 38 in Dor. ligh1 PARADISE BEACH (Buttrick '60) M 37 in. Dor. RAVEN WING (Pattison '58) E. 26 in. Ev. Re. creamy yellow. Wide petals that recurve Luxor x Felicity) X (Atlas) Crepe textured Tomoko x sdlg.) Deep moroon·purple self. $7.50 give it classic form. AM '59 ...... $1. clean, light, Barium yellow 7 in. in diameter. REDLANDS (Pattison '60) M 36 in. Ev. Re . Fr. SID DUBOSE (Davis '58) EM 36 in. Re. ev. (Bl Petals hove raised midribs and ore ruffled on Tamesha x sdlg.) Velvety Brazil Brown with border, Parent of Grand Parade. Best sdlg. Beauty x Dorothy Bolton) Brood flower of me Golden Glow throat. ········-··············· ·········· $5.00 um orange with over-all blending of cin Reg. 4, 1958. ·····················-··---······-············ $7.50 REGAL RED (Pride '63) M 33 in . Dor. Re . (Fr. 2nd PATRICIA FAY (Fay '60) M 36 in. Dor. Re . (Fay Gen. sdlgs. from Bess Ross, Sparkling Burgundy mon. ·················································· --·······--· $~ 55.17 x Frances Fay) Clear rose-pink produced and Premier) Brilliant Cherry·Red with yellow SILVER BUCK (Carstensen '59) M 35 in. Dor. V on Scopes with as many as 50 buds •.... $6.00 throat. large wide open flowers with heavy pale lemon·yellow. ······-··························· $3 PEACH BROCADE (D. Hall '57) M 34 in. Dor. Ruf· substance. 30 or more buds per scape. J. C. SILVER SAiLS (Connell '56) EM 34 in. Ev. P cream self. A dandy. HM '56, AM '59 ..... $1 fled medium large peach blend. Color becomes '62. ···-·················-···-··-·····-···-············· Net $25.00 more intense as flower ages. Erect scopes fine REVELATION (Baker '55) M 30 in . Semi Ev. (Sdlg SOCKEY (I. Craig '57) EM 28 in Seci·ev. (I branching. HM '61...... $1.00 x Samarkand) Huge absolutely sunfast rich Bird x Dominion) X (Rajoh x Mrs. John J. Tigl PEGGY SCHULTZ (Kraus '58) M 40 in. Dor. (Sib. to sparkling cinnamon. Remains open late. $2.50 Terra cotta with salmon sheen, dorkre Multnomah) Yellow overlaid palest rose and RINGLETS (Krous) '50) M 30-36 in. Semi-Ev. zone. ·······-···················································· $3 the green throat casts a chartreuse shadow on ( (Mrs. W. H. Wyman x Rosalind) x (Dominion SOLEDAD (Kraus '51) EM 36 in. Dor. (Domi the bloom. JC '57, HM '58 ·············-···--··· $2.00 x Mrs. J . S. Gayner) X (Dominion x Cinna­ x Ophir) Wide light buttercup yellow. A tr PICTURE ( Lester) 40 in Ml Big 6·in. rose pink bar)). Small, creped and curled bright golden great parent. HM '63 ...... $2 SOLIEL D'OR (Wheeler '58) Ml 38 in. Ev. with trumpet shaped sunproof flowers that yellow. HM '55, AM '58. ··--···········-············ $1.00 remain open evenings. HM '54 ...... $1.50 ROLLING ALONG (Sass '56) EM 36 in. Dor. Fr. Large, round lemon-gold with lovender·bro PINK DREAM (Childs '51) M 36 in . Dor., Re. This Salmon pink with large purple eye-zone. Huge edging. A perfect mote for Florence Clary, was the forerunner of the new pinks and still more of this type. AM '61...... $2 flower. ·-·····················--···························-··· $2.00 a marvelous parent for this color. HM '53. AM ROSADA (Krous '56) M 30 in . Dor. (Rosalind x SONNET (Childs '59) M 36 in. Dor. Re. (High Ne '56. ····,········-·················································· $2.00 Dominion) Medium·sized carmine rose self. Most x Pink Dream) X (Hobby) lovely Honeyd PINK FRILLS (Hall '60 ML 24 in. Dor. Pale dia­ self. Great breeding potential for many coli attractive. ···················-····--························ $2 .00 mond-dusted light pink on erect well branched ROSEWAY (Fischer '62) Ml 36 in. dor. (Uink Sa­ ···-···············································-········--········ $5 scopes. So frilled it may breed lace. For the tin x sdlg.) Lovender·rose veined petals and SO RARE (Hall '60) L 30 in. Dor. light pet front of the border...... $4.00 throat of yellow, green center ...... $10.00 blend with band of deeper coloring on pet PINK GOWN (Craig '60) EML 18 in. Dor. Re. For ROSIE MEYER (Alexander '57) E 32 in. Ev. Re. creped ond diamond dusted. A good one a spot where you need a low growing bright Rosy·red self with green throat ...... $1.50 extend the season. HM '63 ...... $2 pink ...... $3.00 ROYAL CLIPPER (D. Hall '59) EM 38 in. dor. Rose­ SOUTHERN PRIDE (Alexander '56) EM 36 PINK ORCHID (Hall '56) EM 34 in Dor. Ruffled pink blend. Extremely wide petals. This looks Semi·ev. Medium orange blend carried Salmon·pink with shell pink to lavender over­ like a sure.fire great breeder for quality. HM heavy scopes. JC '55 ...... $2 lay-the color intensifies above a green throat SPECTACULAR (Mrs. D. Pattison '58) EM 30 '61. ··-······························--··························· $1 .00 to form an eye-zone. HM '56, AM '59 ..... $1.50 RUFFLED PINAFORE (Milliken '48) EM 34 in . Ev. Semi-Ev. (Madam Butterfly x The Doctc PRECIOUS TREASURE (Nesmith '54) Semi·Ev. 40 Warm apricot yellow; creped, fluted and crin­ Truly a spectoculr golden yellow with t in. Cantaloupe·melon pink self, lightly fluted kled on edges. Most outstanding and wonder­ eye zone ...... $2 at edges. 5·in. flowers well spaced on strong ful parent. HM '51, AM '54, Stout Medal '57. SPLENDOR (Stevens '55) M 34 in. Dor. I stalks. HM '55...... $1.50 (Saladin x Sdlg.) Large, full crimson red s ·········································-···························· $1 .00 PREMIER (Hall '56) M 36 in. Dor. Rich, broad red RUTH LEHMAN (Korus '51) M 36 in. Dor. Gypsy that is a grand parent. HM '55 ...... $2 with wonderful sheen and finish. Undoubtedly x J. S. Goynr) X ((Amaryllis x Golden West) x SPRITE (Claar '60) M 28 in Dor. noc. fr. Cl related to War Eagle and greatly in demand. (Gypsy)) luscious soft pastel melon or apricot. yellow self with green throat...... $5 HM '57...... $1.50 Parent of many of Kraus' outstanding things SUGAR CANE (Taylor '54) M. 40 in. Ev., Re. (Pri1 PRESIDENT RICE (Claar '57) M 30 in Dor. Re. including Multnomah. Breed to something wide Donna x ?) Lucious blend the color of r< Broad petaled gold self, beatuifully creped and well branched. Slow to increase. HM '54, sugar cane. Well branched scopes. HM •! and ruffled. HM '58, AM '61...... $3.00 ...... $1 •. AM '57. ··········-···························--·············· $3.50 PRIMA DONNA (Taylor '46) EM 36 in. Combin­ SAINT PATRICK (Russell·Simon·MocMillan '59) Ml SUMMER INTERLUDE (Hall '57) ML 36 in. 0 ation of buff, copper and peach. Called "The 36 in. Ev. Wide, clean light lemon yellow with Grand, velvety, heavily substanced oxblood r Queen of all pastels." AM '52. Stout Medal self. Very sun resistant, slight yellow·gre green throat. ···········-································ $4.00 '55 ...... $1.00 SALAMANDER (Wheeler '55) EM 32 in. Semi·Ev, throat. Well branched heavy, erect, scopes. ~ PRINCESS KELLY (Wynn '56) EML, 34 in. Frag. (Cerise x ) Crushed strawberry self. $2.00 '57, AM '60 ...... $1. Semi·ev. (Moongleam x Sudden Spring) Sil- SANDALWOOD (Holl '57) M 34 in. Dor. Most atl SUMMER LOVE (Milliken '52) M 36 in. Re. E very canary-cream self...... $10.00 tractive wide sun fast yellow·tan pink pastel. ( (Golden West x Wau-Bun) x (High Noo PRODIGY (Wheeler '56) E. 42 in. Ev. Re . Bitone Heavy, well branched, scopes. Should be an Lorge deep yellow self, sister to Summer Sho (Bluish) Ashes of Roses. JC '54, HM '56 $1.00 excellent parent. HM '61...... $1.00 ers. HM '55, AM '59 ...... $2. 60 URPLE PARADE {Murphy '57) EM in. ev. lovely SATIN GLASS (Fay '60) M 34 in. Dor. (Betty Rice SUMMER SHOWERS (Milliken '54) Ev. 40 in. la. dork blue-purple self. The finest purple-toned x Fay 55-1 OJ Broad petaled pastel blend af Reblooms. Crisp, waxy appearing smooth me, hem I hove seen ...... $7.50 ivory-cream and pink, flushed melon with a dium yellow suffused with green. Stalks are PURPLE SATIN {Croig '57) EM 25 in. Smi·Ev .., fr. large green throat. Opens full and. flat. An weak for such large flowers, but the ind ividua Dahlia Purple self ...... $3.00 outstanding parent. HM '62 ...... $17.50 blooms are magnificent...... $2 .00 UINCY {Taylar '55) M 34 in. Re. ev. Striking SHERWOOD {Fischer) M. 36 in. Dar. (Cauntessa SUSIE WONG {Kennedy '62) EM 26 in. Dor. eyed variety of peoch·beige with the dork x Golden Sang) Beautiful pale Sulphur yel- Dainty broad·segmented 3½ in flowers of eye zone and green throat. Truly an achieve· low self, green throat. HM '63 ...... $9.00 pale yellow, sunfast...... $2.00 ment in this color closs. A likely cross with SHINING ARMOUR (Craig '57) ML 40 in . Re . Giant SWAN BALLET (Lester '58) ML 36 in . Mimosa Nashville, Spectacular, Wide Eyed, Nantahala, full, flat-formed Sulphur or Lemon-yellow with yellow with star·like flowers slightly twisted. Madrigal, Ruffled Pinafore. JC '53, HM '55. green throat. Continues to bloom until frost. Often opens three 7 in. flowers at once. $3 .50 ...... $10.00 AM '58, ...... $2.00 SWEET JASMINE (Childs '59) EM 32 in. Dor. fr. SHOOTING STAR (Hall '53) 38 in Dor. Lightest AVEN WING {Pattison '58) E. 26 in. Ev. Re . (Neyron Rose x Fairy Wings) Lovely Jasmine- creamy yellow. Wide petals that recurve to Tomoko x sdlg.) Deep moroon·purple self. $7.50 yellow self...... $2.00 give it classic form. AM '59 ...... $1.5'0 REDLANDS {Pattison '60) M 36 in . Ev. Re. Fr. SWEET REFRAIN {Hall '55) M 30 in . Dor . Lucious SID DUBOSE {Davis '58) EM 36 in. Re. ev. (Bold Tomesha x sdlg.) Velvety Brazil Brown with medium toned pink thta holds well in the sun. Beauty x Dorothy Bolton) Broad flower af medi­ Golden Glow throat ...... $5.00 · JC '53, HM '55 ...... $1.00 REGAL RED (Pride '63) M 33 in . Dor. Re. (Fr. 2nd um orange with over-all blending of cinna· SWIRLING SKIRT {Fass) M 38 in. Dor. (Cellini x Gen. sdlgs. from Bess Ross, Sparkling Burgundy mon ...... $2.00 Atlas) Immaculate lemon·ye)low self..... $5.00 and Prem ier) Brilliant Cherry·Red with yellow SILVER BUCK {Carstensen '59) M 35 in. Dor. Very SYLVAN NYMPH (Nesmith '56) M 37 in. semi·ev. throat. Large wide open flowers with heavy pale lemon·yellow...... $3.00 Creped and ruffled wide open flowers of frost­ substance. 30 or more buds per scope. J. C. SILVER SAILS (Connell '56) EM 34 in. Ev . Pale ed yellow and suffusion of pale chartreuse. '62...... Net $25.00 cream self. A dandy. HM '56, AM '59 . .... $1.50 Well branched...... $3.00 REVELATION (Baker '55) M 30 in . Semi Ev. (Sdlg SOCKEY {I. Craig '57) EM 28 in Seci·ev. (Red TANTO (K. Craig '57) EE 32 in. Semi-Ev. Bronze x Samarkand) Huge absolutely sunfast rich Bird x Dominion) X (Rajah x Mrs. John J. Tigert) with slightly deeper eye zone ...... $2.00 sparkling cinnamon. Remains open late. $2.50 Terra cotta with salmon sheen, darkre eye TEMPTRESS (Child '59) M 30 in. Dor. {Pink Accent RINGLETS (Kraus) '50) M 30-36 in. Semi-Ev. zone ...... $3.00 x Sweet Refrain) Luscious peach-melon with ( (Mrs. W. H. Wyman x Rosalind) x (Dominion SOLEDAD (Kraus '51) EM 36 in. Dor. (Dominion lavender·pink halo and midribs. HM '61. $3.00 x Mrs. J. S. Gayner) X (Dominion x Cinna­ x Ophir) Wide light buttercup yellow. A truly TENTH ANNIVERSARY (Sass '56) M 40 in. Dor. fr. bar)). Small, creped and curled bright golden great parent. HM '63 ...... $2.00 Striking yellow and red bitone. HM '56 $1.00 yellow. HM '55, AM '58 ...... $1.00 SOLIEL D'OR (Wheeler '58) ML 38 in . Ev. Noc. THE ELEPHANT (Nesmith '54) M 38 in. Dor. (sdlg. ROLLING ALONG (Sass '56) EM 36 in. Dor. Fr. Large, round lemon·gold with lavender·brown x Gladsome) Tremendous, somewhat narrow· Salmon pink with large purple eye-zone. Huge edging. A perfect mate for Florence Clary, for ed, rich chrome yellow self...... $2.00 flower...... $2.00 more of this type. AM '61...... $2.50 THERESA HALL (Hall '59) EM 34 in. Dor. Wide, ROSADA (Kraus '56) M 30 in. Dar. (Rosalind x SONNET {Childs '59) M 36 in. Dor. Re. {High Noon ruffled, diamond.dusted pink and gold blend Dominion) Medium·sized carmine rose self. Most x Pink Dream) X (Hobby) lovely Honeydew with rosy·pink eye zone. HM '61...... $1.50 attractive...... $2.00 self. Great breeding potential for many colors. THUMBELINA (Fischer '56) M 15·20 in . {Port x ROSEWAY (Fischer '62) ML 36 in . dor. {Uink Sa­ ································································-····· $5.00 Kraus 2313) Miniature rich gold or orange·yel­ tin x sdlg.J Lavender·rase veined petals and SO RARE (Hall '60) L 30 in. Dor. Light peach low self with bell·shaped flowers. HM '56 throat of yellow, green center ...... $10.00 blend with band of deeper coloring on petals, ...... 75c ROSIE MEYER (Alexander '57) E 32 in . Ev. Re. creped and diamond dusted. A good one to TOOTIE (Claar '54) M. La. 33 in . Evelyn Claar Rosy·red self with green throat...... $1.50 extend the season. HM '63...... $2.00 x ?) Gorgeous self pink with bluish undertone. ROYAL CLIPPER (D. Hall '59) EM 38 in . dar. Rose­ SOUTHERN PRIDE (Alexander '56) EM 36 in. HM '55...... $2.00 pink blend. Extremely wide petals. This looks Semi·ev. Medium orange blend carried on TOP BANANA (Marx '56) Ev. 30 in. EMid. (Un· like a sure.fire great breeder for quality. HM heavy scopes. JC '55...... $2.00 doubtedly of Milliken blood.) lovely big, wide '61 ...... $1.00 SPECTACULAR (Mrs. D. Pattison '58) EM 30 in . banana yellow with soft tan eye zone. $4.00 RUFFLED PINAFORE (Milliken '48) EM 34 in. Ev. Semi-Ev. (Madam Butterfly x The Doctor.) TOP BRASS (Lester '57) ML 30 in. Golden-orange Warm apricot yellow; creped, fluted and crin­ Truly a spectaculr golden yellow with red with faint rose eye zone. Wide, ruffled petals. kled an edges. Most outstanding and wonder­ eye zone...... $2.00 A strong grower. Looks like a great breeding ful parent. HM '51, AM '54, Stout Medal '57. SPLENDOR (Stevens '55) M 34 in. Dor. Re. prospect. JC '56, · HM '57...... $2.00 TOWHEAD (Holl '59) EM 30 in. Dor. Palest light ···-·················-················································ $1.00 (Saladin x Sdlg.) large, full crimson red self RUTH LEHMAN (Korus '51) M 36 in. Dor. Gypsy that is a grand parent. HM '55 ...... $2.00 lemon-yellow blooming with 8 to 10 segments. x J. S. Gaynr) X ((Amaryllis x Golden West) x SPRITE {Claar '60) M 28 in Dor. noc. fr. Clear Full wide and spreading. Most charming. HM (Gypsy)) Luscious soft pastel melon or apricot. yellow self with green th-root ...... $5.00 '61 . ······························································ $2.50 Parent of many of Kraus' outstanding things SUGAR CANE {Taylor '54) M. 40 in. Ev., Re. {Prima TREASURE {Craig '57) EM 26 in. Semi-ev. Re. including Multnomah. Breed to something wide Donna x ?) Lucious blend the color of raw Lovely huge Cadmium {gold) with saffron and well branched. Slow to increase. HM '54, sugar cane. Well branched scopes. HM '54. center. You'll enjoy its reblooming too. $3.00 AM '57...... $3.50 ...... $1.50 TRUE CHARM (Fay '54) M 40 in. Semi·ev. (Kraus SAINT PATRICK (Russell-Siman·MacMillan '59) Ml SUMMER INTERLUDE (Hall '57) Ml 36 in . Dor. sdlg. x Evelyn Claar) X (Evelyn Claar) Heavily 36 in. Ev. Wide, clean light lemon yellow with Grand, velvety, heavily substanced oxblood red substanced maize self...... $2.00 green throat...... $4.00 self. Very sun resistant, slight yellow·green TRUE DELIGHT (Nesmith '57) M 36 in. Dor. Bright SALAMANDER (Wheeler '55) EM 32 in. Semi-Ev. throat. Well branched heavy, erect, scopes. HM clear Porcelain Rose·pink with broad, recurv· (Cerise x ) Crushed strawberry self. $2.00 '57, AM '60 ...... $1.50 ed petals and sepals.I Throat is mellow gold to SANDALWOOD {Hall '57) M 34 in. Dor. Most atl SUMMER LOVE (Milliken '52) M 36 in. Re. Ev. Chartreuse...... $2.50 tractive wide sun fast yellow-tan pink pastel. ( (Golden West x Wau-Bun) x (High Noon.) VALESCA (T. Craig '56) Ml 30 in . Ev. (Cream Heavy, well branched, scopes. Should be an large deep yellow self, sister to Summer Show- Frills x Ivory Chalice.) lovely pale yellow· excellent parent. HM '61...... $1.00 ers. HM '55, AM '59 ...... $2.00 buff self...... $2.00 61 VIOLET RAY (Foy-DeForest '58) M 33 in . Dor. Soft WHITEFIELD PALMER (Taylor '56) M 36 in. Ev. Re. TERM! pink shoded and lined with lilac ...... $4.00 Distinctive golden-orange with white midrib. DISCOUNTS AND EXTRAS: On orders of VISION (Taylor '56) M 38 in . Semi-ev. (Prima Don· HM '56 ...... $3.00 orders of $51.00 or more select 100% more no x Pink Bowknot) Beautiful, wide, peach WIDEYED (T. Craig '54) E 34 in. Ev. Re. (Aladdin) IRISES moy have only 1/3rd more in free pl with soft eyezone. HM '56 ...... $2.50 x (Aladdin x Painted Lady) Wide Y&llow ordet" for these is $50.00 or more you may se VISTA (Craig '58) E 4860 in. Ev. re. fr. Wonder· with a wide, dark port-wine eye zone. This HOWEVER - IF YOU FIND A MORE An ful light yellow self that blooms a long time. should be good crossed with Spectacular, above send us proof of this and we will n For the back of the border ...... $5.00 Ruffled Pinafore and Madrigal...... $1.50 lasts. We are not to be undersold. VIVIAN PARSONS (Kraus) ML 34 in. Dor. Soft WHOLESALE quotations to growers upon light ripe melonpink. Unduobtedly related to WINGS OF GOLD (Englerth '62) M 38 in. Dor. THEN - SEND US A LIST OF EXTRAS Y the other Kraus Melons. Most attractive. $10.00 Strinkingly beautiful 10 in. blooms of tange· FURNISH BONUS PLANTS IN YOUR ORDER. WAR EAGLE (D. Hall's '57) EM 35 in. Ev. Dark rine-orange all beruffled, creped and grace· GIFTS. IT Will BE WISE, ALSO, TO LIST A red self. One of the very best of the rec· fully reflexed. A traffic-stopper. This should be SOME VARIETIES. PLEASE TELL US IF WE MA ently introduced red. JC '55, HM '57, AM '60. crossed with Gary Bee and Fimbriata. SOLD OUT OF SOME ...... $1.50 ...... Net $12.00 THESE O~FERS ARE NOT A CASH DISCI WEALTH (Craig '61) EM 34 in. Semiev. Re . Lovely WONDER (T. Craig '54) EM 30 in . Ev. Big cream VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. IF YOU PREFER I wide, flot, golden yellow that blooms and w ith rosewood eye. Reblooms ...... $1.00 THE ABOVE OFFER APPLIES TO IRISES 1 blooms until frost ...... $5.00 OFFER ON HEMEROCALLIS ORDERS: List , WHIRLWIND (Marx '56) 40 in. Mid. (Sdlg. of YOUNG BRAVE (Sawyers '61) Ml 32 in. Dor. On orders of $25.00 or more select 1/3rd mo1 Naranjo.) Clear canary yellow with 6 in. ruf· Pink Prelude x Painted lady) Huge, bright in free plants. Net varieties may be lncludec led and reflexed, fragrant blooms. A distinct polychrome of cinnamon, yellow and brick-red. SPURIAS AND SIBERIANS ARE IN SHORl personality...... $3.00 Try this with Revelation ...... $7.50 COUN·TS, but extras will be included with th, SHIPPING DATES. We ship from first of and we are able to dig, later shipments ma) able ta late planting this is not advisable ut Please do not write instrucions or perso~ an one page or if, of necessity, you must mal and have your address plainly written on ea CASH WITH ORDERS, PLEASE, UNLESS HAVE RAISED AND WE ARE OBLIGED TO A FOR 1964 POSTAGE OFFER: As you know postal rat extra for postage in your order you may sel GUARANTEE: We guarantee all varieties variety. We also guarantee live delivery and ancy in your orders, or if you are not com1 the winter if such loss is listed together with 5 IRIS OF THE YEAR you may select the value in something we ~<:;:)...-!::P.)~~~~ JOIN THE AMERICAN IRIS SO Selected by a panel of experts American Iris Society Memberships: 1 ye (3 years), $12.50; Triennial-Family, $15.00; for outstanding performance and hardiness. Make yours a Family Membership which wi wife voting privileges, etc., and a judge op1 greater activity and prestige. Dues in the British Iris Society have bee be sent directly to AIS secretory Cl ifford Ben• will make checks or Money Orders payable t All 5 For $7 .00 AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY SECRETARY IS CLIFF 10, Missouri. JOIN THE AMERI( Dues $3.50 annually. Publish th 1. Dotted Swiss 2. Frost and Flame 3. Lynn Hall Secretory, Mrs. Olive Hind

1. The Dwarf Iris Society, Mrs. Addo Ayres 4. Techny Chimes 5. Violet Hills Box 2 Redkey, Indiana Dues: Individual $2.00, Family $3.00 Sustaining $10.00 Check list $2.00. 2. The Median Iris Society, Mrs. Raymond C. Ingham, 24795 Water Street Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138 Dues: Individual $1.00, Family $1.50, 62 Supporting $3.00, Sustaining $10.00. WHITEFIELD PALMER (Taylor '56) M 36 in. Ev. Re. TERMS OF SALE Distinctive golden·orange with white midrib. DISCOUNTS AND EXTRAS: On orders of $25.00 to $50.00 select 50% more in free plants. On HM '56 ...... $3.00 orders of $51.00 or more select 100% more in free plants. VARIETIES MARKED NET and PATENTED WIDEYED (T. Craig '54) E 34 in. Ev. Re. (Aladdin) IRISES may have only I/3rd more in free plants. NEW INTRODUCTIONS are NET, however, if your x (Aladdin x Painted Lady) Wide y~llow order for these is $50.00 or more you may select 1 /3rd more in free plants. with o wide, dark port-wine eye zone. This HOWEVER - IF YOU FIND A MORE ATTRACTIVE OFFE·R BY ANY GROWER IN THE U. S. than should be good crossed with Spectacular, above send us proof of this and we will meet the competition so long as our supply of plants Ruffled Pinafore and Madrigal...... $1.50 lasts. We are not to be undersold. WHOLESALE quotations to growers upon request. We do not issue a wholesale list. WINGS OF GOLD (Englerth '62) M 38 in. Dor. THEN - SEND US A LIST OF EXTRAS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AND WE WILL USE THESE TO Strinkingly beautiful 10 in . blooms of tange· FURNISH BONUS PLANTS IN YOUR ORDER. THE LARGER THE ORDER THE GREATER VALUE IN rine-orange all beruffled, creped and grace­ GlfTS. IT WILL BE WISE, ALSO, TO LIST A FEW ALTERNATES IN EVENT We ARE SOLD OUT OF fully reflexed. A traffic-stopper. This should be SOME VARIETIES. PLEASE TELL US IF WE MAY SUBSTITUTE WITH A NEWER OR BEmR VARIETY IF crossed with Gary Bee and Fimbriata. SOLD OUT OF SOME ...... Net $12.00 THESE O~FERS ARE NOT A CASH DISCOUNT, BUT AN OFFER TO GIVE YOU THE GREATEST WONDER (T. Craig '54) EM 30 in. Ev. Big cream VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. IF YOU PREFER A CASH DISCOUNT WRITE US. with rosewood eye. Reblooms...... $1.00 THE ABOVE OFFER APPLIES TO IRISES ONLY. OFFER ON HEMEROCALLIS ORDERS: List alternates and extras so we may use gifts from these. YOUNG BRAVE (Sawyers '61) ML 32 in. Dor. On orders of $25.00 or more select 1/3rd more in free plants. ·on orders over $25.00 seleet ½ more Pink Prelude x Painted Lady) Huge, bright in free plants. Net varieties may be included in this offer. polychrome of cinnamon, yellow and brick-red. SPURIAS AND SIBERIANS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY AND CANNOT BE OFFERED AT SPECIAl DIS­ Try this with Revelation ...... $7.50 COUNTS, but extras will be included with these orders. SHIPPING DATES. We ship from first of July to end of September, although if weather permits, and we are able to dig, later shipments may be made. However, unless you live in a climate suit· able to late planting this is not advisable unless you are prepared to give adequate winter mulch. Please do not write instrucions or personal letters on the order sheet. Be sure your order is all on one page or if, of necessity, you must make the order on more than one page, clip these together and have your address plainly written on each order. CASH WITH ORDERS, PLEASE, UNLESS YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT WITH US. POSTAGE RATES HAVE RAISED AND WE ARE OBLIGED TO ASK 75c ON All ORDERS UNDER $15.00. 1964 POSTAGE OFFER: As you know postal rates have continued to climb. If you wish to include $1.00 extra for postage in your order you may select $2.00 worth of plants of your own choosing. GUARANTEE: We guarantee all varieties to be true to label and to be normal rhizomes for the variety. We also guarantee live delivery and satisfaction. Please notify us at once of any discrep­ ancy in your orders, or if you are not completely satisfied. We will replace any variety lost over THE YEAR the winter if such loss is listed together with a new order. In event we have discontinued the variety you may select the value in something we do list, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ panel of experts JOIN THE AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY AND THE BRITISH IRIS SOCIETY American Iris Society Memberships: 1 year, $5.00; Family (husband and wife), $6.00; Triennial (3 years), $12.50; Triennial-Family, $15.00; Sustaining $10.00; Research, $25.00, and life, $100.00. rmance and hardiness. Make yours a Family Membership which will greatly enlarge the A. I. S. and give husband and wife voting privileges, etc., and a judge appointment for each ten members - giving your region greater activity and prestige. Dues in the British Iris Society have been reduced to only $2.00 for American members. Dues may be sent directly to AIS secretary Clifford Benson, or I will be happy to forward same for you if you will make checks or Money Orders payable to American Iris Society. $7.00 AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY SECRETARY IS CLIFFORD BENSON, Office: 2237 Tower Grove Blvd., St. Louis, 10, Missouri. JOIN THE AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY Dues $3.50 annually. Publish three Journals and a magnificent Yearbook. ,t and Flame 3. Lynn Hall Secretary, Mrs. Olive Hindman, 404 Weigle Ave., Sebring, Fla.

1. The Dwarf Iris Society, 3. The Spuria Iris Society, s 5. Violet Hills Mrs. Adda Ayres Mrs. Mac W. Holloway, Treasurer Box 2 673 Acacia Ave., North Sacramento 15, Redkey, Indiana California. Dues: Individual $2.00, Family $3.00 Dues: Single $1.00, Family $1.50 Sustaining $10.00 4. The Aril Society International, Check list $2.00. Mrs. Charlotte Adams (Mem. Chairman) 7620 Machrea St., Tujunga, California. 2. The Median Iris Society, Dues: Single $3.00, Family $4.00. Mrs. Raymond C. Ingham, 5. For Reblooming enthusiasts: 24795 Water Street The Reblooming Iris Reporter, 2 issues per Olmsted Falls, Ohio 44138 year, $1.00. 62 Dues: Individual $1.00, Family $1.50, Edwin Rundlett, Supporting $3.00, Sustaining $10.00. 1 Fairview Ave., Staten Island 14, N. Y. NOTES ORD TELL'S 691 EAST EIGHTt

Date __

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Street or R. F. D. ____ City ______

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I I l I I I I I I





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