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11-13-1985 The oN va Knight Volume 4: Number 5 Nova Southeastern University

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Vol. 4, No. 5 Nova College November13, 1985 Election Marred By Violations THE STUDENT JUDICIAL COUNCIL When Nova's Constitution for The Student Judicial Council Supposedly there are to be two While no accusations are being is anorganization manystudents officials by the ballot box, and !he Undergraduate Student Gov­ made, the potential for a flawed ernmentAssociation was drafted know little about. Thepurposeof during the election. Only one election is obvious. With only the S.J.e. is to provide the stu­ person was supervising. I have in March of this year, 29 pages of one person protecting the sanc­ rules and regulations by which dents of Nova College with a heard S.J.e. members talking tity of the ballot box rather than means of resoluting conflicts. abouttheelectionissue, andthey the S.GA should funciton were two, a moments distraction is The school Constitution states: have admitted something was put into effect. Part of the duty of morethanampleopportunityfor "The S.J.e. shall particularly wrong, and should be corrected. this newspaperis tosee howwell, some quick ballot stuffing. serve to counterbalance the au­ Bravo! After al~ that's whatthe if atall, theconstitution is working The constitution also states in thOrity of the Senate." S.J.e. is here for. In section 6.02 and how closely, if at all, the Article 2.04 (H-12), that"Allcan­ i don't know whether you stu­ article (C) it states, "The S.J.e. S.GA has been following the didates have the right to be pre­ dents have noticed, but I haven't has authority to judge Senate rules contained within it. sent during the tabulation of seen any "resolving of conflicts", elctions, invalidating results and/ During the recent S. GA elec­ election results". In directopposi­ ora "counterbalance ofthe Sen­ or disqualifying candid~~ if tion for Freshman Representa­ tion to this rule, candidates for ate's authority." In fact, the first significant violations ofthis Con­ tive several sections of the con­ Freshman Representative were time I tried to sit in on a S.J.e. stitution or the Referendum By­ stitution were not followed or barred from the tabulations and meeting, it ~nd.ed before it had law Code are fOllnn " were simply disregarded. While it told by the S.GA they could not begun. The second time 1went I may betoo late now for anything bepresentduringthecountingof I should think that says it all. asked to see the meeting min­ to be done about the election, the votes. The S.J.e. did not invalidate the utes. The S.J.e. officers laughed. examination of these violations These violations put a dim results of that election. They did may be a gUideline to reviewing light on the validity of our elec­ Perhaps, theS.J.e. is funny, after not disqualify candidates, and most importantly they have not the performance of the S.G.A., tions. Talk of these violations all no oneattendstheirmeetings. and probably won't do anything as well as meeting the strength lends credence to the rumors of The S.J.e. supposedly rep­ of our new constitution. ballot stuffing and a scandalous rimanded Senate President in the future. Perhapswhen elec­ Robert Lamelas for having a tion time rolls around you will According to Article 2.04 (H­ election. Rules set forth by the closed meeting; but I have yet to consider their mistakes or you 10), oftheconstitution, "Twopoll constitution are for the benefit of see any documentation.) may want to ac;k thp S.J.e. vour­ workers must be present at each the student body, and are the seTf, why nothing was done, 'or polling location" during an elec­ sworn duty of the officers of the Agoodexampleofthis is in the why the S.J.e. was set up in the tion. Throughout most of the S.GA They should be upheld to freshman elections. There has been a dispute claiming the elec­ first place. October election, only one poll the letter. -STAFF worker was present at the polls. tions were disorganized, and -Ari Roloff some people even voted twice. Nova Books, A New Starting January NOVA (this is good stuff, according to BOOKS will carry many of the Ed) andtwostudentsblockedthe Place To Shop books from BCC and titles from entrance (my exit) of the book­ some courses at Nova Universi­ store. Ratherthan wait until class ntE NOVAKNIGHT takes to participate in the book busi­ ty. One of the doctorate pro­ started at 1:30, I decided to risk you to new spots In Davie ness and offer Nova students a grams at Nova gave NOVA angering these highschoolers andthisweekthehottopicIs choice of vendor. BOOKS its booklist therefore, and knocked on the pane-glass thenewstore: NOVABOOKS. "The beginning will be tough," order forms from both book­ window. Reluctantly the girl We sent a reporter to com­ Ed explained, "I won't get much· stores will be sent to doctoral· nudged her friend and, after he plle-.. cash flowing in before the next students. slowly had movedhis bodyoutof An Interview term begins. So, until January, Ed's brother, a police officer, the doorway, I left the newest atNOVA BOOKS fm living off my wife's income was helping at the store dUring store in Davie. and whatever school supplies I the interview. "fm going to have -Steve Conger Ed Panariello, who opened can sell." A box of 69-cent bar­ abouttwenty hoursof openwork NOVA BOOKSin October, used qains, containing spiral note­ each week starting in January," Inside: to be a student at Nova College. books and notepads, stands in Ed said. 'Tm looking for either Broward County Fair Informa- . He'sjusta few coursesawayfrom the center of the store. I buy five two students ten hours apiece or tion completing his Bachelor'sin Pro­ (since I'm starting to clip the bet­ one student who can work the "Nova Books, A New Place to fessional Management (BPM). tercomicstrips, like Doonesbury, full twenty hours." Hours are 9-6 Shop" He says he decided to apply Bloom County, Garfield, Cathy, pmweekdays, 9-1:30 pmon Sa­ Fall Sports Wrap-up some of the course work he learn­ Sally ForthandShoe) andaskfor turday, closed Sunday. Amando looks at the Hallo­ ed in his business classes. He Elmer's glue. Ed walks behind a Warning: Ihad trouble leaving ween Party admits his previous place of em­ curved desk covered by formica because I entered the store be­ Movie Puzzle ployment, Comer Book Ex­ and supporting a cash register. fore the 1 o'clock recess at Uni­ Constitution ignored again and change, had some influence on He doesn't have Elmer's glue, versity SchooL Twenty kids were again his choice of business. He wants just the gluestick. lined outside Pascuale's Pizza Page2

student newspaper describing next to the elevator for any stu­ tougher. BeSides, Nova College Letters his feelings about Rev. Jerry dent who desires to proVide his itself is here because we students Falwell and Apartheid in South input. The SGA is here to try to agree that it's worth having a to the Editor Africa is a responsible memberof help in improving the college. choice. Without free enterprise, Protesting and our democratic society. He has The concerned student also where would Nova be? Apartheid in gotten involved in protesting a brought up the iSsue about -Steve Conger South Africa known immoral position. Pro­ copies of the Constitution never testing has proven to be effective being offered to the student Dear Editor, in changing policy. Let's con­ body. Irecall the President ofthe tinue to keep "picketing the SGA and the Recording Sec­ Student A student wrote an article in bigots." retary makingand placing copies issue No.3 of The Nova Knight -David E. Graham of the Constitution in the student protesting Rev. Jerry Falwell's lounge the first week of school. Athletic stand on Apartheid in South Dear Editor, Most of the copies were thrown Council Africa. The student brought up In issue No. 3 of The Nova all over the lounge. two important issues: 1) We have Knigh~ an article entitled "Im­ Theconcernedstudentappar­ a right and a responsibility as peachment Approaching" was ently doesn't know much about The board for the Student Americans to protest issues we the Constitution. The minutes ~nclosed. The other SJC mem­ Athletic Council has been final­ disagree with; and 2) What is are not taken by the correspond­ bers (Jaime Ochoa, Vincent Sera­ ized. The next step in the organ­ occurring in South Africa is ing secretaryrathertherecording menti, Ronald Walters, Arthur ization of the new council is to immoral. Greenspan) and myself (Dawn secretary. Also the minutes need establish: procedures, gUide­ I support the student in his Buccino) talked over the issue, not be posted, but do have to be lines, and a basic charter. Stu­ available in the SGA office for demonstration against Rev. Jer­ presented in the article, at our dents will be informed of all students who request a copy. ryFalwellandhisviewsonApart­ SJC meeting on Oct 15, 1985. progress. Anotherissue the student pre­ heid. We have the right to free­ We unanimously agreed that it Board Members: sented, which Istrongly disagree domofassemblyandtherespon­ was our job to reprimand the Robert Lamelas - SGA; with, is the lack of posting events. sibility to use peaceful methods SGA, and to "remind" them that Kim Reis - SGA; I would like you to know that of communication when it is ap­ "closed meetings" were uncon­ Jaime Ochoa - SJC; everytime we have an event, propriate. Protest is healthy. stitutional. Therefore, Jamie Arthur Greenspan - SJC; banners, posters, and flyers are Thefocus ofstudentprotestall Ochoa (pres. of the SJC) did just John Hartsell - non-voting made by the general and fresh­ across the country for the past that. The SJCfeels it was ourjob Senate few years has been Apartheid in man representatives. I would to inform the SGA of the un­ also like to add, the reason some South Africa. Students at Co­ constitutional act that was com­ students do not know what lumbia University have forced mitted. However, "impeach­ the University to divest them­ ment" is quite a harsh word con­ events are occurring is probably ..------., because they do not even bother selves of all stocks and invest­ sidering the fact that as far as the to readthewalls andget involved ments in South Africa. Students SJC is concerned nothing like with student activities. Maybe atBrown forced theiradministra· this ha~ happened in thepastand you are one of them. Ido not see Modem tion to do the same thing. The hopefully will never reoccur in anything wrong with advertising protestors felt their university the future. and events on posters written with supported the South African .fPJ" The next issue the SJC would magic markers. What do you emment indirectly, by contribut­ like to comment on is the "Letter Abstract expect? Gold ink? ing to its economic property. I ToThe Editor", (also in issue No. Ifeel that if you have anymore believe students should become 3 of The Nova Knight). This arti­ remarks about the SGA, I have more involved in this movement cle states"Studentscan not even ART to stop Apartheid. an RSVP invitation for you to in get a copy of the constitution." attend the meetings on every The student protests in the This is not a true statement. 60's should give us the courage Thursday at 4:00 in the SGA PrIntand Poster COpies ofthe constitution can be office, and speak to us face to totry andchangethingswe know obtained upon request in the Designs are wrong. Ifthe maddened stu­ face about what your real SGA office (located on the sec­ thoughts of the SGA are. You from dents had not protested in the ond floor of the Parker Bldg.). 60's to get out of Vietnam, the seem to have notbeenattending In closing, Iwould like to state Nova longenoughtosee how far - Amsterdam- war might still be going on, and the fact that the SJC is an or­ President Nixon might have the SGA has really come along. - Dusseldorf- ganizationfor YOU (the student) -Zelda Rodriquez never been caught The student and without your input and out­ -London- protests grew into a national pro­ put there would not be a SJc. DearEditor, test which eventually reached -SJC Ifeel theschooladministration and Congress and even convinced has more pressing issues tofocus -Paris- them to act. Apartheid in South DearEditor, onthanwhatstore orstorescarry Africa is an equally important textbooks for Nova classes. Bro­ issue... These Art Prints in As an officer of the Student ward CommunityCollege has an your home or office are Jerry Faiwell; the moral mao Govemment I see it my duty to on-campus bookstore but that jority, and anyone else who sup­ inform the concerned student doesn'tpreventtheComerBook unique, because they are ports the discrimination towards who wrote an editorial in your Exchangefrom gettingthebook­ not for sale in United the killing of blacks in South Oct. 15 issue of THE NOVA list for BCC classes. Why should States Galleries. Africa must be protested against. KNIGHT. any bookstore be denied access The small white majority in The SGA, this year, has im­ totheNova College booklist?We South Africa has no right to rule proved in sponsoring more encourage the administration to .472·3540. the majority of blacks and non­ events than in the previous two allow evolution to proveed. The ~Char'es­ whites with such cruelty. Every years Ihaveattendedthe ~oll~e. odds againstNOVA BOOKSare student should be aware of the Our college is small and IS trying heavy enough (more than 70% immorality that is taking place hard to satisfy all the students of all small businesses fail in the Art Unlimited right now. More students should with their varying suggestions. first two years) without bureau- join the protest. The SGA has a suggestion box cratic preferences making it The student who wrote to the Page3 The Nova Knight ness executives. In addition, the Bulletin Board club provides community inter­ action and the chance for stu­ The Godparent Thanksgiving - University dent scholarships. 'THE GODPARENT (a citizen payshis debtsandtellsthe closed, November 28-30 no Donna Schaeffer is the Club advisor and I am the Club Presi­ non-sexist sequel) to the truth." class. Romantic, Pre-Political Polemarchus might say, "A Free Faculty Film Festival ­ dent We are now seeking to enlarge the club and anyone in­ Chronicles by Francis Ford good citizen walks away from Every Tuesday night at 7:00, Copp~1aand Mario Pozo). what he does not like to hear." IRProom. terested in joining the Business Club is quitewelcome. Wehavea The Nova Knight seeksto Glaucon might say, "A good Last day to withdraw from 8 & citizen looks around for a person numberofactivitiesandthehigh­ participate in the educative pro­ 16 week courses is Dec. 7. who questions authority, eats lights are: a trip to Orlandoto the cess, providing information cull­ Phone no. of THE NOVA onions and worries about ethi­ AS.P.A convention (the con­ ed from classes which focus less KNIGHT is 475-7000. cal issues." ventionis held everyyearandwill on skill-building and r.lore on Thrasymachus might say: "A cost each student no more than "citizenship". What is a good good citizen knows thatjustice is $50.00 for three days and two citizen? in the interest of the stronger. If nigh~ November 20, 21, 22, A politician might answer. "A American­ heis stronger, he will impose jus­ 1985), and each month Club good citizen votes for progress." tice; if sheis weaker, shewill yeild SocietyFor members attend a dinner of David Stockman might ans­ until she can find a bigger club AS.P.A.Thesedinnersprovidea wer. "Agoodcitizen hasa joband than the administrator ofjustice. Personal delicious mea~ an entertaining pays taxes." This is true except when you are lecture concerning an aspect of Afundraiser might answer. "A Administrators talking with sillybillies, in which business, and plenty of social good citizen is an a1umnus/ interaction. alumna of a college, to which caseinjustice (aman'sown profit Wel~ the first term is over and The club will probably be hav­ she/hecontributes annually." and motive) has more strength­ school is in full swing. Ithink now ing Elections in November, so A rabble-rousermight answer. and freedom and mastery than would bea goodtime totalkbusi­ anyone interested in running "A good citizen is aware of dis­ justice." ness, ortobemorespecific about may do so, providing they are a crimination and takes respon­ (p. 6, 14 in the Blue Book) the Business Club. Sometime Club member. sibility for initiating changein the Groucho's brother might say: ago, Nova started a Business Ifanyone has any thoughts or society. A good citizen feels an "A good citizen seeks to punish Club which is affiliated with the questions please see Donna emptiness when not participat­ the capitalists by uniting. A good American Society for Personnel Schaeffer, (204), or myself, and ing in a demonstration." citizen will read manypageswrit­ Administrators (or A S. P. S.). we will be happy to give you all A newspaper editor might ten by me and Engels and then The Business Club was form­ information necessary and en­ answer. "A good citizen is aware proceed to remind every robber ed to give the students at Nova a courage you to join the growing of the issues and writes letters to baron he meets that capitalism chancetointeractwith local busi- Business Club. the editor." will eventually collapse from _ -Charles Edice Cephalus might say, "A good Coot'd to pg. 8 . ,{ Army Navy Surplus !

~\~ ~0-" .t1"tn~C/Oth (Davie Road) 8S 4130S.W.64thAve. I.------_. I Oppos'te Wendy's & I 10% OF' McDonald's I I With this coupon 584-7227 I Page4 The Nova Knight for her never ending advice and coaching, and Sherri Blount for her expert (NCAA) teaching. Sonny-Ball The names of the girls on the Sports squad are: Annie Nelson - Coach; Sonny-Ball is back Next to Sherri Blount - co-captain; minimize the rate of turnovers, iversity. They will go down on Girl's Volleyball and Soccer, this Michele Fasona - co-captain; control the court and create records as the first team to pro­ is the most exciting thing at Nova Sonja Albrecht; situationswhere the players can duce a winning season. Not only University. There are new faces, Zeida Rodtiguez; play comfortably. have they done it once but twice on offense and defense, and the Sherri Keller; November in as many years of existence. schedule is more attractive. Yes, EDITOR'S NOTE: Cherri Lynn Rauche; 8, 1985 The Annual Blue and The volleyball team should also basketball is back for its fourth Dorene Alberts; be given more scholarships. year. Gold Game. (An intersquad and Heather Peters. game.), Is to be held at Lutheran They deserve it. Last season the basketball -Dorene Alberts High School Gym. Congratulations on a great team finished two gamesbelowa season guys, I mean girls. We 500 average. (It was their best -Joel Onlgblnde The Struggling love you. finish!) Even so, Coach Hansley -Joel Ognibinde SoccerSeason was disappointed because he Volleyball Has Ended wanted to finish at 500 or bet­ The Mysterious ter. Season Thesoccerseason ended on a This season, he's more exci­ Cross Country sour note on Wed., Oct. 30. The ted! Consider this, last year the Summed Up loss dropped the team to a sea­ team did not have a true center, Team Is Finished son record of 5-9-2. The final so the Coach had to use two game was against FAU. The guards and three forwards, and On Thursday October 31, the Yes, Cross Country, the only Knights lost 1-3. If anything, the three guards and two forwards. Nova University volleyball team sport at Nova that includes grad­ game served to desctibe the way This year, the team can utilize closed outits second season with uate students (due to club status) the soccer team has played all four guards and one forward. a win and a 9-4 record. has finished its third and tough­ year; in spurts. This will add qUickness to an The last match was special for est season. This year the team At the half way mark of the already conditioned line-up. the girls because they had lost to participated in six meets and season, the Knights had a record Last year, Bucky Taylor, vir­ FIT-Melbourne earlier on In the didn'tfairwell atany. One reason of 1-6-1 which did not show the tually carried the team on his season. They proved to FIT and is thesport is not popularatNova hard fought but heart-breaking shoulders. He blocked, reboun­ to themselves that the earlier and therefore there are few run­ losses to FIT-Melbourne, Palm ded, and scored (often leading defeatwas a fluke. Itwas also one ners. Another reason is that the Beach Atlantic, College of Boca the team in those categoties dur­ of the few games where all the local powers like Barry and U of Raton, and Rotida Southem. At ing games). This year, Bucky has girls played extremely well. They M don't make it any easier for least two of the games they strong-man Perry Holst and did nothave to depend ononeor Nova. Still anotherreason is lack should have won. new-comer Kenny Hall beside two pumped-up players to carry of funds. Then there were games they him. The picture that has so far them through. They lost the first Improvements over the years played which demonstrated the been painted is only the front game 13-15 and won the next have come individually. This inconsistancy and the inex­ line-up. One of the most difficult three: 15-8, 15-10, 15-11. year the Nova record in the five­ petience which has plagued the decisions Coach Hansley will Coach Jong-A-Kiem should mile event was broken by Collin team throughout the season. make is who will start and who be given a big pat onthe backHe Ansine atthe RU meet. He ran it Example: 0-5 vs. St Thomas will not at guard position. Hans­ is the only coach to produce a at a time of 28 min. and 11 sees. and Ragler. ley thinks spectators might see a winning record. The feat is in­ Collectively, there hasn't been The second half of the season different line-up every game. credible consideting it is only his any improvements. was a bit better because the Guards are: Senior Richard second year. He finished 8-6 Therefore, Coach DiPiano is Knights won four of the eight Crooms valuable for his defense last year. hoping to get two or three ex­ games and tied one. The losses and shooting, Courtney Cozart In some of the games, the girls cellent athletes for next year. He were to Barry, RU and FAU. The who was red-shirted last year had to play with bad knees, already has spoken to high RU game was not on the sched­ because of an injury, (He playS sprained ankles and players not school coaches in his recruiting ule but was played to show the both shooting guard and small normally a part of the team. The efforts. guys what level of soccer is being forward.) and Rickey Stanley misfortunes show outstanding -Joel Ogniblnde played elsewhere (0-7). and Craig James. dedication on the part of the The season posed more ques­ Other players who make im­ girls. Cheerleading tions for Barry Kaplan than pro­ mediate impact with Coach Hans­ The defeats the Knights suf­ vided answers. Nova has a po­ "What kind of spitit are you ley's new set-up are: fered this year were atthe hands tential winning team but it needs . of BCC North (two- times), FIT talking about, it's the Knights' mental attitude and consistency. Name Position (already mentioned) and Bryan spitit that will knock you out!" If it would serve as consolation, Mike Cable G/F College from Tennessee. Howmanytimes have you heard the coach hasan excellent castof Bobby Malmgren G For next year, Jong-A-Kiem the previous chant at soccer mid-fielders. I think he needs Pat Eichholtz C expects to get three more play­ games this year. Well girls have help in the forward line and cer­ Bill Hill F ers, so thatfatigue won't be a fac­ been making a special point of tain parts of his defense. The Tim Moore F torin the matches (against Bryan letting Nova Knight fans hear it. goalkeeper is as good as they This year, West Virginia College the girls were huffing The girls are the newest addi­ come. However, he needs a Weseley (NAIA national Cham­ and puffing just to stay on their tion to the growing athletic pro­ break once in a while. Hewas the pion), Rotida Southern, (Nation­ feet). He also expects that the gram. Every home soccer game model of consistency through­ ally ranked Division 11), Spting team will join a conference, most bore witness to their dedication out the season. Hill College and St. Leo have probably NAIA The last two and hard work of inspiting fans. It certainly was not an easy been added to the schedule. seasons were look-and-see sea­ Many students have said they season for the team. One can In the final analysis, Sonny sons. look professional andorganized. only hope and pray that the Hansley figures to play tough The girls and theircoach have The people who deserve the seasons to come will be easier. hardnosed man to man defense, done a great service to the Un- main credit are: Annie Nelson, Good Luck. Page 5 The Nova Knight ced Rush could do no wrong. mentforyouto buythis one, Ican Attention This belief culminated in the think ofseveral other reasons. 1981 release of MOVING PIC­ Rrst of all, this is def­ Nova International TURESwhich tookRush into the initely South Rorida. Just listen­ top twenty for the first time (it ing to it will make you want to Students Association peaked at number three). After shuffle down the halls of Nova in N.I.SA and its new officers: nine releases Rush had finally cheap sunglasses brandishing a saM President - Jorge Roman attained stardom. pina colada. The album is more (475-9527). When 1983 rolled around, Miami than Miami Vice. Also, this MAINTENANCE Vice- President-DolaOrowale and Rush released their next album is psuedo-intellectual, (584-1476). studio album, Ihardly knewwhat with songs such as "Lets Get Secretary -Irene Vargas (473­ to expect. Would they (yippies Drunk and Screw" (John - can 5326). forgive me) 'blow my mind' as we print that?) and "Cheese­ Treasurer - Guillermo Ro­ they had always done in the past, burger in Paradise". The rest of mero (473-2781). orwould they go for wimpy pop­ the songs on this greatest hit(s) Presidential Advisor - John respectability? Unfortunately, package, recorded between Hartsell (475-7000). Interiorand Exterior they opted for the latter, and the 1973-1979, are also primo ma­ Painting N.I.SA wantsall students(day resulting album SIGNALS was terial, making the album a fine program, careerdivision, and In­ a dog. addition to any South Florida tensive English) to be aware the I didn't give up on Rush (I (and elsewhere) record collec­ club has been formed and is ac­ guessafterall those years they've tion. cepting memberships from all earned a soft spot) and checked By the way, "This album is for 1700 Embassy Dr. #904 interested students. out GRACE UNDER PRE­ Parrotheads everywhere". If any There isa membership fee of SSURE. Thank goodness it was of you are in fact Parrotheads, $2.00 (per person) for career a move in the right direction. It please reply to Barry c/o The West Palm Beach, FL 33401 division and intensive English marked a definite return to the Nova Knight, P. 245, then con­ students. The amount can be aggressive, energetic style of sult your local physician. paid to anyof theofficers (except Rush's past (even if it didn't have the Presidential Advisor) listed any 18 minute songs). ZZTop above. Activities will be announ­ Rush's thirteenth and newest Afterburner Office: (305)626-8888 ced by: messageson the N.I.SA release, POWER WINDOWS, This is ZZ Top's first release billboard, articles in THE NOVA continues the trio's return to since their quintuple platinum KNIGHT, and telephone (to form. It is as fine an album as (5,000,000) selling 1983 album Res.: (305)472-3540 those who are isolated from the MOVING PICfURES, and ELIMINATOR. After an album main campus). should easily help Rush maintain asstupendousas ELIMINATOR, N.I.SA would be pleased to their top ten credibility. POWER what does a good rock band have you· as an active member WINDOWS shows the band set­ follow it up with? The answer is to impossible. and to introduce you to a variety tling into the new technological an album like AFTERBURNER. of people from other cultures direction they have chosen. Ged­ It's even better. Squeeze and nations. dy Lee hasfinally found his niche AFTERBURNERalso marks a Cose Fan Tutti Frulttl -The N.LSA Officers as synthesist (in addition to bas­ turning point in ZZ Top's career. When Squeeze announced sist, vocalist, moog pedalist etc.) Pushing their own brand of their break-up last year, I was and Neil Peart (Dr. Braino) is raunch and roll since the release really upset.If Difford and Til­ pounding the skins (now Sim­ of their first album in 1971 (ade­ brook had broken up a band as mons drum pads) with a convic­ quately titled ARST ALBUM), great as Squeeze in order to tion and precision lacking on their good old boy/beer drink­ make an album which was new Record Rush's more recent . The ing/hellraising image hasearned and exciting, I would have felt a album itself is energetic, upbeat them a string of hits. Onthecover lot better. Unfortunately, the Dif­ and enjoyable. The songs deal of AFTERBURNER, the car ford andTilbrook album was not RevieUTs with the familiar Rush themes of found on the cover of ELIMI­ new and exciting. In fact, it was individuality, humanity, and art NATOR has been turned into a boring and insipid. It was no sur­ vs. "Big Money". Each theme is space shuttle. This change gra­ prise then, after a bomb that big, treatedwith a fresh approachasif phically illustrates changes in Difford and Tilbrook decided to Rush it were the very first Rush album. ZZ'ssound. reform Squeeze. Power Windows If POWER WINDOWS truly On AFTERBURNER, the When Squeeze announced Idiscovered Rush accidentally does mark the new direction of Texas terrors add a totally new they were reforming, I was very in 1978. They happened to be Lee, Lifeson and Peart, no one spectrum to their sound with upset. IfDifford andTilbrook had the opening act for The Good will be happier than I. additions of synthesizers and an decidedto reform a bandas great Rats. The Good Rats have since asSqueezeto dosomethingnew JimmyBuffet array of electronics to the usual found obscurity, while Rush has and exciting, I would have felt a found stardom. After that Rush Songs You Know By Heart force of bass, guitar, drums and beard. Rather than lose them­ lot better. Unfortunately, the concert in '78 (by the end of Jimmy .Buffett's Greatest selves under the weight of syn­ album COSI FAN TUTTI FRUT­ which my eyes were wide with Hlt(s) TI is terrible. I like Squeeze, but amazement and my chin had Boy, what a title! Actually, I thesizedsounds, ZZ uses themto highlight their aggressive style, this album is unbearable. Out­ drooped tothe floor in awe), and only knew three of the album's side of the single, "Hits of the throughout the next few years, thirteen hit(s) by heart and I'm with excellent results. They may have traded in their good old boy Year", the material on this album Rush became my favorite band. sorry for that, because I've been should be dumped in New Jer­ They were musicians' musicians. missing a lot of great Buffett image for a slicker pop style, but this album represents some of sey with the rest of the toxic was­ They were intellectuals. They music. The three songs I knew the finest, most energetic and te. COSI FAN TUTTI FRUTTI were rockers. As I discovered were "Margaritaville", "Son of a enjoyable music I've heard in a should proveto bea biggerbomb their earlier albums, I was ever Son of a Sailor" and"Changes in long time. If ELIMINATOR was a than Hiroshima. I hope Difford more impressed by the Cana­ Latitudes, Changesin Attitudes". hard album to top, then topping and Tilbrook get it back in gear dian trio. With each subsequent If getting these three songs on AFTERBURNER should be next soon. I can't take much more of release I became more convin- one album is not enough intice- this. Page6 The Nova Knight John Cougar MeUencamp "Lonely '01 Night", has com· the album is fun, and does con­ Scarecrow pleted its topten run (it peaked at tain a few surprises, such as a John Cougar's fifth release, cover of the Beatles' "Revolu­ SCARECROW, is a definite im­ tion". Watch for the single, "Lay provement over his other four. The Thompson Twins Your Hands On Me", to go top While John has earned my res· Here's to Future Days ten soon. pectby staying onthe chartswith The Twins are back, with an a stringofhits which each contain excellent follow· up to last years no more than three chords, his smash INTO THE GAP (which mindless pop of the past (i.e. featured the hit "Hold Me "Hurts So Good") has left a lotto Know"). HERE'S TO FUTURE be desired. However, on SCARE­ DAYS finds this trio of Twins CROW John has found true in­ teaming up with Madonna pro· spiration in his hometown of ducer Nile Rodgers (the Twins Bloomington, Indiana, and it's did a song with Nile and Ma· obvious his emotionsonthe sub­ donna at Live-Aid). Rodgers' up· jectare strong. With almost every beat production style lends itself Alot r:I music. Alot of 1tDnt. song about rural life in the mid­ well to the Twins music. Like the otherTwins albums, HERE'STO AU Albums Reviewed Suppbed By west, Cougar sings with convic· PEACHES Records and Tapes tion about a lifestyle he knows FUTURE DAYS is a mixed bag 8160 W. Broward Blvd, P1tn. well. The album's first single, and not every song works. Still Free Faculty Film Festival * Every Tuesday - 7:00 P.M. - I.RP. RM. *

POCK AND ROLL 110VI ES Down Clues 1. Vangelis theme and title of academy award winner" -. Of Fire" 2. The band's farewell concert film "The Last· ." 4. The Who's Biographical "The Kids Are

5. Bowie Film "Merry Christmas, Mr.

6. Sting flop based on Frank Herbert Book 7. Who rock·opera 9. Ackroyd/Murray movie and Ray Par· ker, Jr. Hit 10. Who films movie about mods and rockers 11. Stephen King's "Christine" was "bad to the .." 13. Rick Springfield film "Hard To -." 16. John Parr theme "St. Elmo's· ." 17. Max theme "We Don't Need Another

20. Wolfgang Mozart academy award winner 22. Beatle cartoon "Yello· ." 23. Rob Reiner produced spoof " Tap" 27. Elvis' first movie "Love Me - -"

25. Tim curry's "Rocky Horror -. Show" 26. Wrote and produced bomb "Give My Regards To Broad Street" Paul· ." 28. Murray the K Biography "American Across Clues 15. Broadway and movie Hit "Jesus Hot·· " 1. Prehistoric Ringo/Barbara Bach Film Christ -." 29. Rolling Stones' Altamonte concert 3. Stevie Wonder is being sued for this 18. Monty Python's satirical Beatie band/ film "Gimme --" movie hit "I Just· . To Say I Love You" film 30. Phil Collins' hit theme "Against All 8. Gary Busey played title role in "The 19. Did soundtrack for second and up· Buddy •- Story" coming third "Death Wish" films Jimmy 31. "A Clockwork Orange" album fea· 11. "Song Remains the Same" drummer " tured music by Ludwig Van -• John· . 21. Kenny Loggin's hit theme of Kevin 32. Bowie "Falcon And The Snowman" 12. First rock movie "Blackboard· .." Bacon movie title theme "This Is Not· ." 14. A three hour hovie and two albums 24. Pink Floyd movie with Bob Geldof detail this Yasgers farm event as Pinky -Barry Feingold Page 7 The Nova Knight AN INV/7A 7/011 70 EIDTIC IIiDOllfnAIi 0111111' MIUDA INlHJllfSIAlilfSTAUIAIiT

JR'. Present.: For Student8 & Faculty

The Nova Jacaranda Square 1861 N. Pine Island Road SI.99 Lunch Special PLANTATION (N.W. Cornerof Sunrise Blvd. & Pine Isle Rd.) i (Forthe month of November 1985)' 1l:~3:00 For Reservations call 475-0004 Mon.-Fri. lunch ~ialonty 13•• which includes drl....(non alcoholic) entree, desserts CHOOSE FROM: • 1,4 lb. Char-Burger • Bar-B-Q Chicken ------14.00 * GIFT CERTIFICATE * 14.00 • Chicken Breast Sand. • Filet Fish Sandwich Tow.Fda &ch 0Idef 01 OurTraditillMl RV8TTAFEL • Clam Sandwich • Tuna Sandwich The Moat Famous of lndonealan DiI'­ 1S Delicio~ Coui.­ • Char-Dog • Rib Sandwicht.50EIIIra) n..~""".11/!A)/85 • 10 Wings (Any Sauce) -~------~--·OR------* Served with 0 Soda (.25 ReJU"')* Chips & PIckle 12.00 * GIFT CERTIFICATE * 12.00 3:~11:00 Of ourexotic dinner entrees

ThIe~"",11/30/85 $2.99 Dinner Special (with Fries & Pickle) Times: Open Close Thurs., Nov. 21 4:00 p.m. Midnight W..OnOwr 3660 D.we RCNMI Fri., Nov. 22 4:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. Sat., Nov. 23 12 Noon 1:00 a.m. for The a.t food (64th Awnue) Sun., Nov. 24 12 Noon Midnight In Town II 581-G788 Mon., Nov. 25 4:00 p.m. Midnight Tues., Nov. 26 4:00 p.m. Midnight Wed., Nov. 27 4:00 p.m. Midnight Thurs., Nov. 28 12 Noon Midnight Fri., Nov. 29 12 Noon 1:00 a.m. Sat., Nov. 30 12 Noon 1:00 a.m. Sun., Dec. 1 12 Noon Midnight

WHAT: 1985 lOth Anniversary Celebration of Broward County's largest single event. the Broward County Fair, "Come Celebrate With Us!" WHEN: November 21 through December 1, 1985 WHERE: Gulfstream Park, Hallandale U.S. 1 and Hallandale Beach Boulevard Directions: From the South on 1-95, exit Ives Dairy Road, east to U.S. 1 and go North ~ mile. From the North on 1-95, exit Hallandale Beach Boulevard, east to U. S• 1. PageS The Nova Knight In keeping up with the times, fixed, you call the technician (the young, you need the force ap­ The and since your mom's COS­ expert for computers). plied from outside yourself.) MOPOLITAN subscription is out 3. If you want to fix the Re­ Godparent ofreach, andsince Miss Manners public (your political community, I have decided not to have cont'dfrom pg. 3 and Dear Abby don't often ad· i.e. the "polis"), you go to the children because I want to have economic guilt" dress this issue, THE NOVA philosopher (the expert in poli­ time to be available for my Groucho Marx might say: "A KNIGHT presents: tics), since Plato defined politics friends', and siblings' children. good citizen is always medium as the "search for just political Therefore be forewarned that rare." Dear PARENTS, order." I'm storing parental concern for But if you ask a Nova student Thank you for thinking of 4. TheGuardian, who putsthe thatfuture time whenYourChild the same question, you might be measapotendUguauUanof interest of his people before his visits me and needs a kind but surprised at the answer you re­ YourChUd. self-interest, will not seek to be firm "No, I will NOT let you ceive. Responding with a Skin­ A godparent should take the popular. Rather, he or she will borrowmy cartonight! Idon'tlike nerian eagerness to the stimulus Platonic view, Ifeel, onthe outset attempt to do what is best for the the look of your date..." of responsible role models like: letting the parents know that, people, even if it means the peo­ Cyndi Lauper, Bob Geldof, Mi­ should misfortune take all of ple must be coerced - for we Be advised, therefore, that I chael J, Eleanor Smeal, Maurice Your Child's relatives from life, know that anything beneficial would take it on myself to watch Ferre and Phyllis Schlafly, the your child would receive my sin­ comesonly with effort andonly if over Your Child's development Nova student might say: "In this cerest attention. The Platonic we are coerced. as though I were her/his/its uncertain world one never view of the Guardian of the (Think of anything you've parent knows what airplane or earth­ citizens is essentially this: done which you value. Usually Unlessyou specify otherwise, I quake will remove from life our you needanelement of coercion would expose her/him/it to: l.If you are sick, you go to the to force you to sit down and do a) Monte Python's Aying Cir­ friends and so we must be pre­ doctor (the expert at healing the paredtocarefortheirchildren. In what you feel good about - a cus. body). term paper, learning a language, b) Doonesbury, Opus and Bill short, a good citizen knows how 2. If you want your computer to be a godparent" learning to tolerate brussel theCat c) Theconceptofnatural right. .------iII!!!I!!I------.. sprouts, to name just a few. Sometimes the force comes d) Octavio Paz, the Mexican from yourself, but when you are Cont'd to 1'9. 10 "'0 ~'b r, \> '"' SCHOOL SUPPLIES

4/34 S.W 64 Avenue Davie, Florida 33314 792-7778 r



THE CORNER BOOK EXCHANGE Page9 The Nova Knight tive do? Well that's a simple was at a costume partY and dan- Rio-Grande. A close friend of Ari's answer, they look maahvelous ced the Mambo. Everyone dan- Amando's, better known as"Gil: don't they? Isn't that enough? all ced the Mambo. Some maah- ligan", may join me in the Taco this quibble about students rights, velous people danced in circles, I launching expedition in Mazat­ Hideaway and that nothing gets done. wonder if they were confused? Ian; you see Gilligan is no longer Saludos My Daahlings, and Don't you know by now that it's There was a man dressed up in a on that island with Ginger and Welcome to the Hideway. more important to look good Designer orange polyester suit Maryanne, and belive you me Today I would like to talk than to do anything. And you with matching gold chains, he those girls don't just bake coco­ about those maahvelous people know who you are. looked maahvelous. A swinging nut cream pies. Amando has it in the Student Government As­ Anyway, Amando attended American if Ieversaw. Therewas on goodauthority thatthe"Skip­ sociation. Why is it that they all the Halloween partyon the 26th a flasher, and daahlings I hope I per" is running his own hideaway look as if they spent the summer ofNovember, andlet metell you I can say this, but !thinksomeone for native girls in Tahiti. I hope in a Turkish prison camp? They was confused. First of all, Ar- was living in his undershorts. you realize that if this guy can't must have picked up some bad nando dressed up as Mr. "I must Heddy Lamareatyour heartout. even sail a boat around Los habits in Istanbul, every time say!" of Saturday Night Live. "What's that, Heddly?" Angeles how can he run the Amando sees them in their little Many people confused me with It makes me proud to see all "Skip's Hideway"? I hope Cap­ office they are hiding behind Pee-Wee Herman (who hap- you maahvelous people dress- tain Stubingdoesn'tfind him and their desks. The newest fashion pens to be a distant relative) and ing up so crazy, Amando had make him pilot the "Love Boat," in Student Government wear is daahlings you are absolutely ig- more fun than at the Mexican maybe we'll soon be watching rubber boots, these enable the norantous. Itell you this, it's hard burrito, bean, and chile conven- "Gilligan's Love Island." The officers to traverse the grimy car­ to be a fun guy when your pants tion in Tijuana. Of course Ilike to "Proffessor" is designing a new peting in the student lounge are pulled upso high that you are compete in the hottamale speed setof designer men's wear called without burning holes in their staring through your belt buckle. eating contest. Raymond Burr "V-Brute", for the jungle man in heels. They make me crazy go Talk about looking for love in all won last year, but he got into a your life. Of course this has noth­ nuts. The question most asked is the wrong places. bad electric wheelchair accident. ing to do with the proffessor's what does an S.G.A representa- Amando was so confused by Itseemsthatonhis last tamale he new line of underwearcalled"V- the costumes that he forgot he backfired andwentflying intothe Cont'd to 1'9. -10


6508 S.W. 39 St. - Davie, FL 33314 (305) 583-5860 From NowUntil Christmas: 10% OFF Selected Computer Books (IBM, Apple, Etc.) and ALL Titles on the N.Y. Times Best Seller List (Many are now in stock). Example: Iacocca An Autobiography, by Lee Iacocca· Re-inuenting The Corporation, by John Naisbitt Dancing In The Ligh~ by Shirley Maclaine The Talisman, by Stephen King AND MANYMORE! We Also Have School Supplies! Page 10 The Nova Knight

includes what is experienced in reading and 9% writing so it pays rather logical and time-saving. An's the imagination. I would seek to to learn to listen!) 1. IthinkYourChildisgoingto share with her/him/it the imagi­ If accepted as Your Child's bea wondertulpersonandIwant native delights I have exper­ godparent I would use my god­ to take credit for being one of Hideaway ienced. parents as my model. Both have her/hiS/it environmental influ­ · h" Cont'd from 1'9. 9 I would show Your Child been parents to me at sometime ences. WIS . in my development and I have 2. I want you to feel comfort­ Haveyou evernoticedthatthe books whose characters I know often called them to get emo­ able with your choice of god­ coffee cups in the studentlounge more intimately than any human tional support and sometimes parent for Your Child and they have playing cards on them? I've met. I would suggest that just to feello'ved, sometimes just say that the only way to make You know, I have never got a your child consider education to be more than"the learning of job because I missed them. That's sure a iob is done right is to do it winning cup in two years. On the skills." Perhaps your child would how Iwantto bewith YourChild: yourself. By this reasoning, the bottom of eachcup is a wild card, listen to my claim that college is available. Your child will always only way to find a godparent and you know daahlings every meant to make students into have a special postcard when whom I would trust with Your time Ilookforthe card onthebot­ goodcitizens (i.e. peoplewhoask your child is at school, your child Child is to be that godparent. tom, Ispill coffee onmyleg. Ifyou questions, who would break will always get a birthday card, With many thanks, much do by chance get a winning hand apart the societal structure of your child will always have that gratitude and a riverful of love, onyourcup, pleasesendthatcup and Brave New World). secure feeling inside which says, to the manufacturerfora free hot 1984 Iwould challengeyourchild to "Well, if I REALLY screw up on cupof cocoain the mail. And this learn to parrot the words of Soc­ my math exam, I can always run (fill in your name) (date) my daahlings is from my heart rates and Hobbes, Marx and away to my godparent until (Paid for by the National En­ which is deep inside my body. Machiavelli, and to know their things cool down at home." (Par­ dowment for the Encourage­ Why does it say on the bottom of ment of Humainities, a CIA­ ideas so that your child might don my dark sense of humor.) every cup, "For consumer amuse­ sponsored attempt to point out learn the flaws in each philos­ But, moreimportantthanall of mentonly"? I'm afraid no wager­ opher's view of man and of the this, I would love your child un­ to the relativists, behaviorists and ing is allowed, you folks at home world. Iwould seekto showyour conditionally. (Parents like to Hobbesians the numerous de­ should beware of the special child the hierarchy of pleasures, hear this. Don't worry - they fects in their view of reality. The crimecommission setupto catch demonstrating that the Greeks KNOW thatunconditionallove is NEH also receives funds from yougamblersatthesceneofyour were right when they claimed impossible, especially when one corporations and individuals coffee crimes. that reflection is the greatest of the conditions is changing who believe that, iftheCIA keeps Well that's it for this week and spreading its funds in all direc­ source of happiness. diapers.) remember it is better to look You see, the Greeks led a In short, Your Child is my tions, eventually it will find a good than to feel good. balanced life, even if they didn't worry, too, and Ilook forward to group to support which is non­ recognize woman as citizens. each wrinkle. toxic to Nicaraguan life.) (It would be an infringement The They thought that the goal of Ifyoufeel thatanyoftheabove man was to be happy, but on copyrighted materials and statements need clarifying or if blatant intellectual plagiarism to pleasure and happiness are not you would like to find out how Godparent neglect to acknowledge Dr. SA the same thing. The Greeks be­ strongly I feel about these is­ author. Cont'd from 1'9. 9 as the source or conduit for the lieved thatsensualpleasures, like sues, call or write me before the e) The Macintosh computer. majority ofthe jokes and 80% of ice cream, making love and ~ Video Cameras. baptism. watching movies, are lower in the content of this essay.) g) Merry-go-rounds. P. S. (And whosays misfortune -Steve Conger h) The public library system. value than the refined pleasures is needed for this godparent And I would seek to expose found in reflection. The path to clause to go into effect? Perhaps . Attention: the bankrupt features of "be­ greatest happiness is therefore yougo awayfor a weekandwant All students, personne~ and haviorism" and "positivism" and .found by cultivatingthefaculty of to leaveyourchild in thecareofa professors should be aware of attempt to reveal the weakness REASON. An individual who loving godparent? Why not drop the name of the college news­ of viewing man as a machine or cultivates his or her reason can your child off on your way to paper you are now reading. The of regarding the universe as use it to discover the Good. The the Bahamas?) name is THE NOVA KNIGHT. being no more than "atoms in a personwho knows the Good will I can think of over two hun­ ItisnotNOVAKNIGHT, THE void." I have convinced myself do the Good, says Socrates. dredcouplesI've metwhose kids KNIGHT, KNIGHT, THENOVA that what we call reality is made I would seek to teach your Iwould neverDREAM ofbeinga NIGHT, THE 1962 FARMERS ofa materialcomponent(such as child listening skills. (45% of our godparent to. I think that I'm ALMANAC chairs, tables, pens.. monkeys) time in communicating is spent aec~ting for two reasons; one is Please take note of the true anda "fictive" compOnentwhich listening, 30% speaking, 16% decidedi; selfish and theother is title. -Staff Staff: Editor...... •...... •.... John Harstell Assistant Editor Elizabeth Artllstrong Business Manager Charles Reichenberger Sports Editor Joel Onigbinde Entertainment Editor Barry Feingold Future Issues Now Steve Conger Ari's Hideway Ari Roloff Staff: Dorene Alberts, Danny Defoe, Jeffrey Grimm, Ari Roloff and Juliet Schlette

The Nova Knight is a bi-weekly publication, written and edited by studentsofNova College. Any opinions expressed arethose of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the attitude ofthe administration, faculty, staff or students. Letters to the editor are encouraged and may be submitted to the newspaperboxin room245 oftheParkerBuilding. Letters mustbetyped andsignedin ordertobepublishedandaresubjecttoeditingfor condensing purposes. Names will be withheld upon request.