(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Planning Committee, 22/06/2017
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MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE AND TIME THURSDAY 22ND JUNE, 2017 AT 7.00 PM VENUE HENDON TOWN HALL, THE BURROUGHS, LONDON NW4 4BG TO: MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (Quorum 3) Chairman: Councillor Melvin Cohen LLB Vice Chairman: Councillor Wendy Prentice Maureen Braun Tim Roberts Mark Shooter Claire Farrier Agnes Slocombe Laurie Williams Eva Greenspan Stephen Sowerby Jim Tierney Substitute Members Anne Hutton Dr Devra Kay Sury Khatri Reema Patel Gabriel Rozenberg Hugh Rayner Please note that the below agenda may not reflect the order in which items will be heard at the meeting. You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an agenda is attached. Andrew Charlwood – Head of Governance Governance Service contact: Jan Natynczyk [email protected] 020 8359 5129 Media Relations contact: Sue Cocker 020 8359 7039 ASSURANCE GROUP ORDER OF BUSINESS Item No Title of Report Pages 1. Minutes of the last meeting 5 - 8 2. Absence of Members 3. Declarations of Members' disclosable pecuniary interests and non- pecuniary interests 4. Report of the Monitoring Officer (if any) 5. Addendum (if applicable) 6. 12 - 18 High Road London N2 9PJ (East Finchley) 9 - 78 7. North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, N11 79 - 160 1GN. (Brunswick Park) 8. Victoria Park Ballards Lane London N3 (West Finchley) 161 - 170 9. Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration Area NW9 (Golders Green, 171 - 222 Child's Hill, Hendon) 10. Land Adj To 1 - 12 Norfolk Close London N2 8ET (East Finchley) 223 - 244 11. HASMONEAN HIGH SCHOOL, 2-4 PAGE STREET, LONDON, 245 - 254 NW7 2EU and ADJACENT FIELDS CHAMPIONS WAY (Mill Hill) 12. Barnet and Southgate College, Grahame Park Way, Colindale, 255 - 260 NW9 5RA (Colindale) 13. Any item(s) that the Chairman decides are urgent FACILITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Hendon Town Hall has access for wheelchair users including lifts and toilets. If you wish to let us know in advance that you will be attending the meeting, please telephone Jan Natynczyk [email protected] 020 8359 5129. People with hearing difficulties who have a text phone, may telephone our minicom number on 020 8203 8942. All of our Committee Rooms also have induction loops. FIRE/EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by uniformed custodians. It is vital you follow their instructions. You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts. Do not stop to collect personal belongings Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so. This page is intentionally left blank Decisions of the Planning Committee 22 May 2017 Members Present:- AGENDA ITEM 1 Councillor Wendy Prentice (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Maureen Braun Councillor Mark Shooter Councillor Claire Farrier Councillor Laurie Williams Councillor Agnes Slocombe Councillor Jim Tierney Councillor Stephen Sowerby Councillor Reema Patel Councillor Sury Khatri Councillor Hugh Rayner Apologies for Absence Councillor Melvin Cohen Councillor Tim Roberts Councillor Eva Greenspan 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2017 were agreed as a correct record. 2. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS Apologies were received from Councillor Cohen, who was substituted by Councillor Khatri, Councillor Roberts, who was substituted by Councillor Patel and Councillor Greenspan, who was substituted by Councillor Rayner. Councillor Shooter gave his apologies as had to leave during the discussion of Agenda Item 7 and did not take part in the rest of the meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS' DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS Councillor Item Interest Mark Shooter 6 A non-pecuniary interest as he has used the same architect firm as the applicants. Sury Khatri 10 A non-pecuniary interest as has been present at public consultation meetings held by the applicants PR company. 4. REPORT OF THE MONITORING OFFICER (IF ANY) None. 5. ADDENDUM (IF APPLICABLE) 1 5 An Addendum to the main report was published and circulated to Members and made available to the public at the meeting. 6. 71 VIVIAN AVENUE LONDON NW4 3XE (WEST HENDON WARD) The Committee received the officer report and addendum. A statement in objection to the application was read out by Cllr Langleben on behalf of Maria McHale. Councillor Adam Langleben addressed the committee as Ward Councillor. An oral representation was made by a representative of the applicant, Enerita Novruzaj. Following questions and deliberations, The Chairman called for the vote. It was RESOLVED that the application be approved in accordance with the officer recommendation and addendum report. Votes were as follows:- For 6 Against 3 Abstained 2 7. 194-196 CRICKLEWOOD BROADWAY (EDGWARE WARD) The Committee received the officer report and addendum. Oral representation in support of the application was heard from Kieron Duffy. An oral representation was made by a representative of the applicant, Matthew Williams. Cllr Shooter had to leave during this item and did not vote. Following discussion of the item the Committee agreed to add the following additional condition to the application relating to working hours, as set out below:- 1. No construction work resulting from the planning permission shall be carried out on the premises at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays, before 8.00 am or after 1.00 pm on Saturdays, or before 8.00 am or after 6.00pm pm on other days. Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the amenities of occupiers of adjoining residential properties in accordance with policy DM04 of the Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012). The Chairman called for the vote. It was RESOLVED that the application be approved in accordance with the officer recommendation, addendum report and additional condition. Votes were as follows:- 2 6 For 5 Against 3 Abstained 2 8. ASHMOLE ACADEMY CECIL ROAD LONDON N14 5RJ (BURNSWICK PARK WARD) The Committee received the officer report and addendum. Oral representation in support of the application was heard from Nicholas Scott. An oral representation was made by a representative of the applicant, Jennifer Watson. Following questions and deliberations, The Chairman called for the vote. It was RESOLVED that the application be approved in accordance with the officer recommendation and addendum report. Votes were as follows:- For 10 Against 0 Abstained 0 9. THE ORION PRIMARY SCHOOL GRAHAME PARK WAY LONDON NW7 2AL (HALE WARD) The Committee received the officer report. No speakers made representations in regard to this application. Following questions and deliberations, The Chairman called for the vote. It was RESOLVED that the application be approved in accordance with the officer recommendation. Votes were as follows:- For 10 Against 0 Abstained 0 10. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, THE RIDGEWAY, LONDON, NW7 1AA (MILL HILL WARD) The Committee received the officer report and noted that two Councillors were requested to be available for a Greater London Authority hearing. Following discussion the Committee unanimously agreed that Councillor Sowerby and Councillor Braun would be available for the hearing. 3 7 It was RESOLVED that Councillor Sowerby and Councillor Braun would represent the Barnet Planning Committee at the GLA. 11. WEST HENDON ESTATE, WEST HENDON, LONDON NW9 - COOL OAK LANE (WEST HENDON WARD) The Committee received the officer report. Following questions and deliberations, The Chairman called for the vote. It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the correction notice in accordance with the officer report. 12. WEST HENDON ESTATE, WEST HENDON, LONDON NW9 - PHASE 4 RMA (WEST HENDON WARD) The Committee received the officer report. Following questions and deliberations, The Chairman called for the vote. It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the correction notice in accordance with the officer report. 13. ANY ITEM(S) THAT THE CHAIRMAN DECIDES ARE URGENT None. The meeting finished at 8.45 pm 4 8 Location 12 - 18 High Road London N2 9PJ AGENDA ITEM 6 Reference: 16/2351/FUL Received: 11th April 2016 Accepted: 26th April 2016 Ward: East Finchley Expiry 26th July 2016 Applicant: Safeland PLC Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 2 no. 4 storey buildings providing 21 no. self-contained flats and 265sqm of B1 office Proposal: space at ground level to block A with associated refuse and recycling storage, cycle store, 2no off street parking spaces and amenity space 1. Summary: The Planning Committee previously approved this planning application on 22/02/2017. Residents have subsequently written to the case office requesting the clarification of certain issues. This report is written to the Planning Committee for it’s approval in order to clarify these matters. The original committee report is attached as an appendix to this report. 2. Revised Schedule of conditions. 1 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: HR-AGE01 HR-G-AG01 E HR-G-AG02 D HR-G-AG03 E HR-G-AG04 E HR-G-AG05 D HR-G-AGP01 F HR-G-AGP02 E HR-G-AGP03 F HR-G-AGP04 E HR-G-AGP05 E HR-G-AE01 D HR-G-AE02 B HR-G-AE03 C HR-G-AE04 B HR-G-AE05 E HR-G-AE06 F HR-G-AE07 D HR-G-AE08 C HR-G-AE09 B HR-G-AE10 C 9 HR-G-AE11 C Design and Access Statement 12-18 High Road - East Finchley Site Analysis Daylight and Sunlight Report Construction Management Plan Transport Assessment Revised Environmental Assessment Planning Statement Air Quality Assessment Travel Plan Heritage Statement Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning and so as to ensure that the development is carried out fully in accordance with the plans as assessed in accordance with Policies CS NPPF and CS1 of the Local Plan Core Strategy DPD (adopted September 2012) and Policy DM01 of the Local Plan Development Management Policies DPD (adopted September 2012).