Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84499-4 — Colonial Institutions and Civil War Shivaji Mukherjee Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-84499-4 — Colonial Institutions and Civil War Shivaji Mukherjee Index More Information Index 2SLS instrumental variable regression model Maoist control in, quantitative analysis, estimation, 234–243 277–297 Maoist rebellion since 1980s, 134 Abujhmarh, 28, 199, 217, 220 postcolonial government ruled by landlords Acemoglu, Daron, 4, 12, 43, 134, 307, 325, 350 in, 80 Adivasis (tribal people), 7, 9, 11, 34, 88, postcolonial radical leftist insurgency in, 103, 111, 195, 197, 207, 208, 212, 269–277 216, 351 spatial variation analysis in Maoist control exploitation of, 35 in, 277–297 grievances in states, 31–32 Srikakulum district, 33, 78, 89 Maoist mobilization of, 107, 169, 269 Telangana rebellion in, 83 recruitment by Maoist, 265 vs. Chhattisgarh, 295–298 Afghan empire, 326 Andhra Pradesh Revolutionary Communist Afghanistan, 17, 37, 146, 147, 336, 337, 338, Committee (APRCC), 90, 109, 271–273 341, 342 Anglo-Afghan War, 337 alliances with warlords, 350 first, 336 British invaded and occupied, 337 second, 337 defeat of Taliban by NATO/US forces, 3–4 Anglo-Burman War of 1824–26, 327, 329 invasion by US in 2011, 336 Anglo-Sikh War of 1848–49, 337 Taliban regime replaced by tribal maliks or Angrist-Pischke F statistic of instrument for elders, 342 princely state, 234 agricultural productivity, 254, 264, 277 Annual Reports on the Police Administration of Ali, Hyder, 305 the Central Provinces (1907–12 and All India Coordination Committee of 1920–21), 204 Communist Revolutionaries antique states, 166, 179, 180 (AICCR),
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