It’s Not Just a Walk in the Park ! BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND and this time it really isn’t a Walk in the Park!

5 mile sponsored walk supporting your Charity Sunday 5 October 2014 10.30am

You decide which Ward or Department you would like to support!

Oxford Radcliffe Charitable Funds and Health Charitable Funds Support Your Hospital Charity Route Map

About the event

Sunday 5 October 2014 10.30am

It’s Not Just A Walk In The Park is back by popular demand and this time it really isn’t a walk in the park! New for 2014 our sponsored 5 mile walk route will take in three of the four Oxford University Hospital sites and the Warneford Hospital as, after all, the event is about raising Johnmuch neededRadcliffe funds Hospital. . Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. for the hospitals and you will be able to specify exactly whichHorton Fund, ward General or Hospital. . Churchill Hospital. Nuffield department you would like to support. Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. It might be a ward that you or a loved one has been treated in andChurchill this will Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. be your way of saying ‘thank you’ along with your family and friends. JohnIf you Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. are unsure of the name of the Fund you would like to support please callHorton the General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Fundraising Office on01865 743444 or email at [email protected] and we will be happy to identify the correct Fund for you. Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. You decide which Ward or Department Fund you John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. would like to support! Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Pictured on the front cover are Senior Sister Michele Young, from the Horton Critical Care Unit, with Mrs Muriel Honour. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Oxford Health Charitable Funds Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Funds (reg charity 1057295) supports the (reg charity 1057285) supports the community different departments and wards of the Oxford and mental health services provided by Oxford Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. University Hospitals NHS Trust, helping Health NHS Foundation Trust. These John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. to provide the best medical equipment, research and services are provided in the patient’s home, through facilities for our patients. Your support helps community clinics, and within our community Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield transform care across all our hospitals, hospitals and specialist mental health inpatient units. including: the John Radcliffe, Churchill, Nuffield Your support is very important to the thousands of Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Orthopaedic Centre, Horton General and Oxford people we see every year and helps provide the best Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. Children’s Hospital. care for all our patients. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Route Map

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Horton General Hospital. John Radcliffe Hospital. Churchill Hospital. Nuffield W

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Entry Form

Title First name


Date of Birth Age


Postcode Telephone


I would like to walk in support of:

(If you are unsure please write a brief description and we will identify the relevant Fund for you. If you do not specify a particular Fund your support will benefit General Funds)

Why have you signed up for this event?

How did you hear about this event?

Please complete one form per adult entrant (aged 16 or over) and include £5.00 registration fee, making cheques payable to the “Walk 2014”. Please provide us with a separate list of any entrants who are under 16, including their full names and addresses. If you are entering a team, please provide individual registration forms and fees for each adult and a cover list of all team members, highlighting any entrants under 16.

I agree to try and raise a minimum of £50 and declare that I, and any entrants under 16 participating with me, are medically fit to take part in this event. I understand that all participants enter at their own risk, and that the organisers shall not be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage as a consequence of participation in the event. If I, or any entrants under 16 participating with me, have a medical condition which may be affected by our taking part in this walk, I will make the organisers aware. We will never sell your contact details to other organisations. We may occasionally contact you via post, email, phone or text. If you do not wish to receive fundraising or Trust updates from us, please tick this box

Signature Date