THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of This is a holiday treat for you from me gestions, corrections, agreements, disagree- and from row2k, the first installment of my ments, additional sources and illustrations, retelling of the career of one of the most fas- etc. please email me at the address below. cinating personalities in rowing history, Ted Your input will be an essential contribution Allison Nash. to what has always been intended to be a These draft chapters tell the story of joint project of the rowing community, so Nash the athlete, with extra helpings of for- please contribute. If you and I end up final- ever friendships, laughter and tears. Next ly disagreeing on some relevant point or week, we will discuss some of Ted’s ac- another, I will be thrilled to present both complishments as a coach. alternatives so the readers can decide for themselves. The following .pdf is in the format in- All my contact info is at my website. I tended for the final printed book. It is from will be at the World Rowing Coaches’ the second of four volumes. Conference in London in January. I need you! Or you can email me anytime at:
[email protected]. If you find any typos in this chapter, or if you have any questions, comments, sug- Many thanks. TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee IIII IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaalliissmm ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt DDeecceemmbbeerr 22001100 INTERNATIONAL ROWING TURNS PROFESSIONAL 83. Lake Washington Rowing Club Early Years – 1960 Coxless-Four During the 1950s, as the influence of the Huskies – and formed the Lake philosophy of George Pocock became more Washington Rowing Club.”3353 and more evident in the crews of Tom The 6‟4” 193 cm 190 lb.