85. the Last Great LWRC Boat

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85. the Last Great LWRC Boat THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of www.row2k.com This is a holiday treat for you from me gestions, corrections, agreements, disagree- and from row2k, the first installment of my ments, additional sources and illustrations, retelling of the career of one of the most fas- etc. please email me at the address below. cinating personalities in rowing history, Ted Your input will be an essential contribution Allison Nash. to what has always been intended to be a These draft chapters tell the story of joint project of the rowing community, so Nash the athlete, with extra helpings of for- please contribute. If you and I end up final- ever friendships, laughter and tears. Next ly disagreeing on some relevant point or week, we will discuss some of Ted’s ac- another, I will be thrilled to present both complishments as a coach. alternatives so the readers can decide for themselves. The following .pdf is in the format in- All my contact info is at my website. I tended for the final printed book. It is from will be at the World Rowing Coaches’ the second of four volumes. Conference in London in January. I need you! Or you can email me anytime at: [email protected]. If you find any typos in this chapter, or if you have any questions, comments, sug- Many thanks. TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee IIII IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaalliissmm ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt DDeecceemmbbeerr 22001100 INTERNATIONAL ROWING TURNS PROFESSIONAL 83. Lake Washington Rowing Club Early Years – 1960 Coxless-Four During the 1950s, as the influence of the Huskies – and formed the Lake philosophy of George Pocock became more Washington Rowing Club.”3353 and more evident in the crews of Tom The 6‟4” 193 cm 190 lb. 86 kg Ayrault, Bolles, Rusty Callow, Joe Burk and Stork Conn Findlay‟s 1956 partner in the coxed- Sanford, and after Stan Pocock‟s success pair,3354 and the 6‟4” 194 cm 205 lb. 93 kg working with the Stanford coxless-pair3350 Frost immediately recruited Stan Pocock to and coxed-pair3351 and the Washington coach the new LWRC and Harry Swetnam, Athletic Club coxless-four3352 prior to the strength trainer at Shultz‟s Gym in 1956 Olympics, Seattle increasingly became downtown Seattle, to supervise land a Mecca for athletes seeking Olympic glory. training. Georg N. Meyers, Sports Editor of The LWRC soon accommodated grads from Seattle Times: “On an August afternoon in Washington, Cal, Stanford and several 1958, Dan Ayrault and Ted Frost collared Eastern colleges, many of whom were an interested listener and made a two-way members of the armed forces who had been speech. stationed in Seattle in order to train for the “„Rowing talent is going to waste here,‟ Olympics. For their boathouse, they said Ayrault, then a Navy lieutenant from refurbished a lean-to against the back of an Tacoma and a Gold Medal winner in the old hangar3355 around the corner from the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne. new Conibear Shellhouse. “„After four years, a college oarsman Stan Pocock: “The old lean-to had has just reached his prime,‟ said Frost, a formerly served as the varsity and Seattle accountant and 1954 captain of the lightweight dressing rooms when the UW University of Washington crew. crews used the hangar [as their boathouse in “„We have provided no means of the 1930s]. LWRC were loaned the use of it keeping oarsmen in competition in an area and had to clean out all the accumulated which is the natural place to furnish this gunk and build racks for the shells.3356”3357 country‟s best rowers for international events.‟ “Ayrault, an ex-Stanford oarsman, and 3353 Georg N. Meyers, New Crew Capital, No Frost rounded up all the ex-college paddlers Waste Talent, The Seattle Times, July 9, 1960 3354 they could unearth – most of them ex- See Chapter 82. 3355 It is now known as the Canoe House and is clearly visible from Route 520, Evergreen Point Floating Bridge. 3356 Ted Nash: “Stan did all of the skill-work, and our twenty men simply carried lumber and 3350 See Chapter 81. watched the master at work!” personal 3351 See Chapter 82. correspondence, 2006, 2007 3352 See Chapter 81. 3357 S. Pocock, personal correspondence, 2009 929 THE SPORT OF ROWING Meyers: “[Of the nineteen entrants in selected eight from Annapolis and a pickup the 1960 Olympic Trials,] all have full-time eight made up of members of Lake occupations, including winning bread for Washington Rowing Club competing in twelve wives and six children.”3358 other events.3361 As we shall see in Chapter 90 on the Navy Eight, that informal race may well have had a significant impact on Sports Coverage 3362 in Seattle the Olympic results. Meyers called LWRC “the Lakers” and covered them the way NBA teams are During the first half of the 20th Century, covered a half century later. rowing received unprecedented coverage in the Seattle press. Rarely has a city so One of the first to join Lake Washington embraced its rowers as Seattle did during Rowing Club in 1958 was 6‟4” this era. The University of 193 cm 194 lb. 88 kg John Sayre, Washington was covered stroke of the 1958 University of throughout their training, during Washington Varsity. their dual meets with California Teammate Ted Nash: “John and their trips east to the IRA, and was without a doubt the best and there were daily articles, columns toughest stroke I ever rowed and opinion pieces during their behind. participation in the 1936, „48 and “After Washington‟s „58 „52 Olympics. When the Huskies 3363 Moscow victory, I knew I sent their crew to Henley and wanted to row with John, but I Moscow in 1958, a local wasn‟t sure I could make the top television station sent young local LWRC boat, where I knew he sportscaster Keith Jackson along would come to rest. I was not by to cover the trip for the home any means a technical wizard. I viewers.3359 ran on endurance and just hoped I Several Seattle newspaper The Seattle Times could get a shot at his boat. columnists actually contributed to Georg N. Meyers “John led by example. He rowing history. George Varnell was physically strong, had a great of The Seattle Daily Times ran a sense of leverage, and what I contest that named the Conibear Stroke liked most was that he was happy to raise during the 1920s,3360 Royal Brougham of the rate until everyone else folded. the Seattle Post-Intelligencer referred to “When John decided to „go,‟ our four himself in print as “Your Old Neighbor” as went! John had two gears, race and super he wrote daily articles quoting his good race, and all of us in the boat had better be friend Al Ulbrickson from Henley and ready. If John was a length up or three Moscow, and Georg N. Meyers, Sports lengths down, I‟m not sure there was any Editor of The Seattle Times during the 1950s alternative possible in his head. He simply and „60s, wrote columns from the Olympic threw the switch, and it was time to win. regatta courses in 1960 and 1964. In Rome, Meyers was instrumental in helping organize a scrimmage between the 3361 Stan Pocock: “The „secret‟ practice race was actually organized by Navy Coach Lou Lindsey 3358 Meyers, op cit. and myself.” – personal correspondence, 2009 3359 See Chapter 89. 3362 See Chapter 90. 3360 See Chapter 46. 3363 See Chapter 89. 930 INTERNATIONAL ROWING TURNS PROFESSIONAL “Some of his puddles may still be get over to Lane 2. Nobody said boo. The swirling out by Lighthouse Point on Lake referee disappeared, never to be seen again. Washington. He made memories for a lot of “Detroit Boat Club was in the lead at the us. time, and I think we won the race by about “Stan Pocock used to say, „If you want two feet. We had probably rowed about to be in our top boat, each of you needs to be 2,500 meters! asked for by the others, as I only want a “Not exactly my favorite race . but crew that has confidence in all members.‟ my favorite memory!”3366 “We all knew who would stroke the Despite the lanes, three LWRC boats, boat. John Sayre.”3364 the coxless-pair and both fours,3367 qualified Stan: “At the outset, I told all those for the Pan Am Games. Only a fluke wash turning out that they would have to pick from a Coast Guard cutter in the coxed-pair their own lineups. I wasn‟t going to get Trials prevented Conn Findlay, his latest stuck with doing that!”3365 partner, John Fish from the UW, and In 1959, LWRC sent two coxed-fours, a coxswain Pete Paup from joining them. coxless-four and a coxed- and coxless-pair All three Lake Washington qualifiers to the Pan-American Games Trials in won Gold Medals in the 1959 Pan American Detroit. Sayre stroked the coxless-four: Games in Chicago, including LWRC co- Sayre: “We were on the Detroit River founder Ted Frost in the coxless-pair. for the Pan-Am Trials. One of our boats lost Ted Nash: “In 1959, Dan Ayrault was the first race when they shouldn‟t have, so not yet fully in shape after the service, and Stan goes out and drifts blocks of wood he did not make the Pan American Team. down each lane because Lake Washington He shook all our hands and wished us good had been assigned Lane 5 or 6 in each race, luck, and then he said, „I‟ll be ready for a while Detroit Boat Club got Lanes 1 or 2.
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