MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 260: 109–114, 2003 Published September 30 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

High species richness in deep- chemoautotrophic whale skeleton communities

Amy R. Baco1, 2,*, Craig R. Smith1

1Department of Oceanography, 1000 Pope Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA

2Present address: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department, MS#33 2-14 Redfield, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA

ABSTRACT: While biodiversity in deep-sea soft sediments appears to be high, little is known about diversity levels on deep-sea hard substrates. To determine the contribution of potentially abundant whale-skeleton habitats to deep-sea biodiversity, we compare the local macrofaunal species richness and composition on 3 sulfide-rich whale skeletons to assemblages from vents, seeps, and other deep- sea hard substrates. Based on rarefaction curves, whale skeleton diversity is higher than diversity in any other deep-sea hard substrate habitat. The average local species richness (185 spp.) on single chemoautotrophic whale skeletons approaches known levels of global cold-seep macrofaunal species richness (229 spp.), and exceeds the richness of the most speciose vent field known (121 spp.). Species richness on the whale skeletons is also substantially higher than on other deep-sea non- reducing hard substrates, such as manganese nodules and rocks. Richness levels approach those in deep-sea soft sediments and exceed some shallow-water hard substrates. This high species richness may be explained by unusually high trophic diversity on whale due to the presence of sulphophiles, generalized organic-enrichment respondents, whale- consumers, and - ground hard-substrate fauna such as suspension and deposit feeders. High species richness levels on whale skeletons and deep-sea stalks suggest deep-sea hard substrates may harbor higher levels of diversity than previously recognized.

KEY WORDS: Whale fall · Species richness · Biodiversity · Deep sea · Hard substrate

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INTRODUCTION geographical distribution, dynamics, and chemical con- ditions, each is likely to harbor characteristic macrofau- Documentation of biodiversity patterns in the deep sea nal communities with distinct patterns of biodiversity. is fundamental to understanding the ecological and evo- Here we begin evaluation of biodiversity patterns in lutionary novelties of the ocean. A number of studies one type of potentially abundant hard-substrate com- suggest that deep-sea soft-sediments often contain high munity in the deep sea: sulfide-rich whale skeletons. levels of local diversity, and global biodiversity in deep- Smith & Baco (2003) estimate that, at any given time, sea sediments may be similarly high (reviewed in Snel- there may be >500 000 sulfide-rich whale skeletons at grove & Smith 2002). While substantially more data are the deep-sea floor. Prior to the advent of industrial required to critically evaluate the biodiversity of the whaling in approximately 1800, the number of sulfide- sedimentary deep sea, even less is known of biodiversity rich whale skeletons may have been 2- to 5-fold higher patterns on deep-sea hard substrates. Hard substrates (Butman et al. 1995, Smith & Baco 2003). occur in a range of divergent deep-ocean habitats, in- Whale falls may promote high biodiversity in the cluding rock outcrops, manganese nodules, hydro- deep sea by providing hard substrates, organic enrich- thermal vents, cold seeps, sponge stalks and whale ment, and free sulfides at a typically sediment-covered, skeletons. Because these habitats vary dramatically in organic-poor deep-sea floor (Bennett et al. 1994, But-

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2003 · 110 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 109–114, 2003

man et al. 1995, Smith & Baco 2003). However, only 2 studies have quanti- tatively addressed whale-fall com- munity composition, and these studies were conducted at a single site (Bennett et al. 1994, Smith et al. 1998). Here we evaluate macro- faunal species richness on 3 sulfide- rich whale skeletons separated by

an Dover & Trask (1999) an Dover & Trask (1999) an Dover & Trask hundreds of kilometers off southern V Poehls et al. (unpubl. data) Mullineaux (1987) Beaulieu (2001) Austin et al. (1980), Jensen & Frederiksen (1992) V Dean & Connell (1987) California, and we discover them to ther hard substrates. All deep-sea

d d d d d d be remarkably diverse. SCL skeleton had 96 species in 1995 ’)

J 0.43 0.60 0.82 0.54 0.77 0.61 ( es is about 50 to 60 species, and

MATERIALS AND METHODS d d d d d d 9.17 0.37 This study α

38.9027.1915.44 0.60 0.46 This study 0.24 This study This study 11.98 23.25 Study sites and sampling. To determine macrofaunal species rich- ness levels on lipid-rich whale falls, we collected 1 to 7 vertebral bones 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 from each of 3 skeletons on the California slope between 1995 and of vestimen- 11.89

2 2000 (San Nicolas, 960 m, 33° 20’ N, tiferan tubes 119° 59’ W; Santa Catalina Basin, 1240 m, 33° 12’ N, 118°29’ W; San Clemente Basin, 1910 m, 32° 26’ N, 118° 9’ W) as well as rocks at 2 loca- tions in the general vicinity at similar in Annelida depths (960 m, 33° 15’ N, 119° 56’ W and 33° 15’ N, 119° 20’ W). Bones were collected using a submersible or remotely operated vehicle (ROV) manipulator and placed in sealed boxes. (Some fauna may have fallen from bones during initial collection

sampled species species sampled with the manipulator arm, so diver- sity and abundance estimates repre- sent a slight underestimate for these (m)polychaete individuals macrofaunal volume) (or 960 5 120 190 106 0.83 m 12401910 20 632 11 5551800 180 16 613 102 105 86 48 1.26 m 29 1.05 m ~3 m samples.) The boxes were brought to the surface and epifauna that fell a,b a,b from the bones into the box during transport was collected by washing box residues on a 300 µm sieve. All a

studies used 300 µm or smaller mesh sieves. Shallow-water 500 larger mesh sizes visible epifauna was removed from the surfaces of the bones upon re-

c covery. All samples were immedi- (coral) 0–6 951 101 0 31.49 l of coral 28.59 ately fixed in 10% formaldehyde/ c

(coral) reefs 260 4 626 298seawater 72 9.34 l of coralsolution and later trans- Jensen & Frederiksen (1992) ferred to 80% ethanol. Samples were stained with Rose Bengal, and macrofauna were sorted to species using a dissecting microscope. Bone surface areas were estimated by emperate (>50° N) rocky shoreline 10–15 14 094 137 44 32 pan scourers Gee & Warwick (1996) vent mussel beds Pocillopora damicornis Lophelia pertusa Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal 1600 20 044 25 6 24.7 l of mussels 3.02 San Nicolas (SN) whale skeleton Santa Catalina Basin (SCB) whale skeleton San Clemente Basin (SCL) whale skeleton San Clemente cold seep Manganese nodulesDeep-sea spongesDeep-sea rocks (near SN skeleton) ~960Intertidal mussel beds 4500–5800 147 ~120T 4100 26 32 1 933 12 0 104 2 78 353 <0.3 m 35 0.11 m 70 0.11 m 17 ~80 l of mussels 8.58 Rocky intertidal 0 214 37 species 0.09 m Re-calculated from original data Data were combined for skeletons sampled at 2 time points. The SCB skeleton had 96 species in 1995 and 149 1999. and >27 species in 2000 Neither mobile megafauna (fishes, galathaeids), which escaped collection, nor sediment infauna were included in these estimates 11 species for seeps Examples given represent the most comparable study of that habitat type from the literature. Mean diversity for single vent sit weighing the amount of aluminum Shallow-water hard substrates HabitatDeep-sea hard substrates Depth Number of Number of Number of Surface area Fisher’s Evenness a b Source c d able 1. Comparison of macrofaunal species richness from whale skeletons and rocks from the California slope, as well from o

T foil required to fully cover bone sur- Baco & Smith: Diversity on deep-sea whale skeletons 111

faces in a monolayer. The sampled surface area of the faunal species in 10 phyla collected in 5120 individuals bones above the sediment-water interface for each (Table 1). The Santa Catalina Basin (SCB) skeleton skeleton, as well as the total numbers of macrofaunal also had very high species richness with 180 species. individuals and species, are given in Table 1. Sediment The San Clemente Basin (SCL) skeleton had lower fauna, bone meiofauna, and mobile megafauna are not species richness, with 102 species. Stable isotope stud- included in these estimates. ies indicate that the SCL skeleton fauna are not depen- For the 2 skeletons sampled at more than 1 time dent on chemoautotrophic production (Baco-Taylor point, Santa Catalina Basin and San Clemente Basin, 2002, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). The range of niches species lists were combined for data analyses. For each associated with chemoautotrophic production may be of these skeletons, the communities at the times sam- absent at this site, resulting in substantially lower pled appeared to be in the same successional stage levels of species richness. (dominant species, etc.) and changes in diversity were The most speciose taxon on all 3 whale skeletons related to sampling intensity. was the polychaetes, with particular diversity in the Data analyses. The available data on quantitative families Dorvilleidae, Ampharetidae, and Polynoidae. studies of hard substrate macrofauna that are listed in Molluscs were numerically dominant at all 3 sites with Table 1 come from a variety of studies. All of the deep- the chemoautotrophic-endosymbiont hosting mytilid sea hard substrate studies included for comparison used bivalve Idas washingtonia the most abundant (Baco- a sieve mesh size of 300 µm or smaller. Shallow-water Taylor 2002, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). studies used a mesh size of 500 µm or larger. Each study We compared macrofaunal diversity on the whale has a different number of sample units and a different bones to existing data for deep-sea soft sediments total sample area, so the diversity indices we used for (Jumars 1974) using Hurlbert rarefaction curves (Hurl- comparison to the whale falls had to be independent of bert 1971), and the results are shown in Fig. 1. The sample size. To compare macrofaunal sample species height of a rarefaction curve is a function of community richness (i.e. the total species richness of the sampling species richness, and curve steepness is a function of units from a given site, following the nomenclature of species evenness. The SN skeleton had slightly higher Gray 2000) on whale falls with the macrofaunal sample richness and evenness than SCB sediments, but lower species richness on other hard-substrate habitats, we cal- than San Diego Trough sediments. Richness and even- culated rarefaction curves (Hurlbert 1971), and Fisher’s ness were lower for the SCB skeleton and the SCL alpha (α) (Hayek & Buzas 1997). Rarefaction is an esti- skeleton than in background SCB sediments. The low mate of the number of species that would be found in a species overlap between the SCB skeleton and back- given number of individuals, extrapolated from the total ground SCB sediments (<3%) indicates that the com- number of species and individuals collected. This munities found on whale skeletons are discrete assem- method allows larger sample sizes to be compared to blages, rather than subsets of sediment communities smaller ones (Hayek & Buzas 1997, Gray 2000). Fisher’s (Bennett et al. 1994). α is a diversity index that is an estimate of the number of Based on species number, α (Table 1), and rarefac- species in a sample expected to be represented by 1 in- tion (Fig. 2), macrofaunal species richness was sub- dividual (Hayek & Buzas 1997). Shannon-Wiener (H’) is a more commonly used index for diversity comparisons, 300 however, H’ has been shown to be less informative than SDT Sediments other diversity indices (e.g. Magurran 1988, Gray 2000). 250 Fisher’s α and Hurlbert rarefaction curves are less α sensitive to differences in sample size than H’, and is 200 SN Skeleton less sensitive to evenness than H’ (Hayek & Buzas 1997). Therefore, we considered rarefaction and α to be more 150 SCB Skeleton SCB Sediments appropriate for our species richness comparisons. Even- 100 ness values (J’) are also included to provide information SCL Skeleton α on species abundance structure. Rarefaction, , and 50

J’were calculated using BioDiversity Pro software Expected number of species (McAleece et al. 1997) and are included in Table 1. 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 Number of individuals RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 1. Hurlbert rarefaction curves for all macrofauna are given for San Diego Trough (SDT) and Santa Catalina Basin The San Nicolas (SN) whale skeleton exhibited the (SCB) sediments, and from each whale skeleton from this greatest species richness, with a total of 190 macro- study. SN: San Nicolas; SCL: San Clemente Basin 112 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 109–114, 2003

300 1 We also compared species richness on whale falls to shallow-water hard substrates. Rarefaction curves 250 (Fig. 2) and α for intertidal mussel beds in Alaska (Van Dover & Trask 1999) showed lower species richness 200 3 than any of the whale skeletons. A comparable data 5 set for rocky shorelines was not available, but a pre- 150 6 liminary study of ‘settlement scrubbers’ implanted on 2 4 100 rocky shorelines (Gee & Warwick 1996) had an overall 7 8 9 species richness intermediate between the SCB and 50 SCL skeletons. A study of succession in 10 the rocky intertidal (Dean & Connell 1987) found Expected number of species 0 higher overall species number than on any of the 0 5000 10 000 15 000 whale skeletons. Shallow-water corals had the highest Number of individuals diversity of all hard-substrate habitats based on rare- 1 Lophelia reefs 6 Settlement scrubbers faction, but lower α-values than the SN skeleton. 2 Pocillopora coral 7 SCL skeleton 3 SN skeleton 8 San Clemente seep Therefore, while chemoautotrophic whale skeletons 4 Deep-sea 9 Intertidal mussel beds had the highest local species richness of any known 5 SCB skeleton 10 MAR vent mussel beds deep-sea hard-substrate habitats, their overall species Fig. 2. Hurlbert rarefaction curves for hard-substrate habitats. richness may be intermediate compared to shallow- Shallow-water corals had the highest diversity of all hard- water hard-substrate habitats. substrate habitats based on rarefaction, but lower α values Despite being one of the least-studied deep-sea re- than the SN skeleton. Therefore, while chemoautotrophic ducing habitats, whale falls may harbor the highest whale skeletons are the most species-rich deep-sea hard- substrate habitats, their overall species richness is inter- levels of global species richness. Table 2 provides a mediate compared to shallow-water hard-substrate habitats. comparison of the current estimates for species richness MAR: Mid-Atlantic Ridge for worldwide whale-fall, vent and seep habitats. However, the value for worldwide whale-fall habitats is clearly a substantial underestimate because 91% of stantially higher at the SN whale skeleton than on any the estimate is based on the skeleton epifauna from other deep-sea hard substrate thus far studied. The the California Slope. The remaining 9% of the species SCB skeleton also had high diversity based on species were collected from partial skeletons recovered in number and α. Deep-sea sponges had rarefaction various ocean basins and from bones implanted on the curves that were higher than the SCB skeleton; how- Hawaiian Slope (Dell 1987, 1995, Gibbs 1987, Marshall ever this may be a function of higher evenness (sponge 1987, 1994, Waren 1989, 1991, 1993, Bennett et al. 1994, J’ = 0.54 vs SCB J’ = 0.46) rather than higher species Baco-Taylor 2002, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). Not richness. The SCL skeleton had higher diversity than surprisingly, only one of the species collected at these hydrothermal vents and cold seeps based on rarefac- distant sites was shared with the southern California tion, and higher diversity than rocks, seeps, vents, and whale skeletons, suggesting that comprehensive sam- manganese nodules based on α. Polychaete species pling of additional skeletons will lead to substantially richness was also higher on whale skeletons than on higher global diversity estimates. Global diversity any other hard substrate (Table 1). Overall species of whale-fall habitats will also increase substantially evenness was highest on manganese nodules and at when the sedimentary communities associated with the the San Clemente cold seep (Table 1). whale falls are analyzed for species richness.

Table 2. Comparison of global diversity among deep-sea reducing habitats

Habitat Substrate Number of Number of Source type macrofaunal polychaete species species

Whale skeletons Harda >> 407 201+ This study, Dell (1987), Gibbs (1987), Marshall (1987), Waren (1989, 1991, 1993, 1996), Bennett et al. (1994), Marshall (1994), Dell (1995), Baco-Taylor (2002), Baco & Smith (unpubl. data) Hydrothermal vents Hard/soft 469 100 Tunnicliffe et al. (1998), Hashimoto et al. (2001) Cold seeps Soft/hard 229 25 Sibuet & Olu (1998), Poehls et al. (unpubl. data) aSoft-sediment infauna were not included in these estimates Baco & Smith: Diversity on deep-sea whale skeletons 113

Whale skeletons in the chemoautotrophic stage et al. 1994, Baco-Taylor 2002, Smith & Baco 2003, Baco appear to harbor the highest local sample species rich- & Smith unpubl. data, ). Whale-bone specialists and en- ness of any hard substrate in the deep sea. We hypoth- demics may include species directly consuming bone esize that this high richness results from the broad organic material (e.g. Gibbs 1987, Marshall 1994) or array of ecological niches found on whale skeletons. species that appear to facultatively utilize chemoauto- Four main trophic types may be present: (1) Sul- trophic production, such as I. washingtonia (Baco- phophiles: Animals attracted to concentrations of free Taylor 2002, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). sulfides found on whale skeletons that directly or indi- Whale skeletons appear to support productive com- rectly exploit sulfur-based microbial chemoautotrophic munities for decades (Smith et al. 1989, Schuller et al. in production. Sulphophilic species may arrive from other press, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). This persistence, reducing habitats or may be whale-fall specialists and along with a complex suite of niches, combines to pro- include bacterial mat grazers and species with chemo- duce a unique habitat where sulphophiles from other autotrophic endosymbionts. Nineteen of the species reducing habitat types, background species, oppor- collected on whale falls have been documented from tunistic organic enrichment respondents, and whale- other reducing habitats, including deep-sea hydro- fall specialists overlap to produce high species richness. thermal vents and cold seeps (Smith & Baco 1998, A further examination of Fig. 2 and Table 1 suggests 2003, Baco et al. 1999, Baco-Taylor 2002, Baco & Smith that hard-substrate habitats fall into 3 diversity cate- unpubl. data, Poehls et al. unpubl. data). In fact, whale gories: (1) those with high species richness, which in- skeletons may act as dispersal and evolutionary step- clude the SN and SCB skeletons, deep-sea sponges, and ping-stones for species dependent on chemoautotro- coral reefs; (2) those with intermediate species richness, phy (Smith et al. 1989, Baco et al. 1999, unpubl. data, which include manganese nodules, the non-chemo- Distel et al. 2000, Baco-Taylor 2002, Smith & Baco autotrophic whale skeleton (SCL), seeps, and temperate 2003). (2) Bone-matrix feeders: Animals that exploit the intertidal mussel beds; (3) those with low diversity, lipid/ organic matrix of the bones as part of including mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. their life cycle. An example is the whale-endemic The high species richness on whale skeletons and sipunculid Phascolosoma saprophagicum, which feeds deep-sea sponges is particularly noteworthy. These directly on bone lipids (Gibbs 1987). (3) Generalized are among the first deep-sea hard substrates for which organic enrichment respondents: Species such as macrofaunal species richness has been quantitatively dorvilleid polychaetes that respond to intense organic measured, and there is little species overlap between loading (Pearson & Rosenberg 1978, Smith & Baco them (Beaulieu 2001, Baco & Smith unpubl. data). 2003). These species may feed directly on detrital On a global scale, other deep-sea hard-substrate organic material or may feed on heterotrophic bacteria habitats are also likely to be undersampled. Hydrother- decomposing the whale organics. (4) Background spe- mal vents and cold seeps are perhaps the best-studied cies: Because the sulphide concentrations on all por- deep-sea habitats, but quantitative hard-substrate sam- tions of whale skeletons do not reach the levels found pling has been attempted only recently (Van Dover & at other reducing habitats, background hard-substrate Trask 1999, Fisher unpubl. data, Poehls et al. unpubl. species such as deposit- or suspension-feeding data), and major portions of the mid-ocean ridge system ampharetid polychaetes, anemones, and sponges, may (along with many cold seeps) remain unsampled (Van be able to colonize. These species may also take Dover et al. 2002). Reviews of global macrofaunal advantage of enhanced microbial production or cur- species richness have also not been made for any non- rent intensification around the bones. reducing hard-substrate habitats in the deep sea. We Species richness on whale skeletons may be en- suggest that deep-sea hard substrates may harbor sub- hanced by the presence of whale-fall specialists. Large stantial, yet very poorly evaluated, levels of biodiversity whales first appeared in the fossil record approximately on both local and global scales. 40 Myr ago (Briggs & Crowther 1990), providing suffi- cient evolutionary time for an endemic fauna to de- velop. Twenty species have been found on whale skele- Acknowledgements. This research was generously supported tons only (Dell 1987, 1995, Gibbs 1987, Marshall 1987, by grants to C.R.S. from NOAA’s National Undersea Research Program, Alaska UAF-95-0040 and UAF-97-0038; and from 1994, Waren 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, McLean 1992, the National Geographic Society and the BBC. A.R.B. re- Pettibone 1993, Bennett et al. 1994, Williams et al. ceived partial salary support from an EPA STAR Graduate 2000). Additional specialists, mainly Idas washingtonia, Fellowship. We thank the captains and crews of the RVs Cocculina craigsmithi, Pyropelta corymba and Pyro- ‘Atlantis’, ‘Atlantis II’, and ‘Laney Chouest’, the pilots and staff of the ‘Alvin’ and ‘Turtle’ submersibles and the ROV pelta musaica, have population sizes of 1000 to 20 000 ATV. This is contribution no. 6211 from the School of Ocean individuals on whale skeletons, with only a few individ- and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at uals rarely occurring in other types of habitat (Bennett Manoa. 114 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 109–114, 2003

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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor), Submitted: May 14, 2002; Accepted: May 21, 2003 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany Proofs received from author(s): September 8, 2003