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Romanian Journal of Vol Founded 1897 • New Series Romanian Journal of Vol. CXXIV • No. 1/2021 • February Military Medicine REVISTA DE MEDICINĂ MILITARĂ • A systematic review of the various treatment options regarding the effectiveness of IVIG for nephropathy due to BK virus • Quality of life impairments and stress coping strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic isolation and quarantine. A Web-based survey • Burnout Syndrome in the Emergency Department of the Central Military Emergency Hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic • Chest CT-scan findings in COVID-19 patients: Relationship between the duration of symptoms and correlation with the oxygen saturation level • Indian experience of tetanus – A study from south India • Mass shooting incidents: evolution of preventive procedures, preparation, treatment and medical care supply • Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) as a novel tool in the detection and treatment of biological threatening diseases • Concepts for the implementation of a technological platform for the production of specific antidotes for CBRN medical protection • Elastofibroma dorsi: clinical experiences of 19 cases • The conduct lists of military physicians Ion Arsenie and Bucur (Hilarius) Mitrea during the Mexican campaign (1864-1866) • The use of Laser Doppler vibrometry (Doppler principle) for middle ear research and diagnosis • Demons-Meigs syndrome – Diagnosis and therapeutic conduct • Anatomical study of the anterolateral ligament in Romanian population • Bladder injury – A team challenge • Facial skin cancer: our surgical experience • Updates in teenage acute intentional self-poisonings • Economic analysis of hospital/healthcare costs in patients with colorectal digestive anastomosis • The interactions between risk factors for ischemic stroke CiteFactor IF 1.90 Journal included in Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index, CiteFactor, Index Copernicus International, National Library of Medicine Catalog, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory database, Directory of Open Access Journals, Directory of Research Journals Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Science Library Index and Open Academic Journals Index. Index. Editorial Board of Romanian Journal of Military Medicine Under the patronage Romanian Association of Military Physicians Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania Honorary Editor Acad. Victor Voicu MD, Ph.D. Editors-in-Chief Florentina Ioniță Radu MD, Ph.D., MBA Dan Mischianu MD, Ph.D. Executive Editors Daniel O. Costache MD, Ph.D., MBA Victor L. Purcărea Ph.D., MBA Associate Editor Mariana Jinga MD, Ph.D., MBA Redactors Raluca S. Costache MD, Ph.D., MBA – Bucharest Mihail S. Tudosie MD, Ph.D. – Bucharest Editorial Assistants Ioana Bratu MD Cristina Solea Technical Secretary Oana Ciobanu Andrei Cărăușu Publisher The Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Publishing House International Editorial Board Natan Børnstein (Israel) Mihai Moldovan (Denmark) Ioanel Sinescu (Romania) Silviu Brill (Israel) Ioan Opriș (USA) C. Ionescu Târgovişte (Romania) Cris S. Constantinescu (UK) Gerard Roul (France) Radu Ţuţuian (Switzerland) Daniel Dănilă (USA) Erwin Santo (Israel) Shyam Varadarajulu (USA) Stergios Ganatsios (Greece) Adrian Săftoiu (Denmark) Peter Vilmann (Denmark) Scientific Publishing Committee Adrian Barbilian (Bucharest) Dan Corneci (Bucharest) Ruxandra Jurcut (Bucharest) Anda Băicuş (Bucharest) Raluca S. Costache (Bucharest) Carmen Moldovan (Bucharest) Cristian Băicuş (Bucharest) Dragoș Cuzino (Bucharest) Ovidiu Nicodin (Bucharest) Andra R. Bălănescu (Bucharest) Camelia Diaconu (Bucharest) Ana Maria Oproiu (Bucharest) Mircea Beuran (Bucharest) Mircea Diculescu (Bucharest) Andreea C. Popescu (Bucharest) Ovidiu Bratu (Bucharest) Lidia Dobrescu (Bucharest) Bogdan A. Popescu (Bucharest) Daciana Brănișteanu (Iași) Cosmin Dobrin (Bucharest) Aurelian E. Ranetti (Bucharest) Dragoș Bumbăcea (Bucharest) Octavian Dontu (Bucharest) Mugurel Rusu (Bucharest) Marian Burcea (Bucharest) Dumitru Constantin Dulcan (Bucharest) Andrada Seicean (Cluj Napoca) Lucian Ciobîcă (Bucharest) Silviu Dumitrescu (Bucharest) Carmen A. Sîrbu (Bucharest) Mihai Ciocârlan (Bucharest) Carmen G. Fierbințeanu (Bucharest) Silviu Stanciu (Bucharest) Cătălin Cîrstoiu (Bucharest) Cristian Gheorghe (Bucharest) Ion Țintoiu (Bucharest) Sofia Colesca (Bucharest) Liana S. Gheorghe (Bucharest) Sorin G. Țiplica (Bucharest) Gabriel Constantinescu (Bucharest) Mihai Hinescu (Bucharest) Daniel Vasile (Bucharest) Silviu Constantinoiu (Bucharest) Viorel Jinga (Bucharest) Dragoş Vinereanu (Bucharest) REDACTION B-dul Eroii sanitari, Nr. 8, Sector 5, București, Tel/fax 021/318.07.59, tel. 021/318.08.62/Int. 199; Email: [email protected] Romanian Journal of Military Medicine (RJMM) is included in the Romanian College of Physicians Medical Publications Index. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, New Series, vol. CXXIV, No 1/2021, February ISSN-L1222-5126; eISSN 2501-2312; pISSN 1222-5126 Vol. CXXIV • No. 1/2021 • February • Romanian Journal of Military Medicine Romanian Journal of Military Founded 1897•New Series Medicine Vol. CXXIV• No. 1/2021, February Contents REVIEW ARTICLE Hassan Nikoueinejad, Behzad Einollahi, Mehrdad Ebrahimi ● A systematic review of the various treatment options regarding the effectiveness of IVIG for nephropathy due to BK virus 3 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Octavian Vasiliu, Daniel Vasile, Diana G. Vasiliu, Oana M. Ciobanu ● Quality of life impairments and stress coping strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic isolation and quarantine. A Web-based survey 10 Florea Costea, Mihai Sălceanu, Iulia M. Staicu, Alexandru G. Andreescu ● Burnout Syndrome in the Emergency Department of the Central Military Emergency Hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic 22 Aryaa Qaasemya, Hojjatollah Khajehpoura, Hadi E. Gouvarchin Galehb, Ruhollah Dorostkarb, Ehsan Assadollahic, Soudabeh Alidadi ● Chest CT-scan findings in COVID-19 patients: Relationship between the duration of symptoms and correlation with the oxygen saturation level 29 V.S. Srikanth, Shravanthi Naidu, Ansar Ahmed, Tippeswammy, V.R. Mujeeb ● Indian experience of tetanus - A study from south India 37 Symeon Naoum, Vasileios Spyropoulos ● Mass shooting incidents: evolution of preventive procedures, preparation, treatment, and medical care supply 43 Mohammad S. Hashemzadeh ● Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) as a novel tool in the detection and treatment of biological threatening diseases 54 Viorel Ordeanu, Diana M. Popescu, Marius Necsulescu, Lucia E. Ionescu, Adrian C. Popa, Roxana C. Sandulovici ● Concepts for the implementation of a technological platform for the production of specific antidotes for CBRN medical protection 61 Hacer B. Yesilcay, Sencan Akdag 67 ● Elastofibroma dorsi: clinical experiences of 19 cases VARIA Sandra Hirsch, Vlad Popovici ● The conduct lists of military physicians Ion Arsenie and Bucur (Hilarius) Mitrea during the Mexican campaign (1864-1866) 71 1 Adela I. Mocanu, Iulia Alecu, Alexandru Bonciu ● The use of Laser Doppler vibrometry (Doppler principle) for middle ear research and diagnosis 76 Ioana A. Negoiță, Bogdan P. Panaite, Mihnea Nicodin, Florin Năftănăilă-Mali, Elena D. Soloman-Năftănăilă- Mali, Nicolae Niculescu, Ioana M. Cobani, Andreea Kalamar ● Demons-Meigs syndrome – Diagnosis and therapeutic conduct 84 Radu Paraschiv, George Dinache, Mark E. Pogarasteanu, Sorin Lazarescu ● Anatomical study of the anterolateral ligament in Romanian population 89 Monica Cirstoiu, Oana Bodean, Octavian Munteanu, Darius Brinzan, Bogdan Cretu, George Pariza, Popescu Dan, Catalin Cirstoiu ● Bladder injury – A team challenge 93 Adrian Alexandru, Ana Maria Oproiu, Anamaria Grigore, Ioana M. Dogaru, Minodora Onisâi ● Facial skin cancer: our surgical experience 100 Simona Stanca, Irina Bostan, Horia T. Stanca, Ciprian Danielescu, Mihnea Munteanu, Adrian C. Teodoru ● Updates in teenage acute intentional self-poisonings 105 Rares Munteanu, Traean Burcos, Florin Grama, Dan Dumitrescu ● Economic analysis of hospital/healthcare costs in patients with colorectal digestive anastomosis 113 Silvia Nica, Remus I. Nica, Mihai Toma, Dănuț Cimponeriu, Florin C. Cîrstoiu, Diana C. Cimpoeșu ● The interactions between risk factors for ischemic stroke 119 Guidelines for authors 124 2 Vol. CXXIV • No. 1/2021 • February • Romanian Journal of Military Medicine The article was received on August 10, 2020, and accepted for publishing on October 28, 2020. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW A systematic review of the various treatment options regarding the effectiveness of IVIG for nephropathy due to BK virus Hasan Nikoeenejad1, Behzad Einollahi1, Mehrdad Ebrahimi1 Abstract: Introduction: BK virus is an opportunistic infectious disease that causes disease and serious problems when the immune system is suppressed. One of the treatments used against this virus is intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). We aimed to review the major relevant articles in case of the efficacy of IVIG and determine its usefulness. Methods: We searched online databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, Wiley, EMBASE, ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Google scholar. Two reviewers have independently assessed and extracted the titles and abstracts. Disagreements were being fixed by discussion. Where resolve was not feasible, a third review author was discussed. Results: We screened a total of 6 full texts. Three studies evaluated the effectiveness of IVIG in the Treatment of BK Infection in Renal Transplant Patients. Also, three studies assessed
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