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The 98th Annual Meeting of CSJ Program Chair: NAMBA, Kosuke(11:30~12:00) Room S1 1S2- 06 Special Program Lecture Toward development of artificial assembly lines for multicyclic alkaloids(Grad. Sch. Fac. Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol.)○OGURI, Hiroki(11:30~12:00) Bldg. 13 1325 Chair: YOKOSHIMA, Satoshi(12:00~12:30) 1S2- 07 Special Program Lecture Total Synthesis of Biologically Ac- tive Natural Products Based on the Chiral Pool Approach(Fac. Sci. Tech., CSJ Award Presentation Keio Univ.)○CHIDA, Noritaka(12:00~12:30) Tuesday, March 20, PM Chair: HARA, Michikazu(13:00~14:00) CSJ Award Presentation 1S1- 01# CSJ Award Presentation Development of New Metal-cata- lyzed Organic Transformations Based on Detailed Study of the Reaction Wednesday, March 21, AM Mechanism(Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.)○MASHIMA, Kazushi Chair: KATO, Takashi(9:40 ~10:40) (13:00~14:00) 2S2- 01# CSJ Award Presentation Creation of Biofunctional Self-as- sembled Nanomaterials and Their Bioapplications(Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)○AKIYOSHI, Kazunari(09:40~10:40) Thursday, March 22, AM Chair: HAINO, Takeharu(11:00~12:00) Chair: NAGATSUGI, Fumi(11:00~12:00) 3S1- 01# CSJ Award Presentation Rational Design of High-Perfor- 2S2- 02# CSJ Award Presentation Study on the Structure and Func- mance Acid-Base Combined Catalysts(Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.) tional Control of DNA(Dep. Chem., Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.) ○ISHIHARA, Kazuaki(11:00~12:00) ○SUGIYAMA, Hiroshi(11:00~12:00) Thursday, March 22, PM CSJ Public Lecture Chair: KUWANO, Ryoichi(14:00~15:00) 3S1- 02# CSJ Award Presentation Molecular Design and Regulation of Wednesday, March 21, PM Metalloenzymes(Grad.
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