Horse Equipments and Equipments for Officers and Enlisted Men
X->|gUT^ E«B.MooHe^ORD,R.C. No. 1719 — .M 1987 HORSE EQUIPMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN (2/ PLATES) MAY 10, 1905 REVISED JULY 3, 1908 "WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 93^- No. 17 11) HORSE EQUIPMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN (2/ PLATES) MAY 10, 1905 REVISED JULY 3, 1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 =-^ (Form No. 1719.) THE OFFICIAL NUMBER OF THIS COPY n' 's 1987 The Commanding Officer or the Post or District Ord= nance Officer to whom this copy is issued will be held personally responsible for its safe=keeping. When another officer relieves him a receipt for it by number will be taken, which should be mailed to the CHIEF OF ORDNANCE, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. II (2) PAI^T I. HORSE EQUIPMENTS. (3) — —— HORSE EQUIPMENT. A complete set of horse equipments for enlisted men regularly consists of Plate. Page. 1 cavalry saddle, McClellan pattern I 6 1 saddle cover II 12 Isaddlebag Ill 12 1 saddle blanket 14 1 curb bridle, model of 1902 IV 15 1 watering bridle Ill 17 1 halter Ill 17 llink IV 18 1 surcingle X 18 llariat V 19 1 lariat strap V 19 1 picket pin , V 19 1 nosebag V 20 1 horse brush V 20 1 currycomb .' V 20 1 scabbard for United States magazine rifle, model of 1903 •. II 21 2 saber straps II 22 1 service saddlecloth VI 22 and, when especially required 1 combination halter bridle, experimental VII 22 1 cavalry bridle, model of 1906, experimental IV 23 1 horse cover, or horse cover blanket lined, according to climate VIII 25 1 stirrup with guidon socket I 26 For officers only are added 1 dress saddlecloth IX 26 1 service saddlecloth IX 28 1 breast strap and martingale, hunting design VII 28 1 "WTiitman saddle X 29 for which the equipments are the same in material and finish, except as noted.
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