Recent Articles, Books, Pamphlets, Dissertations, and Other Publications in Indiana History
Recent Articles, Books, Pamphlets, Dissertations, and Other Publications in Indiana History Compiled by Leigh Darbee Editor’s Note: This annual list is intended to aid researchers in Indi- ana history. The Magazine solicits items for inclusion, especially from publications (other than newspapers) not usually reviewed in the IMH. Items to be included in the March 2003 issue should be sent before November 1,2002. “1900-1999-A Century of Fulton County in Photos,” Fulton Coun- ty Images, No. 5 (2000). Adams, Bob, “Decatur: Three Time State [Girls’] Champs?” Indiana Basketball History, VIII (Summer 2000). Aitken, Kenneth G., “In Search of the American Pioneers of the Last, Best West: An Introduction to Immigration Records of Ameri- cans on the Canadian Prairies, 1908-1918,” The Hoosier Gemal- ogist, XLI (June 2001). [Focuses on several Hoosier families.] Alexander, J. Trent, “Great Migrations: Race and Community in the Southern Exodus, 1917-1970” (Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001). Aley, Ginette, “More than Canawlers and Railroad Builders: Rural Irish Immigrants in Indiana and the Old Northwest,” Indiana Canals, XI1 (Fall 2001). “All Aboard! Remembering Indiana’s Other Grand Stations,” Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, XI11 (Summer 2001). Alter, Peter T., “The Serbian Great Migration: Serbs in the Chica- go Region, 1880s to 1930s” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, 2000). Anderson City Planning Department, Architectural Classification of Anderson, Indiana’s Historic Sites and Structures (Anderson: The Department, 1999). The Army-Navy Club of Indianapolis: A Brief History with Remi- niscences. Ed. Harley W. Rhodehamel ([Indianapolis: s.n.3, 1998). Arnesen, Eric, “The 1890s Crisis in Context: The Pullman Strike, Labor Politics, and the New Liberalism,” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XCII (Autumn 1999).
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