Volume XXI, No. 11 30 November 2020

ISSN 1555-774X. Copyright © 2020, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, e-mail: [email protected]< > CONTENTS Welcome! Haller’s Army Using the Internet Letters to the Editor Special Offer: The Latest from PolishOrigins PGSCTNE Polish Language Classes Geneteka Index Updates Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles... *************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. You can find this and previous issues here: Also, Agnieszka Maja Migalska of the Facebook group Polish Genealogy has made the PDF available via this link – thanks, Agnieszka!

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 1 ************************************** *** HALLER’S ARMY USING THE INTERNET *** by Paul S. Valasek

First of all, I hope that everyone had some form of Thanksgiving. It may have been smaller than normal, but the fact that it was celebrated is what counts. The same goes for Christmas, which is easier to reduce in size and complexity. I have decided NOT to buy TWO new Lexus autos to park in my driveway, as I do every year! Maybe a Radio Flyer wagon would be more appropriate!

Now for the latest news on the Polish Army in France. This article is created with a homage to the Internet for what it should be accomplishing, rather than the waste land it has become. Fun and games and mindless dribble is fine at times, but true knowledge is much more rewarding than how much virtual candy you can collect from a cartoon screen.

The first item is the availability of a documentary I was part of in 2018-9. It was produced by Robert Wachowiak and Edyta Slusarczyk and is quite well done. The one-hour show details the very basics of Haller’s Army, from recruitment to Camp Kosciuszko, to arriving in France, transfer to and the Eastern Front, and completing not ending with Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, but in February 1921. At that point, the Haller troops were still returning to America via New York City, Camp Dix, NJ, and homeward bound.

The story is based on the great-grandfather of Anthony , who now lives in New England. This man originally settled in the Ohio River Valley of Southeast Ohio and West Virginia, moved to Massachusetts, and continued his “new life” in America, which was interrupted by World War I, the Polish Ukrainian War, and finally, the Polish-Soviet War.

My role in the movie was to identify proof of his enlistment, from where and when, and how he left for Camp at Niagara. It took a bit of true genealogy research, but I was able to locate him under his original surname, and as they say, the rest was history.

You can find this film on the website, Vimeo, and type in “Falcons of Freedom.” If that doesn’t work, try this link:

Some people seem to have found it via other routes, and some say that they are unable to connect to Vimeo. When I received the link, I was able to pull it up on my big-screen TV through AT&T cable. If you can do this, the viewing experience will be much better. I would appreciate any comments you may have, as I can easily see a need for further videos and/or miniseries or movie.

* * *

The second part of this article deals with what even I was amazed at with the true possibilities of the Internet. As I continue to sell both Volume I and for the past year, Volume II of Haller’s Polish Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 2 Army in France, (yes, Volume III is more than half ready), I was contacted by Sharon in Arizona, who wanted to purchase my book, only to find out the second volume was out as well. After arranging for the sale of both books, I always ask the buyer, did you have anyone connected with the army – father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, great-uncles, etc.? If we get lucky, I can provide more information to them for their research. Indeed, she said her great-uncle, Alexander Uczciwek, enlisted in the army from Chicago, served in Europe, but was killed in 1920, one week before plans of shipping home.

Immediately my ears picked up, as anytime in 1920 would most likely mean the Eastern front, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and lands which were historically Poland. And what was he doing in battle one week before returning to America? This trip home would have to be started in Gdańsk, and if he was on the Eastern front, how does one get to Gdansk from Ukraine or Belarus in one week? For those who may not know, Russian trains have a different width of wheelbase than continental trains, so a direct train from the East to Gdańsk was not possible. This discrepancy was deliberate, as how better to stop an invading army by not allowing their transport trains access to the Russian railway system.

Sharon also said that Alexander had been discharged from service recently, which would explain his planned return to the US – but why was he still in a war zone? She replied that he was working and serving with the YMCA, and was near Minsk when the fighting took place.

She did include a copy of an article printed in the Chicago Tribune shortly after the event (reproduced on page 4).

So, now I have more information for my upcoming volume, as well as my database of recruits. Whenever I find the information about death and burial, I add this to the recruit’s file. I checked the listing and had no information of date or place of death, nor any information on Alex returning to the USA, either wounded or deceased for final burial. So I asked Sharon, does she have any knowledge of where her Great-uncle was buried, and she said, not any idea whatsoever.

As this answer is not satisfactory to a dedicated genealogist, I started to wonder how we can find out more. I contacted fellow researcher Jean-Francois Kusina in Paris for his take on the matter. He has very generously allowed me to use much of his research materials on the Polish Army in France while in France, especially the French cemeteries where the Hallerczycy and Bajończycy are buried. He had no listing for Uczciwek, but said he would write to another researcher in Poland who may know. I felt this was a step in the right direction, and if successful, maybe in weeks or a couple of months we may have an answer. Now is when the Internet truly works well.

Within 28 HOURS, I had my answer. (See photo on page 5.)

Seems like Jean-Francois’ Polish connection has a Belarus connection who knew exactly what I was looking for. Alexander Uczciwek was buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery in Baranowicze, near to Minsk. The headstone does indicate he was a Polish American from Chicago, who was serving in the YMCA. That is pretty solid information, not disputable.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 3 Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 4 So now I know where he’s buried, and Sharon knows where he’s buried (first time the family has ever seen the grave, let alone known where it is.) All it took was a letter to me about my books, emails from Arizona, to Chicago, to Paris, to Warsaw, and then “somewhere near Minsk.” All in 28 hours!

Since this original information drop, I have received several additional photos, as well as additional newspaper articles, enough for a chapter about Alexander Uczciwek to be included in Volume III.

If anyone has information on Aleksander Uczciwek, Sharon would like to know. You may contact her at .

* * *

Last bit of information, if you might be interested in obtaining either Volume I or II or both of Haller’s Polish Army in France, please write to me at and I can tell you what the cost is for either, or take both with reduced shipping costs.

Also if you have an ancestor who served in the army, and by chance we have not communicated with each other, please feel free to write and share what you have. I am, unbelievably, starting to gather additional information which will not fit into Volume III, which of course causes creation of

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 5 a file on my computer entitled, Haller’s Polish Army Volume IV material.

Merry Christmas to all! Keep traditions alive and well. Cancel ignorance.

************************************** *** LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ***

Subject: Ancestors Poland Foundation

My name is Natalia Kuć and I represent Ancestors Poland Foundation. We are a Polish non-profit organization that deals with genealogy research for Polish communities living in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Our main goal is to familiarize them with their heritage and reunit- ing families that were separated in the result of Polish turbulent history.

We have built a special place for our virtual community – a social network, – where people from all around the world can leave their genealogical requests for free. They are visible for all users so as a result, it is very easy to find missing relatives. Moreover, we have a group of volunteers who help our users with their research and therefore allow them to learn more about previous generations.

It seems that the mission, as well as the goals of our organizations, have a lot in common – we constantly strive to develop our community and promote Polish culture abroad. That is why we are interested in starting cooperation with you. We can offer:

• free accounts on our website for all members of your society • assistance in genealogical research • help with contacting Polish administration (it is necessary during some research) • help with basic translation of Polish, Latin and Russian documents • providing the educational materials about genealogy • preparing the articles about Polish history, culture, customs etc.

We want the idea of our social network to be known to as many as possible, so it would be very helpful if you support us with its dissemination. Even the article with the link to our web- sites as well as a mention about our Foundation on the list of your partners would be a valuable step further. Of course, this is only the example; we are open to any other way of possible coop- eration.

We believe that the cooperation of Polish and American organizations is the best expression of our idea and it will benefit many genealogical happy endings. Please, feel free to have a look at the presentation we have prepared. It gives a wider perspective of our activity and further plans.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us back. I look forward to hear- ing from you!

Natalia Kuć Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 6 Editor – We are always happy to pass along information about projects of this sort. But please realize, we have no way of checking all of them and being certain they are on the level. It’s up to you to decide whether this will help you. The most I can say is that the website looks good, as far as I could tell.



Editor – I like to pass along the latest info sent out by PolishOrigins, because these updates often discuss questions of great interest to Polish-American researchers, and not everyone has signed up for these notes. The following is a slightly edited version of the Thanksgiving message sent out by PolishOrigins.

Do we have anything to thank for in 2020? Well, of course, we do! Please forgive this slightly provocative question at the beginning.

Needless to say, 2020 has surprised us all and turned many of our plans upside down. Still, there are so many reasons to be grateful.

First of all, as Zenon mentioned in one of the previous e-mails, our entire team has survived in full force and we can still do what we like best.

Back in March we launched our Genealogy Services . The research, which was limited only to those of you who were traveling with us on Genealogy Tours, is now available for anyone interested in working on their ancestry.

As a team, we learned a lot together and took a big step forward.

The past months brought us many interesting genealogical cases and, as always, discovering new facts about your family history, and finding new cousins is the most rewarding. All your positive comments, reactions, and testimonials are our biggest motivation. You can read some of them here:

We know that we repeat it often, but thank you for another year with PolishOrigins! It is difficult to express in words the gratitude and satisfaction we get from working with you. Thank you again.

In these new times, certain things have acquired new value for us: relationships with relatives and friends, moments spent together, memories and experiences prove to be more important than material things.

Therefore, we have prepared a special bonus from PolishOrigins: starting from today (November 24), until the end of January 2021, for all ordered research projects, in addition to the report, we will also prepare an ancestor’s tree for you in the form of graphics. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 7 Here you can see an example:

[This image, and a detailed description of the offer, are available at https://polishorigins.com/< genealogy/#bonus>

You can use it to share with your relatives, attach to your wishes or show it to the younger generation. Maybe it will provoke them to create a similar tree on their own?

Before filling out the Research Request https://tinyurl.com/y2homnjd< >, read some additional notes from us:

1. As always, we consider all research projects individually. Not all of them will allow us to create such a detailed tree – we will discuss specific cases in further communication. 2. We will do our best to send you these materials before the holidays, but this will not always be possible – we must first check the availability of documents for your area of search and the availability of the institutions in the current, constantly changing situation. We will inform you about the estimated time of project realization. 3. We encourage you to send us the photos of your ancestors, your favorite quotes, or text to be included in the template. If you do not have your materials, we will find some that will suit your tree (it might be a photo of the parish, a fragment of the map, or one of the documents related to your family).

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 8 And for those who would like to learn Polish genealogy themselves, we have prepared another free video in our Polish Genealogy Academy series. You can watch video #6 “Introduction to genealogy search in the Russian partition” (and all others) on our website: . This time Aleksander describes the territory of the Russian partition of Poland and its border changes over the years. You will also learn about the characteristics of the vital records in this area. There is also a downloadable PDF presentation.

Let us know if the video was helpful. Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. We are sending you warm wishes for a holiday celebration filled with everything that brings you happiness.

Agnieszka Pawlus and the PolishOrigins Team

*************************************** PGSCTNE POLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES

The Polish Genealogical Society of Connecticut and the Northeast World Language Academy is announcing its Polish language classes which will be held online via Zoom starting in January. After signing up, you will be sent additional information about the classes, including a link to the online classes.

Introductory Polish, Part 1: Wednesday, 6:00 –7:15 p.m. Introductory Polish, Part 2: Mondays, 6:00 – 7:15 p.m.

Students who have successfully completed Part 1 of this course or its equivalent are eligible to enroll. You don’t need to be local anymore. Students can be from anywhere in the world.

Class sizes are purposely kept small to ensure that each student receives individual attention thus early registration is encouraged. Last semester .beginning classes were full within 48 hours of their announcement.

The fee for each class is $89. For further information, please visit our website at where you will find a registration form.

The instructor for these classes is Jonathan Shea, Professor of Modern Languages at Central Connecticut State University and holds Connecticut teacher certification in several foreign languages as well as English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education. He also teaches Spanish and Russian as well as reading classes for genealogists in Russian and Polish.

Professor Shea is also an accredited genealogist and was recently honored by the University as one of the recipients of the 2019 Excellence in Teaching Award. Speaking the language will enable you to open the door to communication with 38 million people in Poland and millions of other Polish speakers throughout the globe. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 9 *************************************** *** GENETEKA INDEX UPDATES *** by Waldemar Chorążewicz

Editor – Once more, let me pass along new Geneteka indexes updates shared by Waldemar on Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group this month. You can find assistance with the two-letter province abbreviations online, for instance, at . Note that UK is Ukraine and BR is Belarus. Also worth remembering is the tip Henry Szot shared with us in the April 2018 issue of Gen Dobry!

Here is an easy way to find out if an index has been updated. On the top right of results pages, there is a list of options (opcje). The last item is Wyszukaj tylko indeksy z ostatnich (search only indexes in the last), with a choice of 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, and 60 days. This permits receiving results only in the chosen time period. Example of use: 1) select the search page icon, 2) select świętokrzyskie, 3) select parish Sokolina and the wyszukaj option with 31 days, 4) if any, only results entered for the last 31 days will be shown. A surname might be added to further limit results.

Births – U[rodzenia] • Marriages– M[ałżeństwa] • Deaths – Z[gony]. Albigowa (PK) -- M 1901-1920, indexed by Anna Karnas Andrychów (MP) -- Z 1784-1919, indexed by kazluk Babsk (LD) -- UMZ 1888-90, indexed by Beata Tolsdorf Baligród (PK) -- U 1885-1890, M-1872-1900, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Banica (gr.-kat.) (MP) -- UMZ 1873-1878, indexed by Halina Żabczak Baranowo (MZ) -- U 1916-17, Z 1916 (expanded), indexed by Bożena Prymus Baranowo (MZ) -- UMZ 1912-14, indexed by Kamil Knebel Barcice (m. Rytro) (MP) -- M 1877-1885, indexed by Renata Majewska Bądkowo (KP) -- M 1785-1808, indexed by Michał Golubiński Bebelno (SK) -- UMZ1856-1860, indexed by Roman Burczyk Bedlno pow. kutnowski (LD) -- UMZ 1866-67, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Bejsce (SK) – U 1682-1700, 1784-1797, M 1688-1745, indexed by Elżbieta Pawlak Belsk Duży (MZ) -- U 1914-19; 1914-16, 1925-39; Z 1914-38, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Bełchatów () (LD) -- U 1809-12,14-23, indexed by Marek Jasiński Bełchatów (gmina) (LD) -- U 1824-25, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Biała Cerkiew (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Biała Rawska (LD) -- U 1841, indexed by Bogusław Nagórski Biała Rawska (LD) -- UMZ 1846, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Bielany (MP) -- U 1764, indexed by Renata Majewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 10 Bielica (BR) -- M 1798-1801, 1820; Z 1803-1820, indexed by Walerian Skrendo Bielica (BR) -- M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Bieliny (PK) -- UM 1890-1939 (expanded), indexed by Konrad Mierzwa Bodzentyn (SK) -- U1737-1743, indexed by Piotr Opaliński Bogdanów (LD) -- M 1914,18, indexed by Mateusz Gieras Bogdanów (LD) -- Z 1906, indexed by Bożena Rasmussen Boglewice (MZ) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Piotr Walczak Bogurzyn (MZ) -- U 1861-68, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Bolesław pow. olkuski (MP) -- M 1810-1814, indexed by andrzej27 Borkowice (MZ) -- M 1918-45, indexed by Grzegorz Świerczyński Borowa (PK) -- Z 1721-1769, indexed by Ewelina Jakubowicz Brodnica (KP) -- U 1813-23, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Brodowe Łąki (WA) -- U 1917, indexed by Tomasz Mierzejek Brudzew św. Mikołaja (pow. turecki) (WP) -- U 1816; M 1791-1808; Z 1816; indexed by SlawomirB Brzeg (Prot.) - (garnizon.) (OP) -- M 1893-1921, 29-39, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Brzozie (KP) -- U 1790-1820, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Bukówno (MZ) -- U 1914-17, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Byszów (rej. makarowski ) (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Cegłów (MZ) -- U 1797-1810, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Cerekiew (MP) -- Z 1792-1873, indexed by Michał_Sk Chełmonie (KP) -- Z 1808-47, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Chlewiska (MZ) -- U 1909, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Chmielówka (ewang.) (PL) -- U 1793-96,1827-40 M 1827-42, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Chojnata (LD) -- UMZ 1898-1901, indexed by Andrzej Kalski Chomranice (m. Marcinkowice) (MP) -- Z 1869-1889, indexed by Renata Majewska Chorzele (MZ) -- U 1810-25, indexed by Kamil Knebel Chorzów - Hajduki Wielkie (SL) – SkU 1905, 1910; SkM 1905-10, 1936-37; SkZ 1906; Z 1905, 1907-1909, 1910, 1926-37; indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Chorzów- Królewska Huta I USC (SL) -- M 1933-37; Z 1911, 1926-30; SkU 1874; SkM 1929- 32; SkZ 1931-37; indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Chorzów -Królewska Huta I USC (SL) -- SkU 1911-17, indexed by Paweł Kościelny Chorzów św. Barbary (SL) -- UZ 1852, indexed by Wojciech Gołąbowski Chorzów USC (SL) -- SkU 1901-10, 1917, indexed by Paweł Kościelny Chorzów USC (SL) -- SkU 1911-16 , indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Chrostkowo (KP) -- UMZ 1868-70; UZ 1906-07, Z 1827-29; indexed by Maciej Lisinski Chruślin (LD) -- UMZ 1915-16, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Chynów (MZ) -- UMZ 1918, indexed by Dobrochna -Urbańska Ciechania (gr-kat) (PK) -- U 1784-1859, 1861, 1863-71, 1873-1901; Z 1902-12, 1914-28, 1930-33, indexed by MMaziarski Cielądz (LD) -- U 1814-25, M 1814-16, indexed by Kacper Czerwiński Cudzieniszki (BR) -- M 1802-1818 z lukami, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Czermin (m. Ziempniów) (PK) -- U 1787-1875, indexed by Krzysztof Naróg Czernichów (MP) -- M 1791, indexed by Pablo_Miarka, checked by Renata Majewska Czernikowo (KP) -- U 1908-09; Z 1908-11, indexed by Hanna Uszyńska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 11 Czerwonka (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- M 1866-79, 1881-85 (expanded), indexed by Anna Kontkiewicz, checked by Anna Poprawa; Z 1889-1905, indexed by Anna Poprawa Częstochowa św. Zygmunta (SL) -- M 1808-18, 25; Z 1832-34; indexed by Stanisław Jegier Czyżew (PL) -- SkM 1724-52; Z 1801-02, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Ćmielów (SK) -- U 1890-93, indexed by Monika Skórkiewicz Daleszyce (SK) -- U1810-1830 (expanded), indexed by Andrzej Gawlik Dąbrowa Górnicza- Gołonóg św. Antoniego (SL) -- U 1822-25, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Dąbrowa Górnicza MB Anielskiej (SL) -- UMZ 1904-07, indexed by Ela Ginalska Derewna (BR) -- M 1861-70, indexed by Michał Zieliński Dobranowice (MP) -- UMZ 1857-58, indexed by Renata Majewska Dobre (MZ) -- Z 1897, indexed by Artur Lewandowski Dobrzyń nad Wisłą (KP) -- M 1825-39, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Dojlidy (Orth.) (PL) -- U 1901-03, indexed by Livia Ditto Domaniewice (LD) -- M 1915-18, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Domaniewice (LD) -- MZ 1872-78, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Drużbin (LD) -- UZ 1860,87-1916, M 1898-1916, indexed by Elżbieta Nejman Dulsk (KP) -- M 1821-31, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Dulsk (KP) -- U 1744-55, 57-70, 72-1808, 1810; Z 1742-70, 74-96, 98-1808; indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Działoszyn (LD) -- UMZ 1916, 1917, 1918, indexed by Daniel Leszczyk Dziergowice - Dziergowitz USC (OP) -- U 1885; M 1874, 77-78, 84; Z 1886, indexed by Thorsten Haferanke Dzików Stary (PK) -- UMZ 1786-1888, indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Dzisna (BR) -- M 1800-1802, indexed by Tomasz Urlich Fastów (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Filipów (PL) -- UMZ 1819, indexed by Helena Grochowska Gdów (m. Gdów) (MP) -- U 1779-1822, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gdów (m. Kędzierzynka) (MP) -- M 1784-1904, indexed by kazluk Gdów (m. Kwapinka) (MP) -- U 1779-1914, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gierałtowice (SL) -- U 1800-35, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Głogów Małopolski (m. Głogów Małopolski) (PK) -- U 1846-62, indexed by Krzysztof Gruszka Goczałkowice Zdrój (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Gostynin (MZ) -- U 1897; M 1900; indexed by Agnieszka Kuczkowska Gostynin (MZ) -- Z 1800-09, indexed by Adrian Kaszubski Górki (pow. łosicki) (MZ) -- UMZ 1905; 1898-1904, indexed by el_za Grabno (WM) -- U 1876-1878; M 1878; Z 1876-1877, indexed by Agnieszka Kościuk Graboszyce (MP) -- U 1824, 1845, indexed by Renata Majewska Gralewo (MZ) -- UZ 1888-93, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Grodzisk Mazowiecki (MZ) -- U 1810-11, indexed by Arkadiusz Śliwiński Grojec (m. Grojec) (MP) -- U 1764-1766; M 1887, indexed by Mateusz_Grojec Grojec (m. Zaborze) (MP) -- U 1884-1890; M 1881-1884, indexed by Mateusz_Grojec Gromadno (WP) -- U 1830-34, indexed by Monika Rozpłoch-Mróz Gumino (MZ) -- UMZ 1866-75, indexed by Krystyna Malik

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 12 Gwoździec (MP) -- M 1784-1879, indexed by Małgorzata_D Hniezno (BR) -- U 1802-1818 (1812 missing); M 1802-1818; Z 1802-1817; indexed by Wilnianka Horyniec (PK) -- UMZ 1758-1865 (with gaps), indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Humniska (PK) -- UMZ 1890-1905, indexed by Grzegorz Zuzak Iwkowa (MP) -- U 1880-1899, and 1880-1910 (updated), indexed by Krzysztof Kalarus Jałówka (PL) -- UMZ 1864, indexed by Dominik Okuniewski Jangrot (MP) -- M 1762-1825, indexed by Frisgaard and Jerzy Żurada Jastrzębie - Zdrój -Borynia (SL) -- M 1874-75,77-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Jawiszowice (MP) -- U 1764-66, indexed by Renata Majewska Jedwabne (PL) -- Z 1916-20, indexed by Piotr Laskowski Jelonki (MZ) -- UMZ 1914, indexed by Klaudia Karolak Jerutki (WM) -- U 1850, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Jerutki-Klein Jerutten (WM) -- U 1853, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Jeżewo (pow.świecki) (KP) -- U 1842-55, indexed by Wioletta Schiedel Jodłowa (PK) -- Z 1828-1847, 1863-1923, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Kalina Wielka (MP) -- U 1863; Z 1863, 1865, indexed by Czarek133, checked by Renata Majewska; and UZ 1862, indexed by Czarek133 Kamieniec Podolski (UK) -- Z 1757-70, indexed by Maria Dubiczyńska Kamień Śląski - Gross Stein (OP) -- Z 1774-1801, indexed by Antonina Żaba Kamieńsk (LD) -- M 1847-50, indexed by Marcin Maniecki Kamionacz (LD) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Krzysztof Wilczyński Kamionka (BR) -- UMZ 1826-1830, indexed by Wilnianka Karczew (Jewish) (MZ) -- UMZ 1829, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Kasina Wielka (MP) -- M 1811, 1858, indexed by Renata Majewska Kaszewice (LD) -- UMZ 1886-88, indexed by Jacek Chojak Katowice - Dąb USC (SL) -- M 1880-1910, indexed by Aleksander Kunsdorf Katowice - Roździeń USC (SL) -- M 1895-1909, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Kazanice USC (WM) -- indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kazanice USC (WM) -- U 1896-1912; M 1894-1935; Z 1903-1906, 1918-1927, 1930,1933- 1934; indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kazanów Nowy (SK) -- Z 1929, indexed by Dariusz dl3 Kazanów Nowy (SK) -- Z 1930-1945 skor., indexed by Dariusz Laskowski Kęty (MP) -- U 1766, indexed by Renata Majewska Kiełpin (MZ) -- UZ 1828-45, indexed by Emilia Borowicz Kleszczele (PL) -- U 1718-46,1919 M 1810-14, indexed by Walenty Kleszczele (Orthodox) (PL) -- UMZ 1846, indexed by Walenty Adamiec Kleszczów (Prot.) (LD) -- Z 1928-39, indexed by Bogusław Gadecki Kłobia (KP) -- UMZ 1801-08, indexed by Michał Golubiński Kłobuck (SL) -- Z 1848-57, indexed by Iza Biś Kłóbka (KP) -- Z 1826-34 (expanded), indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Kociszew (LD) -- Z 1892-1907, indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Kock (LB) -- U 1818, indexed by Elżbieta Bloch Kołaczyce (m. Krajowice) (PK) -- U 1783-1844,1845-1889; M 1784-1886; Z 1784-1878; indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 13 Kołbiel (MZ) -- U 1766-75, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Komorniki (LD) -- UMZ 1819-38, 40-58, 61, 65-89, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Kompina (LD) -- Z 1903-18, indexed by Marek70 Koniecpol (SL) -- M 1775-1805, indexed by Joanna Zyzik-Lubasińska Koniemłoty (SK) -- M1797-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Stępień Koniusza (MP) -- M 1797-1810 (expanded), indexed by Renata Majewska Kopienica - Łubie (SL) -- M 1842-74, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Korytnica (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- SkU 1657-94, indexed by Wilhelm Hałys i Grażyna Przybysz Kosina (m. Kosina) (PK) -- U 1900-20; Z 1905-37, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (PK) -- UZ 1784-1800, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina św. Stanisława (PK) -- U 1837-1878, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosów Lacki (MZ) -- Z 1897, indexed by Ewa Dybowska Koszyce (MP) -- Sk U 1751-1810, Sk U 1751-1796 (updated), indexed by Piotr Opaliński Kowala-Stępocina (MZ) -- Z 1940-46, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Koziegłówki (SL) -- M 1887-89, indexed by Teresa Łukasik Kozłów (SK) -- U 1811-1911 uzupełnienie, indexed by Janina Hyb Kraków Najświętszego Salwatora (MP) -- Z 1894 (updated), 1895-1908, indexed by Jakub Kisiel Kraków św. Florian (MP) -- Z 1866-1870, indexed by merdigon Kraków św. Józef (MP) -- M 1784-90, indexed by Pawel_B Kraków św. Krzyż (MP) -- M 1810-52 (expanded), 1853-79, indexed by Aleksandra Ufir Kraków św. Szczepan (MP) -- M 1852-1908, indexed by artekm Krempna (gr-kat) (PK) -- U 1872-1919; M 1872-1902, indexed by MMaziarski Krzywosądz (KP) -- U 1809-14, 42, 67; M 1809-16, 42, 67; Z 1809-10, 42; UZ 1809-14; indexed by Irena Kaczmarek Krzyżanowice (MZ) -- U 1884, indexed by Wiktoria Pilnik Książnice (m. Podleszany) (PK) -- U 1857-96, indexed by Marek Podolski Kuczki (MZ) -- M 1900-01, 1906-08, 1917-23, 1928, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Kurowo (MZ) -- M 1826-46 (expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Kurzeszyn (LD) -- U 1808-09, 15, 23, 37, 51; M 1911 (supplemental), M 1831, 36-37; Z 1828, 37, and 1901-1913 (range of years), indexed by Agnieszka Szymborska Łapanów (MP) -- U 1901-1910, indexed by Ela Synowiec Łask (LD) -- UMZ 1847, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Łaszczów (LB) -- M 1915-1923, indexed by Emilia Borowicz Łaziska Górne (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Łaznów (LD) -- UMZ 1874, indexed by Witold Jałmużna Łącko (m. Kosnowa, Wola Piskulina) (MP) -- U 1881-1897, indexed by Urszula Białka Łącko (m. Wola Piskulina) (MP) -- M 1785-1816, indexed by Mariuszzz, checked by Renata Majewska Łączki Kucharskie (PK) -- Z 1901-08, indexed by Szymon Król Łążyn (gm. Zławieś Wielka) (KP) -- Z 1790-1811,13-30, indexed by Katarzyna Pawłowska Lędziny (SL) -- UMZ 1850-59, indexed by Krzysztof Kosteczko Łętownia (pow. leżajski) (PK) -- M 1890-1909, indexed by Krzysztof Sanecki Lgota Wielka (LD) -- U 1809-16, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 14 Ligowo (MZ) -- U 1897-1907; Z 1875-82, 1885, 1897-1907, indexed by Mary Ann Graham Lipce Reymontowskie (LD) -- UMZ 1905, indexed by Zofia Kolińska Lipno (KP) -- M 1833-47, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Lipno (KP) -- SkUMZ 1915-18, indexed by Michał Golubiński Lipowiec Kościelny (MZ) -- U 1816-21; M 1880-82, 1899-1902; Z 1883-85 (expanded); indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Lisów (MZ) -- M 1881-88, indexed by Sławomir Wodzyński Łowiczek (KP) -- UZ 1826-27, indexed by Joanna Bruździńska Łódź NMP (LD) -- U 1908, indexed by Janusz Kucharczyk Łódź NMP (LD) -- U 1918, indexed by Michał Stasiak Łódź NMP (LD) -- Z 1853, indexed by Rafał Wodziński Łódź św. Antoni (LD) -- M 1925, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. St. Kostka (LD) -- M 1923 (expanded); Z 1926; indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. Wojciech (LD) -- U 1915, indexed by Agnieszka Gorząd, checked by Paweł Gorząd Łódź św. Wojciech (LD) -- UZ 1908, indexed by Ilona Gieras Łódź-Mileszki (LD) -- U 1891, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łódź-Mileszki (LD) -- U 1891-93, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łódź-Mileszki-Chojny (LD) -- UMZ 1851-60, indexed by Izabela Ziobro Łopienno (WP) -- U 1750-1753, indexed by Grzegorz Szczechowiak Lubecko (SL) -- U 1831-32, indexed by Maria Rogalska Łubin Kościelny (PL) -- U 1868-70, indexed by Adam Dominik Okuniewski Lubliniec-Lublinitz (SL) -- U 1841-77, indexed by Maria Rogalska Lubsza -Lubschau (SL) -- M 1845-49, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ludzisko (KP) -- Z 1861-70, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Lwów Bazylika (UK) -- U 1750-51, indexed by merdigon Lwów św. Maria Magdalena (UK) -- UMZ 1860-62, 1865, indexed by Egbert Małecki Magnuszew (MZ) -- Z 1830, indexed by Labcio402 Makarów (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Małkinia Górna (MZ) -- UMZ 1913-14, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Miedzierza (SK) -- U1889-1893, indexed by Gośka Mierzyn (LD) -- UMZ 1856-65, indexed by Mateusz Gieras Mikołajew (MZ) -- M 1907-28, indexed by Mariusz Dąbrowski Mikołajów (UK) -- M 1864, 78, 87, 91; Zapowiedzi 1922-43, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Milejów (LD) -- UMZ 1817-20,40-46, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Milejów (LD) -- UMZ 1868-72, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Mirzec (SK) -- U1916-1918, M1932-1940, Z1810-1826 1834-1849 supplemented, indexed by Anna S Mizerów -Miserau USC (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Mława (Prot.) (MZ) -- Z 1839-40 (expanded), indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Mława (MZ) -- U 1860-62 (expanded), indexed by Joanna Raczkowska Mława (MZ) -- UMZ 1890-95, indexed by Izabela Czaplicka Mnich (LD) -- UM 1916, UMZ 1917-19, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Mniszek (MZ) -- UMZ 1915-16, indexed by Agnieszka Wójcik Morawica (MP) -- U 1773-74; UMZ 1790-1791, indexed by merdigon

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 15 Motowidłówka (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Mszana Dolna (MP) -- M 1825, 1839, 1844, indexed by Renata Majewska Mszana Dolna (MP) -- U 1825, 1839, 1844, indexed by Suzana Mszano (KP) -- U 1815-22, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Muśniki (LT) -- U 1797-1808, pojedyncze indeksy z XVIII w., indexed by Marta Bałażak Mysłowice NSPJ (SL) -- M 1872-74, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Nakło (gm. Lelów) (SL) -- UMZ 1826-39, 64-66, indexed by Krystyna Stańczyk Narol (PK) -- UMZ 1844-1846, 1848-1853, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Nidek (MP) -- U 1765-66, indexed by Renata Majewska Nieciecz (BR) -- M 1798, MZ1827, indexed by Sławomir Rudziecki Niedźwiedź (pow.wąbrzeski) (KP) -- U 1786-1821, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Niedźwiedź gm. Słomniki (MP) -- UMZ 1791, indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Niedźwiedź gm. Słomniki (MP) -- U 1810, indexed by szymonzeb2, checked by Renata Majewska Niedźwiedź pow. Limanowa (m. Witów) (MP) -- M 1787-1940, indexed by Allen Nemec, checked by Eugeniusz Jakubas Niedźwiedź pow. limanowski (m. Lubomierz) (MP) -- U 1786-1920; M 1786-1945; Z 1786- 1845; indexed by Eugeniusz Jakubas, checked by Allen Nemec Niegardów (MP) -- U 1787-1809; MZ 1790 (updated); UMZ 1810-20, indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Niegardów (MP) -- indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Niemirów (UK) -- UMZ 1843, indexed by Halina Żabczak Niepołomice (m. Wola Batorska) (MP) -- U 1890-1905, indexed by Ela Synowiec Niestaniszki (BR) -- U 1840-1847, indexed by kamilo86 Nowa Słupia (SK) -- U1730-1741, indexed by Piotr Opaliński Nowoberezowo (PL) -- UMZ 1888-1889, indexed by Monika Charuj-Cataldi Nowosielce (m. Budy Łańcuckie) (PK) -- UMZ 1784-1930, indexed by Mieczysław Maziarski Nowy Korczyn (SK) -- UZ 1911-1913, indexed by Henryk Nowy Sącz (m. Nowy Sącz) (MP) -- Z 1889-1917, indexed by Aleks.K Nowy Sącz (m. Zawada) (MP) -- M 1875-1918; Z 1875-1901, indexed by wagabund Okocim (MP) -- Z 1888-1898, indexed by Suzana Oleksów (MZ) -- UMZ 1866-95, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Oleszyce (PK) -- U 1844-1846, indexed by Magdalena Kornafel-Pajda Olita (LT) -- UZ 1802-1804, M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Olsztynek, ob.wiejski (WM) -- M 1874-1876, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Olszyny (MP) -- M 1860-1919, indexed by Małgorzata_D Opoczno (LD) -- SkM 1835-61, SkZ 1890, indexed by Jan Berens Ornontowice - Ornontowitz (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Orzysz-ewangelickie (WM) -- U 1747-1753, indexed by Adam Rajkiewicz Osiek (pow. brodnicki) (KP) -- Z 1817-31, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Osiek pow. oświęcimski (MP) -- U 1764, indexed by Renata Majewska Osjaków (LD) -- U 1861, 1862, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Osjaków (LD) -- Z 1834-35, indexed by Robert1202 Ostrowiec (BR) -- M 1827-1847, indexed by Łukasz Majtka Ostrowite gm. Gniewkowo (KP) -- M 1932-52, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 16 Ożarów (LD) -- U 1799, 1858-59; M 1914; UZ 1819; indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Ożarów (LD) -- indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Ożarów (SK) -- Z 1921-1937, indexed by Konrad Dunst Pabianice (Protestant) (LD) -- M 1931, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Padew Narodowa (PK) -- U 1851-1861, 1863-1870, indexed by Agnieszka Kluzek Piaseczno (MZ) -- Z 1837-41, 1852-53, 1914, 1915, 1917, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Pieczew (LD) -- UMZ 1868-75, indexed by Włodzimierz Dąbrowski Pierściec (SL) -- U 1840-89; M 1844-88; Z 1840-88, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Pińczów (SK) -- Z 1898-1901, indexed by Grażyna Radzik Pińczów (SK) -- Z1913-1914, indexed by Olga Rosowiecka Piotrków Trybunalski (LD) -- U 1880,1907, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Piotrków Trybunalski (Orth.) (LD) -- U 1864-73; M 1834-37, 39-41; Z 1864-75, 1937, 39; indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Piotrowice (MP) -- M 1851-89 (range of years), indexed by Renata Majewska Piwniczna-Zdrój (m. Kokuszka) (MP) -- U 1826-37 (updated), 1838-95; M 1859-77; 1885- 1901, indexed by Viera Dušinská Plecka Dąbrowa (LD) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Pleszew (WP) -- M 1732-72, indexed by Radosław Kliber Podbiele (Orth.) (PL) -- UMZ 1884, indexed by Walenty Adamiec Podbirże (LT) -- UMZ 1800-1804, indexed by Marck57 Podbuż (gr-kat) (UK) -- UMZ 1785-1820, 1831-35, indexed by Mateusz Goldyn Pokój - Carlsruhe (ewang- augsb.) (OP) -- Z 1946-52, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Polanka Wielka (MP) -- U 1811-1812, indexed by Grzesiek182 Polanka Wielka (MP) -- U 1880-1890, indexed by Bobik4000 Poręba Dzierżna (MP) -- M 1864-89 (expanded i aktualizacja), indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Poręba Spytkowska (m. Poręba Spytkowska) (MP) -- Z 1910-46, indexed by merdigon Poręba Spytkowska (m. Poręba Spytkowska, Uszwica) (MP) -- Z 1875-1909, indexed by merdigon Poręba Spytkowska (m. Uszwica) (MP) -- Z 1910-29, indexed by merdigon Poręba Wielka (MP) -- U 1764, 1766, indexed by Renata Majewska Poręba-Kocęby (MZ) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Waldemar Badurek Proszowice (MP) -- Z 1941, indexed by Mateusz Serwatowski Prusy (m. Pikułowice) (UK) -- U 1876-99, indexed by ewelina75712 Prusy (mm. Kamienopol, Laszki, Pikułowice, Podborce, Sroki, Żydatycze) (UK) -- UZ 1900, indexed by ewelina75712 Przedbórz (LD) -- UMZ 1854-66, indexed by Krystyna Stanisławska Przewodowo (MZ) -- M 1913, indexed by Monika Górska Przytuły (PL) -- M 1904-15, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Pszczyna -Stara Wieś (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Pułtusk (MZ) -- Z 1781-94, indexed by Rafał Albiński Puszołaty (LT) -- UMZ 1810-1814, indexed by Marck57 Raciążek (KP) -- U 1798-1808, indexed by Gilberto Magroski Radom Opieki NMP (MZ) -- M 1924-25, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Radomin (KP) -- M 1821-47, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Radziemice (MP) -- UMZ 1790-91, indexed by Wojciech Nowiński

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 17 Raszyn (MZ) -- SkU 1752-76, 1793-1803, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Restarzew (LD) -- M 1795-1808, Z 1795-1808; indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Ręczno (LD) -- U 1863-69, 1880-99; M 1880-98; Z 1880-99, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Rogów (SK) -- U1772-1798, indexed by Jolanta Sowa Romany (PL) -- M 1909-15, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Rybno (MZ) -- M 1909-14, indexed by Renata Florczak Rzeplin (LB) -- M 1914-1921, indexed by Emilia Borowicz Rzgów (LD) -- UMZ 1912-16, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Sadlno (WP) -- SkM 1895-1899, 1912, indexed by Roman Sompoliński Samborzec (SK) -- UMZ 1810-1823, indexed by Kasia Marchlińska Siecień (MZ) -- M 1809, 1816-45 (updated), 1851-55 (expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Sierpc (MZ) -- M 1866, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Skała (MP) -- M 1867-1882 (expanded), indexed by Grzegorz Madej Skępe (KP) -- Z 1740-53,64-79,82-1807, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1907-10; Z 1907-10; indexed by mariamikołaj Skórkowice (LD) -- U 1896-99; M 1889-99; Z 1889-97, indexed by Joanna Bugajska Skórkowice (LD) -- UMZ 1846-60, indexed by Bożena Prymus Skórzewo (WP) -- U 1817-38, M 1817-23, Z 1817-22, indexed by SlawomirB Sławków (SL) -- UMZ 1842-47, 1864-70, indexed by A.Ch Sławno (LD) -- U 1819-21, 1900-02, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Słucz (PL) -- M 1921-34, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Słupiec (MP) -- Z 1817-69, indexed by dawid254 Smardzewice (LD) -- Z 1939, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Smogorzewo (MZ) -- U 1835-36, indexed by Artur Lewandowski Śniadowo (PL) -- Z 1775-98, indexed by Jan Olesiński (Metalloviec) Sochaczew (MZ) -- Z 1915, 1916, indexed by Marta Osiecka-Purzeczka Sokolniki pow. wieruszowski (LD) -- MZ 1882-96, indexed by Incognito Sołek-Śleszyn (LD) -- SkU 1799-1815, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Sosnowiec - Niwka św. Jan Chrzciciela (SL) -- SkU1910-13,1915-17; SkM 1910-19; indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec - Nowy Sielec Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP (SL) -- SkU 1915-17; SkM 1914-19; indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec - Pogoń św.Tomasza (SL) -- SkU 1915-19; SkM 1910-19, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec - Stary Sielec św. Barbara (SL) -- SkU 1916-19; SkM 1910-19, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec - Zagórze św. Joachima (SL) -- SkU 1910-18; SkM 1910-19, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec -Zagórze św.Joachima (SL) -- UMZ 1878-82, indexed by Bartosz Nagły Sternalice - Sternalitz (SL) -- Z 1831-70, indexed by Marzanna Kempska Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- M 1880-1889, indexed by Ewa Sobiech, checked by Agnieszka_K Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- UM 1912, indexed by Agnieszka Koszelak Stradów (SK) -- M 1926-1933; Z 1926-1934, indexed by Henryk Adamczyk Stryków (LD) -- UMZ 1917-18, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Strzegowo (MZ) -- Z 1891-95, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 18 Strzelce (LD) -- SkUMZ 1797-1808, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Subocz (LT) -- Z 1762-1796, indexed by Marck57 Sulmierzyce pow. pajęczański (LD) -- U 1827-30, indexed by Paweł Gorząd Suszec (SL) -- Z 1875-83,85-1919, indexed by Wojciech Gąsior Świerże (LB) -- U 1881-1890, 1901-1905; U 1906-1914 (indexed and checked), indexed by Bożena Krajewska Święta Lipka (WM) -- U 1856-1860, indexed by Robert Połubiński Szadek (LD) -- UZ 1828-30, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Szaflary (MP) -- U 1845, indexed by 37gosia Szaniec (SK) -- U 1826-1856, M 1826-1856, Z 1826-1854, indexed by Ryszard Olesiński Szczepankowo (PL) -- U 1763, indexed by Livia Ditto Szczurowa (m. Wola Przemykowska) (MP) -- U 1812-58, indexed by Gosia253 Szczyrzyc (m. Słupia) (MP) -- U 1889-1900, indexed by Krasny Szczyrzyc (m. Szczyrzyc, Pogorzany, Wadzyn, Smykań) (MP) -- M 1882-1890, indexed by Renata Majewska Szpetal Górny (KP) -- M 1815-25; SkM 1826-34, indexed by Jan Berens Szumowo (PL) -- M 1812b-13a, indexed by Kamil Kruszewski Szydłowiec (MZ) -- U 1888, 1891-98, 1902-09, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Taboryszki (LT) -- UMZ 1842-1848, indexed by Piotr Pukin Toruń św.Wawrzyńca (KP) -- M 1849-59, indexed by Róża Szymańska Trąbin (KP) -- UZ 1864-65; UMZ 1867-69, indexed by Maciej Lisinski Trzemeszno (m. Lubiń) (WP) -- U 1583-1754, indexed by Jason Trzęsówka (m. Kosowy) (PK) -- U 1822-35, 1848, 1850-1868, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Turka Wysocko Wyżne (UK) -- U 1906-23, indexed by Danuta Danecka Tychy - Cielmice (SL) -- M 1874-75,77-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Tychy USC (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Tylmanowa (m. Ochotnica Dolna) (MP) -- U 1820-25, indexed by Incognito Umień (WP) -- UMZ 1821-1823, indexed by Jarosław Czarkowski Unieck (MZ) -- U 1866-69 (expanded and updated), indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Uniejów (LD) -- U 1812-13, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Uniejów (MP) -- M 1753-83, indexed by Renata Majewska Uniejów (MP) -- Z 1826-1842, indexed by Aleksandra Perz-Pieron Uście Solne (MP) -- M 1833-55, indexed by Katarzyna Nalazek Wadowice Górne (PK) -- U 1811-15, 1817-1820, indexed by Tomasz Malata Warszawa ASC Cyrkuł III (WA) -- U 1809, indexed by Marcin Klaus Warszawa ASC Cyrkuł VII (WA) -- U 1813, 1815, indexed by Kasia Marchlińska Warszawa Najświętszego Zbawiciela (WA) -- M 1912-13, indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska, checked by Incognito Warszawa Przemienienie Pańskie (WA) -- U 1913, 1914 (expanded), indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska Warszawa św. Aleksander (WA) -- U 1913, indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- M 1923, 1926-29, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- M 1933-35, indexed by Slavico Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- Z 1916, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Warszawa św. Augustyn (WA) -- U 1917, 1918; 1917-18, 1920-21; SkM 1919; Z 1918, indexed

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 19 by Paweł Zawadzki Warszawa św. Jan (WA) -- U 1873-74 Z 1910, indexed by Elżbieta Ćwiklińska Warszawa św. Trójca (Orthodox) (WA) -- U 1906-07, indexed by Natalia Opiłowska Warszawa św. Trójca (WA) -- Z 1903-05, indexed by Adam Rozenau Warszawa-Leszno Narodzenia NMP (WA) -- M 1836, 1937-38; MZ 1922; indexed by Agata Pakuza Warszawa-Mokotów św. Michał (WA) -- M 1923, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Warszawa-Mokotów św. Michał (WA) -- Z 1911, indexed by Grażyna Przybysz Warszawa-Ochota św. Jakub (WA) -- M 1937, 39 SkM 1918-20, 36, indexed by Dorota Nowakowska Warszawa-Ochota św. Jakub (WA) -- U 1919, indexed by Elżbieta Bloch Warszawa-Tarchomin św. Jakub (WA) -- M 1819, 1825, indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska, checked by Incognito Wąsosz (PL) -- M 1938, indexed by Magdalena Wróbel. Wasylków (UK) -- U 1836-38, UMZ 1843, indexed by bekel Wawrzyszew k. Warszawy św. Maria Magdalena (WA) -- U 1900-03, indexed by Grażyna Przybysz Wiązowna (MZ) -- U 1777-97, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Wielkie Łęck (WM) -- U 1870-1875, indexed by Susam Malinowsky, checked byMarianna Nowak Wielkie Radowiska (KP) -- U 1826-43, indexed by Krzysztof Kaminski Wilno, św. Piotra i Pawła (LT) -- M 1930-1939, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Wilno, Wszystkich świętych (LT) -- U 1832-1837, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Winniki (gr-kat) (m. Pikułowice) (UK) -- U 1876-87, indexed by ewelina75712 Wisłok Wielki św.Onufrego (PK) -- M 1855-1913 , indexed by Grzegorz Zuzak Wiśnicze - Wischnitz (SL) -- M 1876-1900, indexed by Karina Frak Witkowice (MP) -- U 1764, 1766, indexed by Renata Majewska Włocławek (KP) -- M 1768-1810, indexed by Michał Golubiński Włocławek (KP) -- M 1893, indexed by Barbara Lendzon Włodowice (SL) -- UZ 1777-99, indexed by Mariadorosława Wojnicz (m. Więckowice) (MP) -- U 1784-1901, indexed by Łukasz Krężel Wola Wiązowa (LD) -- U 1819,54-56; M 1832-41, 57-67, 69; Z 1828-30, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Woźniki - Woischnik (SL) -- UMZ 1885-89, M 1879-84; UZ 1870-84; indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Wójcin pow. opoczyński (LD) -- M 1923, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Wrzesina - Alt Schöneberg (WM) -- Z 1877, 1879-1880,1883-1886, indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Wyszków (pow. wyszkowski) (MZ) -- UMZ 1916, indexed by Artur Szymański Wyśmierzyce (MZ) -- Z 1869-1902, indexed by Aleksandra Piętak Zaborów (m. Wola Przemykowska) (MP) -- U 1859-1899, indexed by Gosia253 Zabrze św. Andrzeja Apostoła (SL) -- M 1766-95,97-98, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Zabrze św. Anny (SL) -- U 1904-10, M 1918-24, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zakrzew (Zakrzów) (MZ) -- UMZ 1810-22, indexed by Marianna Paszek Zakrzewo (MZ) -- U 1865-92, 1910-14, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 20 Bagińska-Wierzbowska Zambski (MZ) -- UMZ 1916-18, indexed by Bogumiła Skrzypczak Zaniemyśl USC obwód miejski (WP) -- U 1879-1882, indexed by Phyllis Meek, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Zaręby (pow. przasnyski) (MZ) -- UMZ 1913, indexed by Kamil Knebel Żarki (SL) -- M 1826-68, indexed by Mateusz Pol Żarnowiec (SL) -- UMZ 1810-11, indexed by Incognito Żarnowiec (SL) -- UMZ 1885-91, indexed by Winczakiewicz_Wacław Zbuczyn (MZ) -- UMZ 1829, indexed by Przemysław Zalewski. Zgierz (mariawici) (LD) -- M 1916-22, 25-35; Z 1916-21, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Zgłowiączka (KP) -- UMZ 1845-55 (expanded), indexed by Zbigniew Piasecki Zielenice (MP) -- UZ 1861-67; M 1862-67, indexed by Ulinka, checked by Renata Majewska Zieluń (MZ) -- UMZ 1808-25, indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Żmijewo Kościelne (MZ) -- U 1810-16, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz

*************************************** *** UPCOMING EVENTS ***

Most upcoming in-person events have been canceled due to the pandemic; but many have been switched to online events. Here is a list of specific events I have heard about recently:

5 December 2020


Join us on December 5th from 12-2 EST for our latest “Members Helping Members” webinar!

In the spirit of the holidays, our topic will be “A Polish Country Christmas”.

The focus of the webinar will be on the customs and traditions associated with the Christmas season beginning with Advent, moving on to Christmas Eve and right up to the Feast of Three Kings.

Our special guest speaker will be Sophie Hodorowicz Knab, a noted lecturer and author whose books include Polish Customs, Traditions and Folklore; Polish Country Cottage Cookbook; and her most recent release, Polish Herbs, Flowers and Folk Medicine. She is a contributor to the Polish American Journal and the Am-Pol Eagle newspapers.

We hope you’ll join us for the fun and informative event!

NOTE: Current PGSCTNE members will receive a link to register for the webinar in a separate email prior to the webinar.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 21 If you are not a member of PGSCTNE and would like to join to be able to participate in members-only activities, please go to to join online. We will then send you a link to the upcoming webinar.

Any questions about your membership can be emailed to .


Beginning 9 January 2021


For details, see the poster reproduced on the next page.


16 January 2021


We would like to offer our condolences to Julie Szczepankiewicz and her family on the passing of her mother, which was the reason the October Webinar on Geneteka was cancelled. It has been rescheduled for January 16. More information will follow in the December PGSCTNE bulletin. Thank you for your patience in this matter


25 – 27 February 2021


Family Search has announced that RootsTech 2021 conference, previously planned for February 3-6, 2021 in Salt Lake City, Utah, will now be held as a free, virtual event online. RootsTech Connect 2021 will be held on 25-27 February 2021. To register and read more about it go to:

[From a note sent by Jan Meisels Allen.]


16 April 2021

THE NORTH AMERICAN LITHUANIAN BUSINESS FORUM 2021 BALTIC AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Venue: The Union League of Philadelphia • 140 South Broad Street • Philadelphia PA 19102

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 22 Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 23 The North American Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 will convene policymakers and business and society leaders to drive dialogue, collaboration and action.

The forum aims to explore how leaders can boost productivity and attract investments to accelerate inclusive growth; and how politicians, business, and civil society leaders can work together for economic and societal benefits. For more information, visit the website: https://< www.bacc.nyc/forum>

[From a note sent by Mildred Helt.]


9 – 13 August 2021


The dates of the 2021 FEEFHS Conference have been moved to the following week, August 9-13, 2021.

“We hope to have mostly the same program and speakers as we had planned for 2020, insofar as they are available. We anticipate that the vast majority will be. If not, then we will find other qualified speakers to provide the same great instruction.

“We wish all of you good health and wellbeing during this time, and hope to have you join us in 2021 for help in discovering your Central and East European ancestors!”

For more information, visit the website:

************************************ *** MORE USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES ***

This site gives you information about a course being offered by the National Genealogical Society designed to help you read old handwriting. The course will be taught by Carla S. Cegielski (a good Polish name!) and the cost for NGS members is $75.00, $100.00 for non- members. Please note, however: the focus is on handwriting in the United States. I suspect many of the techniques and suggestions will also prove helpful with European handwriting, but it would be unwise to assume that. You might want to ask the NGS Course Administrator for more information before you spend any money. ______

Jan Cesarczyk posted a note to the Polish Genius mailing list in response to a request for information about Polish nobles. The situation was different in each partition; this one talks about nobles’ standing in the Russian partition. Jan also mentioned that this site provides some insights on the matter: . Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 24 ______

Information is constantly being added to the PGSCTNE Database “European Immigrant Birthplace Records.” Visit this page on the website for more information and details on how to order. ______

On 11 November Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter posted an article with the title, “Fighting Information Overload on the Web.” The author (listed as “anonymous” but I’m pretty sure it’s Richard Eastman) explains that there is so much information available online that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. He talks about a solution that works for him: RSS feeds. So far, I don’t feel I’m suffering from overload; but the time may come when I decide to try Eastman’s solution. ______

For years I’ve seen the term PERSI without understanding what it’s all about This article tells you about this indexing service for periodicals and how you can use it for your research. ______

In a post to the mailing list Polish Genius, Jan Cesarczyk pointed out that this site has over 36 million records and is constantly having material added. Jan explained, “It is hosted by the Polskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne - The Polish Genealogical Society. The same website hosts many scanned images of church records. Teams of volunteers are constantly working on scanning church books while others are going through the scans, labeling and sorting them. The sorted scans can be found at: . They are sorted by Województwo, , Parish & units. The units are typically particular books. You will see them labelled: U - Urodzenia - Births; M - Małżeństwa - Marriages; Z - Zgony - Deaths. This part of the website is slow, so please be patient. The unsorted scans can be found in the “Poczekalnia” - the waiting room, . This currently contains 4,706,988 files, waiting to be sorted. They are mainly from Polish state archives, but there are also files from the archdiocesan archive in Warsaw and from archives in Wilno (Vilnius) and Kijów (Kyiv, Kiev).” ______

If you need info on birth records from Nowotaniec in Poland, you’re in luck. Philip Semanchuk has uploaded “Nowotaniec Civil Births, Vol 9, 1899-1946” to the above location. Debbie Greenlee announced this in a post to Polish Genius, and said, “Thank you to Susan Udinsky, Valerie Bell, Jaime Saranczak, Janet George, and Becky Vingo for their continued help.” ______

Speaking of Susan Udinsky, she posted a note to Polish Genius and other groups about two interesting webinars she attended that were sponsored by the Kosciuszko Foundation. The first Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 25 was “Ethnic Minorities in Polish Lands, and the recording is at the above URL. The second was “The Transatlantic Lives of Polish-American Women with Marta Cieślak,” and you can view it on YouTube at . ______

Justyna Cwynar posted an item to the blog Me, myself, and my family tree, with the title “Land of the archives and home of the scans – Part 2,” and this link takes you there. The main feature is a map of locations in the Opava region between Czechia and Poland. As Agnieszka Maja Mizgalska explained in her post about this to Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group, “some vital records, land records and inhabitants list can be found in Opava Archive, . To see which locations are covered by that archive, please check out this map of locations (which includes Polish parishes) prepared by Justyna Cwynar.” ______

The issue of Nu? What’s New? that came out on 22 November included a note from Jewish Heritage Europe, stating that the Galicia Jewish Museum in Kraków has a mobile app one can use to let photographs tell the story of Polish . The above URL lets you learn more. ______

Gesher Galicia, the Jewish group that focuses on Galicia, has announced a partnership agreement with the Ossolineum Institute, . The Ossolineum is a large and prestigious library, and it’s reasonable to expect good things to result from this agreement. ______

This is just a small oddity I noticed the other day. There are four places in Poland called “Ostatni Grosz,” which means more or less “Last Penny.” Two of them have been absorbed into towns; one is now part of Częstochowa, and one is now part of Dobrzyń nad Wisłą. The others are small settlements in Gdańsk and Krotoszyn counties. If you’re curious, the link above is to the disambiguation page of Polish Wikipedia, with links to articles on each place. The entry on the Ostatni Grosz that’s part of Częstochowa explains the name comes either from the poverty of its inhabitants at one time (that is, they were down to their last penny), or from the tavern there where people drank up their last penny. Living as I do in a state with places named Loco, Kermit, Cut and Shoot, White Settlement, Jot ’Em Down, Ding Dong, No Trees, and Gun Barrel City, I’ve developed a fondness for unusual place names. ______

Debbie Greenlee shared this link to the Bukowsko Triangle mailing list. It shows the marketplace in Sanok. If you’d like to see live video from other places in Poland, an online search for “Webcams in Poland” gives you plenty of options. Just remember the time difference: Poland is six hours ahead of U.S. East Coast time, seven ahead of Central.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 26 *************************************** YOU MAY REPRINT articles from Gen Dobry!, PROVIDED: (1) the reprint is used for non- commercial, educational purposes; and (2) the following notice appears at the end of the article: Written by [author’s name, e-mail address, and URL, if given]. Previously published by Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, 30 November 2020, PolishRoots®: .

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Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 11, November 2020 — 27