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[email protected] www.concoursehotel.com 1-888-Get-Charter 2 WISCONSIN FILM FESTIVAL ★ MADISON ★ APRIL 1-4, 2004 ★ WWW.WIFILMFEST.ORG ★ 877.963.FILM CONTACT PROGRAMMERS Wisconsin Film Festival Mary Carbine Festival Express follows the Grateful Dead, UW-Madison Arts Institute Janis Joplin, The Band and Buddy Guy Joe Beres as they tour across Canada 821 University Avenue Walker Art Center Madison, WI 53706 (Thu, Apr 1, 7pm). (877) 963-FILM James Kreul
[email protected] Communication Arts Department www.wifilmfest.org Eija Niskanen Communication Arts Department During the Festival: See the website or call Katherine Spring (877) 963-FILM for updates. UW Cinematheque Tony Cippolle, For additional questions or WUD Film Committee Festival Intern emergencies, call the Box Office / Will Call at (608) 265 -2933.