The Business | EDITORIAL/OPINISOunday N , June 130, 24021 Budget 2021-22: A story Chief Editor of uncatchable dreams out of which 369 billion will be from in - disappointed as development spending do not address the issues of lack of Irfan Athar Qazi ternational financial institutions. The has been hiked by more than 40 percent water, huge price hike of inputs and no E-mail:
[email protected] tragedy is we are deep down muddled marked as Rs 1370 billion. The ex - subsidy on inputs. Therefore, more im - into circular debts already and we never penses planned to be incurred on the ports of food items which by the way
[email protected] able to cut down debt servicing but we armed services constitute 16 percent of will face increased excise duties as well. are again planning to hike the load of the total outlay of the budget, which is So practically the expenditures without debts. Rs 8.48 trillion. Moreover, the alloca - revenues like dreams without outcomes. Tijarat House, 14-Davis Road, Lahore In terms of real growth the deficit tion is 2.54 percent of the GDP. The The aim behind such exemptions is to should be financed by growth not by debt servicing has been marked as of Rs promote the assembly of mobile phones 0423-6312280, 6312480, 6312429, 6312462 loans and we don’t see the practical poli - 3060 billion which comprised 38 per - as well as encourage investments in re - Cell # 0321-4598258 cies to implement growth since this gov - cent of the GDP. The PSDP budget is of fineries.