St. Bonaventure Parish August 18, 2019 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time All Saints - St
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ST. BONAVENTURE PARISH AUGUST 18, 2019 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ALL SAINTS - ST. ALOYSIUS - ST. BONAVENTURE - HOLY SPIRIT A CATHOLIC FAITH COMMUNITY 2001 MT. ROYAL BOULEVARD, GLENSHAW, PENNSYLVANIA 15116 Rev. Doctor James R. Gretz Rev. James K. Mazurek Rev. Miroslaw Stelmaszczyk Rev. Gerald J. Lutz, Resident Deacon Stephen J. Byers Deacon Stephen J. Kisak Deacon Charles H. Rhoads Phone: 412-486-2606 Fax: 412- 492-9329 Web Page - ALL SAINTS CHURCH, 19 WILSON STREET PITTSBURGH, PA 15223 412-781-0530 HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH 608 FARRAGUT STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA 15209 412-821-4424 ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH 3616 MOUNT TROY ROAD, PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 412-821-2351 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Vigil 4:00 PM St. Bonaventure Vigil 4:00 PM St. Aloysius 7:30 AM St. Bonaventure 8:30 AM Holy Spirit 9:00 AM All Saints 10:00 AM St. Bonaventure 11:00 AM Holy Spirit 11:30 AM All Saints CONFESSIONS Tuesday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM St. Bonaventure Saturday 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM All Saints Saturday 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Holy Spirit Saturday 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM St. Aloysius ST. BONAVENTURE PHONE NUMBER 412-486-2606 Staff and Extension Numbers: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Rev. James R. Gretz Administrator ext. 400 Tuesday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM [email protected] Rev. James Mazurek Senior Parochial Vicar ext. 401 Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Center for more information. [email protected] Pre-Baptism Classes are required. Rev. Miroslaw Stelmaszczyk Parochial Vicar ext. 405 [email protected] Sacrament of Marriage: Deacon Stephen Byers [email protected] ext. 406 Couples planning to marry are to contact a Parish Priest at least six months before the desired date. Marriage preparation is required. Deacon Stephen Kisak [email protected] ext. 407 Preparation For Becoming Catholic (RCIA): Deacon Charles Rhoads [email protected] ext. 408 Contact the Parish Center for details. Nancy Ackerman Parish Secretary ext. 101 Parish Membership: [email protected] New parishioners are always welcome! We invite you to call the Parish Center so we may welcome you into our community. Jonah Soucy Youth Ministry ext. 200 [email protected] Bulletin Information Deadline: Pam Ebner Simard All information must be submitted in writing and received at the [email protected] ext 103 Parish Center by Monday, 12:00 Noon. Material will be published on a space available basis. ST. BONAVENTURE PARISH GLENSHAW, PA WEEKLY LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS AS-All Saints SB-St. Bonaventure HS-Holy Spirit SA-St. Aloysius SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2019 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm (Vigil) - SB + Fr. Fred Falce (Lichtenfels Family) WEEK AT A GLANCE 4:00 pm (Vigil) - SA +Raymond Schneider (Anniversary) AS-All Saints SB-St. Bonaventure (Wife, LaVerne) HS-Holy Spirit SA-St. Aloysius 7:30 am - SB + Soukup & Tomko Family SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2019 (Marty & Rich Tomko) Parish Picnic HS 1-6 PM Riverfront Park 8:30 am - HS For the People of the Parishes 9:00 am - AS +Deceased Members of Panza & MONDAY , AUGUST 19, 2019 Carlisano Families (Family) Ladies of Charity SB 10:00 AM 10:00 am - SB + Vincenza & Paolo Tolomeo (Daughter Lisa & Family) TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2019 11:00 am - HS +Helen Ebner (Family) Novena AS After 8:00 AM Mass 11:30 am - AS +Lawrence Argenas - Anniv (Wife & Family) Church Cleaning AS 9:00-10:00 AM Confessions SB 6:00-7:00 PM MONDAYAUGUST 19, 2019 Weekday 6:40 am - SB + Ann Antosz (Margie B.) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2019 8:00 am - HS +Jean Stutz (Gertie Szymanski) Prayer Group AS 1:30-3:30 PM Novena SB 7:00 PM TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2019 Saint Bernard Abbot and Doctor of the Church THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2019 6:40 am - SB + Flora Marchetti (Kathy & Dan Pietroboni) 8:00 am - AS +Margaret Zacharias (Aunt Pat & Family) FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2019 Novena after Mass SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 2019 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2019 Saint Pius X, Pope Confessions AS 8:30-9:30 AM 8:00 am - SB + Kay Schmidt (Edna McAtee) Confessions HS 12:30-1:30 PM 7:00 pm - AS +Kathy Robinson Confessions SA 3:00-3:45 PM (Mary Ann & George Hartung & Family) 7:00 pm - SB Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena THURSDAY , AUGUST 22, 2019 ADORATION SCHEDULE The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 6:40 am - SB + Eileen Currie (Lichtenfels Family) 8:00 am - AS +Robert Gerardi - Anniv (Wife, Mary & Family) 8AM to 10 PM Wednesday FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2019 Weekday 9:00 AM –10PM 6:40 am- SB +Mary Ann Kopec (Marsha Welsh & Bill Welsh) 8:00 am - HS +Anne Mackiewicz (Gertie Szymanski) SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 2019 Saint Bartholomew, Apostle 8:00 am - AS +David Pilarski - Anniv (Pat, Jess & Neal) Last Sunday’s Attendance (August 10/11): 4:00 pm (SAP) - 207 9:00 am (ASP) - 207 4:00 pm (Vigil) - SB + Lorraine Golden (Husband) 4:00 pm (SBP) - 438 10:00 am (SBP) - 457 4:00 pm (Vigil) - SA + Charles Carey (Family) 7:30 am (SBP) - 306 11:00 am (HSP) - 115 8:30 am (HSP) - 139 11:30 am (ASP) - 112 SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2019 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am - SB + Thomas Fitzpatrick (Daughter, Maureen McCamey) 8:30 am - HS +Sam Alioto (Wife, Anne & Family) 9:00 am - AS For the People of the Parishes 10:00 am - SB + Gregorio Pietropaolo (Wife & Family) FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 11:00 am - HS +Connie Brown (Husband, John) August 11, 2019 11:30 am - AS +Richard Spinella (Brother, Robert) Regular Collection $8,284.00 Please remember St. Bonaventure Parish in your will. This assures the parish of continued financial strength. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 18, 2019 TODAY—SECOND COLLEC- From the desk of the Administrator TION through the Mission Co-op We welcome Sr. Delia Marie and Sr. Ann Rosalia of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, two this weekend for the annual Mission Co-op ap- Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of peal. They will be speaking at all our Masses about Mary will make an appeal for their Congregation’s mis- their Congregation’s work in Peru. I thank you in ad- sions in Peru, South America, at all Masses the weekend of August 17 and 18. Sister Delia Marie, IHM vance for your generosity to their good works. and Sister Ann Rosalia, IHM are currently ministering I also look forward to joining in at the HSP parish in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and are happy to have picnic this afternoon. Let’s hope it is as a good time been assigned to the parishes of Grouping 101 to as last year! speak on behalf of their missions in Peru Since I started talking about education last week, let’s continue that this week. There is much to dis- cuss. NEXT WEEKEND CATHOLIC COMMU- At three of our four parishes we do provide religious NICATIONS AND CATHOLIC UNIVER- SITY OF AMERICAN CAMPAIGN: On education to our primary, middle, and high school stu- Sunday August 25, 2019, a second collection dents. HSP offers 1st-8th grade on Sunday morning be- will be taken up to fund scholarships for tween the Masses. ASP offers the same levels on Catholic students at Catholic University in Tuesday evenings. SBP offers 1st-6th on Saturday Washington DC, and to support the efforts to make mornings. There are also special programs for Junior the voice of the Catholic Church heard in the public High and High School at SBP. Accommodations can forum of our country, through various media efforts. be made for home schooling as well. Students from Please be generous. SAP are welcome to come to one of these programs or THE BON ADVENTURERS: All right, the continue with Most Holy Name for the coming lazy hazy days of Summer are almost year. Please make sure our youngsters are registered over so it's time to get into more serious for classes to help them grow in the faith! It’s impor- matters...BUNCO. tant for them and for us! Registration forms are avail- Our next Bunco is scheduled for Septem- able in person or online – ber 7, at 7:00, in Newmeyer Hall. Price is One of the challenges of faith formation has been still $6.00 (try to bring exact change) for leadership, especially at ASP and SBP. Bernadette wine, beer, soft drinks, snacks, pizza, salad, desserts, etc. plus cash prizes. Donations to our dessert table Calvino, Kolbe Young, and Dave VanVickle have are gratefully accepted. Bunco is a dice game that is moved on in their ministries. I am grateful for their very easy to learn. All parishes are invited. Reserva- efforts. I can say that as of press time, interviews tions must be made by Wednesday, September were taking place for a Director of Evangelization and 4. Call Rose Behanna at 412-487-1041 or e- Catechesis for ASP and SBP. This person will be re- mail [email protected]. If you make a reserva- sponsible for the primary level at ASP and SBP and tion and must cancel, please call us. adult levels of faith formation everywhere. Pray that we are able to hire the right person for us. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: We thank eve- Speaking of leadership, I should also put a plug in ryone for volunteering and attending this year’s for youth ministry! I am very pleased with the work parish picnic. Once again our council was that Jonah Soucy has been doing at SBP and his plans happy to provide the hot dogs and buns. The for the future.