Excel Catalogue
Saint John the Evangelist Parish Library Catalogue AUTHOR TITLE Call Number Biography Abbott, Faith Acts of Faith: a memoir Abbott, Faith Abrams, Bill Traditions of Christmas J Abrams Abrams, Richard I. Illustrated Life of Jesus 704.9 AB Accattoli, Luigi When a Pope ask forgiveness 232.2 AC Accorsi, William Friendship's First Thanksgiving J Accorsi Biography More, Thomas, Ackroyd, Peter Life of Thomas More Sir, Saint Adair, John Pilgrim's Way 914.1 AD Cry of the Deer: meditations on the hymn Adam, David of St. Patrick 242 AD Adoff, Arnold Touch the Poem J 811 AD Aesop Aesop for Children J 398.2 AE Parish Author Ahearn, Anita Andreini Copper Range Chronicle 977.499 AH Curse of the Coins: Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent to the Pope no. Ahern Dianne 3 J Ahern Secrets of Siena: Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent to the Pope no. Ahern Dianne 4 J Ahern Break-In at the Basilica: Adventrues with Sister Philomena, Special Agent to the Ahern, Dianne Pope no.2 J Ahern Lost in Peter's Tomb: Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent to the Ahern, Dianne Pope no. 1 J Ahern Ahern, Dianne Today I Made My First Communion J 265.3 AH Ahern, Dianne Today I Made My First Reconciliation J 265.6 AH Ahern, Dianne Today I was Baptized J 264.02 AH Ahern, Dianne Today Someone I Loved Passed Away J 265.85 AH Ahern, Dianne Today we Became Engaged 241 AH YA Biography Ahmedi, Farah Story of My Life Ahmedi Aikman, David Great Souls 920 AK Akapan, Uwem Say You're one of the Them Fiction Akpan Biography Gruner, Alban, Francis Fatima Priest Nicholas Albom, Mitch Five people you meet in Heaven Fiction Albom Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie 378 AL Albom,.
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