Annual Report 2010

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Annual Report 2010 NATURAL RESOURCES AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN THE NETHERLANDS Annual review 2010 A review of exploration and production activities and underground gas storage. 1 2 Preface The annual review on ‘Natural resources and geothermal energy in the Netherlands’ reports on the activities and results of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, rock salt and geothermal energy in the Netherlands. Moreover the underground storage of substances (natural gas, nitrogen, CO2 and water) is included as well. In this way all the exploration, production and storage activities in the Netherlands and the Netherlands’ part of the Continental shelf, related to the realm of the Mining Act, are combined in this report. The first section of the report deals with developments during the year 2010. This section shows the developments in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons. This concerns details of changes in natural gas and oil resources during 2010 and the way these changes affected the situation at 1 January 2011. This section also presents a prognosis for the gas production for the next 25 years. Subsequently, a number of tables summarise developments during 2010, with respect to licences and exploration efforts (seismic surveys and wells drilled). This section ends with a summary of the volumes of natural gas, condensate and oil that were produced in 2010. The subsequent chapters report on the exploration for and production of rock salt and geothermal energy and on the underground storage of substances. The second section comprises a large number of annexes that report on the current situation as well as on historical developments during the past decades. Subsequently an overview of the situation as at 1 January 2011 is presented in the final part of the review. This review has been compiled by TNO (Geological Survey of the Netherlands ), at the request of the Energy Market Directorate of the Directorate General for Energy and Telecom and Market of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Information. Key data have been provided by the Ministry, TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands and the State Supervision of Mines (Dutch acronym: SodM for Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen). The annual review contains the data that, in accordance with the provisions of article 125 of the Mining Act, will be presented to both Chambers of Dutch Parliament on behalf of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. The digital version of this publication can be found at the Netherlands Oil and Gas Portal: Facts and figures may only be reproduced from this annual review with full reference to the source. No rights can be derived from this review. The Hague, June 2011. 3 4 CONTENTS Preface………………………………………………………………………………………………....3 KEY DATA 2010.....................................................................................................................9 1. Natural gas resource and future gas supply from within the Netherlands........................11 2. Oil resources ..................................................................................................................25 3. Hydrocarbon licences, Netherlands territory changes 2010 ............................................27 4. Hydrocarbon licences, Continental Shelf changes in 2010..............................................29 5. Hydrocarbon licences, company changes, name changes and legal mergers in 2010....32 6. Seismic acquisition .........................................................................................................34 7. Oil and gas wells, completed in 2010..............................................................................35 8. Platforms and pipelines, Continental Shelf......................................................................39 9. Gas and oil production....................................................................................................40 10. Underground storage......................................................................................................52 11. Coal................................................................................................................................56 12. Rock salt.........................................................................................................................57 13. Geothermal energy.........................................................................................................61 ANNEXES 1. Natural gas accumulations by status as at 1 january 2011..............................................66 2. Exploration licences, Netherlands territory as at 1 january 2011.....................................78 3. Production licences, Netherlands territory as at 1 january 2011......................................79 4. Storage licences, Netherlands territory as at 1 january 2011 ..........................................81 5. Exploration licences, Netherlands Continental Shelf as at 1 january 2011 ......................82 6. Production licences, Netherlands Continental Shelf as at 1 january 2011.......................86 7. List of blocks, Netherlands Continental Shelf as at 1 january 2011 .................................95 8. Seismic surveys............................................................................................................102 9. Oil and gas wells, number of wells Netherlands territory...............................................104 10. Oil and gas wells, number of wells Netherlands Continental Shelf ................................105 11. Number of wells, Netherlands territory and Continental Shelf as of 1960......................106 st 12. Platforms, Netherlands Continental Shelf as at january 1 2011...................................108 13. Pipelines, Netherlands Continental Shelf as at 1 january 2011 .....................................112 3 14. Gas production in million sm ........................................................................................118 3 15. Gas reserves and cumulative production in billion sm .................................................120 3 16. Oil production in 1 000 sm ...........................................................................................122 3 17. Oil reserves and cumulative production in million sm ...................................................124 18. Natural gas revenues....................................................................................................126 5 19. Authorities concerned with mining operations...............................................................129 20. Definitions of selected terms.........................................................................................131 APPENDICES 1. Exploration, production and storage licences as at 1 january 2011...............................138 2. Wells and changes in licence situation in 2010.............................................................140 3. Summary of 3d seismic surveys ...................................................................................142 4. Production platforms and pipelines ...............................................................................144 5. Gas and oil accumulations and pipelines as at 1 january 2011 .....................................146 6. Coal and rocksalt licences as at 1 january 2011 ...........................................................148 7. Geothermal energy licences as at 1 january 2011 ........................................................150 8. Geological time scale....................................................................................................152 9. Mining legislation map ..................................................................................................154 6 In this annual review, natural gas and oil volumes are stated in terms of ‘standard’ m 3, usually abbreviated as Sm 3. ’Standard’ relates to the reference conditions: 15° C and 101.325 kPa. In some cases the natural gas volumes are stated in terms of: -Normal m 3 (Nm 3). “Normal” relates to the reference conditions: 0°C and 101.325 kPa. -Groningen Gas Equivalent, which has a gross calorific value of 35.17 MJ/ m 3 at 0°C and 101.325 kPa. In such cases this is explicitly stated in the text. 7 8 KEY DATA 2010 Natural gas and oil resources The natural gas resources as at 1 January 2011 are estimated to be 1304 billion Sm 3. 980 billion Sm 3 of these reside in the Groningen gas field, 160 billion Sm 3 in the other onshore fields and 164 billion Sm 3 in the fields on the Dutch part of the North Sea Continental Shelf. Oil resources as at 1 January 2011 add up to 45.7 million Sm 3. 33.7 million Sm 3 of which reside in onshore oil fields and 12.0 million Sm 3 in fields on the Continental Shelf. Licences for hydrocarbons During 2010 there was one application for an exploration licence for the onshore territory. Three onshore production licences were awarded: Noordoostpolder, Lemsterland en Follega. Three new production licences have been applied for and two have been awarded: Marknesse en Zuid-Friesland III. For the Continental Shelf, four exploration licences were applied for and five have been awarded, thirteen extended and five lapsed/ were relinquished. Furthermore, two production licences have been submitted, one was awarded, one was extended, two were merged and one was restricted. For details see chapters 3 and 4 and annexes 1 and 2. Wells A total of 58 one wells were drilled for oil and gas. That is six more than in 2009. In 2010 ten exploration wells were drilled. From these
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