Courier Gazette, Tuesday November 21.1893
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The Courier-Gazette. •OWMB 48. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1893. K ntered h « Second CIa«s Mali Matte*. N umbku 46 L E N D A HA N D . LOCAL LACONICS. OUTLOOK. OF INTEREST. SHORT STORIES. A thoughtful reader in Boston sends Newsy Notes and Brief Mention It looks as though the sable Lily ol Benj. Burgess, keeper ol Brown’s Home Happenings. Cowardly Blows from Behind—A Coin us S3 lor that destitute family mentioned Killarney might get back on her throne. Head light, sends ns flowers in full nnd cidence in Dreams. She may be throne again. beautiful bloom, picked out of doors in T he C.-G. We wish that every Israel Millay left last week for Seattle, RANGES AND HEATERS Nov. 10. He also sends ua a firm One of onr citizens had a queer expe reader of T he C.-G. who has the interests Wash. •» • • A Boston subscriber writes as follows : meated, rosy-cheeked apple, thirteen rience at one time which he relates with ot Rockland's suffering poor at heart J H. Wiggin has a promising young “ I find your Boston letter very interest months old. a great deal of gusto. Ho and a friend would send something, much or little, mocking bird. ing. •Selaf’ seems to catch on to ail the were driving quite rapidly one evening FRATERNITY FACTS. to this office, and we will see that it is news of interest to Knox County along a lonely road when the friend re Rockland sent a big delegation to people." ceived a severe biow in the back of the properly used. We will head the list Union, Thursday. The annual election of officers of head, this was followed by another and with $5. The new cruiser Columbia made 22 Moses Webster Lodge, F. and A. M., of yet another in rapid succession—sharp, C.-G . $5 00 Tbe first snow of the season fell knots nnd a fraction—phenominai speed. Vinalhaven, occurred Tuesday evening, vicious blows that made his bead swim. Boston friend, 3.00 Wednesday evening, a few flukes. She is intended to be speedy rather than and the following were chosen: Geo. The horso was stopped and both men strong, so that her first requirement is W. Vinal. W. M .; L. F. Arey, S. W .; alighted, fighting mnd, to tronnee their CITY CHAT. Charles Prescott has raised h is bouse certainly fully met with. W. F. Fierce, J. W ; E. R. Roberts, assailant. But no one was found. They and is putting a nice cellar beneath. Treas ; C. E. Boman, Sec.; David A Kansas City paper has been poking started on their journey again, disgusted Here and There About our Rapidly Grant, S. D.; E. B. Roberts J. D. The Growing Metropolis. fun at New England because it was and mnd, only to discover as they put Driver Later on the Thomaston elec installation will take place next Tuesday stated that the curfew bell wns still rung their horse in motion ngain that the tric car picked a freshly blossomed evening, the 28th, and will be public to in Newburyport, Mass. It’s the chest halter which hail been under the scat was EEPING the side- buttercup, Wednesday. Masons and their lauiilies only. walks elear of snow nut bell that’s being rung in Kansas caught in the wheel with every revolu the coming Winter L. G. March’s singing school will ’N O T H E R BAND. tion of wbiob tho knotted end thnmped is one of the subjects meet in tho rooms of Prof. J. M Lang, The Boston Herald thinks that of the cheerfully nt tho hend of tbe occupant d i s cussed around Willoughby Block, Thursday evening. two—McKinley and Reed—that McKin Tbe latest musical organization is the of that side of the wagon. store stoves at the ley would make the safer president of South Thomaston Band, which is mak present time. It is Those dangerous bean shooters are this country. The Herald thinks that the ing excellent progress under the tuition A Rockland man had a dream the regarded as a very proper move by those prevalent among the boys. Some ono’s most Tom Reed has done has been to twit of R. G. Ingraham . Following is the other night that a friend of his bnd got who have been in tho habit of shovelling eyo will be added to tbe list of casualties the Democrats, an art in which he has instrumentation : Patsy Maloney, clari ten into a row on Main street, and had_ the sneiv from their walks, while those soon. no equal and for which he lias great net,leader; George S. Everett,solo, b flat killed a man. A mob were on tl who calmly nnd unflinchingly let the natural talent. cornet; Charles Montgomery, 1st l> flat point uf killing him, when he, Now that the Electric Railroad Co. snow lie where it falls are not so en A rumor was current that tho Maine cornet; John Henderson, 2nd b flat cor dreamer, prevailed upon tbem ’tq H IG H EST GrRADH M A.EE. has done its part to put the upper por thusiastic in praise thereof. Central Railroad would reduce its divi net; Wesley Rokes, solo alto; Joseph friend make a statement. The speei --------BOLD BV --------- 87-10 tion of Maverick street in good repair, Quite a goodly number think the ordi dend from six per cent to five. Payson Mitchell, 1st alto; Herbert Higgins, 1st was made in front of the ‘St. Nicholas tbe city should do its part. AI. V EA .ZIE, 1 lockland. nance will not be enforced, but Mayor Tucker says that tho rumor is false and tenor; Howard Perry, 2nd tenor; Hotel. Tbe dream was very vivid and Knight assures us that it will be enforced, Edward Robbins, baritone; Llewellyn what was especially strange was We saw two boys Friday, each with a that "the future quarterly dividends of strictly and impartially. The ordinance Ilovey,e flat bass; George Lervey, snare fact that the friend who figured in pair of skates, looking for some ice tc 1 1-2 per cent on Maine Central stock are is on our city hooks, and should bo en drum; Fred Robbins, base drum; Bert row nnd killed the man is one of1 SAVE MONEY y°.S, try thorn on. Undertakers are now ns sure to be,paid ns tbe sun is sure to rise forced or blotted out? Robbins,cymbals. Rehearsals Tuesdays. mo9t peaceful and law abiding oitize AND TIME Tl? r California. putting in a large stock of caskets, boy nnd sot. All reports to the contrary are • • we bave. The dreamer the next da Great Central Route Excursions. sizes, in readiness for the usnal crop of malicious nnd do not bear a shadow of MONEY MAKERS. ERSONALLY conducted, through Tourint One citizen has an original idea re truth." related his experience to the friend | Cara, leave Chicago twice a week, Monday* ice casualties garding tho shovelling of snow, j which Some More of the Many Unique Devices said; Pand T hursdays a t 10.40 p. M., for San Francisco and It seems that the Boston Herald char all points In Colorado, Utah, Montana, Idaho, will bear thought. He thinks the city CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. Adopted. “ That is indeed strange. I foug^ Washington and Oregon, via Chicago, Union tered a special Sunday train from Bos Pacific nnd North Western lino. Shortest tim • should Bhovel the snow from the side The ladies who are raising money for last night in my sleep, and dreamed u Lowest rates. For Sleeping Car Births, etc., apply Do you Enow that List of Committees and Collectors for ton to Providence for $50, and it to F. E. SHEARER, Manager, or W. S. CON walks in front of a man’s house as it re 1 killed a man near tbe Baptist Church many a pretty brand the Various City Wards. see-ns farther that the Herald let the church purposes in this city are numer DELL, Assistant Manager, 290 Washington 8t., pairs the road in front of bis houso, and and made a speech in front of the bar Boston. 30 that looks well upon Globe in for $25; and it seems further ous, and we hear more and more of the it seems to as that this is the proper All persons having articles of clothing ber shop occupied by F. A. Robinson, a flour barrel is sten that tbe Post asked to be let in also, but unique ways employed. Some additional way, but the plan proposed will give us to contribute to the Charitable Associa near tbe St. Nicholas.” ciled upon it in the was refused on tbe ground that it wus a wavs to those mentioned [last week are grocer’s back shop ? tion are requested to send them to the • • HOTEL clear sidewalks and T he C.-G. wnnts-to special train belonging to the Herald the following: EUROPEAN PLAN. see it tried. County Commissioners, room at the They wero in Currier’s store, Camden, • • nnd Globe; it seems further that the A prominent society lady is making Chambers St. and W est Broadway, Court Houso next Monday afternoon, tbe other day, talking about eating. One Sometimes he buys Post appealed its case to the Railroad apple puffs and selling them, another N E W YORK. from one mill, some But a citizen who owns a long stretch whore n committee of ladies will bo m lady peddles soap, another washing fluid man told of an acquaintance who ate C.