CANADA'S CHESS MAGAZINE FOR KIDS SEPTEMBER 2016 number 133 RABBIT vs. TURTLE: RUBBER MATCH CANADIAN YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIPS EN PASSANT CAPTURES SSCCHHOOLLAARR’’SS MMAATTEE HHEElllloo,, Canada’s Chess Magazine For Kids Chess Pals! On-line and free! The Chess’n Math Association publishes Scholar’s Mate four times per year as a PDF document. You can read the “e-magazine” on your computer screen or print it out. The magazine can also be viewed in DNL format, with pages that actually turn! A free DNL Reader can be downloaded from the CMA website. If you have any questions about the magazine, please contact us at:
[email protected] Welcome to our first ever September magazine. Scholar’s Mate is now published four times a year. SCHOLAR’S MATE The next issues will be out in December, March, and 3423 St. Denis #400 June. We hope you like them. Montreal, Quebec H2X 3L2 There were several big tournaments this summer. EDITOR Jeff Coakley Congratulations to all the winners. Special mention goes to Michael Song of Toronto on becoming an Illustrator Antoine Duff International Master. The Canadian under 18 champ earned the title at the North American Youth Chess Scholar's Mate is published four times per year by the Chess’n Math Association. Dates of issue : September 15, Championship. December 15, March 15, June 15 Here’s the mag. Reproduction by any means, mechanical or electronic, is forbidden except by permission of Scholar's Mate. September 2016 (date of issue) Kiril 2 Scholar’s Mate 133 Scholar’s Mate 133 3 HHOOLLIIDDAAYY SCHOLAR'S MATE SEPTEMBER 2016 #133 CCHHEESSSS CCAAMMPPSS TORONTO MONTREAL CONTENTSCONTENTS The Chess Studio Chess’n Math Building 701 Mt.