T"Efrall Kl in News-Recordoldest Communitynewspaper
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¯ 7(’.. t"eFrall kl in News-recorDoldest CommunityNewspaper Twosections, 30 pages Vol. 22 No, 18 725-3300 Thursday,April 29,1976 Secondclass postagepaid in Princeton,N,J. 08540 $4,50/yeat 15 cents/copy Teaching staff cut by 20 per cent by Brian Wood Monday night’s action would he if the students knew which teachers ManagingEdl(or "mitigated either by a favorable were not returning next year¯ decision on thi~ appeal, legislative Parents wereinvited to look at the list The township beard of education action on the state level to restore state in the superintendents office but after Mondaynight reducedthe teaching staff aid, or a decision by the State Supreme the meeting beard attorney Jack Lint- of the district by some20 per cent andas Courtwith respectto the issueof state ner advised the beard that they couldn’t one hoard membercommented, that’s aid." let the parentssee the lists. Parentsthat just the b~ginningof the nightmarethe turned up in the district offices the next townwill face if the hoard gets no state TIlE ELIbIINATIONof 78 jobs still day were turned away. aid or a favorabledecision on its appeal leave the hoard with $750,050that must One womansuggested that schools be of the $1.2 million cot madein next be cut from the budgetbefore July I if closed for one day state-wide so year’s school budget by the township nothing is resolved by then. Mrs. teachers, parents and pupils could council. Grundfestsaid the heard has not figured swarmTrenton and urge the Senate to School officials were hoping to hear out what the staff reductions will do to pass an income tax. Mr. Laugdonsaid some good news in Trenton, but as of the class size or school programs,nor he wouldask the hoard tonight to send a this weekthere was no ,indication the has it resolved whereit wouldcut the letter to other beards in Somersetand State Senate wouldpass the incometax $750,000from¯ Middlesexto see if they wouldhe willing package approved by the State Band Parent Association President to follow that route. Assemblyearlier this year. Since the Eileen itemming pointed out one im- ¯ district is requiredto notifiy the staff by mediatepossibility to the b6ard Monday FRANKLINTOWNSIiIP Education - April 30 whether they will be hired for night when she reminded them that Association President Joseph Anzak next year, the board could not wait any Daniel Witherspoon,the band director, said he wouldurge all of the teachers to .longer. is not tenured. The high school mar- "handle" the situation like chine band normally goes to band camp professionals" but he predicted the ALL NON-TENUREDstaff members during the summerand she said they hoard action would be "destructive to received a letter this weeknotifying would have to knowby May 15 if Mr. the dassroum effort¯" them that they will not he hired next Witberspoen would be around this year¯ tSee separate list). This includes summerto lead the band. teachers, counselors and central ad- Mrs. Grnndfest said the board might ministrators. discuss the problemduring its agenda Readinga prepared statement, Board ~ssion tonight. President Sandra Grnndfest called the Who’sgoing ? reduction "totally unjustifiable"’ and TIIERE WERESOME 30 people at claimedthat as the result of the coun- the meeting Mondaynight and a few of cirs cut there is no waythe district can them spoke about the cuts. Thefollowing is a list of the provide a "thorough and efficient" NaomiNierenherg said the cuts would staff positions that were out education next year¯ rain the school system and create fromnext year’s school budget She said the heard was "strenuously" problemsfor peoplethat try resell their by the Franklin Township MARGARETL. BALLER is oneof severalFranklin residentsthat participatedin recentparolees from state prisons and reformatories. appealing the $1.2 million cut and homes. She added that industry would Board of Education Monday the state’s Volunteersin ParoleProgram which teams interested citizens with (Stuart Crumpphoto) sa,dnot want"We’re to go,.moveto thepay townshipforthis oneand hight: .As----az:nelists wayor another." Board member William Zdep warned Math - 5 Teachers the parents that if they have to cut the Music- 6 historicsites $750,000they mayeliminate all school Elementary. 14 Counseh’ng, a lesson in realism Iranspertatian in the district. Evenff Science- 6 they closedall the smellerschools in Business- 4 in 21 counties Franklin, he said it wouldnet makeup English- 6 the difference. Speech- 2 by Peggy Rs~ske academicand vocational skills, finding told him she wouldn’t take the credit if overcomehis basic inability to cam- Historic sites from each of New "This will totally destroy the HomeEconomics - I Special Writer places to live, and reanlving personal he "madeit" or take the blame if he municate, read, and write," says Mrs. problems. This personal attention helps Jersey’s 21 counties are the focus inTbe educationalsystem in th!s township,~’he. ...... industrial arts~ 3 didn’t-"it’suptohim,"shessid."But I Baiter. "Someonehas loaned me same Packet Magazine included with this exclaimed. Art - 3 .... Whatbe needs-, most right nowis the.parolees makea successful tran- will feel badly if it doesn’t work," she books, but I’m not a teacher. I’mhoping week’s newspaper. "The council’s decision is not as bad Physical education- 11 someoneto tater himin the. basics of sition from prison to the community. added, to find someonewho will also have a lot The magazine offers bicentennial- as it may seem," said hoard member Social studies. 4 reading and writing." That opinion was expressed by The News-Recordwas not allowed to of patience and persistence in order to mindedfamilies a glimpseof the variety Kenneth Laugdon. He explained that Foreign language - 5 Tile VOLUNTEERSARE trained nameMrs. Bailer’s parolee nor was it help this man." of sites available in the GardenState. once the council passed its resolution on Teachers on leave - 4 Margaret L. Bailer, of Blake Avenue, before parolees are assigned to them, Somerset. She was talking about a and the programis voluntary on the part permitted Io photograph his face. We Mrs. Bailer finds working with this The raege covers prisons and craft the school budgetit could only adjust it did, however, plan to photographhim’ parolee "a challenge." It’s "a lesson in villages as well as mansionsand even Other youngparolee with whomshe has been of both the paroles and the coanselor- upwards. The council hoped that the workingfor a year under the Volunteers from the rear during this interview, but realism," according to Mr. Pilch. windmills. district wouldeventually receive state Midicalaid instructor - 1 volunteer. Whenan individual is about he did not show up. He is a resident of However,Mr. Pitch is proud of the Most photographs are by Mark aid to negate the cut, he said. Guidance- 2 in Parole Program. to be released on parole, his file is sent The programwas started in 1972 by to a volunteer living in the area where the Somerset area and a dropout from success ratewhich the VIPPvolunteers Czajkowski who traveled from Cape Supervisory - 4 Franklin High School¯ as a wholehave helped their parolees Mayto the DelawareGap to bring back TIlE BOARDDECLINED to list the theAmerican Bar Association, after the parolee will be living. Thevoluntesr achieve since the program’sinception. Chie~Justice Warren Burger com- decides if be or she wouldlike to work Mrs. Bailer found a job for the 20- "Fewerthan 10 per cent of the paroh.,es viewsof historic sites in 15 counties.. names of the persons that will not be plainedthat lawyers didn’t take enough The Packet Magazine is published hired next year on the grounds that it with that parolee. The two then have a year-old manthrough the aid of the five times annually and is offered to interestinthe people they represent. face-to-face meeting, after whichboth Somerset Chaplaincy Council¯ However, Sea COUNSELING,page 12-A would be a violation of privacy and Originallylimited to attorneys,VIPP is have a chanceto either decline or agree group subscribers as a ho nus. disruptive to the classroomatmosphere he lest that job after he frequently fell Noconflict nowopen to allcitizens who wish to to worktogether. asleep at work¯Mrs. Baller saw to it that becomeinvolved in the criminal justice The volunteer and the parolee mast .. .... ,,.,.: .~.~.~,~,,.~:~ ’%, . , , ~., ,::, he had a complete physical, and he was : ’-’.7:~’:i:,, . ’" ’~%:~7~:’~fT:-,y,~,--,,~,.v~..:,~ for three, system. meet at least once a month (they found to be using drugs. He went .... ,.,. ¯ generally meet more often than that in through a detoxifieatien program and NEW JERSEYWAS one of the first the beginning) and the volunteer sub- appears to he free of drug use now. attorney says slatesto have the program and has the mils a monthly report to the Parole This weekthe youngman was to start largestnumber of volanteers --about 300 Bureau. Although a parole officer is a job training programat the Raritan acrossthe state at the present time. assigned to each parolee, the parole Valley Workshopin Manville¯ Hewill be Township Planning Board Attorney Former governor and now N.J. officer - whohas 60-100cases at a time - paid while be receives training. Senford Chernin has cleared Towuship SupremeCourt Chief Justic Richard J. can stay "in the background" when ButMrs. Bailer is concernedabout his Mayor Richard Messner Planning Hughes was a "prime mover" in there is a volunteer assigned to a difficulty in communicating."He can Board Cha rman George Consovoy and startingVIPP in the state. The program’s pari)lee. drive but he can’t take the written hoard member Monte Fisher of any directoris attorneyRichard J. Pilch. driver’s test. Norcan he fill out a job conflict of interest charges raised Accordingto Mr.Pilch, each volan- MRS. BALLER,who is a lawyer, application without help." against them by Franklin Coaneilman tesrworks on a one-to-onebasis with a beardabout the VIPP through a local Joseph Marline.