Agenda-4 File No. 8-02/2013-FC

2. The State Government of vide their letter dated 12.06.2013 submitted a proposal to obtain prior approval of the Central Government, in terms of the Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 379.576 hectares of forest land in , Arhamalik, , (Erstwhile Sambalpur South Division), Jhrasuguda (Erstwhile Sambalpur North Forest Division) and Sundargarh Forest Division for construction of 2x 765 Single Circuit (S/C) and Double Circuit (D/C) Transmission line from Angul Pooling Station to Pooling Station at Khenapali by Power Grid Corporation of Limited. 2. Details indicated in the proposal submitted by the Government of Orissa are as below:


1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 379.576 hectares of forest land in Angul, Arhamalik, Rairakhol, Sambalpur (Erstwhile Sambalpur South Division), Jhrasuguda (Erstwhile Sambalpur North Forest Division) and Sundargarh Forest Division for construction of 2x 765 Single Circuit (S/C) and Double Circuit (D/C) Transmission line from Angul Pooling Station to Jharsuguda Pooling Station at Khenapali by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited.

2 Location:

State Odisha.

District Angul, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Sundargarh

3. Particular of Forests

(i) Name of Forest Division Name of Legal Area the status of (ii) Area of Forest land for Diversion (in ha) Division forest land (iii) Legal Status of Forest land Angul 52.631 Reserve Forest (17.715 ha.), Revenue Forest (34.916 ha.)

Athamallik 129.928 Revenue Forest (13.985 ha, Village 26

Forest 22.648 ha, DLC land 93.295 ha)

Rairakhol 123.784 123.784 (Gramya Jungle)

Sambalpur 48.77 DLC South /Revenue Forest (47.77 ha), RF/PF (1 ha)

Jharsuguda 7.692 DLC/ (Sambalpur Revenue North) Forest

Sundergarh 16.771 DLC/ Revenue Forest

Total 379.576

(iv Density of Vegetation Forest Division Density of vegetation

Angul 0.5

Athamallik 0.22

Rairakhol 0.4-0.5

Sambalpur 0.26

Jharsuguda 0.26

Sundergarh 0.26

(v) Species-wise and diameter class 44479 number of trees have been wise enumeration of trees enumerated in the forest area out of which 7839 number of trees are required to be felled only as lopping and pruning of branches of remaining trees will be done as per the guidelines of FC Act for transmission line project. floral species like Madhuca indica, Buchania lanzan, Terminalia tomentosa, Semicarpus anacardium, Syzigium cumuni, Anogeissus latifolia, Boswellia serrata, Tarmarindus 27

indica, Mangifera indica, Soymida ferifuga, Acacia leucophloea, Diospyros melanoxylon, Pongamia pinnata, Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea, Shorea robusta,Legerstroemia parviflora, Morinda tinctoria, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia bellerica, Annacardium occidental, Melia azederoch, Azadichta indica, Butea monosperma etc. are found in alignment in different forest divisions. Details of trees of girth below 60 cm are as below: Name of the Number of Division trees

Angul 4426

Athamalik 4719

Rairakhol 11156

Sambalpur (South) 1824

Sambalpur (North) 156

Sundergarh 97 Total 22378

Details of trees of girth above 60 cm are as below: Name of the Number of Division trees

Angul 2656

Athamalik 6323

Rairakhol 9846

Sambalpur (South) 2764

Sambalpur (North) 376

Sundargarh 136

Total 22101

4. Vulnerability of area to erosion Angul Forest Division: The area is vulnerable to erosion as they are subject to continuous biotic interference. Opening of area for transmission line would further cause 28

erosion after removal of trees. Further biotic interference will cause more soil erosion in rainy season. Athamalik Forest Division: Not vulnerable to erosion Rairakhol Forest Division: This area is very susceptible to erosion Sambalpur (South) Forest Division: Proposed forest land is not vulnerable to erosion. It is almost flat land. Sambalpur (North) Forest Division: Proposed forest land is not vulnerable to erosion. It is almost flat land. Sundargarh Forest Division: Proposed forest land is not vulnerable to erosion. It is almost flat land.

5 Approximate distance of proposed Angul Forest Division: site for diversion from boundary of The line passes through Reserve Forest forest area like Sorishpal & Antulia. Otherwise the line is at maximum distance of 0.50 kms. Close to the boundary area of Reserve Forests of this Division. Athamalik Forest Division: Approximately 1.5 Km from Ghosara Reserve Forest. Rairakhol Forest Division: 300 Mtrs to 1 Km Sambalpur (South) Forest Division: Transmission line traverses linearly. It will pass in the forest along 3.0185 Kms of S/C & 4.2465 Kms of D/C in Revenue Forest & 0.1493 km of D/C in Reserve Forest & 0.1493 Km of D/C in Reserve Forest Distance (Appx.) of line from some other forest boundaries are: Ghichamura R.F.: 0.20 Km Jhankarpali R.F. – 1.80 Km Jharghati Garpati R.F.- 0.50 km Bhimkhoj P.F.- 0.10 Km Sambalpur (North) Forest Division: Transmission line traverses linearly. It will 29

pass in the forest along 1.2019 Kms in revenue Forest. Distance (Appx.) of line from some other forest boundaries are: Pitamal P.F.- 1.50 Km. Shriyapali P.F.- 1.60 Km Mahulmunda R.F- 2.20 Km. Sundargarh Forest Division: Transmission line traverses linearly. It will pass in the forest along 2.6205 Kms in revenue Forest. Distance (Appx.) of line from some other forest boundaries are: Tangarpali P.F.- 1.80 Km. Deuli P.F.- 0.50 km Jamtalia R.F – 0.80 Km. Pitamal P.F.- 1.90 Km.

6. forms part of National Park, Wildlife Forest land proposed to be diverted does Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger not form part of National Park, Wildlife Reserve, Elephant Corridor etc. Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve. However, it passes across Tal Kholgarh Elephant Corridor.

7. Whether any rare/ endangered/ No rare/ endangered/ unique species of unique species of flora and fauna flora and fauna found in the area. found in the area if so, details thereof

8. Whether any protected No protected archaeological/ heritage archaeological/ heritage site/ site/ defence establishment or any other defence establishment or any other important monument is located in the important monument is located in area. the area. If so, the details thereof with NOC from competent authority, if required

9. Whether the requirement of forest Unavoidable. land as proposed by the User Agency in col.2 of Part-I is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project. If no, recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined

10. Whether any work in violation of the No. Act has been carried out (Yes/ No). If yes, details of the same including 30

period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still under progress

11. Details of Compensatory Afforestation Scheme:

(i) Details of non forest area/degraded Degraded forest land twice in extent i.e. forest area identified for 760 ha (379.576 ha X 2) has been identified compensatory afforestation, its in locations listed below for creation of distance from adjoining forest, compensatory afforestation. Land number of patches, size of each patch identified for raising compensatory afforestation is in Seven patches, four patches in Athmalik Forest Division and three patches in Sambalpur South, Sambalpur North and Sundergarh Forest Division.

(ii) Map showing non-forest/degraded Enclosed forest area identified for compensatory afforestation, its distance from adjoining forest boundaries

(iii) Details of compensatory afforestation Enclosed in C A scheme. scheme including species to be planted, implementing agency, time schedule, cost structure, etc.

(iv) Total financial outlay for Rs. 2,45,94,000/- compensatory afforestation scheme

(v) Certificates from competent Enclosed. authority regarding suitability of area identified for compensatory afforestation and from management point of view. (To be signed by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forests)

12. Recommendation

DFO Recommended

CF Recommended

PCCF Recommended

State Govt. Recommended 31

3. The State in their said letter dated 12.06.2013 submitted following additional information pertaining to the proposal:

(i) Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise) is primarily entrusted for construction and successfully operation of Extra High Voltage transmission line with a mission to form a National Grid to facilitate effective transfer of power within and across the regions of the country. A number of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) such as M/s Jindal Steel & Power Ltd, M/s Sterlite Energy Ltd, M/s Bhusan Steel Ltd. M/s Jindal India Thermal Power Limited (JITPL) , M/s Monnet Power Company Limited (MPCL) & M/s Lanco Babandh Power company Limited (LANCO) etc. have entered in to agreements with Government of Odisha for setting up Thermal Power generation Stations in the State. As such there is an urgent need of lying of 765 KV transmission lines to evacuate the power from these power generation Stations to various utilizing centres of the State and outside.

(ii) In this context. Ministry of Power, Government of India, have granted prior approval under Section 68 of the Electricity Act. 2003 in favour of Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd for construction of 765 KV 2X S/C transmission line from the Angul Pooling Station to the Jharsuguda Pooling at Kenapali in Sundergarh Forest Division vide their Letter No. 11/4/2007-PG dt 1.2.2010 (Page 103 -106/DP). A detailed note on the transmission line project spread over six forests division is enclosed at Page 90-102/DP. The Board of Directors of Power grid have accorded administrative approval in favour of PGCIL for construction of transmission lines from Angul pooling station to Jhasugada pooling Station 765 KV 2X S/c vide letter No. C/CP/Orissa Ph-I IPPs (Part –A ) dt. 17.9.2010 which is enclosed at 104-105/DP

(iii) The total length of the above transmission line is 467.343 KM (389.521 KM of Single Circuit and 77.822 KM of Double Circuit). The transmission line is proposed to pass through the six forest divisions of the State i.e. Angul, Athmallik Rairakhol , Sambalpur , Jharsuguda and Sundergarh in the district of Angul , Sambalpur , Jharsuguda and Sundergarh involiving 379.576 ha of forest land within total land requirement of 2868.07 ha (page 50/DP). The Division wise distribution of forest land which for this project is Angul (52.631 ha. including 17.71 ha of RF , 9.946ha.of Revenue forest , 22.46 ha of village forest and 93.295 of DLC land), Rairakhol (123.78 ha of village forest) , Sambalpur (47.77 ha of DLC /Revenue forest , 1.0 ha RF), Jharsuguda (7.692 ha of DLC /Revenue forest ) and Sundergarh (16.771 ha. DLC /Revenue forest). Total land of 2868.070ha. of land required for the project include 360.861ha of Revenue/DLC forest land ,18.715 ha of Reserved Forest land and remaining 2488.49 ha of private /Government non- forest land. Total alignment of the Transmission line involves 58.132 Km . in the forest area . Detailed Land schedule for forest and non-forest land for the project are appended in separate volumes in Volume III and Volume IIIA to IIIE (Six volumes). The transmission line alignment starts from the proposed 765/400 KV Pooling Sub-station Angul delineated within the latitude 200 46’ (North) and 32

longitude 85007 (East) and terminates at proposed 765/400 KV Pooling Sub- Station, Jharsuguda (At village Kenapali in Sundergarh forest division) delineated within the latitude 22005’ (North) and longitude 830 59’(East). As reported in the proposal , 1253 no. of transmission towers are to be erected in the entire alignment including 223 no of D/C towers and 1030 no. S/C towers . out of the 1253 no of towers to be erected, 140 no . of towers are proposed to be erected in forest are i.e. 12 no. of towers in Reserved Forest land and remaining 128 no. in the Revenue forest area. Further out of 140 towers to come up in forest area, 25 are D/C towers and 115 are S/C towers. The remaining 1113 no. of towers would come up in private/Government non-forest land. The width of Right of Way (RoW) of the proposed transmission line is 67mts for D/C transmission line and 64 mts for S/C transmission line which would be passing at a minimum height of 15 mts from ground level.

(iv) The Proposed transmission line is delineated in Topo Sheet of Survey of India in 1:50000 scale bearing No. 73H/2, 73H/1, 73D/14, 73D/13, 73D/9, 73D/5, 73C/8, 73C/4, 73C/3, 73C/2, 73C/1, 73B/4, & 64N/16. As reported by the Divisional Forest officers in Part-II of the application form and in their respective site inspection reports at page 51-77/DP, the applied area does not form part of any National park/ Wildlife Sanctuary / Biosphere reserve/elephant corridor tiger reserve. There is no archaeological monuments/deference establishment /heritage site within the applied area. There is also no report of availability of rare/endangered flora and fauna in the area except for movement of wild elephants reported by DFO, Angul. Besides, it has also been reported by the DFO, Rairakhol that the area is part of Elephant Habitat Zone-2 as per ORSAC report. The total cost of this project is Rs.2074.86 Crore (Page-2/DP). This project will generate employment for 4000 people during construction phase. After construction and commissioning of the project, it will create employment opportunities for 10000 in Agricultural and industrial sector adequately on a sustainable basis.

(v) This project being non site specific in nature, details of other alternative for the alignment has been explored by the user agency in order to avoid/minimize the use of forest land. After extensive survey and conducting exploration, three alternative alignment (Alt-1, Alt-II and Alt-III) considering criteria like forest area including Reserved Forest land involved , density of forest growth, flora and fauna available, Railway crossing, power line crossing, NH crossing, rivers, location of human habitations etc. Alt-1 is found to be most feasible and hence finalized by the user agency. Detailed examination of alternative route alignment of the transmission line is at page 162-200/DP besides it being indicated the SoI topomaps for reference. Certificates duly signed by the user agency and respective DFOs regarding minimum use of forest land have also been appended to the DP at page 201- 2-6. Abstract of alternatives examined is given as under.

Sl. Description Alt-I Alt-II Alt-III No. 33

1 Length of 467. 535 537 alignment (km) 34 2 No of Towers to 1253 140 1410 be erected 0 3 Forest land 379. 858. 734.9 involved (ha) 57 6

(vi) Total 2,868.070 ha. of land required for the project includes 360.861 ha. of Revenue/DLC forest land, 18.715 ha. of Reserved Forest land and remaining 2488.49 ha. of Private/Government non-forest land. The division wise distribution of forest land for this project is Angul(52.631ha. including 17.51ha. of RF , 9.946ha. of Revenue forest and 24.970ha. of DLC land), Athamallik (129.928ha. of Revenue forest, 22.648ha, of village forest and 93.295 ha. of DLC land), Rairakhol (123.784ha. of village forest), Sambalpur (47.77ha. of DLC/Revenue forest, 1.0ha. RF), Jharsuguda(7.692ha. of DLC/Revenue forest) and Sundergarh(16.771ha. DLC/Revenue forest). Out of 379.576ha. of forest land proposed for diversion for this transmission line project, 7.0 ha. of forest land including 0.6ha. within RF is required for erection of transmission towers and remaining 372.576ha. is required for RoW of S/C and D/C transmission line. The purpose wise breakup of land required in this project in six Forest Division and purpose wise utilizing of forest land are furnished below in table A and B respectively.

(vii) Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. being a Central Public Sector Undertaking , Compensatory Afforestation scheme may taken up over twice the extent of forest land proposed for diversion for the project in the degraded forest area as per provision made at Para 3.2 (ix) (a)of the hand book of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 guidelines. As such , in the instant forest diversion proposal , where diversion of 379.576ha. of forest land is involved, degraded forest land lwise in extent i.e. 760ha. (379.57ha X2) has been identified in different locations Reserved Forests in Athamallik, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Sundergarh Forest Division for compensatory afforestation purpose.

(viii) Four different schemes for compensatory afforestation have been prepared, which are detailed below:

(a) DFO, Athamallik has prepared a scheme for compensatory afforestation covering 612.70ha. of degraded forest land in Compartment No.2 and 7 of East Baruni RF and Compartment No.2 and 3 of West Baruni RF of Athamallik forest division including both in block and ANR mode of plantation taking into consideration of current wage rate of Rs. 150/- per manday with maintenance cost of 10 years as against 306.343ha. of forest land proposed for diversion in Angul, Athamallik and Rairakhol Forest division. He also furnished land suitability certificate for the identified land along with certificate to the effect that land identified for CA is free from encroachment. Out of 612.700ha. of degraded forest land, 105.830ha. Consisting of 67.850ha. in Compartment No.2 in West 34

Baruni RF, 16.220ha. in compartment No.7 of East Baruni RF, 18.720ha. in compartment No.2 in West Baruni RF and 3.040ha. in Compartment No.3 of West Baruni RF is to be covered with Block plantation Similarly 506.870ha. consisting of 161.360ha. in Compartment No.2 in West Baruni RF and 3.040ha. in Compartment No.2 of East Baruni RF, 93.720ha. in Compartment No.7 of East Baruni RF, 165.070ha. in Compartment No.2 in West Baruni RF and 86.720ha. in Compartment No.3 of West Baruni RF is to be covered with ANR plantation considering the floral species available there. The species selected for plantation under the scheme Teak, Sisoo, Bija, Asan, Dhaura, Kurum, Neem, Karanja, Bamboo, Harida, Amla etc with a view to enrich the vegetation of identified degraded forests. The Chief Conservator of Forests(Forest Diversion) & Nodal Officer, FC Act has furnished the technical feasibility of the scheme for a payment towards the implementation of the compensatory afforestations scheme.

(b) DFO, Sambalpur has prepared a scheme for compensatory afforestation covering 98ha. of degraded forest land in T.D.RF of Dhama Range of Sambalpur Division forest in ANR mode of plantation taking into consideration of current wage rate of Rs. 150/- per manday with maintenance cost of 10 years as against 48.770ha. of forest land proposed for diversion in Sambalpur Forest Division. He also furnished land suitability certificate for the identified land along with certificate to the effect that land identified for CA is free from encroachment. The species selected for plantation under the scheme Teak, Sisoo, Bahada, Neem, Gambhar, Amla, Karanja etc with a view to enrich the vegetation of identified degraded forests. The Chief Conservator of Forests(Forest Division)& Nodal Officer, FC Act has furnished the technical feasibility of the scheme for a financial outlay or Rs.25,55,000/-. The User Agency has furnished as undertaking to make payment towards the implementation of the compensatory afforestation scheme.

(c) DFO, Jharsuguda has prepared a scheme for compensatory afforestation covering 15.50ha. of degraded forest land in Betjharan PRF of Range of Jharsuguda Division forest in ANR mode of plantation taking into consideration of current wage rate of Rs.150/- per manday with maintenance cost of 10 years as against 7.692ha. of forest land proposed for diversion in Jharsuguda Forest division. He also furnished land identified for CA is free from encroachment. The species selected for plantation under the scheme Teak,Sisoo, Bahada, Neem, Gambhar, Amla, Karanja etc with a view of enrich the vegetation of identified degraded forests. The Chief Conservator of Forest(Forest Division) & Nodal Officer, FC Act has furnished the technical feasibility of the scheme for a financial outlay of Rs.5,40,000/-. The User Agency has furnished an undertaking to make payment towards the implementation of the compensatory afforestation schemes.


(d) DFO, Sundergarh has prepared a scheme for compensatory afforestation covering 33.80ha. of degraded forest land in Kurlukapat Compart of Athakosia-B Range of Sundergarh Division forest in ANR mode of plantation taking into consideration of current wage rate of Rs.150/-per manday with maintenance cost of 10 years as against 16.771ha. of forest land proposed for diversion in Sundergarh Forest Division. He also furnished land suitability certificate for the identified land along with certificate to the effect that land identified for CA is free from encroachment. The species selected for plantation under the scheme Mahua, Amla, Bamboo, Karanja, Teak, Asan, Sisoo, Neem etc with a view to enrich the vegetation of identified degraded forests. The Chief Conservator of Forests(Forest Division) & Nodal Officer, FC Act has furnished the technical feasibility of the scheme for a financial outlay of Rs.10,36,000/-. The User Agency has furnished an undertaking to make payment towards the implementation of the compensatory afforestation schemes.

(ix) Total loss on account of this project comes to Rs. 40.6303 crores and total benefit out of the project comes to Rs 12,299 .04 crores. as such the Consolidated cost benefit ratio in this project is 1:303, Forest Division wise C:B Analysis is given as under.

Name of Loss due to the Benefit for SI. the Project (in the Project C.B. Ratio No. Division Crores) (in Crores)

1. Angul 30.3536 12299.04 1:405

2. Athmallik 14.5409 12299.04 1:845

3. Rairakhol 93.0749 12299.04 1:132

4. Sambalpur 5.3375 12299.04 1:2304

5. Sambalpur 0.8313 12299.04 1:14794 North

6. Sundergarh 2.0412 12299.04 1:6025

(x) Laying of transmission line is not enlisted among the projects requiring prior environmental clearance under the provisions of EIA Notification dt. 14.9.2006 of MoEF, Government of India, issued under provisions of the Environment Protection Act, 1986. (xi) This project does not involve displacement of human habitation. Hence R & R Plan is not necessary.

(xii) No violations of F.C. Act have been reported by the Divisional Forest Officers concerned in their site inspection reports. 36

(xiii) Upon receipt of the Govt. of India, MoEF circular vide F. No. 11-9/1998-FC (pt.) dt. 03.08.2009 in the matter of ensuring compliance to the provisions of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 while processing a forest diversion proposal, the State Government vide their letter No. 17593 dt. 24.10.2009 had asked all the Collectors, who are the chairpersons of the District Level Committee constituted under Section 6(5) of the Forest Rights Act, 2006 to submit the relevant certificates appended with required evidences whenever any User Agency applies for diversion of forest land for projects under Forest Conservation Act, 1980 along with the two other documents of the concerned Gram Sabhas as per specification given in Govt. of India, MoEF circular referred to above. Accordingly, for this diversion proposal, which was processed prior to circulation of revised guidelines dt. 05.02.2013 of MoEF regarding exemption of certain projects where linear diversion of forest land is required, the Collectors of Angul, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and have furnished relevant certificates on five items pertaining to forest land proposed for diversion for this project in the respective forest diversion in their districts, along with copies of resolutions of Gram sabhas of those villages. Details of forest Division wise certificates of the Collectors and other documents appended to it are indicated below.

Forest Area Sl. No. Name of division involved (in ha.) 1. Angul 52.631

2. Athamalik 129.928

3. Rairakhol 123..784

4. Sambalpur 48.770

5. Jharsuguda 7.692

6. Sundergarh 16.771

Total 379.576

(xiv) However, as required in Government of India, MoEF’s revised guidelines vide letter F. No. 11-9/1998-FC dt. 05.05.2013, projects requiring linear diversion of forest land would only need a certificate of the Collector concerned to the effect that recognized rights of Primitive Tribal Group (PTG) and Pre-Agricultural Communities (PAC) are not affected for the project. It is observed from the certificate furnished by the Collectors of Angul, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Sundergarh district that no Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG) and Pre-Agricultural Communities (PAC) were available on forest land proposed for diversion whose forest rights are required to be specifically safeguarded as per Section 3(1) (e) of the Forest Rights Act, 2006. These certificates of the Collectors indicate that 37

recognized rights of Primitive Tribal Groups (PTG) and Pre-Agricultural Communities (PAC) are not affected due to this project. (xv) Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India in their letter F. No. 11-9/1998-FC dated 08.07.2011 have issued guidelines that all applications seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of forest land for non-forest purpose must be accompanied with Geo-referenced boundary in shape file pertaining to forest land proposed for diversion. These documents/Maps are required to ensure accurate delineation of the forest area to be diverted. The user agency is compliance to this order, has submitted the required digital maps duly authenticated by ORSAC and Divisional Forest officers of concerned Forest Division separately which are enclosed to the DP in separate volumes. The soft copy in CD-Form is also appended for reference.

4. The State Government of Odisha in their said letter dated 12.06.2013 finally recommended diversion of the said forest land subject to the following conditions:

(i) The User Agency shall pay the evaluated royalty of trees existing over forest land before commencement of work on final forest clearance.

(ii) User agency shall take all measures for strengthening/maintaining the transmission tower and transmission line to be erected/laid on forest/non-forest land at their cost so as to ensure that no death of wild animals is occurred due to electrocution.

(ii) The minimum number of trees required for lying of transmission line shall be felled.

(iii) Plantation of dwarf species in Right of Way under the transmission lines have to be taken up by the project proponent at project in consultation with the DFOs concerned.

(iv) No sagging of transmission line is allowed. The user agency shall certify in the month of March of every year that sagging, if any, has been corrected and further monthly report will be submitted by them till November of each year in the forest area to the respective DFOs for their reference.

(v) The user agency shall follow the guidelines of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission order dated 09.04.2010 in petition No. 248/2009.

(vi) The route alignment through forest area shall not have any line deviation.

(vii) The user agency shall be allowed to fell the trees on strips for the tension stringing work and the natural regeneration will be allowed to come up. Felling/pollarding/pruning of trees will be done with the permission of the local Divisional forest officer whenever necessary to maintain the electrical clearance. One outer strip shall be left clear to permit maintenance of the transmission line. 38

(viii) For maintaining the remaining width of the Right of Way up to a maximum of 10.35m horizontally and 8.65m vertically (for 765 KV lines), trees will be felled or lopped to the extent required by the User Agency for preventing electrical hazards. The sag and swing of the conductors are to be kept in view while working out the minimum clearance.

(ix) In the case of transmission lines to be constructed in hilly areas, where adequate clearance is already available, trees will not be cut.

(x) In view that the DFO, Rairakhol indicating in part-II of the application form that the area proposed for diversion is very susceptible to erosion, the project proponent shall take adequate measures to prevent soil erosion in the area and also take special measures for strengthening of transmission towers to be erected in this area.

5. The forest land proposed to be diverted was inspected by the Regional Office (Eastern Zone), . The important additional information provided in the site inspection report received from the Regional Office (Eastern Zone), Bhubaneswar vide their letter dated 26th July 2013 are as below:

(i) As reported by the State Government the total length of the transmission line is 467.343 km (389.521 km of single circuit and 77.822 km of double circuit). The transmission line is proposed to pass through the six forest divisions of the State i.e. Angul, Athmallik, Rairakhol, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Sundergarh in the district of Angul, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda and Sundergarh involving 379.576 ha of forest land within total land requirement of 2868.070 ha. The division wise distribution of forest land for this project is Angul (52.631 ha including 17.715 ha of RF, 9.946 ha of Revenue Forest and 24.970 ha of DLC land), Athamallik (129.928 ha including 13.985 ha of Revenue Forest, 22.648 ha of village forest and 93.295 ha of DLC land), Rairakhol (123.784 ha of village forest), Sambalpur (47.77 ha of DLC/Revenue forest, 1 ha RF, Jharsuguda (7.692 ha of DLC/Revenue forest) and Sundergarh (16.771 ha DLC/Revenue forest). Total 2868.070 ha of land required for the project include 360.861 ha of Revenue/DLC forest land, 18.715 ha of Reserved Forest land and remaining 2488.494 ha of Private/Government non forest land. Total alignment of the Transmission line involves 58.132 km in the forest area.

(ii) As reported by the concerned DFOs the legal status of the forest land is as below:

Name of the Area (in ha) Legal status of forest land Division

Angul 52.631 Reserve Forest, Revenue Forest, DLC lands

Athamallik 129.928 Revenue Forest (13.985 ha, Village Forest 22.648 ha, DLC land 93.295 ha)

Rairakhol 123.784 123.784 (Gramya Jungle)

Sambalpur South 48.77 DLC/Revenue Forest (47.77 ha), RF/PF (1 ha) 39

Jharsuguda 7.692 DLC/Revenue Forest (Sambalpur North)

Sundergarh 16.771 DLC/Revenue Forest

Total 379.576

(iii) Purpose wise break up of forest land proposed to be diverted is as below:

Forest Division Purpose of Revenue Reserve Total Forest utilization Forest Forest land

Angul Tower 0.2 (4) 0.6 (12) 0.8 (16) Foundation Casting/No. of tower

Passing of 34.716 17.715 51.831 transmission line conductor Athamallik Tower 2.1 (42) 0 2.1 (42) Foundation Casting/ No. of tower

Passing of 127.828 0 127.828 transmission line conductor

Rairakhol Tower 2.6 (52) 0 2.6 (52) Foundation Casting/No. of tower

Passing of 121.184 0 121.184 transmission line conductor Sambalpur Tower 0.95 (19) 0 0.95 (19) Foundation Casting/No. of tower

Passing of 46.82 1.0 47.82 transmission line conductor Jharsuguda Tower 0.20 (4) 0 0.20 (4) Foundation Casting/No. of tower

Passing of 7.492 0 7.492 transmission line conductor Sundergarh Tower 0.35 (7) 0 0.35 (7) Foundation Casting/No. of tower

Passing of 16.421 0 16.421 transmission 40

line conductor Grand total 360.861 19.315 379.576

(iv) As reported by the State Government the total cost of the project is Rs.2074.86 crore.

(v) As reported by the State Government the faunal species like snakes, Jackals (Canis aureus), Fox (Vulpes bengalensis), Hare (Lepus nigricollis), Bear (Melarus ursinus), Barking Deer are found in the area. Besides avifauna like doves (Streptopelia chinensis), mynas (Acridotheras tristis), sun birds, etc. are also found in the region. It is also reported that the area is part of Elephant Habitat Zone-2 as per ORSAC report.

(vi) As reported by the State Government, the density of vegetation is as follows:

Forest Division Density of vegetation

Angul 0.5

Athamallik 0.22

Rairakhol 0.4-0.5

Sambalpur 0.26

Jharsuguda 0.26

Sundergarh 0.26

(vii) As reported 44479 number of trees have been enumerated in the forest area out of which 7839 number of trees are required to be felled only as lopping and pruning of branches of remaining trees will be done as per the guidelines of FC Act for transmission line project. (viii) As there is a large number of trees to be felled, it will naturally adversely affect the ecosystem.

(ix) As reported by the State Government the floral species like Madhuca indica, Buchania lanzan, Terminalia tomentosa, Semicarpus anacardium, Syzigium cumuni, Anogeissus latifolia, Boswellia serrata, Tarmarindus indica, Mangifera indica, Soymida ferifuga, Acacia leucophloea, Diospyros melanoxylon, Pongamia pinnata, Tectona grandis, Gmelina arborea, Shorea robusta,Legerstroemia parviflora, Morinda tinctoria, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia bellerica, Annacardium occidental, Melia azederoch, Azadichta indica, Butea monosperma etc. are found in alignment in different forest divisions.

(x) As reported by the user agency the details of trees of girth below 60 cm is listed below:

Name of the Division Number of trees

Angul 4426 41

Athamalik 4719

Rairakhol 11156

Sambalpur (South) 1824

Sambalpur (North) 156

Sundergarh 97

Total 22378

(xi) As reported by the user agency the details of trees of girth above 60 cm is listed below:

Name of the Number Division of trees

Angul 2656

Athamalik 6323

Rairakhol 9846

Sambalpur (South) 2764

Sambalpur (North) 376

Sundargarh 136

Total 22101 (xii) As reported by the State Government in the instant diversion proposal, where diversion of 379.576 ha of forest land is involved, degraded forest land twice in extent i.e. 760 ha (379.576 ha X 2) has been identified in locations listed below:

SI. Forest Forest land Degraded forest identified in Area Division RF/PF identified (in No. proposed for diversion (in ha) ha)

1. Angul 52.631 East Baruni RF & West Baruni RF 306.343 x 2 = of Athmallik forest Division 612.686 or 2. Athmallik 129.928 612.700

3. Rairakhol 123.784

4. Sambalpur 48.770 TD RF of Sambalpur Forest 48.770 x 2 = Division 97.54 or 98.00

5. Jharsuguda 7.692 Betjharan PF of Jharsuguda 7.692 x 2 = 15.384 or 42

Forest Division 15.50

6. Sundergarh 16.771 Athkosia-B RF of Sundergarh 16.771 x 2 = Forest Division 33.542 or


Total 379.576 ha 760 ha

(xiii) The species selected for plantation under the scheme is Teak, Sisoo, Bija, Asan, Dhaura, Kurum, Neem, Karanja, Bamboo, Harida, Amla, Karanja, etc. (xiv) DFO, Athmalik Forest Division has submitted suitability certificate for CA land of 612 ha of Degraded Forest land in East & West Baruni Reserve Forest in Madhapur Forest Range under Athmalik Forest Division. (xv) DFO, Sambalpur South Forest Division has submitted suitability certificate for CA land of 98 ha of TD RF. (xvi) DFO, Sambalpur North Forest Division has submitted suitability certificate for CA land of 15.50 ha of Betjharan PRF. (xvii) DFO, Sundergarh Forest Division has submitted suitability certificate for CA land of 33.8 ha of Athkosia-B RF. (xviii) DFO, Sambalpur South Forest Division has stated that the CA land of 98 ha of TD RF is free from encroachment. (xix) DFO, Sambalpur North Forest Division has stated that the CA land of 15.50 ha of Betjharan PRF is free from encroachment (xx) DFO, Sundergarh Forest Division has stated that CA land of 33.8 ha of Athkosia-B RF is free from encroachment. (xxi) Land identified for raising compensatory afforestation is in Seven patches, four patches in Athmalik Forest Division and three patches in Sambalpur South, Sambalpur North and Sundergarh Forest Division. (xxii) Total financial outlay for raising compensatory afforestation is as below:

Sl. No. Forest Area identified (in Financial outlay (in Division ha) for CA Rs.)

1. Angul 612.686 2,04,63,000 or 612.700

2. Athmallik

3. Rairakhol

4. Sambalpur 97.54 or 98.00 25,55,000

5. Jharsuguda 15.384 or 15.50 5,40,000

6. Sundergarh 33.542 or 33.80 10,36,000

Total 760 ha 2,45,94,000

(xxiii) As reported by the State Government there is no violation of FC Act. 43

(xxiv) As reported by the State Government the project does not involve displacement of human habitation. Hence R & R plan is not necessary.

(xxv) As reported by the State Government, the cost benefit ratio is as follows:

Sl. Name of Division Cost Benefit Ratio No.

1. Angul 1:405

2. Athmallik 1:845

3. Rairakhol 1:132

4. Sambalpur 1:2304

5. Sambalpur North 1:14794

6 . Sundergarh 1:6025

(xxvi) The project being non site specific in nature, details of other alternatives for the alignment have been explored by the user agency in order to avoid/minimize the use of forest land and the one with the minimum forest land has been chosen.

(xxvii) As reported by the user agency the project may generate employment for 4000 people during construction phase. After construction and commissioning of the project, it will create indirect employment opportunity in agriculture and industrial sector.

(xxviii) As reported by DFO, Rairakhol the transmission line passes through Talkholgarh un-notified elephant corridor. As reported by the State Government, the area is part of Elephant Habitat Zone-2 as per ORSAC Report. In view of the above, the user agency should prepare and execute at its own cost an Elephant Management Plan in consultation with the DFO, Rairakhol Forest Division as proposed transmission line passes through the elephant corridor as informed by the DFO, Rairakhol. The user agency should also provide search light and other equipments wherever necessary to counter elephant depredation in the affected area. The user agency has been instructed to ensure that minimum number of towers are erected in the elephant corridor.

(xxix) There is a large number of trees having girth below 30 cm. These should be transplanted to nearby suitable sites as far as possible under the supervision of local Forest Department.

(xxx) There are instances of wild animals visiting the area. Specific precautionary measures should be taken by the user agency so that wild animals do not meet accidents due to transmission line towers.

(xxxi) The user agency has been instructed not to construct any new road inside the forest area for transportation of materials or machines, etc.

(xxxii) Tower should be installed at places devoid of any vegetation as far as practicable.


6. The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Regional Office (Eastern Zone), Bhubaneswar in the said site inspection report noted that on perusal of the records and the site inspection report of the Conservator of Forests (Central), the folowing observations are made:

(i) Transplantation of trees up to girth 30 cm: Trees having girth up to 30 cm should not be felled as far as possible; rather they should be transplanted to nearby suitable places with utmost care under the supervision of State Forest Department. Under the transmission line the trees should not unnecessarily be felled. If necessary, they may be pruned or lopped.

(ii) No new road will be constructed inside the forest area for transportation of materials or machines, etc.

(iii) The user agency should arrange environmental awareness programmes to create awareness among the employees as well as nearby people regarding better environmental management and its safeguards. There should be programs, weeks for the forests and wildlife, to be celebrated by the project proponent and the wildlife lovers. Officials involved in the process should participate in such functions, and the idea of protection of precious natural resources like forest, wildlife, etc. should leave an indelible impact in the minds of the people so that people voluntarily and enthusiastically work for the protection and enrichment of the forests and wildlife of the region.

(iv) The user agency should implement a corporate plan for the overall development of the people in the vicinity like providing quality technical education, creating employment opportunities & health care facilities. Sanitation aspect, literacy drive, etc. should also be taken care of by them. The user agency should also support the economically backward students in their education in terms of providing study materials and stipends.

(v) The CSR activities undertaken by the user agency for the development of people should be uploaded in the website of the company in details. (vi) The observations of the CF (Central) may also be looked into.

7. The Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Regional Office (eastern Zone), Bhubaneswar in the said site inspection report finally recommended diversion of the said 379.576 hectares of forest land.

8. The proposal along with the site inspection report received from the Regional Office (Eastern Zone), Bhubaneswar is placed before the Forest Advisory Committee for their examination and appropriate recommendations.
