Le ad St or y He adli ne Volume 1, Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2007 The South Saskatchewan River Watershed Inside this issue: The South Saskatchewan River. The total drainage River Watershed incorpo- area for the South Sas- SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER 2 & 3 WATERSHED SOURCE WATER rates a broad diversity of katchewan River within the PROTECTION PLAN, INCLUDES: water users and water- province is approximately related activities. The 35,000 km², and about -ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2 River is fed by three major 325,000 people reside in tributaries in Alberta: the the South Saskatchewan -GROUND WATER 2 Red Deer, Bow, and Old- River Watershed. -LAKE DIEFENBAKER 3 man Rivers. These rivers The Watershed is com- originate on the eastern prised of Mixed Grassland, -STEWARDSHIP 3 slopes of the Rocky Moun- Moist Mixed Grassland, tains where the shape of Aspen Parkland and the (80) percent of the land- the land consists of steep ABANDONED WELL 4 Boreal Transition. How- scape has been altered DECOMMISSIONING slopes at high elevations, ever, agricultural use in all while agriculture use has and converge near the BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4 four areas has altered the altered 50 percent of the Alberta-Saskatchewan landscape. In the Moist Mixed Grassland and Bo- boundary to form the Mixed Grasslands and real Transition eco- South Saskatchewan South Saskatchewan River Aspen Parkland, eighty regions. Water shed Stewards Inc. www.southsaskriverstewards.ca A message from Harold Martens, Interim Chair of the Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 1.306.867.9566 South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Inc. Fax: 1.306.867.9559 Toll free: 1.888.929.9990 I would like to thank all of tachment to this water ba- Mailing Address: 410 Sask Ave.