Ecography 38: 001–016, 2015 doi: 10.1111/ecog.01606 © 2015 Th e Authors. Ecography © 2015 Nordic Society Oikos Subject Editor: Chris Doughty. Editor-in-Chief: Miguel Ara ú jo. Accepted 25 June 2015

Combination of humans, climate, and vegetation change triggered Late Quaternary megafauna extinction in the Ú ltima Esperanza region, southern ,

Natalia A. Villavicencio , Emily L. Lindsey , Fabiana M. Martin , Luis A. Borrero , Patricio I. Moreno , Charles R. Marshall and Anthony D. Barnosky

N. A. Villavicencio ([email protected]), E. L. Lindsey, C. R. Marshall and A. D. Barnosky, Dept of Integrative Biology, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, and Museum of Paleontology, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. ADB also at: Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. – F. M. Martin, CEHA, Inst. de la Patagonia, Univ. de Magallanes, Av. Bulnes 01890, Casilla 113D, Punta Arenas, Chile. – L. A. Borrero, CONICET-IMHICIHU, DIPA, Saavedra 15, Piso 5, 1083 Buenos Aires, Argentina. – P. I. Moreno, Dept of Ecological Sciences and Inst. of Ecology and Biodiversity, Univ. of Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Ñ u ñ oa, Santiago, Chile.

South America lost around 52 genera of during a worldwide event known as the Late episode. More than 80% of South American mammals weighing Ͼ 44 kg succumbed. Analysis of the megafaunal extinc- tion chronology in relation to human arrival and major climate changes have revealed slightly diff erent extinction patterns in diff erent eco-regions of the continent, highlighting the importance of detailed regional analysis in order to understand how the possible drivers of extinction operated. Here we present an analysis of the megafaunal extinction in the Ú ltima Esperanza (UE) area of southwestern Patagonia, Chile. We have compiled a comprehensive chronology of megafaunal extinctions and earliest human occupation between 18– 7 cal ka BP, based on radiocarbon dates from published literature. We calculated confi dence intervals using the GRIWM method to estimate the times of human arrival and megafaunal local extinctions, and then compared these events to the timing of major climate and vegetation changes, fi re frequency increase, and the Recl ú s volcanic eruption. Our results suggest that a combination of human impacts and climate – vegetation change drove megafaunal extinctions in the UE area, with the balance of factors being taxon specifi c; the volcanic eruption does not seem to have exacerbated extinctions. Competition between humans and mega-carnivores seems to be the most plausible cause for the extinction of the mega-carnivores. Coexistence of humans with extinct , extinct camels, and mylodonts for several thousand years rules out a scenario of blitzkrieg overkill of megafauna by humans. Th e transition of vegetation from cold to Nothofagus corresponds with the disappearance of Hippidion saldiasi and Lama cf. owenii . Th e later full establishment of Nothofagus forests and an increasing fi re frequency coincided with the disappearance of mylodonts. A climate-driven reduction of open environments plausibly reduced herbivore’s populations making them susceptible to local extinction.

By the end of the Pleistocene, the world lost about half chronology of extinction roughly coincided with major of its terrestrial megafaunal species (average body weight climatic changes that occurred during the Pleistocene– exceeding 44 kg) in an event known as the Late Quaternary transition and also with the fi rst arrival of humans Extinction episode (LQE) (Martin 1967, 1990, Martin and into the South American continent (Koch and Barnosky Klein 1984, Martin and Steadman 1999, Barnosky et al. 2006). However, recent work that synthesizes information 2004, Koch and Barnosky 2006). In sheer numbers, South from many investigators suggests somewhat diff erent extinc- America lost more genera (52) and species (∼ 66) than any tion chronologies in diff erent eco-regions of the continent, other continent (Brook and Barnosky 2012). As on other that taken at face value suggest that extinction may have continents, the primary debates about the causal mechanism started in the north before human arrival and occurred later of the LQE in South America revolve around the relative in higher latitudes, after humans were present and where importance of humans, environmental change, and interac- climate changes were more severe (Barnosky and Lindsey tions between the two (Martin and Steadman 1999, Cione 2010). Th e apparent diff erences in diff erent regions empha- et al. 2003, Barnosky and Lindsey 2010). Nevertheless, sizes the need for highly resolved chronologies that compare the resolution of these debates is diffi cult without detailed the timing of megafaunal extinction, human arrival and chronologies and sound mechanistic underpinnings. In population growth, and environmental change at the local South America, the general picture has suggested that the and regional scale. Here, we attempt this for the Ú ltima

Early View (EV): 1-EV Esperanza area, south western Patagonia, Chile (Fig. 1), with Westerly Winds (SWW), a climatic boundary that can the goal of better understanding the relative roles of humans produce marked regional and zonal eff ects as it shifts versus environmental change as a driver of the extinction of slightly north and south in response to global forcings. several species of large mammals that disappeared from this Th ese data revealed a relatively detailed history of the region. Ú ltima Esperanza area from the Last Glacial Maximum Located between 51° 29 ′ – 51 ° 40 ′S and 72° 28 ′ – 72 ° 43 ′ W, (LGM) to the Holocene. In general terms, the area changed the Ú ltima Esperanza region has been the focus of intense from a completely glaciated landscape to one dominated archaeological and paleontological research since the discov- by cold grasslands that were rapidly colonized by a dozen ery of Cueva del Milod ó n ( Cave) in 1895 (Martinic megafaunal taxa and by humans as the LGM gave way to 1996), research that also includes some of the earliest insights the Holocene (see sections 4, 6, and 8). A massive volcanic into the causes of the local megafaunal extinction (Borrero eruption from the Reclú s Volcano (50° 57 ′ S, 73° 35 ′ W) also 1977). As a result, the region now off ers what is one of the occurred near the LGM – Holocene transition (see section most comprehensive chronologies of megafaunal occupation 5). By the early Holocene most of the megafaunal taxa had for the South American continent, along with some of the disappeared, humans persisted, the landscape became domi- earliest archaeological sites. In addition, a wealth of paleoen- nated by Nothofagus forests, and fi re frequency increased (see vironmental proxies have become available in the form of sections 6, 7, 9, and 10). In this study we examined in detail pollen data, charcoal records, isotopic studies, glacial data, the timing of these dramatic changes in order to cast light on and geomorphic and geological information. Th e sensitivity the most important drivers of megafaunal disappearance in of these paleoenvironmental proxies is enhanced by Ú ltima the Ú ltima Esperanza region. We present a comprehensive Esperanza’ s location at the southern edge of the Southern compilation of radiocarbon dates on extinct fauna and on early human occupation in the region, all of them vetted from published literature, and used statistical techniques to Última Esperanza Ice Lobe LGM position B N place likely temporal bounds on the earliest occurrence of Palaentological and/or humans and latest occurrence of other megafauna. We then Archaeological site 51°33’S compared the arrival and extinction chronologies to the Lake and/or bog core site timing of major climate changes, vegetation changes, fi re frequency, and volcanic activity gleaned from highly resolved

Última Esperanza paleoenvironmental proxies. Finally, we used this integrated Sound information, along with inferences about the biology of 51°40’S aff ected megafaunal species, to draw conclusions about the Última A Puerto relative roles of humans versus environmental perturbations Esperanza Natales in triggering the local collapse of the megafauna in Ú ltima Esperanza.

Pantano Dumestre 51°46’S 4 km 1. Study area (A) 72°35’W 72°24’W Our study area is located ∼ 20 km north of Puerto Natales,

Cerro Señoret N with the paleontological, archaeological, and paleoenviron- mental proxy localities distributed on and near the slopes ∼ ∼ Lago Sofía of Cerro Ben í tez ( 520 m a.s.l.) and Cerro Señ oret ( 372 CLS1 m a.s.l.) (Fig. 1). Both of these high hills are located in the CLS4 lee side of the Andes, 10 km inland from the east coast of AQ the Ú ltima Esperanza sound (Fig. 1A and B). A glacial val- 51°32’S Cerro BenítezVega Benítez ley running east-west separates Cerro Ben í tez and Cerro A3-DH Se ñ oret and is today partially occupied by Lago Sof í a. Most CM CdM of the sites lie topographically above a lake CCh Lago terrace developed on the fl anks of Cerro Ben í tez and Cerro Eberhard Señ oret (see section 4). Th e paleontological and archaeologi- 4 km (B) cal material typically comes from caves and rock shelters (see 72°39’W 72°33’W Table 1 for complete list and descriptions of localities), Figure 1. Study area. (A) General view of the Ú ltima Esperanza most of which are wave-cut excavations in the bedrock that area. Th e location of the bog and lake records discussed in the text resulted from erosion along the shores of the pro-glacial lake (blue rectangles) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) extension that existed at the time (Sagredo et al. 2011, Stern et al. of the Ú ltima Esperanza Ice Lobe estimated by Sagredo et al. 2011 2011). (dark transparent thick line) are shown. (B) Closer view of the Cerro Bení tez, Cerro Señ oret, and Lago Sofí a area. Th e distribution of the sites discussed in the text is shown. Abbreviations are: 2. Modern climate, vegetation and fauna CLS1 ϭ Cueva Lago Sof í a 1; CLS4 ϭ Cueva Lago Sof í a 4; AQ ϭ Alero Quemado; A3-DH ϭ Alero 3 Dos Herraduras; Th e climate of Patagonia is largely controlled by the CM ϭ Cueva del Milod ó n; CDM ϭ Cueva del Medio; Southern Westerly Winds (SWW), which deliver abundant CCh ϭ Cueva Chica. precipitation derived from the Southeast Pacifi c Ocean. Th e


* Archaeological Archaeological 4 non-human bone: 12 radiocarbon dates radiocarbon Charcoal: 1, bone: Charcoal: None Charcoal: 4 Charcoal: None None Charcoal: 7, Charcoal: : 1 : 1 : 4 3

: : 1 : 3 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 3 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 23 : 1 : 2 dates . L. owenii L. . Taxon radiocarbon radiocarbon Taxon cf None 1 Charcoal: Mylodon vicugna V. Mylodontidae: 2 Smilodon Mylodon darwini M. Mylodontidae: 5 guanicoe Lama saldiasi H. L. gracilis L. onca mesembrina P. Panthera Mylodontidae: 3 Mylodontidae: 2 saldiasi H. guanicoe L. darwinii M. L. guanicoe L. Mylodon Mylodontidae: 2 ld ö has

al. 2009).

Mylodon exploitation by exploitation by al. 2013).

al. 1997).

sion of terretrial hunter gatherers to the coast. It has evidemce of use modern faunas (Sierpe et et Holocene archaeological deposits Holocene archaeological been described (Nordenskj have 1900, Saxon 1976). Evidence of Hippidion saldiasi humans has been found (Martin 2010, and Martin 2013). Prevosti cene human occupation with evidence of extinct fauna and modern are faunal There fauna utilization. remains with evidence of carnivore consumption (Nami and Menegaz 1995). 1991, Nami and Nakamura (Martin et been found but association with evidences has been archaeological discarded (Borrero and Massone 1994). Pleistocene occupation in upper levels (Prieto 1991, Massone and Prieto and Prieto 2005, Steele 2004, Jackson 2009). and Politis Mid-Holocene archaeological site. Incur- Mid-Holocene archaeological Carnivore den (Prieto 1991, Borrero Carnivore Mainly paleontological. Middle to Early site. It has a late-Pleisto- Archeological den site, carnivore Paleontological Mainly archaeological. is paleontological. Late level Lower 140 m ∼ 1986). – Dos Herraduras. al. 2009).

al. 2013).

and size Interpretation 250 m long, ∼ General description General 3 m wide, 3 m high-R1 tephra is 3 m wide, high-R1 tephra present (Sierpe et wide and 1.5 m high (Prieto 1991). inner dark chambers. In general, In general, inner dark chambers. is about 70 m long and 17 wide (Martin et wide, 30 m high in the entrance wide, 30 m high in the entrance and 10 m high close to the back (Hauthal 1899, of the cave Borrero and Martin 2012). m high (Nami 1985 under the name of is present (Borrero R1 tephra The and Massone 1994). It has evidence of ashes in its deposits (Prieto 1991). Large cave: Large cave: 165 and two Consist of a main chamber Late Holocene archaeological radiocarbon dates have been reported for the site. dates have radiocarbon Late Holocene archaeological – * 150 Eight meters long, Rockshelter. 150 6 m long, 2.5 Dark chamber, 150 150 90 m long, 40 wide and 6 Cave, 150 One of three exposed rockshelters 150 30 m long, 8 wide and 5 high. Altitude (m a.s.l.) 160 W W W W W W W ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ 64 12 10 13 12 25 12 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ 57 34 35 34 37 36 37 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° S, 72 S, 72 S, 72 S, 72 S, 72 S, 72 S, 72 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′

′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ coordinates Geographic Geographic 54 79 54 23 54 09 35 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ 31 54 31 34 33 34 33 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 n Dos ó – a 1 a 4 í í Sof Quemado Sof Milod Medio Herraduras Cueva Lago Cueva Alero Cueva Lago Cueva Table 1. Description of the sites discussed in this study. 1. Description of the sites discussed in this study. Table Site name Cueva del Cueva del Cueva Alero 3 Cueva Chica Cueva

3-EV Andes cordillera presents a signifi cant barrier to the low we review the salient information here. Land surface level wind circulation, with an orographic or ‘ rain shadow’ temperature estimations inferred from the EPICA Dome eff ect that results in high precipitation on the western side C (EDC) from east Antarctica show that by the LGM, of the Andes, and dry conditions on the east, in Argentine between 20– 18 ka BP, 100-yr mean surface temperatures Patagonia (Carrasco et al. 2002, Garreaud et al. 2013). over Antarctica were ∼ 10.3 °C colder than the mean of the Th e amount of precipitation generally increases with altitude last millennium. (Note that ‘ ka ’ indicates dates surmised on the western side of the mountains and decreases down from counting ice accumulation layers, and ‘ cal ka ’ indi- the lee eastern side. Annual precipitation at sea level can cates radiocarbon dates that have been calibrated to calendar be as high as ∼ 4400 mm yr – 1 (Faro Evangelista 52° 24 ′ S, years.) A warming event of ∼ 6.5 ° C is recorded between 18 – 75 ° 06 ′ W), and increases to ∼ 10 000 mm yr – 1 in higher parts 14.5 ka BP, which was followed by the Antarctic Cold Reversal of the western Andes (Paso Galerí a 52° 45 ′ S, 73 ° 01 ′ W, 383 (ACR), a rapid cooling event that dropped the 100-yr mean m a.s.l.), decreasing to ∼ 505 mm yr – 1 on the lee side (Punta temperature ∼ 2 °C between 14.5– 13 ka BP. Th e ACR was Arenas, 53 ° 08 ′ S, 70 ° 53 ′W, 6 m a.s.l.) (measurements taken initially characterized by a rapid decrease in temperatures of between 1999 and 2002, Schneider et al. 2003). Th e Ú ltima ∼ 1.5° C that took place over the fi rst ∼ 500 yr of its onset. Esperanza area is located between the hyper-humid climate After 13 ka BP, warming once again commenced, with of the western side of the Andes and the drier, more conti- 100-yr mean temperature eventually rising ∼ 4 ° C by ∼ 11.9 nental climates of the Argentine . Th e closest meteoro- ka BP (Jouzel et al. 2007). Th is post-ACR warming is con- logical measurements have been recorded in Puerto Natales temporaneous with the Younger Dryas cooling recognized in (51 ° 44 ′ S, 72 ° 31 ′W, 2 m a.s.l., Fig. 1A), with mean annual the northern hemisphere. Coeval with the Antarctic record precipitation values of 513 mm. Precipitation is fairly evenly of surface temperature, glaciers began to retreat in south- distributed through the whole year, with slight maxima in western Patagonia during the fi rst warming event recorded March, April, August, and November. Th e mean annual in the EDC. South of the Ú ltima Esperanza area, major ice temperature at the same station is between 6° and 7° C with lobes located over the Strait of Magellan (53 ° 04 ′ S, 70 ° 38 ′ W) an annual range of 9° – 10 ° C (Direcci ó n Meteorol ó gica de and Skyring sound (52° 37 ′ S, 71 ° 50 ′ W) were already reced- Chile Ͻ Ͼ ). ing from their LGM maximum advance by ∼ 17.3 cal ka Th e general climate patterns described above result in BP and ∼ 18 cal ka BP respectively (McCulloch and Davis diff erent vegetation communities as one proceeds from west 2001, Kilian et al. 2007). Near our study sites, the retreat to east across southern Patagonia: the Magellanic moorland, of the Ú ltima Esperanza ice lobe started at ∼ 17.5 cal ka BP Magellanic evergreen , Magellanic deciduous forest, (Sagredo et al. 2011; see section 4 for more details). and the Patagonian steppe. Th e steep precipitation gradient Warming beginning ca 18 ka BP seems characteristic of produces forests primarily on the west side of the Andes, but most of the southern part of the South American continent, lack of moisture limits penetration of forests eastward and the southern Pacifi c Ocean, and Antarctica, as indicated by results in a distinct forest-steppe ecotone that is characteris- concordance of several paleoclimate records, although the sig- tic on the east side of the Andes (Villa-Mart í nez and Moreno nal for the ACR is somewhat variable. Sediment analyses on 2007, Moreno et al. 2009a). On the west side, the forests the MD07/3128 marine core retrieved off shore of the Strait change with increasing altitude: the Magellanic evergreen of Magellan (52° 40 ′ S, 75 ° 34 ′ W) shows a warming over the forest gives way to deciduous forests at mid elevations, which Pacifi c Ocean at about the same time as the fi rst warming are better able to resist low temperatures and prolonged snow event indicated in the EDC ice core, but starting slightly cover (Lara et al. 2001). Above tree line the Andean desert earlier, between 18– 19 cal ka BP, and followed by a plateau dominates, which consists of a sparsely vegetated subnival of relatively stable temperatures coincident in time with the alpine community. ACR (Caniupá n et al. 2011). Th is same pattern is seen in Only three megafaunal species (mammals Ͼ 44 kg) can the ODP1233 marine core extracted further north (41° 00 ′ S, be found in the region today: the guanaco Lama guanicoe 74 ° 27 ′W, Lamy et al. 2007). During the ACR, glacial re- (Camelidae), the south andean deer or huemul Hippocamelus advances are reported in the Strait of Magellan (53° 03 ′ S, bisulcus (Cervidae), and the puma Puma concolor (Felidae). 70 ° 37 ′W) (Sugden et al. 2005), Torres del Paine (50° 50 ′ S, Other common taxa are the foxes Pseudalopex 72 ° 49 ′W) (Moreno et al. 2009b), and further north in the culpaeus and Pseudalopex griseus, Humboldt’s hog-nosed Lago Argentino area (50° 35 ′ S, 72 ° 55 ′ W) located in the lee skunk Conepatus humboldtii (Mustelidae), and a variety side of the Andes (Ackert et al. 2008, Kaplan et al. 2011, of rodents mainly from the families Muridae, Caviidae, Strelin et al. 2014). Also coincident with the ACR, glaciers Chinchillidae, and Ctenomydae. Historical introductions re-advanced in a proglacial lake environment in the Ú ltima of Leporidae include Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rab- Esperanza area between 14.8 and 12.8 cal ka BP (Sagredo bit) and Lepus capensis (Cape hare), both of which are now et al. 2011). broadly distributed and commonly found in the area. Among Lake and bog cores from Lago Eberhard and Pantano the most common large herbivores there is the ñ andu, Rhea Dumestre, both sites located close to the Ú ltima Esperanza pennata (Aves) which weighs ∼ 25 kg. area, provide records of vegetation and climate changes in the region during the Late Pleistocene– Holocene transition (C á rdenas 2006, Moreno et al. 2012). Positive water balance 3. Late Pleistocene – Holocene climate associated with stronger Southern Westerly Winds occurred between 14.6 and 11.8 cal ka BP, and especially between Kilian and Lamy (2012) summarized key features of the 13.6 – 12.6 cal ka BP, at Pantano Dumestre as is inferred climate change chronology in southern Patagonia, and from the low percentage of organic matter accumulation

4-EV Lago Eberhard Pantano Dumestre (A) 3 (B) % Organic 2 % Organic matter 2 matter 1 1 0 0

–1 –1 100 (C) charcoal % Grass (D) 60 charcoal 80 % Grass 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 4 frequency

frequency 2.5

(E) 3 (F) 2 Fire Fire 2 1.5 1 1 0.5 0 0

160 (particles*cm

(particles*cm 160 CHAR

(G) CHAR (H) *year¯¹)

120 *year¯¹) 120 80 80 ¯² 40 ¯² 40 0 0 (Standarized) 2 (Standarized) 3

(I) (J) ROC

ROC 2 1 1 0 0 –1 -1 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 9.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cal ka BP Cal ka BP

Figure 2. Comparison of the records of Lago Eberhard and Pantano Dumestre. (A – B) % of organic matter through time, (C – D) % of grass charcoal, (E – F) fi re frequency, measured as fi re events/500 yr, (G – H) charcoal accumulation rates analyses (CHAR), (I – J) rates of change analyses (ROC) in the pollen records. Information extracted and modifi ed from Moreno et al. 2012. Black triangles show the timing of the onset in the increase of Nothofagus for each site. that is related to subaqueous deposition at the site (Fig. 2B). (Martin et al. 2013, Table 2), just south of Vega Bení tez, Between 14.6 and 11.8 cal ka BP the area was probably may indicate slightly earlier ice-free conditions for the Cerro cooler than present as inferred by a dominance of cold-resis- Bení tez area, although there is considerable overlap in the tant herbs in the pollen record (see section 6). Beginning at probability distributions of the two dates. ca 11.8 cal ka BP, negative water balance is inferred at these As the UEIL retreated, the Puerto Consuelo pro-glacial sites implying a decline in the infl uence of the SWW and a lake developed in sectors at elevations below the spillways subsequent decline in precipitation in the area (Fig. 2A and or meltwater channels associated with the LGM moraines B). In addition, the expansion of Nothofagus trees indicates (Sagredo et al. 2011). A series of erosional lake terraces, an increase in temperature during this time. paleo-shoreline caves, and bog and lake deposits contain- ing clay-rich pebbly muds are evidence for the presence of 4. Glacial history and Puerto Consuelo this lake (Stern et al. 2011). In the Cerro Bení tez and Cerro pro-glacial lake Señ oret area, a terrace is prominent at 150 m a.s.l., and above it are located wave-cut caves where most of the megafauna During the LGM, Andean glaciers formed a continuous ice and human remains we discuss here were found. Th ese caves cover in western Patagonia (38° – 55 ° S); south of 43° S, the would have been on an island when the lake level was at 150 ice sheet reached the Pacifi c Ocean to the west and formed m a.s.l. (Sagredo 2007); the water level had to drop at least outlet glaciers over the Patagonian plains to the east (Holling below 120 m a.s.l. to connect the cave-bearing island fully and Schilling 1981). In the Ú ltima Esperanza region, outlet to the mainland (Stern et al. 2011). A Mylodon bone found glaciers from the Patagonian Ice Sheet coalesced and formed in Cueva del Milodó n produced a date of ∼ 16.4 cal ka BP, the Ú ltima Esperanza Ice Lobe (UEIL) (Quensel 1910, indicating that by that time the lake level must have been Caldenius 1932, Meglioli 1992, Sagredo et al. 2011). By the below 150 m a.s.l. A Lama gracilis bone from Cueva Chica last glacial termination (T1), the northern end of this lobe (165 m a.s.l.) produced a somewhat earlier date, ∼ 18 cal ka covered much of our study area (Fig. 1A). As temperatures BP, suggesting either that some of the caves may have been started to rise near ∼ 18 ka BP, the UEIL thinned and began connected to mainland by land bridges before the lake level to recede. Th e minimum age for local ice free conditions, at dropped Ͻ 120 m a.s.l. and after the area was ice free, or that least in the Cerro Ben í tez area, is estimated to be ∼ 17.6 cal swam to the island. Th e presence of the R1 derived ka BP derived from the most basal organic layer of the Vega tephra (see section 5) in some of the caves at Cerro Bení tez Bení tez bog core (Fig. 1A) (Sagredo et al. 2011). However, a (Alero Quemado, Alero Dos Herraduras, and Cueva de la date of ∼ 18 cal ka BP (14 870 Ϯ 70 14 C yr) obtained from Ventana) suggests that by ∼ 14.9 cal ka BP the lake level a Lama gracilis bone found at Cueva Chica (165 m a.s.l.) must have been lower than 150 m a.s.l. (Stern et al. 2011).

5-EV Continued al. 1977

al. 1991 al. 1991

al. 2013

al. 2003 al. 2003

Calib young Rank Reference old Calib Calib median dated Material dunghide 12586 15517 13420 16368 11587 14330 11 1951 Arnold and Libby 11 Martinic 1996 bonebone 16168 16370 16342 16608 15978 16171 11 11 Martin 2010 Martin 2010 dung 14729 15264 14123 11 Borrero et dung 13147 13417 12826 11 Borrero et dung 12598 13302 11692 11 et Tonni bone 8698 10512 7155 11 Saxon 1979 bonebonebonebone 12935bone 12833 13155 12257 13094 12542 12714sloth dung 12723 12632 12564hair and skin 12979 12hide 11947 16294 13013 12 16202dung 1995 Nami and Nakamura 12000dung 1995 Nami and Nakamura 12541 12dung 16900 17476dung 12 1995 Nami and Nakamura 12068 15754dung 12 15005 1995 Nami and Nakamura 11790dung 1995 Nami and Nakamura 12242dung 12863 11 11 12707 12743dung Long and Martin 1974 13699 Long and Martin 1974 13164dung 11166 13785 10652 13319dung 14020 11189 15127dung 11 14329 11920 14912dung 11 Long and Martin 1974 14142 12705 15359bone 11 Long and Martin 1974 14398 13064 15386 11 1985 Markgraf 15309 12912 14837 11 1985 Markgraf 16162 13388 15780bone 11 1985 Markgraf 14706 13730 15701 11 1985 Markgraf 15471 13182 16747 11 1985 Markgraf 14996 15170 11 1985 Markgraf 15633 15748 11 1985 Markgraf 11982 14168 11 1985 Markgraf 15211 11 1985 Markgraf 13095 11 1985 Markgraf 11 Saxon 1979 10661 Burleigh et 11 et Tonni bonebone 12629 14968 12725 15937 12542 13996 12 12 2009 Steele and Politis 1995 Nami and Nakamura bone 18036 18263 17838 12 Martin et bonebone 12605 12733 12755 13076 12403 12418 12 12 1995 Nami and Nakamura 1995 Nami and Nakamura bonebonebonebone 12684 12005 12893 12743 12233 12457 12627 13430 11392 12558 12407 12 11929 12 2009 Steele and Politis 12 2009 Steele and Politis 12 1995 Nami and Nakamura 1995 Nami and Nakamura

AMS * * * * * * * * * * *

* ltima Esperanza area of rank 11 or higher, which are considered robust according to the scale published in Barnosky and are considered robust according to the scale published in Barnosky which 11 or higher, area of rank ltima Esperanza * * * Ú 400 300 40 50 160 140 325 747 70 150 70 100 190 130 190 410 330 400 400 300 480 335 460 350 150 480 100 180 128 76 481 300 100 160 60 160 250 100 130


14C age 7785 10832 13040 10377 13480 13630 12570 11330 10812 10710 10960 14870 10450 10710 10850 13500 10400 10200 10575 10880 11775 11905 12020 12270 12240 12285 12870 13470 12552 12984 12720 13560 10710 10860 10780 10310 11040 10430 11120 (uncalibrated) (uncalibrated) Lab number NUTA-1811 NUTA-2331 OXA-9319 OXA-9504 NUTA-2330 NUTA-2197 NUTA-1734 NUTA-1737 OXA-8635 BM-1207a NUTA-1735 NUTA-2332 NUTA-1812 Beta-288231 L. owenii L. L. owenii L. owenii L. owenii L. C-484 W-2998 LP-49 Beta-164896 Beta-164895 LP-257 LP-255 LP-34 R-4299 A-1391 SA-49 GX-6248 GX-6243 GX-6246 GX-6247 GX-6244 A-2445 A-2447 GX-6245 A-2448 A-2446 BM-1375 BM-728 A-1390 NUTA-2341 cf. cf. cf. cf. Taxa (family, (family, Taxa genus or species) Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Lama guanicoe Lama Lama guanicoe Lama Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Mylodon Lama gracilis Lama guanicoe Lama guanicoe Lama guanicoe Lama Mylodon Mylodon Hippidion saldiasi Hippidion saldiasi Hippidion saldiasi Hippidion saldiasi Lama Lama Lama n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó ó a 1 a 1 a 1

Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva Lago Sofi Cueva Cueva del MedioCueva ChicaCueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva Table 2. Radiocarbon dates on megafauna (extinct and extant) from the Table Lindsey 2010. Site name Cueva del MedioCueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva Lago Sofi Cueva Cueva Lago Sofi Cueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva

6-EV al. 2009

al. 1997 al. 1997 al. 2005 al. 2005

al. 2013 al. 2013 al. 2013 al. 2013 al. 2013 al. 2013

al. 2010

kansson 1976 å Calib young Rank Reference old Calib Calib median dated Material bone 12918 13072 12745 12 Prieto et bone 13090 13192 12996 12 Barnett et bone 13217 13320 13093 12 Barnett et bonebone 13213 12711 13380 12794 13071 12652 12 and Martin 2013 Martin 2008, Prevosti 11 and Martin 2013 Martin 2008, Prevosti bone 15323 15590 15126 12 Martin et bone 12874 13024 12730 11 Borrero 1999 bonedungdungdungbone 15749 14608 13620 16307 14361 15152 16068 15159 14140 14084 15255 13121 16325 11 13551 11 Burleigh and Mathews 1982 15774 11 Burleigh and Mathews 1982 11 Burleigh and Mathews 1982 11 Burleigh and Mathews 1982 Borrero et bone 13328 13446 13200 12 Martin et bone 17286 17507 17070 12 Martin et bonebonebone 13791 13362 15879 14061 13556 13555 16236 13155 15480 11 11 Martinic 1996 11 Martinic 1996 H bone 13266 13401 13137 12 Martin et bone 15642 15904 15329 12 et Weinstock bonebone 16260 15796 16603 16107 15945 15401 12 12 and Prieto 2009 Labarca and Prieto 2009 Labarca bone 16885 17152 16579 12 Martin et bonebonebone 10984 13193 15237 11236 13466 10717 15651 12853 14798 12 11 Moreno pers. comm.) Borrero and Martin 2012 (P. 11 Borrero and Massone 1994 Martinic 1996, Borrero and Martin 2012 bone 14124 14647 13768 12 2009 Steele and Politis bone 13379 13570 13167 11 Borrero et bone 12687 12739 12641 12 Martin et

AMS * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * 80 45 50 60 80 50 60 60 202 148 229 288 90 50 60 100 100 115 50 100 100 70 100 150 110 70 110 100


14C age 9700 11100 11265 11470 11420 10840 11410 10780 11050 12890 13183 12496 11810 12308 13400 11520 14240 11990 11570 13260 13545 13200 13100 11380 12825 13970 12250 11590 (uncalibrated) (uncalibrated) Lab number Ua-37622 Gx-31643 Ua-24687 Beta-288228 OXA-9506 Gx-31641 Ua-36261 Ua-33262 Uncertain

S. S.

cf. OxA-13717 OxA-14457 PITT-0940 Beta-319537 Beta-284439 Taxa (family, (family, Taxa populator mesembrina mesembrina mesembrina genus or species) Vicugna vicugna Smilodon Smilodon Panthera Smilodon Panthera onca Panthera Panthera onca Panthera Panthera Panthera onca Panthera Vicugna vicugna Vicugna vicugna Mylodon darwinii Mylodon darwinii Mylodon n n nn Mylodontidaen Mylodontidaen Mylodontidae BM-1208 Mylodontidae BM-1209 BM-1210 BM-1210b n Mylodontidae Lu-794 ó ó ó ó ó ó ó a 4 a 4 Mylodontidae NSRL-3341 a 4 Mylodontidae AA-11498 a 4a 4 a 1a 1 a 4 í a 4 í í í í í í í Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Cueva del MedioCueva Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva ChicaCueva Cueva Lago Sofi Cueva del Milod Cueva Cueva del MedioCueva Cueva ChicaCueva Mylodontidae Beta-288227 Cueva Lago Sof Cueva ChicaCueva Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Cueva ChicaCueva Cueva ChicaCueva Mylodontidae Beta-288230 Cueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva del Milod Cueva Mylodontidae Mylodontidae AA-12577 AA-12578 Table 2. (Continued). Table Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Alero dos Herraduras MylodontidaeAlero dos Herraduras Mylodontidae ChicaCueva LP-421 AA-12574 Mylodontidae Beta-284437 Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Lago Sof Cueva Site name Cueva Lago Sof Cueva

7-EV Th e transition from glacio-lacustrine sedimentation to ∼ 11.6 cal ka BP reaching a peak between ∼ 11.1 – 10.8 cal ka organic sedimentation seen in cores from Pantano Dumestre BP. Th is maximum in N. dombeyi type pollen is accompanied and Lago Eberhard between ∼ 15.4 – 12.8 cal ka BP indicates by markedly increasing abundance of the Nothofagus para- that the lake level was between 70 – 80 m a.s.l. by that time. site taxon Misodendrum, indicating the establishment of a Prior to ∼ 10.3 cal ka BP, the pro-glacial lake that had previ- closed-canopy Nothofagus forest with an understory of ferns. ously covered the Ú ltima Esperanza area was gone (Sagredo As discussed by Moreno et al. (2012), the establishment of et al. 2011). Nothofagus at this time is probably related to an increase in temperature rather than to an increase in moisture since it occurred at a time of decreasing precipitation inferred from 5. Recl ú s Volcano the apparent decrease in lake levels noted in the Pantano Dumestre sediment record. Th is is consistent with studies Th e Recl ú s Volcano is located in the western side of the that identify temperature as exerting greater control on the ∼ ° ′ ° ′ southern Patagonian Ice Field at 50 57 S, 73 35 W distribution of Nothofagus pumilio in the Chilean Andes (Harambour 1988), within 100 km to the north-west of (Lara et al. 2005). Ú ltima Esperanza. Th e volcano erupted near the end of Th irty km to the south east of Lago Eberhard is Pantano the Pleistocene (R1), sending out a tephra plume which Dumestre. Th e pollen analyses from cores recovered from produced distinctive ash deposits in several diff erent envi- this bog have revealed dominance of cold-resistant herbs ronments in southwestern Patagonia. More than twenty ( Acaena, Poaceae, Asteraceae subfamiliy Asteroidea, Galium radiocarbon dates on sediments below and above the type) between ∼ 14.6 and ∼ 11.5 cal ka BP, similar to what ∼ tephra layer have dated the Recl ú s eruption at 14.9 cal is seen at the beginning of the record from Lago Eberhard. Ϯ 14 ka BP (12 685 260 C yr) (Stern 2008, Stern et al. Th is cold-resistant herb component is accompanied by small Ͼ 3 2011). Th e eruption produced a volume of 5 km of amounts of Nothofagus dombeyi type pollen at the beginning volcanic debris, (Stern et al. 2011) making it the largest of the Pantano Dumestre record. Percentages of Nothofagus eruption recorded during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene dombeyi type pollen start to increase, then oscillate near in the Austral Volcanic Zone (Stern 2008). Samples of R1 ∼ 13.0 cal ka BP, followed by a marked decrease, then a more tephra can even be found in deposits located in Tierra del pronounced, sustained increase at ∼ 11.4 cal ka BP. At this Fuego, more than 400 km south east of the Reclú s Volcano time there is also an increase in Misodendrum pollen, which location (Stern 2008). marks the establishment of Nothofagus forests in the area. A younger, thinner, and less spatially ubiquitous tephra Poaceae pollen rapidly increases at the same time, peaking in from the Recl ú s volcano has been identifi ed, which dates abundance at ∼ 11.6 cal ka BP and declining soon after that back to the early Holocene between 10.2 – 10.6 cal ka BP (Poaceae is not shown in Fig. 3). Th is increase in Poaceae has (AMS dates in Villa - Mart í nez and Moreno 2007). been interpreted as rapid colonization by grasses of the local area of Pantano Dumestre after the establishment of a more 6. Vegetation changes (Fig. 2I and J and Fig. 3) terrestrial bog environment and not as a regional signal for the establishment of grasslands in the area (Moreno et al. Early attempts to reconstruct the late glacial vegetation of the 2012). Ú ltima Esperanza region relied primarily on the analyses of In summary, both records – Pantano Dumestre and Lago plant remains in Mylodon dung and sediments from Cueva Eberhard – suggest a landscape dominated by cold resis- del Milodó n (Salmi 1955, Moore 1978, Markgraf 1985, tant herbs during the late glacial and the beginning of the Heusser et al. 1992). Th ese studies suggested dominance of Holocene (∼ 12.8 – 11 cal ka for Lago Eberhard, ∼ 14.6 – 11.5 grasses and herbs refl ecting the presence of grasslands or a cal ka for Pantano Dumestre), followed by a marked increase cold tundra-like landscape during the deglaciation, changing in Nothofagus dombeyi type (∼ 12.2 for Lago Eberhard site to a shrub land during the early part of the Holocene and and ∼ 13 cal ka BP for Pantano Dumestre), culminating becoming dominated by evergreen Nothofagus forests during in the establishment of Nothofagus forests during the early the early to middle Holocene. Holocene (∼ 11.1 – 10.8 cal ka BP for Lago Eberhard and More recently, detailed records of late Pleistocene through ∼ 11.4 cal ka BP for Pantano Dumestre). Th e off sets in tim- Holocene vegetation changes have been obtained from bog ing of the changes among the two sites has been partially and lake cores in the region. Most relevant for this study are ascribed to edaphic factors, that is, the Lago Eberhard core cores obtained from Pantano Dumestre and Lago Eberhard is from a deep part of the lake and refl ects a regional pollen (Fig. 3). signal, whereas the Pantano Dumestre record is from a bog Lago Eberhard (51° 34 ′ S, 72° 40 ′ W; 68 m a.s.l.; Fig. 1A) site that refl ects a more local signal. Th e overall rates of veg- is the pollen site closest to Cerro Bení tez, Lago Sofí a, and etation change (ROC) in the pollen records (Fig. 2I and J) Cerro Se ñ oret. Lake and bog cores from this site record the are high between ∼ 11.8 – 11.2 cal ka BP in Lago Eberhard vegetation and glaciolacustrine history of the area between and ∼ 11.5 cal ka BP in Pantano Dumestre, coincident with ∼ 12.8 – 10.4 cal ka BP. Th e pollen analyses reveal a dominance the time intervals where the percentages of cold resistant of cold-resistant herbs (Poaceae, Acaena , Asteraceae subfam- herbs are dropping and the ones of Nothofagus are increas- ily Asteroidea) between ∼ 12.8 and 11.6 cal ka BP, deposited ing, as the vegetation is changing from a cold to a in a deep lake environment. Increase in Nothofagus dombeyi Nothofagus forest. Th is refl ects the high rates of change of the type pollen was prominent at ∼ 11.2 cal ka BP, accompa- vegetation in the landscape during these times. nied by an increase of the fern spore Blechnum (not shown in At a regional scale (50° – 54 ° S) vegetation changes inferred Fig. 3). Both taxa began their rise to high abundance by from pollen and bog records are consistent with the two

8-EV Lago Eberhard Depth 10.4 510 10.6 520 10.8 530 540 11.0 Acaena

550 Poaceae 11.2 560 11.4 570

11.6 580 11.8 590 type 12.0 600 610 12.2

620 Misodendron 630 12.4 640 Nothofagus dombeyi dombeyi Nothofagus 650 Asteraceae subfam. Asteroidea subfam. Asteraceae 12.6 660 20 40 60 80 5 20 40 60 80 10 10 % pollen

Pantano Dumestre Depth 9.0 200 9.5 210 10.0 10.5 220 230 11.0 240 250 11.5 260 270

12.0 Acaena

280 12.5 290 type Cal ka BP Cal ka BP 13.0 300 310 13.5 type

320 Asteroidea subfam. Asteraceae 330 14.0 340 Galium Misodendron

350 dombeyi Nothofagus 360 20 40 60 2 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 10 % pollen

Figure 3. Percentage diagram of pollen from Lago Eberhard and Pantano Dumestre, modifi ed from Moreno et al. 2012. Pollen percentages are showed as the proportion of terrestrial pollen total sum. Only taxa most informative for inferring vegetation changes relevant to megafauna extinction are shown. For a complete presentation and analysis of these records see Moreno et al. 2012. described above in the sense that they show the presence of 7. Fire history (Fig. 2C– H) an open treeless landscape dominated by cold-resistant herbs and grasses during the deglaciation, followed by colonization Macroscopic charcoal analyses from the cores retrieved at by Nothofagus as temperature increases. Nevertheless, there Lago Eberhard and Pantano Dumestre sites show a decline in are some diff erences in the vegetation structure evident from the percentage of grass charcoal as Nothofagus became more diff erent areas, and more notably, in the details of timing of persistent in the landscape (Fig. 2C and D). Both sites present the vegetation changes. For example, sites located between high frequency of fi re events at ∼ 12.5 cal ka BP and between (50 ° – 53 °S) show that the expansion of Nothofagus occurs 11.6 and 10 cal ka BP (Fig. 2E and F), but events recorded ca 16 and 11 cal ka BP (Heusser 1995, Huber et al. 2004, at Lago Ebehard appear to be of greater magnitude at ∼ 12.5 Mancini et al. 2005, Villa-Martí nez and Moreno 2007), cal ka BP compared to the ones seen at Pantano Dumestre, while sites in the southern extreme of southern Patagonia with the reverse situation evident between 11.6 and 10 cal ka (53 ° – 54 °S) show that the transition occurred much later BP (Fig. 2G and H). In summary, both records coincide in and more abruptly between 11 – 9 cal ka BP (Markgraf 1993, showing a decline in fi re frequency between ∼ 12.7 – 11.6 cal McCulloch and Davies 2001, Huber et al. 2004, Ponce et al. ka BP, followed by an increase between 11.6– 10.9 cal ka 2011). BP, which is coincident with a warm pulse, a decline in

9-EV precipitation and a general increase in Nothofagus forest Remains of most of these taxa have been dated with a cover. Finally there is a decline in fi re frequency between total of 67 robust published radiocarbon dates (Table 2) ∼ 10.9 – 10.5 cal ka BP (Moreno et al. 2012). from the caves in and around Cerro Ben í tez and Cerro Se ñ oret (Fig. 1), all of which are on bone, dung or skin from taxonomically identifi able elements. From the same 8. Late and humans (Fig. 4) vicinity are 25 published dates that record early human occupation (Table 3), all of which rank 11 or higher on the Th e late Pleistocene megafauna in Ú ltima Esperanza included vetting scale published by Barnosky and Lindsey (2010). Of the giant ground sloth Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae), the the archaeological dates, only 5 are of rank 13 or higher, American Hippidion saldiasi (), two species which Barnosky and Lindsey (2010) considered the cut off of extinct camels: Lama gracilis (Camelidae) and Lama cf. for the most robust archaeological human occupation. We owenii (Camelidae), the saber tooth cat Smilodon (Felidae), include archaeological dates of ranks 11 and 12 to increase the large jaguar Panthera onca mesembrina (Felidae), the bear sample size, which seems justifi ed in this case in that they Arctotherium (Ursidae), a member of the extinct mammal are consistent with the rank 13 dates. order Litopterna Macrauchenia patachonica (Macrau- All radiocarbon dates were calibrated using the Calib 7.01 cheniidae), and the extinct fox Dusicyon avus (Canidae). program (Stuiver and Reimer 1986– 2014) and the Southern Other taxa reported from Ú ltima Esperanza include the Hemisphere calibration curve SH13 (Hogg et al. 2013). vicu ñ a Vicugna vicugna (Camelidae), which is locally Most of the dates are for mylodont ground sloths, including extinct and today survives only in the high central Andes, 25 from specimens identifi ed simply as Mylodon and three the extant guanaco Lama guanicoe (Camelidae), undeter- ascribed to Mylodon darwini . Th e extinct carnivores are rep- mined deer (Cervidae), and the culpeo fox Pseudalopex cul- resented by a total of 8 dates, of which 3 are on Smilodon paeus (Canidae) (Nami and Menegaz 1991, Latorre 1998, (one of them cf. to S. populator ) and 5 on Panthera (3 of Carrasco 2009, Martin 2010). Th e extant Puma concolor them identifi ed as Panthera onca mesembrina ). Hippidion has not been described from Late Pleistocene deposits of saldiasi and Lama cf. L. owenii are represented by 4 radiocar- Ú ltima Esperanza, but it has been documented at Cerro Sota bon dates for each taxon. Finally, Vicugna vicugna, extirpated (52 ° 04 ′ S, 70 ° 03 ′W, east southern Patagonia) presumably from the area but not extinct, is represented by 3 radiocar- from late Pleistocene deposits, (Miotti and Salemme 1999), bon dates and Lama gracilis by a single date. For more details although its age is questionable. about the provenance of these dates see Table 1.

Climate Vegetation 5 6

7 Nothofagus forest 8 established 9 10 Fire frequency 11 increase Increase in 12 Nothofagus Warming Cold grassland 13 ACR Cal ka BP 14 Reclus volcanic eruption 15

Warming 16 17 Onset of ice free conditions LGM 18 Felidae Equidae Camelidae Pilosa Evidence of humans Rank Smilodon Lama cf. Lama 11 Hippidion owenii gracilis Rank saldiasiᵻ Mylodontidae Panthera Vicugna Lama 12 Mylodon Rank vicugna guanicoe Mylodon darwinii ≥ 13

Figure 4. Chronology of megafaunal extinctions with estimated time of human arrival. Megafaunal extinction chronology is inferred from dates listed in Table 2 (colored dots) and the chronology of human arrival is based on dates from Table 3 (triangles, white, gray, and black indicate the diff erent ranks calculated following Barnosky and Lindsey 2010). Th e GRIWM best-estimates of the time of extinction (or arrival in the case of the humans) is indicated by the colored normal distributions, with the 95% confi dence band depicted by the colored areas around the mean (black line ϭ most probable time of extinction). Warming and cooling events are inferred from the EDC Antarctic ice core (Jouzel et al. 2007, red and blue bands at left represent warming and cooling events respectively). Major vegetation changes (yellow, light green and dark green bands at right) and fi re frequency information (black dashed rectangle) are extracted from Moreno et al. 2012. Th e timing of local ice free conditions estimated in Sagredo et al. 2011 (light blue dashed line rectangle) and the timing of the Recl ú s Volcano eruption (red line) is taken from Stern 2008 and Stern et al. 2011. Th e time axis is in calibrated years before present.


1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura 1995 1986, Nami and Nakamura – – – – – – al. 2009

Calib. young Rank Reference old Calib. Calib. median replace, lithics 12233 12558 11929 13 1995 Nami and Nakamura replace, lithics 12893 13430 12407 13 1995 Nami and Nakamura replace, lithics 12409 12687 12026 12 Nami 1985 replace, lithics 12733 13076 12418 13 1995 Nami and Nakamura replace, lithics 12100 12557 11602 12 Nami 1985 ltima Esperanza area; all are ranked 11 or higher according to the scale in Barnosky and Lindsey 2010. 11 or higher according to the scale in Barnosky area; all are ranked ltima Esperanza Ú dated evidence Archaeological Material bone fi bone fi burnt bonecharcoal fi charcoalcharcoal artifactscharcoal artifacts artifacts artifacts 6104 6133 6219 6382 6283 6423 6506 5986 6551 5991 12 6282 12 6302 Saxon 1976 12 Saxon 1976 12 Saxon 1976 Saxon 1976 bone fi boneboneburnt bone lithics fi hearth, lithics 12629 12723 12725 13013 12542 12541 11 Prieto 1991, Massone and 2004 11 1995 Nami and Nakamura charcoalcharcoalcharcoal lithics, hearthcharcoal lithics, hearthbone lithics, hearth lithics, hearths lithics, hearths 12233 10893 12447 12010 11198 12795 11965 12312 10574 13259 12605 11 11756 12370 11 12755 Nami 1985 11 Nami 1985 11 12403 Nami 1985 Nami 1985 11 1995 Nami and Nakamura bone lithics, hearths, burnt bone 12935 13155 12714 11 1995 Nami and Nakamura charcoalbone hearth hearth, lithics 12684 13367 12743 13482 12627 13238 13 13 Prieto 1991, Massone and 2004 Prieto 1991 bone lithics, hearths, burnt bone 12833 13094 12632 11 1995 Nami and Nakamura bone hearth, lithics 12005 12457 11392 13 Prieto 1991, Massone and 2004 bone lithics 12257 12564 11947bone 11charcoal 1995 Nami and Nakamura lithics hearth, lithics 11670 12058 7714 11245 7834 13 Prieto 1991, Massone and 2004 7611 14 Sierpe et bone lithics 12542 12979 12000 11 1995 Nami and Nakamura AMS

* * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * 100 250 120 55 58 60 52 160 70 130 80 115 70 230 100 130 60 150 60 160 100 120 190 50 130


14C age 5366 5395 5643 5684 9595 6920 10430 11040 10550 10860 10710 10350 10430 10310 10930 10710 11120 11570 10960 10780 10310 10450 10140 10710 10850 (uncalibrated) (uncalibrated) n BM 1201a nn BM 1201b n BM 1204b BM 1204a ó ó ó ó a 1 OxA 8635 a 1 PITT 0684 a 1a 1 OxA 9319 OxA 9504 a 1 OxA 9505 í í í í í Lago Sof Cueva del MedioCueva 1734 NUTA Cueva del MedioCueva 2197 NUTA Cueva del MedioCueva del Milod Cueva GR-N 14911 Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del Milod Cueva del MedioCueva 2331 NUTA Lago Sof del MedioCueva Beta 58105 Cueva del MedioCueva del MedioCueva Beta 52522 del MedioCueva PITT 0344 del MedioCueva 14913 Gr-N del MedioCueva Beta 39081 1811 NUTA Cueva del MedioCueva 1737 NUTA Table 3. Radiocarbon dates on evidence of human presence in the Table Site name Lab number Cueva del MedioCueva 2330 NUTA Lago Sof Lago Sof Cueva del MedioCueva 1735 NUTA Lago Sof Cueva del MedioCueva 2332 NUTA Alero quemado Ua 35652 Cueva del MedioCueva 1812 NUTA

11-EV 9. Estimating the last occurrences of the megafaunal later, approximately 11.3 cal ka BP for both taxa, with upper taxa (Fig. 4) limits at least 2000 yr later, but with oldest estimates (∼ 12.6 cal ka BP) that might pre-date the time of disappearance of With an incomplete fossil record the youngest fossil of a the large carnivores. Mylodont sloths drop out later yet, with taxon typically predates the true time of its local extinc- the best estimate of their time of local extinction 10.1 cal ka tion (Marshall 1990). A simple way of rectifying this bias is BP, with an upper limit as young as 8 cal ka BP. Th ere is no to extend the known temporal range a distance equivalent overlap between the probable extinction intervals of to the average temporal gap size between the fossils from carnivores and mylodont sloths. within the known temporal range (Strauss and Sadler 1989). Th e GRIWM method estimates the earliest likely human However, this method assumes that the likelihood of fi nding arrival into the Ú ltima Esperanza area between 14.6 and 13.3 a fossil is the same everywhere within its true range – but cal ka BP. Th us, it seems likely that humans began visiting if a taxon is being driven to local extinction by changing the Ú ltima Esperanza region ∼ 4000 yr after it became ice- climate/vegetation and/or human activity, then the prob- free (Fig. 4), and well after Panthera , Vicugna vicugna , and ability of fi nding fossils is likely to decrease as the taxon is Mylodon were well established in the region. Humans then going extinct. Furthermore, the likelihood of fi nding fos- locally co-existed with the extinct mylodonts, Hippidion sils may also vary through time due to a variety of changing saldiasi and Lama . cf. owenii for several thousand years. taphonomic conditions. Finally, the uncertainties associated Th e GRIWM confi dence intervals suggest that H. saldiasi with the radiometric dates (Fig. 4) are often relatively large coexisted with humans for at least ∼ 700 yr and could have making it hard to determine the temporal gap sizes between coexisted for as long as ∼ 5800 yr. Lama cf. owenii appears to the fossils. To accommodate these complexities we used the have coexisted with humans for at least ∼ 700 yr and perhaps Gaussian-resampled, inverse-weighted method (GRIWM) as much as ∼ 4700 yr. Mylodonts, probably co-occurred with of McInerny et al. described in Bradshaw et al. (2012) to humans for at least ∼ 2300 years and perhaps for as much estimate true times of local extinction. Th is approach deals as ∼ 6600 yr. with non-random fossilization by progressively up-weighting the gap sizes the closer they are to the time of disappearance from the fossil record. It also takes into account the uncer- 10. Causes of megafauna extinction (Fig. 4) tainties associated with the radiometric dates, providing a 95% confi dence band around the estimated time of extinc- Th e pattern of extinction illustrated in Fig. 4 suggests that tion. We also applied the method to estimate the true time the timing of megafaunal extinction in the Ú ltima Esperanza of arrival of humans into the area. Analyses were run in the region was controlled by a complex interaction between R programing environment (R Core Team) and the R code climate changes that precipitated vegetation change, com- can be accessed in Saltr é et al. 2015, appendix A – supple- bined with growing human impacts. Of particular note are: mentary data. 1) the co-existence of megafauna with humans for at least Turning to the fossil record (Fig. 4), Lama gracilis disap- hundreds and more likely thousands of years, although the pears earliest, but this taxon is represented by only one date, archeological evidence suggests that human presence during so it is impossible to ascribe any signifi cance to its time of this interval was probably ephemeral (Nami and Menegaz disappearance (with only one fossil occurrence there are no 1991, Jackson and Prieto 2005, Martin 2010; and further gaps within its range, and thus no scale-length to judge how supported by the fact that Cueva del Milod ó n is less than far beyond the last fossil the species became extinct). Vicugna 2 km away from Cueva del Medio – it seems unlikely that vicugna also appears to drop out of the record early, with its humans and mylodonts could have continuously occupied time of local disappearance estimated to be between 13.7 and sites in such close proximity over thousands of years); 2) 15.9 cal ka BP. It is diffi cult to attribute much confi dence to the apparently earlier loss of carnivores relative to horses this, however, as this taxon is represented by only three dates. ( Hippidion saldiasi ), Lama cf. owenii, and mylodonts; 3) the With fewer dates the GRIWM method tends to overestimate disappearance of horses and L. cf. owenii near the time domi- the uncertainty associated with the fi nal extinction time nant vegetation transforms from grasslands to increasingly (Bradshaw et al. 2012). A bootstrap technique discussed by dense Nothofagus forest; 4) and the loss of mylodonts only Barnosky and Lindsey (2010), which mimics analytic meth- after dense Nothofagus forests established. ods (Marshall 1990, 2010), suggests that at least 10 dates are Th is pattern is most consistent with a model that sees: desirable for estimating true times of extinction. 1) megafauna thriving near the UEIL margins during the As a guild, carnivores seem to disappear slightly earlier LGM and colonizing the newly deglaciated terrains follow- than any of the well-dated herbivores; this is the reverse of ing the ice front or proglacial lake margins of Lago Puerto the general expectation that the demise of carnivores results Consuelo and colonizing our study area after Cerro Ben í tez from the loss of their megafauna prey, sometimes invoked and Cerro Señ oret became broadly connected to the main- to explain their extinction in the LQE event (for example, land; 2) humans arriving and ephemerally co-existing see the keystone hypothesis of Barnosky 1989, Owen-Smith with the abundant megafauna in a cool late glacial climate 1989, Haynes 2002, Cione et al. 2003). Th e last appearance dominated by grasslands; 3) loss of the carnivores through for Smilodon has a youngest limit of ∼ 11.9 cal ka BP, with exclusion by humans; 4) loss of horses and L . cf. owenii as a best estimate: 12.6 cal ka BP, and for Panthera , an upper grasslands rapidly transformed into Nothofagus forest, reduc- limit of ∼ 11.7 cal ka BP, with a best estimate of 12.0 cal ka ing their preferred open-landscape , and potentially BP. In contrast, the best estimate for the disappearance of as human population sizes, or frequency of visits to the area, Hippidion saldiasi and Lama owenii is several hundred years increased and exerted more hunting pressure at the same

12-EV time; and 5) loss of mylodonts due to grassland loss decline of the megafauna herbivores at that time, but so far the once Nothofagus forests fi nally became dominant. data are not available to robustly quantify human population Consistent with this model are the apparent dietary growth through the critical time intervals in Ú ltima Esperanza. preferences of Lama cf. owenii , Hippidion saldiasi, and mylo- Human impacts combined with a reduction of open areas as a donts. All three of these taxa preferred grasses, as inferred driver of the megafaunal extinction in South America has been from dental characteristics and, in the case of mylodonts, discussed in earlier works (Cione et al. 2003). from abundant dung samples in Cueva del Milod ó n (Moore Th e role of humans in changing vegetation structure 1978, Markgraf 1985, Bargo et al. 2006, Fariñ a et al. 2013). through the use of fi re has been proposed as a possible driver Also, despite some assertions that carnivore extinctions dur- of megafauna extinction, especially in Australia (Miller et al. ing the LQE resulted from the disappearance of their prey 1999). In the case of Ú ltima Esperanza, climate changes and base (Barnosky 1989, Owen-Smith 1989, Haynes 2002, the consequent changes in vegetation and wood fuels have Cione et al. 2003), other ecological models may be more been proposed as the main factor leading to the fi re frequency consistent with our observation of earlier disappearance of increases recorded at Lago Eberhard and Pantano Dumestre carnivores. Humans too are meat-eating megafauna; thus, (Moreno et al. 2012), a pattern that has been reported for once they enter into a new ecosystem they utilize the same other sites of southern South America (Whitlock et al. prey base as other mega-carnivores. Once human numbers/ 2007). While the role of humans as providers of the igni- visits reach a critical threshold, it is not unlikely that people tion source and causing then an important impact on the would command enough of the prey base to cause population vegetation is still an open possibility, our data analysis does crashes in other large carnivores. Moreover, in historic and not support that hypothesis, mainly because the observed modern ecosystems where humans interact with carnivores, changes in vegetation do not fi t the expectations from wide- they selectively kill large carnivores in an eff ort to protect spread human-induced fi res in the region (Vidal and Reif both themselves and the large herbivores they depend upon 2011). Th e extinction chronology summarized in Fig. 4 also (Musiani and Paquet 2004, Alagona 2013). Th e biggest car- highlights potential correspondence between the last appear- nivore that persists in the Ú Itima Esperanza region today is ance of Vicugna vicugna in the Ú ltima Esperanza region, Puma concolor which, compared with the two large extinct the Antarctic Cold Reversal, and the eruption of the Reclú s carnivores is much smaller (Smilodon : 350 – 405 kg [Anyonge volcano. It may be that one or both of these factors deci- 1993, Fariñ a et al. 1998]; Panthera onca: 120 kg [Prevosti mated what may have been a small population of V. vicugna and Vizcaino 2006]; Puma: 25– 68 kg [Chester 2008]) and at that time, but given that there are only three dates on the usually avoids direct confl ict with humans. taxon, it is impossible to draw any fi rm conclusions. Other Th is hypothesis rests in part on the assumption that humans specimens identifi ed as Vicugna and radiocarbon dated to and mega-carnivores consume the same prey items. In the 12 564 cal yr BP have been found in the site Tres Arroyos Ú ltima Esperanza region, there is good evidence that ancient 1 located in Tierra del Fuego, more than 300 km to the humans and ancient felids exploited at least some of the same south east of Ú ltima Esperanza (Massone and Prieto 2004, extinct megafauna taxa. Evidence of human consumption of Weinstock et al. 2009), suggesting that this taxon could have Hippidion saldiasi and Mylodon is found in Cueva Lago Sofí a persisted longer, at least in that area of Patagonia. Th e Recl ú s 1, as bones belonging to these two taxa, and others from eruption, though producing widespread ash, does not seem extant faunas, were found in association with lithic material to correspond with the loss of any of the other megafauna. and hearths, and are reported to display cut marks (Prieto Lama gracilis is known by only a single date. Th erefore, 1991, Alberdi and Prieto 2000, Jackson and Prieto 2005). at this point nothing defi nitive can be said about that taxon ’ s At Cueva del Medio, burnt bones of Hippidion saldiasi and disappearance, but the date does verify that megafauna occu- Lama cf. owenii are found along with remains of Myolodon pied the Ú ltima Esperanza region very shortly, and/or very and in association with hearths and lithics including fi shtail sparsely, after it became ice-free. projectile points, and cut marks have been identifi ed on the Th ere is the possibility that the changes in vegetation horse bones (Nami and Menegaz 1991, Alberdi and Prieto observed in Ú ltima Esperazna could be the result of her- 2000, Martin 2010). On the other hand, sites identifi ed as bivore release due to the extinction of the megaherbivores, carnivore dens (Cueva Lago Sof í a 4 and Cueva Chica) off er as has been proposed for other regions of the world (Rule a good source of evidence for mega-carnivore consumption et al. 2012, Gill 2014, among others). However, that is not of some prey items such as Lama gracilis , Mylodon , Vicugna supported by the data presented here. Th e herbivores that and Hippidion saldiasi as revealed by taphonomic studies and became extinct in the area were mainly grazers, specializ- isotopic analyses (Borrero 1997, Martin 2008, Martin et al. ing on grasses in open habitats, so were not likely to exert a 2013, Prevosti and Martin 2013). control over forest growth by direct consumption. Mylodon , Th e model we suggest above implies that the chief cause the biggest herbivore that could have had the capability to of the mega-carnivore extinction resulted primarily from infl uence the growth of Nothofagus by trampling, felling human impacts, with the mega-carnivores able to co-exist trees or carving pathways, did not become extinct until long with people only as long as human population sizes/visits after the major expansion of Nothofagus was underway. remained below a critical threshold. In contrast, the available evidence indicates that the key driver of extinction of horses, Lama cf. owenii, and mylodonts was climate-driven vegeta- Conclusions tion change which reduced the availability of open environ- ments. It may well be that growing human population sizes A detailed compilation of robust radiocarbon dates on mega- around the time of the vegetation change exacerbated the fauna from the Ú ltima Esperanza region, compared with

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