
Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 087174/FO/2008/N2 1st Aug 2008 23rd Oct 2008 Ward

Proposal Change of use of premises to form accommodation for community groups, educational activities, exhibitions and office space in connection with the activities of the Historic Buildings Trust with offices to let on the first floor, conversion of the coach house to residential accommodation for caretaker and external site alterations including reconfiguration of car parking area and landscaping Location Mrs Gaskells House, , Ardwick, Manchester, M13 9LW, Applicant Manchester Historic Buildings Trust, Mrs Janet Allan, 10 Dale Road, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 4NW Agent Bernard Taylor Partnership Limited Elizabeth House, 486 Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, SK4 3BS


This application relates to a Grade II (STAR) Listed building, which was the former of and is known as Mrs Gaskell's House. There are two other associated applications on this agenda, namely:

087173/FO/2008/N2 - Formation of a new car park and associated bin store with creation of new vehicular access off Plymouth Grove Court, 82 Plymouth Grove

087175/LO/2008/N2 - LISTED BUILDING APPLICATION for works involving internal and external alteration and restoration works in association with change of use of buildings to form accommodation connected to educational/community use and exhibition space, commercial offices and residential accommodation Mrs Gaskell's House, 84 Plymouth Grove

Mrs Gaskell's House was acquired by the in the 1960's and was used by the International Society as residential student accommodation. The freehold to the building was acquired by the Manchester Historic Buildings Trust (MHBT) in 2004 and is currently used by the Gaskell Society for meetings and exhibitions. The building will continue to be administered by the MHBT, with the involvement of the Gaskell Society.

Mrs Gaskell's House is a 2-storey, Victorian Villa with basement and attic accommodation. The site is affected by changing ground levels as it runs from east to west. A residential apartment block (1960's) is situated to the west of the site at 82 Plymouth Grove (Cranford Court) with a play area to the east of the site. A Victorian Villa, which has been converted into flats, is situated to the south of the site at 2-4 Swinton Grove.

The principal northern elevation faces Plymouth Grove and comprises of 3 symmetrical bays articulated by four giant order pilasters with lotus leaf capitals. A central rectangular portico forms the main entrance to the building. The main Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 building has hipped pitched roof with a remaining chimney stack. The roof is partially screened by a stone parapet. The south (rear) elevation overlooks the rear garden area and comprises two storeys over a partially exposed basement.

The west elevation is of 3-storey due the exposition of the basement. The coach house is also over 3-storeys with hipped pitched roof but is substantially lower than the main building. The coach house is adjoined at its west elevation by a stable block with a hipped gable roof stable block.

The proposals involve the restoration of the building in its setting by reorganising the access and car parking in and around the site. The impact of the external and internal alterations on the character and appearance of the listed building are considered elsewhere on the agenda under application 087175/LO/2008/N2.

Internally, the proposals involve "stripping out works" to address dry rot within the building and repair of original features. Alterations include the formation of a new accessible passenger lift between ground and basement levels on the west side of the building. New staircase and platform lift to the full height of the stable block for separate access to first floor and disabled access (to be used in conjunction with the proposed office use). Raise level of basement floor by 1 step to ease the gradient to the basement. WCs are to be introduced to service the mix of uses.

Externally, the works involve extensive roof repairs, including reconstruction of chimney stacks with stone cappings and parapet repairs. Elevations are to be repaired and re-rendered with stone steps being repaired and reformed. "Like for like" window repair and replacement is to take place across the principal elevations. It is also proposed that a door and surround would be reinstated to the west elevation. The external works also include the introduction of ramped access to the ground floor on the west elevation with storage and a doorway below, including bin stores. The ramp is edged with metal frame balustrades and new handrails to the front steps.

The proposals to the setting of the building include the provision of bounded gravel between the vehicular access and egress points to Plymouth Grove and the new access to Swinton Grove. The external works include works to the finished surface gradient to assist access and set paving to footpaths. The grounds around the building are to be landscaped in accordance with a submitted scheme and will accommodate separate waste/recycling storage areas for the caretakers accommodation.

The alterations to car parking involve the relocation of car park currently undertaken within the site by the residents of Cranford Court. This has resulted in the formation of new car parking within Cranford Court and is the subject of planning application 087173/FO/2008/N2, which is also on this agenda. The application site and Cranford Court will also be separated by the construction of a 1.8 metre high wall along the common (western) boundary and adjoining retained timber fence. The proposals directly affecting Mrs Gaskell's House would be supported with a total of 9 parking spaces: 3 to be provided adjacent to the western elevation of the building of which, one is accessible, one is for staff at Gaskell House and one allocated to the caretaker; six space positioned to the rear (south) of the building would provide parking for the office use and Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 visitors. The rear car parking area is sited adjacent to the western and southern boundaries of the site with its access from Swinton Grove.

Boundary treatment include the re-instatement of sections of cast iron and redbrick walls and stone copings along the Plymouth Grove and Swinton Grove frontages. The vehicular access to the west of Plymouth Grove is to be increased from 3.5 metres to 4 metres. A new opening and gates to a car parking area are to be formed to the Swinton Grove boundary.

The applicant's propose to undertake the following uses within the building: i. Main House: a. Lower ground Floor - Accommodation for community groups, service providers and the Trust's educational activities. b. Ground Floor - The Trust's permanent exhibition, seminar, office and retail space. c. First floor - Office suite comprising 3 units and ancillary facilities to be commercially let. ii. Coach House - Caretakers 3-bedroom house.

The caretaker's accommodation and the stairwell to the office accommodation are to be located in the coach house and adjoining stable block and will be accessed via separate doorways located on the southern elevation. Emergency access to the central staircase servicing the building would be retained. Storage is provided within the attic.


Local Residents - No comments received.

Manchester Conservation Areas and Historic Building Panel - The Panel was generally supportive of the proposal and the re-use of the listed building. However, it was noted that the delivery of the proposed scheme was dependent upon the acquisition of funds. The Panel felt that a "development restriction" should be placed upon any approval to prevent the creation of the surface car park on the adjacent site until funding for Mrs Gaskell's House had been secured. The lack of visitor car parking for the scheme was questioned, but did not feel that additional car parking should be provided within the site.

Any trees lost within the site should be replaced within a landscaping scheme comprising "semi-mature, in-character" replacements.

The proposed disabled access was questioned. The access ramp does not appear to have a continuous handrail and the provision of such features may add to visual clutter and adversely affect the visual appearance of the listed building. Further consideration should be given to these arrangements with the view to accommodating more sensitive alterations to the side entrance to accommodate the lift at grade and reduce ramp heights and lengths and the need for guardrails. A request was made for the consideration of a modern lift solution, which would reduce the extent of intervention onto the fabric of the building. However, the reliability of such a "technological" solution was noted.

Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

Chief Executive's Landscape Practice Group - Generally supportive of the principle of the scheme but expresses concern regarding the extent of tree loss attributable to the development. The detail of the trees to be removed and retained id not adequately indicated on the submitted drawing and should be included within the landscaping scheme. Appropriate tree protection measures should be put in place during construction in accordance with British Standards. There is some concern regarding the construction methods to be used during the formation of surfacing around the base of retained trees. These construction works should be undertaken be hand to avoid root damage. Similarly, new foundations to the boundary wall should be hand excavated in accordance with submitted and approved method statement. Any paving under the tree protection zones should be permeable. Full landscaping details are required, including species, planting medium and maintenance. Engineering Services - No objections to the principle of the development. The following issues need to be addressed through the submission of further drawings: i. There should be an adequate pedestrian visibility splay at the vehicular exit of Mrs Gaskill's House, onto Plymouth Grove. To achieve this, approximately 2.0m of wall to either side of the access must be not exceed 0.6m in height. Railings could then be installed on the top of the wall to achieve the required height. Whilst this access is to be altered, provision must be made to maintain the pedestrian movements across this by way of providing dropped kerbs to both sides of the access. ii. Any works on the existing highway must be approved prior to any works taking place, including installation of new sets at the existing access of Mrs Gaskill's House on Plymouth Grove and the proposed new access to the Cranford Court flats. iii. No facilities have been provided to aid pedestrians into both Mrs Gaskill's House nor the Cranford Court. This must be addressed. Environmental Health - Any planning permission should be conditioned to secure the following: i. A scheme for the storage and disposal of waste and recyclable material; ii. A scheme for appropriate noise insulation to any externally mounted equipment; iii. A scheme for the extraction of fumes or vapours; iv. Agreement regarding the permitted hours of opening / working; v. Restrictions to the times when deliveries can be made to the site. Environment & Operations (Trees) - No objection to the proposed works subject to compliance with the undertaking of works to the appropriate British Standard. The trees within the site are showing signs of decline due to lack of maintenance in the past. The proposed tree work, as detailed by ACS Consulting, would benefit the trees. Police - No objection. South Manchester Regeneration - The proposals are supported as it will assist in bringing a cultural asset back into use and will provide a local benefit at various levels, as well as attracting visitiors into the area.

Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008


Unitary Development Plan - The following policies are relevant.

E2.7 - The Council wishes to ensure that buildings and areas of special architectural or historic interest are retained, maintained and, where necessary, restored. It will seek to preserve and enhance the setting of such buildings and areas by appropriate control over the design of new development in their vicinity, control over the use of adjacent land and, where appropriate, by the preservation of trees and landscape features.

E3.3 - The Council will upgrade the appearance of the City's major radial and orbital roads and rail routes. This will include improvements to the appearance of adjacent premises; encouraging new development of the highest quality; and ensuring that landscape schemes are designed to minimise litter problems.

E3.5 - The Council will promote measures, which will lead to a safer environment for all people living in and using the City. These measures will include:- a) ensuring that the layout of new development is designed with safety in mind and does not lead to the creation of isolated areas; b) designing landscaping schemes so as to minimise the risk of attack; c) that community facilities are located where they are easy and safe to get to; d) providing safe places for children to play; e) improving road safety.

H1.2 - relates to the provision of varied housing stock, including the accommodation for disabled people.

H2.1 - The Council will encourage environmental improvements to make residential areas safer and more attractive.

H2.2 - States that the Council will not allow development, which will have an unacceptable impact on residential areas. The matters that the Council will consider, amongst other things, the scale and appearance of the development and its impact in terms of noise, vibration, traffic generation, road safety and air pollution.

T2.6 - The Council will expect adequate car parking provision to be made for disabled people so that they can get easy access both to existing and new facilities in the City.

DC19.1 - In determining applications for listed building consent or planning applications for development involving or having an impact on buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, the Council will have regard to the desirability of securing the retention, restoration, maintenance and continued use of such buildings and to protecting their general setting. In giving effect to this policy, the Council will: a. not grant Listed building consent for the demolition of a listed building other than in the most exceptional circumstances, and in any case, not unless it is Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 satisfied that every possible effort has been made to continue the present use or to find a suitable alternative use; b. not permit a change of use of a listed building, where it would have a detrimental effect on the character or appearance of the building; c. not permit any external or internal alteration or addition to a Listed building where, in its opinion, there would be an adverse effect on its architectural or historic character; d. seek to preserve and enhance the settings of listed buildings by appropriate control over the design of new development in their vicinity, control over the use of adjacent land, and where appropriate, by the preservation of trees and landscape features; e. permit demolition only where there are approved detailed plans for redevelopment and where there is evidence of a firm building contract; f. not permit alterations to a listed building which would prevent the future use of any part of the building, in particular upper floors or basements, or where poor maintenance is likely to result.

Guide to Development in Manchester 2: Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance- The Guide aims to support and enhance the on going shaping of the City by providing a set of reasoned principles which will guide developers, designers and residents to the sort of development we all want to see in Manchester.

Of particular relevance: 2.54 - Encourages the retention of buildings to accommodate new uses, particularly where they contribute to the character and appearance of an area and reinforce its sense of place. Accommodation accessibility is also emphasised. Policies 4.11 - Relates to the appropriate provision of arrangements to manage waste. Policies 6.6 and 6.8 - Highlights the need to adequately accommodate car and cycle parking for all both within and outside development sites. Policy 7.2 - Requires that the design and layout of developments is informed by the wider context. Policy 8 - Community Safety and Crime Prevention Policy10 - Internal Design Principles and the Provision of space within housing.

Design For Access 2 (DfA2) - The City Council's best practice guidance of inclusive design standards. Whilst the full weight of the Guide can only be applied to land in which the City has an interest, it can be generally related to the consideration of the internal layouts arrangements of access and manoeuvrability and the design of car parking spaces. DfA2 is related to Guide to Development in Manchester Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance

The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for North West - The RSS was adopted in September 2008 and replaces the previously published Regional Planning Guidance. The RSS provides a framework for development and investment in the region over the next fifteen to twenty years. Relevant policies include:

Policy DP 1 - Spatial Principles - Identifies the principles underpinning RSS (incorporating RTS). All may be applicable to development management in Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 particular circumstances: promote sustainable communities; promote sustainable economic development; make the best use of existing resources and infrastructure; manage travel demand, reduce the need to travel, and increase accessibility; marry opportunity and need; promote environmental quality; mainstreaming rural issues; reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.

The following policies are considered to be relevant to the proposals:

Policy DP 2 - Promote Sustainable Communities - Building sustainable communities - places where people want to live and work - is a regional priority in both urban and rural areas. Sustainable Communities should meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, promote community cohesion and equality and diversity, be sensitive to the environment, and contribute to a high quality of life.

Policy DP 3 - Promote Sustainable Economic Development - Sustainable economic growth should be supported and promoted, and so should reductions of economic, environmental, education, health and other social inequalities between different parts of the North West, within the sub-regions, and at local level.

Policy DP 5 - Manage Travel Demand; Reduce the Need to Travel, and Increase Accessibility - Development should be located so as to reduce the need to travel, especially by car, and to enable people as far as possible to meet their needs locally.

Policy DP 7- Promote Environmental Quality - Environmental quality (including air, coastal and inland waters), should be protected and enhanced, especially by: understanding and respecting the character and distinctiveness of places and landscapes; the protection and enhancement of the historic environment; promoting good quality design in new development and ensuring that development respects its setting taking into account relevant design requirements.

Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (PPS1) - Encourages the promotion of urban and rural regeneration to improve the well being of communities, improve facilities, promote high quality and safe development and create new opportunities for the people living in those communities. In addition to this PPS1 clearly outlines the importance of creating sustainable communities.

Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the historic environment - Provides a full statement of Government policies for the identification and protection of historic buildings, conservation areas, and other elements of the historic environment. The full requirements of PPG15 have been applied to the consideration of the accompanying listed building consent application (087175/LO/2008/N2). However, this planning application has been considered with specific reference to the following:

2.18 - New uses may often be the key to a building's or area's preservation, and controls over land use, density, plot ratio, daylighting and other planning Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 matters should be exercised sympathetically where this would enable a historic building to gain a sustainable use.

3.3 - Local planning authorities should 'have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses'. This reflects the great importance of protecting listed buildings from unnecessary demolition and unsuitable and insensitive alteration.

3.8 - Generally the best way of securing the upkeep of historic buildings and areas is to keep them in active use. For the great majority this must mean economically viable uses if they are to survive, and new, and even continuing, uses will often necessitate some degree of adaptation. The range and acceptability of possible uses must therefore usually be a major consideration when the future of listed buildings or buildings in conservation areas in question.

Principle - The proposal development presents an opportunity to secure an active and sustainable use for an important listed building within its historic context. The retention of the building accords with the policies within the UDP relating to listed and historic buildings and policies contained within Guide to Development in Manchester 2 relating to secure active uses for existing buildings. The following analysis assesses the proposals against the above policies and considers the impact of the proposed mix of uses of the surrounding area and the amenity of neighbouring residents.

Uses - The proposed exhibition and public uses positively promote the historical importance of the building and its connection with Elizabeth Gaskell. The proposals thereby potentially provide a social, cultural and educational resource with positive local, regional and national benefits.

The introduction of commercially lettable offices provides an opportunity for the MHBT to generate an income to secure the on-going maintenance of the building. The office and residential (caretakers) accommodation ensures the full use of the upper floors and ancillary buildings. It is also considered that provision of caretaker's accommodation demonstrates the applicants' commitment to on-site security and the future maintenance of the buildings and surrounding grounds. These aspects of the proposal relate positively to City Council policy as expressed in the UDP and SPD, in that it secures an active and sustainable use for the building.

Impact on the Listed Building - Detailed analysis is given to the suitability of the proposed internal and external works within the accompanying listed building consent report (087175/LO/2008/N2). Notwithstanding the above, it is considered that that the works will restore the internal character of the building and allow the retention of the existing features. The arrangements of disabled access are considered to be the most significant impact on the character of the building. However this impact has been reduced by the siting of the ramp and its balustrade at the side of the building. The setting of the building is maintained and enhanced by the utilisation of existing access points and hard surfaced areas and the incorporation of additional landscaping. Car parking and servicing areas are located to the west of the building and behind the forward building line. The bulk of the proposed car parking is situated to the rear of the Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 building and to the perimeter of the site thereby maximising the contribution of the principal elevations to the streetscene.

Materials - The nature of the works require detailed material specifications. The submitted drawings are extensively detailed and provide a comprehensive indication of the proposed restoration works to be undertaken. However, given the importance of the building it is considered that a condition is appropriate to ensure the utilisation of appropriate materials including render and paint finishes.

Landscaping - A condition has been recommended which requires the submission and approval of a more detailed landscaping scheme, incorporating the requirements of the Landscape Practice Group. Separate conditions are recommended to ensure the submission and approval of a scheme for tree protection measures during construction and the future maintenance of hard and soft landscaping around the site.

Loss of Trees - Whilst recognising the concerns of the Landscape Practice Group, it should be emphasised that the trees within the site have been assessed by the City Arboriculturalist, who has confirmed that the proposed works are acceptable. The works are also considered to be necessary to the development. The required landscaping scheme will be required to address the issue of tree loss with the view to providing suitable supplementary planting.

Tree Protection - A condition has been recommended which requires the submission and approval of a scheme for the implementation of tree protection measure around the base of retained trees both in relation to hard surfacing and the construction of foundations to boundary walls.

Disabled Access - It should be emphasised that the provision of disabled access is constrained by the fabric of the existing listed building. Nevertheless the applicant has sought to make the building as accessible as possible.

The proposed access ramp graduates from the front elevations and rises to a new doorway to the upper ground floor level on the west elevation. The balustrades to the ramp have been designed to reflect the character and style of the building.

The provision of a disabled access ramp to allow direct access from the main entrance would require a significant intervention to the front of the building, thereby affecting its character. It is would not be to depend solely upon a "mechanical access" solution due to questions concerning maintenance and reliability. The proposed access ramp secures continuous accessibility to the principal office, meeting and exhibition space.

The applicant's have indicated that they wish to review the need to provide a handrail and balustrade to the ramp where it is positioned adjacent to the Plymouth Grove frontage of the building. An appropriate condition has been recommended to facilitate this.

Disabled Access to the proposed office accommodation is achieved via the dedicated entrance to the rear of the coach house level access is provided together with a platform lift to be located centrally within the stairwell. Re- Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 grading of levels in the formation of the car park results in level access to the doorway to the office accommodation. Within the rear car parking area paved areas adjacent to two of the proposed car parking spaces could potentially be used as transfer zones for disabled drivers. Level access is provided to the caretaker's house.

Hours - It is considered that the proposed mix of public and office uses would be compatible with the neighbouring residential accommodation. However, it is considered that some control needs to be given to the hours of working, which does not unduly restrict the periodic holding of public events in the evening. A condition has been proposed which specifies standard opening hours but has the flexibility of allowing events organisers to contact the City Council as local planning authority to agree opening times for specific events.

Waste Management - The applicants have submitted a waste management strategy, which is related to the development by condition. The proposed bins storage areas area located beneath the proposed access ramp, which provides neat and unobtrusive storage facilities.

Car Parking - The residents of Cranford Court, by agreement, currently park their cars with in the grounds of Mrs Gaskell's House. As part of the proposals the two sites have been segregated by a new boundary wall. A separate application on the agenda 07174/FO/2008/N2, provides a new car parking area for Cranford Court to supplement for the lost car parking spaces.

In order to address these difficulties, a condition has been recommended which seeks to maximise the effective use of the car parking spaces and minimise the effect of on-street car parking. This condition requires the submission of a traffic management programme, which indicates how car parking spaces within the site are to be allocated between the proposed mix of uses.

Travel Plan - A condition has been recommended to ensure the provision travel information to potential visitors, which provides details of how to reach the meeting and exhibition space using public transport and the location and availability of local car parking facilities.

Vehicular Access - Vehicular access from Plymouth Grove utilises the existing opening onto the highway. The new access from Swinton Grove would service the rear car park exclusively. Visually the introduction of vehicular access onto Swinton Grove is considered to be acceptable. A "Grampian" condition is recommended to ensure that the laying of sets at the vehicular access points from Plymouth Grove and Swinton Grove, all of which are outside the application site, are undertaken before the first occupation of the building in associated with uses detailed in this planning application. With regard to visibility splays, a condition has been recommended to ensure that revised drawings are submitted for approval, which address the concerns of the Head of Engineering Services.

Pedestrian Access - It should be noted that the bulk of traffic within the site would be situated within the rear car park and access form Swinton Grove. The existing arrangements would be utilised and would only be accessed by upto 3 vehicles. In these circumstances and given that the building is listed these arrangements are considered to be acceptable. Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

Conclusion - It is considered that the implementation of the development in accordance with the recommended condition and the associated listed building consent application would provide an active and sustainable use for an important listed. There are links between the Mrs Gaskell's House applications and the Cranford Court application. It would be an onerous requirement to link the implementation of these neighbouring schemes, as suggested by the Manchester Conservation Areas and Historic Building Panel; particularly as it may deal the commencement of works to secure the restoration of a listed building, which is currently in a state of disrepair.

Human Rights Act 1998 considerations – This application needs to be considered against the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. Under Article 6, the applicants (and those third parties, including local residents, who have made representations) have the right to a fair hearing and to this end the Committee must give full consideration to their comments.

Protocol 1 Article 1, and Article 8 where appropriate, confer(s) a right of respect for a person’s home, other land and business assets. In taking account of all material considerations, including Council policy as set out in the Unitary Development Plan, the Head of Planning has concluded that some rights conferred by these articles on the applicant(s)/objector(s)/resident(s) and other occupiers and owners of nearby land that might be affected may be interfered with but that that interference is in accordance with the law and justified by being in the public interest and on the basis of the planning merits of the development proposal. He believes that any restriction on these rights posed by the approval of the application is proportionate to the wider benefits of approval and that such a decision falls within the margin of discretion afforded to the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

Recommendation APPROVE on the basis that the proposal is in accord with the City Council's Unitary Development Plan in particular policies E2.7; E3.5; H1.2; H2.1; H2.2; T2.6 and DC19.1 and other material considerations of material weight including particularly: Guide to Development in Manchester 2: Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance policies 2.54; 4.11; 6.6; 6.8; 7.2;8 and 10; RSS policies DP1; DP2; DP3; DP5; DP7; PPS1; PPG15 in that the development would: positively contribute to the local and City -wide cultural and historic environment and provide a valuable educational and community resource; secure a sustainable use for an important listed building and contribute positively to the amenities of the area thereby promoting the continuing regeneration of the locality.

Conditions and/or Reasons

1) The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason - Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

2) The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings and documents unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority: 2124-01(A); 2124-02; 2124-03; 2124- 04; 2124-05; 2124-06; 2124-7; 2124-08; 2124-09; 2124-10; 2124-11C; 2124- 12B; 2124-13B; 2124-14B; 2124-15; 2124-16; 2124-17; 2124-18; 2124-19; 2124-20A; 2124-21A; 1903-01; Design and Access Statement dated 10th July 2008 as amended by document dated 29th July 2008.

Reason - To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Pursuant to policy H2.2 of the Manchester Unitary Development Plan.

3) No development that is hereby approved shall commence unless and until samples and specifications of all materials to be used on all external elevations of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority. The development shall be constructed only using the approved materials unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - To ensure that the appearance of the development is acceptable to the City Council as local planning authority in the interests of the visual amenity of the area within which the site is located, as specified in policy H2.2 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

4) The development is to be undertaken in accordance with the waste management strategy received on 14th July 2008 and 1st August 2008 and referenced 2124/11/C and 2124/12/B unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.


In the interests of residential amenity pursuant to policy H2.2 of the Unitary Development Plan and policy 4.11 of the Guide to Development in Manchester Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance.

5) The premises shall not be open or deliveries undertaken outside the following hours, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as local planning authority:-

Monday to Friday: 7am to 8pm; Saturday: 8am to 6pm on; Sundays and Bank Holidays: 9am to 4pm.

No part of the premise shall open outside these hours without the prior written agreement of the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - In interests of residential amenity in order to reduce noise and general disturbance in accordance with Policies H2.2 and DC26 and the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

6) Details of any handrails or balustrades shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority prior to their installation. The approved details shall then be implemented in full and remain in place Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 whilst the use continues unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - In order to secure satisfactory disabled access and in the interest of the occupiers of nearby properties in order to comply with Policies H2.2 and DC9 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester and Policy 3.1 of The Guide to Development in Manchester Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance.

7) Before the commencement of refurbishment and construction works, a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the City Councils local planning authority detailing for the management of car and other parking within the site. The scheme shall include arrangements for allocation of spaces between the various uses within the site. The arrangements shall remain in place whilst the use continues unless otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - In order to ensure appropriate car parking and to safeguard pedestrian and vehicular movement within the site in accordance with Policy E3.5 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

8) No part of the accommodation associated with the uses hereby approved shall be occupied until the "off-site" highways works detailed on drawings on 2124/11/C relating to the vehicular access onto Plymouth Grove and Swinton Grove have been fully implemented.

Reason - In order to safeguard the safety of traffic and pedestrians moving within the site in accordance with Policy E3.5 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

9) No development shall commence until a hard and soft landscaping treatment scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority. The scheme shall include details of species, planting density growing media and details of any additional tree planting within the site. The approved scheme shall be implemented not later than 12 months from the date the buildings are first occupied. If within a period of 5 years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, that tree or shrub or any tree or shrub planted in replacement for it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, or becomes, in the opinion of the local planning authority, seriously damaged or defective, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless otherwise agree in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - To ensure that a satisfactory landscaping scheme for the development is carried out that respects the character and visual amenities of the area, in accordance with policy H2.2 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

10) Before the commencement of refurbishment and construction works, a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council local planning authority detailing measures for the protection of trees during the undertaking of construction works, including a methodology for hand excavation around the base of trees on connection with the construction of hard surfaces and Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008 foundations to boundary walls. The scheme shall include details for the erection of fencing for the protection of any retained tree and shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans and particulars before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought on to the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered. The development shall be fully undertaken with the approved details unless otherwise approved in writing.

Reason - In order avoid damage to trees/shrubs adjacent to and within the site, which are of important amenity value to the area and in order to protect the character of the area, in accordance with Policies 2.4 and 2.6 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

11) Before the commencement of any construction or refurbishment works associated with the development hereby authorised a drawing shall be submitted identifying trees to be retained. A "retained tree" means an existing tree, shrub or hedge which is to be as shown as retained on the approved plans and particulars; and paragraphs (a) and (b) below shall have effect until the expiration of 5 years from the date of the occupation of the building for its permitted use.

(a) No retained tree shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained tree be topped or lopped other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars, without the written approval of the local planning authority. Any topping or lopping approved shall be carried out in accordance with British Standard 5387 (Trees in relation to construction)

(b) If any retained tree is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree shall be planted at the same place and that tree shall be of such size and species, and shall be planted at such time, as may be specified in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason - In order avoid damage to trees/shrubs adjacent to and within the site, which are of important amenity value to the area and in order to protect the character of the area, in accordance with Policies 2.4 and 2.6 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

12) All tree work should be carried out by a competent contractor in accordance with British Standard BS 3998 "Recommendations for Tree Work".

Reason - In order avoid damage to trees/shrubs adjacent to and within the site, which are of important amenity value to the area and in order to protect the character of the area, in accordance with Policies 2.4 and 2.6 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

13) The wheels of contractors vehicles leaving the site shall be cleaned and the access roads leading to the site swept daily in accordance with a management scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority prior to any works commencing on site.

Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

Reason - In the interest of pedestrian and highway safety, as specified in policy H2.2 and E3.5 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

14) Before the development commences detailed drawings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority relating to the provision of satisfactory pedestrian and vehicular visibility splays to the site access from Plymouth Grove and Swinton Grove. The development shall then be fully implemented in accordance with these details unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Reason - In the interests of pedestrian and highway safety pursuant to policy E3.5 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

15) Before the first occupation of any of the accommodation associated with the uses hereby authorised, a Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council as local planning authority, which details the provision travel information to potential visitors, including details of how to reach the meeting and exhibition space using public transport and the availability and location of local car parking facilities.

Reason - In the interests of residential amenity and to promote measures to promote alternatives to the use of private transport pursuant to Policy H2.2 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 2.30 of the Guide to Development in Manchester 2: Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance

16) The development hereby authorised does not confer planning permission for the installation of any externally mounted extraction, air conditioning or fume and vapour extraction equipment.

Reason - In the interests of residential amenity and to safeguard the character of the listed building pursuant to policies H2.2 and DC19 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

17) All excavation works within 4.8 metres to base of any retained shall be undertaken by hand in accordance with a method statement submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority. The works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved statement unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Reason - In order avoid damage to trees/shrubs adjacent to and within the site which are of important amenity value to the area pursuant to policies H2.1, H2.2 and E2.7 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

18) Before the first occupation of any of the accommodation associated with the uses hereby authorised, a scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the City Council as local planning authority, relating to the maintenance of hard and soft landscaping within the site. The scheme shall be fully undertaken in accordance with the scheme unless otherwise approved in writing.

Reason - In the interests of residential amenity and to maintain the setting of the listed building to Policy H2.2 and DC19 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

The documents referred to in the course of this report are either contained in the file(s) relating to application ref: 087174/FO/2008/N2 held by planning or are City Council planning policies, the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester, national planning guidance documents, or relevant decisions on other applications or appeals, copies of which are held by the Planning Division.

The following residents, businesses and other third parties in the area were consulted/notified on the application:

Chief Executive's Landscape Practice Group Engineering Services Environmental Health Environment & Operations (Trees) Greater Manchester Police South Manchester Regeneration 7 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 2 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF 5 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 6 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 3 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 4 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 1 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 2 Radlett Walk, Manchester, M13 9EE 7 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF Flat 1, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 17, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 3, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 11, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 16, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 10, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 20, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 9, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 2, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 13, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 7, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 8, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 6, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 5, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 18, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 15, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 4, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 14, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 19, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW Flat 12, Cranford Court, 82 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW 5 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF 8 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF 3 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF 6 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF 1 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF Manchester City Council List No. 14 Planning and Highways 23 October 2008

4 Dulford Walk, Manchester, M13 9EF Flat 9, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 11, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 4, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 15, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 7, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 14, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 12, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 3, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 16, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 10, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 8, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 1, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 5, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 6, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU Flat 2, 2-4, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU 84 Plymouth Grove, Manchester, M13 9LW

Representations were received from the following third parties:

Chief Executive's Landscape Practice Group Engineering Services Environmental Health Environment & Operations (Trees) Greater Manchester Police South Manchester Regeneration

Relevant Contact Officer : Carl Glennon Telephone number : 0161 234 4530 Email : [email protected]