1 2 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Level : 1 (Beginners Level) Age Group : 7 and 8 years Prerequisite : Basic Reading and Writing skills. Completion of Yassarnal Qur’an Course Objectives: This syllabus is designed for the two years’ program of Level-1for children of age 7 and 8 year. It is based on the Ahmadiyya Children Sunday School ‘Curriculum’ Document created by National Department of T`alim Canada. Therefore it is advised to always refer to the ‘Curriculum’ document provided while implementing this syllabus. The level 1 class is designed to provide fundamental and basic knowledge of Islam-Ahmadiyyat that will enable students to understand and appreciate this wonderful religion. This course level will be dealing with the Holy Qur’an, Salāt, Ahadith, Prayers and General Religious Knowledge. After successful completion of this level, the student will have beginner’s level knowledge and will be able to: demonstrate the recitation of the Holy Qur’an properly. memorize Surah Fatiha and last 5 chapters with translation. correctly perform Wudhu and offer Salāt with some knowledge of related details such as prayer names, timings and number of Raka`āt, etiquettes of mosque, Eid and Friday prayers. demonstrate introductory level knowledge of basic principles of Islam- Ahmadiyyat including pillars of Islam, Articles of Faith and simple social, moral and family values. Memorize the following with translation and basic understanding of the concept: o Five Prayers (from the Holy Qur’an & prayers of the Holy Prophetsa) o Five Ahadith. For any questions and concerns, please contact: Email:
[email protected] 3 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praise belongs to Allah the Almighty who has enabled us to compile and publish this syllabus for Ahmadiyya Children Sunday School Canada.