August 30, 2016

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August 30, 2016 University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 8-30-2016 August 30, 2016 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "August 30, 2016" (2016). Daily Mississippian. 998. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact Tuesday, August 30, 2016 THE DAILY Volume 105, No. 7 THEMISSISSIPPIAN STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SERVING OLE MISS AND OXFORD SINCE 1911 Visit @thedm_news You say tomato, we say get in Freeze, Kelly ready to face WHAT’S INSIDE... my belly. Check out these deli- Florida State Seminoles this Rising prices, dwindling cious (and easy) tomato recipes. weekend in Orlando. availability hinders parents looking for childcare. SEE NEWS PAGE 3 SEE LIFESTYLES PAGE 6 SEE SPORTS PAGE 7 Students, faculty raise campus questions at town hall grow endowment funds to $1 BLAKE ALSUP billion and asked, “What steps need to be taken to reach that nly six people asked goal?” Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said that for five years Vitter questions in a row, the university has during the first uni- made a great accomplishment in Oversity-wide town hall meet- raising more than $100 million, ing Monday, which attracted but that a lot of those funds have more than 100 attendees, but gone to infrastructure needs. the queries touched on several “Building buildings are im- controversial campus issues. mediate uses of that money as Students and faculty ques- opposed to going to an endow- tioned Vitter about increased ment, which through interest enrollment, the removal of Con- churns out funds each year,” federate anthem “Dixie” from Vitter said. “I, personally, would football games, the removal of hope that we can build up our the state flag on campus in 2015, endowment to a higher level in increasing international en- that billion dollar range.” gagement on campus and grow- Vitter asked that attendees ing the university’s endowment share their views and sugges- to reach the $1 billion goal. tions about topics like academic One freshman asked if “stu- excellence, healthy and vibrant dents will ever be allowed a communities, athletic excel- voice in the song ‘Dixie’ ever be- lence, and people, places and ing played.” resources. Vitter said unanimous agree- Students were asked to write ment between athletics leader- down improvements they saw ship, senior administration, the for each category and how to Associated Student Body, alum- make those ideas a reality. ni and the band in 2015 discon- These suggestions were taped to tinued playing of the song. whiteboards on all sides of the “I respect the process that it room, and Vitter said the sug- went through and the decision gestions will be posted online that athletics made,” Vitter said. later. “People love Dixie. It’s a beau- Allen Coon, a junior public tiful song. For some people, it policy major, asked two ques- evokes pride, as it does for me. tions about student voices in the For some people, it can be hurt- Chancellor’s Advisory Commit- ful. Let’s create the right culture tee on History and Context and and the right songs that bring us about the expansion of mental health and psychological ser- together and move us forward.” PHOTOS BY: MARLEE CRAWFORD vices for LGBTQ students on One participant from the au- TOP: Attendees of the town hall put their suggestions for how to improve Ole Miss on boards around the room at the town hall dience talked about the need to meeting on Monday. BOTTOM: Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter answers questions posed during the Q&A portion of the town hall meeting SEE TOWN HALL PAGE 4 Monday afternoon in the Inn at Ole Miss. Campus partisan clubs support presidential candidates AUSTIN HILLE university’s College Demo- stand behind their respective crats. nominees for the upcoming The Ole Miss College Repub- election, they also understand licans take a similar stance as some of the hesitations stu- This year’s election cycle the College Democrats, rally- dents from both parties may has drawn controversy from ing behind their nominee de- have when it comes to voting both Republican and Demo- spite controversies that sur- in November. cratic sides of the aisle. round him. “I think there are concerns While there are many voters “We are under the Missis- for any presidential candi- who remain true to their party sippi Federation of College date, especially one who has commitment, many are hav- Republicans, and as an or- been in the public sphere for ing a hard time fully backing ganization we have endorsed so long,” Kemp said. “The their party’s nominee. Donald Trump,” Luke Philips, camera has always been on “I can’t speak for my mem- president of the College Re- [her] for the past 20 years or bership as of yet. But, as far publicans student organiza- so. So, definitely more is go- as I am concerned, I feel as tion on campus, said. “Ole ing to come out about her. But if we are firmly in support of Miss College Republicans has I still feel like she is the most [Hillary Clinton] over Donald endorsed Trump as well, so qualified candidate when you Trump for president,” said we are supporting him.” Arin Kemp, president of the And although both parties ILLUSTRATIONS BY: JAKE THRASHER SEE CANDIDATES PAGE 3 OPINION THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 30 AUGUST 2016 | PAGE 2 COLUMN Ole Miss needs better sexual harassment prevention agenda for this semester. Most tors of what is defined as sexual terials are frequently counterin- I do not doubt that the Sig- people seem content with this harassment. If any of the Sig- tuitive because they claim that ma Chi members regret their change, even the students who ma Chi speakers who made the everything should be plainly comments or that the university originally raised the issue; how- comments had been taken aside and openly stated, an excellent truly believes this new course of ever, I am fairly skeptical. before the incident occurred policy aside from the fact that action has great potential, and According to the United and asked, “Would you sexual- large amounts, if not a majori- I am not advocating a return to States Department of Justice, ly harass a female?” I have no ty, of human communication is the original conditions of the the rate of sexual harassment doubt their answer would have nonverbal. punishment. Instead, I simply for women 12 years of age and been an emphatic “No!” Besides that, such materials believe the resources available older declined 64 percent from And that is the problem. are growing more and more will not be useful. 1995 to 2005. This statistic at People do not fully under- frequent, which I can certainly Do I think the Greek system the very least demonstrates stand exactly what makes one say has caused me to become can be pulled out of its stereo- that opening a dialogue about legally liable under Title IX desensitized to the severity of typical reputation for insensi- ETHAN DAVIS the topic has made people more obligations, despite numerous the issue, and I imagine others tivity? Absolutely. I believe hard aware and responsive to sexual attempts of training and edu- feel the same. It is much like work involving genuine discus- harassment and its effects. My cation. The problem with stan- the lecture your parents gave so sion and sincerity for the top- Recently, the university has concern lies in that there is an dard education materials is that many times that you can prac- ic can make long, meaningful altered punishments placed extreme difference between they provide absolutely no con- tically quote it: You have heard strides toward eradicating sexu- upon the Sigma Chi fraterni- having genuine discussions nection to someone examining it too much, and it is no longer al harassment for good. Do I be- ty for misogynistic comments about the dignity of humans them. Reading a fictional sce- effective. lieve the new Sigma Chi terms made during its annual Derby and force-feeding educational nario where two people with fic- The solution to people not will lead to that? Absolutely not. Days event. The new terms al- materials to people who are ul- tional-sounding names partic- listening is not to say more and low Sigma Chi more freedom timately disinterested. ipate in fictional activities does more or talk louder and louder; Ethan Davis is a junior phi- than originally granted on the Speaking from my own en- not prompt anyone to engage it is to change the discussion, losophy and English double grounds that they must take up counters with students regard- in introspection or make the to say something different, to major from Laurel. a sexual harassment education ing such issues, people simply broader connections necessary make people realize that this is- do not think they are perpetra- for effective change. Such ma- sue affects them. EDITORIAL STAFF: The Daily Mississippian is published Monday ADVERTISING SALES PATRICIA THOMPSON through Friday during the academic year, on CLARA TURNAGE LANA FERGUSON MANAGER Assistant Dean, Student days when classes are scheduled. editor-in-chief managing editor Ben Napoletan Media and Daily Mississippian Faculty Adviser Contents do not represent the official opinions LYNDY BERRYHILL MCKENNA WIERMAN S.
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