BOC Minutes 05-17-2005
Washington County, Oregon Board of Commissioners last updated: January 18, 2005 MINUTES WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MAY 17, 2005 CONVENED: 10:09 a.m. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Chairman Tom Brian Vice Chair Andy Duyck Commissioner Dick Schouten Commissioner John Leeper Commissioner Roy Rogers (Participated by telephone from out-of-town conference) STAFF: Charles D. Cameron, County Administrator Dan Olsen, County Counsel Chris Gilmore, Assistant County Counsel Kathy Lehtola, Director, LUT Brent Curtis, Planning Division Manager, LUT Mark Brown, Land Development Manager, LUT Suzanne Savin, Senior Planner, LUT Paul Schaefer, Senior Planner, LUT Steve Conway, Senior Planner, LUT Terry Lawler, Senior Planner Rural, LUT Greg Miller, County Engineer Bob Cruz, Deputy General Manager, CWS Patt Opdyke, CPO Coordinator Jeff Friend, Audiovisual Specialist Barbara Hejtmanek, Recording Secretary PRESS: Dick Colby, The Oregonian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 26, 2005 (Approved as corrected) May 3, 2005 1. CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Brian announced the following awards of bid: On item p., there is award of bid for Project A to Gonzales Boring and Tunneling in the amount of $214,939.00 On item q., there is award of bid for Project B to Eagle-Elsner, Inc. in the amount of $377,142.50. On item r., there is award of bid for Project C to Eagle-Elsner, Inc. in the amount of $95,653.25. On item s., there is award of bid for Project D to Kerr Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $270,034.25. On item x., there is award of bid to Blackline in the amount of $745,184.53.
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