mandriva download iso 32 bit is a community developed that combines elegance and ease of use. Xubuntu is an elegant and easy to use operating system. Xubuntu comes with Xfce, which is a stable, light and configurable . Xubuntu is perfect for those who want the most out of their desktops, laptops and netbooks with a modern look and enough features for efficient, daily usage. It works well on older hardware too. Xubuntu 21.04. Xubuntu 21.04 "Hirsute Hippo" was released in April 2021. The stable release is supported until January 2022. For environments requiring stability and long-term support, Xubuntu 20.04 LTS is supported until April 2023. Official Xubuntu products. Xubuntu products from stickers to clothing are available to order worldwide from our officially endorsed vendors. Get yours now! Xubuntu 21.04 Testing Week. We’re delighted to announce that we’re participating in another ‘ Testing Week’ from April 1st to April 7th with other flavours in the Ubuntu family. On April 1st, the beta version of Xubuntu 21.04 ‘Hirsute Hippo’ will be released after halting all new changes to its features, and documentation. Between April 1st and […] Xubuntu is now on GitHub! On Tuesday, May 18th, the Xubuntu Team voted to migrate some of our infrastructure away from Launchpad to GitHub for code hosting, while translations are now on Transifex. Here’s a summary of the changes: We have a new GitHub organization, under the Xubuntu name. Each subteam has an equivalent in the new organization. All codebases […] The Team Blog. Find more articles about all things related to Xubuntu and its development in the team blog! Mandriva Linux One. A complete and live Mandriva Linux system that runs directly from a bootable medium. Mandriva Linux One is an open source operating system based on the RPM and derived from the main edition of the now deprecated Mandriva . It’s distributed as 32-bit GNOME and KDE Live CDs. The Once edition of Mandriva is distributed as a GNOME and KDE Live CDs that include software packages optimized only for the 32-bit (i586) instruction set architecture. There are ten Live CDs in total available for download (see below for details). Supports a wide range of languages. Each of the two editions mentioned above are available for various regions of the world. For example, there are three KDE Live CDs available for Europe, two for Asia and one for Europe and America. On the other hand, the GNOME Live CD edition is available for Africa, Asia, America and two European regions. All the Live CDs include the same boot menu. The good thing about this distribution is that all the aforementioned Live CDs include the same boot menu, designed to allow you to start the live system or install a new one, as well as to boot an existing operating system from the local drive. What’s in the GNOME Live CDs. The GNOME edition of Mandriva Linux One is built around the GNOME Classic desktop environment, which uses a two-panel layout, and includes powerful and useful applications, such as Mozilla Firefox, Ekiga, Empathy, Evolution,, GIMP, , and many others. What’s in the KDE4 Live CDs. On the other hand, the KDE edition of Mandriva Linux One is built around the KDE Plasma desktop environment and comes pre-loaded with various KDE-specific applications like Amarok, KMail, Akregator or Kopete. It is no longer under active development. As its version suggests, the Mandriva Linux One distribution was last released on 2010 and it is no longer supported with security patches or software updates. For a more recent Mandriva-based distribution, we strongly suggest to follow the OpenMandriva project. OpenMandriva Is Dropping 32-Bit Support, OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 Is the Last One. Powered by the Linux 4.13.12 kernel, OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 is an enhancement to the previous OpenMandriva Lx 3 releases, adding major improvements to the boot process. The OS also uses the Mesa 17.2.3 graphics stack with S3TC support enabled, the X.Org Server 1.19.5 display server, and systemd 234 init system. On the user-visible side of changes, OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 ships with the KDE Plasma 5.10.5 desktop environment and KDE Frameworks 5.39.0 software stack, along with the latest Firefox Quantum web browser compiled with LLVM/Clang 5.0.0 and Calamares 3.1.8 as default graphical installer. OpenMandriva is dropping 32-bit support. OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 is also the last release of the operating system to support 32-bit installations, as the OpenMandriva team is planning on dropping 32-bit support from the operating system with their next major release coming in 2018, though some 32-bit apps like wine32 will be supported via i586 libraries. "This release will be the last in the 3.x series and also the last to support i586," reads today's announcement. "We realize that this marks the end of support for OpenMandriva 2014 and for some this will be a sad day as it was a fine release. Don’t be sad though; come on and join us in the world of Gee Whiz Linux and install Lx 3.03." Until then, you can download OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 for either 64-bit or 32-bit systems right now from our website and enjoy a great Mandriva operating system on your personal computer. Existing OpenMandriva Lx 3 users can upgrade to version 3.03 using the built-in update system and package manager. Операционная система. — это полноценная свободная операционная система! Почему Debian. Что делает Debian таким особенным. Пользовательская поддержка. Получить помощь и документацию. Обновления безопасности. Анонсы безопасности Debian (DSA) Больше. Дополнительные ссылки на загрузку и ПО. Новости проекта. Новости и анонсы о Debian. Чтобы сообщить о проблеме, связанной с веб-сайтом, отправьте сообщение (на английском) в публичный список рассылки по адресу [email protected]. Об ошибках в русском переводе сообщайте в русскоязычный список рассылки debian-l10n- [email protected]. Прочую контактную информацию см. на странице Как с нами связаться. Также доступен исходный код сайта. Последнее изменение: Птн, 6 Авг 2021, 23:24:49 UTC Последняя сборка: Сбт, 7 Авг 2021, 00:06:06 UTC Авторские права © 1997-2021 SPI и другие; См. условия лицензии Debian является зарегистрированным товарным знаком компании Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (Программное обеспечение в интересах общества) Statutes. This is the translation of the French statutes, for convenience. French version is however the only legal document. Article 1 - Creation. An association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 as amended is formed between the members of the present statutes. Article 2 - Legal. The association takes the name: OpenMandriva. Article 3 - Purpose of the Association. The purpose of the association OpenMandriva is: the creation, enhancement, promotion and distribution of and open source in general, and in particular OpenMandriva projects; promoting free exchange of knowledge and access to all software and development, for personal, commercial, educational or scientific use. Article 4 - Seat. The address of the seat of the Association is specified in the Bylaws. By default it is located at the President’s address. It is transferable by decision of the Administration Council. Article 5 - Duration. The duration of the Association is unlimited. Article 6 - Members. Can become Member any natural or legal entity interested by the purpose of the Association. The Association consists of: Founding members who participated in the Constituent Assembly; Honorary members approved by the General Assembly; Members approved by the Administration Council; Members representing a Local Community of Users ; Members representing a team. The approval decision of Members is neither motivated nor appealable. The membership is lost by: Death; Resignation; A decision of exclusion of the Administration Council neither motivated nor appealable after the member concerned has been asked to submit its observations. Article 7 - Administration and representation. 7.1 - Administration Council. The association is governed by an Administration Council vested with the broadest powers to perform all acts falling within the purpose of the Association that are not reserved to the General Assembly or the President. The Administration Council is composed of major members elected by the Ordinary General Assembly for a term of two years renewable. In case of vacancy, the Council provides temporary replacement or Member (s) failed in anticipation of the next General Assembly. Each Director may be removed by decision of the Ordinary General Assembly. The revocation decision is neither motivated nor appealable, and occurs after the person has been invited to submit its observations. The Administration Council: Decides on the admission or exclusion of members, except Honorary Members, Convene Assemblies, including the Annual General Assembly within six months after the end of the financial year, Appoints in its own the President and the Bureau Supervises, controls and directs the activities of the President, Approves the consolidated budget and authorizes purchases, transfers and rental for the operation of the Association. Approve or reject amendments to the Bylaws submitted by members. Any amendment to the Bylaws has to be approved unanimously by the Council. The deliberations of the Administration Council on property acquisitions, exchanges and transfers necessary for the purposes of the association, taking mortgages on these properties, on leases exceeding nine years, transfers of ownership and loans must be approved a priori by the Ordinary General Assembly. 7.2 - The President and the Bureau. The Association is represented by a President elected by the Administration Council from among its members by a majority of votes. The President may be assisted by Administrators elected under the same conditions as Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer. Article 8 - Bylaws. The bylaws complete and accurate the statutes. They are applicable to any Member upon approval by the Administration Council. Article 9 - Resources. The association can receive all legally authorized resources, including entrance fees and subscriptions, grants and donations. Article 10 - General Assemblies. Members may be present at: Ordinary General Assembly; Extraordinary General Assembly acting by qualified majority of two thirds of the votes cast with a quorum of Members present or represented. In the absence of a quorum, a second Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened within two weeks, without a quorum. General Assemblies meet at the initiative of the Board or Directors or fourth quarter of the Members. The Ordinary General Assembly shall decide on: Approval of Honorary Members; The appointment and removal of Administrators; The annual report presented by the Administration Council; Any decision of the Administration Council for the acquisition of property, transfer and disposal necessary for the association, mortgaging a property, the lease for a period exceeding nine years, alienation ownership and borrowing. The Extraordinary General Assembly shall decide on: Amendments to the Articles; The dissolution of the Association. The Procedures of vote of extraordinary General meeting only consist in referendum. The notice is sent 30 days in advance: Statutes may be amended if two thirds of the present members are in favour of such amendment. The dissolution may be pronounced if two third of the present members are in favour. Article 11 - Dematerialized Communications. All Assemblies and Decisions intervention may be dematerialized according to a procedure established by the Bylaws. Article 12 Jurisdiction. The Association is represented in court by its President or by any agent that will specially designated. The jurisdiction for all actions concerning the association is the court where the association has its seat. Article 13 Dissolution. The Extraordinary General Assembly shall appoint one or more liquidators to vesting of assets of an association pursuing a similar goal. In the absence of such an association Extraordinary General Assembly means an association of a social nature. The liquidators perform all declarations and formalities of publication provided by the laws and regulations.