

Tht Kegiatet Ha* tb« International Ngr* Servica tWir* and Kail), the N. C. W. C. New* Service Unclnding ^dio* and Cable*), Back From the Dead Walked It* Own Special Serrlee. Lamen Service of China, international niuatrated New*, and N, C. W, C. Picture Service. Listening In parents at Masontown, Pa. The boy, shown with his mother, ran away two years ago. A body in'Kentucky was identified as his, and Local E jIthics Taught the parents buried it at Masontown. Donald, hesitant at returning Local home, visited the Very Rev. Francis J. Kolb, of All Saints' Edition We met William. Gay a few church, who had “buried” him. The priest prevailed upon him to Edition days agq. We were entering go home. His mother fainted when he walked in the door. Carroll college in Helena, Mont., and saw him quite THE By Religion plainly, through a window. He was emaciated looking; in fact he had no flesh at all on his bones. He had been re­ duced to a skeleton. A few Are Forgotten moments later, we entered REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) the biological department and there hung William, in an at­ VOL. XIV. No. 21 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1938 T W O C EN TS ‘Give. Ordinary American Real mosphere filled i with acid smells, and with jars of frogs, Hitler Eyes Crown of Charlemagne Murdered Missioner Stake’ in U. S., Pleads Most snakes, foetuses, | and , other things dear to the biologist’s Rev. Edward A. Mooney heart, all in the same room. AUSTRIAN PRIESTS WORK We were shown a card, then, that told the stor^ of Mr. Gay. Detroit.—The principles dominating economic life for It was printed in 1895 and FOR REAL SPIRITUALITY the last 150 years have been in flat contradiction to the was an invitation to his hang­ ethics of both Christianity and Judaism, Archbishop Ed­ ing. V ward Mooney told 600 members of the Economic club here. Amsterdam.—As priests of Aus­ International News service from Condemning the hardness, cruelty, and relentlessness of tria go about their work of pro­ Paris. Only reason for this trans­ The frontier West, it seems, moting real spirituality among fer of the trapping of the original modem economics. Archbishop Mooney called for a re­ was romantic even about its their people, Adolf Hitler is clam­ co-ordinator of Central Europe is treat from the “trend that is running towards the forma­ hangings. Two men were to bering to the heights of human thought to be Hitler’s plan to en­ tion of an American proletariate—a propertyless, wage­ vanity with thoughts of assuming throne himself as Adolf I in a line earning class” and told his hearers be strung up, Mr. Gay, who the magnificent crown of Charle­ of Brawnshirt emperors. to “give the‘ ordinary industrious was White, and another, who magne as emperor of Germany DR. FUNDER American a real stake in America.’’ was Colored. The card started and Austria. So say reports from Giving the ordinary man a stake 3 Missjoners European capitals. ARRESTED IN VIENNA off with a fairly long poem, Washington, D. C.—Dr. Fred­ in the nation, he said, “means not badly written but just a New official instructions issued eric Funder, Austrian correspond- more than a living wage, even on to the clergy of the Archdioeese (Turn to Page g ■—Column 6) an annual basis; it nteans an op­ trifle ghastly under the cilh- of Vienna pointedly avoid* any portunity to secure ownership pro­ Are Slain in cumstances. It told about the favorable words about the Nazi portionate to a man’s ability and sadpess of this world and all party and refer to the political willingness to acquire in a fair that sort of tiling. Down at change in Austria as “a ^ e a t task Thousands of way. Only in a practical working given us by God in His eternal towards that ideal lies real prog­ African Raid the ,bottom was the. informa- Providence.” The priests of Vi­ ress, and, I might add, real safety tioni about where and when enna are instructed to preach the Catholics Listed for America. . . Mr. Gay and his companion Spent 14 Years as President of Mission Aid whole of the Gospel and the unre­ “The ethical view of economics .—Three Italian mission­ stricted doctrine of the Church, to The Rev. Jose Arnolds, O.P., 34- aries have been slain by bandits would be hanged. year-old missionary with the Pe­ not only emphasizes the lesson of avoid political discussions in the In New Dioceses history; it points-the way to carry in the Vicariate Apostolic of Har- pulpit, to consider their words ruvian Indians in the Urubamba Judge Talley Qives Up and M a d r e de Dios vicariate it out. It highlights the human, rar, Africa, says word from the Now the skeleton is studied rather than atone for them, to the reasonable, Ihe sonse of duty, by earnest young men who promote the participation of the The reorganization of ecclesias­ apostolic since 1932, was assassi­ Most Rev. James Ossola, O.M.Cap., laity in Catholic Action, to make tical territories in the past year nated by Inapari Indians and part the spirit of considerateness in Vicar Apostolic. are learning how fearfully in the puts many of his corpse was recently found rich and poor, .in employer and no compromise with any power on employe. . . . Five missionaries met at’ the vil­ and wonderfully all life is Marquette League Post matters of religious principle. thousands of persons under new in the Madre de Dios river. He is lage of Endeber, near ,=Guraghe. shown here instructing a little In­ Conference With Pope Recalled made. We have not yet de­ ‘Keep Out of Politic*’ Episcopal leadership. The individ- Three of them. Father Gabriel, New York.—In the 14 years Fargis was made treasurer to suc­ ual figures for the five‘ new d llo- dian girl of the Toyeris tribe, near “Less than two months ago I Father Theophilus, and Brother cided what gave u s . the Bishop Johann Gfoellner of had the privilege of discussing this greater shock— Mr. Gay’s that Judge Alfred J. Talley was ceed the new president. Linz has told all his priests to keep ceses established are as follows: the frontier between Peru and Peter, were attached to the Ende­ president of the Marquette League Judge Talley has been a member strictly out of politics, to refer Diocese of Camden, N. J. (census Bolivia. (N. C.-Fides photo.) (Turn to Page g — Column 7) ber mission. The other two, Fa­ naked bones or when the of the league since its foundation, of 1936), 105,246; Diocese of thers Angelicus and Cyril, were for Catholic Indian Missions, the any trouble with the Nazi party learned young priest profes' president since 1924. His out­ to the Bishop, to display the Paterson, N. J., data not available Former Diplomat Defends Cardinal stationed at Ennemor and Gumer. sor stuck his hand down into league sent more than .$1,000,000 standing work won for him the swastika “if the State so orders,” at time of printing the Official Amhara and Galla bandits, dis­ a crock and brought up a to missions among the Redmen 1937 De Smet medal given .by and to go about their religious Catholic Directory; Diocese of guised , in Askari uniforms, and erected more than 60 chapels. Lonzaga university. Judge Talley mission with all zeal. Owensboro, Ky., 24,059; Diocese swooped down into the village. huge frog whose abdomen Named to succeed Judge Talley and his wife are donors of a beau­ of Lansing, Mich., 67,270; Diocese AMERICANISM BASED ON Hitler has taken Charlemagne’s Father Theophilus, who was out­ had been cut open to reveal as president of the league at the tiful mission chapel at McCartys, of Saginaw, Mich., figures ' not side the hou^e, was captured and annual board meeting here, Victor N. Mex. crown, sword, and other regalia available. The new Diocese of San what; was inside. Like Mr. from Vienna to Berlin, reports the killed. Father Angelicus, hearing F. Ridder takes up the reins of Mr. Ridder’s financial report for Diego, Calif., has 137,763. shots, ran to the window and was Gay, the frog, of course, was league affairs after 17 years as a the year ending April 30 shows an CATHOLIC PRINCIPLES dead. We cannot describe how mortally wounded in the head. director and -after a successful income of $55,000, of which $42,- New Basilica to House Brother Peter, discovered hiding (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) term as treasurer. George B. 000 has already been sent to the in the refectory, was killed by a Indian missions. Father Bernard PBIEST'S EimOll Body of Polish Martyr Washington. — Americanism is what it called the Cardinal’s belief A. Cullen, director general, re­ London.—When the body of based on principles taken straight that “it is the duty of the State bullet fired at close range. The Poland’s recently canonized mar­ from Catholicism, says former to enforce what the Church de­ other two missionaries succeeded ported the completion of two n^w in making good their escape to the chapels in the year—one at Holy tyr, St. Andrew Bobola, is carried Diplomat William Franklin Sands, clares to be true and to suppress Family mission an the Blackfeet by Polish pilgrims from Rome to a Catholic, in a letter to the editor what the Church declares to be dense undergrowth as the bandits Article V Repeal Is reservation in Molntana, the other WUCHIJEW its native soil, it will rest in a of the Christian Century, inter­ false or dangerous.” Mr. Sands set fire to the mission buildings. on the Spokane reservation new Basilica built for that pur­ denominational weekly published replies: Washington. pose..___ Churcl)___ , and______State will ... ^oin -.in Chicago. Mr. Sands writes in "Catholics hold that there 4s no in celebrttting'-the''IfeturTTot IRif refutation of the magazine’s cefn- true ffeedom which is not based on NUNS SLAIN IN HITtECIHCir relics, which were stolen by Bol­ demnatlon of Cardinal Villeneuve firm Christian principles, that F ought by N . d w .C . Catholic Girl E^st in shevists and exhibited in Lenin- of as “an enemy of free­ true democracy is not possible ex­ CHINA, REPORT Airmail P o ^ r Contest grad .until Papal negotiations re­ dom” and “no true American.” cept on the basis of Christian prim Washington. — The National Indianapolis. — (Special)—Fa­ turned them to Rome in 1923. The Christian Century attacked ciples, and that the basic concepts Shanghai.—A- French Francis­ stitution makes no provision for New Yo,rk<—(INS)—The prize ther John F. MeShane, pastor of of Americanism are not only Catholic Welfare Conference is recordiag the refusal of a state to for th c^est poster in National can report of the shooting of a opposed to repeal of Article V of fil week went to a girl, a St. Bridget’s church here, made a Religious Zeal at High Point in Mexico Christian, but flowed into our priest at Changlo, Shantung, prov­ the United States constitution, ratify an amendment, and because mistake when he gave the last founding through men who ince,. said three Chinese Catholic of this the adverse vote of 2^ fventh-grade pupil in a Portland, rites of the Church to an uncon- brought them straight down from which regulates the manner of states on this amendment cpuld Ore., parochial school. She is Rose­ united Christendom, which was sisters, two servants, and twp girls amending the constitution. The mary Niederle, whose poster was sedous Jew in City hospital, but preparing to become nuni also N.C.W.C.’s opposition to a senate not be promulgated he also made a convert. The Catholic. . . . Historically, our were killed. as final by the United States secre­ selected from those of the winners priest’s strange tale is told in a ^CatacomU Schools American fundamental political resolution that would repeal Ar­ of the state contests. A Japanese military report had ticle V is expressed in a letter tary of state. The dekty, therefore, copyrighted pamphlet. principles (perhaps more truly is manifestly d u e^^h e failure of When Father MeShane was than with any other people) are said Father Frederick Fourre was written to Senator Henry F. Rochester Twins Take shot dead by a Japanese-controlled Ashurst, chairman of the senate the constitution to provide for the called to City hospital to adminis­ consonant with Catholicism. His­ defeat of any amendment.,. . ter to the victim of an accident, Draw Thousands torically, demonstrably, they de­ Chinese Peace Preservation corps judiciary committee, by William Garb of Mercy Sisters member because ■» he interfered F. Montavon, director of the N.C. “The resolution reduces from Rochester, N. Y.—Mary and he found' two men—both uncon­ rive from Catholic philosophy.” scious, both dressed for the oper­ Chicago.— (Special)—The num­ Daily News after a visit to Mexico. “Catholicism has nothing to do with the soldier and fired a re­ W.C. Legal department. three-fourths to two-thirds the Margaret Crajie, twin sisters from In Mexico City itself, says Lahey, volver. “ number of states required to ratify. St. Vincent de Paul’s parish. Corn­ ating room, both strangers to him. ber of secret day schools con­ with forms of 'government Ns Mr. Montavon refutes the con­ Inquiry revealed that both had ducted in Mexico hy Catholics at least 10,(M)0 children attend such,” Mr. Sands’ letter continues. The Franciscan report said that By doing this, it pretends to do ing, N. Y., took the garb of the tbe Catholic “catacomb” schools. tention that passage of the resolu­ away with the possibility that one- Sisters Of Mercy at a ceremony in been hurt in the same accident, who refuse to have their children “It is concerned with the essential the priest was endeavoring to keep tion is necessary to prevent harm­ (Tum to Page 2 — Column 3) the motherhouse chapel here. and the priest, still not sure which exposed to the vicious Socialistic In other cities the number is underlying principles of the na­ the corps detachment froift enter­ ful delay in ratifying amend­ was the Catholic, gave the Last propaganda of the government proportionate. ture of man, the inherent, essen- ing the Changlo convent, which is ments: Sacraments to both to make sure schools is limited only by the Operation of the schools is a (Tumto Page g — Column 1) conducted by Chinese sisters. “The record does not sustain F. J. Hogan Rose From Tenement Home he got the right one. ability of their supporters to ob­ direct defiance of the law requir­ this contention. Amendments , Next day he called on the two tain safe premises for classes and ing all children to attend the which have been ratified up to the men at the hospital. There he to maintain teachers. So says public institutions, and supporters 40,000 Expected at Colleges* Sessions present have been ratified within CATHOLIC LAWYER WILL found Dugan and Iroski, both con­ Edwin A. Lahey in a special of the system expose themselves a few months after their submis­ scious now and both glad to see article written for the Chicago to expropriation of their homes sion to the states by congress. The him. A visit to Dugan revealed if they are caught. Instructors only proposed amendmgpts that the Catholic all right. Iroski include a few Marist Brothers, a 110 Catholic Schools have remained long pending be­ HEAD BAR ASSOCIATION greeted the priest’s revelation Roman Rota Votes number of teachers who gave up fore the states have been amend­ that both had been given the last their State certificates rather than ments which the required number rites of the Church with: “You Only 20 Weddings sign the Socialist pledge demanded of states were unwilling to ratify. Washington.— (INS)—Frank J. | degree in 1925. He is now pi have unknowingly made your by the government, and young The advocates of this resolution Hogan, 61, who, when a boy, dent of the Georgetown Alumni worst mistake—and maybe your Women of the educated, class. No Plan Sumimer Terms Null in One Year teacher in these schools earns point to the mis-called ‘child labor played in the dead-end streets of association. best one.” He then told how he amendment’ as an example of the Mr. Hogan was president of the had been a'ttracted to Catholicism more than one-fifth of whpt the delay which they would do away Brooklyn’s tenement district, will in his youth in Poland and ho Vatican City.—Thb Sacred Ro­ public institutions pay. Equip­ Washington. — That Catholic 1937;” “History—The , Constitu, District of Columbia Bar associa­ man Rota upheld the validity of 36 with. be the next president of the Amer­ tion in 1932-33 after heading the he had always intended some da^ ment is crude and space is at a educators are wide awake to needs tion and the Church in the United “The record shows that between ican Bar association. The noted Washington Lawyers’ club in 1930- to join the Church. That day he marriages and declared the nullity premium, but a full curriculum is of the times is shown by summer States;” “Library Science in a July, 1924, and March, 1927, this Catholic lawyer was nominated at was baptized and given his of 20 in 1937, says its report in the maintained behind locked and Changing Social Order;”^ ‘Educa- 31. Sii)ce 1933 he has been a Acta Apostolicae Sedis. In 1936, session plans made by JIO Cath­ amendment was rejected by both a meeting of the association’s member of the executive commit­ First Communion, Extreme Unc­ barred doors. Children have two olic colleges and universities in tional and Vocational Guidance;” houses of the legislatures of con­ state delegates here. Nomination tion,. and the Apostolic blessing there were 23 annulments and in sets of books, one in the school tee of *the American Bar associa­ 1935 there were 35. In cases re­ the United States. At least 40,- “Criminology and Penology,” “Ra­ siderably more than one-fourth of is tantamount to election. The as­ tion, of which he will soon become for the dying. That night he was and one at home, so that none is 000 students are expected to at­ dio Technique,” and “Radio Script the states. Article V of the con- sociation’s convention will be held dead. viewed in 1937, nullity previously carried on the streets. Many of in July 27. president. denied was upheld in ten cases, tend the 1938 summer schools, Writing.” the classes are held in small sheds which will emphasize the study of Frank Hogan was born Jan. 12, and nullity previously declared back of private residences. Messages Faked, Examination Shows was upheld in two. In three cases socio-economic problems, modern Editor Delegate New Society reheard in 1937, former nullity Parents told the Chicago re­ history, and international rela­ decisions were reversed and the porter that the main purpose of tionships. Enrollment in Catholic LEFTIST PROPAGANDA SCHEME decision of validity rendered pre­ the secret schools is not training summer sessions has grown rapidly viously in one case was changed. in religion (that can be taken since 1935, when 32,000 students Of Catechists care of in other ways), but pro­ were in attendance. Last year ON EMBARGO LIFTING FAILS tection of the children from the there were'38,000. New Papal Nuncio offensive and vicious teachings Indicating the trend of empha­ and practices of the public schools. sis in Catholic institutions of Is Organized Washington. — Messages to mimeographed in identical form, A more open form of defiance higher learning are the following Washington sometime? get results that many of the petitions were of the anti-religious laws is the courses scheduled for this sum­ but messages urging repeal of the rubber-stamped on postage cards, Sunday school system conducted mer: “Present Day Problems of Corpus Christi, Tex.— (Special) embargo against shipment of arms that others were printed, that by young men of the Catholic Ac­ the United States in the Far East,” —A new development in the to Red Spain were so ineffective many were signed by non-existent tion movement. This type of re­ taught by Dr. Stephen Chao-Ying Church’s ever-increasing program that one of the greatest Leftist persons, that hundreds were sent ligious education is far more wide­ Pah- at Providence college. Provi­ 1 of activities on behalf of the poor propaganda schemes ever launched from non-existent addresses or spread than the secret school sys­ dence, R. I.; “Labor Economics;” Spanish-speaking citizens of Texas in America fell flat as the senate bore addresses that were incorrect tem and it is carried on in the “Spain and Portugal;” “Econom­ is the establishment of the White foreign relations committee voted for persons whose signatures were open. ics—C o-operative MiVketing;” Cross Social Workers of the Holy 17 to 1 against passage of the Nye used. “The religious situation as re­ “China and the Sino-Japanese Family, with headquarters at Taft resolution. The committee vote The retired Protestant Episco­ gards adult worship (not primary Conflict;” “Labor Principles and in tl^ Diocese of Corpus Christi. followed receipt of a letter in pal Bishop Paddock, who headed education),” writes Lahey, “re­ Problems;” “The Rise of Dictator­ The "White Cross Workers are which Secretary of State Cordell that denomination in Oregon minds one of the last day of pro­ ships in Post-War Europe, 1918- women who will devote them­ Hull re-emphasized the United 19.03-1922, was responsible for a hibition in the big cities of the selves to catechetical and social States’ devotion to peace and the number of telegrams asking for United States — open violation I work, live in a community, and ob­ administration’s conviction that pressure on congress fn favor of with no government interference.” Catholics Win'3 serve a simple rule of life without noi^intervention in Spain is the the “Loyalists.” These long and He reports that religious zeal in being organized as a regular reli­ besisi policy. costly telegrams mentioned Sena­ Mexico has now reached a high ' Of 5 Gorgas Prizes gious community. Members will AewB-Week (May 16) traced the tors LaFollette, Nye, and Borah as point in the history of this century take no vows, but will pledge them­ campaign for the resolution to favorable to lifting the embargo. and that Catholic leaders feel safe selves for a year at a time to as­ Miles Sherover, formerly an agent Bishop Paddock has been chairman in their defiance of the '-Cardfenas Washington.—Students of Cath­ sist the missionaries laboring for . Soviet bonds in the U. S., of the “Friends of Democracy in government, which has cast aside olic high schools won three of five among the poor of this diocese. whose connection with Moscow led Spain.” His address is given as 281 some of Calles’ crude methods, but national prizes in the lunth annual Women with teaching and social Frank J. Hogan him to become a Spanish “Loyal­ Fourth avenue. New York, where kept the repressive laws on the Gorgas^' essay contest, [taking sec­ work experience are particularly ist” agent. “He is the chief Loyal­ Protestant Episcopal offices are statute books and concentrated its ond, third, and fourth prizes. suited for service in the new 1877, a son of Maurice and Mary ist business agent in this country.” centered. anti-religious drive on the yoiing Genevieve Rourk of Messmer high society. E. Hogan. After getting his early , Examination of the anti-em­ The foreign relations committee through a Socialist program of school, Milwaukee, which pro­ Present headquarters are in education in the public schools, he bargo messages that deluged sena- voted the resolution down with the education. duced first-place winners in 1933 Taft, where the society occupies made his legal studies at George­ toifs and congressmen showed them proviso that it might reconsider its The Most Rev, E. Forni, recently and 1936, won th/second*national a two-story building next door to town university in Washington, to [result from the inspiration and action after hearing .Senator Ger­ consecrated Titular Archbishop of prize of $150. Catherine Quinii Manuel C. Colayco of Manila, the church. Living quarters are where he received the LL.B. de­ the labors of a small body of ald P. Nye, father of the resolu­ Dami, and appointed Apostolic 70 Colored Converts of St. Joseph’s high school, New­ noted Catholic layman and editor- on the second floor; the lower gree in 1902. In 1898-99. he was friends of the Spanish Reds. That tion, "discuss his plan, but the at­ Nuncio to Ecuador, following the Baptized in Qne Day port, R. I., won third prize of $50. in-chief of the Commonweal pub­ story is a school room. Director secretary to the chief quartermas­ the backers of the propaganda titude of Secretary Hull and the establishment of diplomatic rela­ First honorable mention (fourth lications of the Philippines, who is of the society is Josephjne Tastet. ter of the U. S. army in Cuba, and campaign to force Amenca into committee’s overwhelming defeat tions with that country by the Holy ; Boston.—Forty Colored adults place) among the national win­ a delegate to the 34th Inter­ Members wear a blue uniform with in 1904 was secretary to the army, action on behalf of the Barcelona- of the proposal are expected to kill ■See. The slate of Vatican City and 30 Colored children, all con­ ners went to Marian Ridgeway of national Eucharistic’ congress at white collars and cuffs, a simple chief of staff in Washington. .Valencia government were too it forever. maintains diplomatic relations with verts made by the Sisters of the St. Mary’s high school, Paterson, Budapest, May 23-30. Mr. Colayco headdress, and ’a white cross sus­ From 1912 to 1919 he lectured in thorough became e^dent when it In his letter to Senator Key 37 countries. In addition to the Blessed Sacrament, were baptized N. J. Sixteen state prizes went to - fo. -on- . Slates, pended around their, necks on a the Georgetown university law ■was discovered that large blocks Pittman, chairman of the foreign Nuncios tliere are 16 Papal Dele­ in one day at the sisters’ convent students of Catholic- institutions lecturing in behalf of the Com- white cord. school, whicl^ gave him the LL.D. of the letters and cards had been (Turn to Pages — Column 1) gate* without diplomatic character. here. this year. monwreatth of the Philippines. m am PAGE TWO T H E REGISTER Sunday, May 28, 1938

men PROPAGANDA SCHEME ON Science's Qreat Advances, really know HITS CRUELTY II. C. in. C. FIGHTS whal It is all about, formed the, theme of a symposium on the physics . HIFLFR of the universe at Notre Dame university May 2 and 3. The Very Rev, John F. O’Hara, C.S.C, president of Notre Dame, gqeets two Nobel prize-winners, Dr. Arthur H. Compton of the University of OF MODERN ECONOMICS EMBARGO LIFTING FAILS I Chicago, left, and Dr. Carl D. Anderson of the California Institute [ I P A R F i of Technology. (ConUmied From Faff* One) which the Nye resolution sought to (Continued from Page One) treat well the men who are under ... _ very question with a wise and them, but not humane and consid­ relations; committee, Secretary Hull amend was passed unanimously by high-minded leader of men—Pope recalled ' the U. S. government’s the senate and by- a 406-to-l vote Pius XL He quoted as applicable•bli erate enough to treat with the constant policy of non-intervention in the house. OFIHIICLFFi men who are under them. Isn’t this in the Spanish war and reminded “In view of the continued danger to economic conditions the world over today the saying of a great true? And isn’t it surprising that the committee ,,that the legislation of international conflict arising (Continued From Page One) from the circumstances of the (Continued From Page dne) writer and a great studeilt of it is true of men in power who fourth of the states, having only ent of the NCWC News service, human nature. The thought was struggle, any proposal which- at has been arrested in Vienna, ac­ have themselves come up from, the this juncture contemplates a re­ a fraction of the total population that many men in power are ranks of labor? Surely they ought versal of our policy of strict non­ of the states, would be in a posi­ cording to word received at the humane and considerate enough to tion to obstruct ratification. So news service headquarters. Dr. to know .the soul of the workman Diplomat Defends interference, which we have thus; Funder, a journalist of world-wide well enough to realize that men far so scrupulously followed, and long as a relatively small number want to be treated with even more under the operation of which we; of states have a preponderant ma­ reputation, was editor of the Taxpayers Vote Nurse jority of the total population of Eeichspost, famed Catholic organ, than to be treated well. It is this have kept out of involvements, For Parochial School instinct that marks the difference would oner a real possibility of the United States this argument until he was ousted by the Nazis. Canadian Cardinal has little value. . . . He was an Austrian councilor of Brooklyn.—Upholding the prin­ beween a free man and a slave. complications. From the stand­ Surely, too, they ought to know point of the best interest of the “The constitutional amendment state and president of the Inter­ ciple that the state board of. edu­ national Bureau of the Catholic cation’s function is to serve not that the one most effective way to United States in the circumstances required is not an amendment to spike the gun of the agitdtor and which now prevail, I would not Article V to provide a procedure Press. On the day that the Nazis schools, public or parochial, but entered Austria, Dr. Funder went the'children of the community, the the'.he revolutionist is to treat with As True American feel justified in recommending af­ which would invest a multitude of the men whose grieva;Hces he is firmative action on the resolution,^’ statutes with constitutional char­ to Carinthia for a rest. It is un­ taxpayers of the school distriet of derstood that Dr. Funder, in­ Oyster Bay, L. I., unanimously ap­ ready to exploit for his own explo-. (Continued From Page One) U. S. COMMUN'STS MAR acter and rigidity, but an amend­ sive and subversive ends. CATHEDRAL IN SPAIN ment of the constitution that tensely devoted to his native proved at a public school meeting tial, inalienable rights of the hu­ land, refused to consider leaving the provision of a school nurse for “We must either talk out our man person (both of which derive Other news of the Spanish siisu- would enable the several states ation: A large star marked “Com­ and the confess to co-operate in Austria. the pupils of St. Dominic’s schiiol. differences or fight them out. Who from man’s relation to God and Such service was declared legal can doubt which of these tw o is are inherent in the society founded munist Party U. S. A.” was found enacting uniform laws. Such an on the Old Cathedral at Lerida amendment might pro'vide for the and constitutional by the commis­ the American way to settle differ­ by Christ), the rights and duties Quarterly Devoted to sioner of _the state board of ences? . . . Is it presumptuous for of man with regard to the State, when that city was occupied by, initiation of legislation by peti­ Nationalist troops . . . Bishop tion from state legislature's and education. a newcomer here to say that De. and the duties of the State (re^^ Christian Social Art troit looks like an exceptional ter­ ^rdless of form) with regard to Justiiio Guitart y Vilardedo, who for delegating to,congress author­ South Bend, Ind.—The second was forced to flee from the Reds ity to draft and enact a federal rain for the work of such path­ fhe human person. In all that issue of the Christian Social Art Famous Linden Grove finders in industrial co-operation?” there is one most important point in his Diocese of Urgel early in statute when the legislatures of a Quarterly, official bulletin of the to be noted: Catholic teaching is the war, is returning to his see, majority or other stated number Catholic College Art association Now* Children’s Home positive that there are certain now controlled by Franco’s sol­ of states petition the congress- to founded at the College of St. Philadelphia.—L 1 n d e n Grove, rights inherent in the human per­ diers . . , Twenty-five thousand do this.” Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Octo­ the large and famous Tilghman son over which the State has no young men\eceived Communion in ber, 1937, is now current. The Cooper estate, known as the PRIEST-CHEMIST superior right, and never should a body at Seville . . . Pope Pius St. Louis Boys’ Camp purpose of the publication, it is “showplace of Lehigh valley," was be allowed to usurp in any way. has received from M. de Verges, Protestant Aid in War Against Dorothy Thompson, newspaper announced, is to explain certain recently purchased for $15,000 by GROWS HAIR “That, I think, is also sound president of the St. Vincent. de To Move to New Site Evil Reading Asked fundamental principles of Chris­ the Missionary Sisters of the Most A UnlTenlt; priest-ctaemlst'i treatlM on Paul society, a report of the iso- columnist, that “this is a Protes­ CARE OF THE HAIR U now being lent free American doctrine.” St. Louis.—The St. Louis Cath­ Washingrton.—An appeal to all tant country” and that “Catholi­ tian art based on the philosophy of Sacred Heart. Comprising sev­ to icalp eofferert. It describee how to ose the ciety’s relief work among Spamsh eral buildings and cultivated fields, remarkable compound mixed bj (V. James refugees . . . At a meeting in New olic Boys’ camp will be located Protestant ministers in the city “to cism in this country exists as a St. Thomas and then to stimulate this year on a 100-acre tract of side with us” in the campaign minority religion,” were attacked their consistent application. valued at more than $75,000, it Gilmore which grew perfect hair on head ol 2 Cardinals at Dinner York Fathjr Francis X. Talbot, will be converted into a refuge bald etudent. Since then more than 60,000 S.J., editor of America, declared land donated for the cause by against indecent reading' matter as “bad history” and “lack of botUea have been ueed, ro^'altiei going to Of Historical Society Archbishon Clennon at Hillsboro, has been made by the Catholic In­ logic” in an address the Rev.’Dr. for homeless, crippled, and con­ charity. Deere testify to wonderful reeulta for Boston. — Rodrjgue Cardinal that Soviet Russia and, France formation society of Brightwood, Joseph B. Code, professor of his- Austrian Annexation valescent children, and will be falling hair and dandruff. 'Write for free were the first foreign nations to Mo. Forty-four stucco cabins, known as the Sacred Heart home treaties to R. H. Ollmmih Dept 1, 8810 Utb VilleneuvB, Archbishop of Quebec, an activity of the sodality of Na­ tory at the Catholicth ■ university, Changes Immigration At^ No., Seattle, Wash. interfere in the Spanish civil war. housing four boys each; a large and Trade school. Joined with Cardinal O’Connell in Juan de Gardena, formef Spanish mess hall, a concrete s'wimming tivity parish. delivered here. Washington.,— Acceptance by attending the semi-annual dinner ambassador to the U. S., said that pool, 40 by 80, and a chapel are Educators to Meet June 21-23 Priesthood Student Wins Contest the United States_ of ■ tb the de ■ facto ' meeting of the Franco-American now being constructed and -will be Rensselaer, N. Y.—‘"rhe Youth Mt. St. Francis, Ind.—William Historical society held here. The democracy in Spain has been killed absorption of Austria by Germany Patrolman’s Posing as THE PHOTO MILL by the fake democratic government ready for occupancy this June. Movement” will be the general Crowley, native of Lansing, Mich., will result in an automatic change Canadian prelate was the speaker of the “Loyalists.” Applicatiorls for camp are being subject to.be discussed at the 21st and student at' Mt. St. Francis’ in the immigration restrictions Minister Excoriated IMMEDIATE SERVICE 1 of the evening and addressed the mailed to the Rev, Melvin Keaney, annual meeting of- the Franciscan pro-seminary, won first honors in a formerly applied to Austria. The Roll devslopcd, printed, and choice, assembly on “French Achievement 1009 S. Sixth street, St. Louis, Educational conference to be held state--wide essay contest that was Seattle, Wash. — (INS) — In a two enlattrements, ope tinted en> in America.” Formal Diplom atic 8 feature of National Air Mail combined quota will now be 27,- signed editorial in the Catholic larfrement, or eight reprint*. 25e Mo. The rate of $9.50 per week at St. Anthony-on-Hudson, semi­ 370,for the Reich, including Aus­ Northwest Progress, Bishop Gerald coin. Reprints 2c etch. Relations Begun by covers the entire camp prog;ram nary of the Friars Minor Conven­ week. tria. This limit applies to Ger­ Rancheros Visit Mission Shaughnessy, S.M., asserts “no THE PHOTO MILL Move Toward Reunion Vatican and. Franco including horseback riding. tual, June 21-23. ' many as a whole, not to any par­ words are adequate to excoriate the Box 628A4 HinneapoUa, Minn. Los Angeles.—Students of the ticular part. Of Schismatics Seen • Prayers for Jews’ Cofiversion Franciscan s e m i n ar y chanted ill-considered act” of State Patrol­ Warsaw.—According to the con­ Vatican City.— (IN S)—-Diplo­ Article Shows Novel Asked hymn? and early California songs man Joseph McCauley in posing as fessional Satisfies of the Republic matic relations between the Holy New York.—A plea to Catholics as part of the program of the an­ Religion in Home Is a minister to obtain a confession Boys and^Yottpg Men Based on Priest’s Work of the whole world to pray un­ from Mrs. Mary Eleanor Smith, of Poland 'which has a total pop­ See and 'the Spanish regime of nual visitation to Santa Ynez mis­ Urged by Texas Poet wlahing to b« Priests or*T)«atMn In ulation of about 35 million inhabi­ Generalissimo Francisco Franco Winooski Park, Vt.—A study of ceasingly that God may bring Jews sion, which was a gathering place 73, in the Bassett murder case. tants, Catholics make up 77 per became formal May 16 when emis­ Father William Hewlett, author to recognize Jesus Christ as their of more than 5,000 guests assem­ St. Louis.—That mothers recog­ tho Order of St. Camlllua may write cent of this total, 67 per cent be­ saries 'Were exchanged. Pope Pius of much of the material used by Savior has been made by Miss bled to greet the Rancheros Visita- nize their moral' responsibilities to tho Rot. Father Superior, St. ing Catholics of the Latin rite named Archbishop Gaetano Cicog- Willa Gather in her famous book. Rosalie Marie Levy, a convert to and teach their children religion Cardinal’s Woris^Written Camlllua Monastery, 1811 Bo. |tth Catholicism from Judaism and dores. and tenjper cent Catholics of the nani as Nuncio to Burgos, and _thf Death Comes for the Archbishop, Ann Arbor Newmanites Best. “from the cradle up” is the plea St., Milwaukee, 'Wlac. Greek nte, about ten per cent are Vatican accepted the credentials appears in a late issue of Mid- .Mesident of the Catholic Lay of Mrs. Grace Noll Crowell, poet As Student,mt, I8^epriiReprinted Apostles’ guild. Kent, 0.—The activities report Orthodox schismatics, while Prot­ of Don Jose Maria de Janguas y America, historical review pub­ of the Catholic club at the iJni- laureate of Texas and the ".Ameri­ New York.—A warning against estants, Mohammedans, and Car- Massia as Franco’s ambassador to lished in Chicago. The article was Poem Read Into Record versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, can Mother of 1938.” Inter­ Communism and other forms of aibes together account for another the Holy See. / written by Professor Thomas F. Washingto n.—“My Rose Is was voted the best at a three-day viewed on her way to New York, political tyranny issued 50 years three per cent. Upwards of 3,000,- O’Connor, director of the history White,” a poem commemorative regional conference of Newman Mrs. Crowell, the mother of three ago in an essay written by a stu­ Swelling Reduced 000 schismatics live mainly in the department at St. Michael’s col­ of Mother’s day, was read into the clubs held at Kent State univer­ grown sons, said: “Nothing can dent knou^ as Pat J. Hayes was And Shert BreetIUng relltred when Parish School Aid Is lege. reprinted by the New York Jour­ caneed by UBataral eeUeetien ef water la East of Poland. Among these Congressional Record by Repre­ sity. Delegations from F? New­ ever take the place of the old- abdsBsa, feet end legs, end *hen preetara schismatics is an ardent desire to Proposed in N. Y. Bill sentative Michael J. Stack of man clubs attended. fashioned religion in the home.” nal and American. The student, abera anUae leaves a dent Trial packdgt unite with the Church of Rome. Albany.—A proposal to strike . The poem was writ­ a senior at Manhattan college in FKEB. COLLim HEDICINB CdMPANY Polish Literary Group College Gets Dante Volumes Dept 614. ATLANTA. GA. out that part of existing legisla­ Convenes in Chicago ten by Charles A. McMahon, editor New York—Five hundred vol­ Unusual Exposition Is 1887 and 21 years old, is today ‘The Law’ Golfs tion which prohibits any subdivi­ of Catholic Action, official organ of umes on the writings- of Dante His Eminence, Patrick Cardinal sion of the state’s using public Chicago.—About 160 delegates the National Catholic Welfare have been received by Manhattan Sponsored by College Hayes, Archbishop of New York. funds in aid of denominational and some 300 guests from various Conference. Detroit. — Marygrove college other cities attended the ninth an­ college from the estate of the late GOOD NEWS schools, and providing instead Catechetical Conference May 28 Rt. Rev. John T. Slattery of Troy. here sponsored an unusual expo­ A1 Smith, Bishop Plead Rbeumatbm, Arthritif, Kidney, Bladder contributions of public money not nual convention of the Alliance of New Orleans.—The New Or­ Priest Delivers Congress Prayer sition from May 9 to 13, designed lufferere, World-Famed SE-BASTO TEA in excess of 50 per cent of the Polish Literary and Dramatic leans archdiocesan Catechetical Washington.—The Rev. Michael to illustrate a Catholic college in For Christian Charity COMPOUND, developed by Doctor Bi^ben Circles of America held here May conference will be held May 28, of Mercy at Woriehoven, . Now on cost of maintaining, operaUng, J. Ryan, assistant pastor of St. action. The all-college exposition Cleveland.—While the Most Rev. sale, U. S. deecriptive literature free—Dr. and keeping up such institutions, 13, 14, and 15. On Sunday, dele­ the eve of the Catechetical day in Rose of Lima’s church, Maywood, featured symposiums, leadership Brown'i Clinle, Dept B, 628 Nioollet Ave., gates and gmests paraded to St, the archdiocese. Joseph Schrembs, Bishop of Cleve­ Minneapolis, Minnesota. Agents wanted. has been introduced in the New Calif., delivered the prayer with demonstrations, and exhibits of land, told them that “the n»an who York state legislature. The pro­ Mary of Czestochowa’s church, Chinese Lauds Nifns’ Work which the house of representatives student activities. where services were held. is not touched by the work of posal stipulates that such contri­ St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.— opened its deliberations one day charity has not yet learned the butions of public money shall not Appreciation for the “generous recently. Priest in China Made fundamentals of Catholic ^teaching vest in the political subdmsion Daughters of Barcelona help” they are rendering China is Nuns’ Superior Jubilarian EPILEPSY FITS expressed by General Shang Chen, Chaplain of Marines and Catholic practice,” former any property right in the school or Attache Are Baptized Marlboro, Mass. — More than Governor Alfred E. Smith of New Many snflaters aay Lapao has proved luc- institution aided, or the power to commander-in-chief of the 20th Chicago.—The Rev. John Cohill, ceeeful in relieving attacks. FREE trial Barcelona.—Two daughters of 200 nuns from 21 houses of the York emphasized to 1,200 guests supervise or regulate its curricula. army corps, in a letter to the supe­ Order of St. Anne in New England S.V.D., professor of literature at at dinner here the essential im­ sent on requeet John Leche, non-Catholic British rior of the Sisters of Providence the Catholic University of Peking, B. LBPSO charge d’affaires here, crossed the came here to honor their provin­ portance of supporting priyate Motu Proprio Shifts laboring at the mission in and cial superior, Mother Marie Adal­ Fu Jen, has been appointed chap­ charitable institutions. t . Wright 8 t Hilwdnkse, Wise. border to be baptized by a French about Kaifeng, East Honan prov­ bert, on the 50th anniversary of lain of Company D, U. S. Marine Church Jurisdiction Bishop at Perpignan. Through ince, a copy of which has been re­ her life in religion. corps,; recently shifted to Tientsin,, special Vatican permission, the ceived here. Vatican City.—Jurisdiction over Convert From Episcopalianism China, Father Cohill, who is from Send Your Boy to the certain countries of the Near East girls were also allowed to receive Columnist Errs in Assertion Dies Elizabeth, N. J., becomes spiritual has been transferred from the their First Communion and be Washington. — Assertions b y Syracuse, N. Y.—Hehry Gibbs, father of about 200 soldiers. Sacred Congregation for the confirmed at the same time. The former Episcopalian minister who St. Louis Cadiolic Boy| Camp Propagation of the Faith to the girls are Elizabeth, 8, and Mary Catholic Is Honored was converted to Catholicism 16 HILLSBORO, MO. Sacred Congregation for the Teresa, 10. years ago, was buried after serv­ Philadelphia Seminary Oriental Church by Pope Pius XI By Chemistry Society ices in'Immaculate Conception Ca­ Funds Continue to Grow RATES:— $9.50 per week in a Motu Proprio. The places in­ Masterpiece Donated ■ West DePere, Wise.—The Rev. thedral. A native of Liverpool, he Philadelphia.—An aggregate of volved in the transfer'of jurisdic­ To Church by Convert Peter P. Pritzl, professor of chem­ came to the U. S. 49 years ago. $236,609.48 was obtained in the Apply to Rev. M, Keaney tion are Egypt, Sinai, Eritrea, istry at St. Norbert’s. college, was Catholic News Writer Honored archdiocese in the annual collec­ 1009 S. 6th Street St. Louie, Mo. Northern Ethiopia, Southern Al­ Chica^.—A convert who ■wishes named to succeed Dr. Kenneth Bayou Bleu, La.—Mrs. Valerie tion for the Seminary of St. bania, Cyprus, Greece, Dodona, to remain anonymous has recently Craig, chemistry professor at Law­ E. Babin was chosen as the out­ Charles Borromeo, according to Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, made a gift to Sts. Joseph and rence collegre, as secretary and standing country newspaper corre­ the recent seminary report. Con­ Syria, Transjordania, Asiatic Anne’s church here of a painting, treasurer of the Northeast sec­ spondent at the annual convention tinuing a steady rise since 1933, Turkey, Thrace, and Turkey. “The Pieta,” the work of Welling­ tion of the American Chemical so­ Homer S. Cummings, attorney ton J. Reynolds. The painting of the Louisiana Press association the 1937 total bettered the pre» THE REGISTER . general of the United States, took ciety, at a meeting on the Law­ at Covington. She is a member of vious year’s by $6,453.12. forms the seventh station of the rence campus in Appleton. The Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. time from vrork\, to stage a ‘golf Nazis Stop Austrians “Via Matris” and was unveiled at of the staff of the Houma Courier, 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 tournament for ifis friends, at the meeting of about 100 members was weekly secular newspaper, and. a From Going to Mass the opening of the perpetual no­ addressed by Dr. Herbert Freund- 75th Anniversary of Pinehurst Country club, Pinehurst, vena to Our Lady of Sorrows. parish correspondent for Catholic Preeident...______Most Rev. Bishop Urban Vebr, D.D., Denver N. Car. Cummings is pictured com­ Prague.—In many places on the lich, former instructor of the Action of the South, official organ College Is Observed Preeident-Eineritn.s...w«..w.MoBt Rev Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D., Wichita, Kansas Czechoslovak - Austrian border Kaiser Wilhelm institute in Ger­ F,ditor-in-C*^i»Y _Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D.. Jour.D pleting a drive. of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Chicago.—The 75th anniversary Managing Editor ...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D Austrian Catholics used to visit, Life of a Religious many, now of the University of German Day to Stress Papal of the founding of St. Joseph’s Associate EdUora—Millard F. Everett, Jour.D.; C. J. McNeill, A.B*, Jour.M unhindered. Catholic parish Is ‘Business of Love’ Minnesota school of chemistry. I Devotion college, Hinsdale, has just been Rev. Walter Canavan, B.J., M.A.; Rev. John Cavanagh, M.A.; Rev, Qlgrence G. churches on Czech territory on Los Angeles.—Devotion of the observed here. The Most Rev. Isaenmann. S.T.D., Ph.L. Gamp St. Malo Sundays and holy days because Cleveland, 0.—The business of Priest-E ditor to Be German Catholics of the Archdio­ William D. O’Brien, Auxiliary STipcrvised Vacation for Boyi, 10 to 18 the Czech churches were much a religious is the “business of DIOCESAN EDITIONS In the Heart of the Rockloa love” and “all mortal love is but cese of Los Angeles to the Holy Bishop of Chicago, was among nearer to their homes than their Given Honorary Degree See will be emphasized at the first those who attend^. St. Joseph’s CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Freeno) MamiUcent Mountain Setting a faint reflection of God’s love, Bourbonnais, 111.—The St. Via­ Moat Rev. Bishop Philip G. Seher, D.D., President Ratfa. $7 P^r Week parish churches in Austria. 'This which needs an eternity for its German Catholic day to be held in is now exclusively |tn institution Rev. Edward Haskine, Editor Informatloh May Be Had From the practice, dating from centuries tor college council has voted California this September. The Rt. for Pranqiscan seminarians. Its Director expression,” was the tenor of a unanimously to confer upon the SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) Rt. Rev. Magr. Joseph Bosetti, V.O. past, has now been stopped by talk by Sister Madeleva, poet and Rev. John Cawley, Vicar General, original site was at Teutopoljs, Most Rev. Robert J. Armstrong, D.O., President 1588 Ix>gan St., Denver, Colo. Nazi storm troops, new guardians Rev. Dr. Timothy A. Rowan, edi­ heads the committee of the clergy. 111. Its quarters are now on the Rev. Patrick A. McHugh, S.T.D., Editor and Business Manager writer and president of St. Mary’s tor of the New World, Chicago, of Austria’s frontiers. college, Notre Dame, Ind., at the $2,500 Given for Spanish Relief former Mayslake estate of Stuy- NEBRASKA REGISTER (Grand Island) the honorary degree, Doctor of New York.—The largest single vesant Peabody. Most Rev. Bishop 8. 'V. Bona. D.D., President; Rev. Patrick McDald (No. Platte), Catholic Collegiate association’s Laws, in recognition of his ability Editor; Rev. Thomat J. Murray (Burwell), Bnaineaa Director annual Communion breakfast here. contribution of recent weeks to EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great Falla) and attainments in the field of the America Spanish Relief fund Sister Madeleva read some of her Catholic journalism. Mhpt Rev, Bishop Edwin V. O'Hara, D.D.^ LL.D.*, President poems, a number of which are was $2,500, received from a collec­ Rev. Eugene Gergen, Editor and Bueinese Manager tion taken up under the direction WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) based on ancient Greek and Roman Host Rev. Bishop Joseph M. Giimbye, D.O., Preeident myths that express a longing for Fights Rebels of the Most Rev. John J. Mitty, Rev. Patrick Casey, M.A., Editor and Buainesa Manager and a love of God. Archbishop of San Francisco. NEVADA REGISTER (Reno) Bishop Condemns Picture Sufferers Most Rev, Bishop Thomas K Gorman, D.D., J.C.L., D.Se.Hiat., Praaldent Cleveland. — Condemning th e Rev. John T. Smith. Editor and Buainesa Manager Mrs. Macaulay’s Flowers ^uM fc* batter latormed about if f general showing of the motion pic­ their ailments. Father Hearn SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) aetetl Most Rev. Louie B Kucera. D.D., President Decorate Pope’s Chapel ture, Birth of a Baby, an editorial Rev. Maurice Helmann, M.A.; Jour.D., ECitor and Business Manager Vatican City.—Many telegrams in the current issue of the Catholic WEST VIRGINIA REGISTER (Wheeling) of felicitation from heads of states Universe Bulletin says “it is the CATHOLIC Most Rev. Bishop John J. Swint, D.D., President and other public authorities poured mind” of the Most Rev. Joseph aiiest, ezalalna la hla famoae Rev, Frederick J. Schwerts, M.A., Editor and Bneinets Hanagar I 1 into■ the ■ ViVatican ■ on “Pope “1Pius’pe ' Schrembs, Bishop of Cleveland, PEORIA REGISTER (PeoHa, DUnoit) namwday. The Pope’^ hapel “that those who have taken the HEALTH BOOK Most Rev. Bishop J. H. Schlarman, D.D., Ph.D., J.O.D., President pledge of the Legion of Decency the eansee and symptoma a t Rer. H. H: Ros^A.B., B.J., Editor and Bnsinees Manager S > t . ^ e r n a r l i ’i the Papal palace was filledd -with■wi SANTA FE REGISTER (SanU Fe. New Mexico) flo-wers sent by Mrs. William J. B. will scrupulously avoid this pic­ J*"»«eIM»or*er« Goat * IThBiiM Molt Rev, Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken, D.D., Preeident __ the Marianjihill Fatherfr’ &eminary ture. . . .” Biomiieli Dteeaie* tfrm Very Rev. Higr. Philip G. Mahoney, Editor and Busineet Hanagar MacaBlay, wife of Eire’s minister Bladder A Kldaer Hardeataa of tti in the Diocese o f Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, South Dakota to the Holy See. Duchess Macaulay Old Mission Fiesta Leads Chosen 0^1 A Mver Art^ra ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona, Fa.) Los Angeles.—Mary Marland, Headaelio Most Rev. Bishop Richard T, Ouilfoyla, Preeident , was fonnerly Mrs. Nicholas F. Rer. Thomas E. Hadiden, Ph.D., S.T.L., Editor and Businett Manager ^ invites correspondence and applications from serious-minded Brady of New York. Shakespearean■■.ak(former .actress, and iU S L JBeaoata, I Edward Dew, film player, have AaeaUaAOhU TEXAS PANHANDLE REGISTER (Amarillo) young men who are desirous of acquiring the dignity of the Beoaehlal Ootarth laipare Blood Most Rev, Bishop Robert E. Lncey, D.D., President Newlyweds, Pilgrims been selected to play the leading Coaatipatloa aad other tronMaa Rev. 'Thomas J. Drury. Editor and Business Manager holy priesthood under the guidance of the Mariannhill Fathers. roles of “Fiesta de San Fernando LA CROSSE REGISTER (La Crosse, Wise.) In Audience With Pope Rey,” which •will be gp''^en next batted by simple means. This book la Most Rer, Bishop Alexander J. HcGavick, D.D.. President; Most Rev. Bishop The background of tha Mariannhill Fath* by the TrappiaC Abbot Franck, In IMt. Castelgandolf 0.— (INS) —Forty- month for the purpose of raising WillUm R. Griffin, Vice President era liea in the African Miaaion Flelda where Since then it haa apread vith’ uneapect^ funds to restore the old Mission FREE - , . DULUTH REGISTER (Duluth. Minn.) they aerv'C God among the pagana and whera but BMt gratifying rapidity through South four pilgrims from San Francisco Holt Rev. Bishop Thomas A. Welch, President they have learned the full'meaning of our EuropeEurope and,i ainea 1926, in America.Africa, and 600 newlyweds were received San Fernando. Hundreds of tboosands Rev. Joseph Hughes, Editor and Busineie Manager Lora'a great commiaaion "Go teach all Aa indicated hy the name, the Mariann* in audience here by Pope Pius. To Evil Magazine’s Seller Convicted found help by following CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH-REGISTER (Cincinnati) tiems;” they alao hare bouaea in many parta hill Fathera profeaa apedaj devotion to the the former His Holiness said: “To Boston. — A Cambridge store­ his advice. Containi 18< Charles F. Williame, K.C.S.G.. President of Board of Europe and three American Dioceaea. Bleaaed Virgin Mary and her mother, good pages. 200 illustrations. Msgr. Edward A. Freking, S.T.D., Editor A branch of the ^eat and ancient Bene* St. Anne, in wboae honor they conduct a you we give our blessing ■with the keeper has been found guilty by It will show you the dictine tree, the Copgr^atioo vrai fotmded perpetual Novena throughout toe year particular wish you bring back Judge Robert Walcott of selling a way to better health and TENNESSEE REGISTER (Nashville) happiness. You can Host Rev. Bishop W. L. Adrian, D.D., President grreat fruits from the congn'ess.” ili 'publication containing a story have this book, without Rev. George J. Flanigen. S.T.D., Editor and Bueineas Manager Beautifully located on the outskirts of the gem-city Sioux Falls, tending to corrupt the morals of cost or ' obligation. INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC REGISTER (Salt U ke City, Utah) St. Bernard’s is surrounded by 60 acres of grounds. It it an youth. The storekeeper’s arrest Mall Coupon. NOW. Host Rev. Duane G Hunt, O.O., Bishop of Salt Lake. President Sisters of Mercy Start When besieged by rebels who and conviction followed his selling Rev. Roberta. Dwyer, M.A., Editor ideal spot for concentration on the supreme objective of be­ New Hospital in Detroit attempted to seize the palace and of a recent issue of Ken after the NORTHWESTERN KANSAS REGISTER (Concordia) L. HELHAN A CO.. Dept. 874-CGu Most Rev. Francii J. Tief, D D., President coming a worthy servant of our Lord. Hand in hand with reli­ Detroit.—Work has started here the government, President Cetulio magazine had been banned by po­ 826 Broadway. New York, N. T. Vargas of Brazil took his own re­ Rev, Cornelius J. Brown, Editor and Business Manager gious instruction goes the physical and mental training of the on Mt. Carmel Mercy hospital to lice order. Tlesse tend me Katbet Heumann'i The Denver .Catholic Register it also a part of this newspaper system. be operated by the Sisters of volver and defended h(mself and Daily Changes Name big "FREE" Health Book. students. The spacy, modem buijdings assure excellent sanitary Mercy, on a site located in the family in the palace m Rio De Dubuque, la. — The Catholic Price of The Register (dat^d every Sunday), 81 a year. Canada and South conditions while sports and good food develop a healthy body. Name America, 81.50. Foreign, SI.16 In bundle lota, one cent a copy if bought northwest part of the city. The Janeiro. ' Vargas fired down on Daily Tribune, only Catholic daily regularly for Sale or distribution. institution will be the 12th under the revolters, running from win­ in the English language, has Address , For further Information addrou VERY REV. FATHER RECTOR the care of this order in Michigan. dow to window. His wife and *“1ged its name to Daily Trib- Entered as Second Class Matter at Post Office,'Denver, Colorado. Plans call for a building six stories daughter also used firearms in ST. BERNARD’S-SIOUX FALLS, S. D. after asking the opinion of My sUment ls_ The Register hae the largest efrotilatioB of any paper In tho Englleb language high with accommodations for 250 defense. Government troops readers. Its policies remain the (Please mentioa it) devoted to religlout news. patients. to their aid. sama. *STRANGE BUT TRUE’ By M, J. Murray ASK AND PTARN THE BOOK- St. Bede Noted Addrect P. O. Bos 1497^ Deoror, Colo. THE 34TH tNTERNATIONAd- :r e g i s t e r I f a perton attempu to gain a the Bible? Might they not be led 6 0 CH»^IST(C C0 N6 M 5 S ^ f Fo r Le a raiini plenary indulgence but faiU to astray b y' misconstruing Its mean­ AT BUPAPEST, fulfill all the conditions necessary, ing? MAV 2 .5 -3 0 , THE UNITY OF PHILOSOPH­ does he forfeit all merit for the The Church encourages reading I WILL BE COMMEMORAT­ ICAL EXPERIENCE. By Etienne 1,200 Years Ago Benedictine Employed tcorks he did perfortp.? Gilson. 331 pp. Scribners. $2.75. Failure to gain ^plenary indul­ of the Bible, especially of the Gos­ ED WITH A SPECIAL This is a distinguished book. Methods in Study and Writing gence does not jentail the loss of pels, by the laity, but insists that SERIES OF SEVEN The fine clarity and grasp, the Worthy of Modern Scholars 3 ' the entire incjirigence. A plenary they use a version bearing her im­ P 0 5 TA6 E STAMPS. discerning and sympathetic under­ indulgence understood to be standing, the forthright vigor of Liturgy—^Week of May 22 Saturday, May 2S—St. Augustine primatur. Pope Benedict XV de­ (Th' of Canterbury, Archbishop and Con­ granted in^such a manner that, if critical judgment are all here, ” to May 28) one cannot fully gain it, he may clared of the Bible: “We should brought to bear this time, not on fessor (double). Commemoration of nevertheless gain it partially ac­ like to see the holy books in the (By R ev. Clarence G. the Octave of the Ascension. the history of philosophies or phi­ ISSENMANN, S.T.D.) cording to his actual dispositions bosom of every Christian family, *THE DESIGNS SHOW ST. losophers, but on the history of Sundayj May 22—Fifth Sunday ■While he wa» still alive, S t Bede (canon 926). carefully treasured and diligently philosophy itself—itf history, not after Easter (semi-double). could not openly be called a saint STEPHEN; HIS SON. ST. EMERIC; in facts, but in ideas. It is M. Monday, May 23—Rofatlon day (simple). Procession and the chant* and so he was known as “Vener­ read every day, so that all the ST. LA P ISLA U S; ST. ELIZABETH ; Gilson’s cqntention that over the \ Did not Christ confirm the faithful may thus learn to lead inf of the Utaqy of the Saints are able.” This is one of the many, \ Apostles before they were bap­ ST. MAURICE; BL. MARSPEPJTE historical interplay of doctrines to be held in connection 'writh the oh* stories seeking to account for the holy lives in every way in con­ and persons which make up man’s •ervance of tha Rofation days. tised? formity' with the Divine will.” OF HUN6ARV AJvJP THE Tuesday, May 24—Rofation day title of “venerable” always joined Baptism is the door and founda­ philosophical past, from Thales to (simple). to the name of Bede, even after Rich indulgences are given for CONG'RESS the present, there presides an im­ Wednesday, May 25—St. Crefory his . Actually, the tion of all other sacraments, the daily reading of the.Gospels. personal necessity, a metaphysical VII, Pope and Confeaaor (double). sacrament which, if we are to CREST Commemorations of the VlfU of the term is ohe of respect not infre­ l^w, which alone ultimately deter­ Feast of the Ascension, of St. Urban quently given in ancient times to attain salvation, must be either DEPICTED HERE mines that history to be what it actually received or at least de­ What do the Initials LN.R.I. I, Pope and M ^tyr, and of the Rofa­ outstanding members of strict re­ is. It is his contention, ip short, tion day. ligious orders. For in scholarship sired (canon 737). Only by the above the crucifix mean? that in man’s philosophical experi­ Thursday, May 26’-~Ascension of reception of- Baptism first could Jesus Narzarenus Rex Judae- Our Lord Jesus Christ (double of Bede was the most learned man ence—that is, in man’s philosoph­ the first class, with privilefcd octave of his day, the eighth century. the Apostles validly receive the orum—Jesus of Nazareth, King of ical past—there is discoverable a of the third order). The Feasts of sacrament of Confirmation, and the Jews. Pilate had the insignia principle of unity; to disclose and St. Philip Neri, Confessor, and of St. Bede, who was a Benedictine there is evidence from the teach­ Eleutherius, Pope and Martyr, tfe monk, has been called “venerable” put above the head of Our Cruci­ delineate that principle of unity not observed this year. Ascension ings of Christ Himself to prove the fied Lord. St. John’s Gospel tells is the purpose of the present book. Thursday is a holy day of obligation. at least since 50 years after his necessity of receiving Baptism be- the story: “And Pilate wrote a Three philosophical “experi­ Friday, May 27—-St. Bede the death. The Council of Aachen in Jore one can receive any other Venerable, Confessor and Doctor 835, 100 years after hia death, title also, and he put it upon the ments” are taken as typical of the (double). Commemorations of the sacrament. Baptism makes one a cross. And the writing was Jesus whole of onr philosophical ex­ Octave of the Ascension and of St. describes him as the “venerable niember of the Church and a of Nazareth, King of the Jews. perience t The Medieval experi­ John 1, Pope and Martyn Befinninf and admirable doctor of modern candidate to receive the other of the Pentecostal novena in honor times.” The title seemed to strike This title, therefore, many of the ment, from Abelard to Ockham; of the Holy Ghost. sacraments. Jews did read; because the place the Cartesian experiment, from the public imagination as pecu­ where Jesus was crucified was nigh Descartes to Hume; the modern Dramatic Guild Sells liarly suitable to Bede, and has Is Arthur a saint’s name? When to the city; and it was written in experiment, from Kant to Gen­ clung to his name throughout the was he canonised and on what Hebrew, in Greek, and in Latin. tile and Lenin. After a masterly Film Rights to Play centuries. ■<. • day does the Church celebrate his Then the chief priests of the Jews exposition and analysis of these Cardinal Wiseman referred to fea st ? said to Pilate: Write not, the King “experiments,” the author attempts Oconomowoc, IVisc.—The Catho­ the decree of the' Council of The Book of Saints, Holweck’s of the Jews, but that He said, I in a final synthesis to formulate lic Dramatic movement has sold Aachen in 1859 when he and thf Biographical Dictionary of the am the King of the Jews. Pilate their principle of unity as the law the movie rights to Seal of the English 'Bishops petitioned Rome Saints, and Butler’s Lives of the answered: What I have written, I k of philosophical experience. In Confession. Filming is sch^uled to declare Bede a Doctor, of the Saints have no reference to a St, have written” (xix, 19-22). short, M. Gilson finds the unity of to start this fall and parts will be Church. On Nov 13, 1899, Pope Arthur. A. M. Grussi’s Chats on philosophical experience in a tran­ played by prominent Hollywood Leo XIII canonized Bede, with the Christian Names, howeve^^ says scendent philosophy of being. stars. Representatives from the title of'Doctor of the Church, and. that there is no canonized saint by Please define these words: Schis­ Whether or not the argumen­ film capital will attend summer decreed that his feast should .be the-name of Arthur but that an matic, pagan, infidel, heathen, ag­ tation is successful the reader may sessions of the movement (here to kept throughout the whole Church' English king by this name is ven­ nostic, atheist, heretic. aidVra-ordmani judge for himself. Be that as it select actors for the less important every year on May 27. Though erated as a saint. He was a Saxon A schismatic is one who accepts tme of- "APOSTOLIC may, the book is a challenge to roles. Bede' now Is saini and doctor, his who reigned about 453. The name Catholic rites and doctrines, but MAJESTV'daVcsFrom the modern philosopher, to the ancient recognition still clings to means high and noble. does not recognize the primacy of non-scholastic philosopher in its his name, and he is most familiarly jurisdiction held by the Pope. Saint S tephen,King Catholic Groups Will oF H uNGARV (975-1038), intention, but in reality more espe­ known as St. Bede the Venerable. Most modern schismatics have cially perhaps to the scholastic.— Why is it that some suicides aye I PIED 9 0 0 ■ jg A _ Offer Mass for Peace Bede himself has written about some heresy mixed with their y iA d S AGO — ’ wbo.it-19 claimed,received Joseph E. Douglas, S.J. all that is known of his life, ex­ buried with Catholic rites and schisms. it- hrom Pope Sylvester New York. — T h e Catholic cept for an account of his death by others are not? Why not the same S ^iU fXPftutfnS in c o r r u p t 'ikey c o so Worker and Pax, in conjunction rule for all? A pagan is a worshiper of false H. >k IS usuaUv sboiun TOREE THEORIES OF SO­ one of his disciples, a monk named In, 8 u 4 a p e 9 t,f^t yfARiy -mnrs~tsP~auvMAao.-NOTso carniintf bbe APOSTOLIC- CIETY. By Paul Hanly Furfey. with the Union of Prayer for Cuthbert. In the last chapter of Canon 1240, which sets forth in gods. An infidel is an unbaptized WOCESSiof4 cw rr rt A 1URKI«M LEAOia - KIU.BO rN 251 pp. Macmillan. $2. Peace, will offer up a corporate his Ecclesiastical History of the the law of the Church who are to person (hence, the term can be ap­ HATiOaWL fC^TiVAL. ,, IKVA»ON O f 1 5 4 1 . / DOUBLE CROSS. Mass for peace May 29 at St. Vin­ plied to pagans, Mohammedans, This book is an interesting in­ English People Bede writes of his be denied Christian burial, lists cent’s church here. The Union of life as follows: “culpable suicides” among them. etc.) A heathen is a person quiry Into the various aspects of Prayer for Peace was first organ­ The word “culpable” explains why who does not acknowledge the true society. Its purpose is to arrive ized in England by the Rev. Gerald "Thus much concerning th* some are buried with Catholic rites God. The terra is, therefore, more at a better understanding of so­ Vann,' O.P. The Mass for peace ecclesiastical history of Britain restricted ethan the word infidel, cial phenomena and thereby deter­ here will be the first activity and especially of the race of the and some are not. If there is any mine what part the various tech­ English, I, Baeda, a servant of doubt about the mental responsi­ for a Mohammedan is not properly MARY’S PLACE IN REDEMPTION WAS sponsored by the group since its called a heathen. An agnostic is niques—science, philosophy, the­ organization in the United States. Christ and priest of th* monastery bility of the person, the Catholic ology, poetic insight—should play of the blessed Apostles St. Peter funeral may be given. If there is one who professes ignorance of no doubt, it is denied. When the existence of, God, of an unseen in its right formation. and St. Paul, which is at Waer- doubt arises, the Bishop must be world, etc. An atheist is one who TAU6HT IN EARLY DAYS OF CHURCH The author finds three TOtsible Syracuse Woman Leaves mouth and at Jarrow, hav* with consulted if time permits. If the disbelieves or denies the existence kinds of society. The first is Diocese Entire Fortune the Lord’s help ^omposed^ as far case remains doubtful, the body of God. The difference between Positivistic. It is based O n the .as I could gatner it either from an agnostic and an atheist is that SL Irenaeus, who was martyred and obedience was established by pensation by which Ha took upon “success-ideal” of the modern age. V Syracuse, N. Y.—Probation of kncient~documents or .from th* should be given an ecclesiastical But it is found to be mediocre the will of Mary Prendergast, j^raditions of the elders or from burial, but in such a manner that the former says that he does not in 202, was emphatic in his famous means of a tree on which Christ Him human nature, inasmuch as know anything about God, whereas book. Against Heresies, when he hung. The deception by which a they blind themselves with regard and unsatisfactory as it is a com­ sister of the late Father Edward my own knowledge. ' scandal will be avoided. promise between virtue and vice. Prendergast, reveals that her en­ “I was born In the territory ei, It might seem occasionally that the latter denies Him. taught that Jesus Christ is true virgin, Eve, espoused to a man, to the truth, do In fact speak was unhappily misled Was over­ against their own salvation.” The second type of society it the tire fortune, $59,000, was left to the said monastery and at the ag* the Church authorities err in their A heretic is one who, having God and true man and that diocesan parishes and institutions. made a profession of Christian be­ Christ’s Mother holds the same come through means of the truth Among the things which he pro­ Noetic—that of the philosopher. of seven I was, by the care of ^ decision about these cases, but it Besides the sum of money men­ relatives, given to the Most Rev. must be remembered that they are lief, nevertheless pertinaciously place in the salVation of the hu­ spoken by an angel to the Virgin tests against in their teaching is Tliis form is also found wanting Mary, who was also espoused to their despising of the “advent of since the majority of citizens are tioned, additional bequests were Abbot Benedict (St. Benedict often g;iven confidential informa­ and deliberately upholds a doc^ man race as Eve held in the fall. left in art work, a library, and trine differing from that of the a man. “For just as the former the Lord manifest” in hum ^ not able to discover by “noesis” the Bi^cop) and afterwards to/Ceol- tion which might influence their, In the 19th chapter of his book, necessary principles of individual personal effects^, Largest single frid to be educated. F r ^ that stand but cannot be made public. Church, or rejects one nrescribed he calls our attention to the doc­ was led astray by the word of .ap form, “for they do not admit His incarnation,” and their ignoring and social conduct. The third bequest was $15,000 left to the time, I have spent my whole life We have never known jof any. by the Church. The essence of trine that the disobedience of man angrel, 'so that ehe fled from God House of Providence. abuse connected with such* a case. heresy lies in rejecting the teach­ which occurred in connection with when she had transgressed His of the arrangement that He should form of society it called the in that monastery, d e ro ^ g all my ing authority of the Church. a tree was happily done- away with word; so did the latter, by .an be born of a virgin, for they Pistic. TTiis society is one based efforts po the study op the Scrip­ The Church is glad, when she can, on faith. And, because by faith tures, and amid the^servance of to give ecclesiastical burial. angelic communication, receive the “maintain that He was begotten Carnegie Medal Awarded glad tidings that she would bear by Joseph.” we can come to a knowledge that To Girl Posthumously monastic discipline/and the daily God, being obedient to His word. Heresy made these claims in the is most deep, certain, and helpful, charge of singing In the church, On what days do you change And if the former disobeyed God, early days of Christianity and it {his is the only form of society that Topeka, Kans. — A Carnegie it has ever bem my delight to the mysteries in saying the beads DESCENT INTO LIMED yet the latter was persuaded to makes them today. But the fact is ultimately acceptable. medal has been awarded posthu­ learn or teach or write. of the Rosary? be obedient to God, in order that that God became manifest in the The norms by which a success­ mously to Marjorie Williams, who “In my l^ h year I was ad­ It is a pious practice, if we say the Virgin Mary, might become the flesh through birth from a virgin ful life is judged today are as con­ was drowned attempting to rescue mitted to t l ^ diaconate and in my the beads or five de'cades of the ACT OF DIVINE MERCY advocate of the virgin Eve. And mother is insisted upon over and fusing as they are various. Most a friend in the La Cava river near 30th year^to the priesthood, both Rosary daily, to use a certain set thus, as the human race fell into over again by the Apostolic of us need constant orientating in Vanderbilt, Tex. The friend, by the bands of the Most Rev. of mysteries on certain days. Ordi­ bondage to death by means of a this most vital matter. Dr, Fiir- Eugenia Neider, also drown^. Bishop/John (St. John of Bev- Fath’ers. The medal will be sent to Mi.ss narily the Joyful mysteries are (O ne o f a New Series Based on the virgin, so it is rescued by a vir­ fey’s book is worth while inas­ erley^and at the bidding of Abbot. the earth to redeem the just who Man would not have fallen from much as it performs this im­ Williams’ parents here. Both girls said on Mondays and Thursdays. Catechism of the Council of gin; virginal disobedience having Ceolftid. From the tim* of my were there . . . Read the Prophet grace as a race had it not been for portant function. — 'Tliomai E. were sophomores at Topeka Cath­ These mysteries are the Annuncia­ T ren t) Isaias, who lifted up his voice and been balanced in the opposite scale or4ihation to my present 59,th year tion, the Visitation, the Birth of the sin of Adam, but Eve must Davitt, S.J. olic high school. I have endeavored, for my own us* The first part of the Fifth Ar­ foretold so many things of Him . . . by virginal obedience. For in the be gpven a major share of the guilt Our Lord, the Presentation, and ticle of the Creed,. “He descended Do you want ‘the King’ not to go same way the sin of the first in this catastrophe because it was ^nd that of tha brethren, to make the Finding of Jesus in the into hell,” is necessarily unintelli­ down and liberate His herald? created man received amendment through her temptation that Adam ^brief notes upon the Holy Scrip­ Temple. The Sorrowful mysteries gible to the vast majority of those Here, too, were David and Samuel by the correction of the First- tures either out of the works of are used on Tuesdays and Fridays begotten, and the coming of the sinned. Man would not have been MOVING PICTURES CLASSIFIER the venerable Fathers or in con­ who will not consult the Divinely and all the prophets; John the Bap­ restored to the supernatural state formity with their meaning and —namely, the Agony in the Gar­ constituted mouljipiece of Christ tist, too, who through his messen­ serpent is conquered by the harm­ if it had not been for the redemp­ den, the Scourging, the Crowning (the ) for its in­ gers had said: ‘Art Thou He who lessness of the dove, those bonds tion of Jesu^ Christ, who is the FoRowIdc 1» a Hit of motion pietorci r.vi.wwl »nd eUiiifi.d by th. tionaJ interpretation.” Bede then goes with Thorns, the Bearing of the fallible interpretation. By the is to come, or look we for an­ by whirii we had been fast bound eonncU of th. Ltsion of D.c.ncy through lti“New York h.adquirt.ri: on to list his 'writings. • Cross, and the Crucifixion and to death being unloosed.” sole mediator of grace between Cl.is A—SKtlon I—UnobjMtIon.bl. for Cen.raJ Patronaco Bede’s history was finished in Death. The Glorious mysteries words, “He descended into hell,” other?’ ” (Matt, xi, 3). Christ, God and man; but, as we have seen Adveotar«a of Chico Her Jungle Love Prairie Thunder 731, so that, if Bede was then 59, we profess that immediately after therefore, descended into ..hell St. Irenaeus goes on to say that from the teaching of St. Irenaeus, Adventurea of Marco Polo Heroy of the Alamo Radio City Re^ols are used on Wednesdays and Sat­ the death of Christ His soul de­ (the hell of “limbo”) to fill the heretics, being all unlearned and Adventurea of Robin Hood Hideout in the Alps Range Defenders he must have been born about urdays—namely, the Resurrection, ignorant of God’s arrangements, it was the conviction of the early Adtenturaa of Tom Sawyar Hitting a New High Rawhide / 672. He spent his whole life in the Ascension, the Descent of the scended into hell and-dwelt there souls of the just with immeasur­ “and not acquainted with the dis- Church that Mary held the same All Over Town Hold That Kiss Rebecca of Sunnybrook Northumberland, England, for, as as long as His body remained in able joy by announcing to them position in our salvation as Eve AnnapuHa Salute Hunted Men Farm / Holy Ghost, the Assumption, and In Old Chicagp Return/of the Scarlet he writes, he had been born near the sepulchre; and. also that the His accomplishment of their re­ held in our downfall. Araene Lupin Retnrna Pi^ernel the Coronation of the Blessed one Person, Jesus Christ, was at demption. 2 Bishops at Dedication Araon Gang Bustera Internationa) Settlement the monastery in which he lived Virgin. If the early Church honored Barrier. The Invieible Enemy Rid^e of the Rockies from his seventh year on. the same time in hell and in the We are not to imagine that Of Greek Rite Church Mary as the second Eve, and our Behind the Mike Jubilee RoBing Caravans On Sundays, the mysteries are sepulchre, since, although His soul Beloved Brat Kid Comes Back, The Boroanee of tha Rockies He was a priest and a member divided as follows; In Advent and Christ’s power and virtue only, Cleveland, 0.—At remodeled St. Mother in salvation, we ought to Blind Alibi Kidnaped in Shanghai ,4lomance on the Run of the Benedictine order. He does from Epiphany until Lent, the five was separated from His body, His follow its example. Particularly Blondea at Work Lady in the Morgue 4 Saleslady not explain who the relatives were Divinity ever remained united to and not also His soul, descended George’s Magyar (Hungarian) Boole of Deetiny Lady Tubbs (reissue) Sally, Irene, and Mary Joyful mysteries; in Lent, the five church, only parish in 'Youngs­ ought we to do this when we find San Francisco (reissue) who sent him as a boy to be edu­ both. into hell; but we must firmly be­ the Apostolic Fathers arguing for Boy of the Streets • Land of Fighting Men / Sorrowful mysteries; from Easter It is to be noted that the word town, 0., where the old Greek Breakfast for Two Law Man Is Born / Scandal Street cated by the BenedictrneD, nor until Advent and from the end of lieve that His soul itself, really language is used in services, a re­ the necessity of a united faith. Bringing Up Baby Legion of Missing H n She Asked for It does he tell exactly when in his “hell” .does not here mean “the and substantially, descended there, Irenaeus, in the 20th chapter of Bulldog Drummond's Peril I^ife Begins at 40 ireissue) She's Got Everything Advent to Epiphany, the five Glor­ sepulchre,” as some have igno­ dedication ceremony recently took Californian. The Begins in College Snow. White and the Sertn yduth he joined the order. ious mysteries. Some, because of according to the testimony of Da­ place in which two Bishops par­ his book, calls upon the early Call of the Rockies Little Flower of Jesus Dwarfs Occasionally Bede left his mon­ rantly, if not impiously, imagined; Christians to follow only those Speed to Spare the difficulty of following this cal­ vid: “Thou wilt not leave my soul ticipated, an unprecedented event Call. The Little Miss Roughneck astery to ■visit friends for a few endar, say the Glorious mysteries for in the preceding article we Bishops who are able to trace Charlie Chan on Broadway London by Night State Police days. In 733, he made a short learned that Jesus was buried, and in hell” (Ps. xv, 10). But, at the in the valley. The Most Rev. Jos­ Checkers Lone Wolf in Paris Start Cheering every Sunday of the year. We eph Schrembs, Bishop of Cleve­ their spiritual lineage back to the Code Of the Ranger Love Is a Headache Stolen Heaven . stay with Archbishop Egbert in there was no reason why the same time, His supreme power Apostles. “The path of those be­ Crime of Dr. Hallet, The Making the Headllnea Squadron of Honor . i can find no statement anywhere Apostles, in delivering an article land, represented the Latin rite York. A letter from. Bede to the that it is heces.sary to use any par­ was in no degree lessened, nor was and preached in English, and the longing to the Church circum­ Crime School Mama Runs Wild Swiss Miss Archbishop in the following year of faith, should repeat the same scribes the whole world, as pos­ Dangerous Adventure Merrily We Live Test Pilot 1 ticular set of mysteries on any thing in other and more obscure the splendor of His sanctity ob­ Most Rev. Basil Takach of Pitts­ David Copperfleld (reissue) Million Dollar Racket Thirteenth Man < refuses a second invitation on the day, Sunday or otherwise, to gain burgh, Bishop of all Greek Rite sessing the sure tradition from the Dawn Over Ireland Dodd Takes the Air This Marriage Business plea of ill health. the indulgences. terminology. Hell here signifies scured by any blemish. His de­ Catholics of Rusin, Magyar, and Apostles, and pves unto us to see Doctor Rhythm M<^nastery This Way, Please But his life generally was' a those secret abodes in which are scent served rather to prove that that the faith of all is one and Escape by Night Moonlight Sonata .Thunder (3ity round of prayer, study, teaching, detained the souls that have not Croatian nationalities in the United Federal Bullets Murder on Diamond Row Torchy Blane in Panama the same, since all receive one and Feud Maker, The Music for Madame To the Victor and writing. Though he is known How can we tell what sins are obtained the happineas of heaven. whatever had been foretold of His States, officiated and preached in sanctity was true; and that, as He Hungarian. the same God the Father, and be­ First Lady Mutiny on the Bounty Tovarich best today as an historian, Bede’s mortal and what are venial? In this sense the word is frequently lieve in the same dispensation re­ Flash Casey, Candid (reissue), Treasure Island (reissue) first love was the study of the To make a sin mortal three used in Holy Scripture. Thus, the had previously demonstrated by Cameraman Mystery House Trigger Trio so many miracles. He was truly the Lauds Church. garding the incarnation of the Son Forbidden Valley Non-Stop New York Trip’to Paris, A Bible. In his mind the subordina­ things are necessary: 1. Serious Apostje says: “At the name of Son of of God. . . . Undoubtedly the 46 Fathers Of Human Hearts Troopship tion of a)l other studies to that of , matter; 2. Sufficient reflection Jesus'every knee shall bow, of preaching of the Church is true Four Men and a Prayer* On Again—Off Again Two of Us. The for us to realize the grravity of the those that are in heaven, on earth, Our Savior accomplished the Galloping Dynamite Outlaws of the Orient Under Western Stare the Scriptures is clear from his ’ and steadfast, in which one and Generals Without Buttons Outside of Paradise Vmlley of Terror words: “Holy Scripture is above affair; 3.^ Full consent of the will and in hell” (Philip, ii, 10); and liberation of the holy fathers and the same way 6f salvation is West of Rainbow's End other just souls in an admirable Goldwyn Follies Overland Express, The all other books not only by its to. the sin. The following sins (to in the Acts of the Apostles St. showri throughout the^world. . . . Goodbye Broadway Orer the Goal West of Shanghai authority because it is Divine, or quote from the Manual of Chris­ Peter says that Christ the Lord is and most glorious manner; for His For the Church preaches the truth Green Fields Over the Wall Where Trails Divide Divine presence filled the cap­ Gun Law Paradise Isle Who Killed Gail Preston? by its utility because it leads to tian Doctrine, page 213) are gen­ again risen, “having loosed the everywhere.” In the tenth chap­ Gunsmoke Trail Penrod and Rls Twin Wrong' Road eternal life, bi^ also by its an­ erally considered serious: 1. All sorrows of hell” (Acts ii, 24). tives with inconceivable joy. ter of his book, he^makes this Hawaii Calls Brother Yank at Oaford, A When, at His ■ Ascension into Young Dynamite tiquity and its literary form.” sins that ‘directly assail God or Of the various abodes called statement; “The Catholic Church Headin' East Phantom Ranger, The His influence upon English and any one of His perfections; 2. All “hell,” not all are of the same na­ heaven. He led the souls there from possesses one and the same faith He Couldn't Say No You’re a Sweetheart limbo, He imparted to them that Claee A‘-*>Sectieo 2* Unobjectlonabra fot Adults ;foreign scholarship,'^ while great, sins of lust; 3. All sins against a ture, for among them is that most throughout the whole world.” He Accidents Will Happen Girl Waa Young, The Penitentiary suffered through the havoc in­ precept the object of which was loathsome prison in which the supreme happiness which consists is arguiplg that the heretics can­ Air Devils Go Chase Yourself Rascals in the beatific vision of God. Reckless Living flicted upon the monasteries of deemed to be of great importance souls of the damned are tormented not be right because they teach Alcatras Island Good Earth. The Northern England by the Danes by the legislator who framed it, with the unclean spirits in eternal This deliverance of the just was conflicting doctrines. Back in Circulation Happy Landing Romance in the Dark long before prophesied by Osee in Black Doll High Flyer Sailing Along about 100 years after his death. . such as failure to observe the law and inextinguishable fire. This What does this kind of arg;u- Bord^rtown (reissue) Hurricane Saint in New York His sermons and historical writ­ of fast and abstinence, to hear place is called “gehenna,” “the these words: “0 death, I will be ment sound like, the Christianity Carnival Qa.een Island in the Sky She Married an Artist thy death; 0 hell, I will be thy College Swing I Met My Love Again Slight Case of Murder, A ings have been collected and pub- Mass on Sundays and holy days of bottomless pit,” and is hell strictly taught in the Catholic Church to­ Condemned Women Jctebel Souls at Sea Kshed, but his commentaries on obligation, to fulfill one’s Easter so-called. Then there is also the bite” (Osee xiii, 14), and also by day or the modem sophistry Joy of Living. The Storm in a Teacup the I*rophet Zachary: “Thou also, (jonfession the Bible are still waiting for a duty, etc; 4. All sins that griev­ fire of purgatory, in which the which says it does mot matter to Conquest King of Newsboys Swing It Sailor competent editor. ‘ ously wrong our neighbor in his souls of just men are cleansed by by the blood of Thy testament, what Church you belong? Let us Count of Monte Crlitn Lady Escapes. The Swing Yo’ r Lady hast sent forth Thy prisoners out (reissue) That Certain Woman In scientific scholarship and re­ property, his life, his fortune, or a temporary punishment, in order line up with the Church that in­ Dangerous to Know Live, Love, and Learn There's Always a Woman search Bede could take his place his reputation, as extensive theft, to be admitted into their eternal of the pit”' (Zach. ix, 11). sists on “one faith,” and let us Dark Eyes Living on Love Thrill Hunter (reissue) Daughter of Shanghai Look Out For Love Tipoff Girls among students of modem critical murder, etc. country, into which “there shall Finally, the better to under­ not be ashamed to follow the Doctor Syn Love Before Breakfast Topper study. The work done under his not enter any thing defiled” (Apoc. stand the efficacy of this mystery, example of our early brethren and Double Danger* (reissue) True Confession j inspiration is thorough. It bears xxi, 27). 'The truth' of this doc­ it should be borne in mind that give Mary the Imnor she deserves Double Wedding Man-Proof Vivacious Ijidy I A ' friend of mine says she Ebb Tide Man Trailer (reissue) Walking Down Broadway the test of examination. Its mat­ trine, based on Sacred Scripture, not only the just who were born as the channel through whom ter is the result of -wide reading knows of a girl who prayed hard has been confirmed by various sol­ Everyday'e a Holiday Midnight Intruder. The Walter Wanger’a Vogues to get a husband. She got one, after the coming of Our Savior, Christ gave us salvation. 62nd Street Mr. Moto’s Gamble of 1988 ^ and full knowledge, used with emn councils of the Church. but also those who preceded Him Female Fugitive My Old Kentucky Home Westland Case judgment and critical tact. hut has bad much trouble. My Lastly, the third kind of abode from the days of Adam or will Fighting Code (reissue) Night Club Scandal Wife of General Ling. The friend says that this fs because God $1,500,000 Seminary Fight for Your Lady Night Spot Woman Against th# World B^de himself tells how his his­ did not wish her to marry but she (also called the “limbo of the pa­ be born lintil the end of time, Fools for Scandal Nurse From Brooklyn Women In Prison tory was written; that for knowl­ forced His will by prayer. triarchs”) is that into which the obtain their salvation through the Construction Begun Forty Naughty GirJa Paradise for Three World's In Love. Th# edge and accuracy he went to the Our Lord Himself taught us souls of the just were received be­ benefit of His Passion. ‘Where­ Los Angeles.—Ground for the Gaiety Girls Partners In Crime > Live. Lov#. and Learn best sources of information avail­ fore the coming of the Savior, and fore, before His death and Ascen­ Addressing the Hol^ Name so­ Class H—Objectionable In Pan to be persistent in prayer. The new $1,600,000 St. John’s major AM Baba Goes to Town Juggernaut Second Honeymoon able in his day. Time and labor fact that the wife had trouble fol­ where, without experiencing any sion, heaven was closed against ciety in Pelham, N. Y., Congress­ seminary was broken at Somis, Battle of Broadway Lady Behavel Sinners in Paradise were no considerations so Hong as lowing her marriage has no con­ sort of pain, but supported by the every child of Adam. The souls man Joseph A. Cavagan (above) and'it is expected that the edifice Between Two Women Let’s Make a Night of It Two Who Dared the truth was gained. He scrupu­ blessed hope of man’s redemption, of the just, on their departure of New York deplored the accel­ Big Broadcast of 1988 Love. Honor, and Behave WiVe, Doctor, and Nurse nection at' all with the many will be completed in 300 working Divorce of Lady X, Th# Mannequin Wine. Women, and Horses lously notes in fiis writings the prayers she said beforehand. In they enjoyed peaceful repose. It from this life, were either borne to erating movement away from de­ days. In the absence of Arch­ Pearls of the Crown Wom..n Men Marry passages he hai^/borrowed from fact, without the prayers, she may was to liberate these holy souls the bosom of Abraham; or, as is mocracy through the world. Cava­ bishop John J. Cantwell, the Rt. Rat. The others and begs copyists of his have had worse difficulty. that Christ the Lord “descended still the case with those who have gan stressed Church leadership in Rev, John Cawley, ‘Vicar General, Clast C—Condemned works to preserve the references. into hell.” something to be washed away or preventing the spread of state Assassin of Tenth Demaged Lives Damaged Goode turned the first shovel of earth. Pitfalls of Youth Twelve hundred years ago, he was St. Cyril of Jerusalem wrote: atoned for, were purified in the tyranny and the finding of a solu­ Formal dedicatory ceremonies will It it-right for lay people to read NOTEt The picture, **Birth of a Baby,** has been placed in a separate elassiflea- using the same methods that “Ha went down into the boweli of fire of purgatory. tion world problems. b« held in October. Uon« cntltlod **Not aaiuble for teneml thtatrieal exhiblUon.'* scht^lars as* today.

I PAGE FOUR T H E REGISTER Sunday, May 22, 1938

Tj/y/~tfn riV T l cl f /y sc *he grim choice that greeted gurvivor* of ex-service men i* L / e a U I . U l LyUlfVIparents of Helaine Golan To Help the Helpless the aim of the buddy poppies (right) in Chicago, whose life was threatened by glioma, a cancerous FR. KIRSCH MAKES PLEA worn on Memorial day. Rep. John J. O'Connor of New York, a Cath­ growth affecting the eyes and optic nerve. There was a chance life olic, gets his in advance from Mary Jane Colgan. The poppies are might be saved by the removal of the eyes, but the parents quailed at made by disabled war veterans. (l^ntinued from Page One) authorizing the handicap of blindness. A jury of medical experts voted FOR PURITY OF SPEECH to operate. One eye was removed, the babe coming through the operation delighted we felt when the pro­ candidate for the write-up and then with flying colors, and efforts are being made to treat the other fessor afterwards vigorously washed send him a proof. optic. Shown at the left is Helen Vasco of Hastings-on-the-Hud^on, An urgent plea for purity of and satisfactory information to his hands under a nearby hydrant. iV. Y., who had a similar operation in babyhood and can see with speech and of reading was made their children at home, these We were afraid, of our lives ho The explanation given in the one eye. Sunday by the Rev. Felix M. young people need never talk would forget 1 0 ^ 0 this and then Christian Century that Cardinal Kirsch, O.M.Cap., in his address about sex with their playmates and shake hands with us. innitzer backed Hitler's plebiscite over the Cathonc Hour, produced school compa-iions. . . . for union of Germany and Austria over a network of the National “While we must make every ef­ Among the students we met was because he yearns to head an inde- Broadcasting company by the Na­ fort in behalf of purity of speech, a young man witli a typical mod- ^ndenl German Church is ridicu­ tional Council of Catholic Men and we must beware of exaggerations erti name but with pure Indian lous. The eminent Archbishop of carried by KOn, Denver. in this regard. Hence it is neces­ blood in his veins. He belongs to Vienna has had a most dis­ Father Kirsch said that “we sary to distinguish between what the Blaokfeet. Far from the pur­ tinguished career in the Gatholir 1" cannot have a chaste nation unless is impure and what is only coarse, suits of his warlike ancestors, he. Church. There has never |>een the we develop among our millions of vuTgar, improper, or in bad taste. was in the. rollege library, taking least suspicion J)f his fidelity.- The Americans a deep .-reverence for 'Some people have erroneous no­ copious notes. It is his hope, we Osservatnre Romano, it is true, clean minds and pure bodies.” He tions on this point and therefor? understand, to go bark to his own did not take back its statement declared that a person’s speech may regard as sinful what is people as a high school teacher. that a group of Aiistrian Bishops merely vulgar. . . . had acted in behalf of the anschluss not only reveals “what is in his mind but his speech also reacts May Be Ridiculed We like Montana for many without Papal permission. But outside this rebuke, which pre­ upon his mind and character.” “It is not only the horne that reasons, and among them is the Parent* Best Teacher* can create the proper tone for the fact than one ran still encounter ceded the Cardinal's visit to the Pope and to the Papal Secretariate Continuing, Father Kirsch urged conversation of our young people. real Indian life, despite the wide­ Teachers can accomplish a great spread White rivilizalion. We heard of Slate, there has been no official ! that children be taught the facts indication that the Vatican i-ob- of life by their parents. “The deal in creating the proper tone in two Chhrchmcn comparing notes a school. . . . But, alas! so high a on their visits to Indian reserva­ sidered the action of the Austrimi curiosity of children in this matter Hierarchy as un-(^atholic. Maybe is legitimate,” he said, “and par­ moral tone is not at all common tions. One of them told about a today. The Church and the school White superintendent who vastly there was some difference of o|iin- ents should therefore answer the ion about the better path to pur­ 'X, questions of the little people m^y be inculcating sublime ideals, amused a group cf Indian cliiefs /X-v. 'v -y may demand self-control and chas­ for two hours by ^making fatjes sue; but even concerning this we frankly and truthfully from the can do no more than guess. Per - , * beginning. . . . The child will grad- tity in word and deed, and outside at them. Perhaps th e y saw all the Church and the school, nay the rest of us in him. Another sonally, this writer particularly uaLiall: riy acquire all the knowledge admires Bishop Johann Baptist perhaps-even at home, the youth told how, when he gave sermons necessary. By answering the ques­ Sprqll of Wurtiembcrg, who, alone tions of the children truthfully, will witness the grossest immoral­ on the reservation, he found that \ ity. He will even be ridiculed for the interpreters somehow always of all the German Bishops, refused the parents will have an invaluable to vote in the plebi.scite and whf> \7- opportunity of giving their chil­ his( attempts to remain chaste. . . . talked twice as long as he did. > - He must learn to brave the jeers But he quit'using an interpreter has been officially threatened with dren God’s viewpoint on sex for the halo of niartyrdoni. the rest of their lives. First im­ of the crowd, to be not only a man after one night when he saw a in the world but a man against group of the Redskins attending The Christian Century says that pressions are the deepest. the “Old (^tholic” schism (which ' Hi the world. He must realize that a slap-stick comedy. Tltey com­ “What a protection for the child one \vith God is a majority. . . . followed the Vatican council and to realize that God lives in him pletely forgot their stolid reserve “In this way the boy will de­ and laughed and howled with the got its Episcopal Ordei> through \ and that therefore his body is a the Jansenist sect) today has 400,- very holy thing; that his whole velop a sense of personal hoiior. utmost glee. Furthermore, the And the sense of honor is a strong Churchman found, they understood 000 followers in Europe.' This is body is the marvelous handiwork given as proof that a new schism asset in fighting the dangers of the English script perfectly. of God; that God has assigned to may be expected. The “Old Gath every member of the body a spe­ immorality. Some people are im­ olics" have nothing like 400,000 cific function; that sex is a power pure because they have lost their Montana is setting a pace for the followers. There are not more given by God as a sacred trust. Sex sense of honor; among adoles­ nation in organized (ialholic Action. than 100,000 in all, if that many, knowledge that is imparted by cents, particularly, a sense of The diocesan Eucharistic con­ including those in the United German Nun* Back in Britain Nun*’ School in Japan Popular mother or father in childhood is honor may prove one of the foun­ gress at Great Falls was one of the States. London.—German nuns of the Sapporo, Japan.—At the Supe­ generally received without shame dation stones of chastity. All who finset demonstiralions we have ever Order of St. Catherine, who left rior school for girls, conducted or avidity, being then of no special are engaged in the movement for seen. Particularly was it thrill­ “King of Kings without a throne England in 1914 on the outbreak here by Franciscan nuns, registra­ ‘emotional significance. Hence par­ a better world in the next genera­ ing at its closing session, the Mid­ to sit upon.” This is tite descrip­ •of the World war to return to Ger­ tions for the new school year ents will avoid any later mutual tion can ill afford to neglect the night Pontifical Mass celebrated by tion that was given to Haile Selassie, many, have now come back to reached the record figure of 578. embarrassment by answering aid to be derived from developing .Archbishop Edward D. Howard of former Emppror of Ethiopia, after start a community in Lancaster. The school of commerce at the frankly all the questions about sex a fine sense of honor among our Portland, Ore.,' with Bishop Duane tlic League of Nations council at same time received 400 applica­ asked by their children. , boys and girls. . . . ^ G. Hunt, of Salt Lake as the Geneva gave freedom of action to tions. Maximum enrollment of “If parents will give adequate Must Develop Self-Respect preacher. The A oiith convention all league members to recognize each of these schools is restricted “It is . .. necessary for teachers that actmmpanied the congress was the Italian conquest of the African TINY PRESS to 150. andt other leaders of young people, an almost unbelievable demonstra­ kingdom. Lord Halifax voiced the 7 CommunUt Quarter* Clo*eil to build up in boys and- girl* a tion of what can be done in getting English demands for this step. The Quebec. — By strict enforce­ Fransalians Beat sturdy self-respect that will re­ adolescents lined up in Catholic speech was not without a touch of GROWS INTO ment of the anti-Communist “pad­ main with them in the widest work and in developing leadership grim humor.' Britain does not lock law” in Quebec province since crowd. Our young people must among them. Some of them approve of the means employed November, the attorney general’s Mustangs, 12 to 1 learn to act in a crowd as they traveled hundreds of miles for this by Italy, lie said. But “ it is neces­ VAST CHAIN department has closed seven Com­ think in solitude. The world is, diocesan convention. A strenuous sary to protect peace at any price, munist establishments, including A change of stadium proved no usually ready to take you at your program of meetings for inen, as Europe traverses a dangerous the offices of the newspaper, handicap to St. Francis de Sales’ own valuation; but you must first ; wqmen, and youths, together witli path. It is not a question of Island Creek, Mass.— (Special) Clarte. Sunday as the leader of the seirior show the world that you value , intiny religious services, marked the morals, bu( of politics.” —The little hand press set up in Fair Not to See ‘Book of Kell*’ parochial league maintained its yourself. Let Christian boys and | congress. Our hats arc off to That is plain enough. Britain, Steyl, Holland, by Father Arnold Dublin.—A report from New winning pace in defeating Mullen girls remember what the world ; Bishop Edwin O'Hara, who as having built up her own empire Janssen shortly after his found­ York that the Book of Kella, now home, 12 to 1. Annunciation team expects of Christians and let their j an organizer Jias no peer in the by conquest, was shocked whi ing of the Society of the Divine in the possession of Trinity col­ whipped Holy Family team, 4 to speech always be up to that high ; Hierarchy. Five thousand persons Mussolini sent his troops to Africa^ Word in 1875 has developed into lege, Dublin, might be exhibited 3, in extra-inning competition in standard. . . . attended the midnight field !V^ss, But now, since Italy must be a chain of modern printing plants at the New York'World fair next the second half of the twin bill. “Th?re remains the further : an extraordinary turnout for Great acknowledged as having finished that encircle the globe in their year is without foundation. Behind almost flawless pitching problem: When people in a group Falls. the job, England, though she still work for the propagation of the Prayer Apo*tle*hip Grow* by stellar Mike Auer, the Fran­ tell vile- stories, ought a person feels quite shocked by it, neverthe­ faith and the salvation of souls. Paris.—At the national con­ salians scored almost at will over to make an attempt to stop the The Philadelphia Standard and less accepts the situation, cor The Catholic press exhibit ar­ gress of the Apostleship of Prayer the hapless Mustangs. Auer went bad talk? If the person happens to Times rehnkeB Mrs. Franklin D. what may. ranged by students at Miramar and the Eucharistic Crusade it was .the full route, allowed but two be in control of the group, he Roosevelt for her public remarks We were never impressed with reveals that the present publica­ announced; that 320 new branches hits in the seven innings, and should seek an • opportunity of about divorce and birth control, the British or French morality that tion output of the society is as of the apostleship have been struck out 14 batsmen. Brown of changing the topic of conversa­ and also Dorothy Thompson, the was so shocked over the conquest follows: , founded in France. Monthly leaf­ Mullen home held the victors in tion. However, there may be occa­ columnist, for her defense of the of Ethiopia. The truth is that Six weeklies in four different lets go to more than 1,650,000 check until the fifth frame. The sions when a man or woman is not First I^dy and her criticism of Haile Selassie murdered his way to languages, circulation 56,100; 34 members. Fransalians broke through his de­ in control, yet cannot leave the Catholic rebukes. Mrs. Roosevelt the throne of his country, that the monthlies in 13 different lan­ livery at that time and scored six group, and cannot stop the telling Nun* Go to China Deapite War runs followed by three more in was definitely in, bad taste in this chief industry was slave trading, guages, circulation 874,200; 32 Peking.—Ten more Dominican of a bad story. However, the in­ that raids were, being conducted annuals in 18 different languages, the seventh. Auer was in danger dividual need never participate matter. Sisters have just gone to Fukien at no time in the game. DENVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY against neighboring people, xiid circulation 1,775,200; innumer­ province in Southeast China. The in the enjoyment of a smutty that the lowest and most corrupt able books and pamphlets printed recruits come from Germany. In Annunciation team's winning story, and he need never tell it Tlie Brooklyn Tablet says that form of Christianity on earth was each year. run in the extra inning came on a the May day parade 'In Manhattan 1937, there were working in this elsewhere. Our young people DRUGGISTS T O W E L & LINEN SUPPLY officially promoted. The United Practically all the work in the part of China 49 Dominican Sis­ single by Krajewski and two wild should be trained to make it a- this year had 60,000 marchers. States should follow the European pitches. The regular seven-in­ rule never to tell a batraory. 5,000 less than last year. Per­ printing shops of the society is ters and 70 other nuns of various YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS MOUNTAIN TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. I i trend and recognize Ethiopia as a ning stretch evolved into a will b« ailed correctly at haps 100,000 watched it, most of performed by lay brothers. The congregations. “Many a young man who has Service furnlsLed for Offices, BarbeH, part of the Italian empire. Whether Miramar students responsible for pitchers’ battle between Sommers become addicted to the use of pro­ WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Restaurants. Stores, and Banquets them sympathetic. The procession or not the Italian conquefit v the exhibit, which included hun­ of Holy Family team and Hart­ fane or obscene language merely Ph. SP. 9765 1096 South Cay lord St. was primarily a demonstration for lily while, we must in common dreds of publications not issued Diplomat Quits Mexico; mann of Annunciation team. Som­ to make an impression, might be 184S Msrket St. HA. 7690 Red Spain. Numerous placards sense admit that the present gov­ by the Divine Word society, are Is Scion of Irish King mers struck out nine and allowed brought to his senses if he recalled Patronize Our Advertisers B W. BECKIUS. Manager were carried demanding aid for the ernm ent of Ethiopia is a vast ini studying for the priesthood in the two hits in six innings. Hartmann the base ingratitude of insulting Leftists. The marchers chanted: provcmenl over what used to exist. allowed six hits and fanned 13. society. Mexico City. — Owen St. Clair God, who dwells within him and “Hitler, Mussolini — hands^ off Sommers was relieved by Jones, who gives him the power of Francis J. Fisher, Inc. The firms listed here de­ Spain! Stop Franco, Mussolini, Hit­ O’Malley, British minister to Mex­ who was charged with a loss. Philip Murray, second in com­ ico who was called home when speech. How can he dare to say in TAbor 6204 serve to be remembered ler! Down with Fascism, up with mand of the CIO and a Catholic, Detroit Will Expand the presence of God what he democracy!” But, as they shouted Mexico recalled its representative when you are distributing makes a sound suggestion when he Its Catholic Library to Great Britain as a protest would never dare say in the pres­ Cement, Plaster, Mortar the last words, they made plain says: “Instead of quiet little meet­ Prelate Warns Women ence of his mother. Judas betrayed what they meant by “democracy,” Detroit.—Expansion is planned against British in.sistence that your patronage in the dif­ ings in closed rooms, wouldn't Jl here for the Van Ant'werp circu- $250,000,000 worth of seized Against Perils of Today Christ with a kiss, and a man who Metal Lath, Stucco for they r.iised their clenched fists be better if business, labor, finance, uses for obscene speech the tongue ferent lines of business. over their heads in the Red salute. lating'library located'in the Chan­ English-owned oil properties be 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER agriculture, and government should cery building. Another floor will returned, is descended from one of St. Louis.—Addressing a group on ■which Christs Sacred Body Collectors continually solicited aid get together and put their cards for Red Spain during the pageant. be turned over to the use of the the Irish kings and is described as of delegates Vepresenting 145 or­ restj in Communion is repeating on the table and save this coun­ organization and new books will one of the suavest diplomats Eng­ ganizations of Catholic women, the the crime of the traitor. He then The parade was also vigorous in its try.'’ defense of Semitism. “The over­ be purchased for the addition, fn land has produced since the World Most Rev. John J. Glennon, Arch­ and there gives evidence of a yel­ whelming majority of the marchers the library’s four years of exist­ war. bishop of St. Louis, told them it js low streak. . . . Percy Forster, a veteran Ameri ence 160,000 pamphlets have been their duty to “help stem the tide “It is the bad taste developed by The Register Shopping Guide were Jews and hundreds of signs impure stories, whether told or said: ‘Stop anti-Semitism.’ This can newspaper correspondent in sold and 60,000 books lent. of immorality, vulgarity, and in­ MR. AMD MRS. SHOPPER— Ths Ratdster recommaads this alphahetic^y* Buenos Aires and other South Illinois Sister Marks decency that springs from a lack heatd or read, that so easily leads indaxad list of business list and ef in*ofessionai business and people professional for four people needs. tor Aaas four leadersindexed teeaers needs, was the first time anti-Semitism of belief in Almighty God.” The to sin. How urgent is the duty, in their various lines, they are well ^ equipped to giro you excellent eenrice. was ever mentioned in a New York American cities for years, hap 4 Franciscans at Altar 50th Year in Religion QWt them e trial and ehow your ap^eciation. for they ero co-oporatinf with pened to be in New York when Archbi.shop advised attention' to therefore, for all lovers of chastity ue in aivin i vou a finar puhHcetlen. ' parade.” May day parades in Springfield, 111. — Members of home duties as an antidote against to join in the crusade for purity of Brussels, Paris, and I-ondon had the abortive attempt to overthrow At Father’s Funeral the rule of President Getulio Var­ Baltimore.—Af the funeral of the Congregation of the Domini- siich influence. speech and reading.” similar placards. “Take the Jews can Sisters here recently joined GROCERY out of the parade and there would gas occurred in Brazil. Forster Charles Wieprecht in St. Stanis­ The firms listed here de- asserts that Brazilians are pleased laus’ church here, four of his sonsi in celebration of the golden jubilee not be much left.” says the Tablet. of Sister Mary Antoninus. Cere­ Milestone in Application of Social Teaching Westerkamp Bros. with the regime of Vargas, who is all priests of the Franciscan order, serve to be remembered The Jews of .America obviously monies took place at the mother- KE. 9043 5106 Wash. have a problem on llieir hands in virtually a dictator. The bane of were at the altar participating in house, in Sacred Heart chapel. the increasing Red demonstrations the country has been rapacious the simultaneous celebration of Talk—Don’t W alk- when you are distributing politicians. “One of President two Masses, one a Solemn Requiem Concluding the services, the Most CONFERENCE RANKS WITH Telephone Your Order of their New York brethren. But Rev. ,fames A. Griffin, Bishop of your patronage in the dif­ let us help litem and not be moved Vargas’" main objectives in selling Mass. The pastor of the Church Springfield, offered a Low Mass Everything a Good Grocery to anti-Semitism ourselves. If there himself up as dictator for an in of St. Casimir offered a third for the jubilarian: Should Have ferent lines of business. is an anti-Semitic wave in .America, definite period was to eliminate Mass at another side altar. Mr. Be.t Food* at Lowe*t Prico* ISSUING OF ENCYCLICALS W . Deliver we will be the next, "nie B’nai the politicians.” As a result, an Wieprecht was the only rnan in army of them is now in the bread 'the United States ever to give four Washington, Mo., Plans B’rith, international Jewish order, sons to the Minors Conventual. closed its convention at Vvashing- line. The attempt to overthrow Catholic Day Program Milwaukee. — The National ciples of social justice by a num­ ton, D. C., May 12 after autlioriz- Vargas was merely an effort by Catholic Social Action conference ber of Bishops in attendance at ing an “aggressive campaign tlicm to get back the keys of the Bishop Blesses Statue, Washington, Mo.—rCatholic day was “one of the great milestones the meeting. Members of the against Gonimunisni, Fascism, and treasury. Forster does not believe will be celebrated here Sunday, Hierarclty who made outstanding that tlic rebellion was Fascislic, as ‘Queen of the Missions’ May 22, with the program under in the application of Catholic so­ Nariism.” cial teaching,” says a resolution contributions to the deliberations press dispatches declared. Providence, R. I.—A life-.size the direction of the priests of Included Bishops Robert E. Lucey You may remember that, when statue of the Blessed 'Virgin Washington deanery. The day is adopted by the board of directors When three nuns were walking wrought in white Carrara marble of the National Council of Cath­ of Amarillo, Hugh C. Boyle of Vargas set up his dictatorship, it planned as a public expression of Pittsburgh, and John J. Swint of along, a street in Providence, R. L, was described by press correspond­ was dedicated at St. Columban’s faith and thanksgiving. A Solemn olic Men. Annunciation $t. Dominic’s a few days ago, minding their own seminary, Bristol, by the Most Field Mass wdll be held at Wash­ The resolution declares that “ di­ Wheeling, together with others ents as Fascislic. It is organized previously mentioned. businesr, a woman physically at­ along “corporative” lines, but is Rev. Francis P. Keough, Bishop ington City park at 11 o’clock, rectors of the National Council of tacked them and ripped the* veil not European in aspect. The of Providence. The statue is the wit), the Very Rev. Sebastian Catholic Men see this conference LONDON MARKET AND from one of - them. The state^ is Ghureh is well protected. first of the Blessed Mother to be Krompel, O.F.M., as celebrant. as one of the great milestones in GROCERY predominantly Catholic. The I is- Rebel soldiers invaded the Pres­ designated under the title, “Queen the application of Catholic social itor. diocesan, paper, says that the teaching to the United Statds, tak­ OSCAR TUNNELL. Prop. COAL ident's palace. He and his fam­ of the Missions.” woman “represents an clement here ily personally fought them off. Fr. W. Kenneally ing its rightful place with promul­ Quality Meats and Groceries whieh is boring from within with, Writers recall that even as a boy gation of the memorable encycli­ 3800 'Waipnt Street Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. Proceedings of C. of C. D. Rerum Novarum, Quadra- the purpose of discrediting ihe Vargas showed no small ingenuity. cals, Phone*: MA. 5239—TA. 3845 Will Speak at gesimo Anno, Divini Redemp- F. A. MiTmford, Mgr. rlergy and religion, of breaking Once when' he stayed home from Are Published by Guild and torie, . .. the joy of fresh, down our moral standards, of *ow- school and his father asked why, Paterson, N. J.—The 1937. pro­ and with the establishment W. 25th and Decatur GA. 5125 in g discontent and discord, in ceedings of the National Catecheti­ Nurse Graduation by the Bishops of the United mellow flavor. . . and the Vargas said that he had arranged States of the Social Action depart­ DE SELLEM order to prepare for the revolu­ that there would be no school that cal congress of the Confraternity joy of saving! tio n . of (Christian Doctrine have been The Rev. 'William Kenneally, C. ment of the National Catholic FUEL AND FEED CO. day. The fact is, he made all his M., will give the principal address fellow students promise to play published by the St. Anthony Welfare Conference.” CHARLES A. DeSELLEM Westbrook Pegler, the syndi­ hookey. Guild press here. Fifty-eight ad­ at the graduation of Catholice Bi*hop*’ 'Work Important dresses by members of the Hier­ nurses in the Cathedral Wednes­ An important feature of the So­ We Ship by Rail cated newspaper columnist, had his — Matthew Smith. Bluhlll p h o n e -TA. 3205 The firms listed here de­ column lifted by many of his cus­ archy, priesU, religious, and lay day, May 18, at 8:15 p. m. Di­ cial Action conference was the S5TH AND WACLNUT tomer papers one day recently be­ people participating in the move­ plomas will be presented to the 80 statement of the Christian prin­ Makes more cups of good RES. PHONE MA. 5544 serve to be remembered nurses by the Most Rev. Urban J. cause, as Tim e says, he criticized Guilds Advocated ment furnish the text. Included is coffee to the pound be* the Catholic Church and Rebel war the pastoral letter of Archbishop Vehr, who will also give a short When you are distributing talk.' Graduates'will be presented DRUGS practices in Spain. The pink New Glennon, under whose auspices the Citizens Paying for cause it's RICH-ROASTED your patronage in the dif­ Republic printed the missing con­ For Farm Laborers last session was held. to Bishop Vehr by the Rt. Rev. tribution as a special feature. It Hugh L. McMenamin, rector of the VACUUM PACKED TWO ^SoiKexU STORES Dublin.—In a broadcast from Cathedral.. Radical Propaganda ferent lines of business. will probably come as a surprise Three at L SAME PRICES to many readers of Pegler to learn Dublin, the Rev. J. M. Hayes said Music will be furnished by the Brooklyn. — American taxpay- In QIaes Jar ai\d Can that he I* listed in the American that guilds can develop co-opera­ Kennedy’s Reception Cathedral choir for hymns and ers "are contributing...... directly W ho’s Who as a Catholic. Born tion and solidarity among owners London.—In honor of Joseph P. Solemn Benediction. Nurses of through the government to sub­ at Minncapoljs in 1894, he was and workers, encourage and assist Kennedy, United States ambassa­ each school—St. Joseph’s, St. An­ versive propaganda of Communist S40i FraakUn St. 3101 WUHoa* S* educated at the Lane technical rural people to obtain technical dor, the Catholic Council for In­ thony’s, and Mercy—will hold a organizations in the five boroughs school and at Loyola academy, knowledge, and improve methods ternational Relations a n d the reception aftei-wards at their re­ of New York,” it is charged by Chicago. His wife is the former of agricultural production and Breakespeare club gave a recep­ spective institution. the Brooklyn Tablet. The article Julia Harpman of Memphis, Tenn. marketing. He proposed a na­ tion attended by the Archbishops says that “use of buildinsfs such as PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS He has had vast newspaper experi­ tional council embracing all rural of Cardiff, Birmingham, and Liver­ Retired Priest, 82, Dies schools and libraries, paid for by ence, chieHy as a sports writer activities as an advisory body to pool. Mr. Kennedy was accompa­ the taxpayers, is extended to these the government. Father Hayes nied by his daughters, Rosemary Los Angeles.—The Rev. Edward THEY ARE RELIABLE and columnist. It is virtually im A. Burke, 82, who retired 15 years organizations without regard for possible for the data in W h o t Who told the • possibilities of a rural and Eunice, who arrived in Eng­ their propaganda in its un-Amep- uild as jt works in his parish in land on the liner Manhattan the ago as pastor at Excelsior Springs, to be wrong, for the publishers ^ t Mo., died here. can and un-Christian ideology." ail the facts they publish from the ffipperary. same day.