Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-17-1907 Hughes & Mccreight

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Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-17-1907 Hughes & Mccreight University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-17-1907 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-17-1907 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 07-17-1907." (1907). 3650 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1G9. ALBUQUERQUE. AVEDNESDAY The Kwning citlarn, In AdTance, tft per VOL. 21. NO. NEW MEXICO. EVENING. JULY" 17. 1907. Delivered lijr Carrier. 0 crnta per month. HAGE11 XPERT'S REPORT 1U STAND THE LIGHT OF MY Referee Charles V. Safford, New Mex- DARROVV SAYS FINISH E TO KOREAN EMPEROR MUST ico's Traveling Auditor, Renders OF TRIAL IS IN DEATH SITTING ABDICATE Statement to Third Judicial District HIS Court Showing That the Territory SIGHT INJAB Owes H. 0. Bursum,' Former Prison Superintendent, the Sum of S4.333.56 Surrebuttal Evidence Fori De- Found With Hands Still Grasp- Sending Delegation to Peace fense Will ;occupy ing Air BraKe Lever Conference Caused Rup- and That Statements Compiled to But Little More and Sand ture With His Show Bursum Was Short in Ac- Time. Valve. Cabinet. counts, Were Filled With Many Errors Large and Small. JUDGE WOOD URGES SAVED PASSENGERS STATE 10 HURRY . F HIS RETIREMENT FAIR, IMPARTIAL AND CORRECT Witness Today Gives His Northern Pacific Flyer Derailed In Such Event According to His- ACCOUNTING FOR PRISON FUNDS Views of Tellurlde Troublesjand but Bravery of Man at Throttle tory Ruler of Country Must Explains Why It Was Neces Kept List of Injuries Accede to Request In Jsary to Call In Down to Only Bursum Is Charged With Everything That Should be Charged Favor of Crown Troops. a Few. Prince. Against Him and Alleged Shortages Shown Up as Untrue- clakkxck j. mimow, imuxciimt, attoksky of haywooivs DKI KXl'K, IN CHAKACTKKISTIC ATTITl'DK. -Complete Dolse, 17. On Set of Books on Hand Despite State- Idaho, July the Butte, Mont., July 17. When the Seoul. July 17. opening of court this morning At- uninjured Korea. Following torney members of the train crew a cabinet meeting yesterday, which ment That They Had Been Burned Attempt to Ruin So- Ilichardson notified the state of the North Coast limited, the lasted four hours, the premier that the defense desired three of the crack passenger flyer of the Northern an had CRACKED HIS HEELS IN MAN FELL FROM TRAIN slate's witnesses to remain in town. audience with the emperor In the corro County Man Results In Exposure I'acllio railroad, pulled away the evening, continuing In close confer of Poor Mathe- Judge Wood announced that prior timbers and bent iron from the side ence for three hours. to the opening of the argument he of the engine caib after a derailment It transpired that the premier matics by Expert When Case Finally Gets Into a of would notify the counsel as to this three miles east of Uarrison this had Court AIR AND DIED AND on which he made a strongly worded representa- IS FATALLY main points in evidence morning, they discovered Engineer tion of the gravity of the situation Justice Where Bursum Receives a Hearing would instruct the Jury. Darrow, for James Graham, of Butte, sitting la caused by his majesty's sending Testimony the defense, announced that the sur- - thg grasp- a defense, e ta!b, dead, with one hand deputation to the peace conference of robuttal for the would ing the sand pipe lever the other at The Hague, em- Former Penitentiary Superintendent Interesting Read- very short. and and asked the INSTANTLY INJURED the airbrake controller. He had peror to abdicate In favor of the . Through been crushed, but not thrown from crown price, and to proceed ing to His Friends and Unexpected by His Enemies-Fa- cts llall of BulloU. to Tokio O. M. Sackett. of Tellurlde. Colo ms seat. and apologise to the emperor of ' '" - - as Set Forth Not radu, for fifteen years an employe of The flyer was making Us usual Japan, - ' - t- v- - Can be Disputed. the Smuggler Union mine, was the time, running nearly 70 miles an The Korean emperor wade no Heart Disease Brought on by Crew Did Not Stop Because first witness of the day. He told his hour, when it passed Garrison, which definite reply to the proposition. personal experiences in the big riot is not a atop for this train. Three Will Accede to Demand. The Citizen today published the Attempt at Youthful It Was Behind at tne smuggler union in 1901, when miles past that place, the big engine While the emperor has given out transcribed, which It was not. many suddenly by report or cnaries v. SafTord, referee entries having been ne saia ne ana several other em left the rails, followed no statement aa to his Intentions, it in the brought by H. O. omitted on both ployes were compelled to run the two baggage cars, smoker and Is generally regarded by those suit Eursum debit and credit sides. This book Stunt. Time. day coach. close for an accounting of disputed ac should have had no place through a perfect hail of bullets In The Pullmans remained to him, that he will abdicate within cy whatever on track. counts in connection wun hl super-lntenden- in the order to get to the mine. the the next few days, and declare in of examination above referred to, He St. was Engine Overturned. his final proclamation, the territorial peniten- except as a guide or a check and said that Vincent John Plowing way that his son tiary at Santa Fe. this fact should AGED FARMER COULD SAN ACACIA MUCIT the head of the Tellurlde union at It along the rails for Is the emperor. This report already have been recognised tlhat time. witness next of nearly 100 yards, the huge locomotive He cannot, under the rule of has been sent by the party who made the audit. The told rushed part ot strict amvuuu court in tne tnira judicial dis- That It was so recognized, NOT STAND A DARE EXCITED. OVER AFFAIR negotiating with at. John to have the Its machinery being government adhered to In this1 coun- trict and wUl be reviewed by Judge by is shown firing stopped, and said he reached torn loose and striking the anginer'i try, refuse to give tiff the throne am -- the repeated complaints that the aide of caib, ; Frank W. Parker In the hearing of oook was not an "original an agreement with htm. the causing the death his Intimate counsellors do not be- - the suit. entry" and Made Agreement. of Graham. lleve that he will deviate from thai was inaccurate, yet, strange to say, Estancia. X. M., July 17. Sx-fial- ) Socorro, N. M., July 17. (Special.) an It Is a plain, unbiased, truthful ac- these very young Sackett said that aa a result of the Suddenly the engine left the ties custom, as to do so would mean po- counting Inaccuracies were madd "I'm not bs as I used to be, San Acacia, a small town fifteen negotiations and rolled down a steep embank- litical and probable physical for the monies handled by the basts of charges of shortages. but I'll bet I can JumD ud In the air miles north of here, is much wrought he had with St. John. ment, turning death. H. O. Uursum during the tune he was and crack my heels together up over strange an agreement between Edgar A. Col almost completely in charge of the prison and it showi The only books that should have twice the action of a rail- lins, assistant manager oi the mine, over. The baggage cars followed, one . been used In ques- before I strike the ground," said way crew in reporting Must Abdicate.' a large en-ots- the examination In at Socorro this was turning completely over and the oth- that number of Inten- tion were Fred Scott, an aged farmer, residing morning and St. John of the union, -- tional or otherwise, weru made by the books of original entry, that a man had fallen from drawn up and signed. The agree- er resilikg on Its side. The smoker Toklo, Japan, July 17. Although supplemented by of- five miles west of Sstancla, residing their train but that, being behind went on top bag- Korea is under an monar- the expert employed by the the books In the afternoon. Jumped up, ment was offered In evidence and al- down of the second absolute late governor, fice of the territorial treasurer as well He cracked time, they could not stop to inves- though objected. gage car, but remained in an up- chy, a democratic custom has exist- H. J. Hagerman, when as those In the oftlce his heels together, and fell to the tigate. the defense the right ed since olden days, he reported was M of the territor- Judge allowed It to tiled. position, and the chair car lay the of demand- that Bursum ah l ial auditor, and such ground dead. The effort brought on The body of the man was discover be on Its ing the from in his accounts. other evidences - This agreement was 3. side along the slope of the retirement the throne of the receipts and disbursements heart disease. ed early this mornlng- by residents of dated Julv embankment.
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