Show World (July 2, 1910)
THE SHOW WORLD Independent Newspaper, not afraid to tell the inside and outside doings of the show business; not owned or controlled by any amusement trust, and prints the news all the time. It is fair and fearless, tells the truth and “ain’t afraid.” FIVE CENTS THE COPY ISSUED 1PIDAY DATED SATIPDAY 2 THE SHOW WORLD Three Fast Daily Trains from St. Louis to The “Imp” release for Monday, July 11th, is going to make as tremendous a hit as our famous “Fruit and Flowers” Texas Oklahoma picture did. Begin to ask for it right now. It is entitled: Via “Old Heads and Young Hearts” A snappy, dainty comedy in which two old duffers want their son and daughter to wed, but disgust them with their eagerness. Finally the fathers pretend to fight and object to the wedding. And their ruse works, of course. If you don’t laugh when you see this play, you’ve got a heart that would make a cowhide look like pulp. Demand it. Begin NOW. Leaving IfThe Saloon Next Door” MORNING NOON NIGHT 9:00 A.M. 2:30 P.M. 8:25 P.M. is the name of our Thursday, July 14th, release. It is a typical “Imp” drama, the kind that has always packed your house, the kind you will ask your exchange to send back for a return date. If your exchange can’t give you Fred Harvey Meals Imp films, it probably isn’t buying any kind of films at all. If that is the case, switch, brother, switch! CET YOUR All “Imp” Films sold through the INDEPENDENT Sales Co.
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