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10-9-1914 Las Vegas Optic, 10-09-1914 The Optic Publishing Co.

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FAIR weather j DICK RUDOLPH Is as tonight and noti famous in Boston to- 0 Saturday; much In the j night as Von Kluck is change in Berlin. VEGAS O temperature. EXCLUSIVE A6BOOIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE


Austrians Defeat Russian Invaders Boston Takes the Opening Game

INTERSTATE BILLIARD LEAGUE Chicago, Oct 9 Arrangements TROOP MOVEMENT BY SCORE OF 7 TO 1 NATIONAL THE have been completed for the opening SITUATION IN FRANCE, WHERE of the season of the Interstate Three-Ctithio- n Billiard league next Monday night. Thirteen cities are to be rep- REACHES NORTH LEAGUE CHAMPIONS DEFEAT THE resented in the league this year, the BATTLE OF THE AISNE IS RAGING circuit having been doubled in size. Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Pitts- SEA OF AMERICAN CIRCUIT burg, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapo- .LEADERS lis and Buffalo were the members ' - U...I.. last year. Chicago and Cleveland will IT IS LIKELY THAT VON KLUCK'S IS REPORTED AS NOT CHANGED each have two representatives. FATE WILL BE DECIDED The new cities are Kansas City, THERE Rudolph, Slow-Ba- ll Artist, Pitches Magnifi- Cincinnati, Toledo, Rochester and Buffalo. Johnny Kling, former Chi cent Gamefor the Hub Aggregation cago baseball ana wno win MAY RELIEVE ANTWERP FORT still to the north ot Illle player, operating represent Kansas City, and Jerome and of Labasse and the battle con- Keough, former champion pocket bil the- line marked the IN HOLD THE tinues along by liard are the most noted of OPERATIONS, WIDE SCOPE, OPPOSING ARMIES e, player, of Lens, Arrals, ARE SPREADING ACROSS BEAN-EATER- S ABILITY TO HIT HARD regions the new players, although: Pierre Mau-pom- SHOW Chaulnes, Roye and Lassigny. INTO BELGIUM the Mexican, who; will repre "On the center of the Ose and on sent Philadelphia, is almost as well POSITIONS OCCUPIED the Meuse, pnly actions of minor Im SAME known. is to portance have been reported. MAY RESULT IN A "DRAW" Bender, Hero of Many World's Series Battles, Compelled will be represented by Chas. t in dis Chicago Which Filled "On our the Woevre Chl-cftg- Crowd Watches is right, Mcrin and Jess Lean. lAnother o Retire Immense Contest, there has been an artillery con BY THEM FOR PAST TWO DAYS trict, Charles LaCros, will be BOTH SIDES, HOWEVER, DENY With Situations Ticket Speculators are Busy, test the entire front. player, Exciting along seen in action. He wllllplay for Cin- THAT THEY WILL SUMBIT "In Lorraine, in the Vosges and in Demanding Exorbitant Prices. cinnati. . TO ARBITRATION no Alsace there has been change. The tournament this Is ex have year "In Bosnia, Montengrin troops hree-cushlo- pected to be the n Loudon, Oct 9. The military for- of continued their advance in the direc blggestf Favors Athletic Loss of Life Continues Heavy, Because event ever staged. Last fear the prize tunes of General von Kluck and his Betting tion of as far as the fortified 9. of-- favored the Athletics at 2 to Sarajevo n cney approximated $80 This year one-arme- d adversary commanding the Philadelphiai, Oct. The Betting line which protects the city at a dis- and 1 and 9 to 6. Artillery. it will total nearly $2,000v The great- allies' cavalry are being rapidly made ficlal figures for attendance Heavy Firing by tance from it Qf eight kilometers." est portion of this amount has been or marred within sight ot the North gate receipts and their division Some Hard Hitting serv- donated by the roomkefpers of the sea, which set a limit to the outflank for the national commission, John Coombs and Ira Thomas Near Przemysl - Victory league. An additional.. 1300 has been ing movements, the accomplishment players and clubs la as follows; ed the batters during batting pnu- S Amsterdam and. KING ALBERT IS REPORTED AS HAVING FLIGHT Vienna. Oct. (Via added fqe JorJ4 rfiiy--i,4:ilC?.- 7 hich loi .so, lo9gbas. been .h. su i Attendance 20,562. like. "Home RuuT JBaker trid oi!. - of- - Loudon, Oct .) The following winner to challena-- the holder of the preme goal ofnuriva. KuneraTs. .; ,v Rcicftntw $18,639.(10: the range of the right field wall, one- Gen- ficial announcement signed by world's three-cushio- title. August. The storm center gradually ex--i National commission H&ti'SM or hie Wows almost clearing the' ' . - eral Hoefer, deputy chief of the gen- Kieckhofer, who won the champion- tended northwaird. The battle of the '." : : !clouh..-- The. Boston .ltter- hit wick- - : According lo Another Report, is Leading a eral staff, was given out at Vienna ship last year, will again represent Aisne already has been merged into Clubs, $17,870.10. . " fedly la practice Tom -- 3.:; imghoa . Belgian Sovereign, and Uia today: Milwaukee. the battle of the Somme and the bat Bach club's share, $8,935.05. served up the balls v Forec ot his Picked Men to Join the Allies Forces in Erench ad sent a loud "Our troops have made further tle ot Lys, and if the long left tentacle rooters' from Boston, up Been Driven into Territory Russian Forces Declared to Have vances and yesterday they repulsed of the allies continues to stretch out she ut when Gowdy drove the bail Back by the Austrians. ,fi,f the enemy on the road to przemysl, ZEPPELIN AIRCRAFT in its present direction the finale of Shibe Park, Philadelphia,J;Oct. 9. fie stands. Przes-zo- w were on near Barycz, west of Bynow. the titanic may be fought The Boston pennant The Boston Braves first struggle Their has been recaptured and guns out on the banks, of the Scheldt and winnere easily ran away witb the the diamond for field practice. BY A Mar-anvil- is the last IS HIT SHELL defeat- was cut and brilliant le Germain heavy artillery pounding Antwerp, remaining have been taken. may decide the falte of the beleaguer Philadelphia Athletics today, work clean while German armle to the west continue 1. was all over the mldfleld sec stronghold of the Belgian army, Took Many Prisoners ed fortress of Antwerp, now a prey them by a score of 7 to The allies. ing his the struggle with the French and British "In the territory between the River SIEGE OF ANTWERP IS FEATURED to German howitzers and air craft. Boston team drove Bender, the Ath tion, scooping grounders to right Is in and throws from ev Beyond this little known of today's developments Belgium Vistula and the River Sata we took BY SENSATIONAL Whether or not the garrison of Ant-- letics' star right bander, from the and left and making at is in doubt. The which Rus- crowd France. The situation Antwerp censorship many prisoners from the fleeing warp will be able to staud its ground mound by terrific hitting which the ery position. The applauded untiD the was compelled attacks .masked the fighting there Belgium government sians. The renewed violent until the fate of the attempt to relieve Braves pieced together when hits him frequently. re-- to withdraw to Ostend still continues. on Przemysl have been splendidly London, Oct. Evening Star's the fortress la decided Is impossible meant runs. First Inning London refer to events of ana half Boston! Bender's first Reports coming through only yesterday pilsed and the enemy's dead Antwerp correspondent, telegraphing to foretell. Gowdy was the hitting star for the First or earlier. V thou- in was aa outcurve, which cut morning wounded were counted by the by way of Amsterdam, says that eye While some pictures of the bom- Bostons, setting three safe blows offering as a of the Belgian j Gow-- a Moran went out King Albert is variously reported leading part sands. witnesses of the Zeppelin flights over bardment of Antwerp may have been three times at the bat. One of the plate, for strike. out of the with the Intention probably of a juncture battles at con- other on a to Mclnnis. Evers sent army city effecting "We have had victorious Antwerp insist that they saw one overdrawn, it is nevertheless fully dy'e hits was a double and the lilgh fly with British and and aa arrived at Selszaete, a village a to Collins and went back to the French; having Sziget in Marmaros county, Hungary, such craft hit by shells from the fort firmed that the damage done by the a three bagger. His third bit was up a fly on the Dutch frontier. from Antwerp continue to pour into The landstrum the bench. took a strike and Refugees and in east Galicia, and fall to the earth. incendiary shells and bombs shower- single. Connolly Holland. that the have done much in each off next one. They report guns already damage and the Polish legionary rivalled During the bombardment of An- ing on the citadel from the German Rudolph pitched a game of first then fouled, the Connolly No no no errors-- . the city. other in gallantry." twerp Thursday night, it is estimated howitzers and air craft is extensive. water for his club, when he held the fanned. runs, hits, bombardment of forts is said to have at The Antwerp's inner begun that shells fell at the rate of 20 a The aerial raid on Dusseldorf, pre- Athletics spellbound by slow balls Second half Philadelphia: Rudolph 12:30 o'clock Two of these forts are to have ' con- a on Thursday morning. reported Austrians Claim Victory minute. Many Chilians were killed. sumably by British. airmgn, is which camo to the plate as big aa a.puover strike Murphy. Murphy been silenced, and fire is said to have been started in four parts of the war ctm-- uuu ....u London, Oct. 9. "The Austrian In addition to the law courts and the firmed by the Germain, official toy balloon. The Athletics' neaviesi iuSw an- cneer. city. office made the following official museum, which were damaged by njiinlcajtion, which admits that the hitters could do nothing with ms sianea io it The most recent statement by the German war office said the Ger- cover in a was second ball sacrific- - nouncement, dated October 8," says shells, fires broke out at many points of an airship hangar livery. Tho Boston rooters paraded pitched. Oldring mans had crossed the flooded area along the River Net he and continued to same source is headed d to Schmidt. tried to cut a dispatch to the Reuter Telegram in the city. demolished;. From the it from the grounds after game, Rudolph make r,., in porners of the Plate on Co!Iin8- - progress. company from Vienna coming by way admitted that the Rustslan army a brass bandk j"1 In has no by . Col-- The general situation the west undergone change, says a ELECTION FRAUD east Prussia is back at ?.r-- r His fourth pitch was a strike. ot Amsterdam: CLAIM vading again Crowd Present French official announcement madethis afternoon. The battle continues C. scene Big jiins walked and the crowd cried for " 'To the already announced success Denver, Colo., Oct. 9. Benjamin Lyck, the of one of the earlitr winners Las-sign- Boston Braves, pennant along the line of Lenz Arras, Chaulner, Roye and now mem- Muscovite successes. The asainst the Montenegrin troops H.lliard, democratic nominee for the Ihila-- An artillery duel Is continuing' In the Woevre district Otherwise of the National league, and 'gchmdt was out is added a decisive blow against the ber of congress from the First dis- The report that the youthful grand tne Murpny trying of on or the center is Athletics, champions of to nothing Importance the right of the allies reported who invaded Bosnia filed in the district court duchess of Luxemburg is a prisoner delphia ft,,. thlrd base on tbe catcni Schmidt Seivlan troops trict, today American clashed today in the by the French. column to of the Germans is reiterated today, league, ft & doub,e paj, at Vishegrad. Their northern his answer the contest prosecuted for the world's baseball The Paris announcement says that continue their ad- a first battle Montenegrins frcm moving against Baj-n- George Allan Smith. Hilliard, in though official confirmation is lack- em)rft of Bosnia, ''a mad Srebrenica, by championship of 1914. some vance to Saraveyo, the capital simitar report has been re-- ballot ing. The duchess Is declared Second Inning and Basta, already has been his answer, charged that the grand the engagement almost daily for many days. to be incarcerated at Ba- persona saw opening First half Boston: Bender pitch- nulsed and driven across the Drina boxes from several precincts had been Nuremburg, series. were The Austrian war office, In Its most recent communication, varia. The of the seven game Many ed balls then over two reported with the Bupply of their, supply train. opened after they had been received Montenegrins, according three and put success the Montenegrins and a decisive blow the Servian own almost at turned away. on Whltted. Whitted walked. against against 'The main Servian forces who ad by the election commission on which to their reports, are strikes Bosnia at " Th Bostons prepared to send their Invaders of Vishegrad. Roumanla and! Planina un- a member of ballot dp the gates of Sarajevo, the 'Bosnian Schmidt filed out to Oldrlng. Whltted vanced on Smith the slow-ba- to w ll Dick Rudolph, two-bagg- The Austrian army headquarters also reported the recapture of Prezes-io- - Their latest is a hill boxman, scored on Gowdy's to the der command of General Mylos Boja- not show the same results that were capital. capture The American and the repulse of the Russians who are marching on In named a little northeast be mtclnsr mound. left field stand. The Boston rooters Przemysl novlc, former minister of war, were reported by the election judges. "Grog," way Gallcla. of leaguers pic ui" x..u..u, chfred to thn cbo. Gowdv snored routed by our troops in an engage- Hilliard charges they "have been Sarajevo. of hints from Wash Crowd MaranvlUfe's over second. ment which lasted two days and only changed, altered or substituted, and The renewal Big Present jon single 9. com-- j that the success of on The vast reaches of Shibe Park were The Boston "hits were and clean, London, Oct. The official the stronghold that he took the re escaped capture by hasty fltgbt. One do not now show the vote as the same ington peace sharp the basis of a drawn war is un to before the A double followed. took municatlon Of, the German general sponsibility. battalion of the Eleventh regiment and was actually cast" cheked capacity long play Barry re-- der discussion, has met with an ap- time. Three and four times the and tossed to etaff, given out at Berlin the even "The airship hall at Dusseldorf has several quick fire guns were captured. Smith in his contest asked for a game .peal's grounder Colllnn, statement In the seat were ottered for Maranvllle. Collins then threw lug of October 8. Is conained !n a been hit by si bomb. The root of the "'(Signed) POTIOREK, Field Mar cuonnt of ballots in 20 precincts. Hil parently Inspired regular prices .forcing Westminster Gazette. these exceeded out Deal. Two two no er dispatch to Reuter's Telegram com- hall was practically destroyed and an shal.' " liard, In his answer, contended that tickets and at figures runs, hits, Thle statement reiterates that while The field rora. pany from Amsterdam. It snys: airship was demolished. if any ballots were to be the supply. stand, seating Hil-- Great Britain has no desire to crush 4 was 10:50 o'-- 1 Second half "From the estern 'scene of war no "In the east the Russian column is Tunder of Artillery count of ballots in 20 precincts. 000, thrown open at Philadelphia: Rudolph or humiliate the German people, there clock. was f.lied within a short .had a wide curve which lie work-- facts of decisive Importance' can be marching from Lomzea (Russian Po- London, Oct 9. The Amsterdam cinct in the district It big must be no mistake about the fact were closed. The ed on the corners of Mc mentioned. Small progress has been land) alnd has reached Lyck (in east correspondent of the Reuter Telegraph time and the gates the plate. . AMERICAN SOLDIER DIES that she intends to take whatever first in line for seats In this unre-.Icni- s walked balls. made near St Mihiel and the Argon-nes- Prussia Just by the frontier and al company at 12:46 cabled: onfour pitched 9. measures are necessary to section waited more than , Mclnnis when Before Antwerp Fort Breendock most directly w.est from, AugustowaO "The uninterrupted thundering of Nnco. Ariz., Oct Trooper Wilson political served had scored Strunk's single crush German 40 ' 'went (to the south of Antwerp) has been Paris Makes Statement guns was heard at Rcsendaal from of the Tenth United States cavalry, militaryism. hours. through Moran's legs to the- "To Westmin- and force. on taken and the attack on the Inner The following official announcement Antwerp throughout the night; the wounded by a Mexican bullet fired the euggestlons,' the The day was warm humid and Strunk took third the play, we In- - fort line has therewith. The was given out in Paris this afternoon slackened a lit'Je in the morn- across the line during an attaick on ster Gaze.fe says, "that shall be ore suited for fast baseball. An .Barry fanned. Strank waa out at the begun firing - " content with a drawn which the menac-- when took Per.:; ',-'- bombardment of the quarter of the "The general situation has under- ing, but It has since resumed. The Naeo, Sonora, Sunday, died today at war, slstent sun burned through plate Evers was was a slieht town lying behind was begun after gone no change. On our left wing the Fort Iluacbuca. Wilson shot iu In? clouds and there' only the declaration of the commander of .two bodies of are on the breast. (Continued on Tage FonrJ thif-a- t of showers from the smith 'ps(. (Continued on Pp? F1vp) opposing cavalry (Continued page Four) j two LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914.




CORPORATION COMMISSION IS KING COTTON SALE READY FOR EUROPEAN In , STRUGGLE'S CLOSE order to 0lve this big movement the success it deserves, to give the consumers of cotton goods more of an Incentive, we have made radical reduction in price on cotton good made In this country. In patronizing Santa Fe, X. M., Oct. 9. Although, this sale you will not only benefit yourself, and aid our producer In the south, but you will also help our Amer- Towels the European war cut business for the The Reason ican factories to gain the supremacy they deserve, and this great movement, all over this country Is sure to have bt.ate corporation commission lor Aug- result. Check off the item In this ad you need, be here early Saturday moirlng, and help give this nation wide 75c TURKISH TOWELS, 49c ust and to about half what movement a boost. September The cotton crop this year will be Extra large and heavy 4n both it was for those months last year the ever raised in. the second largest piain white and colored borders, sizes September fig-ne- s show a far mailer this Fifteen million three country. Cotton Goods Made U. S. A. 2ii44 in. decrease than tlo the August ones and hundred thousand bales being this Buy in the insurance r celptit were harliv af- mil- year's production again fifteen 35c TURKISH TOWELS, 24c fected. The lr crease In the yeptom lion six hundred thousand bales in Large, size, good heavy weight, pink, ber business ovrr tls Au?jbt business 1912. The war in Europe has caused Domestics Women's Underwear and lavender also is taken as an indication of how t.HI a cessation of exports of raw cotton, bike, borders, plain the state is recovering ircn the fhcck which under normal conditions amount OUTING FLANNEL 65c FLEECED LINED UNIONS, 45c. white. Size 24x40 in. caused tho international 8o A by rorfllct to about nine million bales a year, Good quality, long knap, outing m light and dark nice, white, veil finished union fcuit, Ion? sleeves, the tixhinees. 2Cs TURKISH TOWELS 12J2c jiiid conseQnent money thus creating a serious problem as to colors. ankle length. That "the insurance were Good size rt'lois how the new crop can be financed. $1.25 MERODE UNIONS, 92c quality, plain white, affected the war i 15c TOILE DU NORD GINGHAM 11c yd. hardly by Thought We have several numbers of this sterling garment 18x40 in. to he an indication that wos not so This was the reason that the "Buy These include all the new patterns we have re- it In this sale. Medium weight ribbed in high and low much a-- which a tale of cotton" slogan was created, ceived this .fall, p.i' colors and patterns, in 10c TURKISH TOWELS, V2e "tnonetry strongency fancy neck styles; long end half sleeves; knee or ankle lr. th. as one has been dress gingham, and nurse Guar- rained the falling off number vhich, every knows, fancy plaids, stripes. length. In all sizes. Fringed, plain white, and colored of new corporations as it was the op spread from one end of the country anteed against sun and tub. sizes 16x36 In. 60c AND 65c TIGHTS AND VESTS, 45c borders, portunity offered for that money else- to the other. 124c GORDON PERCALES, 10c Fine new garments, soft and comfortable in ribbed where. "When people can get good 12"2c COTTON HUCK TOWELS 8c Various organizations, mercantile Yard wide, fast colors, new patterns, in light, dark, r fleeced lined. High and low neck style vests with interest for loaning their money," said Cotton huck, red bordered, size and otherwise, together with numerous and fancies, and solid colors. long or short sleeves. an official of the corporation hoard l?x3G in. Individuals, are responding to the sug- this morning, "they are not going to gestion that they buy one or more 25c COTTON HUCK TOWELS 17o gamble on business and corporations, bales of cotton and "carry" their pur- The August corporation fees last Red bordered, heavy, linen finish, chases by paying warehouse charges, year were $1,136.30 while this BEDDING SPECIALS sif.e 18x36 in. year interest, etc., until the cotton market they were only $047. The September gete back to more normal conditions. THE COOLER WEATHER WILL MAKE NEED 121j.c GLASS TOWELING, 9c fees last year were $631.G0, while this THE FOR NEW BEDDING MORE PRONOUNCED. Red and blue ytar they were $520.50. The Insurance This movement of course, has only LOOK OVER THIS LIST, AND SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS DURING THIS GREAT MOVEMENT OF COTTON barred, nice quality, fees for 1913 were $165 in to do increas- " 17 and 18 in. " August and with the raw cotton; yet GOODS. widths. $31'J In September, while this year ed distribution of COTTON GOODS 15c GLASS TOWELING, 12c they were $167 and $484, respectively, wi'i naturally HELP THE COTTOX better blue The large increase In September was SITUATION by INCREASING THE Bed Spreads Blankets Comforts Slightly quality, red and due to the licensing of the American CONSUMPTION OF COTTON BY barred, 17 and 18 in. widths. These a National Insurance company, and the THE MILLS IN THIS COUNTRY. come in great variety $1.50 BLANKETS, $1.12. $1.50 COMFORTS, $1.16. .of sizes Western States Life Insurance com- patterns, and weight Large size, long knap blan- Challie covered, white Cot ton to do business in This fact has been recognized by a Some are hemmed, others are kets in gray and tan, and Hosiery pany the state. pink filled good size. number of women In official But there is For the months of this year up to circles fringed. a marked blue borders. 13c CHILDREN'S HOSE, 8c tho In Washington. These ladles have the saving on every one. Note these $1.75 and $2 COMFORTS, $1.28. beginning of the war, early in $2 and $2.25 BLANKETS, $1.56. Good quality, ribbed school hose in past week, formulated a under then come and see the August, the receipts of the corporation plan prices, Large, heavy blankets in grey, Slightly large size and better black which the consumers of this only all sizes. commission had aggregated nearly country goods tan, and plaids. Pink and blue covered. will be to ' $3,300 over those for the correspond- urged buy cotton goods. $1.25 Bed Spreads 92c borders, full bed size. 2Cc WUNDER HOSE, 20c pr. Naturally, to a movement of this kind Bed 10-- 4 BLEACHED PEPPERELL ing period last year. $1.50 Spreads $1.08 $3 and $3.50 BLANKETS, $2.18. Women's Hose in black and tan, the retailers' aid is and the essential, $2.00 Bed Spreads $1.42 Heavy cotton wool SHEETING 27c yd. several stores in blankets, weights. big each community have $2.25 Bed Spreads $1.62 finished in 20c COTTON 16c. been grey, tan, white and BATS, W. T. Huehens, Nicholson, had asked to enlist their support. $2.75 Bed $1.98 25c "ONYX" HOSE, 20c Ga., Spreads light colored plaids. 72x90 Peppered Sheets, ...,59c pr. a severe attack of rheumatism. His Several in all an This movement was started by MIsS weights lisle, sizes, feet ankles and Jolnt3 were swollen, extra Genevieve Clark, daughter of Hon. value. and moving about was very painful. Cl amp Clark, Speaker of the House ALL OTHER 25c HOSE 20c PAIR He was certainly In a bad way when Domestics of representatives. The committee Childrens' Underwear he started to take Foley Kidney Pills. having the movement In charge 35c FLEECED LINED 24c He says, "Just a few doses made mo WZc COTTON CHALLIES, 10c yd. GARMENTS, Corsets feel besides Miss Clark, her moth- better, and now my pains and H6 Children's fleece lined in all sizes er. Mrs. Champ Miss E. E. in. wide in a varjty of choice new separate garments, rheumatism are all gone and I Clark, patterns,, Included in this sale are both Royal slep Poo, secretary to Mrs. Olark, Miss JustHhe for comforts. to 34. all night long." O. O. Schaefer aid thing Worchester and Thomson's corsets. Red CulHe loke Smith, daughter of Sen- Cross Drug Store. Adv. Several ator floke Smith, of Georgia, and styles. Miss Lucy 122c CHEVIOTS, 10c yd. 65c SLEEPING GARMENTS, 45c Burleson, daughter of the $1.25 CORSETS 89c BOARD DID Postmaster General. Assorted colors in and 27 in. Children's fleeced lined NOT WANT stripes checks, and heavy sleeping garments, $2.00 CORSETS $1.68 30 in. We jare 'pleased to be the first widths. with feet made on same order of Dr. Denton's gar- TO stcre In this section of the HEAHHE TRUTH country ments. ; Brassiers to aid this plan, for we feel that in 15c KIMONA CLOTH, 11c yd. 25c NAZARETH 19c helping the cause of the cotton WAISTS, The DeBevoise Brassieres we put in EQUALIZATION BODY REFUSES TO Dainty new in growers, in this manner, we are also patterns pink, blue, tan, and brown this sale are alJ our regular stock, ACCEPT INFORMATION RE- pldlng the cause of American manu- grounds. 2? in. wide. tnmmed with laces and embroidery GARDING LANDS facturers, who, since the European Outing Gowns shake-u- p .have grasped the wonder- 65c BRASSIERES 45; WHITE GOODS A very nice lino of in this District Attorney Charles W. G. ful opportunities for pushing Ameri- outing gowns sale. 85c BRASSIERES ...... 65' can 20c Nainsook " Ward and County Commissioner John made goods, so that it appears (fline quality) ,ie- - yd. Made of nice warm outing flannel in pink and blue $1.25 BRASSIERES now 89c H. York, in discussing yesterday the that we will be able to supply 25c Nainsook "ourselves (ex. fine) 18c yd. shades, in a number of different styles. action of the state board of equali- and send a vast surplus of our 122c India Linons 65c OUTING i zation in raising the valuation of graz- manufactured products to the 9c ycj. GOWNS, 54c f Many of the Barg- rest of the world. .' ing lands in San Miguel county as- 10e India Linons jyiC vcj. 85c OUTING GOWNS, 70o sessed at $2 and less, pointed out ains are not listed that 12!4c Lonsda'fi Muslin 10c yd. $1.25 OUTING GOWNS, 98c the board had not only acted iu Buy Goods Made in V. S. A. for an arbitrary manner, but, under a 12'2c Fruit of tho Loom Muslin...... 10c yd. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL MUSLIN want of space well known supreme court decision, 10c Heavy unbleached, yd. wide, Sheeting.... 714c yd. had gone directly contrary to the laws of the state. According to this rul- ing no land shall be returned at a Buy Cotton Goods Made in U S, A, valuation higher than what it Is worth Extra Not all the specials of this in a sale. nit's'!-:, a sale In the latter part of August these Specials Laa VpcfasLoadinaStoro are listed in this an gentleman, while a attending meeting in out Ready-tO'We- at De- of the board in. Santa to nouncement. See Tomoo Fe, offered the put expert witnesses on the stand to partment remainder of &.f$o$e4Wim6 Sou EstabUaKod 1861 South prove to the board that the grazing the week SidoPlaja. rcw Night's Ad lands in this county under discussion and on which the board has raised the valuation 30 per cent, had been assessed at their full value. They say that the board refused to hear the tes timony, and used its map judgment, which, is akin to snap judgment, iness men in town are taking advant- and irregular action disappear with Gollegos Monday night while attempt--. kr.own that it was boosting the valuations, in what it is GYMNASIUM young Cole, the the enlarged homestead law, 3,600,000 CLASSES age of "gym" classes and give testi- their use. O. Palmer, Green Bay, t the Floersheim pleased to call an effort to equalize ins rob Mercantile shooting would not have but acres of land in California, New Mex- is re- occurred, between counties, 30 cent mony to the fact that it really helps. Wis., Bays :"My wife rapidly store at the he would not fully per company's Roy, says give up and it was diffl-cu- ;t ico, Colorado and Washington. Under above the market An LARGELY ATTENDED Two new classes aire being arrang- covering her health and strength, due illustration of Srringer Times. Cole entered the to distinguish who the enlarged homestead act lands in the ed for Tuesday and Thursday, 7:15 to solely to Foley Kidney Pills." O. G. the intruder results of this map judgment, and was the west are examined by the geo- 8, to make it for . &n Schaefer and Red Cross Store. store sometime during the night in hiding. this merely in passing, is the case of possible ployed Drug logical survey to determine whether certain lands boys to bet the gym work. This is Adv. through a window over the back It is a deplorable affair in Mora county that INDICATIONS FOR MUCH ACTIV and the there is any available water supply have 40 a group of boys the association will While was management of the Floersheim com- recently sold for cent an ITY AT Y. M. C. A. ARE porch. the deputy making by which they may be Irrigated. If acre, and on which the ntot be prone to overlook. pany regret very much county NUMEROUS his nightly rounds he discovered the that it hap- not, they become suject to entry by had The opportunity of good fellowship pened as the young placed a valuation of YOUTH IS SDOT WHILE window and It man's parents are settlers in tracts or 320 acres each, $1 80. in am endeavor to and the latter of which is open thought strange respected placate the recreation, people of near Roy. as against the 160 acres under the state board, when the - of untold value, Just and tka. the window should be open at map was call- The announcement that the Y. M. grows grows AT ROY original homestead law. were as time goes oni If don't believe ROBBING STORE that hour of the night'so he quickly It inrae lands C. A. will begin Its fall gymnasium you Always Does the Work Boosted to $2.6fl."u it Just in and see business summoned the president of the con "I like classes drop the Chamberlain's Rem- -- next Monday night Is Cough CITROLAX - ' Both District causing men in cern and one or tne cierKs and Attorney Ward and the athletically Ina.iue.i to .rlt in and taction and note how long they they edy better than any other," writes R. County Commissioner York in play, up their Dt PUTY SHOOTS WHEN entered the store, it thor- El CITROLAX assert take notice. The secretaries thorough-l- y giving suppers and all SHERIFF searching Roberts, Homer City, Pal "I have no unmistakeable terms that all the thoughts of business care. oughly. discovered in taken it off CITROLAX believe that every man, young man INTRUDER REFUSES TO They somettody and on for several years Best for grazing iandg as well as all and the thing constipation, sour other and boy, whether retired, la business, hiding amongst the clothing and it has never failed to the de- lands In. San SURRENDER give stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow- Miguel county have been in school, or whatever may be ills vo- deputy ordered him to throw up his sired results." For sale all deal- assessed at by els. Stops a sick headache almost at their full cash, value. cation, should, for the sake of his Check Kidney Trouble at Once hands and come from cover and when ers. Adv. - once. Gives a most nmi ant. They were to he third- of- thorough ready produce evidence body and the insurance of rood hoflllh There is refused for the time, the such ready action in Foley A young man the name of Cole, lsfactory flushing no no nau-se- a. of this to the board at Its session in and be by ficer fired, the bullet striking the lad LARGE LAND pain, efficiency, a regular attendant Kidney Pills, you feel their 18 OPENING Santa Fe, but healing about years of age anI a son of In the side. is Keeps your system cleansed, they assert, were some gymnasium class. from the dose. It reported that the Washington, Oct 9. Orders Died very first Backache, a prominent family who reside near sweet and wholesome. Ask for Cit. the right. j i our cities some of bey only received a flesh wound and signed by Secretary La larger the bus weak, sore kidneys, painful bladder Rcy, was shot Sheriff Jack rolax. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross by Deputy will recover. Had the investigators opened to settlement and entry, under Drug Store. Adv. UAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. THREf

feet, plunges forward and a nerve-rakiu- g Ellsworth. Blood Destruction 'hurrah' smashes through the Embroidery ln Colors Second prie, SOLDIERS SH woods. The enemy's fire begins a PRIZE WINNERS Mildred IL Eastman. Stopped and Rebuilt veritable hall of lead. Some fall, but Wworry Embroidery in White First prixe, onward crashes the aerman line. AT COUNTY FAIR Laura Lorengen. SKILL WITH "As soon as we reach the position ADoutYourffalr Worries Evidence of the enemy his fire ceases, and all Deafness Cannot Be Cured Orercome, Many of the winner in the county Embroidery First prize, Mrs. Louis take to Our bullets follow by local applications, as they cannot Brushed Away. The flight fair are somewhat slow ln calling for Stern. them and then many a 'Red-pau- t' lies reach the diseased portion of the ear. Skin Cleared. their prizes, and as no record was Battenburg First prize. Mm Louis PENS on the floor of the forest But our There is only one way to cure deaf- kept of name of entrants, it is impos- Stern; second prize, Frances Delgado. bullets do not find a mark, long the ness, and that la by constitutional sible to publish a complete list of Home Made Rug First prize, Mrs. has disappeared; we after him remedies. Deafness Is caused by an OF BAT- enemy those who were awarded premiums. W. E. Critee. WRITINGS DESCRIPTIVE meet hail of inflamed condition of the mucus lin- ouiy to another terrific The list is from Hand Painted China First TLES ARE FULL OF HUMAN following compiled prize, of the Eustachian When letd. Again we fall to the ground for Mrs. ing Tuba INTEREST the names signed to . the receipts W. L. Humphries. cover, aud this time I felt a blowa this tube is Inflamed you have a rum- taken at the time the prize were given Knitting First prize, Emily East- bullet struck utensil. bling sound or imperfect hearing, and had my cooking out: man; second prize, H. C. Johnson. 1 owe life to the quick fall to the when it is entirely closed. Deafness is (Associated Press Correspondence) my A Patch Quilt First prize, Mrs. L B. I Division 1, Class and unless the inflamma- Rotterdam, Sept. 19. Much of the ground for another second and Ware. the result, Peck of Wheat First prize, T. H. tion can be taken out and this tube news of the war gets Into the German would have never risen again. Anoth Burnt Wood Second Mrs. Moen. prize, to hear- of- beside 1 restored its normal condition, in th8 form of letters which er bullet hits the ground just I press T!nl it A fulfil VMruf nrllo WarrV James Cook. - nine at the front send B. 8. the famous blood li me- but never mind that. Up and at ing will be destroyed forever; ficers and privates 8., purifier, Johnson. Written men who man's architect. It contemplates the dam- tin m the hide of the fellows. Division 6, Class C cases out of ten are caused by Ca- to their families. by done and the damage. It also at very age repairs Division 1, Class B Del- which is an describe what they actually see and looks after the possible damage and cor- "We soon reach our goal a trench Cushion First prize, Frances tarrh, nothing but sensa- rects all tendency to blood eruptions, decay Peck of Wheat First prize, John second Mrs. R. condition of the mucous sur- feel, some strange mixtures of and of a slight elevation to the left from gado; prize, Engels. of bones, clogging of Joints and any Pankratz. Mm faces. tions experienced and actually encoun- all of those myriad of destructive effects where a heavy fire has done much Hardanger Work First prize, such as swollen glands, Ten ap-pt- rheumatism, catarrh, us are Ears of Corn First prize, Fred Frank D. Fries; second Mrs. We will give One Hundred Dollars tered result documents' of strong affections and the damage in our line. Many of prize, sore throat, bronchial cuticura soap E. Olney. case of and wide human interest One host of in U rail ties so well known as being down, and others crawl to the rear to Snider. for any Deafness (caused by Koelnlsche caused by Impure blood. And now, why wounds attended to. Now, Cut Grass Second "prize, John Tatting First prize, Mrs. F. C. catarrh) that cannot be cured by of these appears In the should 8. 8. 8. do all this? because get their Blmply Thornhlll. Mrs. F. C. Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu- Zdtung of September 16. It is Nature's antidote, a remedy of search- fire! The crest of the trench becomes Prager; second prize, ing Influence. It contains a powerful, nat- Millet First prize, John Penkratz; Prager. lar free. "From a wild French forest, on the Its to the cvr target. The rattle of musketry snanpos ural Ingredient, that Bweeps way T. It anni- second prize, Anderson. Drawn Work First prize, Mrs. F. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. anniversary of the battle of Sedan skin. And In doing this not only from both sides becomes deafening. hilates destructive germs but causes them One of us will have to in. Fire, And occasional use of Cuti- Pngar Cane First prize, John Pank C. Prager; second prize, Frances Del Sold by Druggists, 75c. (September 2) the best greetings. Dur- to be so converted that they are easily give or de ratz. gado. Take Hall's Family Pills for the last two days we have again and harmlessly voided, eipelled fire! We have learned how to shoot cura Ointment will clear the ing and then driven out through the - Bale of Alfalfa First T II. Mrs. M. A. extreme after we stroyed straight the fire ln the trench weak- prize, Crochet Second prize, been at the front, natnrfll niitlpra of the hotly. inus let of Moen. In blaod ; now scalp dandruff, allay itching had been given a chance to rest up 8. 8. 8. be your safeguard all ens the trench itself is veiled by troubles no matter what they are. It i a raised our bullets. and Peck of Wheat First prize, T. An to eat. Our position of cloud of dust by and irritation, promote snd get enough won't fall you. a bottle today any derson; but refuse and all substi- comes the command hair-growi- is a dangerous one, being wfll advanc; druggist any "Advance, ng conditions. tutes. We all are forward Milo Maize First prize, J. O. John ed Into the French lines, and we are In communication with the medical afain. impelled by Get son; second prize. J. O. Johnson. to off attacKs on department. Write The Swift Specific Co., the mad desire to get at them. One Mail ebllged fight many Ga. This Samples Free by 54 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, special hundred meters separates us from the Division 2, Ctast A the part of an enemy much superior advisory work on blood troubles has been Cutleurm Soap and Ointment old throughout tne in numbers. of Incalculable benefit and has cured a ewmy, Many sacrifices are demand- world. Liberal Mm pie of each mailed tree, with 33-- p. Cabbage First prize, Bias Ortiz; Tin!, book. Addreaa "Cuticura," Dept. 19B, Boaton. host of sufferers. ed in the final Again the second Pedro A. Tofoya. "Yesterday we fought from early charge. prize, almost T. Moen. mnrrtlne' till late In the nlcht. onnos-- demy's fire weakens then it Pumpkin First prize, IL on the French have refuge. Soon Beets Alnlne chasseurs and neeroes. to believe that this Is a scene which ceases. sought Sugair First prize, T. H. I.. are and the , iicv. rt 'men are butchered the scene of what " shoutes The the buildings aflame Moen. V UUDC It V lUU v.UJ IUUUOU. iw 'Advance,' somebody. tuuiagc 1 saw But the dull thud of French again on their way. First T. II. Moen MR nuestion. The woods here are very yesterday. feliows must be driven out the Turnips prize, lULLni of ln the dis" are ' 'You; have done well,' sain our second S. L. Barker. extended and cover a ground which Is tnunder artulery trenches. Some of them already prize, al commander. 'With you fellows Beans E. much broken are so dense tance reminds me of this." leaving, but our bullets lay them low corps First prize, II. Turner. tip. They devil out ot hell.' " con-er.p- vd fetch the Squash J. Thornhlll. that very often you do not see the Two days later the letter is a they . Another halt another meters to the Carrots First S. L. Barker; until you are within BO, evsn tinued: advance. Only fifty prize, second S. I Barker. 30, paces of him, and quite frequently ' We are out of our position. Yes-w- c trench barbed wire entanglements prize, block our WHITE SLAVERY TRUE Beets First prize, S. L. Barker. get so close to the blacks that we jteitfay we began another advance and progress. "But the fellows In the trenches have Division 2, Class B cap look Into their eyes. j attack on the enemy positions. We ir?e ln desert Onions First T. H. Moen; "We are Indebted to ther are still In forest and so far as lost faith themselves. They BILLS ARE RETURNED prize, greatly second K. I can are their position in masses running, prize, Engels. color of our uniform. The French are j judge from the map there Beans D. kilometers of It sciambling, stumbling, falling some First prize, J. Concidine; constantly at a disadvantage because , several yet, part in a manner that shows will nev- FEDERAL GRAND JURY IN SANTA second prize, J. Thornhlll. of their red pants and blue coats. The brush, part high growth. they er rise again. We forget to take cover. FE REPORTED TO BE AFTER Table Beets First prize, C. A. Mc- Alpine Chasseurs are fine fellows and j "This is dangerous territory for U3, we pour our fire into the THE VICIOUS Millan; second prize, Bias Ortiz. In German uniforms they would make because the alternating strips of high Standing, of men. Good com- Sugar Beets First prize, T. Ander- a good appearance. In the French ho- - trees and new wood make It easy for groups fleeing rades fall for bid you fare- Santa Fe, Oct. 9. It Is reported son; second prize, S. L. Barker. tel porter uniform nobody looks smart, our opponents to get the best of us. cry help well with the last breath. Farewell upon apparently good authority that Turnips First prize, T. H. Moen; The chasseurs wear red or blue knee The greatest caution Is necessary and ood friends, we must advance. the federal grand jury today found second prize, S. L. Barker. breeches, ribbon-puttee- long blile cut- our advance is a matter of talcing one "Soon we have disposed of this en- three Indictments in white slave Pumpkin First prize, C. Lmcero. aways, and a blue cap. Prisoners foot of ground after another. We last who has laid so low of cases. The grand Jury this morning Squash Second prize, C. Lucero. without arms make an appearance of advance 200 meters and then down for emy, many us. The barbed wire is hacked examined three witnesses in regard to Carrots First prize, S. L. Barker; titter neglect. There are prisoners cover. Bullets begin to crip through through with our bayonets. We reach a white slave case, it Is said, and the second prize, S. L. Barker. taken every day, because the ordinary the air. But of the enemy nothing )s the trench. It is filled with wryth-ing- . report around the federal building Parsnips First prize, S. L. Barker. French soldier Is only too ready to seen. bodies. We aimed well, was that true bills' had been voted, Cabbage Second prize, C. Lucero. thiow away his arms, make "hands up "When the trees are struggling big enough, ln the ditch lies a keleidoscopic mix- but that the report was being delayed Division 3, Class A and shout 'Pardon.' cover is fairly good offered by them. ture of bodies Bwatiied In blue arid because Judge Williaim H. Pope was Apples First prize, John Thornhlll. now - Wo "It is one in the afternoon, and the fire opens the battle Hip UU Make RelmMo Directly mt the- cltyi. S. it red and pale ones from which glas- of Apples First prize, L. Barker. ro far, we have not been disturbed. htilts and falls flat to the ev- tomorrow ground, sy eyes look Into the azure sky. The grand jury's report Division 4, Class A The dead are burled, and now we are man and for a ery waiting looking "But on with the pursuit. Some of will include a number of Indictments, Poultry First prize, Charles Her- under the trees a Is no lying enjoying spell target. There shooting done us remain behind to disarm the it is understood, but by no means all man; second prize, Q. W. Wesner. Bt'& Frmnds imvo of and the of the here quiet peace forest with the German rifles except wounded so that cannot fire ln the business had been cleared up yet. Poultry First prize, C. W. Wesner. - they I have just finished reading the news- has somebody on the sight. But will in Jen- (on our back. Many others sprawl, falling The grand jury probably be Barred Rocks Special prize, mzMdo papers to my worthies, and most of often there is to be done but it F'sisiiouo nothing on the soft forest floor. session the remainder of the week. nings McMUlaiu them are taking a little noon nap. to advance again, and to frighten the "The height is taken, but the day Several interesting certificates Ducks First prize, John Thornhlll. Everything about us is The fellows with our hurrahs.' the peaceful. Along is not done. Everywhere the were presented to the grand jury this Geese First prize, John Thornhlll. forest is with yet Send for the smell of lines travel stentorian 'Fix Thorn-hil- fragrant Bayonets,' French have taken prisoners to stem morning, It is alleged, but so far have Turkeys Second prize, John l. C&tzsiogao and and the then comes the command 'March-laugh- s fcliage pine needles, sky tide of retreat. There is yet not been given out for publication. blue.- - the in a wonderful It is hard March' and the line springs to Its white slave Thorn-hil- l. many a bloody encounter, but we get In connection with the Guineas First prize, John the enemy out of the forest and once cases L. M. McCluer, a special agent our ar- of the department of justice, Is In the Division 4, Class B PlRZER BROS. fhey reach the open waiting Mr. McCluer has also been In- Butter John tillery does the rest. Our share of city. First prize, Pankratz; of Muser. New York Salesrooms MerirJeoJI N O W O O D Ui? work Is done, the gruesome forest terested in several cases alleged second prize, D. ' to Indians. Division 5, Class A 32 Warren Street Connecticut an 3 its experience are ours. sales of liquor MOST HEAT FOR YOUR MONEY "Most of us had lost their comrades Best Bull First prize, F. J. Wes- Toned Whole J. C. In the mad rush through the trees and Up System ner; second prize, Boegohrs. done Cow brushwood. Indescribable were the "Chamberlain's Tablets have Registered First prize, F. J. SWASTIKA COAL ever scenes which followed when we found more for me than I dared hope Wesner; second prize, F. J. Wesner. Mrs. Mae Beef Stock Wes- one another still antve. for," writes Esther Baker, Firat prize, F. J. N. "I used several second F. J. Wesner. ' So we take a rest, and ifhlle doing Spencerport, Y, ner; prize, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tablets a few months Division B th's listen to the humming and whist- bottles of these 5, Class ofMm'n us ago. They not only cured me of bil- Driving Stallion First prize, J. A. Ww p"""""31. ling of our shells as they go over G ON D Oil ious sick headaches and that second J. A. Whit-mor- e. on their way to a village in which attacks, Whitniure; prize, tired out feeling, but toned up my whole system." For sale by all deal- Draft Stallion First prize, H. C. sas!sgasesa'ffyiwgiJili!ama ers." Adv. Johnson; second prize, J. D. Conci- dine. NORTHWEST ROAD CONGRESS Driving Mare First prize, C. W. mMmJmAK PAID IN CAPITAL Wesner; second prize, D. Maloof. SURPLUS Milwaukee, Wis., Oct 9. Delegates Driving Horse First prize, T. W. 1 1 00,000. W 9S9,Mfl.M have been appointed to represent the (Scotty) Smith; second W. N. Minoisi, prize, statesi of Jowa, Michigan, McMillan. North and Minnesota, Wisconsin, Team of Mules First II. C. - mmi.-M- Dakota at Northwestern prize, if r &itsXsKlu IsItitUi-Vj- f South the Johnson. Road congress which is to assemble The Glow Draft Team First prize, H. O Cherry and in this city the latter part of the Johnson; second pri; , J.H.Anderson. I month. Addresses will be delivered Warmth of Electric M. u. D, T, HoiUm, Cashier. Division 6, A Light I. Cunningham, preside Class i Vice-Preside- the state highway commissioners frank Springer, by Jellies First prize, Mrs. R. L. of each state. A complete program in Winter. Houghton; second prize, Mrs. C. L. for is now t TAS VEGAS the congress being pre Holcomb. by President T. R. Agg of Ames, The of winter pared Cookies First prize, H. C. John advent la not far off. ON TIME DEPOSITS Iowa. A large and comprehensive ex- INTEREST PAID son; second prize, Mrs. Anna Kiss. It is not a bit too soon to prepare now hibition of road building machinery, Pumpkin Pie First prize, Hazel to In and material will be held enjoy the long evenings greatest equipment Gerard. L I in conjunction with the congress in j possible comfort and cheer. You Home Made Candy First prize, H. I 4 I the Milwaukee Auditorium, which af- really should have ycrar home wired C. Johnson. OOO SAVINGS BANK fords more than 70,000 square feet of for Electric Is not LAS VEGAS Mince Pie First prize, Hazel Ger light It only the floor space for exhibition purposes j ii ard. besi light for reading, sewing, etc., but i and capacity for 10,000 people. seating Preserves First prize, Mrs. R. L. fOJ the most attractive illuminant as well. Houghton. Those Bronchial Coughs There are innumerable pretty decora- CAPITAL STOCK - - Stop Early White Bread First prize, Mrs. F. $30,000.00 tive effects to be obtained only with They hang on all winter if not Delgado. Electric it can be blended Office with the San Miguel National Bik checked, and pave the way for serious Brown Bread Second prize, Mrs. light with throat and lung diseases. Get a bot- Anna Kiss. any color scheme ln perfect harmony. tle of and Tar Com Angel Food Cake First prize, Anna .FrMidenl Foley's Honey KH. Q. HA TOOK pound, and take it freely. Stops Krutz; second prize, Haizel Gerard. ,W VEG4S LIGHT AND IL W. DttJUT preside! coughs and colds, heals raw inflamed Division 6, Class B THE IAS Treasure! loosens and is Home Made Blanket POWER COMPANY D. V. FOSXINi - throat, the phlegm First prize mildly laxative. Best for children H. C Johnson; second prize, Mrs. El Podd and grown persons. No opiates. O. O. len Dice. Interest On Deposits Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Store. Water Colors First prize, Rebecca Adv. i Rendon; second prize. Rose Powers, Wi1 OCTOBER 1914. OUR IA VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, 9,

ad- rO . fancy by suggesting a daring and IF CHILD IS CROSS, LITTLE NEWS IS rT DAILY OPTIC venturous political course which would BOSTON TAKES HE its battle-cr- y a whole list ot have (or AND SICK uplifting issues for the good ot the FEVERISH ESTABLISHED 1871 GIVEN AUSTRIANS messes. There was no need at the THE OPENING time to be explicit- - Under the magne- Mother! If Tongue Is Coated the hour he Look, Publisww by tic Influences of promised ) Give "California Syrup of ' words of THE PEOPLE, HEARING RUMORS THE OPTIC PUBLISHING CO. much. With the ringing Fl8s--- C ARE BECOMING Expert (Incorporated) "toclal justice" hev sought to arom GAME OF DEFEAT;, later was DISGUSTED" and Inspire a following that Children love this "fruit laxaltive," of mere to (ind out the hollowness else tender . M, PADGETT.... Editor. and nothing cleanses the phrase-makin- (Continued from rage Oney Repairing stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. Mall to Associated Press) the past few months the pro- (By During A child will not stop playing 24 A news re- simply Mar-anvil- London, letter gressive movement has dwindled until grounder and threw to Gowdy. Sept to empty the bowels, and the result ceived the Reuter Telegram com- Your Is a delicate there is nothing left of It except a took Bender's grounder and by watch piece is, they become tightly clogged with from Venice reads: frank admission among the, threw to One pany general waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach Evers, forcing Schang. to word received here of Machinery and should be entrust- are now animated one one error. "According Entered at the poetotflce at East leaders that they sours, then your little one becomes run, hit, Austrian Is to defeat from Vienna, the public ed in the hends of an expert trans-ttlulo- with a republican half-Blc- Third Inning only taa Vegas, New Mexico (or purpose cross, feverish, don't eat, In dumb for some candidates anywhere and everywhere, First half Boston: Bender threw waiting patience through the United States sleep or act. naturally, breath is bad, definite news as to what is really mech vnic. it Is not that they hope to gain pres- out Moran could i not see Mils second class matter. system full of cold, has sore throat, Rudolph. in Galicla and along course. But Coloiifel Old-rin- g really happening by this stomach-ach- e Bender's speed and struck out. tige or diarrhoea. Listen, thi: Servian frontier. thJl?e Roosevelt and several of his colleagues took care of Evers' hoist. No Although Our connection with the Rail- Mother! See if tongue is coated, then is an that affairs are TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION become so embittered against no no errors. uneasy feeling give a of "California runs, hits, - us at a.11 could no teaspoonful not going- well for Austria, the mass way time service requires Dally, by Carrier tbrir old itfirty because they In Second half Philadelphia: Murphy 08 Syrup of Figs," and a few hours still their faith In ! in own interest him on two of the people pin to efficient far Copy longer control it their all the waste, sour bile fanned, Rudolph working times have workmen. constipated Old-rin- and are confident that no Oae Week that they have sacrificed all their slow ones and then a fast one. g Germany, and undigested food passes out of the mutter what now, the Ger- One Monta beautiful dreams of uplift to the com- also struck out. Rudolph work- happens Bystem, and you have a Well, playful mans will save situa- Send us and One Year '.80 mon sentiment of revenge. Is it any ed and his slow eventually the your watch, optical child again. carefully deliberately, Dally, by Mall all a tion. will wender that former progressives Millions of mothers "California ball bothering the Athletics jnot Jewelry repairing and we give advance) J6.00 bull give "Many others, however, disgusted tut Tear (In over the country are quitting the Is Mttle. Rudolph threw out Collins at -. 8.00 Syrup of Figs" because it perfectly with the and ts satisfaction. SU Month (In advance).- moose movement In disgust? When first. No runs, no hits, no errors. ambiguous scanty you arrears 7.00 hannless; children love it, a!nd it from official sources, are begin- Oae Tear (la "social Justice" degenerates into mere Fourth Inning 3.50 never fails to act on the stomach, to al- Bix Months (In arrears).:. there Is no long- ning disregard the newspapers yearning for revenge liver and bowels. First half Boston: Connolly sent er movement for honest together. Ever since it became known any inspiring for a 50-ce- bot a liner over Collins' head for a single Robert J. a Ask your druggist thnt Russia was making such startling Taupert WEEKLY OPTIC AND 8TOCK men to lend their services to such after having two strikes called on - tle of "California Syrup of Figs," headway in Galicla the Vienna news- Jeweler and Optician A.T. & S.F. Watch Inspector f GROWER cruse. ;' which has full directions for babies h'm. A double play followed; Bender W-- paper comments have been most Yecr There Is not today a single impor- took Whitted's smash and threw to II fas children of all ages and for grown The editorials LOO tant issue claimed the progressives guarded. deal chiefly fix Months by ups on the bottle. Be- Barry, forcing Connolly. Barry then of plainly printed with the German campaign In west- that is theirs by right discovery. sold Get tossed out Whitted. Barry's throw to ware of counterfeits here. ern Europe, thus seeking-t- divert Every state and county has its little Mclinnls was wide, but Mclinnis made (Cash In Advsnce for Mall the genuine, maide by "California Fig public attention from the Austrian re groups of bull moosers fighting for a beautiful Collins tossed out Subscriptions.) Syrup Company." Refuse any other stop. verses at and the Ser- local issues. But in a national sense Schmidt first. No one Lemberg along or rnoney . wit h Adv. at runs, hit, Remit by check, draft kind contempt. vian but the 0,000 - border, pryfelfeae i breath- will not there is tbf longer any cohesive no errors. ; ; and restaurants are fllledjad some for breach gives way to quiet rder. It sent otherwise we Polish refugees' from Galicla, 'added strength. Of late Colonel Roosevelt Second half Baker of the theaters are open. The Imper ing and peaceful sleep. Harold Berg, re responsible (or loss. Philadelphia: to the constant arrival of train loads on ha., been ardently supporting promo fouled off the first two and Rudolph ial Court opera and the Court thea Mass, Mich., writes :"We give Foley's Bpedmen copies tree application. COUNTY AND STATE of wounded has considerably discount- tion, an Issue espoused by him long had him in a hole. Baker struck out, ter will be opened shortly four times Honey and Tar to our children for ed the effects of official reticence. alter the Chicago bolt. But prohibi a wide one a foot Mc- - weekly ,the performers having finally croup and it always acts quickly." O. DISCONTINUED AT miesing by "Commerce and are ALL PAPERS tion was an issue long before he took WILL Tnnis also fanned. Strunk to Industry para to accept reduced salaries for G. Schaefer and Red Cross Drug Store. TIME singled agreed EXPIRATION OF for the lyzed throughout the dual monarchy of half Adv. it up. Several candidates le't but was out at second trying to a , period four months. Over PAID FOR an J the stoppage of exports threatens pre sldency had fought under that ban- stvetch hla hit. Connolly to Maran-- the street railway employes have been FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS WILL to ruin some of the largest Industries, ner. The republican party itself has ville. It was Bos- called into the army and in conse CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE BE MADE IN THE HIGHWAY pretty fielding by .etahly the sugar trade. Millions of are the dene more for the advancement of ton, No runs, one hit, no errors. quence the serivce has been greatly Chicago, Oct. 9. Expected falling Advertisers guaranteed TO SANTA FE pounds of sugar are sent and circulation than any other influence annually reduced. Nine huVyed men have off In receipts at primary points had svgeBt dally weekly prohibition Fifth llnning from Austria to Great New latter-da- Britain, India some time must a bullish effect on wheat Af- St any newspaper In northern behind It The progres First half Boston: drove been engaged, but today Road Commissioners Robert Gowdy and other points abroad. Refiners are to cent the Mexico. sives have accepted this issue because County - elapse before they are competent to ter opening lower, the ball to the center field for a three- anxiously endeavoring to find some it is the one thing remaining that is J. Taupert and George H. Hunker, run the trains. A large number of market rose well above last night's bp so hit. It was the first pitched ball. means of getting their to national in scope and still of live po after a trip to Santa Fe by automobile product Eng have also rejoined the army, level. The umpire cautioned the Boston land indirect route. police TELEPHONES are work done the by To relieve Is and or- Corn followed the course of wheat. pular interest. But all the beautiful praising being by on but the city perfectly quiet Office ...... Main 2 bpnch for coaching. Gowdy scored the stress of the financial situation Business theories and ideals of that old Chicago state on the highway south of here. derly So far there have been no The opening, which ranged from mv . Main I Moran ville's single over Mclnnls' the government has decided to News Department have vanished Into thin air. State Engineer French, who accom- organ- demonstrations against the embassies changed figures to ,4 cent off, was platform head. A double followed. Bender ize a war - of the commissioners, out play credit hank capital' of $1,- of a moderate advance. AVith no substantial centralization panied pointed took Deal's bunted of the allied powers. The prices followed by a fly, then picked 030,000 besides a number of loan in- OCTOBER 9, 1914. purposes, no proposals of fundamen- strip of highway seven miles in food are not much above the normal, Some export inquiry helped to make FRIDAY, off Maranville at. first. Deal had at- stitutions for advancing money with- tal importance not already advocated length which has been built by a although an advamce reported on the oatb firm. tempted to sacrifice. Rudolph struck out interest in order on va- no It force of ten men under the direction to carry and steadi by other parties, national spirit, out. 2 wholesale prices of wheat, barley Higher prices for hogs gave now the warden, one of One run, hits, no errors. rious industrial enterprises. And game a little wonder that the progressive of Apolonlo Pino, at state expense. rye will affect the cost of flour and ness to provisions. The closing quo 4 Is Second half Philadelphia: Maran- Numerous have (.vernor McDonald's appointees. movement has broken up into mere The road has been entirely graded suggestions been bread. The of has tations were: more ville took Barry's Texas away made for price petroleum i d to be extravagant, eating are and is in good condition. In leaguer boycotting goods coming refiner- Dec. 1.15. local factions which melting away addition, out in field. a risen considerably and many Wheat 1.09; May i number of meals in a left It was sparkling from hostile countries, an the usual numerically as their members realize 70 new culverts, built of rock and ce notably Eng- ies have closed down. Boring opera- Corn, Dec. 67; May 69. which the Btate and ' catch and loudly applauded. Schang land and France, but have met .., for pays, the. of the undertaking ment, have heen installed. The they tions have ceased but of n Dec. 017 - hopelessness struck out. exports Oats, 47; May Li bills. Cer- It was Rudolph's sixth with scanty support in the most in-- erwlse running up heavy to form a strong and enduring party. greater part of the work hais been oil to have increased Pork, Jan. ?18.75. strike out. Bender filed out to Whlt-tt-- d. Germany the governor must be shocked a f la fluential commercial circles. The . (i.mly o strip highway seven miles no because American oil is no longer ar- ) he's such an economical man, the No runs, hits, no errors. Prague Chamber of Commerce refused done in the section from the Apache riving In Its usual quantities." When your food does not digest of the state's treasure house. Sixth Inning to endorse such a proposal saying that watchdog HEADACHE GONE! NO canyon toward Las Vegas. The gang well and you feel "blue," tired and . : o has reached of First half Boston: Moran sent up it would be quite useless at the pres the vicinity Pecos. POSITIVELY MASTERS CROUP discouraged, you should use a little a foul back of third base, which Bar- ent moment besides being dangerous COULD" The county road commissioners Foley's Honey and Tar Compound HERBINE at bedtime. It opens the "WIIKKEVEK IT PAIN OH NEURALGIA ry took after a long run with his out- for Austrian commercial interests lat- in making "blanket raises, wherever were so pleased with the work that cuts the thick choking mucus, and bowels, purifies the system and re- stretched hands. The crowd shouted er on. Outside Vienna and It could" the board ot equalization did they authorized Mr. Pino to call out clears away the phlegm. Opens up stores a fine feeling of health and en- approval, Evers shot a single past the aspect of the whole country is not appear to be seeking Information the road tax labor of the district and the air passages and Btops the hoarse ergy. Price 60c. Sold by Central Bender. Connolly walked, when Ben- lifeless and apparently denuded of ac- - upon which to base Its actions. Two Dr. James' Headache Powders Give superintendent further operations, to cough. The gasping, strangling fight Drug Co. Adv. der became unsteady. Evers and Con tve men, and presents an appearance prominent citizens of East Las Vegas, Instant Relief 10 Cents a continue as far as Rowe. J. W. Har nolly scored on Whitted's drive to right of strange and oppressive Quietness. both experienced In tax matters and Package rison, one of the most consistent for three bases. Whitted scored on Great factories are shut land values, It develops, offered to boosters and workers for good roads, completely Schmidt's slashing single Bar- dewn, furnaces are out, doors are lock- appear before the board and give It When your head aches you simply who resides in Pecos, will furnish a through ry. Boston's was terrific and ed and not even a watchman Is visible Information to show that grazing must have relief or you will go wild. heavy work tea'm to do necessary batting Bender was recalled from the box and in the streets. The small towns are lands of San Miguel county hadbten It's needless to suffer when you can plowing and will otherwise assist tlu SHOE SALE deserted save for a few children here assessed at their full value. Instead take, a remedy like Dr. James' Head- road commissioners. In the vicinity (Continued on and there, and there are .Of hearing these men, however, the ache Powders and relieve the pain of Pecos it will'be necessary to build Page Five) scarcely any workers iu the fields. The few who board raised the valuation 30 per cent. and neuralgia at once. Send someone a considerable stretch of new high- FOR n ay be seen are women Possibly Sau Miguel county looked to the drug store now for a dlino way, in order to avoid numerous chiefly and - IF MFALS HIT BACK occasionally old men. like a "wherever it could" locality.- package of Dr. James' Headache Pow turns and bad arroyo crossings. At "The women are now ders. Don't suffer. In. a few moments San Jose the route has been straights performing the most laborious tasks even to you will feel fine headache gone ened considerably, avoiding a deep MO: SOURS the 5 5 SiimCII of D A DISAPPEARING PARTY no more Alv. arroyo crossing and passing directly loading freight cars. Trains are AY neuralgia pain. Perhaps nothing has contributed in front of the store of Sheriff Roman running on niost lines on restricted to of ' more potently the disintegration Gallegos, In order to effect this im- "Rape's DiapepsinT Ends Stomach schedules. There are hardly any pas- movement than .. the the progressive provement it 'was necessary to tear Misery, Indigestion In Five sengers and solitary soldiers may be cohesive seen laci; of sound, principles, down an adobe building. A small Minutes guarding stations, bridges or tun- - BACHARACH'S the Kansas Journal. And nelB but tays City bridge will be placed over the arroyo bodies of troops even In as the whole movement was small predicated at a more favorable crossing place. If what you just ate is souring on numbers are rarely seen. All a claim of virile and have to upon inspiring In assisting In the road building and your stomach or lies like a lump of gone the front Red Cross this is all the more stations have principles, poverty repairing operations, the highway com- lead, refusing to digest, or you belch been set up in the prin- E VERY SHOE IN , . When . Colonel Roosevelt towns dirplriting. mission will send out a1 camp wagon gas and eructate sour, undigested cipal and depots provided with at smarting under the eting of defeat (Continued from Page One) with four or five men and tools and food, or have a feeling of dizziness, vast numbers Qf stretchers are ready SALE1 to well-mea- THE HOUSE ON convention nt the Chicago republican dynamite. The explosive will be used heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste receive the wounded. The of dissent over- conceived his platform sky last night was red with the flames in removing bad ruts and big rocks. in mouth and stomach headache, you hospitality of the public in sup- to the night, he sought catch popu'ir of Antwerp." The road to Santa Fe is in pretty fair can get blessed relief in five minutes. plying soldiers with food, delicacies Thursday, Friday and Saturday Rosendaal is about 20 miles north of shape, the commissioners declare. Ask your pharmacist to show you and cigarettes is said to have had an unfortunate "effect fhl Recoveries Antwerp in Holland. They made the trip to Santa' Fe easily the formula, plainly printed on these oa 10 Many ' ' fifty-ce- nt diers Oct; in five hours.; "; ' cases ot,. Pane's --, whoare not accustomed, Jc? such 8, 9, , Froa long Trcable Whole Town Afire - Beyond the scene of operations at then you wil Understand Iwhyv dys laio.; iney cpnsumea everything gien Troo-fcle- thera A medicine for Throat and Long s jPecos, all the way to the peptic troubles! ot, alj. ijlnds. must go, greedily, and became sick In con- been tested for Rome, Italy Oct. 9 (By way of Lon Canyoncltoy " " 15 PER CENT Of F ALL. CIII10HE.YS which has ttaorouchly and sequence : ,. SflflES many years, and which baa been Instru The Russian while road is in excellent condition.' From why they relieve sour, mental In restoring neaun to a don). ambassador, "The of complete - to stomachs or in five question the unemployed is large number of sufferer, should be thor- denying a report that the garrison of Canyoncito Santa Fe no work has indigestion ougbly investigated by everyone. While been done either or minutes. Dlapepsin" is harm assuming serious proportions especial no undue claims are made tor it, nor any Przemysl in Galicla has surrendered by the state the 'Tape's its nse will restore health, i tastes like each la Vienna and Budapest. 1 guarantee that to Russians added. county for some time. This road was less; candy, though ly Many Lot No. Lot No. Eckmans Alterative has been given the the hundreds have been work in 2 full credit In savins lives In many cases. whnlA In not so badly washed by rain as was dose will digest and prepare for as given case-:- Del. ""'Hnwevpr me town on Eead this Wilmington, section ot the in similation into the blood all the food the construction of fortificaftions along $3.50 and $4.00 "Gentlemen: In January. MM, I was fire and its capitulation is now In- - the highway San $2.50 and $3.00 taken with of the lungs, i . . . . the Danube in the of hemorrhages - Miguel county, and it is no means you eat; besides, it make you go to neighborhood My physician, one of the leading practl- levitaDie. by SHOES tlonera of Wilmington, Del., said that It the table with a healthy appetite; but Vienna and hundreds more have been SHOESv.(-fTi-' was inn" took milk impassable. Everywhere the newly trouble. I eggs and will sent from the towns into the in quantities, but I got very weak. Mr. repaired sections of highway have what please yoii; most, is that you country FOR WOMEN FOR WOMEN C. A. Llpplncott, of Upplncott Co., "and to work in .the fields. The Austrian Department Store, ana to 81 Mnrlcet hard and permanent surfaces, and it will feel that your stomach, intes- trect, Wilmington, Tr., recommended to tines are clean and and peasants are displaying great inge- All Sizes All Sizes me Kekman's Alterative, that had done TROOP 1QVEHENT Is a pleasure to travel over therm fresh, you sreat good, and upon Ms suggestion I be-- I will not need to. resort to laxatives or nuity In exploiting the state. They mums 11 at once, was about The Romeroville road Is in good 3"" 1 mis (All Leathers) J... (Good Values) 1908. continued faithfully, using liver for biliousness or constipa- refuse to pay city workers any wages no otber remedy, and finally noticed the shape, Kearney's Gap being easily pills of at all and miser- clearing the lunge. I now have no (Continued from Page One) traversed since the good work done tion. - I house and feed them PER PAIR PER PAIR trouble with my lungs. I firmly believe Eck man's Alterative saved mv life." there last spring by the convict gang. This city will have many "Pape's ably. For this they claim from the (Affidavit! J A 8. 8QTJIIIB8. " leaves the German the state four (Above abbreviated: more on request.) empire under Dlapepsin'' cranks, as some people shillings for each worker Eckman'a Alterative has been proven by same influenocs and with the same COAL will call will en- per dayi The many years' text to be most efficacious RATES RAISED them, but;you be government however, 02. SB 02.10 for severe Throat and Lung Affections, policy and methods to disturb our Washington, Oct. 9. An advance of thusiastic about this splendid stom- declined to yield to mich exorbitant Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma. Stnblorn and our tonii ana In npimlldlng toe system. peace threaten safety until ten cents a ton in the freight rates ach preparation, too, if you overtake demands. In Vienna funds are being Contains no narcotics, notaonn or hnbit- THE - ' eevntually we fall prey to we can on it-f- raised to forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling it, coal, proposed by the southwestern take indigestion, gases, heart- feed the unemployed but Store of Quality" or recoveries, ann w.tte to Kremlin return but one answer. At whatever was filed In the demand- - Is Laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa., for evl railroads, today with the burn, sourness, dyspepsia," or "any constantly increasing we mean " - aeace. For sale by all leading' druggists C(st to prevent that, and terstate commerce commission. Un- stomach misery. since,- besides the unemployed, the means ' s and E. O. Murphey and Bed Cross whatever may be necessary to less suspended by the commission, Get some now, this miwute, and rid city is crowded with Galicians. I 4 we Dru a company. - prevent it mean in the faithful the increase will become effective yourself of stomach trouble and indi- "Life In Vienna pursues mluch the - Frisa fl and f2 bottle. combination of our allies to take." (December I...... gestion in. five minutes. Adv. same course as before the war. Cafes F.LisVEGAS, N.M


PERSONALS YOUR JSC Three Points , Tfconsider In Selecting Your Bank. O. J. Ogg of Raton is among yester- , First: Will my money be safe? day's arrivals. Second: Can I get it when I want it? J. S. Vance of Fort Worth is in the Will bank be able to me aid for a brief stay. Third: my and willing give financial city SUIT when I need it? Paul H. Mirise of Trinidad is la the for a short time. With ample capital and surplus, conservatively managed by directors city who have been successful In their business affairs, this bank offers Robert Robertson of Cedar Rapids For Fall and Winter should be safety 13 In the city for a short tlme. and prompt and liberal service to depositors of responsibility. J. M. Harlan of St Joseph is regis- ordered now. tered at one of the local hotels. We have a complete line of for- & John Ml. McFees or Denver is stop- Bank Trust - Peoples Company- of the hotels. and $125,000.00 ping at one city's eign and domestic suitings, com- Capital Surplus Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaver of Pu- eblo are among the more recent hotel prising all the latest weaves, and arrivals. J!. P. Caldwell of Springer came at right prices. BOSTON TAKES down to Las Vegas last night for a Pressing, cleaning and repairing few days' business, . , You Will Find Charles Kirman,' a man of traveling receive special care. St Louis, who is well known in Las THE OPENING Vegas, is in the city on his fall west- I ern trip. Miss Ethyel Chambers of Los An- HAS. LEWIS AMP geles is visiting Miss. Sadie O'Byrne.j They left on train No. 1 today to at- I Montezuma ball in Albuqiwr-- " tend the TAILOR (Continued Prom Page One.) que. CRYSTAL BUTT Thomas N. an of LSI LIU Harlan, attorney W'yckoff replaced him. It was the who is interested in ir- St. Louis, ,and t time an Athletic had been in Valencia Miss Grace Lord left 'this morning 1 rigation projects county, baited out of the box in a world's se- visit to Santa Fe passed through Las Vegas last night for a brief ries. Coombs was taken out of the on train No. 7. Mrs. H. P. Browne left for box three years ago in a game with Mr. and Mrs. L E. Jones and their to visit the state Albuquerque today the Giants, but that was becatuse of three children of Thermopolis, Wyo., fair. T'l; an hits were made off .'nn'P who moved injuiry. Eight an automobile vacation party touring Thomas B. Blauvelf,, Tender while he was in the box. the southwest, stopped over yester- from Lais Vegas recently, has moved Gowdy walked. Wyckoff' took Maran-ville'- s in Las con- this"time from to irur--j Tin day and last night Vegas, again, Demlng YOUR F4LLSUIT&OVERCOAT smash and thew to Baker too the best all northward tills tinuing their Journey ley. late to catch Schmidt. The bases Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Stewart left morning). Before Buying Remember were now filled with one out. A dou- First Assistant of the In- lalst for Albuquerque, where Secretary night ble play ended the innfug. Baker took terior A. A. Jones and Mrs. Jones, will visit friends, and take In the they THE GOLDEN RULE STORE SELLS Deal's grounder and touched third, left on train No. 1 today for Santa state fair. ' Gowdy, and threw Deal out where will be the of forcing Ye, they guests Willie Goke will leave tomorrow for at Three three no return- $10.00 value Men's Suits $7.90 first runs, hits, Governor and Mrs. McDonald, Albuquerque, where he wll lattend tbe errors. to Las on $12.50 value Men's Suits ...... $9.90 ing Vegas probably Tuesday state fair. Mr. Goke will remain in Second half Evers next week. $15.00 value Men's Suits $12.50 Philadelphia: of the Duke City over Sunday, when he took care of slow roller and SEASONS Murphy's Mr. Mrs. van of Ra- $18.00 value Men's Suits .$14.75 and J. Houten will attend the exemplification of the threw him out at first base. Deal I wlwiium.jB'a ton, with whom Mrs. Chris Wlegand thi ee of the order the Albu-Querq- digrees by tostsed to Oldrlng. Rudolph was pitch bas been visiting for a week or more; counoil of of True of Overcoats Prices Also the Knights ill;- ing a perfect game, his slow ball Fcssed through Las Vegas last night Columbus. $9.90 and $10.90 a Man's Overcoat for which you are 1 0 0 1! 1 0 buys usually coming high and coming low, but nev Lapp, c Time: 1:5S. en route to Albuquerque. Mrs. Wle- asked $12.50 to $15. 2 u er where the Athletics' bats were. Bender, Uiupirte: Ai plate, Dinen; on bases gand, who accompanied them from TO DEMONSTRATE PARCEL POST Boys' and Youth's Overcoats at from $2.98 up. p. Rudolph tossed out Collins. No hits. Wyckoff, p.. 10 left field. Raton, remained here when the van Fort Tex., Oct. 9. A demon- 1X00 Klem; field, Byron; right Worth, LAS VEGAS' BUSIEST STORE no runs, no errors. Hildebrand. Houtens proceeded southward on stration booth in connection with a 1 5 0 Seventh Inning Total .30 27 14 train No. 9. man- substation Bhowlng the proper First half Boston: went in Score by innings: J. P. S. Mennett Fe was On Las Lapp Automobile stage line to Mora tri- of Santa ner of packing and explaining all Vegas to for the Athletics. Boston 020 013 1017 The New catch Rudolph weekly, Tuesday, and Sat- In Las Vegas last evening, being a points connected with parcel post mat- 010 000 Thursday got an infield single, which Collins Philadelphia 0001 Las member of the party accompanying ter will be maintained at the Nation- Plaza Mexico urday, leaving Vegas postoffioa was barely able to knock down. Baker Summary 8 a. Mora a. m. Francis C. Wilson, the progressive al Feeders and Breeders' show which m., arriving 9:45 took Moran's intended sacrifice and Two 4 m. candidate for on cam- base hits: Gowdy, Wyckoff, Leave Mora. p. arrive Las Vegas congress, his will open in this city tomorrow for a threw to Ev Barry, forcing Rudolph. Baker. 6:45 p. m. Fare for round trip, S5; paign. Mr. Mennett, wl is acting la week's engagement Experts of the ers struck out and Moran went to Mr. Three base hits: Gowdy, Whitted. one way, $3. Round trip tickets goo4 interpreter for Wilson, was bom pottofftce department will explain to THE YANKEES WIN Warhop, while the Americans were second. Mclnnis gathered on Connolr Hits: Off 8 in five for one week. H. B. Hubbard, end brought up in Las Vegas. Ha has the stockmen how to goods prop- "off Bender, innings Prop. pack New York, Oct. 9 The New York atle to get but 6 Tesreau. The ly's grounder and then threw to been in old Mexico for some" 15 el how to what class and one out in sixth inning; off Wyck- years, ly, figure rates, Nationals made one error. Wycokff, who covered the bag. No to this about can sent Giants were defeated here today by off, three in three innings and two Latest dispatches from the front returning country only of goods be by parcel post, runs,-ona-httr-- . errors. In i a year ago, and his re- and rules - the American league club by the score out sixth. ) ? state that the belligerents have decid residing after all the governing the sys- Second half Philadelphia: Evers turn in the atfcm. of 2 to 1. The Giants made 8 hits off Subscribe for The Optio. Stolen baaes:. Moran, Schmidt, ed to hostilities until the Capital City. fumbled Baker's grounder and the suspend " Gowdy. runner was safe. Mclnnis walked; on completion of the world's series. Double Schmidt to four pitched halls. Strunk grounded plays: Deal; Collins to Bender Oct 9. Orders recent- out to Schmidt, Baker going to third Barry to Mclnnes; Washington, to Bender to Lane have and Mclnnis to second. Barry struck to Barry Mclnnis; ly signed by Secretary to settlement and under out.. Rudolph threw out Lapp at opened entry, on bases: Philadel homestead 3,600,000 first. It was superb pitching by Ru- Left Boston, 3; the enlarged law, 6. acres of in New Mex dolph. No runs, n hits, one error. phia, land California, First : Off 3: Colorado and Under Eighth Inning Rudolph, ico, Washington. First half Boston: Whitted sent off Bender, 2; off Wyckoff, 1. the enlarged homestead act lands in base on errors:- - the west are examined the geo- up a high fly to Baker. Schmidt got First Philadelphia, by 1. to determine whether a Texas leaguer to left. Gowdy singled logical survey to left went Struck out: By Rudolph, 8; by Ben-- there is any available water supply and Schmidt to third. M Maranville struck out, and when- Gow dor, 3; by Wyckoff, 1. by wnich they may he irrigated. dy ran to second, Schmidt stole home. Gowdy tried to go to third, but was tC Ni- If thrown out by Lapp. One run, two hits, no errors. Second half Philadelphia: Wyck off double to right field fence. Maran- ville threw nput Murphy at first,' Wyckoff goiin to thirds, Oldrlng; struck out. Colling flew out to Connolly. No runs, one hit, no errors.- - Nlnth Inning First half Boston- - The crowd be gan to leave the stand when the in ning opened, as it was realized that Boston had all but won the game. Boker threw out Deal. "Barry threw out Rudolph. It was announced that the official attendance was 20,562. NATIONAL HERO SEMES' Baker tossed out Moran. No runs, no Ntt W hits, no errors. mi "fm . - - Second half t j -; ;, Philadelphia Baker i: . drove the ball r:J':'- MOREYS.. B JrilS noble lover of Liberty was to his beloved Hungary what Patrick Henry was toAmeTicaalndepenclence.t3ive metibertyof up against the fence for mVff ; a .double. , Deal threw out . I 1116 death" meant to Kossuth all that made life worth the living. He lived for ninety-tw-o years, and his longhand honorable Mclnnis; '1SL J career was devoted jsolely to secure for Hungary National Indeoendence. for it he suffered imorisonment and rilp. Kir it h Baker being held at second, Strunk worked as few mert have ever out to Evers., Maranville threw 27 worked. His fiery soul was expressed in his writing, and his impassioned oratory thundered across porped - hii-soule- d out No one no errors. the two continents. Allthe world read and listened to this Hungarian fittriot. When exiled our government sent the U. S. Barry. runs,. hit, PeanutButter Steamer Mississippi to Turkey and brought him to our shores as the guest of the Nation.To-da- y we have millions of Hunguian citizens, firUfi each one a lover of Ffersonal UbertyTo secure it they sought our shores, and to a man they will fight to the death to keep forever alive BOSTON AB R H PO A E the spirit and letter of our immortal Declaration of Inderjendencerrhev make eood citizens, and like Kossuth detest nrohihitnrv pnacr- - Moran, rf 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 Big Spanish Peanuts, tnents which make the many suffer for the faults of the very few. For centuries Hungarians have as a nation been moderate users of In Evers, 2b 4 2 1 crushed a 112 to con barleybrews and light winesTheir votes are always registered against any legislation which proposes to regulate human diet by Connolly, If 3 creamy law. Thou shalt NOTeat this thou shalt NOTdrink that-- to those of brave Hungarian blood is insufferable tyranny. For 57 Whitted, cf 3 2111103 Mil sistency and piquantly sea- nnneuser-uusc- n 110 years nave been proud to serve their Hungarian patrons. I hey have helped to make the sales of their great brand Schmidt, lb 4 1 2 11 1 0 soned, make this nourishing Budweiser exceed those of any other beer by millions of books. Seven thousand, five hundred Deoole are daily reauired to keeD t c 3 2 3 9 1 0 Gowdy, peanut butter. Children love pace with the public demand for Budu'tiser. ANHEUSEIL-DUSCH'ST.LOUlS.U.S.- t Maranville, ss 4 0 2 2 3 0 it it's good and good for Botded only at the home plant. Deal, 3m, 4 0 0 1 2 0 (Rudolph, .p 4 0 1 0 3 0 : them. "The Best the Grocer Con Deliver.' B. F. McGuire Total -- . : 34 7 11 27 13 2 Distributor Las N. M Hen art a few members of the Soltlairt East Vegas, PKILA - AB - R II PO A E family : Coffee, Tea, Spices, Flavoring Murphy, rf.. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Extracts, Catsup, Raisins, Rice, Sea Oldrlng1, 0 ; 0 2 0 0 Foods, Crape Juice, Oltve Oil, Maple Syrup, etc., and all varieties of canned 2b -- 4 0 2 2 0 Collins, .. 0 fruits and vegetables. Baker, Sb.-i- . 4 0 1 3 4 0 Mclnnes, 2 1 0 10 10 THE MOREY MERCANTILE CO. Struck, cflb.-- 1 4 6 2 0 0 0 V DENVER Barry, es.i : 4 0 0 S 3 0 Means Moderation 'schang, c 2 0 0 3 0 0 LAS VEGAB DAILY OPTIC. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAH OOOOOOOOOOOTOOOOOOOOimfflBAiE ohe SHORT ORDERS AND REGULAR DINNERS 75he OPTIC tUM KST GOODS OBTAINABLE ALWAT3 HANDLES o O STATIONARY IN PRICE O BACON KEEPS FLUCTUATING AND EACH DAY BRINGS A NEW o FIGURE WANT SOCIETY DIRECTORY FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD o With the sole exception of pork, CHAPMAN LODGE NO. t A. F. NO. which has eone ud. staple eatables A. M. Regular com- 102 Meets every Monday night In o i. C. on avenue have remained at the same price all munication first ud R. hall, Douglas at un- A in 8 o'clock. members are cor week. Hams and bacon, always hlrd Thursday Visiting o of COLUMN cch month. diaily welcome. js T. Buhler, PresV stable, continue under the pressure Visiting Mrs. J. T. foreign exchanges to fluctuate on an biOtherg cordially in dent; Buhler, Secretary: II. Treasurer. o average of every other day. Though vited. Guy M. Cary, W. M., u . van Baily, o there are some retrograde movements Pettea. Secretary. OF CO UN. o in the price, the general tendency is KNIGHTS COLUMBUS, NO. 804. Meets second ant o upward. LAS' VEGAS COMMANDERY, NO. 2, CIL The fruit stalls are not so well KNIGHT8 TEMPLAR Reg curth Thursday in O. R. C. hall, o - Pioneer member! o filled, nor do they contain nearly tne ular conclave second Tues- building. Visiting Your same fine assortment and variety as dey In each mcnth at Ma are cordially invited. Richard Devlna, Brin more m. Dr. H. M G. K.; Frank Angel, T. 8. o a week ago. The tender varie sonic at 7:30 p. Temple o since Recorder. ties have practically disappeared Smith, B. C; Chas. Tamme, the arrival of the first frosts, which o - . A . MAIN I. A MAW - LOCAL TIME CARD o occurred locally the fore part of the OPTIC'S NUMSSR, LA8 VEGA8 CHAPTER hu. , riuT- ADVER- week. Practically all the perishable RATES TOR CLASSIFIED AL ARCH MASONS Regular convo o fruits are out of the market. There TISEMENTS cation first Monday In each East Bound are plenty of apples, however, selling Jt month at Masonio Temple o at S cents a pound; Quinces Five cents per line each Insertion. at 7:30 m. P. A, Arrive Depart generally p. Brinegar, o six words to a line, No. 7:20 p. m 7:41 a. Cu3 are still plentiful for canning; they Estimate ordinary H. P.: F. O. Blood. Secre I.... bring 5 cents a pound. Peaches are No ad to occupy less space than two tary. No. 4. ...11:54 p. m 11:51 P. o scarce, and the price on the limited lines All advertisements charged No. I,... 1:25 a. m l:St a. A set II.-.- . m 1:9 . o supply is almost prohibitive for the will be booktd at space actually I. O. O. F. LAS VEGAS LODGE NO. No. 1:26 p. ti. to number ef words. Bouns average housekeeper. Pears are also without reaard 4. Meets every Monday evening at Witt scarce, and the price high. Grapes Cash In advlnce preferred. their hall on Sixth street All visiting Arrive Depart o In No. 1:10 p. 1:81 . TJ hold their own, at least quantity; brethren cordially invited to attend. 1.... m...., o a. a. 1:35 1:4 some of the better varieties, though, J. Friedenstlne, N. G.; A. T. Rogers, No, I.... m...., ft a o have been missed from the stalls for Wanted V. G.; T. M. Elwood. Karl No. 7..t. 4:20 p. m...., 4:8 Secretary; o several The is No. 1:85 p. m..... 7:M 5. y dajs. prevailing price house Werta, Treasurer; C. V. Hedgcock, I.... u cents a WANTED Girl for general o pound. Ranch. Address Cemetery Trustee. work at Harvey's o The same scarcity exists with the 4s Box B, City. o more perishable kinds of vegetables. B. P. O. ELKS Meets second and I! Only the later varieties and the ones fourth evening of each o WANTED Reliable woman for gen Tuesday that keep well are in the market. month Elks" home on NinO street eral housework. 725 Sixth street o Cauliflower is still plentiful; it sells and Douglas avenue. Visiting brothers For YOU! at 12 cents a pound. Celery holds are cordially Invited. Wm. H. Spring WANTED Mlich cow, to keep for its own at 10 cents a bunch. Carrots er, Exalted Ruler; D. W. Condon, This feed winter, or will boy If elegant Rogers' o OB of the larger varieties bring 5 cents during Secretary. Work Is reasonable. Address K a pound. Squash, one of the more price Silver i v Spoon o muni iw mi rurrrrtri .1. I'l recent arrivals on the stands, sells at Optic. KNIGHTS AND LADIE8 OF SECUR- 3 cents a pound. ITY, COUNCIL y. 2390 Meets m "if you use G Potatoes, which may be properly For Rent W. O. W. hall, Sixth street, on the mm classed as a staple, though they are first and third Mondays of each RENT Modern furnished flat. EMPRESS not always stable, remain at about the FOR month at 8 p. m. Visiting Knights and o same as week. 511 Ninth street welcome O. L. Free price last Ladles always FLOUR man, President; Miss Cora Montague, RENT furnished steam .0 You will like their positive action. FOR Nicely Financier; Mrs. A. V. Morrow, Local heated room. 924 Seventh, Phone 908 Z. W. Li you i They have a tonic effect on the bow Deputy, Jackson avenue; l giving Main 333. c P".vV.-,tt.- o els, and give a wholesome, thorough Montague Assistant Deputy, 1011 a present for do- cleaning to the entire bowel tract, Sixth street. East Las Vegas, N. M. rooms ing something Stir the liver to healthy activity and MODERN light housekeeping 1030 To stomach sweet. with sleeping porch, Fifth L. O. second anfi you 'd do riy keep Constipation, O. MOOSEMeets street. ri headache, dull, tired feeling never af fourth Thursday evening each way when you fect those who use Foley Cathartic month at rT. O. vl. hall. Vliltlnj learn how Much 7 room in mod J Tablets. Only 25a 0. G. Schaefer FOR RENT Pleasant brothers cordially Invited. Howard V t ern center of town-- and Red Cross Drug Store. Adv. house close to Davis, Dictator; Harry L. Cutler, secy. BetferEMPRESS Inquire at Y. M. C. A. FLOUR reclb is. The Office CALL FOR CONVENTION MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Made GER- o FOR RENT rooms by Optic Housekeeping Meet in the Forest of Brotherly Republican headquarters of the 414 Seventh street. Enquire Lcve at O. R. C. hall, on the second MAN PROCESS county of San Miguel, Las N. Vegas, each month at o and fourth Tuesdays of FRO! M., October 3, 1914. ONE COUPON For Sate 8 m. J. S. Nelson, Consul; G. A convention of the republicans of p. EMPRESS FLOUR AND Z. W. Lo- the county of San Miguel and state Laemmle, Clerk; Montague, FIVE STAMPS FOR SALE Williams ranch; two cal members are es- of New Mexico is hereby called for Deputy. Visiting BRINGS YOU THE good houses, six lots; good outbuild welcome and invited. the 19th of 1914, at 10 pecially cordially n SPOON IT 'S o day October, ings; plows, camping outfit stones o'clock in the morning in the County GENUINE WM 623 Railroad avenue. - - o Court House in Las Vegas, New Mex DR. ADELAIDE B. LEWI8 R0GEPS 4. Be SONS' A A It Will ico, for the purpose of nominating Osteopathic Physician FOR SALE Well bred pigs. II. S. three to the State Office Crockett Building STANDARD representatives N. M. o Maurice, Sapello, 5 Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to p. m. SILVER Legislature for the Sixt;h Representa 1 - P LATE-BEAUTI- FUL tive District, said district embracing Residence Phone Main 384 Eft , - FOR SALE Mare and colt $35. S. o the of San Miguel. The Pre o County Powers. FRENCH. No. 29 Is JONES-BOWER- Done and cinct entitled to eleven del S MONUMENT CO 1REY (STER Quickly Proxies will be egates. not recognized SALE Albuquerque, N. M. FINISH o FOR Wheelbarrows and. cook A. . . LING) unless held by residents of the same stove. Inquire 623 Railroad avenue. 215 E. Central o precinct from which the delegates IS Years Practical Experience. EMPRESS have been chosen. E. A. JONES W. BOWERS FOR SALE Two good Jersey cows. (JW. The various precincts are hereby V. can be o& 910 Fifth street. o Rightly ordered to elect members of the Cen fro GEO. H. HUNKER tained in this city Committee of to tral the precinct and Attorney-at-La- w o report their names to William J, ROCIADA MERCANTILE CO., ALL GROCERS East Las Vegas, New Mexico. Mills, Chairman of the Republican Dealers in Choice Timothy Hay and o o Central Committee of the County of Grain of All Kinds San Miguel. Located at Regensberg Broth- RETAIL PRICES The various precincts may hold ers' old 1122 National Ave. lbs. o stand, 2,000 pounds or More, each dllvery 20c per 100 their primaries as soon as desire Send Us Your Orders lbs. they 1,000 pounds to 2,000 pounds, each delivery 25c per 100 but not later than the 15th of day 200 pounds to 1,000 pounds, each delivery.. 30c per 100 lbs. 1914. o October, The secretaries of the . lbs. o DR. F. B. HUXMANN 40c 100 50 pounds to 200 pounds, each delivery per various are asked to primaries Hereby Dentlet Less than 50 pounds, each delivery 50c per 100 lbs. the chairman o o notify of the Republl Dental work of any description at can Central Committee of the County moderate prices AG'UADPURA COMPANY o o of the date of their meeting and the Room 1, Center Block. Office Phost names of the delegates chosen Imme Main 881. Residence Phone Main 411 Harvesters, Storers and Distributors of Natural Ice, the Purity and diately wpon the holding of their pri Lasting Qualities of Which Have Made Las Vegas Famous. o maries o Pub OFFICE 701 DOUGLAS AVENUE WILLIAM J. MILLS, Chairman, Why Not Publish It? Optic L, C. want a fact to become o o ILFELD, Secretary. When you generally known, the right way Is to o o What Would You Do? publish it Mrs. Joseph Kalians, Peru, Ind., was troubled with belching, sour There are. many times when one FIND WHAT YOU WANT Co, man and stomach and frequent headaches. She o questions another's actions o writes, "I feel It to tell motives. Men act under my duty differently others what Chamberlain's Tablets different circumstances. The ques WANT AOS have done for me. have helped tion is, what would you do right now They 1 my and my bow- SELL WHAT YOU DONT WANT if you had a severe cold? Could you digestion regulated els. Since them I have been o do better than to take Chamberlain's using PHONE MAIN 2 recom entirely well." For sale by all deal- Cough It is highly Remedy? ers. Adv. o mended by people who have used It CLASSIFIED ADS search out t ho people to whom among those who for years and know Its value. Mrs MIGHT BUT the particular thing Is worth mosL O. E. Sargent, Peru, Ind., says, "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy: is worth Its THE PROPERTY you want to sell Is WORTH MOST to people who o weight in gold and I take pleasure in read the ads in this paper and who never would hear of your o recommending it" For sale by all were a dvertised property unless It here, o dealers. Adv o and answer tbe ads In this want OTHERS who reaJ newspaper (and FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS mmm are anxious to pay for) hooks, automobiles, used machinery and o of o rack the furniture, articles usefulness of any sort, musical instru- Stop coughing! you lungs and worry the body. BALLARD'S ments. o HOREHOUND SYRUP checks Irrita A tion, heals the lungs and restores com WANT ADS are Inexpensive, get results and EVERYBODY'S SATIS- fortable breathing. Price 25c, BOc and FIED. Try them. 1 1.00 per bottle. Sold by Central Drug Co. Adv. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. EVEN


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meet-logs- , The first the The sermon was so much enjoyed offl-cc- of evangelistic to $1.25 cents a pound. Hydrogen meeting, both by the newly elected rt ber cared for 24, as 10 were under last at the that If not all, could have wish- 50 night Baptist church, many, peroxide has advanced fully per and the members. The retiring treatment there on 31. Of the. suc- MUTUAL THEATER August gave great promise for the future ed that he were to have preached cent. This case is Bimllar, in a way, knight and financial 24 " " Chickens grind secretary, patients sir are classed as cess D. K. Is rather Bridie St Spring charity of the meetings. Cumble every night. It propitious to that of mercury. The article Is Richard Devine and Frank Angel, re- The cases were divided as were off patients. can surely make the singing "go." that the meetings started - manufactured In United an TONIGHT chiefly the spectively, have made excellent follows: Surgical, major, 4; surgical, He will demonstrate that even more by a Methodist minister. Evangelist Firat Show barium to liber- record two Starts at 7.15 Jersey Sweet States, but the used during the years they have minor. 3; obstetrical, 2; medical, 15; Nobody doubts but that Crlmm wll be here this evening. ate comes north been in tonight FRIDAY Potatoes tho.oxygen from the office, and several speeches born, 2. Following is a list of those Evangelist Crimm will make things of and Potassium of were mem-t-er- r England Germany. appreciation nwde by who made donations to the hospital He Is said to be the' liveliest Nate Hartley ha sold out his In- "No Account Smith's mo- In lively. Baby" salts, the production of which is a regard to their work. In September: Mrs. L. J. Brown. that has been seen in this terest In his restaurant on Railroad 50 preacher 2 Concord Grapes nopoly of Germany, has gone up canned Mrs. In sermon avenue to Oscar White. Mr. (Kaybee reels) fruit; George Guy, canned country many a day. The Hartley per cent In price, and the supply Is THE HOSPITAL REPORT Mrs. soon the fruit; E. V. Long, curtains; Mra of last evening was preached by Rev. plans to leave Las Vegas for "Foiled Again" Komic limited. Cream, of which comes the month of 14 tartar, During September Jake Stern, canned fruit; Mrs. Sundt, Seville, who is here from Kentucky; east. Mission from the wine section of the were admitted Grapes growing patients to the Las canned fruit; Mrs. Walter Thomas, south of Europe, has climbed from CO Vegas hospital, making the total num canned fruit. cents to $1.30 a pound. Santonin, over which Turkey exer NEW ISLE OF PINES GRAPEFRUIT Local news cises a governmental monopoly, has Fruit and advanced from $4 to $16 a pound. Oil of rose, coming mostly from Bui A and was ounce Service based on the facilities TWfl 10 Cents Small Ones Fall suits and overcoats, guaranteed garla France, $6 an Hill OlLLO 15c and 25c ones all wool, actual $12.50 and $15 values Vegetables before the war. Now tt is $16.50 an large ounce. ' Even Castile and T for $9.95, at Taicherfs. Adv. soap, coming . - "I - - experience gained during the from Spain and Italy, has gone up Fancy Valencia Oranges, 20c doz. fo 60c per doz. Finch's Golden Wedding Rye, aged of all kinds from 30 cents a pound to 75 ctnta. past forty is extended la wood. Direct Fully 90 per cent of the and years by the Peaches Table Pears from the distillery to drugs Fancy Cling Fancy you. At the Lobby, of course. Adv. chemicals used In this country are FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tokay Grapes Concord Grapes produced abroad. If the war continues OF LAS Mission IP per cent off on Boston Ian shoes, much longer it is questionable if any Grapes , Quinces one VEGAS. Saturday only. Talchert's. Adv, will dare to have even an old Correspondence is invit- STEARNS' STORE JOHN II, YORK fashioned stomachache. Walter C Cayot has bten away ed by this old, strong and conser-- , from the Bacharach where he store, I Grocer and 8 PROVIDENCE is employed, for several days on ac SENT THE vative Bank. count of 111 heailth. WAR TO PUNISH EUROPE Old Taylor HThlsKey and Sherwood Terrinu's gloves, extra cape FRESH MINCE MEAT heavy Rye at the Opera Bar. Adv. $1.50 values for $1.15. Taicherfs. ESTABLISHED 1876 Adv. PURPOSE IS TO RESTORE RELI The in the judges baby contest, af CIOUS FERVOR, FATHER READY" ter a second examination of Cutler Brothers' Insurance and real making RABEYROLLE BELIEVES the four infants who had tied for first U. estate agency removed to northwest Member S. Federal Reserve Bank 15 cents lb. place the counfty fair, an per corner of the Plaza In Hotel Ro- - drtng That the great war now raging in the nounced that Robert Allen, the son CR.UST malne. Phone Vegas 388. Adv. Europe is a visitation of divine provi of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Allen, had been dence is the firm belief of Rev. Kather awarded the prize. Robert had a grade Adrian One lot of hats In new shapes and Rabeyrolle, pastor of the of 98.5, which is remarkably high. Jle Church EST $3 values for $1.98 of the Immaculate Conception soles at Talchert's will receive the $5 cash IKE DA VIS Adv. prize given who has just returned from a lengthy San by the Miguel County Fair asso visit in his old home in France. Fath THE CARPENTERS ARE PUSHING ciation. CASH GROCER Robert is between the er Rabeyrolle gave an ac Ibe city council will meet this even- - ineresting ing company. Robert Is between the count of his observations of the war. in;; at the city hall in regular monthly of 1 and 2 He is a aj;es years. husky at a meeting of the Las Vegas council US HARD! session. Business of Importance Is to little chap and can walk as well as of the Knights of Columbus last be transacted, introduc night. including the niost babies of much greater aee. The declared antl-muffl- cut-o- priest that the various MORE ROOM NEEDED! tion of the ut ordin The examination was held this after ance countries of Europe, which have en regulating automobiles. noon in the office of Dr. H. M. Smith. joyed a period of unprecedented pros So our perity and advancement along mate Big Underwear specials double thread NOTICE rial lines, of late years have become and fleece lined 75c values for 48c No A73 at shooting, hunting or fishing al- materialistic-i- Talchert's. Adv. their beliefs, aban Remodeling Sale lowed on what Is known as the A. G, doning the God of their founders, and vv Green lake and north ranch, of the seeking only worldly advancement to Continues. In the case of Stoneroad against will city. Trespassers be prosecuted the neglect or ridicule of Bfck, a motion was made before Dls spiritual pro to extent of law. gress. Save from 20 to on trict Judge D. J. Leahy yesterday to A, G. 50 anything GREEN, Father said he strike a petition In intervention from Rabeyrolle believed need In Mrs. P. O. NISSON, the war, with you may furniture and the files. The motion was nreKnntod its consequent suffer ing, would serve to household Means Delightful, Natural by the town of Antonchlco. and In bring these nations goods. volves the oi:ck to the service of God. In France, overlapping lands In the the THE OPPORTUNITY WILL NOT BE Refreshing Preston-Bec- k priest declared, the churches are Sleep and Antonchlco grants. ILLNESS WILL BE filled with people praying for o Both sides presented briefs, and the peace, FOR LONG An absolutely bedspring: D oes not roll occupants-t- center" cci-r- t a religious sapless took the matter under advise: spirit is toeing awak- Absolutely noiseless i Cannot tear bedclothes mont. AN EXPENSIVE ened all over the country. C. & Perfectly sanitary, germ-pro- of Easily dusted. Father Rabeyrolle gave an interest- J. Johnsen Son. TT n ing account of the events III Quarter Century Guaranty Thirty Night' Trial Free In a letter dated October 3. from leading up to the war. He said roarers. . B. F. Newton, assistant secretary of his LUXURY United States citizen The Utmost in Bedspring Comfort the treasury, to Postmaster E. V. would have proved of no assistance Long, the writer savs: "it. in . to him in PRICE. $8.00 avoiding military service. , pcoted that the' Las Vegas" site case PRICE OF DRUGS HAS CLIMBED failed, when hii0 will be taken up at an date." applying for naturaliza- TIRES AND TUBES early ON ACCOUNT OF EURO- tion here, to ask Furniture & Co. This can only mean that the work permission of his na- Page Undertaking PEAN WAR tive country to do so. n of the local folk who nave interested Father 1 " -- rclle said "I 507 SIXTH STREET. v. ., , when he found H , themselves in securing for Las that he would Vegas oa out with his a new federal building have succeeded At odd times since the declaration canej assigned regi- ment, which was schedule Phone; h in penetrating the isolation of official. of war in and rumors For Europe reports about 20 or 30 the best on the market see us. dom. of the In days after tha today Vegas great ttdavnee drugs and of war. tion, he made up his mind not Non-5ki- n 114 chemicals have reached the reading to to Miller or plain thread. Michelln tubes Last try evade service; so he offer-of- l night at the city hall Francis public through the press dispatches, to E. "Wilson, the enlist in a military organiza- progressive candidate but nothing has been thus far written tion and tires and Fiske tires and need- ror called out at an earlier date. He everything congress, addressed a representa- about the actual effect of the war on was preparing to join the colors TrlfT tive audience of party followers and our own drug stores: A representa ed for the auto. swh an wh a eprinkling of men outside tive organization w icjCI- - the fold, of The Optic took occasion this ed word that on the questions the state he would be granted a confronting morning to leant what the situation is to in purport return hom A i the present campaign. His speech locally, aind some of the facts reveal I I ALL WORK DONE AT OUR SHOP was RaTeyrolle said he was well received and some of his ed, and the jumps in the prices of glad to see the kindly, symnatheili. v GUARANTEED arguments were driven home with staple drugs are almost appalling. onit FOR ITS PERFECTNESS considerable by Americans toward the na- force, showing Mr. Wil- For instance carbolic acid, which tions warring son, if and their people, and the given a more logical cause to comes chiefly from England, has ad strict "ciuraiity, not Of tho TTnltnJ represent, might be a highly convinc- vanced rrom 16 to 65 a only ' ' cents cents ' out . or The Las LVegas Tlis Modern Woman ing speaker. pound. Citric acid, which coniea In wllotli Aiitomobile chiefly from the south of the France, New Officers Mrs. Katherine Handcock. in charsre wine has Elected and Machirie producing territory, gone up During the lShop knows there Is no economy In of the work of the Fraternal Brother from 40 cents a to evening the Knights ponnd $1.25. elected new officers inferior food materials. In flour hood in Colorado and New Mexico, The case of is for the coming mercury a peculiar yfrar as follows: stopped over in Las one. This particularly she InioW the best Vegas yesterday product Is chiefly produced Grandk for a few hours to meet night. Colbert C. Root; dep. Is the some of the in the United States, but the commer- cheapest. That is why so local members. uty grand knight. Charlea Tramhw. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. cial product is controlled by the Roth-schld- many up to times women financial secretary, Emile tie Diamond, who were in Las Vegas for Its price has advanced from Clement: use our flour some time in treasurer, Meliton Gutierrez; record- exclusively. A the spring and early 90 cents to $1.40 a pound. Camphor, ing secretary. EmenakAr- - trial will tell summer, returned for a brief which is Peter you why in unmis- yesterday produced mostly in Japan den, T. J. visit. Today left Trinida.1 aind Carville; chancellor,' J. B. takable terms. Order a sack to- they for Formosa, has advanced from 40 on train No. 10. Floyd; advocate, Eugenio inner where thev will nn. cents to a pound. .... Sena; day. dcrtake guard, Leo Vaur; outer euard. a membership campaign. Mr. Opium, which comes out of China Tn Ask for" Diamond Leuthner; trustee for three your grocer Pure is known as one of the best and is used in some 20 veas medicinally Frank Angel. Quill Flour. organizers of the fraternity. ; odd derivitives paragoric, morphine, Rev. Father Rabevrolle will ho heroin, codine and the like has ad- tained as chaplain by appointment. HARVEY'S IS OPEN vanced from $8 a pound to $13; the xne K6e Las lecturer, also an appointive offi- Vegas Roller Mills granular product $15. cer, will be Carriage out Saturday named in the near future. morning. Salaoyllo acid, derived chiefly from Much You didn t et Leave orders at Murphey's. Adv. enthusiasm was shown at the TOO RAD! Germany, has jumped from 35 cents yourEORDout HOE lOl of our last shipment. At the Home Of The Best Of We have ordered another car load Evening Eatable V O JAGil FROST o LET US of these famous little cars to? be1 Tho Best Dakery Goods In the O Will shipped immediately. a City soon be here so o on machine Try Loaf of Our get for Plan getting your We are ready him. the only carload buyers of Heaters and Ranges Clean EARLY this time. in Las Puritan Vegas, selling direct to the retailer. We have well every known style, so you'll not find It hard to be pleased." -- or Dye Groom - OUR EASY TERMS are the most liberal ever your old Brood offered. Our service Is prompt and ILFELD CO. our treatment piost courteous. CHAS. j o Garments. for Tho Ford THE GRMF WE CAN Agents ft OOTID CO. STORE o LUDWIQ Hf. ILFrTiil 8 FLEASfc YOU Lveryuimg id Hardware and Furniture Next fo Bridge i y . Las IT! HUM,! P1IIMIIBMIIIHIMB1 Vegas Steam Laundry