Sherwood Mine Is in Fluvial Rocks of the Eocene Sanpoil Volcanics (Waggoner, 1990, Geol
Okanogan Tough Nut (434) ALTERNATE NAMES DISTRICT COUNTY Okanogan 0 • PRIMARY QUADRANGLE SCALE 1h x 1° QUAD 1° X 2° QUAD Conconully East 1:24,000 Oroville Okanogan LATITUDE LONGITUDE SECTION, TOWNSHIP, AND RANGE 48° 34' 46.84" N 119° 44' 55.56" w NWl/4 sec. 31, 36N, 25E, elev. 3,200 ft LOCATION: elev. 3,200 ft HOST ROCK: NAME LITHOLOGY AGE metamorphic complex of Conconully schist pre-Jurassic ASSOCIATED IGNEOUS ROCK: DESCRIPTION AGE Conconully pluton Cretaceous COMMODIDES ORE MINERALS NON-ORE MINERALS Ag galena pyrite, quartz Pb chalcopyrite Cu sphalerite Zn DEPOSIT TYPE MINERALIZATION AGE vein Cretaceous? PRODUCTION: Production prior to 1901 was valued at $9,000 (Moen, 1973). TECTONIC SETTING: The Triassic sediments were deposited along an active margin associated with an island arc. The Conconully pluton is a directionless, post-tectonic body that was intruded into a major structural zone (Stoffel, K. L., OGER, 1990, oral commun.). ORE CONTROLS: The quartz vein is in quartz-mica schist is 3-10 ft wide, strikes N25W, and dips 60SW (Moen, 1973, p. 28). GEOLOGIC SETTING: The vein is in quartz-mica schist of the metamorphic complex of Conconully near the contact • with the Conconully pluton of Cretaceous age (Stoffel, 1990, geol. map). COMMENTS: The mine was developed by a 50-ft inclined shaft and a 250-ft adit with a 40-ft winze (Moen, 1973, p. 28). REFERENCES Huntting, M. T., 1956, Inventory of Washington minerals-Part II, Metallic minerals: Washington Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 37, v. 1, 428 p.; v. 2, 67 p. Jones, E.
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