laliiii I l .1 C T ~;;; ;ta (/)o., O~ CD= ~o " (') "O (t) spending billions of dollars schools, affordable health care,

... Wl11I JOBS JUmCE Place TIie Campaign for New Priorities 19¢ 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Fourth Floor Stamp Washington, DC 20009 Here

U.S. Representative House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

JOBS 11n1 JUmCE Place TIie Campaign for New Priorities 19¢ 1601 Connecticut Avenue. NW, Fourth Floor Stamp Washington, DC 20009 Here

U.S. Senator ______Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

JOBS 11n1 JUmCE Place TIie Campaign far New Priorities 19¢ 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Fourth Floor Stamp Washington, DC 20009 Here

U.S. Senator ------Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Representative______: Dear Senator______: Dear Senator______: 1992 CAN BE THE YEAR Senators: INDIANA NEBRASKA RHODEISUND WE INVEST AT HOME •• AlABAMA Dan Coats J. James Exon John Chafee Our country is on the wrong track. Our communities are Our country is on the wrong track. Our communities are Our country is on the wrong track. Our communities are IN AMERICA. Howell Heflin Richard Lugar J. Robert Kerrey Claiborne Pell Tell Congress that you want to Richard Shelby IOWA NEVADA SOUl1I hurting. Jobs are being lost. Now, with the collapse of the hurting. Jobs are being lost. Now, with the collapse of the hurting. Jobs are being lost. Now, with the collapse of the rebuild Ameri ca, It's time to ALASKA Charles Grassley Richard Bryan CAIIOUNA Tom Harkin Harry Reid Ernest Hollings Soviet Union , it's time to rebuild Ame rica. We are still Soviet Union, it's time to rebuild America . We are still Soviet Union, it's time to rebuild Ame rica . We are still meet vital needs at home with military dollars no longer needed KANSAS NEW Strom Thurmond HAMPSHIRE SOUTH DAKOTA spending billions defending Germany and Japan from a spending billions defending Germany and Japan from a spending billions defending Germany and Japan from a abroad. ARIZONA Robert Dole Dennis DeConcini Nancy Ka ssebaum Warren Rudman Thomas Daschle threat that no longer exists . We can use that money here threat that no longer exists. We can use that money here threat that no longer exists. We can use that money here • Fill out the attached John McCain KENTUCKY Robert Smith Larry Pressler postcards . ARKANSAS Wendell Ford NEW JERSEY TENNESSEE at home in education , in health care, in hou sing , in saving at home in education , in health care, in housing, in saving at home in education, in health care, in housing, in saving Dale Bumpers Mitch McConnell Bill Bradley Albert Gore, Jr, • Find the names of your two David Pryor LOUISIANA Frank Lautenberg James Sasser our cities and states. our cities and states. our cities and states. Senators in the listing at right. CALIFORNIA John Breaux TEXAS Alan Cranston J. Bennett Johnston Lloyd Bentsen Defense experts say that in less than five years, savings • Find the name of your local Defense experts say that in less than five years , savings Defense experts say that in less than five years , savings John Seymour Pete Domenici Phil Gramm Member of the House of MAINE ' COLORADO Will iam Cohen NEW YORK UTAH from the military could total 150 billion dollars and that from the military could total 150 billion dollars and that from the military could total 150 billion dollars and that Representatives by calling the Hank Brown George Mitchell Alfonse D'Amato Jake Garn League of Women Voters , significant savings can be made this year. I urge you to significant savings can be made thi s year. I urge you to significant savings can be made this year. I urge you to Timothy Wirth MARYLAND Daniel Moynihan Orrin Hatch your public library or the U.S. CONNECTICUT N011111 CAIIOUNA VERMONT Capitol at 202-224-3121 . Barbara Mikulski support federal funding that calls for a substan tial reinvest­ support federal funding that calls for a substantial reinvest­ support federal funding that ca lls for a substantial reinvest­ Chistopher Dodd Paul Sarbanes Jesse Helms James Jeffords Joseph Lieberman MASSACIIUSEITS Terry Sanford Patrick Leahy ment in rebuilding America. Let's use that money to ment in rebuilding America. Let's use that money to ment in rebuilding America . Let's use that money to • Don 't forget the 19¢ stamps , DELAWARE Edward Kennedy NORTH DAKOTA VIRGINIA • Let us kn ow you want to be invest in America now. invest in America now. invest in America now. Joseph Biden , Jr, John Kerry Quentin Burdick Charles Robb involved, Write Jobs with William Roth , Jr. MICHIGAN John Warner Please let me know your views on this critical issue. Please let me know your views on this critical issue. Please let me know your views on this critical issue. Justice, 501 Third Street, NW FLORIDA Carl Levin OHIO WASHINGTON Wa shington, DC 20001 or Connie Mack Donald Riegle, Jr. John Glenn Brock Adams The Campaign for New Bob Graham Name ______Name ______Name ______MINNESOTA Howard Slade Gorton Priorities , 1601 Connecticut GEORGIA David Durenberger Metzenbaum WEST VIRGINIA Ave, NW, 4th Floor, Address, ______Address ______Address ______Wyche Fowler OKLAHOMA Robert Byrd Washington , DC 20009. Sam Nunn MISSISSIPPI David Boren John Rockefeller.IV City______State _ _ ZIP ___ City______State __ ZIP ____ City______State __ ZIP ___ _ HAWAII Thad Cochran WISCONSIN Daniel Akaka Trent Lott OREGON Robert Kasten , Jr. INI/EST IN AMERICA NOW. INVEST IN AMERICA NOW. INVEST IN AMERICA NOW. Daniel Inouye MISSOURI Mark Hatfield Herb Kohl IDAHO Christopher Bond Bob Packwood WYOMING Larry Craig John Danforth PENNSnVANIA Alan Simpson Steven Symms MONTANA Arlen Specter Malcolm Wallop ~ ~ The ~ 1he ILLINOIS Max Baucus Harris Wofford JOBSwnH ea..:.:t;n JOBSwnH Can1..-lgn JOBSwnH eam..-lgn Alan Dixon Conrad Burns forNew forNew forNew Paul Simon JUSTICE Priorities 0 JUSTICE Priorities 0 JUSTICE Priorities C C J. L