Quarterly Bulletin of the Vienna NGO Committee on the Family October 2008, No. 67/68 www.viennafamilycommittee.org www.10yearsIYF.org www.civilsocietynetworks.org Quarterly Bulletin of the Vienna NGO Committee on the Family December 2008, No. 67/68 Deadline for contributions: 14.02.2009 Vienna NGO Committee on the Family Josefstr. 13, A-3100 St. Poelten, Austria Phone: 43-2742-72222, ¬Fax: 43-2742-72222-10 Web: http://www.viennafamilycommittee.org For contributions to ‘Families International’: Email:
[email protected] Dr. Eva Matt has been an active and committed representative of Consumers International to the Vienna NGO Committee on the Family since the early nineties and a member of the Board for the last 10 years, as well as the highly respected Executive Editor of our quarterly bulletin, ‘Families International’, since joining the Board. We regret to announce that, for personal reasons, Dr. Matt will be resigning from all her functions in our Committee. We will miss one of our most cooperative, clear and far sighted representatives, who was an inspiration to all who had the privilege of working with her. We wish Dr. Matt and her family only the very best and would like to express the deep felt appreciation and gratitude of the Vienna NGO Committee on the Family to one of its most distinguished representatives. Dr. Matt has constantly encouraged Member Organisations of the Vienna NGO Committee on the Family to submit a profile of their organisation for publication in our quarterly bulletin. We are able to announce that a profile of one of our founding members will be featured in this double issue, which is edited by Dr.