Read the Aeneid in English2. Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 (you may skim the other sections) Recommended translation: The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) [Paperback] Virgil (Author), Bernard Knox (Editor, Introduction), Robert Fagles (Translator) Publication Date: December 28, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0143106295 | ISBN-13: 978-0143106296

Read the in English. Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 (you may skim the other sections) Recommended translation: The Gallic War: Seven Commentaries on The Gallic War with an Eighth Commentary by Aulus Hirtius (Oxford World's Classics) [Paperback] (Author), Carolyn Hammond (Translator) Publication Date: June 15, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0199540268 | ISBN-13: 978-0199540266

Answer the following questions on the English readings (please type an electronic version to make sharing answers easier!)

You are to answer all the odd even answers.

Caesar English Reading Questions

1 Vocabulary If you would like to be really prepared for the year, the 200 most frequently used vocabulary words in both Vergil and Caesar can be found at this site: http://www.stjohns- chs.org/language/imurphy_courses/ap-latin/ap_vergil_caesar_vocabulary.pdf 2 You can also find English translations for free online at sites like www.perseus.tufts.edu

Book 1 sections 8-29 1. Do the reasons Caesar gives for fighting the Helvetians in section 10 seem realistic? (Be sure to review the map of before answering this question) 2. Caesar is known for his willingness to move swiftly in an emergency. What examples of this do you find in sections 10-13? 3. In sections 17-19, how does Caesar characterize Dumnorix? Cite specific examples from the text. Compare this with Caesar’s description of Dumorix’s brother Diviacus, why the difference? Read between the lines! 4. What themes reappear in the story of Dumnorix that first appeared in Caesar’s account of in sections 2-4? 5. Why did Caesar arrange his troops as he did when preparing to fight the Helvetians in section 24? 6. Caesar never denies that the were courageous fighters. What evidence does he give of the Helvetians’ courage in sections 25-26?

Book 1 sections 30-54 1. What had the political situation in Gaul been? How was it changed by the arrival of the Germans? 2. Caesar was governor of Transalpine Gaul but had not been authorized to conduct military operations beyond its borders. With this in mind, evaluate the reasons Caesar gives for undertaking a war against Ariovistus. What motive does he not mention which may have played a part in his decision? 3. How does Caesar portray Ariovistus? Cite specific examples from the text. Why might Caesar have characterized Ariovistus this way? How as Caesar’s own behavior different? 4. How does Ariovistus compare with Gallic leaders like Dumnorix? 5. Why would it not be surprising that the military tribunes and prefects of cavalry were first to panic (section 39)? What factors in addition to those Caesar mentions might have contributed to the fear his men felt? 6. Caesar says that his intervention (sections 40-41) successfully dealt with the potential mutiny by his troops. Why were his actions effective? 7. Do you find the arguments that Ariovistus makes (sections 36-44) against Roman interventions reasonable? Why or why not? How does Caesar respond to them? Do you find it surprising that Caesar included them in his account? 8. Why might some Gallic tribes have been willing to accept Roman rule while others did not? What were the advantages and disadvantages of Roman imperialism for conquered people and for the Romans themselves?

Book 6: Sections 1-12 1. From what two different sources did Caesar obtain additional troops? How many did he get? With these additions, how did the size of Caesar’s army compare with what it had been before the defeat of Sabinus and Cotta? 2. For what reasons was Caesar eager to obtain these reinforcements? 3. Summarize the efforts to resist Roman control that Caesar describes in section 2. 4. What was the first step that Caesar took in response to these efforts (see section 3)? What was unusual about this? 5. How did Caesar deal with the and the Carnutes after they refused to attend the council of Gallic tribes? 6. How were the different from other tribes? What was their connection to Ambiorix? By what means did Caesar attempt to prevent them from aiding Ambiorix? 7. How did Labienus forestall the planned attack on his camp by the and the German mercenaries? 8. Why did Caesar decide to cross the Rhine again? What did the ambassadors from the Ubii tell him? 9. What group of Germans sent aid to the ? What did Caesar ask the Ubii to do in order to assist him in dealing with this group? 10. What two Gallic tribes were traditionally the most influential? What was the political situation when Caesar arrived in Gaul? How did Caesar’s arrival shift the balance of power?

Book 6: Sections 21-28 1. How did the Germans obtain a living? How was this different from the tribes of Gaul? 2. What practices show that the Germans were a warlike people? 3. Do you agree with the idea that people who have a higher standard of living become less fierce? Why or why not? 4. What seemed to impress Caesar most about the Hercynian forest (the forest itself, not its wildlife)? 5. Why might Caesar have included the account he gives of the elks? 6. Compare and contrast the customs of the Gauls and Germans. Which were more civilized by Roman standards and why? 7. S.A. Handford, a Caesar scholar, suggests that Caesar might have added the discussion of the customs of Gaul and Germany at this point to distract his readers from thinking about how little the expedition to Germany had accomplished. Can you think of other reasons why Caesar might have included the material, in general or at this point in particular?

Book 6 Sections 29-44 1. What was the first phase of Caesar’s operation against the Eburones after returning from Germany? Was it successful? 2. What was the plan that Caesar adopted during the second part of his campaign? 3. What problem did he encounter? How did he react to it? 4. Why did the Sugambri cross the Rhine? What unexpected event happened when they did? 5. How did each of the following groups react to the arrival of the Germans? What happened to each group? A. The soldiers in the camp B. The cohorts sent to gather grain C. The veterans who went with the cohorts D. The servants 6. In what two ways did unexpected turns of fate play a part in Caesar’s campaign against the Eburones? How did fate also play havoc with his decision to leave the 14th Legion to guard the baggage? 7. Would you describe Caesar’s actions as described in the second half of Book IV as overly cautious, appropriate, or too aggressive? Why or why not? What might have motivated Caesar to behave as he did?

Book 7- Sections 1-13 1. Why did the Gauls decide to revolt? What was the general outline of their plan? 2. What tribe took the lead in the revolt? What did this tribe do? 3. Who was and how did he come to be the leader of the ? 4. How did Vercingetorix prepare for war after being elected commander in chief? 5. How did the Bituriges react when Vercingetorix marched toward their territory? What did they do in the end? 6. Why did Caesar not rejoin his army in Gaul? What did he do instead? 7. Outline the steps by which Caesar was able to return to his legions. 8. In what way did Vercingetorix’s attack on the Boii cause problems for Caesar? What did he decide to do and why? 9. What oppida did Caesar capture on his way to ? 10. How do the events of sections 7-13 illustrate Caesar’s celeritas, his ability to move more quickly and more decisively than most commanders?

Book 7- Sections 14-31 1. What strategy did Vercingetorix persuade the other Gallic leaders to adopt? 2. Why was an exception made for the oppidum of Avaricum? 3. Describe Caesar’s camp outside Avaricum and the activities his men were performing there. 4. What problems did the Romans have? What was the attitude of the soldiers? How was this same attitude in evidence when the Romans approached Vercingetorix’s camp outside Avaricum? 5. How did Vercingetorix respond to the challenge to his leadership and simultaneously improve the morale of the Gauls? 6. What steps did the Gauls in Avaricum take to counter the Roman siege? 7. How large was the siege terrace as it approached completion? What final attempt did the Gauls make to prevent its completion? 8. When this last attempt failed, what did the Gauls decide to do? Why was this plan not carried out? 9. How did Caesar get control of the town? What happened to its people? 10. In what way did Vercingetorix respond to the capture of Avaricum? How did the Gauls make up for the men they lost when the town was captured?

Book 7- Sections 32-53 1. What problem was brought to Caesar and how did he deal with it? 2. How did Caesar use his trip to the to strengthen his army? 3. Why did Convictolitavis convince the Aeduan to change sides? Whom did he recruit to help him? 4. What steps did Convictolitavis and his supporters take to get the Aedui to join the revolt against Caesar? 5. How did Caesar find out what was happening? What happened when he went to meet the Aeduan army? 6. What happened after Litaviccus’ messages reached the Aeduans? 7. How did the leaders of the Aedui react after they learned that Caesar had control of the Aeduan troops? What was Caesar’s response to the Aeduan leaders? 8. Why were the Gauls eager to fortify the ridge described by Caesar in section 44? How did Caesar fool the enemy into thinking that he was planning to take the ridge? What did the Gauls do in response? 9. What did Caesar tell his generals before starting the engagement? 10. What did the Romans accomplish initially? 11. Why did only the 10th legion stop its advance when Caesar sounded the recall? What did the other legion sdo? 12. How did the people in the town react when they thought that the Romans were going to capture Gergovia? How did their response change when they saw the large numbers of Gauls who came to fight the Romans? 13. What was the final outcome of the battle? How many centurions were killed, and how many Romans in total? 14. What did Caesar say to his troops on the following day? 15. What did Caesar do before heading back to the territory of the Aedui? Why?

Book 7- Sections 54-67 1. What happened at Noviodunum and why? What did the Gauls hope to achieve? 2. Why was Caesar unwilling to retreat to the Province? How did he manage to cross to the north bank of of the ? 3. Labienus had marched on Lutetia and had gone to great lengths to cross the River Seine. why did this end up putting his troops in danger? 4. How did Labienus manage to get his army back across the Seine? What was the outcome of the battle between the Romans and the Gauls? 5. What general strategy did Vecingetorix adopt (section 64)? 6. How did the Gauls try to take the battle into the Province? What was the result? 7. How did Caesar obtain additional cavalry? 8. What plan of battle did Vecingetorix adopt? What was the outcome?

Book 7- Sections 68-90 1. Describe the siege works that Caesar began to build at . 2. Why did Vecingetorix send his cavalry out of Alesia? What instructions did he give them? 3. How did Vecingetorix prepare to hold out as long as possible in the town? 4. Why did Caesar decide to construct more elaborate fortifications around Alesia? Describe these additional works. 5. What was the final step in the construction of the siege works (section 74)? Why did Caesar build these? 6. How large was the relief army that the Gauls assembled? Who were their leaders? WHy were they confident of success? 7. What problem did Vecingetorix and those in Alesia face? 8. What solution to the problem did Critognatus suggest? What did the Gauls decide to do? 9. Describe the cavalry battle (section 80). 10. What happened one day later? Why were the Gauls not able to accomplish much against the Romans? 11. During the final assault by the Gauls (sections 84-85), why did the Romans find it difficult to withstand the attack? Why did both sides regard this as a crucial time/ 12. What actions of Caesar show that the Gallic attack on one of the hill camps was almost successful (section 87)? 13. How did the Romans finally win a decisive victory? 14. What happened to Vecingetorix? To most of the Gauls taken prisoner? Why did Caesar spare the Aeduan and the Arvenian captives?

Vergil English Reading Questions Book 1 1. Give one reason why Juno hates the Trojans: 2. How did Minerva kill Ajax, son of Oileus? 3. What is the name for the mythical keeper of the winds? 4. What did Juno promise the king of the winds in return for sending the winds against the ships of Aeneas? 5. Which divine being calmed the storm and threatened the winds? 6. How many deer did Aeneas shoot? 7. Briefly mention one of the prophecies for the Trojans which Jupiter tells Venus: 8. Whom will be given the name “Iulus”? 9. Which U.S. state capitol is named after a city founded by Ascanius? (A) Albany (B) Augusta (C) Providence (D) Dover (E) Sacramento 10. Which divinity did Jupiter send to Dido to persuade her to welcome the Trojans? 11. Who approached Aeneas and Achates in the woods, disguised as a Carthaginian maid? 12. How did Dido learn that her brother, Pygmalion, had killed her husband, Sychaeus? 13. What does the omen of the 12 swans represent? 14. Who are described in a simile as busy bees? 15. What is the purpose of the horsehead the Phoenicians found? 16. An ecphrasis is a description of a work of art in a poem. In general, what did Aeneas see depicted on the doors of the Temple of Juno at Carthage? 17. To what goddess does Vergil, through the eyes of Aeneas, compare queen Dido? 18. What is the modern name or more common name for Hesperia? 19. Why did Aeneas send Achates back to the ships? 20. What is Venus’ plan which involves Cupid? 21. Whom did Venus want Dido to forget, so that she might fall in love with Aeneas? 22. Who is the Belus, who originally owned the golden and bejewelled drinking bowl? 23. Who is the god of hospitality whom Dido invokes at the feast? 24. Who is Iopas? 25. What request does Dido make of Aeneas at the end of Book I? 26. What divine being hates the Trojans the most, as we are reminded in the beginning of Book I?

Book 2 1. Which divine being inspired the wooden horse? 2. What is the name of the island near Troy, whither the Greeks sail and hide? 3. Who uttered the famous line: “I fear the Greeks, even when they bear gifts? 4. What is the role of Sinon? 5. What did the Greek prophet, Calchas, allegedly decide for Sinon? 6. What does Sinon say is the purpose of the wooden horse? 7. What happened to Laocoön and his two sons? 8. Why did Ulysses (Odysseus) design the horse so big? 9. What happened when Cassandra foretold that the horse would be the doom for Troy? 10. Who is Epeos? 11. Who came to Aeneas in a dream and told him to escape Troy immediately? 12. Name one thing Aeneas was told to take with him from Troy? 13. Who is Anchises? 14. Who are described in a simile as hungry wolves? 15. What mistake did Androgeos make? 16. What is Neptune doing during the sack of Troy? 17. What do Aeneas and his men first do when they reach the palace of Priam? 18. Name one atrocity Pyrrhus committed: 19. What did Aeneas want to do when he saw Helen? 20. Who is Creusa? 21. What is the omen that convinces Anchises to go with Aeneas? 22. Whom did Aeneas lose in his flight from Troy? 23. Whose ghost comes to Aeneas at the end off Book II? 24. Two people are described as snakes in Book II; name both:

Book 4 1. Who is Anna? 2. What did Anna urge Dido to do at the beginning of Book IV? 3. In the simile of the wounded deer, hit by an arrow and wandering in the woods, who is the deer? 4. What progress is made in the constructing of Carthage during Book IV? 5. What does Juno suggest to Venus? 6. What does Juno say she’ll cause to happen when Dido & Aeneas are hunting? 7. To what god is Aeneas compared as they begin the hunt? 8. Where did Aeneas & Dido go when it began to storm? 9. How did people in Carthage and in North Africa find out that Aeneas & Dido fell in love? 10. Why is King Iarbas particularly upset by the news? 11. What is the purpose of Jupiter sending Mercury to Aeneas? 12. What was Aeneas doing when Mercury found him? 13. Why is Dido compared to a crazed Bacchante raging & raving through her city? 14. What is the one thing Dido wishes Aeneas would leave to her after he has departed? 15. Who is Elissa? 16. What is one curse with which Dido imprecates or assails Aeneas? 17. Who is being described in the simile of the oak tree, shaking off leaves and stuck to its roots? 18. Identify one omen (or more) that happened when Dido was sacrificing. 19. Why did Dido ask Anna to collect Aeneas’ weapons, clothing, and her bed? 20. Why did Aeneas force his men to sail before dawn? 21. What curse does Dido make for future Carthaginians and descendants of Aeneas? 22. Which divine being did Juno send to free Dido from her misery? 23. What is the origin or the significance of the dagger Dido used? 24. What was removed from Dido as she gasped her final breath? 25. What theme permeates the first half of Book IV? (a) feasting (b) war (c) travel (d) marriage

Book 6 1. Describe briefly how Aeneas makes his way to the Underworld. What 2 things must he perform before he can enter the underworld? 2. Which of the following does the Sibyl not predict for Aeneas in Italy: (a) wars (b) marriage (c) a new Achilles to battle (d) the wrath of Juno (e) founding of a new Troy 3. What is Aeneas’ specific mission for going to the Underworld? Whom does he want to talk to? 4. Describe one of the gloomy sections of Dis (the Underworld), e.g., the “Fields of Mourning” and the types of creatures, criminals or tortured souls that must spend eternity there. 5. Describe one of the more blessed sections of the Underworld, e.g., the “Blessed Groves.” Who gets to live there? 6. Why do some souls get to cross the River Acheron and others do not? 7. What is the name of the figure that ferries dead souls across the River Acheron? 8. How do the Sibyl and Aeneas get past the 3-headed guard dog Cerberus? 9. What does the shade of Palinurus beg Aeneas to do? 10. Describe Aeneas’ encounter with Dido: or with Deiphobus: 11. Name one of the two judges of the dead in the Underworld. 12. What happens when a soul drinks from the River Lethe? 13. Close to the end, the shade of Anchises describes future Romans. List 3 recognizable names. 14. Describe in detail the 2 Gates of Sleep. What are they made out of? Which is the better gate through which to exit out of the Underworld and why?

Book 8 1. In the beginning of Book VIII, when a tired Aeneas goes down to the River Tiber to rest, which divine being appears to him? 2. How many piglets did the white sow have? 3. To what divine being did the Trojans sacrifice the white sow and her young? 4. What were King Evander & his people busily doing when the Trojans sailed to their city, Pallanteum? 5. Who is Pallas (not Pallas Athena)? 6. What did Pallas do when he saw the Trojans? 7. What is the point of Aeneas talking about Dardanus, Electra, Atlas, Maia & Mercury 8. Who is Cacus? 9. How did Cacus die? 10. What is the origin of the name “Latium” or what does it mean? 11. Which exiled god ruled Latium during the “Golden Age”? 12. What is the Lupercal? 13. Who are the helpers of Vulcan in his smithy? 14. Who is the wife of Vulcan? 15. What is the name of the wicked king of Agylla who was exiled & found refuge with Turnus and the Rutulians? 16. How does Aeneas interpret the omen of the thunder and lightning brought on by Venus? 17. Who is compared to Aurora, the morning star, the star most loved by Venus? 18. In general, what did Vulcan depict on the shield of Aeneas? 19. What is the rhetorical device Vergil uses by depicting in his poem the shield of Aeneas, a work of art? 20. Who is the Egyptian queen depicted on the shield? 21. Who are the Salii?

Book 12 1. Identify the speaker: “If, with Turnus’ death, I am ready to accept the Trojans, to take them as allies, then why not stop this war now, with Turnus still untouched? 2. Who is described in the simile “as when a craftsman stains Indian ivory with blood-red purple, or when white lillies, mixed with many roses, blush? 3. Who is Juturna? 4. Before Latinus, who prays to the Sun, Earth, Jupiter & Juno before engaging in battle? 5. After whom will the Trojans name their city, should they win the war? 6. Who assumes the shape of Camers in order to urge all the Latins and Rutulians to fight and not let Turnus duel Aeneas alone? 7. Which bird is snatched or caught by talons in the omen of the birds? 8. How does the augur Tolumnius interpret the bird omen? 9. Who breaks the truce & rouses battle by throwing a spear & killing one of the nine brothers born to Arcadian Gylippus? 10. How does Turnus kill Eumedes? 11. In what art(s) did Apollo train Iapyx? 12. Who plucks and brings dittany, the healing herb with a purple flower, to help heal Aeneas? 13. What does Juturna do to Metiscus, the charioteer of Turnus? 14. Name one divine being, besdies Venus, who is with Aeneas on the battlefield as he is fighting? 15.What strategy does Venus put into Aeneas’ head? 16. What is the point of the simile of the beehive? 17. What does Queen Amata do when she believes that Turnus is dead? 18. What is the role of Saces, who rides up to turnus in an excited state? 19. What instrument did Jupiter use to decide the fate of Turnus and Aeneas? 20. What strange thing happened to Aeneas spear, after he first threw it at Turnus? 21. How did Turnus get his sword back? 22. What is the one thing Juno asks of Jupiter for future Latins and Trojans? 23. What howling creature did the fury change herself into? 24. At the end of Book XII, what does Turnus 1st throw at Aeneas? 25. Seeing what item, finally makes Aeneas kill Turnus? 26. Who is Idmon?